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authorVipin Balachandran <>2014-02-19 13:29:05 +0530
committerVipin Balachandran <>2014-02-20 01:33:59 +0530
commit39954c777905aa934963a5be85241946d41aecd1 (patch)
parentd5e2d865c80e3d43a2ae897402c3b7a9c46c9253 (diff)
Move VIM API client code in VMware drivers to OSLO
There is lot of common code between VMware drivers for nova and cinder; for e.g., session management and VIM API invocation code. The new VMware driver for glance and the telemetry agent for vSphere are also planning to use this common code. This change moves the classes in VMware drivers for making VIM API SOAP calls into OSLO. Change-Id: I115e2d093c19051c507061b50d7ee1d1851fc412 Implements: blueprint vmware-api
2 files changed, 503 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/oslo/vmware/ b/oslo/vmware/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f2f2c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/oslo/vmware/
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2014 VMware, Inc.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+Classes for making VMware VI SOAP calls.
+import httplib
+import urllib2
+import suds
+from oslo.vmware import exceptions
+from oslo.vmware.openstack.common.gettextutils import _
+from oslo.vmware.openstack.common import log as logging
+from oslo.vmware import vim_util
+ADDRESS_IN_USE_ERROR = 'Address already in use'
+CONN_ABORT_ERROR = 'Software caused connection abort'
+RESP_NOT_XML_ERROR = "Response is 'text/html', not 'text/xml'"
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class VimMessagePlugin(suds.plugin.MessagePlugin):
+ """Suds plug-in handling some special cases while calling VI SDK."""
+ def add_attribute_for_value(self, node):
+ """Helper to handle AnyType.
+ Suds does not handle AnyType properly. But VI SDK requires type
+ attribute to be set when AnyType is used.
+ :param node: XML value node
+ """
+ if == 'value':
+ node.set('xsi:type', 'xsd:string')
+ def marshalled(self, context):
+ """Modifies the envelope document before it is sent.
+ This method provides the plug-in with the opportunity to prune empty
+ nodes and fix nodes before sending it to the server.
+ :param context: send context
+ """
+ # Suds builds the entire request object based on the WSDL schema.
+ # VI SDK throws server errors if optional SOAP nodes are sent
+ # without values; e.g., <test/> as opposed to <test>test</test>.
+ context.envelope.prune()
+ context.envelope.walk(self.add_attribute_for_value)
+class Vim(object):
+ """VIM API Client."""
+ def __init__(self, protocol='https', host='localhost', wsdl_loc=None):
+ """Create communication interfaces for initiating SOAP transactions.
+ :param protocol: http or https
+ :param host: server IP address[:port] or host name[:port]
+ :param wsdl_loc: WSDL file location
+ :raises: VimException, VimFaultException, VimAttributeException,
+ VimSessionOverLoadException, VimConnectionException
+ """
+ if not wsdl_loc:
+ wsdl_loc = Vim._get_wsdl_loc(protocol, host)
+ soap_url = Vim._get_soap_url(protocol, host)
+ self._client = suds.client.Client(wsdl_loc,
+ location=soap_url,
+ plugins=[VimMessagePlugin()])
+ self._service_content = self.RetrieveServiceContent('ServiceInstance')
+ @staticmethod
+ def _get_wsdl_loc(protocol, host):
+ """Get the default WSDL file location hosted at the server.
+ :param protocol: http or https
+ :param host: server IP address[:port] or host name[:port]
+ :returns: default WSDL file location hosted at the server
+ """
+ return '%s://%s/sdk/vimService.wsdl' % (protocol, host)
+ @staticmethod
+ def _get_soap_url(protocol, host):
+ """Get ESX/VC server's SOAP service URL.
+ :param protocol: http or https
+ :param host: server IP address[:port] or host name[:port]
+ :returns: URL of ESX/VC server's SOAP service
+ """
+ return '%s://%s/sdk' % (protocol, host)
+ @property
+ def service_content(self):
+ return self._service_content
+ @property
+ def client(self):
+ return self._client
+ @staticmethod
+ def _retrieve_properties_ex_fault_checker(response):
+ """Checks the RetrievePropertiesEx API response for errors.
+ Certain faults are sent in the SOAP body as a property of missingSet.
+ This method raises VimFaultException when a fault is found in the
+ response.
+ :param response: response from RetrievePropertiesEx API call
+ :raises: VimFaultException
+ """
+ LOG.debug(_("Checking RetrievePropertiesEx API response for faults."))
+ fault_list = []
+ if not response:
+ # This is the case when the session has timed out. ESX SOAP
+ # server sends an empty RetrievePropertiesExResponse. Normally
+ # missingSet in the response objects has the specifics about
+ # the error, but that's not the case with a timed out idle
+ # session. It is as bad as a terminated session for we cannot
+ # use the session. Therefore setting fault to NotAuthenticated
+ # fault.
+ LOG.debug(_("RetrievePropertiesEx API response is empty; setting "
+ "fault to %s."),
+ fault_list = [exceptions.NOT_AUTHENTICATED_FAULT]
+ else:
+ for obj_cont in response.objects:
+ if hasattr(obj_cont, 'missingSet'):
+ for missing_elem in obj_cont.missingSet:
+ fault_type = missing_elem.fault.fault.__class__
+ fault_list.append(fault_type.__name__)
+ if fault_list:
+ LOG.error(_("Faults %s found in RetrievePropertiesEx API "
+ "response."),
+ fault_list)
+ raise exceptions.VimFaultException(fault_list,
+ _("Error occurred while calling"
+ " RetrievePropertiesEx."))
+ LOG.debug(_("No faults found in RetrievePropertiesEx API response."))
+ def __getattr__(self, attr_name):
+ """Returns the method to invoke API identified by param attr_name."""
+ def vim_request_handler(managed_object, **kwargs):
+ """Handler for VIM API calls.
+ Invokes the API and parses the response for fault checking and
+ other errors.
+ :param managed_object: managed object reference argument of the
+ API call
+ :param kwargs: keyword arguments of the API call
+ :returns: response of the API call
+ :raises: VimException, VimFaultException, VimAttributeException,
+ VimSessionOverLoadException, VimConnectionException
+ """
+ try:
+ if isinstance(managed_object, str):
+ # For strings, use string value for value and type
+ # of the managed object.
+ managed_object = vim_util.get_moref(managed_object,
+ managed_object)
+ request = getattr(self.client.service, attr_name)
+ LOG.debug(_("Invoking %(attr_name)s on %(moref)s."),
+ {'attr_name': attr_name,
+ 'moref': managed_object})
+ response = request(managed_object, **kwargs)
+ if (attr_name.lower() == 'retrievepropertiesex'):
+ Vim._retrieve_properties_ex_fault_checker(response)
+ LOG.debug(_("Invocation of %(attr_name)s on %(moref)s "
+ "completed successfully."),
+ {'attr_name': attr_name,
+ 'moref': managed_object})
+ return response
+ except exceptions.VimFaultException:
+ # Catch the VimFaultException that is raised by the fault
+ # check of the SOAP response.
+ raise
+ except suds.WebFault as excep:
+ doc = excep.document
+ detail = doc.childAtPath('/Envelope/Body/Fault/detail')
+ fault_list = []
+ for child in detail.getChildren():
+ fault_list.append(child.get('type'))
+ raise exceptions.VimFaultException(
+ fault_list, _("Web fault in %s.") % attr_name, excep)
+ except AttributeError as excep:
+ raise exceptions.VimAttributeException(
+ _("No such SOAP method %s.") % attr_name, excep)
+ except (httplib.CannotSendRequest,
+ httplib.ResponseNotReady,
+ httplib.CannotSendHeader) as excep:
+ raise exceptions.VimSessionOverLoadException(
+ _("httplib error in %s.") % attr_name, excep)
+ except (urllib2.URLError, urllib2.HTTPError) as excep:
+ raise exceptions.VimConnectionException(
+ _("urllib2 error in %s.") % attr_name, excep)
+ except Exception as excep:
+ # TODO(vbala) should catch specific exceptions and raise
+ # appropriate VimExceptions.
+ # Socket errors which need special handling; some of these
+ # might be caused by server API call overload.
+ if (unicode(excep).find(ADDRESS_IN_USE_ERROR) != -1 or
+ unicode(excep).find(CONN_ABORT_ERROR)) != -1:
+ raise exceptions.VimSessionOverLoadException(
+ _("Socket error in %s.") % attr_name, excep)
+ # Type error which needs special handling; it might be caused
+ # by server API call overload.
+ elif unicode(excep).find(RESP_NOT_XML_ERROR) != -1:
+ raise exceptions.VimSessionOverLoadException(
+ _("Type error in %s.") % attr_name, excep)
+ else:
+ raise exceptions.VimException(
+ _("Exception in %s.") % attr_name, excep)
+ return vim_request_handler
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "VIM Object."
+ def __str__(self):
+ return "VIM Object."
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f13eb66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2014 VMware, Inc.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+Unit tests for classes to invoke VMware VI SOAP calls.
+import httplib
+import urllib2
+import mock
+import suds
+from oslo.vmware import exceptions
+from oslo.vmware import vim
+from tests import base
+class VimMessagePluginTest(base.TestCase):
+ """Test class for VimMessagePlugin."""
+ def test_add_attribute_for_value(self):
+ node = mock.Mock()
+ = 'value'
+ plugin = vim.VimMessagePlugin()
+ plugin.add_attribute_for_value(node)
+ node.set.assert_called_once_with('xsi:type', 'xsd:string')
+ def test_marshalled(self):
+ plugin = vim.VimMessagePlugin()
+ context = mock.Mock()
+ plugin.marshalled(context)
+ context.envelope.prune.assert_called_once_with()
+ context.envelope.walk.assert_called_once_with(
+ plugin.add_attribute_for_value)
+class VimTest(base.TestCase):
+ """Test class for Vim."""
+ def setUp(self):
+ super(VimTest, self).setUp()
+ patcher = mock.patch('suds.client.Client')
+ self.addCleanup(patcher.stop)
+ self.SudsClientMock = patcher.start()
+ @mock.patch.object(vim.Vim, '__getattr__', autospec=True)
+ def test_init(self, getattr_mock):
+ getattr_ret = mock.Mock()
+ getattr_mock.side_effect = lambda *args: getattr_ret
+ vim_obj = vim.Vim()
+ getattr_mock.assert_called_once_with(vim_obj, 'RetrieveServiceContent')
+ getattr_ret.assert_called_once_with('ServiceInstance')
+ self.assertEqual(self.SudsClientMock.return_value, vim_obj.client)
+ self.assertEqual(getattr_ret.return_value, vim_obj.service_content)
+ def test_retrieve_properties_ex_fault_checker_with_empty_response(self):
+ try:
+ vim.Vim._retrieve_properties_ex_fault_checker(None)
+ assert False
+ except exceptions.VimFaultException as ex:
+ self.assertEqual([exceptions.NOT_AUTHENTICATED_FAULT],
+ ex.fault_list)
+ def test_retrieve_properties_ex_fault_checker(self):
+ fault_list = ['FileFault', 'VimFault']
+ missing_set = []
+ for fault in fault_list:
+ missing_elem = mock.Mock()
+ missing_elem.fault.fault.__class__.__name__ = fault
+ missing_set.append(missing_elem)
+ obj_cont = mock.Mock()
+ obj_cont.missingSet = missing_set
+ response = mock.Mock()
+ response.objects = [obj_cont]
+ try:
+ vim.Vim._retrieve_properties_ex_fault_checker(response)
+ assert False
+ except exceptions.VimFaultException as ex:
+ self.assertEqual(fault_list, ex.fault_list)
+ def test_vim_request_handler(self):
+ managed_object = 'VirtualMachine'
+ resp = mock.Mock()
+ def side_effect(mo, **kwargs):
+ self.assertEqual(managed_object, mo._type)
+ self.assertEqual(managed_object, mo.value)
+ return resp
+ vim_obj = vim.Vim()
+ attr_name = 'powerOn'
+ service_mock = vim_obj._client.service
+ setattr(service_mock, attr_name, side_effect)
+ ret = vim_obj.powerOn(managed_object)
+ self.assertEqual(resp, ret)
+ def test_vim_request_handler_with_retrieve_properties_ex_fault(self):
+ managed_object = 'Datacenter'
+ def side_effect(mo, **kwargs):
+ self.assertEqual(managed_object, mo._type)
+ self.assertEqual(managed_object, mo.value)
+ return None
+ vim_obj = vim.Vim()
+ attr_name = 'retrievePropertiesEx'
+ service_mock = vim_obj._client.service
+ setattr(service_mock, attr_name, side_effect)
+ self.assertRaises(exceptions.VimFaultException,
+ lambda: vim_obj.retrievePropertiesEx(managed_object))
+ def test_vim_request_handler_with_web_fault(self):
+ managed_object = 'VirtualMachine'
+ fault_list = ['Fault']
+ def side_effect(mo, **kwargs):
+ self.assertEqual(managed_object, mo._type)
+ self.assertEqual(managed_object, mo.value)
+ doc = mock.Mock()
+ detail = doc.childAtPath.return_value
+ child = mock.Mock()
+ child.get.return_value = fault_list[0]
+ detail.getChildren.return_value = [child]
+ raise suds.WebFault(None, doc)
+ vim_obj = vim.Vim()
+ attr_name = 'powerOn'
+ service_mock = vim_obj._client.service
+ setattr(service_mock, attr_name, side_effect)
+ try:
+ vim_obj.powerOn(managed_object)
+ except exceptions.VimFaultException as ex:
+ self.assertEqual(fault_list, ex.fault_list)
+ def test_vim_request_handler_with_attribute_error(self):
+ managed_object = 'VirtualMachine'
+ vim_obj = vim.Vim()
+ # no powerOn method in Vim
+ service_mock = mock.Mock(spec=vim.Vim)
+ vim_obj._client.service = service_mock
+ self.assertRaises(exceptions.VimAttributeException,
+ lambda: vim_obj.powerOn(managed_object))
+ def test_vim_request_handler_with_http_cannot_send_error(self):
+ managed_object = 'VirtualMachine'
+ def side_effect(mo, **kwargs):
+ self.assertEqual(managed_object, mo._type)
+ self.assertEqual(managed_object, mo.value)
+ raise httplib.CannotSendRequest()
+ vim_obj = vim.Vim()
+ attr_name = 'powerOn'
+ service_mock = vim_obj._client.service
+ setattr(service_mock, attr_name, side_effect)
+ self.assertRaises(exceptions.VimSessionOverLoadException,
+ lambda: vim_obj.powerOn(managed_object))
+ def test_vim_request_handler_with_http_response_not_ready_error(self):
+ managed_object = 'VirtualMachine'
+ def side_effect(mo, **kwargs):
+ self.assertEqual(managed_object, mo._type)
+ self.assertEqual(managed_object, mo.value)
+ raise httplib.ResponseNotReady()
+ vim_obj = vim.Vim()
+ attr_name = 'powerOn'
+ service_mock = vim_obj._client.service
+ setattr(service_mock, attr_name, side_effect)
+ self.assertRaises(exceptions.VimSessionOverLoadException,
+ lambda: vim_obj.powerOn(managed_object))
+ def test_vim_request_handler_with_http_cannot_send_header_error(self):
+ managed_object = 'VirtualMachine'
+ def side_effect(mo, **kwargs):
+ self.assertEqual(managed_object, mo._type)
+ self.assertEqual(managed_object, mo.value)
+ raise httplib.CannotSendHeader()
+ vim_obj = vim.Vim()
+ attr_name = 'powerOn'
+ service_mock = vim_obj._client.service
+ setattr(service_mock, attr_name, side_effect)
+ self.assertRaises(exceptions.VimSessionOverLoadException,
+ lambda: vim_obj.powerOn(managed_object))
+ def test_vim_request_handler_with_url_error(self):
+ managed_object = 'VirtualMachine'
+ def side_effect(mo, **kwargs):
+ self.assertEqual(managed_object, mo._type)
+ self.assertEqual(managed_object, mo.value)
+ raise urllib2.URLError(None)
+ vim_obj = vim.Vim()
+ attr_name = 'powerOn'
+ service_mock = vim_obj._client.service
+ setattr(service_mock, attr_name, side_effect)
+ self.assertRaises(exceptions.VimConnectionException,
+ lambda: vim_obj.powerOn(managed_object))
+ def test_vim_request_handler_with_http_error(self):
+ managed_object = 'VirtualMachine'
+ def side_effect(mo, **kwargs):
+ self.assertEqual(managed_object, mo._type)
+ self.assertEqual(managed_object, mo.value)
+ raise urllib2.HTTPError(None, None, None, None, None)
+ vim_obj = vim.Vim()
+ attr_name = 'powerOn'
+ service_mock = vim_obj._client.service
+ setattr(service_mock, attr_name, side_effect)
+ self.assertRaises(exceptions.VimConnectionException,
+ lambda: vim_obj.powerOn(managed_object))
+ def _test_vim_request_handler_with_exception(self, message, exception):
+ managed_object = 'VirtualMachine'
+ def side_effect(mo, **kwargs):
+ self.assertEqual(managed_object, mo._type)
+ self.assertEqual(managed_object, mo.value)
+ raise Exception(message)
+ vim_obj = vim.Vim()
+ attr_name = 'powerOn'
+ service_mock = vim_obj._client.service
+ setattr(service_mock, attr_name, side_effect)
+ self.assertRaises(exception, lambda: vim_obj.powerOn(managed_object))
+ def test_vim_request_handler_with_address_in_use_error(self):
+ self._test_vim_request_handler_with_exception(
+ vim.ADDRESS_IN_USE_ERROR, exceptions.VimSessionOverLoadException)
+ def test_vim_request_handler_with_conn_abort_error(self):
+ self._test_vim_request_handler_with_exception(
+ vim.CONN_ABORT_ERROR, exceptions.VimSessionOverLoadException)
+ def test_vim_request_handler_with_resp_not_xml_error(self):
+ self._test_vim_request_handler_with_exception(
+ vim.RESP_NOT_XML_ERROR, exceptions.VimSessionOverLoadException)
+ def test_vim_request_handler_with_generic_error(self):
+ self._test_vim_request_handler_with_exception(
+ 'GENERIC_ERROR', exceptions.VimException)