[DEFAULT] # default target endpoint type # should match the endpoint type defined in service catalog target_endpoint_type = None [custom_actions] enable = enable disable = disable delete = delete startup = start/startup shutdown = stop/shutdown reboot = start/reboot os-migrations/get = read os-server-password/post = update # possible end path of api requests [path_keywords] add = None action = None enable = None disable = None configure-project = None defaults = None delete = None detail = None diagnostics = None entries = entry extensions = alias flavors = flavor images = image ips = label limits = None metadata = key os-agents = os-agent os-aggregates = os-aggregate os-availability-zone = None os-certificates = None os-cloudpipe = None os-fixed-ips = ip os-extra_specs = key os-flavor-access = None os-floating-ip-dns = domain os-floating-ips-bulk = host os-floating-ip-pools = None os-floating-ips = floating-ip os-hosts = host os-hypervisors = hypervisor os-instance-actions = instance-action os-keypairs = keypair os-migrations = None os-networks = network os-quota-sets = tenant os-security-groups = security_group os-security-group-rules = rule os-server-password = None os-services = None os-simple-tenant-usage = tenant os-virtual-interfaces = None os-volume_attachments = attachment os-volumes_boot = None os-volumes = volume os-volume-types = volume-type os-snapshots = snapshot reboot = None servers = server shutdown = None startup = None statistics = None # map endpoint type defined in service catalog to CADF typeURI [service_endpoints] compute = service/compute