# Copyright (c) 2013 Rackspace, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import json import logging import os from keystoneclient import adapter from keystoneclient.auth.base import BaseAuthPlugin from keystoneclient import session as ks_session from barbicanclient import containers from barbicanclient import exceptions from barbicanclient._i18n import _ from barbicanclient import orders from barbicanclient import secrets LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) _DEFAULT_SERVICE_TYPE = 'key-manager' _DEFAULT_SERVICE_INTERFACE = 'public' _DEFAULT_API_VERSION = 'v1' class _HTTPClient(adapter.Adapter): def __init__(self, session, project_id=None, **kwargs): kwargs.setdefault('interface', _DEFAULT_SERVICE_INTERFACE) kwargs.setdefault('service_type', _DEFAULT_SERVICE_TYPE) endpoint = kwargs.pop('endpoint', None) super(_HTTPClient, self).__init__(session, **kwargs) if not endpoint: endpoint = self.get_endpoint() self.endpoint_override = '{0}/{1}'.format(endpoint, _DEFAULT_API_VERSION) if project_id is None: self._default_headers = dict() else: # If provided we'll include the project ID in all requests. self._default_headers = {'X-Project-Id': project_id} def request(self, *args, **kwargs): headers = kwargs.setdefault('headers', {}) headers.update(self._default_headers) # Set raise_exc=False by default so that we handle request exceptions kwargs.setdefault('raise_exc', False) resp = super(_HTTPClient, self).request(*args, **kwargs) self._check_status_code(resp) return resp def get(self, *args, **kwargs): headers = kwargs.setdefault('headers', {}) headers.setdefault('Accept', 'application/json') return super(_HTTPClient, self).get(*args, **kwargs).json() def post(self, path, *args, **kwargs): if not path[-1] == '/': path += '/' return super(_HTTPClient, self).post(path, *args, **kwargs).json() def _get_raw(self, path, *args, **kwargs): return self.request(path, 'GET', *args, **kwargs).content def _check_status_code(self, resp): status = resp.status_code LOG.debug('Response status {0}'.format(status)) if status == 401: LOG.error('Auth error: {0}'.format(self._get_error_message(resp))) raise exceptions.HTTPAuthError( '{0}'.format(self._get_error_message(resp)) ) if not status or status >= 500: LOG.error('5xx Server error: {0}'.format( self._get_error_message(resp) )) raise exceptions.HTTPServerError( '{0}'.format(self._get_error_message(resp)), status ) if status >= 400: LOG.error('4xx Client error: {0}'.format( self._get_error_message(resp) )) raise exceptions.HTTPClientError( '{0}'.format(self._get_error_message(resp)), status ) def _get_error_message(self, resp): try: response_data = resp.json() message = response_data['title'] except ValueError: message = resp.content return message class Client(object): def __init__(self, session=None, *args, **kwargs): """ Barbican client object used to interact with barbican service. :param session: An instance of keystoneclient.session.Session that can be either authenticated, or not authenticated. When using a non-authenticated Session, you must provide some additional parameters. When no session is provided it will default to a non-authenticated Session. :param endpoint: Barbican endpoint url. Required when a session is not given, or when using a non-authenticated session. When using an authenticated session, the client will attempt to get an endpoint from the session. :param project_id: The project ID used for context in Barbican. Required when a session is not given, or when using a non-authenticated session. When using an authenticated session, the project ID will be provided by the authentication mechanism. :param verify: When a session is not given, the client will create a non-authenticated session. This parameter is passed to the session that is created. If set to False, it allows barbicanclient to perform "insecure" TLS (https) requests. The server's certificate will not be verified against any certificate authorities. WARNING: This option should be used with caution. :param service_type: Used as an endpoint filter when using an authenticated keystone session. Defaults to 'key-management'. :param service_name: Used as an endpoint filter when using an authenticated keystone session. :param interface: Used as an endpoint filter when using an authenticated keystone session. Defaults to 'public'. :param region_name: Used as an endpoint filter when using an authenticated keystone session. """ LOG.debug("Creating Client object") if not session: session = ks_session.Session(verify=kwargs.pop('verify', True)) if session.auth is None and kwargs.get('auth') is None: if not kwargs.get('endpoint'): raise ValueError('Barbican endpoint url must be provided when ' 'not using auth in the Keystone Session.') if kwargs.get('project_id') is None: raise ValueError('Project ID must be provided when not using ' 'auth in the Keystone Session') httpclient = _HTTPClient(session=session, *args, **kwargs) self.secrets = secrets.SecretManager(httpclient) self.orders = orders.OrderManager(httpclient) self.containers = containers.ContainerManager(httpclient) def env(*vars, **kwargs): """Search for the first defined of possibly many env vars Returns the first environment variable defined in vars, or returns the default defined in kwargs. Source: Keystone's shell.py """ for v in vars: value = os.environ.get(v, None) if value: return value return kwargs.get('default', '')