# Copyright (c) 2013 Rackspace, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from oslo_utils import timeutils from barbicanclient.tests import test_client from barbicanclient.v1 import cas class CAData(object): def __init__(self, description=u'Test CA description'): self.name = u'Test CA' self.description = description self.plugin_name = u'Test CA Plugin' self.plugin_ca_id = 'plugin_uuid' now = timeutils.utcnow() self.expiration = str(now) self.created = str(now) self.meta = [] self.meta.append({'name': self.name}) if self.description: self.meta.append({'description': self.description}) self.ca_dict = {'meta': self.meta, 'status': u'ACTIVE', 'plugin_name': self.plugin_name, 'plugin_ca_id': self.plugin_ca_id, 'created': self.created} def get_dict(self, ca_ref=None): ca = self.ca_dict if ca_ref: ca['ca_ref'] = ca_ref return ca class WhenTestingCAs(test_client.BaseEntityResource): def setUp(self): self._setUp('cas') self.ca = CAData() self.manager = self.client.cas def test_should_get_lazy(self, ca_ref=None): ca_ref = ca_ref or self.entity_href data = self.ca.get_dict(ca_ref) m = self.responses.get(self.entity_href, json=data) ca = self.manager.get(ca_ref=ca_ref) self.assertIsInstance(ca, cas.CA) self.assertEqual(ca_ref, ca._ca_ref) # Verify GET wasn't called yet self.assertFalse(m.called) # Check an attribute to trigger lazy-load self.assertEqual(self.ca.plugin_ca_id, ca.plugin_ca_id) # Verify the correct URL was used to make the GET call self.assertEqual(self.entity_href, m.last_request.url) def test_should_get_lazy_using_stripped_uuid(self): bad_href = "http://badsite.com/" + self.entity_id self.test_should_get_lazy(bad_href) def test_should_get_lazy_using_only_uuid(self): self.test_should_get_lazy(self.entity_id) def test_should_get_lazy_in_meta(self): data = self.ca.get_dict(self.entity_href) m = self.responses.get(self.entity_href, json=data) ca = self.manager.get(ca_ref=self.entity_href) self.assertIsInstance(ca, cas.CA) self.assertEqual(self.entity_href, ca._ca_ref) # Verify GET wasn't called yet self.assertFalse(m.called) # Check an attribute in meta to trigger lazy-load self.assertEqual(self.ca.name, ca.name) # Verify the correct URL was used to make the GET call self.assertEqual(self.entity_href, m.last_request.url) def test_should_get_list(self): ca_resp = self.entity_href data = {"cas": [ca_resp for v in range(3)]} m = self.responses.get(self.entity_base, json=data) ca_list = self.manager.list(limit=10, offset=5) self.assertTrue(len(ca_list) == 3) self.assertIsInstance(ca_list[0], cas.CA) self.assertEqual(self.entity_href, ca_list[0].ca_ref) # Verify the correct URL was used to make the call. self.assertEqual(self.entity_base, m.last_request.url.split('?')[0]) # Verify that correct information was sent in the call. self.assertEqual(['10'], m.last_request.qs['limit']) self.assertEqual(['5'], m.last_request.qs['offset']) def test_should_fail_get_invalid_ca(self): self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.manager.get, **{'ca_ref': '12345'}) def test_should_get_ca_that_has_no_meta_description(self): self.ca = CAData(description=None) data = self.ca.get_dict(self.entity_href) m = self.responses.get(self.entity_href, json=data) ca = self.manager.get(ca_ref=self.entity_href) self.assertIsInstance(ca, cas.CA) self.assertEqual(self.entity_href, ca._ca_ref) # Verify GET wasn't called yet self.assertFalse(m.called) # Get description from CA, check it is None self.assertIsNone(self.ca.description) self.assertIsNone(ca.description) # Verify the correct URL was used to make the GET call self.assertEqual(self.entity_href, m.last_request.url) def test_get_formatted_data(self): c_entity = cas.CA(api=None, expiration=self.ca.expiration, plugin_name=self.ca.plugin_name, created=self.ca.created) data = c_entity._get_formatted_data() self.assertEqual(self.ca.plugin_name, data[6]) self.assertEqual(timeutils.parse_isotime( self.ca.expiration).isoformat(), data[8])