# Copyright (c) 2013 Rackspace, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import base64 import functools import logging from oslo_utils.timeutils import parse_isotime import six from barbicanclient import base from barbicanclient import exceptions from barbicanclient import formatter from barbicanclient.v1 import acls as acl_manager LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) def lazy(func): @functools.wraps(func) def wrapper(self, *args): self._fill_lazy_properties() return func(self, *args) return wrapper def immutable_after_save(func): @functools.wraps(func) def wrapper(self, *args): if self._secret_ref: raise base.ImmutableException() return func(self, *args) return wrapper class SecretFormatter(formatter.EntityFormatter): columns = ("Secret href", "Name", "Created", "Status", "Content types", "Algorithm", "Bit length", "Secret type", "Mode", "Expiration", ) def _get_formatted_data(self): created = self.created.isoformat() if self.created else None expiration = self.expiration.isoformat() if self.expiration else None data = (self.secret_ref, self.name, created, self.status, self.content_types, self.algorithm, self.bit_length, self.secret_type, self.mode, expiration, ) return data class Secret(SecretFormatter): """Secrets managed by Barbican Secrets represent keys, credentials, and other sensitive data that is stored by the Barbican service. """ _entity = 'secrets' def __init__(self, api, name=None, expiration=None, algorithm=None, bit_length=None, mode=None, payload=None, payload_content_type=None, payload_content_encoding=None, secret_ref=None, created=None, updated=None, content_types=None, status=None, secret_type=None, creator_id=None): """Secret objects should not be instantiated directly. You should use the `create` or `get` methods of the :class:`barbicanclient.secrets.SecretManager` instead. """ self._api = api self._secret_ref = secret_ref self._fill_from_data( name=name, expiration=expiration, algorithm=algorithm, bit_length=bit_length, secret_type=secret_type, mode=mode, payload=payload, payload_content_type=payload_content_type, payload_content_encoding=payload_content_encoding, created=created, updated=updated, content_types=content_types, status=status, creator_id=creator_id ) self._acl_manager = acl_manager.ACLManager(api) self._acls = None @property def secret_ref(self): return self._secret_ref @property @lazy def name(self): return self._name @property @lazy def expiration(self): return self._expiration @property @lazy def algorithm(self): return self._algorithm @property @lazy def bit_length(self): return self._bit_length @property @lazy def secret_type(self): return self._secret_type @property @lazy def mode(self): return self._mode @property @lazy def payload_content_encoding(self): return self._payload_content_encoding @property @lazy def created(self): return self._created @property @lazy def updated(self): return self._updated @property @lazy def content_types(self): if self._content_types: return self._content_types elif self._payload_content_type: return {u'default': self.payload_content_type} return None @property @lazy def status(self): return self._status @property def payload_content_type(self): if not self._payload_content_type and self.content_types: self._payload_content_type = self.content_types.get('default') return self._payload_content_type @property def payload(self): """Lazy-loaded property that holds the unencrypted data""" if self._payload is None and self.secret_ref is not None: try: self._fetch_payload() except ValueError: LOG.warning("Secret does not contain a payload") return None return self._payload @property def acls(self): """Get ACL settings for this secret.""" if self.secret_ref and not self._acls: self._acls = self._acl_manager.get(self.secret_ref) return self._acls @name.setter @immutable_after_save def name(self, value): self._name = value @expiration.setter @immutable_after_save def expiration(self, value): self._expiration = value @algorithm.setter @immutable_after_save def algorithm(self, value): self._algorithm = value @bit_length.setter @immutable_after_save def bit_length(self, value): self._bit_length = value @secret_type.setter @immutable_after_save def secret_type(self, value): self._secret_type = value @mode.setter @immutable_after_save def mode(self, value): self._mode = value @payload.setter def payload(self, value): self._payload = value @payload_content_type.setter @immutable_after_save def payload_content_type(self, value): LOG.warning( 'DEPRECATION WARNING: Manually setting the ' 'payload_content_type can lead to unexpected ' 'results. It will be removed in a future release. ' 'See Launchpad Bug #1419166.') self._payload_content_type = value @payload_content_encoding.setter @immutable_after_save def payload_content_encoding(self, value): LOG.warning( 'DEPRECATION WARNING: Manually setting the ' 'payload_content_encoding can lead to unexpected ' 'results. It will be removed in a future release. ' 'See Launchpad Bug #1419166.') self._payload_content_encoding = value def _fetch_payload(self): if not self.payload_content_type and not self.content_types: raise ValueError('Secret has no encrypted data to decrypt.') elif not self.payload_content_type: raise ValueError("Must specify decrypt content-type as " "secret does not specify a 'default' " "content-type.") headers = {'Accept': self.payload_content_type} uuid_ref = base.calculate_uuid_ref(self._secret_ref, self._entity) payload_url = uuid_ref + '/payload' payload = self._api._get_raw(payload_url, headers=headers) if self.payload_content_type == u'text/plain': self._payload = payload.decode('UTF-8') else: self._payload = payload @immutable_after_save def store(self): """Stores the Secret in Barbican. New Secret objects are not persisted in Barbican until this method is called. :raises: PayloadException """ secret_dict = { 'name': self.name, 'algorithm': self.algorithm, 'mode': self.mode, 'bit_length': self.bit_length, 'secret_type': self.secret_type, 'expiration': self.expiration } if self.payload is not None: if not isinstance(self.payload, (six.text_type, six.binary_type)): raise exceptions.PayloadException("Invalid Payload Type") if not len(self.payload): raise exceptions.PayloadException("Invalid Payload: " "Cannot Be Empty String") if self.payload_content_type or self.payload_content_encoding: ''' Setting the payload_content_type and payload_content_encoding manually is deprecated. This clause of the if statement is here for backwards compatibility and should be removed in a future release. ''' if type(self.payload) is six.binary_type: secret_dict['payload'] = self.payload.decode('utf-8') else: secret_dict['payload'] = self.payload secret_dict['payload_content_type'] = self.payload_content_type secret_dict['payload_content_encoding'] = ( self.payload_content_encoding ) elif type(self.payload) is six.binary_type: ''' six.binary_type is stored as application/octet-stream and it is base64 encoded for a one-step POST ''' secret_dict['payload'] = ( base64.b64encode(self.payload) ).decode('UTF-8') secret_dict['payload_content_type'] = u'application/octet-stream' secret_dict['payload_content_encoding'] = u'base64' elif type(self.payload) is six.text_type: ''' six.text_type is stored as text/plain ''' secret_dict['payload'] = self.payload secret_dict['payload_content_type'] = u'text/plain' secret_dict = base.filter_null_keys(secret_dict) LOG.debug("Request body: {0}".format(base.censored_copy(secret_dict, ['payload']))) # Save, store secret_ref and return response = self._api.post(self._entity, json=secret_dict) if response: self._secret_ref = response.get('secret_ref') return self.secret_ref def update(self): """Updates the secret in Barbican.""" if not self.payload: raise exceptions.PayloadException("Invalid or Missing Payload") if not self.secret_ref: raise LookupError("Secret is not yet stored.") if type(self.payload) is six.binary_type: headers = {'content-type': "application/octet-stream"} elif type(self.payload) is six.text_type: headers = {'content-type': "text/plain"} else: raise exceptions.PayloadException("Invalid Payload Type") uuid_ref = base.calculate_uuid_ref(self._secret_ref, self._entity) self._api.put(uuid_ref, headers=headers, data=self.payload) def delete(self): """Deletes the Secret from Barbican""" if self._secret_ref: uuid_ref = base.calculate_uuid_ref(self._secret_ref, self._entity) self._api.delete(uuid_ref) self._secret_ref = None else: raise LookupError("Secret is not yet stored.") def _fill_from_data(self, name=None, expiration=None, algorithm=None, bit_length=None, secret_type=None, mode=None, payload=None, payload_content_type=None, payload_content_encoding=None, created=None, updated=None, content_types=None, status=None, creator_id=None): self._name = name self._algorithm = algorithm self._bit_length = bit_length self._mode = mode self._secret_type = secret_type self._payload = payload self._payload_content_encoding = payload_content_encoding self._expiration = expiration self._creator_id = creator_id if not self._secret_type: self._secret_type = "opaque" if self._expiration: self._expiration = parse_isotime(self._expiration) if self._secret_ref: self._content_types = content_types self._status = status self._created = created self._updated = updated if self._created: self._created = parse_isotime(self._created) if self._updated: self._updated = parse_isotime(self._updated) else: self._content_types = None self._status = None self._created = None self._updated = None if not self._content_types: self._payload_content_type = payload_content_type else: self._payload_content_type = self._content_types.get('default', None) def _fill_lazy_properties(self): if self._secret_ref and not self._name: uuid_ref = base.calculate_uuid_ref(self._secret_ref, self._entity) result = self._api.get(uuid_ref) self._fill_from_data( name=result.get('name'), expiration=result.get('expiration'), algorithm=result.get('algorithm'), bit_length=result.get('bit_length'), secret_type=result.get('secret_type'), mode=result.get('mode'), payload_content_type=result.get('payload_content_type'), payload_content_encoding=result.get( 'payload_content_encoding' ), created=result.get('created'), updated=result.get('updated'), content_types=result.get('content_types'), status=result.get('status') ) def __repr__(self): if self._secret_ref: return 'Secret(secret_ref="{0}")'.format(self._secret_ref) return 'Secret(name="{0}")'.format(self._name) class SecretManager(base.BaseEntityManager): """Entity Manager for Secret entities""" def __init__(self, api): super(SecretManager, self).__init__(api, 'secrets') def get(self, secret_ref, payload_content_type=None): """Retrieve an existing Secret from Barbican :param str secret_ref: Full HATEOAS reference to a Secret, or a UUID :param str payload_content_type: DEPRECATED: Content type to use for payload decryption. Setting this can lead to unexpected results. See Launchpad Bug #1419166. :returns: Secret object retrieved from Barbican :rtype: :class:`barbicanclient.v1.secrets.Secret` :raises barbicanclient.exceptions.HTTPAuthError: 401 Responses :raises barbicanclient.exceptions.HTTPClientError: 4xx Responses :raises barbicanclient.exceptions.HTTPServerError: 5xx Responses """ LOG.debug("Getting secret - Secret href: {0}".format(secret_ref)) base.validate_ref_and_return_uuid(secret_ref, 'Secret') return Secret( api=self._api, payload_content_type=payload_content_type, secret_ref=secret_ref ) def update(self, secret_ref, payload=None): """Update an existing Secret in Barbican :param str secret_ref: Full HATEOAS reference to a Secret, or a UUID :param str payload: New payload to add to secret :raises barbicanclient.exceptions.HTTPAuthError: 401 Responses :raises barbicanclient.exceptions.HTTPClientError: 4xx Responses :raises barbicanclient.exceptions.HTTPServerError: 5xx Responses """ base.validate_ref_and_return_uuid(secret_ref, 'Secret') if not secret_ref: raise ValueError('secret_ref is required.') if type(payload) is six.binary_type: headers = {'content-type': "application/octet-stream"} elif type(payload) is six.text_type: headers = {'content-type': "text/plain"} else: raise exceptions.PayloadException("Invalid Payload Type") uuid_ref = base.calculate_uuid_ref(secret_ref, self._entity) self._api.put(uuid_ref, headers=headers, data=payload) def create(self, name=None, payload=None, payload_content_type=None, payload_content_encoding=None, algorithm=None, bit_length=None, secret_type=None, mode=None, expiration=None): """Factory method for creating new `Secret` objects Secrets returned by this method have not yet been stored in the Barbican service. :param name: A friendly name for the Secret :param payload: The unencrypted secret data :param payload_content_type: DEPRECATED: The format/type of the secret data. Setting this can lead to unexpected results. See Launchpad Bug #1419166. :param payload_content_encoding: DEPRECATED: The encoding of the secret data. Setting this can lead to unexpected results. See Launchpad Bug #1419166. :param algorithm: The algorithm associated with this secret key :param bit_length: The bit length of this secret key :param mode: The algorithm mode used with this secret key :param secret_type: The secret type for this secret key :param expiration: The expiration time of the secret in ISO 8601 format :returns: A new Secret object :rtype: :class:`barbicanclient.v1.secrets.Secret` :raises barbicanclient.exceptions.HTTPAuthError: 401 Responses :raises barbicanclient.exceptions.HTTPClientError: 4xx Responses :raises barbicanclient.exceptions.HTTPServerError: 5xx Responses """ return Secret(api=self._api, name=name, payload=payload, payload_content_type=payload_content_type, payload_content_encoding=payload_content_encoding, algorithm=algorithm, bit_length=bit_length, mode=mode, secret_type=secret_type, expiration=expiration) def delete(self, secret_ref): """Delete a Secret from Barbican :param secret_ref: Full HATEOAS reference to a Secret, or a UUID :raises barbicanclient.exceptions.HTTPAuthError: 401 Responses :raises barbicanclient.exceptions.HTTPClientError: 4xx Responses :raises barbicanclient.exceptions.HTTPServerError: 5xx Responses """ base.validate_ref_and_return_uuid(secret_ref, 'Secret') if not secret_ref: raise ValueError('secret_ref is required.') uuid_ref = base.calculate_uuid_ref(secret_ref, self._entity) self._api.delete(uuid_ref) def list(self, limit=10, offset=0, name=None, algorithm=None, mode=None, bits=0, secret_type=None, created=None, updated=None, expiration=None, sort=None): """List Secrets for the project This method uses the limit and offset parameters for paging, and also supports filtering. The time filters (created, updated, and expiration) are expected to be an ISO 8601 formatted string, which can be prefixed with comparison operators: 'gt:' (greater-than), 'gte:' (greater-than-or-equal), 'lt:' (less-than), or 'lte': (less-than-or-equal). :param limit: Max number of secrets returned :param offset: Offset secrets to begin list :param name: Name filter for the list :param algorithm: Algorithm filter for the list :param mode: Mode filter for the list :param bits: Bits filter for the list :param secret_type: Secret type filter for the list :param created: Created time filter for the list, an ISO 8601 format string, optionally prefixed with 'gt:', 'gte:', 'lt:', or 'lte:' :param updated: Updated time filter for the list, an ISO 8601 format string, optionally prefixed with 'gt:', 'gte:', 'lt:', or 'lte:' :param expiration: Expiration time filter for the list, an ISO 8601 format string, optionally prefixed with 'gt:', 'gte:', 'lt:', or 'lte:' :param sort: Determines the sorted order of the returned list, a string of comma-separated sort keys ('created', 'expiration', 'mode', 'name', 'secret_type', 'status', or 'updated') with a direction appended (':asc' or ':desc') to each key :returns: list of Secret objects that satisfy the provided filter criteria. :rtype: list :raises barbicanclient.exceptions.HTTPAuthError: 401 Responses :raises barbicanclient.exceptions.HTTPClientError: 4xx Responses :raises barbicanclient.exceptions.HTTPServerError: 5xx Responses """ LOG.debug('Listing secrets - offset {0} limit {1}'.format(offset, limit)) params = {'limit': limit, 'offset': offset} if name: params['name'] = name if algorithm: params['alg'] = algorithm if mode: params['mode'] = mode if bits > 0: params['bits'] = bits if secret_type: params['secret_type'] = secret_type if created: params['created'] = created if updated: params['updated'] = updated if expiration: params['expiration'] = expiration if sort: params['sort'] = sort response = self._api.get(self._entity, params=params) return [ Secret(api=self._api, **s) for s in response.get('secrets', []) ]