tag name1.0.7 (f099e9a7309f0446e469c1fe76ad940431e472f3)
tag date2013-11-28 13:57:55 +0000
tagged byEoghan Glynn <>
tagged objectcommit 2950b30089...
python-ceilometerclient 1.0.7
Includes the following changes: * Allow alarm-threshold-update to upate generic attributes * Enable pep8 E711/E712/E721/H302 checking * Enable pep8 E128 checking * Enable pep8 E121/E122/E123 checking * Allow specifying a timestamp when creating a sample * Avoid reset of repeat_actions attribute on alarm update * Ensure basic logging config is applied * Support building wheels (PEP-427) * Add six to requirements.txt * Updated from global requirements * Ceilometer UnicodeEncodeError when update or show alarm fix * Adds the 'limit' parameter to sample list command in V2 API * Fix order of sample list * add cliutils from oslo-incubator * update oslo libraries * Updated from global requirements * Fix cacert argument to HTTPS connection * Updated from global requirements * Replace mox3 with mock in unit test * Updated from global requirements * Fix missed Pep8 error with 1.4.6 * Updated from global requirements * Replace mox with mox3 * align the order of parameters for urlencode() * replace basetring/xrange * Replace unicode() with six.u() * replace dict.keys() with list(dict) * Import urlutils to substitute urllib * Use six.iteritems() for dict * Translate print statement to print function * Fix module importing issues for Python 3 * Import six.StringIO -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.13 (GNU/Linux) iQEcBAABAgAGBQJSl0vsAAoJEDhh/+3vk6gr9lUH/RWOsk3F4zs148HNNwXyPnYo eOjC/tgimTdpkVZI//NTHgCgZ1lqJY2JGTkmsd/EEpEBJeml6eG0xDYN8cgS4ANG zsl0R64dCbodgblXga8IX+7HJqKxy/GMWduyIeHZDSmziCCzcf8ms7945LTeUp9m xr8tICPfNBdQ5k86derBhpexiAm5GAcyVjwqGpX3Fs9oclftbVbRetydZvPBPUPk Qg1Mv7Ee43lopqISg/Dm1znZmmZV61EuTUz/LrwaBpPdO3KJJrydrq3qZeKsgxFI +V6PZ5cogqOEBMkZB6NWZ1lgBDr4EbO9N+cWs28mDgG4LuEXLPg7xCFvltboDBQ= =Ni+t -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----