# Copyright 2013 OpenStack Foundation # Copyright 2013 IBM Corp. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import urllib.parse from oslo_utils import encodeutils import warlock from glanceclient.common import utils from glanceclient.v2 import schemas DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE = 20 SORT_DIR_VALUES = ('asc', 'desc') SORT_KEY_VALUES = ('id', 'type', 'status') class Controller(object): def __init__(self, http_client, schema_client): self.http_client = http_client self.schema_client = schema_client @utils.memoized_property def model(self): schema = self.schema_client.get('task') return warlock.model_factory(schema.raw(), base_class=schemas.SchemaBasedModel) @utils.add_req_id_to_generator() def list(self, **kwargs): """Retrieve a listing of Task objects. :param page_size: Number of tasks to request in each paginated request :returns: generator over list of Tasks """ def paginate(url): resp, body = self.http_client.get(url) for task in body['tasks']: yield task, resp try: next_url = body['next'] except KeyError: return else: for task, resp in paginate(next_url): yield task, resp filters = kwargs.get('filters', {}) if not kwargs.get('page_size'): filters['limit'] = DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE else: filters['limit'] = kwargs['page_size'] if 'marker' in kwargs: filters['marker'] = kwargs['marker'] sort_key = kwargs.get('sort_key') if sort_key is not None: if sort_key in SORT_KEY_VALUES: filters['sort_key'] = sort_key else: raise ValueError('sort_key must be one of the following: %s.' % ', '.join(SORT_KEY_VALUES)) sort_dir = kwargs.get('sort_dir') if sort_dir is not None: if sort_dir in SORT_DIR_VALUES: filters['sort_dir'] = sort_dir else: raise ValueError('sort_dir must be one of the following: %s.' % ', '.join(SORT_DIR_VALUES)) for param, value in filters.items(): if isinstance(value, str): filters[param] = encodeutils.safe_encode(value) url = '/v2/tasks?%s' % urllib.parse.urlencode(filters) for task, resp in paginate(url): # NOTE(flwang): remove 'self' for now until we have an elegant # way to pass it into the model constructor without conflict task.pop('self', None) yield self.model(**task), resp @utils.add_req_id_to_object() def get(self, task_id): """Get a task based on given task id.""" url = '/v2/tasks/%s' % task_id resp, body = self.http_client.get(url) # NOTE(flwang): remove 'self' for now until we have an elegant # way to pass it into the model constructor without conflict body.pop('self', None) return self.model(**body), resp @utils.add_req_id_to_object() def create(self, **kwargs): """Create a new task.""" url = '/v2/tasks' task = self.model() for (key, value) in kwargs.items(): try: setattr(task, key, value) except warlock.InvalidOperation as e: raise TypeError(encodeutils.exception_to_unicode(e)) resp, body = self.http_client.post(url, data=task) # NOTE(flwang): remove 'self' for now until we have an elegant # way to pass it into the model constructor without conflict body.pop('self', None) return self.model(**body), resp