diff options
authorSteve Baker <>2016-02-17 11:17:53 +1300
committerSteve Baker <>2016-05-27 10:57:37 +1200
commit3cde580165790f6e11dab90e9864fca1295d7895 (patch)
parent7299dd2fdec33314a52eccef85260de79cc69801 (diff)
Implement "openstack stack failures list"
A command which prints failed resources in the stack to help debug stack issues. Failed resources are added by recursing from the top level stack into failed nested stack resources. A failed nested stack resource is only added to the failed list if it contains no failed resources so that the user only sees root-cause failed resources. As an added convenience to debugging deployment resources, deployment outputs deploy_stdout and deploy_stderr are printed as well (the full outputs are printed when --long is specified). The output is a yamlish format where the key is a dot-delimited resource name path and the value is a dict of resource information. Change-Id: Ifa44175d8dbab2f7b62691b839e1696e3af7f4f3 Closes-Bug: #1585820
4 files changed, 400 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/heatclient/common/ b/heatclient/common/
index 5cb691a..2d950c9 100644
--- a/heatclient/common/
+++ b/heatclient/common/
@@ -81,6 +81,8 @@ def print_software_deployment_output(data, name, out=sys.stdout, long=False):
The format attempts to be valid yaml, but is primarily aimed at showing
useful information to the user in a helpful layout.
+ if data is None:
+ data = {}
if name in ('deploy_stdout', 'deploy_stderr'):
output = indent_and_truncate(
diff --git a/heatclient/osc/v1/ b/heatclient/osc/v1/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bc9e88c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/heatclient/osc/v1/
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+import collections
+from cliff import command
+from heatclient.common import format_utils
+from heatclient import exc
+from heatclient.openstack.common._i18n import _
+class ListStackFailures(command.Command):
+ """Show information about failed stack resources."""
+ def take_action(self, parsed_args):
+ self.heat_client =
+ failures = self._build_failed_resources(parsed_args.stack)
+ deployment_failures = self._build_software_deployments(failures)
+ self._print_failures(failures, deployment_failures,
+ long=parsed_args.long)
+ def get_parser(self, prog_name):
+ parser = super(ListStackFailures, self).get_parser(prog_name)
+ parser.add_argument(
+ 'stack',
+ metavar='<stack>',
+ help=_('Stack to display (name or ID)'),
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--long',
+ action='store_true',
+ default=False,
+ help=_('Show full deployment logs in output'),
+ )
+ return parser
+ def _build_failed_resources(self, stack):
+ """List information about FAILED stack resources.
+ Failed resources are added by recursing from the top level stack into
+ failed nested stack resources. A failed nested stack resource is only
+ added to the failed list if it contains no failed resources.
+ """
+ s = self.heat_client.stacks.get(stack)
+ if s.status != 'FAILED':
+ return []
+ resources = self.heat_client.resources.list(
+ failures = collections.OrderedDict()
+ self._append_failed_resources(failures, resources, [s.stack_name])
+ return failures
+ def _append_failed_resources(self, failures, resources, resource_path):
+ """Recursively build list of failed resources."""
+ appended = False
+ for r in resources:
+ if not r.resource_status.endswith('FAILED'):
+ continue
+ # determine if this resources is a nested stack
+ links_rel = list([l['rel'] for l in r.links])
+ is_nested = 'nested' in links_rel
+ nested_appended = False
+ next_resource_path = list(resource_path)
+ next_resource_path.append(r.resource_name)
+ if is_nested:
+ try:
+ nested_resources = self.heat_client.resources.list(
+ r.physical_resource_id)
+ nested_appended = self._append_failed_resources(
+ failures, nested_resources, next_resource_path)
+ except exc.HTTPNotFound:
+ # there is a failed resource but no stack
+ pass
+ if not nested_appended:
+ failures['.'.join(next_resource_path)] = r
+ appended = True
+ return appended
+ def _build_software_deployments(self, resources):
+ """Build a dict of software deployments from the supplied resources.
+ The key is the deployment ID.
+ """
+ df = {}
+ if not resources:
+ return df
+ for r in resources.values():
+ if r.resource_type not in ('OS::Heat::StructuredDeployment',
+ 'OS::Heat::SoftwareDeployment'):
+ continue
+ try:
+ sd = self.heat_client.software_deployments.get(
+ deployment_id=r.physical_resource_id)
+ df[r.physical_resource_id] = sd
+ except exc.HTTPNotFound:
+ pass
+ return df
+ def _print_failures(self, failures, deployment_failures, long=False):
+ """Print failed resources.
+ If the resource is a deployment resource, look up the deployment and
+ print deploy_stdout and deploy_stderr.
+ """
+ out =
+ if not failures:
+ return
+ for k, f in failures.items():
+ out.write('%s:\n' % k)
+ out.write(' resource_type: %s\n' % f.resource_type)
+ out.write(' physical_resource_id: %s\n' %
+ f.physical_resource_id)
+ out.write(' status: %s\n' % f.resource_status)
+ reason = format_utils.indent_and_truncate(
+ f.resource_status_reason,
+ spaces=4,
+ truncate=not long,
+ truncate_prefix='...\n')
+ out.write(' status_reason: |\n%s\n' % reason)
+ df = deployment_failures.get(f.physical_resource_id)
+ if df:
+ for output in ('deploy_stdout', 'deploy_stderr'):
+ format_utils.print_software_deployment_output(
+ data=df.output_values, name=output, long=long, out=out)
diff --git a/heatclient/tests/unit/osc/v1/ b/heatclient/tests/unit/osc/v1/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ecfbf5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/heatclient/tests/unit/osc/v1/
@@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# implied.
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import collections
+import mock
+from heatclient import exc
+from heatclient.osc.v1 import stack_failures
+from heatclient.tests.unit.osc.v1 import fakes as orchestration_fakes
+class ListStackFailuresTest(orchestration_fakes.TestOrchestrationv1):
+ def setUp(self):
+ super(ListStackFailuresTest, self).setUp()
+ self.cmd = stack_failures.ListStackFailures(, None)
+ self.cmd.heat_client =
+ self.stack_client =
+ self.resource_client =
+ self.software_deployments_client = \
+ self.stack = mock.MagicMock(id='123', status='FAILED',
+ stack_name='stack')
+ self.stack_client.get.return_value = self.stack
+ self.failed_template_resource = mock.MagicMock(
+ physical_resource_id='aaaa',
+ resource_type='My::TemplateResource',
+ resource_status='CREATE_FAILED',
+ links=[{'rel': 'nested'}],
+ resource_name='my_templateresource',
+ resource_status_reason='All gone Pete Tong',
+ logical_resource_id='my_templateresource',
+ )
+ self.failed_resource = mock.MagicMock(
+ physical_resource_id='cccc',
+ resource_type='OS::Nova::Server',
+ resource_status='CREATE_FAILED',
+ links=[],
+ resource_name='my_server',
+ resource_status_reason='All gone Pete Tong',
+ logical_resource_id='my_server',
+ )
+ self.other_failed_template_resource = mock.MagicMock(
+ physical_resource_id='dddd',
+ resource_type='My::OtherTemplateResource',
+ resource_status='CREATE_FAILED',
+ links=[{'rel': 'nested'}],
+ resource_name='my_othertemplateresource',
+ resource_status_reason='RPC timeout',
+ logical_resource_id='my_othertemplateresource',
+ )
+ self.working_resource = mock.MagicMock(
+ physical_resource_id='bbbb',
+ resource_type='OS::Nova::Server',
+ resource_status='CREATE_COMPLETE',
+ resource_name='my_server',
+ )
+ self.failed_deployment_resource = mock.MagicMock(
+ physical_resource_id='eeee',
+ resource_type='OS::Heat::SoftwareDeployment',
+ resource_status='CREATE_FAILED',
+ links=[],
+ resource_name='my_deployment',
+ resource_status_reason='Returned deploy_statuscode 1',
+ logical_resource_id='my_deployment',
+ )
+ self.failed_deployment = mock.MagicMock(
+ id='eeee',
+ output_values={
+ 'deploy_statuscode': '1',
+ 'deploy_stderr': 'It broke',
+ 'deploy_stdout': ('1\n2\n3\n4\n5\n6\n7\n8\n9\n10'
+ '\n11\n12')
+ },
+ )
+ self.software_deployments_client.get.return_value = (
+ self.failed_deployment)
+ def test_build_failed_none(self):
+ self.stack = mock.MagicMock(id='123', status='COMPLETE',
+ stack_name='stack')
+ failures = self.cmd._build_failed_resources('stack')
+ expected = collections.OrderedDict()
+ self.assertEqual(expected, failures)
+ def test_build_failed_resources(self):
+ self.resource_client.list.side_effect = [[
+ # resource-list stack
+ self.failed_template_resource,
+ self.other_failed_template_resource,
+ self.working_resource,
+ ], [ # resource-list aaaa
+ self.failed_resource
+ ], [ # resource-list dddd
+ ]]
+ failures = self.cmd._build_failed_resources('stack')
+ expected = collections.OrderedDict()
+ expected['stack.my_templateresource.my_server'] = self.failed_resource
+ expected['stack.my_othertemplateresource'] = (
+ self.other_failed_template_resource)
+ self.assertEqual(expected, failures)
+ def test_build_failed_resources_not_found(self):
+ self.resource_client.list.side_effect = [[
+ # resource-list stack
+ self.failed_template_resource,
+ self.other_failed_template_resource,
+ self.working_resource,
+ ], exc.HTTPNotFound(), [ # resource-list dddd
+ ]]
+ failures = self.cmd._build_failed_resources('stack')
+ expected = collections.OrderedDict()
+ expected['stack.my_templateresource'] = self.failed_template_resource
+ expected['stack.my_othertemplateresource'] = (
+ self.other_failed_template_resource)
+ self.assertEqual(expected, failures)
+ def test_build_software_deployments(self):
+ resources = {
+ 'stack.my_server': self.working_resource,
+ 'stack.my_deployment': self.failed_deployment_resource
+ }
+ deployments = self.cmd._build_software_deployments(resources)
+ self.assertEqual({
+ 'eeee': self.failed_deployment
+ }, deployments)
+ def test_build_software_deployments_not_found(self):
+ resources = {
+ 'stack.my_server': self.working_resource,
+ 'stack.my_deployment': self.failed_deployment_resource
+ }
+ self.software_deployments_client.get.side_effect = exc.HTTPNotFound()
+ deployments = self.cmd._build_software_deployments(resources)
+ self.assertEqual({}, deployments)
+ def test_build_software_deployments_no_resources(self):
+ resources = {}
+ self.software_deployments_client.get.side_effect = exc.HTTPNotFound()
+ deployments = self.cmd._build_software_deployments(resources)
+ self.assertEqual({}, deployments)
+ def test_list_stack_failures(self):
+ self.resource_client.list.side_effect = [[
+ # resource-list stack
+ self.failed_template_resource,
+ self.other_failed_template_resource,
+ self.working_resource,
+ self.failed_deployment_resource
+ ], [ # resource-list aaaa
+ self.failed_resource
+ ], [ # resource-list dddd
+ ]]
+ arglist = ['stack']
+ parsed_args = self.check_parser(self.cmd, arglist, [])
+ self.cmd.take_action(parsed_args)
+ self.assertEqual(
+ '''stack.my_templateresource.my_server:
+ resource_type: OS::Nova::Server
+ physical_resource_id: cccc
+ status_reason: |
+ All gone Pete Tong
+ resource_type: My::OtherTemplateResource
+ physical_resource_id: dddd
+ status_reason: |
+ RPC timeout
+ resource_type: OS::Heat::SoftwareDeployment
+ physical_resource_id: eeee
+ status_reason: |
+ Returned deploy_statuscode 1
+ deploy_stdout: |
+ ...
+ 3
+ 4
+ 5
+ 6
+ 7
+ 8
+ 9
+ 10
+ 11
+ 12
+ (truncated, view all with --long)
+ deploy_stderr: |
+ It broke
+ def test_list_stack_failures_long(self):
+ self.resource_client.list.side_effect = [[
+ # resource-list stack
+ self.failed_template_resource,
+ self.other_failed_template_resource,
+ self.working_resource,
+ self.failed_deployment_resource
+ ], [ # resource-list aaaa
+ self.failed_resource
+ ], [ # resource-list dddd
+ ]]
+ arglist = ['--long', 'stack']
+ parsed_args = self.check_parser(self.cmd, arglist, [])
+ self.cmd.take_action(parsed_args)
+ self.assertEqual(
+ '''stack.my_templateresource.my_server:
+ resource_type: OS::Nova::Server
+ physical_resource_id: cccc
+ status_reason: |
+ All gone Pete Tong
+ resource_type: My::OtherTemplateResource
+ physical_resource_id: dddd
+ status_reason: |
+ RPC timeout
+ resource_type: OS::Heat::SoftwareDeployment
+ physical_resource_id: eeee
+ status_reason: |
+ Returned deploy_statuscode 1
+ deploy_stdout: |
+ 1
+ 2
+ 3
+ 4
+ 5
+ 6
+ 7
+ 8
+ 9
+ 10
+ 11
+ 12
+ deploy_stderr: |
+ It broke
diff --git a/setup.cfg b/setup.cfg
index 4d6a6c5..1f19425 100644
--- a/setup.cfg
+++ b/setup.cfg
@@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ openstack.orchestration.v1 =
stack_event_list = heatclient.osc.v1.event:ListEvent
stack_event_show = heatclient.osc.v1.event:ShowEvent
stack_environment_show = heatclient.osc.v1.stack:EnvironmentShowStack
+ stack_failures_list = heatclient.osc.v1.stack_failures:ListStackFailures
stack_hook_clear = heatclient.osc.v1.stack:StackHookClear
stack_hook_poll = heatclient.osc.v1.stack:StackHookPoll
stack_list = heatclient.osc.v1.stack:ListStack