# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from unittest import mock import swiftclient.client import testscenarios import testtools from testtools import matchers from heatclient.common import deployment_utils from heatclient import exc from heatclient.v1 import software_configs load_tests = testscenarios.load_tests_apply_scenarios def mock_sc(group=None, config=None, options=None, inputs=None, outputs=None): return software_configs.SoftwareConfig(None, { 'group': group, 'config': config, 'options': options or {}, 'inputs': inputs or [], 'outputs': outputs or [], }, True) class DerivedConfigTest(testtools.TestCase): scenarios = [ ('defaults', dict( action='UPDATE', source=mock_sc(), name='s1', input_values=None, server_id='1234', signal_transport='NO_SIGNAL', signal_id=None, result={ 'config': '', 'group': 'Heat::Ungrouped', 'inputs': [{ 'description': 'ID of the server being deployed to', 'name': 'deploy_server_id', 'type': 'String', 'value': '1234' }, { 'description': 'Name of the current action ' 'being deployed', 'name': 'deploy_action', 'type': 'String', 'value': 'UPDATE' }, { 'description': 'How the server should signal to ' 'heat with the deployment output values.', 'name': 'deploy_signal_transport', 'type': 'String', 'value': 'NO_SIGNAL'}], 'name': 's1', 'options': {}, 'outputs': []})), ('defaults_empty', dict( action='UPDATE', source={}, name='s1', input_values=None, server_id='1234', signal_transport='NO_SIGNAL', signal_id=None, result={ 'config': '', 'group': 'Heat::Ungrouped', 'inputs': [{ 'description': 'ID of the server being deployed to', 'name': 'deploy_server_id', 'type': 'String', 'value': '1234' }, { 'description': 'Name of the current action ' 'being deployed', 'name': 'deploy_action', 'type': 'String', 'value': 'UPDATE' }, { 'description': 'How the server should signal to ' 'heat with the deployment output values.', 'name': 'deploy_signal_transport', 'type': 'String', 'value': 'NO_SIGNAL'}], 'name': 's1', 'options': {}, 'outputs': []})), ('config_values', dict( action='UPDATE', source=mock_sc( group='puppet', config='do the foo', inputs=[ {'name': 'one', 'default': '1'}, {'name': 'two'}], options={'option1': 'value'}, outputs=[ {'name': 'output1'}, {'name': 'output2'}], ), name='s2', input_values={'one': 'foo', 'two': 'bar', 'three': 'baz'}, server_id='1234', signal_transport='NO_SIGNAL', signal_id=None, result={ 'config': 'do the foo', 'group': 'puppet', 'inputs': [{ 'name': 'one', 'default': '1', 'value': 'foo' }, { 'name': 'two', 'value': 'bar' }, { 'name': 'three', 'type': 'String', 'value': 'baz' }, { 'description': 'ID of the server being deployed to', 'name': 'deploy_server_id', 'type': 'String', 'value': '1234' }, { 'description': 'Name of the current action ' 'being deployed', 'name': 'deploy_action', 'type': 'String', 'value': 'UPDATE' }, { 'description': 'How the server should signal to ' 'heat with the deployment output values.', 'name': 'deploy_signal_transport', 'type': 'String', 'value': 'NO_SIGNAL' }], 'name': 's2', 'options': {'option1': 'value'}, 'outputs': [ {'name': 'output1'}, {'name': 'output2'}]})), ('temp_url', dict( action='UPDATE', source=mock_sc(), name='s1', input_values=None, server_id='1234', signal_transport='TEMP_URL_SIGNAL', signal_id='', result={ 'config': '', 'group': 'Heat::Ungrouped', 'inputs': [{ 'description': 'ID of the server being deployed to', 'name': 'deploy_server_id', 'type': 'String', 'value': '1234' }, { 'description': 'Name of the current action ' 'being deployed', 'name': 'deploy_action', 'type': 'String', 'value': 'UPDATE' }, { 'description': 'How the server should signal to ' 'heat with the deployment output values.', 'name': 'deploy_signal_transport', 'type': 'String', 'value': 'TEMP_URL_SIGNAL' }, { 'description': 'ID of signal to use for signaling ' 'output values', 'name': 'deploy_signal_id', 'type': 'String', 'value': '' }, { 'description': 'HTTP verb to use for signaling ' 'output values', 'name': 'deploy_signal_verb', 'type': 'String', 'value': 'PUT'}], 'name': 's1', 'options': {}, 'outputs': []})), ('unsupported', dict( action='UPDATE', source=mock_sc(), name='s1', input_values=None, server_id='1234', signal_transport='ASDF', signal_id=None, result_error=exc.CommandError, result_error_msg='Unsupported signal transport ASDF', result=None)), ] def test_build_derived_config_params(self): try: self.assertEqual( self.result, deployment_utils.build_derived_config_params( action=self.action, source=self.source, name=self.name, input_values=self.input_values, server_id=self.server_id, signal_transport=self.signal_transport, signal_id=self.signal_id)) except Exception as e: if not self.result_error: raise e self.assertIsInstance(e, self.result_error) self.assertEqual(self.result_error_msg, str(e)) class TempURLSignalTest(testtools.TestCase): @mock.patch.object(swiftclient.client, 'Connection') def test_create_swift_client(self, sc_conn): auth = mock.MagicMock() auth.get_token.return_value = '1234' auth.get_endpoint.return_value = '' session = mock.MagicMock() args = mock.MagicMock() args.os_region_name = 'Region1' args.os_project_name = 'project' args.os_username = 'user' args.os_cacert = None args.insecure = True sc_conn.return_value = mock.MagicMock() sc = deployment_utils.create_swift_client(auth, session, args) self.assertEqual(sc_conn.return_value, sc) self.assertEqual( mock.call(session), auth.get_token.call_args) self.assertEqual( mock.call( session, service_type='object-store', region_name='Region1'), auth.get_endpoint.call_args) self.assertEqual( mock.call( cacert=None, insecure=True, key=None, tenant_name='project', preauthtoken='1234', authurl=None, user='user', preauthurl='', auth_version='2.0'), sc_conn.call_args) def test_create_temp_url(self): swift_client = mock.MagicMock() swift_client.url = ("http://fake-host.com:8080/v1/AUTH_demo") swift_client.head_account = mock.Mock(return_value={ 'x-account-meta-temp-url-key': '123456'}) swift_client.post_account = mock.Mock() uuid_pattern = ('[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{3}-[89aAbB]' '[a-f0-9]{3}-[a-f0-9]{12}') url = deployment_utils.create_temp_url(swift_client, 'bar', 60) self.assertFalse(swift_client.post_account.called) regexp = (r"http://fake-host.com:8080/v1/AUTH_demo/bar-%s" r"/%s\?temp_url_sig=[0-9a-f]{40}&" r"temp_url_expires=[0-9]{10}" % (uuid_pattern, uuid_pattern)) self.assertThat(url, matchers.MatchesRegex(regexp)) timeout = int(url.split('=')[-1]) self.assertTrue(timeout < 2147483647) def test_get_temp_url_no_account_key(self): swift_client = mock.MagicMock() swift_client.url = ("http://fake-host.com:8080/v1/AUTH_demo") head_account = {} def post_account(data): head_account.update(data) swift_client.head_account = mock.Mock(return_value=head_account) swift_client.post_account = post_account self.assertNotIn('x-account-meta-temp-url-key', head_account) deployment_utils.create_temp_url(swift_client, 'bar', 60, 'foo') self.assertIn('x-account-meta-temp-url-key', head_account) def test_build_signal_id_no_signal(self): hc = mock.MagicMock() args = mock.MagicMock() args.signal_transport = 'NO_SIGNAL' self.assertIsNone(deployment_utils.build_signal_id(hc, args)) def test_build_signal_id_no_client_auth(self): hc = mock.MagicMock() args = mock.MagicMock() args.os_no_client_auth = True args.signal_transport = 'TEMP_URL_SIGNAL' e = self.assertRaises(exc.CommandError, deployment_utils.build_signal_id, hc, args) self.assertEqual(( 'Cannot use --os-no-client-auth, auth required to create ' 'a Swift TempURL.'), str(e)) @mock.patch.object(deployment_utils, 'create_temp_url') @mock.patch.object(deployment_utils, 'create_swift_client') def test_build_signal_id(self, csc, ctu): hc = mock.MagicMock() args = mock.MagicMock() args.name = 'foo' args.timeout = 60 args.os_no_client_auth = False args.signal_transport = 'TEMP_URL_SIGNAL' csc.return_value = mock.MagicMock() temp_url = ( 'http://fake-host.com:8080/v1/AUTH_demo/foo/' 'a81a74d5-c395-4269-9670-ddd0824fd696' '?temp_url_sig=6a68371d602c7a14aaaa9e3b3a63b8b85bd9a503' '&temp_url_expires=1425270977') ctu.return_value = temp_url self.assertEqual( temp_url, deployment_utils.build_signal_id(hc, args)) self.assertEqual( mock.call(hc.http_client.auth, hc.http_client.session, args), csc.call_args) self.assertEqual( mock.call(csc.return_value, 'foo', 60), ctu.call_args)