# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import abc import logging from oslo_config import cfg import six from keystoneclient import access from keystoneclient.auth.identity import base from keystoneclient import exceptions from keystoneclient import utils _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) @six.add_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta) class Auth(base.BaseIdentityPlugin): """Identity V2 Authentication Plugin. :param string auth_url: Identity service endpoint for authorization. :param string trust_id: Trust ID for trust scoping. :param string tenant_id: Tenant ID for project scoping. :param string tenant_name: Tenant name for project scoping. :param bool reauthenticate: Allow fetching a new token if the current one is going to expire. (optional) default True """ @classmethod def get_options(cls): options = super(Auth, cls).get_options() options.extend([ cfg.StrOpt('tenant-id', help='Tenant ID'), cfg.StrOpt('tenant-name', help='Tenant Name'), cfg.StrOpt('trust-id', help='Trust ID'), ]) return options @utils.positional() def __init__(self, auth_url, trust_id=None, tenant_id=None, tenant_name=None, reauthenticate=True): super(Auth, self).__init__(auth_url=auth_url, reauthenticate=reauthenticate) self._trust_id = trust_id self.tenant_id = tenant_id self.tenant_name = tenant_name @property def trust_id(self): # Override to remove deprecation. return self._trust_id @trust_id.setter def trust_id(self, value): # Override to remove deprecation. self._trust_id = value def get_auth_ref(self, session, **kwargs): headers = {'Accept': 'application/json'} url = self.auth_url.rstrip('/') + '/tokens' params = {'auth': self.get_auth_data(headers)} if self.tenant_id: params['auth']['tenantId'] = self.tenant_id elif self.tenant_name: params['auth']['tenantName'] = self.tenant_name if self.trust_id: params['auth']['trust_id'] = self.trust_id _logger.debug('Making authentication request to %s', url) resp = session.post(url, json=params, headers=headers, authenticated=False, log=False) try: resp_data = resp.json()['access'] except (KeyError, ValueError): raise exceptions.InvalidResponse(response=resp) return access.AccessInfoV2(**resp_data) @abc.abstractmethod def get_auth_data(self, headers=None): """Return the authentication section of an auth plugin. :param dict headers: The headers that will be sent with the auth request if a plugin needs to add to them. :return: A dict of authentication data for the auth type. :rtype: dict """ pass # pragma: no cover _NOT_PASSED = object() class Password(Auth): """A plugin for authenticating with a username and password. A username or user_id must be provided. :param string auth_url: Identity service endpoint for authorization. :param string username: Username for authentication. :param string password: Password for authentication. :param string user_id: User ID for authentication. :param string trust_id: Trust ID for trust scoping. :param string tenant_id: Tenant ID for tenant scoping. :param string tenant_name: Tenant name for tenant scoping. :param bool reauthenticate: Allow fetching a new token if the current one is going to expire. (optional) default True :raises TypeError: if a user_id or username is not provided. """ @utils.positional(4) def __init__(self, auth_url, username=_NOT_PASSED, password=None, user_id=_NOT_PASSED, **kwargs): super(Password, self).__init__(auth_url, **kwargs) if username is _NOT_PASSED and user_id is _NOT_PASSED: msg = 'You need to specify either a username or user_id' raise TypeError(msg) if username is _NOT_PASSED: username = None if user_id is _NOT_PASSED: user_id = None self.user_id = user_id self._username = username self._password = password @property def username(self): # Override to remove deprecation. return self._username @username.setter def username(self, value): # Override to remove deprecation. self._username = value @property def password(self): # Override to remove deprecation. return self._password @password.setter def password(self, value): # Override to remove deprecation. self._password = value def get_auth_data(self, headers=None): auth = {'password': self.password} if self.username: auth['username'] = self.username elif self.user_id: auth['userId'] = self.user_id return {'passwordCredentials': auth} @classmethod def load_from_argparse_arguments(cls, namespace, **kwargs): if not (kwargs.get('password') or namespace.os_password): kwargs['password'] = utils.prompt_user_password() return super(Password, cls).load_from_argparse_arguments(namespace, **kwargs) @classmethod def get_options(cls): options = super(Password, cls).get_options() options.extend([ cfg.StrOpt('username', dest='username', deprecated_name='user-name', help='Username to login with'), cfg.StrOpt('user-id', help='User ID to login with'), cfg.StrOpt('password', secret=True, help='Password to use'), ]) return options class Token(Auth): """A plugin for authenticating with an existing token. :param string auth_url: Identity service endpoint for authorization. :param string token: Existing token for authentication. :param string tenant_id: Tenant ID for tenant scoping. :param string tenant_name: Tenant name for tenant scoping. :param string trust_id: Trust ID for trust scoping. :param bool reauthenticate: Allow fetching a new token if the current one is going to expire. (optional) default True """ def __init__(self, auth_url, token, **kwargs): super(Token, self).__init__(auth_url, **kwargs) self._token = token @property def token(self): # Override to remove deprecation. return self._token @token.setter def token(self, value): # Override to remove deprecation. self._token = value def get_auth_data(self, headers=None): if headers is not None: headers['X-Auth-Token'] = self.token return {'token': {'id': self.token}} @classmethod def get_options(cls): options = super(Token, cls).get_options() options.extend([ cfg.StrOpt('token', secret=True, help='Token'), ]) return options