========= Testing ========= The preferred way to run the unit tests is using ``tox``. There are multiple test targets that can be run to validate the code. ``tox -e pep8`` Style guidelines enforcement. ``tox -e py38`` Traditional unit testing (Python 3.8). ``tox -e functional`` Live functional testing against an existing OpenStack instance. (Python 3.8) ``tox -e cover`` Generate a coverage report on unit testing. Functional testing assumes the existence of a `clouds.yaml` file as supported by :os-client-config-doc:`os-client-config <>`. It assumes the existence of a cloud named `devstack` that behaves like a normal DevStack installation with a demo and an admin user/tenant - or clouds named `functional_admin` and `functional_nonadmin`. Refer to `Consistent Testing Interface`__ for more details. __ https://opendev.org/openstack/governance/src/branch/master/reference/project-testing-interface.rst