# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # import copy import io from unittest import mock from osc_lib import exceptions from requests_mock.contrib import fixture from openstackclient.object.v1 import object as object_cmds from openstackclient.tests.unit.object.v1 import fakes as object_fakes class TestObjectAll(object_fakes.TestObjectv1): def setUp(self): super(TestObjectAll, self).setUp() self.requests_mock = self.useFixture(fixture.Fixture()) class TestObjectCreate(TestObjectAll): def setUp(self): super(TestObjectCreate, self).setUp() # Get the command object to test self.cmd = object_cmds.CreateObject(self.app, None) def test_multiple_object_create_with_object_name(self): arglist = [ object_fakes.container_name, object_fakes.object_name_1, object_fakes.object_name_2, '--name', object_fakes.object_upload_name, ] verifylist = [ ('container', object_fakes.container_name), ( 'objects', [object_fakes.object_name_1, object_fakes.object_name_2], ), ('name', object_fakes.object_upload_name), ] parsed_args = self.check_parser(self.cmd, arglist, verifylist) self.assertRaises( exceptions.CommandError, self.cmd.take_action, parsed_args ) class TestObjectList(TestObjectAll): columns = ('Name',) def setUp(self): super(TestObjectList, self).setUp() # Get the command object to test self.cmd = object_cmds.ListObject(self.app, None) def test_object_list_objects_no_options(self): return_body = [ copy.deepcopy(object_fakes.OBJECT), copy.deepcopy(object_fakes.OBJECT_2), ] self.requests_mock.register_uri( 'GET', object_fakes.ENDPOINT + '/' + object_fakes.container_name + '?format=json', json=return_body, status_code=200, ) arglist = [ object_fakes.container_name, ] verifylist = [ ('container', object_fakes.container_name), ] parsed_args = self.check_parser(self.cmd, arglist, verifylist) # Lister.take_action() returns two tuples columns, data = self.cmd.take_action(parsed_args) self.assertEqual(self.columns, columns) datalist = [ (object_fakes.object_name_1,), (object_fakes.object_name_2,), ] self.assertEqual(datalist, list(data)) def test_object_list_objects_prefix(self): return_body = [ copy.deepcopy(object_fakes.OBJECT_2), ] self.requests_mock.register_uri( 'GET', object_fakes.ENDPOINT + '/' + object_fakes.container_name_2 + '?prefix=floppy&format=json', json=return_body, status_code=200, ) arglist = [ '--prefix', 'floppy', object_fakes.container_name_2, ] verifylist = [ ('prefix', 'floppy'), ('container', object_fakes.container_name_2), ] parsed_args = self.check_parser(self.cmd, arglist, verifylist) # In base command class Lister in cliff, abstract method take_action() # returns a tuple containing the column names and an iterable # containing the data to be listed. columns, data = self.cmd.take_action(parsed_args) self.assertEqual(self.columns, columns) datalist = ((object_fakes.object_name_2,),) self.assertEqual(datalist, tuple(data)) class TestObjectShow(TestObjectAll): def setUp(self): super(TestObjectShow, self).setUp() # Get the command object to test self.cmd = object_cmds.ShowObject(self.app, None) def test_object_show(self): headers = { 'content-type': 'text/plain', 'content-length': '20', 'last-modified': 'yesterday', 'etag': '4c4e39a763d58392724bccf76a58783a', 'x-container-meta-owner': object_fakes.ACCOUNT_ID, 'x-object-manifest': 'manifest', } self.requests_mock.register_uri( 'HEAD', '/'.join( [ object_fakes.ENDPOINT, object_fakes.container_name, object_fakes.object_name_1, ] ), headers=headers, status_code=200, ) arglist = [ object_fakes.container_name, object_fakes.object_name_1, ] verifylist = [ ('container', object_fakes.container_name), ('object', object_fakes.object_name_1), ] parsed_args = self.check_parser(self.cmd, arglist, verifylist) # In base command class ShowOne in cliff, abstract method take_action() # returns a two-part tuple with a tuple of column names and a tuple of # data to be shown. columns, data = self.cmd.take_action(parsed_args) collist = ( 'account', 'container', 'content-length', 'content-type', 'etag', 'last-modified', 'object', 'x-object-manifest', ) self.assertEqual(collist, columns) datalist = ( object_fakes.ACCOUNT_ID, object_fakes.container_name, '20', 'text/plain', '4c4e39a763d58392724bccf76a58783a', 'yesterday', object_fakes.object_name_1, 'manifest', ) self.assertEqual(datalist, data) class TestObjectSave(TestObjectAll): def setUp(self): super(TestObjectSave, self).setUp() # Get the command object to test self.cmd = object_cmds.SaveObject(self.app, None) def test_save_to_stdout(self): self.requests_mock.register_uri( 'GET', object_fakes.ENDPOINT + '/' + object_fakes.container_name + '/' + object_fakes.object_name_1, status_code=200, content=object_fakes.object_1_content, ) arglist = [ object_fakes.container_name, object_fakes.object_name_1, '--file', '-', ] verifylist = [ ('container', object_fakes.container_name), ('object', object_fakes.object_name_1), ('file', '-'), ] parsed_args = self.check_parser(self.cmd, arglist, verifylist) class FakeStdout(io.BytesIO): def __init__(self): io.BytesIO.__init__(self) self.context_manager_calls = [] def __enter__(self): self.context_manager_calls.append('__enter__') return self def __exit__(self, *a): self.context_manager_calls.append('__exit__') with mock.patch('sys.stdout') as fake_stdout, mock.patch( 'os.fdopen', return_value=FakeStdout() ) as fake_fdopen: fake_stdout.fileno.return_value = 123 self.cmd.take_action(parsed_args) self.assertEqual( fake_fdopen.return_value.getvalue(), object_fakes.object_1_content ) self.assertEqual(fake_fdopen.mock_calls, [mock.call(123, 'wb')]) self.assertEqual( fake_fdopen.return_value.context_manager_calls, ['__enter__', '__exit__'], )