path: root/doc/source/cli.rst
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-The ``swift`` tool is a command line utility for communicating with an OpenStack
-Object Storage (swift) environment. It allows one to perform several types of
-This section covers the options for authenticating with a swift
-object store. The combinations of options required for each authentication
-version are detailed below, but are just a subset of those that can be used
-to successfully authenticate. These are the most common and recommended
-You should obtain the details of your authentication version and credentials
-from your storage provider. These details should make it clearer which of the
-authentication sections below are most likely to allow you to connect to your
-storage account.
-Keystone v3
-.. code-block:: bash
- swift --os-auth-url --auth-version 3 \
- --os-project-name project1 --os-project-domain-name domain1 \
- --os-username user --os-user-domain-name domain1 \
- --os-password password list
- swift --os-auth-url --auth-version 3 \
- --os-project-id 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef \
- --os-user-id abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789 \
- --os-password password list
-Manually specifying the options above on the command line can be avoided by
-setting the following combinations of environment variables:
-.. code-block:: bash
- OS_PASSWORD=password
- OS_PROJECT_NAME=project1
- OS_USER_ID=abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789
- OS_PASSWORD=password
- OS_PROJECT_ID=0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef
-Keystone v2
-.. code-block:: bash
- swift --os-auth-url \
- --os-tenant-name tenant \
- --os-username user --os-password password list
-Manually specifying the options above on the command line can be avoided by
-setting the following environment variables:
-.. code-block:: bash
- OS_PASSWORD=password
-Legacy auth systems
-You can configure swift to work with any number of other authentication systems
-that we will not cover in this document. If your storage provider is not using
-Keystone to provide access tokens, please contact them for instructions on the
-required options. It is likely that the options will need to be specified as
-.. code-block:: bash
- swift -A -U user -K api_key list
-Specifying the options above manually on the command line can be avoided by
-setting the following environment variables:
-.. code-block:: bash
- ST_USER=user
- ST_KEY=key
-It is also possible that you need to use a completely separate auth system, in which
-case ``swiftclient`` cannot request a token for you. In this case you should make the
-authentication request separately and access your storage using the token and
-storage URL options shown below:
-.. code-block:: bash
- swift --os-auth-token 6ee5eb33efad4e45ab46806eac010566 \
- --os-storage-url \
- list
-.. We need the backslash below in order to indent the note
- .. note::
- Leftover environment variables are a common source of confusion when
- authorization fails.
-CLI commands
- ``stat [container [object]]``
- Displays information for the account, container, or object depending on
- the arguments given (if any). In verbose mode, the storage URL and the
- authentication token are displayed as well.
- ``list [command-options] [container]``
- Lists the containers for the account or the objects for a container.
- The ``-p <prefix>`` or ``--prefix <prefix>`` is an option that will only
- list items beginning with that prefix. The ``-d <delimiter>`` or
- ``--delimiter <delimiter>`` is an option (for container listings only)
- that will roll up items with the given delimiter (see `OpenStack Swift
- general documentation <>` for
- what this means).
- The ``-l`` and ``--lh`` options provide more detail, similar to ``ls -l``
- and ``ls -lh``, the latter providing sizes in human readable format
- (For example: ``3K``, ``12M``, etc). The latter two switches use more
- overhead to retrieve the displayed details, which is directly proportional
- to the number of container or objects listed.
- ``upload [command-options] container file_or_directory [file_or_directory] [...]``
- Uploads the files and directories specified by the remaining arguments to the
- given container. The ``-c`` or ``--changed`` is an option that will only
- upload files that have changed since the last upload. The
- ``--object-name <object-name>`` is an option that will upload a file and
- name object to ``<object-name>`` or upload a directory and use ``<object-name>``
- as object prefix. The ``-S <size>`` or ``--segment-size <size>`` and
- ``--leave-segments`` are options as well (see ``--help`` for more).
- ``post [command-options] [container] [object]``
- Updates meta information for the account, container, or object depending
- on the arguments given. If the container is not found, the ``swiftclient``
- will create it automatically, but this is not true for accounts and
- objects. Containers also allow the ``-r <read-acl>`` (or ``--read-acl
- <read-acl>``) and ``-w <write-acl>`` (or ``--write-acl <write-acl>``) options.
- The ``-m`` or ``--meta`` option is allowed on accounts, containers and objects,
- and is used to define the user metadata items to set in the form ``Name:Value``.
- You can repeat this option. For example: ``post -m Color:Blue -m Size:Large``
- For more information about ACL formats see the documentation:
- `ACLs <>`_.
- ``download [command-options] [container] [object] [object] [...]``
- Downloads everything in the account (with ``--all``), or everything in a
- container, or a list of objects depending on the arguments given. For a
- single object download, you may use the ``-o <filename>`` or ``--output <filename>``
- option to redirect the output to a specific file or ``-`` to
- redirect to stdout. The ``--ignore-checksum`` is an option that turn off
- checksum validation. You can specify optional headers with the repeatable
- cURL-like option ``-H [--header <name:value>]``.
- ``delete [command-options] [container] [object] [object] [...]``
- Deletes everything in the account (with ``--all``), or everything in a
- container, or a list of objects depending on the arguments given. Segments
- of manifest objects will be deleted as well, unless you specify the
- ``--leave-segments`` option.
- ``copy [command-options] container object``
- Copies an object to a new destination or adds user metadata to an object. Depending
- on the options supplied, you can preserve existing metadata in contrast to the post
- command. The ``--destination`` option sets the copy target destination in the form
- ``/container/object``. If not set, the object will be copied onto itself which is useful
- for adding metadata. You can use the ``-M`` or ``--fresh-metadata`` option to copy
- an object without existing user meta data, and the ``-m`` or ``--meta`` option
- to define user meta data items to set in the form ``Name:Value``. You can repeat
- this option. For example: ``copy -m Color:Blue -m Size:Large``.
- ``capabilities [proxy-url]``
- Displays cluster capabilities. The output includes the list of the
- activated Swift middlewares as well as relevant options for each ones.
- Additionally the command displays relevant options for the Swift core. If
- the ``proxy-url`` option is not provided, the storage URL retrieved after
- authentication is used as ``proxy-url``.
- ``tempurl [command-options] [method] [time] [path] [key]``
- Generates a temporary URL for a Swift object. ``method`` option sets an HTTP method to
- allow for this temporary URL that is usually ``GET` or ``PUT``. ``time`` option sets
- the amount of time the temporary URL will be valid for.
- ``time`` can be specified as an integer, denoting the number of seconds
- from now on until the URL shall be valid; or, if ``--absolute``
- is passed, the Unix timestamp when the temporary URL will expire.
- But beyond that, ``time`` can also be specified as an ISO 8601 timestamp
- in one of following formats:
- i) Complete date: YYYY-MM-DD (eg 1997-07-16)
- ii) Complete date plus hours, minutes and seconds:
- YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss
- (eg 1997-07-16T19:20:30)
- iii) Complete date plus hours, minutes and seconds with UTC designator:
- YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ
- (eg 1997-07-16T19:20:30Z)
- Please be aware that if you don't provide the UTC designator (i.e., Z)
- the timestamp is generated using your local timezone. If only a date is
- specified, the time part used will equal to ``00:00:00``.
- ``path`` option sets the full path to the Swift object.
- Example: ``/v1/AUTH_account/c/o``. ``key`` option is
- the secret temporary URL key set on the Swift cluster. To set a key, run
- ``swift post -m "Temp-URL-Key: <your secret key>"``. To generate a prefix-based temporary
- URL use the ``--prefix-based`` option. This URL will contain the path to the prefix. Do not
- forget to append the desired objectname at the end of the path portion (and before the
- query portion) before sharing the URL. It is possible to use ISO 8601 UTC timestamps within the
- URL by using the ``--iso8601`` option.
- ``auth``
- Display authentication variables in shell friendly format. Command to run to export storage
- URL and auth token into ``OS_STORAGE_URL`` and ``OS_AUTH_TOKEN``: ``swift auth``.
- Command to append to a runcom file (e.g. ``~/.bashrc``, ``/etc/profile``) for automatic
- authentication: ``swift auth -v -U test:tester -K testing``.
-In this section we present some example usage of the ``swift`` CLI. To keep the
-examples as short as possible, these examples assume that the relevant authentication
-options have been set using environment variables. You can obtain the full list of
-commands and options available in the ``swift`` CLI by executing the following:
-.. code-block:: bash
- > swift --help
- > swift <command> --help
-Simple examples
-List the existing swift containers:
-.. code-block:: bash
- > swift list
- container_1
-Create a new container:
-.. code-block:: bash
- > swift post TestContainer
-Upload an object into a container:
-.. code-block:: bash
- > swift upload TestContainer testSwift.txt
- testSwift.txt
-List the contents of a container:
-.. code-block:: bash
- > swift list TestContainer
- testSwift.txt
-Copy an object to new destination:
-.. code-block:: bash
- > swift copy -d /DestContainer/testSwift.txt SourceContainer testSwift.txt
- SourceContainer/testSwift.txt copied to /DestContainer/testSwift.txt
-Delete an object from a container:
-.. code-block:: bash
- > swift delete TestContainer testSwift.txt
- testSwift.txt
-Delete a container:
-.. code-block:: bash
- > swift delete TestContainer
- TestContainer
-Display auth related authentication variables in shell friendly format:
-.. code-block:: bash
- > swift auth
- export OS_STORAGE_URL=
- export OS_AUTH_TOKEN=c597015ae19943a18438b52ef3762e79
-Download an object from a container:
-.. code-block:: bash
- > swift download TestContainer testSwift.txt
- testSwift.txt [auth 0.028s, headers 0.045s, total 0.045s, 0.002 MB/s]
-.. We need the backslash below in order to indent the note
- .. note::
- To upload an object to a container, your current working directory must be
- where the file is located or you must provide the complete path to the file.
- In other words, the --object-name <object-name> is an option that will upload
- file and name object to <object-name> or upload directory and use <object-name> as
- object prefix. In the case that you provide the complete path of the file,
- that complete path will be the name of the uploaded object.
-For example:
-.. code-block:: bash
- > swift upload TestContainer /home/swift/testSwift/testSwift.txt
- home/swift/testSwift/testSwift.txt
- > swift list TestContainer
- home/swift/testSwift/testSwift.txt
-More complex examples
-Swift has a single object size limit of 5GiB. In order to upload files larger
-than this, we must create a large object that consists of smaller segments.
-The example below shows how to upload a large video file as a static large
-object in 1GiB segments:
-.. code-block:: bash
- > swift upload videos --use-slo --segment-size 1G myvideo.mp4
- myvideo.mp4 segment 8
- myvideo.mp4 segment 4
- myvideo.mp4 segment 2
- myvideo.mp4 segment 7
- myvideo.mp4 segment 0
- myvideo.mp4 segment 1
- myvideo.mp4 segment 3
- myvideo.mp4 segment 6
- myvideo.mp4 segment 5
- myvideo.mp4
-This command will upload segments to a container named ``videos_segments``, and
-create a manifest file describing the entire object in the ``videos`` container.
-For more information on large objects, see the documentation `here
-.. code-block:: bash
- > swift list videos
- myvideo.mp4
- > swift list videos_segments
- myvideo.mp4/slo/1460229233.679546/9341553868/1073741824/00000000
- myvideo.mp4/slo/1460229233.679546/9341553868/1073741824/00000001
- myvideo.mp4/slo/1460229233.679546/9341553868/1073741824/00000002
- myvideo.mp4/slo/1460229233.679546/9341553868/1073741824/00000003
- myvideo.mp4/slo/1460229233.679546/9341553868/1073741824/00000004
- myvideo.mp4/slo/1460229233.679546/9341553868/1073741824/00000005
- myvideo.mp4/slo/1460229233.679546/9341553868/1073741824/00000006
- myvideo.mp4/slo/1460229233.679546/9341553868/1073741824/00000007
- myvideo.mp4/slo/1460229233.679546/9341553868/1073741824/00000008
-Firstly, the key should be set, then generate a temporary URL for a Swift object:
-.. code-block:: bash
- > swift post -m "Temp-URL-Key:b3968d0207b54ece87cccc06515a89d4"
- > swift tempurl GET 6000 /v1/AUTH_bf5e63572f7a420a83fcf0aa8c72c2c7\
- /firstcontainer/ b3968d0207b54ece87cccc06515a89d4
- /v1/AUTH_/firstcontainer/\
- 9218fc288cc09e5edd857b6a3d43cf2122b906dc&temp_url_expires=1472203614