path: root/test/unit/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'test/unit/')
1 files changed, 3328 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/unit/ b/test/unit/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d45deb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/unit/
@@ -0,0 +1,3328 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2010-2012 OpenStack, LLC.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# implied.
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import gzip
+import json
+import logging
+import mock
+import six
+import socket
+import string
+import unittest
+import warnings
+import tempfile
+from hashlib import md5
+from six import binary_type
+from six.moves.urllib.parse import urlparse
+from requests.exceptions import RequestException
+from .utils import (MockHttpTest, fake_get_auth_keystone, StubResponse,
+ FakeKeystone)
+from swiftclient.utils import EMPTY_ETAG
+from swiftclient.exceptions import ClientException
+from swiftclient import client as c
+import swiftclient.utils
+import swiftclient
+class TestClientException(unittest.TestCase):
+ def test_is_exception(self):
+ self.assertTrue(issubclass(c.ClientException, Exception))
+ def test_format(self):
+ exc = c.ClientException('something failed')
+ self.assertIn('something failed', str(exc))
+ test_kwargs = (
+ 'scheme',
+ 'host',
+ 'port',
+ 'path',
+ 'query',
+ 'status',
+ 'reason',
+ 'device',
+ 'response_content',
+ )
+ for value in test_kwargs:
+ kwargs = {
+ 'http_%s' % value: value,
+ }
+ exc = c.ClientException('test', **kwargs)
+ self.assertIn(value, str(exc))
+ def test_attrs(self):
+ test_kwargs = (
+ 'scheme',
+ 'host',
+ 'port',
+ 'path',
+ 'query',
+ 'status',
+ 'reason',
+ 'device',
+ 'response_content',
+ 'response_headers',
+ )
+ for value in test_kwargs:
+ key = 'http_%s' % value
+ kwargs = {key: value}
+ exc = c.ClientException('test', **kwargs)
+ self.assertIs(True, hasattr(exc, key))
+ self.assertEqual(getattr(exc, key), value)
+class MockHttpResponse(object):
+ def __init__(self, status=0, headers=None, verify=False):
+ self.status = status
+ self.status_code = status
+ self.reason = "OK"
+ self.buffer = []
+ self.requests_params = None
+ self.verify = verify
+ self.md5sum = md5()
+ self.headers = {'etag': '"%s"' % EMPTY_ETAG}
+ if headers:
+ self.headers.update(headers)
+ self.closed = False
+ class Raw(object):
+ def __init__(self, headers):
+ self.headers = headers
+ def read(self, **kw):
+ return ""
+ def getheader(self, name, default):
+ return self.headers.get(name, default)
+ self.raw = Raw(headers)
+ def read(self):
+ return ""
+ def close(self):
+ self.closed = True
+ def getheader(self, name, default):
+ return self.headers.get(name, default)
+ def getheaders(self):
+ return dict(self.headers).items()
+ def fake_response(self):
+ return self
+ def _fake_request(self, *arg, **kwarg):
+ self.status = 200
+ self.requests_params = kwarg
+ if self.verify:
+ for chunk in kwarg['data']:
+ self.md5sum.update(chunk)
+ # This simulate previous httplib implementation that would do a
+ # putrequest() and then use putheader() to send header.
+ for k, v in kwarg['headers'].items():
+ self.buffer.append((k, v))
+ return self.fake_response()
+class TestHttpHelpers(MockHttpTest):
+ def test_quote(self):
+ value = b'bytes\xff'
+ self.assertEqual('bytes%FF', c.quote(value))
+ value = 'native string'
+ self.assertEqual('native%20string', c.quote(value))
+ value = u'unicode string'
+ self.assertEqual('unicode%20string', c.quote(value))
+ value = u'unicode:\xe9\u20ac'
+ self.assertEqual('unicode%3A%C3%A9%E2%82%AC', c.quote(value))
+ def test_parse_header_string(self):
+ value = b'bytes'
+ self.assertEqual(u'bytes', c.parse_header_string(value))
+ value = u'unicode:\xe9\u20ac'
+ self.assertEqual(u'unicode:\xe9\u20ac', c.parse_header_string(value))
+ value = 'native%20string'
+ self.assertEqual(u'native string', c.parse_header_string(value))
+ value = b'encoded%20bytes%E2%82%AC'
+ self.assertEqual(u'encoded bytes\u20ac', c.parse_header_string(value))
+ value = 'encoded%20unicode%E2%82%AC'
+ self.assertEqual(u'encoded unicode\u20ac',
+ c.parse_header_string(value))
+ value = b'bad%20bytes%ff%E2%82%AC'
+ self.assertEqual(u'bad%20bytes%ff%E2%82%AC',
+ c.parse_header_string(value))
+ value = u'bad%20unicode%ff\u20ac'
+ self.assertEqual(u'bad%20unicode%ff\u20ac',
+ c.parse_header_string(value))
+ value = b'really%20bad\xffbytes'
+ self.assertEqual(u'really%2520bad%FFbytes',
+ c.parse_header_string(value))
+ def test_http_connection(self):
+ url = ''
+ _junk, conn = c.http_connection(url)
+ self.assertIs(type(conn), c.HTTPConnection)
+ url = ''
+ _junk, conn = c.http_connection(url)
+ self.assertIs(type(conn), c.HTTPConnection)
+ url = ''
+ self.assertRaises(c.ClientException, c.http_connection, url)
+ def test_encode_meta_headers(self):
+ headers = {'abc': '123',
+ u'x-container-meta-\u0394': 123,
+ u'x-account-meta-\u0394': 12.3,
+ u'x-object-meta-\u0394': True}
+ r = swiftclient.encode_meta_headers(headers)
+ self.assertEqual(len(headers), len(r))
+ # ensure non meta headers are not encoded
+ self.assertIs(type(r.get('abc')), binary_type)
+ del r['abc']
+ for k, v in r.items():
+ self.assertIs(type(k), binary_type)
+ self.assertIs(type(v), binary_type)
+ self.assertIn(v, (b'123', b'12.3', b'True'))
+ def test_set_user_agent_default(self):
+ _junk, conn = c.http_connection('')
+ req_headers = {}
+ def my_request_handler(*a, **kw):
+ req_headers.update(kw.get('headers', {}))
+ conn._request = my_request_handler
+ # test the default
+ conn.request('GET', '/')
+ ua = req_headers.get('user-agent', 'XXX-MISSING-XXX')
+ self.assertTrue(ua.startswith('python-swiftclient-'))
+ def test_set_user_agent_per_request_override(self):
+ _junk, conn = c.http_connection('')
+ req_headers = {}
+ def my_request_handler(*a, **kw):
+ req_headers.update(kw.get('headers', {}))
+ conn._request = my_request_handler
+ # test if it's actually set
+ conn.request('GET', '/', headers={'User-Agent': 'Me'})
+ ua = req_headers.get('user-agent', 'XXX-MISSING-XXX')
+ self.assertEqual(ua, b'Me', req_headers)
+ def test_set_user_agent_default_override(self):
+ _junk, conn = c.http_connection(
+ '',
+ default_user_agent='a-new-default')
+ req_headers = {}
+ def my_request_handler(*a, **kw):
+ req_headers.update(kw.get('headers', {}))
+ conn._request = my_request_handler
+ # test setting a default
+ conn._request = my_request_handler
+ conn.request('GET', '/')
+ ua = req_headers.get('user-agent', 'XXX-MISSING-XXX')
+ self.assertEqual(ua, 'a-new-default')
+class TestGetAuth(MockHttpTest):
+ def test_ok(self):
+ c.http_connection = self.fake_http_connection(200)
+ url, token = c.get_auth('', 'asdf', 'asdf')
+ self.assertIsNone(url)
+ self.assertIsNone(token)
+ def test_invalid_auth(self):
+ self.assertRaises(c.ClientException, c.get_auth,
+ '', 'asdf', 'asdf',
+ auth_version="foo")
+ def test_auth_v1(self):
+ c.http_connection = self.fake_http_connection(200, auth_v1=True)
+ url, token = c.get_auth('', 'asdf', 'asdf',
+ auth_version="1.0")
+ self.assertEqual(url, 'storageURL')
+ self.assertEqual(token, 'someauthtoken')
+ def test_auth_v1_insecure(self):
+ c.http_connection = self.fake_http_connection(200, 200, auth_v1=True)
+ url, token = c.get_auth('',
+ 'asdf', 'asdf',
+ auth_version='1.0',
+ insecure=True)
+ self.assertEqual(url, 'storageURL')
+ self.assertEqual(token, 'someauthtoken')
+ with self.assertRaises(c.ClientException) as exc_context:
+ c.get_auth('',
+ 'asdf', 'asdf', auth_version='1.0')
+ # TODO: this test is really on validating the mock and not the
+ # the full plumbing into the requests's 'verify' option
+ self.assertIn('invalid_certificate', str(exc_context.exception))
+ def test_auth_v1_timeout(self):
+ # this test has some overlap with
+ # TestConnection.test_timeout_passed_down but is required to check that
+ # get_auth does the right thing when it is not passed a timeout arg
+ orig_http_connection = c.http_connection
+ timeouts = []
+ def fake_request_handler(*a, **kw):
+ if 'timeout' in kw:
+ timeouts.append(kw['timeout'])
+ else:
+ timeouts.append(None)
+ return MockHttpResponse(
+ status=200,
+ headers={
+ 'x-auth-token': 'a_token',
+ 'x-storage-url': ''})
+ def fake_connection(*a, **kw):
+ url, conn = orig_http_connection(*a, **kw)
+ conn._request = fake_request_handler
+ return url, conn
+ with mock.patch('swiftclient.client.http_connection', fake_connection):
+ c.get_auth('', 'asdf', 'asdf',
+ auth_version="1.0", timeout=42.0)
+ c.get_auth('', 'asdf', 'asdf',
+ auth_version="1.0", timeout=None)
+ c.get_auth('', 'asdf', 'asdf',
+ auth_version="1.0")
+ self.assertEqual(timeouts, [42.0, None, None])
+ def test_auth_v2_timeout(self):
+ # this test has some overlap with
+ # TestConnection.test_timeout_passed_down but is required to check that
+ # get_auth does the right thing when it is not passed a timeout arg
+ fake_ks = FakeKeystone(endpoint='http://some_url', token='secret')
+ with mock.patch('swiftclient.client.ksclient_v2', fake_ks):
+ c.get_auth('', 'asdf', 'asdf',
+ os_options=dict(tenant_name='tenant'),
+ auth_version="2.0", timeout=42.0)
+ c.get_auth('', 'asdf', 'asdf',
+ os_options=dict(tenant_name='tenant'),
+ auth_version="2.0", timeout=None)
+ c.get_auth('', 'asdf', 'asdf',
+ os_options=dict(tenant_name='tenant'),
+ auth_version="2.0")
+ self.assertEqual(3, len(fake_ks.calls))
+ timeouts = [call['timeout'] for call in fake_ks.calls]
+ self.assertEqual([42.0, None, None], timeouts)
+ def test_auth_v2_with_tenant_name(self):
+ os_options = {'tenant_name': 'asdf'}
+ req_args = {'auth_version': '2.0'}
+ ks = fake_get_auth_keystone(os_options, required_kwargs=req_args)
+ with mock.patch('swiftclient.client.get_auth_keystone', ks):
+ url, token = c.get_auth('', 'asdf', 'asdf',
+ os_options=os_options,
+ auth_version="2.0")
+ self.assertTrue(url.startswith("http"))
+ self.assertTrue(token)
+ def test_auth_v2_with_tenant_id(self):
+ os_options = {'tenant_id': 'asdf'}
+ req_args = {'auth_version': '2.0'}
+ ks = fake_get_auth_keystone(os_options, required_kwargs=req_args)
+ with mock.patch('swiftclient.client.get_auth_keystone', ks):
+ url, token = c.get_auth('', 'asdf', 'asdf',
+ os_options=os_options,
+ auth_version="2.0")
+ self.assertTrue(url.startswith("http"))
+ self.assertTrue(token)
+ def test_auth_v2_with_project_name(self):
+ os_options = {'project_name': 'asdf'}
+ req_args = {'auth_version': '2.0'}
+ ks = fake_get_auth_keystone(os_options, required_kwargs=req_args)
+ with mock.patch('swiftclient.client.get_auth_keystone', ks):
+ url, token = c.get_auth('', 'asdf', 'asdf',
+ os_options=os_options,
+ auth_version="2.0")
+ self.assertTrue(url.startswith("http"))
+ self.assertTrue(token)
+ def test_auth_v2_with_project_id(self):
+ os_options = {'project_id': 'asdf'}
+ req_args = {'auth_version': '2.0'}
+ ks = fake_get_auth_keystone(os_options, required_kwargs=req_args)
+ with mock.patch('swiftclient.client.get_auth_keystone', ks):
+ url, token = c.get_auth('', 'asdf', 'asdf',
+ os_options=os_options,
+ auth_version="2.0")
+ self.assertTrue(url.startswith("http"))
+ self.assertTrue(token)
+ def test_auth_v2_no_tenant_name_or_tenant_id(self):
+ with mock.patch('swiftclient.client.get_auth_keystone',
+ fake_get_auth_keystone({})):
+ self.assertRaises(c.ClientException, c.get_auth,
+ '', 'asdf', 'asdf',
+ os_options={},
+ auth_version='2.0')
+ def test_auth_v2_with_tenant_name_none_and_tenant_id_none(self):
+ os_options = {'tenant_name': None,
+ 'tenant_id': None}
+ with mock.patch('swiftclient.client.get_auth_keystone',
+ fake_get_auth_keystone(os_options)):
+ self.assertRaises(c.ClientException, c.get_auth,
+ '', 'asdf', 'asdf',
+ os_options=os_options,
+ auth_version='2.0')
+ def test_auth_v2_with_tenant_user_in_user(self):
+ tenant_option = {'tenant_name': 'foo'}
+ with mock.patch('swiftclient.client.get_auth_keystone',
+ fake_get_auth_keystone(tenant_option)):
+ url, token = c.get_auth('', 'foo:bar', 'asdf',
+ os_options={},
+ auth_version="2.0")
+ self.assertTrue(url.startswith("http"))
+ self.assertTrue(token)
+ def test_auth_v2_tenant_name_no_os_options(self):
+ tenant_option = {'tenant_name': 'asdf'}
+ with mock.patch('swiftclient.client.get_auth_keystone',
+ fake_get_auth_keystone(tenant_option)):
+ url, token = c.get_auth('', 'asdf', 'asdf',
+ tenant_name='asdf',
+ os_options={},
+ auth_version="2.0")
+ self.assertTrue(url.startswith("http"))
+ self.assertTrue(token)
+ def test_auth_v2_with_os_options(self):
+ os_options = {'service_type': 'object-store',
+ 'endpoint_type': 'internalURL',
+ 'tenant_name': 'asdf'}
+ with mock.patch('swiftclient.client.get_auth_keystone',
+ fake_get_auth_keystone(os_options)):
+ url, token = c.get_auth('', 'asdf', 'asdf',
+ os_options=os_options,
+ auth_version="2.0")
+ self.assertTrue(url.startswith("http"))
+ self.assertTrue(token)
+ def test_auth_v2_with_tenant_user_in_user_no_os_options(self):
+ tenant_option = {'tenant_name': 'foo'}
+ with mock.patch('swiftclient.client.get_auth_keystone',
+ fake_get_auth_keystone(tenant_option)):
+ url, token = c.get_auth('', 'foo:bar', 'asdf',
+ auth_version="2.0")
+ self.assertTrue(url.startswith("http"))
+ self.assertTrue(token)
+ def test_auth_v2_with_os_region_name(self):
+ os_options = {'region_name': 'good-region',
+ 'tenant_name': 'asdf'}
+ with mock.patch('swiftclient.client.get_auth_keystone',
+ fake_get_auth_keystone(os_options)):
+ url, token = c.get_auth('', 'asdf', 'asdf',
+ os_options=os_options,
+ auth_version="2.0")
+ self.assertTrue(url.startswith("http"))
+ self.assertTrue(token)
+ def test_auth_v2_no_endpoint(self):
+ os_options = {'region_name': 'unknown_region',
+ 'tenant_name': 'asdf'}
+ with mock.patch('swiftclient.client.get_auth_keystone',
+ fake_get_auth_keystone(os_options, c.ClientException)):
+ self.assertRaises(c.ClientException, c.get_auth,
+ '', 'asdf', 'asdf',
+ os_options=os_options, auth_version='2.0')
+ def test_auth_v2_ks_exception(self):
+ with mock.patch('swiftclient.client.get_auth_keystone',
+ fake_get_auth_keystone({}, c.ClientException)):
+ self.assertRaises(c.ClientException, c.get_auth,
+ '', 'asdf', 'asdf',
+ os_options={},
+ auth_version='2.0')
+ def test_auth_v2_cacert(self):
+ os_options = {'tenant_name': 'foo'}
+ auth_url_secure = ''
+ auth_url_insecure = ''
+ with mock.patch('swiftclient.client.get_auth_keystone',
+ fake_get_auth_keystone(os_options, None)):
+ url, token = c.get_auth(auth_url_secure, 'asdf', 'asdf',
+ os_options=os_options, auth_version='2.0',
+ insecure=False)
+ self.assertTrue(url.startswith("http"))
+ self.assertTrue(token)
+ url, token = c.get_auth(auth_url_insecure, 'asdf', 'asdf',
+ os_options=os_options, auth_version='2.0',
+ cacert='ca.pem', insecure=False)
+ self.assertTrue(url.startswith("http"))
+ self.assertTrue(token)
+ self.assertRaises(c.ClientException, c.get_auth,
+ auth_url_insecure, 'asdf', 'asdf',
+ os_options=os_options, auth_version='2.0')
+ self.assertRaises(c.ClientException, c.get_auth,
+ auth_url_insecure, 'asdf', 'asdf',
+ os_options=os_options, auth_version='2.0',
+ insecure=False)
+ def test_auth_v2_insecure(self):
+ os_options = {'tenant_name': 'foo'}
+ auth_url_secure = ''
+ auth_url_insecure = ''
+ with mock.patch('swiftclient.client.get_auth_keystone',
+ fake_get_auth_keystone(os_options, None)):
+ url, token = c.get_auth(auth_url_secure, 'asdf', 'asdf',
+ os_options=os_options, auth_version='2.0')
+ self.assertTrue(url.startswith("http"))
+ self.assertTrue(token)
+ url, token = c.get_auth(auth_url_insecure, 'asdf', 'asdf',
+ os_options=os_options, auth_version='2.0',
+ insecure=True)
+ self.assertTrue(url.startswith("http"))
+ self.assertTrue(token)
+ self.assertRaises(c.ClientException, c.get_auth,
+ auth_url_insecure, 'asdf', 'asdf',
+ os_options=os_options, auth_version='2.0')
+ self.assertRaises(c.ClientException, c.get_auth,
+ auth_url_insecure, 'asdf', 'asdf',
+ os_options=os_options, auth_version='2.0',
+ insecure=False)
+ def test_auth_v2_cert(self):
+ os_options = {'tenant_name': 'foo'}
+ auth_url_no_sslauth = ''
+ auth_url_sslauth = ''
+ with mock.patch('swiftclient.client.get_auth_keystone',
+ fake_get_auth_keystone(os_options, None)):
+ url, token = c.get_auth(auth_url_no_sslauth, 'asdf', 'asdf',
+ os_options=os_options, auth_version='2.0')
+ self.assertTrue(url.startswith("http"))
+ self.assertTrue(token)
+ url, token = c.get_auth(auth_url_sslauth, 'asdf', 'asdf',
+ os_options=os_options, auth_version='2.0',
+ cert='minnie', cert_key='mickey')
+ self.assertTrue(url.startswith("http"))
+ self.assertTrue(token)
+ self.assertRaises(c.ClientException, c.get_auth,
+ auth_url_sslauth, 'asdf', 'asdf',
+ os_options=os_options, auth_version='2.0')
+ self.assertRaises(c.ClientException, c.get_auth,
+ auth_url_sslauth, 'asdf', 'asdf',
+ os_options=os_options, auth_version='2.0',
+ cert='minnie')
+ def test_auth_v3_with_tenant_name(self):
+ # check the correct auth version is passed to get_auth_keystone
+ os_options = {'tenant_name': 'asdf'}
+ req_args = {'auth_version': '3'}
+ ks = fake_get_auth_keystone(os_options, required_kwargs=req_args)
+ with mock.patch('swiftclient.client.get_auth_keystone', ks):
+ url, token = c.get_auth('', 'asdf', 'asdf',
+ os_options=os_options,
+ auth_version="3")
+ self.assertTrue(url.startswith("http"))
+ self.assertTrue(token)
+ def test_get_keystone_client_2_0(self):
+ # check the correct auth version is passed to get_auth_keystone
+ os_options = {'tenant_name': 'asdf'}
+ req_args = {'auth_version': '2.0'}
+ ks = fake_get_auth_keystone(os_options, required_kwargs=req_args)
+ with mock.patch('swiftclient.client.get_auth_keystone', ks):
+ url, token = c.get_keystoneclient_2_0('',
+ 'asdf', 'asdf',
+ os_options=os_options)
+ self.assertTrue(url.startswith("http"))
+ self.assertTrue(token)
+ def test_get_auth_keystone_versionless(self):
+ fake_ks = FakeKeystone(endpoint='http://some_url', token='secret')
+ with mock.patch('swiftclient.client.ksclient_v3', fake_ks):
+ c.get_auth_keystone('http://authurl', 'user', 'key', {})
+ self.assertEqual(1, len(fake_ks.calls))
+ self.assertEqual('http://authurl/v3', fake_ks.calls[0].get('auth_url'))
+ def test_get_auth_keystone_versionless_auth_version_set(self):
+ fake_ks = FakeKeystone(endpoint='http://some_url', token='secret')
+ with mock.patch('swiftclient.client.ksclient_v2', fake_ks):
+ c.get_auth_keystone('http://auth_url', 'user', 'key',
+ {}, auth_version='2.0')
+ self.assertEqual(1, len(fake_ks.calls))
+ self.assertEqual('http://auth_url/v2.0',
+ fake_ks.calls[0].get('auth_url'))
+ def test_get_auth_keystone_versionful(self):
+ fake_ks = FakeKeystone(endpoint='http://some_url', token='secret')
+ with mock.patch('swiftclient.client.ksclient_v3', fake_ks):
+ c.get_auth_keystone('http://auth_url/v3', 'user', 'key',
+ {}, auth_version='3')
+ self.assertEqual(1, len(fake_ks.calls))
+ self.assertEqual('http://auth_url/v3',
+ fake_ks.calls[0].get('auth_url'))
+ def test_get_auth_keystone_devstack_versionful(self):
+ fake_ks = FakeKeystone(
+ endpoint='', token='secret')
+ with mock.patch('swiftclient.client.ksclient_v3', fake_ks):
+ c.get_auth_keystone('',
+ 'user', 'key', {}, auth_version='3')
+ self.assertEqual(1, len(fake_ks.calls))
+ self.assertEqual('',
+ fake_ks.calls[0].get('auth_url'))
+ def test_get_auth_keystone_devstack_versionless(self):
+ fake_ks = FakeKeystone(
+ endpoint='', token='secret')
+ with mock.patch('swiftclient.client.ksclient_v3', fake_ks):
+ c.get_auth_keystone('',
+ 'user', 'key', {}, auth_version='3')
+ self.assertEqual(1, len(fake_ks.calls))
+ self.assertEqual('',
+ fake_ks.calls[0].get('auth_url'))
+ def test_auth_keystone_url_some_junk_nonsense(self):
+ fake_ks = FakeKeystone(
+ endpoint='',
+ token='secret')
+ with mock.patch('swiftclient.client.ksclient_v3', fake_ks):
+ c.get_auth_keystone('',
+ 'user', 'key', {}, auth_version='3')
+ self.assertEqual(1, len(fake_ks.calls))
+ # v2 looks sorta version-y, but it's not an exact match, so this is
+ # probably about just as bad as anything else we might guess at
+ self.assertEqual('',
+ fake_ks.calls[0].get('auth_url'))
+ def test_auth_with_session(self):
+ mock_session = mock.MagicMock()
+ mock_session.get_endpoint.return_value = 'http://storagehost/v1/acct'
+ mock_session.get_token.return_value = 'token'
+ url, token = c.get_auth('', 'asdf', 'asdf',
+ session=mock_session)
+ self.assertEqual(url, 'http://storagehost/v1/acct')
+ self.assertTrue(token)
+class TestGetAccount(MockHttpTest):
+ def test_no_content(self):
+ c.http_connection = self.fake_http_connection(204)
+ value = c.get_account('', 'asdf')[1]
+ self.assertEqual(value, [])
+ self.assertRequests([
+ ('GET', '/v1/acct?format=json', '', {
+ 'accept-encoding': 'gzip',
+ 'x-auth-token': 'asdf'}),
+ ])
+ def test_param_marker(self):
+ c.http_connection = self.fake_http_connection(
+ 204,
+ query_string="format=json&marker=marker")
+ c.get_account('', 'asdf', marker='marker')
+ self.assertRequests([
+ ('GET', '/v1/acct?format=json&marker=marker', '', {
+ 'accept-encoding': 'gzip',
+ 'x-auth-token': 'asdf'}),
+ ])
+ def test_param_limit(self):
+ c.http_connection = self.fake_http_connection(
+ 204,
+ query_string="format=json&limit=10")
+ c.get_account('', 'asdf', limit=10)
+ self.assertRequests([
+ ('GET', '/v1/acct?format=json&limit=10', '', {
+ 'accept-encoding': 'gzip',
+ 'x-auth-token': 'asdf'}),
+ ])
+ def test_param_prefix(self):
+ c.http_connection = self.fake_http_connection(
+ 204,
+ query_string="format=json&prefix=asdf/")
+ c.get_account('', 'asdf', prefix='asdf/')
+ self.assertRequests([
+ ('GET', '/v1/acct?format=json&prefix=asdf/', '', {
+ 'accept-encoding': 'gzip',
+ 'x-auth-token': 'asdf'}),
+ ])
+ def test_param_end_marker(self):
+ c.http_connection = self.fake_http_connection(
+ 204,
+ query_string="format=json&end_marker=end_marker")
+ c.get_account('', 'asdf',
+ end_marker='end_marker')
+ self.assertRequests([
+ ('GET', '/v1/acct?format=json&end_marker=end_marker', '', {
+ 'accept-encoding': 'gzip',
+ 'x-auth-token': 'asdf'}),
+ ])
+ def test_param_delimiter(self):
+ c.http_connection = self.fake_http_connection(
+ 204,
+ query_string="format=json&delimiter=-")
+ c.get_account('', 'asdf',
+ delimiter='-')
+ self.assertRequests([
+ ('GET', '/v1/acct?format=json&delimiter=-', '', {
+ 'accept-encoding': 'gzip',
+ 'x-auth-token': 'asdf'}),
+ ])
+class TestHeadAccount(MockHttpTest):
+ def test_ok(self):
+ c.http_connection = self.fake_http_connection(200, headers={
+ 'x-account-meta-color': 'blue',
+ })
+ resp_headers = c.head_account('', 'asdf')
+ self.assertEqual(resp_headers['x-account-meta-color'], 'blue')
+ self.assertRequests([
+ ('HEAD', '', '', {'x-auth-token': 'asdf'})
+ ])
+ def test_server_error(self):
+ body = 'c' * 65
+ headers = {'foo': 'bar'}
+ c.http_connection = self.fake_http_connection(
+ StubResponse(500, body, headers))
+ with self.assertRaises(c.ClientException) as exc_context:
+ c.head_account('', 'asdf')
+ e = exc_context.exception
+ self.assertEqual(e.http_response_content, body)
+ self.assertEqual(e.http_status, 500)
+ self.assertRequests([
+ ('HEAD', '', '', {'x-auth-token': 'asdf'})
+ ])
+ # TODO: this is a fairly brittle test of the __repr__ on the
+ # ClientException which should probably be in a targeted test
+ new_body = "[first 60 chars of response] " + body[0:60]
+ self.assertEqual(e.__str__()[-89:], new_body)
+class TestPostAccount(MockHttpTest):
+ def test_ok(self):
+ c.http_connection = self.fake_http_connection(200, headers={
+ 'X-Account-Meta-Color': 'blue',
+ }, body='foo')
+ headers = {'x-account-meta-shape': 'square'}
+ resp_headers, body = c.post_account(
+ '', 'asdf',
+ headers, query_string='bar=baz',
+ data='some data')
+ self.assertEqual('blue', resp_headers.get('x-account-meta-color'))
+ self.assertEqual('foo', body)
+ self.assertRequests([
+ ('POST', '',
+ 'some data', {'x-auth-token': 'asdf',
+ 'x-account-meta-shape': 'square'})
+ ])
+ # Check that we didn't mutate the request ehader dict
+ self.assertEqual(headers, {'x-account-meta-shape': 'square'})
+ def test_server_error(self):
+ body = 'c' * 65
+ c.http_connection = self.fake_http_connection(500, body=body)
+ with self.assertRaises(c.ClientException) as exc_mgr:
+ c.post_account('', 'asdf', {})
+ self.assertEqual(exc_mgr.exception.http_response_content, body)
+ self.assertEqual(exc_mgr.exception.http_status, 500)
+ self.assertRequests([
+ ('POST', '', None, {'x-auth-token': 'asdf'})
+ ])
+ # TODO: this is a fairly brittle test of the __repr__ on the
+ # ClientException which should probably be in a targeted test
+ new_body = "[first 60 chars of response] " + body[0:60]
+ self.assertEqual(exc_mgr.exception.__str__()[-89:], new_body)
+class TestGetContainer(MockHttpTest):
+ def test_no_content(self):
+ c.http_connection = self.fake_http_connection(204)
+ value = c.get_container('', 'token',
+ 'container')[1]
+ self.assertEqual(value, [])
+ self.assertRequests([
+ ('GET', '/v1/acct/container?format=json', '', {
+ 'accept-encoding': 'gzip',
+ 'x-auth-token': 'token'}),
+ ])
+ def test_param_marker(self):
+ c.http_connection = self.fake_http_connection(
+ 204,
+ query_string="format=json&marker=marker")
+ c.get_container('', 'token', 'container',
+ marker='marker')
+ self.assertRequests([
+ ('GET', '/v1/acct/container?format=json&marker=marker', '', {
+ 'accept-encoding': 'gzip',
+ 'x-auth-token': 'token'}),
+ ])
+ def test_param_limit(self):
+ c.http_connection = self.fake_http_connection(
+ 204,
+ query_string="format=json&limit=10")
+ c.get_container('', 'token', 'container',
+ limit=10)
+ self.assertRequests([
+ ('GET', '/v1/acct/container?format=json&limit=10', '', {
+ 'accept-encoding': 'gzip',
+ 'x-auth-token': 'token'}),
+ ])
+ def test_param_prefix(self):
+ c.http_connection = self.fake_http_connection(
+ 204,
+ query_string="format=json&prefix=asdf/")
+ c.get_container('', 'token', 'container',
+ prefix='asdf/')
+ self.assertRequests([
+ ('GET', '/v1/acct/container?format=json&prefix=asdf/', '', {
+ 'accept-encoding': 'gzip',
+ 'x-auth-token': 'token'}),
+ ])
+ def test_param_delimiter(self):
+ c.http_connection = self.fake_http_connection(
+ 204,
+ query_string="format=json&delimiter=/")
+ c.get_container('', 'token', 'container',
+ delimiter='/')
+ self.assertRequests([
+ ('GET', '/v1/acct/container?format=json&delimiter=/', '', {
+ 'accept-encoding': 'gzip',
+ 'x-auth-token': 'token'}),
+ ])
+ def test_param_end_marker(self):
+ c.http_connection = self.fake_http_connection(
+ 204,
+ query_string="format=json&end_marker=end_marker")
+ c.get_container('', 'token', 'container',
+ end_marker='end_marker')
+ self.assertRequests([
+ ('GET', '/v1/acct/container?format=json&end_marker=end_marker',
+ '', {'x-auth-token': 'token', 'accept-encoding': 'gzip'}),
+ ])
+ def test_param_path(self):
+ c.http_connection = self.fake_http_connection(
+ 204,
+ query_string="format=json&path=asdf")
+ c.get_container('', 'token', 'container',
+ path='asdf')
+ self.assertRequests([
+ ('GET', '/v1/acct/container?format=json&path=asdf', '', {
+ 'accept-encoding': 'gzip',
+ 'x-auth-token': 'token'}),
+ ])
+ def test_request_headers(self):
+ c.http_connection = self.fake_http_connection(
+ 204, query_string="format=json")
+ conn = c.http_connection('')
+ headers = {'x-client-key': 'client key'}
+ c.get_container('url_is_irrelevant', 'TOKEN', 'container',
+ http_conn=conn, headers=headers)
+ self.assertRequests([
+ ('GET', '/container?format=json', '', {
+ 'x-auth-token': 'TOKEN',
+ 'x-client-key': 'client key',
+ 'accept-encoding': 'gzip',
+ }),
+ ])
+ def test_query_string(self):
+ c.http_connection = self.fake_http_connection(
+ 200, query_string="format=json&hello=20", body=b'[]')
+ c.get_container('', 'asdf', 'asdf',
+ query_string="hello=20")
+ self.assertRequests([
+ ('GET', '/asdf?format=json&hello=20', '', {
+ 'accept-encoding': 'gzip',
+ 'x-auth-token': 'asdf'}),
+ ])
+class TestHeadContainer(MockHttpTest):
+ def test_head_ok(self):
+ fake_conn = self.fake_http_connection(
+ 200, headers={'x-container-meta-color': 'blue'})
+ with mock.patch('swiftclient.client.http_connection',
+ new=fake_conn):
+ resp = c.head_container('',
+ 'token', 'container')
+ self.assertEqual(resp['x-container-meta-color'], 'blue')
+ self.assertRequests([
+ ('HEAD', '', '',
+ {'x-auth-token': 'token'}),
+ ])
+ def test_server_error(self):
+ body = 'c' * 60
+ headers = {'foo': 'bar'}
+ c.http_connection = self.fake_http_connection(
+ StubResponse(500, body, headers))
+ with self.assertRaises(c.ClientException) as exc_context:
+ c.head_container('', 'asdf', 'container')
+ e = exc_context.exception
+ self.assertRequests([
+ ('HEAD', '/container', '', {'x-auth-token': 'asdf'}),
+ ])
+ self.assertEqual(e.http_status, 500)
+ self.assertEqual(e.http_response_content, body)
+ self.assertEqual(e.http_response_headers, headers)
+class TestPutContainer(MockHttpTest):
+ def test_ok(self):
+ c.http_connection = self.fake_http_connection(200)
+ value = c.put_container('', 'token', 'container')
+ self.assertIsNone(value)
+ self.assertRequests([
+ ('PUT', '/container', '', {
+ 'x-auth-token': 'token',
+ 'content-length': '0'}),
+ ])
+ def test_server_error(self):
+ body = 'c' * 60
+ headers = {'foo': 'bar'}
+ c.http_connection = self.fake_http_connection(
+ StubResponse(500, body, headers))
+ with self.assertRaises(c.ClientException) as exc_context:
+ c.put_container('', 'token', 'container')
+ self.assertEqual(exc_context.exception.http_response_content, body)
+ self.assertEqual(exc_context.exception.http_response_headers, headers)
+ self.assertRequests([
+ ('PUT', '/container', '', {
+ 'x-auth-token': 'token',
+ 'content-length': '0'}),
+ ])
+ def test_query_string(self):
+ c.http_connection = self.fake_http_connection(200,
+ query_string="hello=20")
+ c.put_container('', 'asdf', 'asdf',
+ query_string="hello=20")
+ for req in self.iter_request_log():
+ self.assertEqual(req['method'], 'PUT')
+ self.assertEqual(req['parsed_path'].path, '/asdf')
+ self.assertEqual(req['parsed_path'].query, 'hello=20')
+ self.assertEqual(req['headers']['x-auth-token'], 'asdf')
+class TestDeleteContainer(MockHttpTest):
+ def test_ok(self):
+ c.http_connection = self.fake_http_connection(200)
+ value = c.delete_container('', 'token', 'container')
+ self.assertIsNone(value)
+ self.assertRequests([
+ ('DELETE', '/container', '', {
+ 'x-auth-token': 'token'}),
+ ])
+ def test_query_string(self):
+ c.http_connection = self.fake_http_connection(200,
+ query_string="hello=20")
+ c.delete_container('', 'token', 'container',
+ query_string="hello=20")
+ self.assertRequests([
+ ('DELETE', '', '', {
+ 'x-auth-token': 'token'})
+ ])
+class TestGetObject(MockHttpTest):
+ def test_server_error(self):
+ body = 'c' * 60
+ headers = {'foo': 'bar'}
+ c.http_connection = self.fake_http_connection(
+ StubResponse(500, body, headers))
+ with self.assertRaises(c.ClientException) as exc_context:
+ c.get_object('', 'asdf', 'asdf', 'asdf')
+ self.assertEqual(exc_context.exception.http_response_content, body)
+ self.assertEqual(exc_context.exception.http_response_headers, headers)
+ def test_query_string(self):
+ c.http_connection = self.fake_http_connection(200,
+ query_string="hello=20")
+ c.get_object('', 'asdf', 'asdf', 'asdf',
+ query_string="hello=20")
+ self.assertRequests([
+ ('GET', '/asdf/asdf?hello=20', '', {
+ 'x-auth-token': 'asdf'}),
+ ])
+ def test_get_object_as_string(self):
+ c.http_connection = self.fake_http_connection(200, body='abcde')
+ __, resp = c.get_object('', 'TOKEN',
+ 'container_name', 'object_name')
+ self.assertEqual(resp, 'abcde')
+ def test_request_headers(self):
+ c.http_connection = self.fake_http_connection(200)
+ conn = c.http_connection('')
+ headers = {'Range': 'bytes=1-2'}
+ c.get_object('url_is_irrelevant', 'TOKEN', 'container', 'object',
+ http_conn=conn, headers=headers)
+ self.assertRequests([
+ ('GET', '/container/object', '', {
+ 'x-auth-token': 'TOKEN',
+ 'range': 'bytes=1-2',
+ }),
+ ])
+ def test_response_headers(self):
+ c.http_connection = self.fake_http_connection(
+ 200, headers={'X-Utf-8-Header': b't%c3%a9st',
+ 'X-Non-Utf-8-Header': b'%ff',
+ 'X-Binary-Header': b'\xff'})
+ conn = c.http_connection('')
+ headers, data = c.get_object('url_is_irrelevant', 'TOKEN',
+ 'container', 'object', http_conn=conn)
+ self.assertEqual(u't\xe9st', headers.get('x-utf-8-header', ''))
+ self.assertEqual(u'%ff', headers.get('x-non-utf-8-header', ''))
+ self.assertEqual(u'%FF', headers.get('x-binary-header', ''))
+ def test_chunk_size_read_method(self):
+ conn = c.Connection('http://auth.url/', 'some_user', 'some_key')
+ with mock.patch('swiftclient.client.get_auth_1_0') as mock_get_auth:
+ mock_get_auth.return_value = ('http://auth.url/', 'tToken')
+ c.http_connection = self.fake_http_connection(200, body='abcde')
+ __, resp = conn.get_object('asdf', 'asdf', resp_chunk_size=3)
+ self.assertTrue(hasattr(resp, 'read'))
+ self.assertEqual(, 'abc')
+ self.assertEqual(, 'de')
+ self.assertEqual(, '')
+ def test_chunk_size_iter(self):
+ conn = c.Connection('http://auth.url/', 'some_user', 'some_key')
+ with mock.patch('swiftclient.client.get_auth_1_0') as mock_get_auth:
+ mock_get_auth.return_value = ('http://auth.url/', 'tToken')
+ c.http_connection = self.fake_http_connection(200, body='abcde')
+ __, resp = conn.get_object('asdf', 'asdf', resp_chunk_size=3)
+ self.assertTrue(hasattr(resp, 'next'))
+ self.assertEqual(next(resp), 'abc')
+ self.assertEqual(next(resp), 'de')
+ self.assertRaises(StopIteration, next, resp)
+ def test_chunk_size_read_and_iter(self):
+ conn = c.Connection('http://auth.url/', 'some_user', 'some_key')
+ with mock.patch('swiftclient.client.get_auth_1_0') as mock_get_auth:
+ mock_get_auth.return_value = ('http://auth.url/', 'tToken')
+ c.http_connection = self.fake_http_connection(200, body='abcdef')
+ __, resp = conn.get_object('asdf', 'asdf', resp_chunk_size=2)
+ self.assertTrue(hasattr(resp, 'read'))
+ self.assertEqual(, 'abc')
+ self.assertEqual(next(resp), 'de')
+ self.assertEqual(, 'f')
+ self.assertRaises(StopIteration, next, resp)
+ self.assertEqual(, '')
+ def test_chunk_size_iter_chunked_no_retry(self):
+ conn = c.Connection('http://auth.url/', 'some_user', 'some_key')
+ with mock.patch('swiftclient.client.get_auth_1_0') as mock_get_auth:
+ mock_get_auth.return_value = ('http://auth.url/', 'tToken')
+ c.http_connection = self.fake_http_connection(
+ 200, body='abcdef', headers={'Transfer-Encoding': 'chunked'})
+ __, resp = conn.get_object('asdf', 'asdf', resp_chunk_size=2)
+ self.assertEqual(next(resp), 'ab')
+ # simulate a dropped connection
+ self.assertRaises(StopIteration, next, resp)
+ def test_chunk_size_iter_retry(self):
+ conn = c.Connection('http://auth.url/', 'some_user', 'some_key')
+ with mock.patch('swiftclient.client.get_auth_1_0') as mock_get_auth:
+ mock_get_auth.return_value = ('http://auth.url', 'tToken')
+ c.http_connection = self.fake_http_connection(
+ StubResponse(200, 'abcdef', {'etag': 'some etag',
+ 'content-length': '6'}),
+ StubResponse(206, 'cdef', {'etag': 'some etag',
+ 'content-length': '4',
+ 'content-range': 'bytes 2-5/6'}),
+ StubResponse(206, 'ef', {'etag': 'some etag',
+ 'content-length': '2',
+ 'content-range': 'bytes 4-5/6'}),
+ )
+ __, resp = conn.get_object('asdf', 'asdf', resp_chunk_size=2)
+ self.assertEqual(next(resp), 'ab')
+ self.assertEqual(1, conn.attempts)
+ # simulate a dropped connection
+ self.assertEqual(next(resp), 'cd')
+ self.assertEqual(2, conn.attempts)
+ # simulate a dropped connection
+ self.assertEqual(next(resp), 'ef')
+ self.assertEqual(3, conn.attempts)
+ self.assertRaises(StopIteration, next, resp)
+ self.assertRequests([
+ ('GET', '/asdf/asdf', '', {
+ 'x-auth-token': 'tToken',
+ }),
+ ('GET', '/asdf/asdf', '', {
+ 'range': 'bytes=2-',
+ 'if-match': 'some etag',
+ 'x-auth-token': 'tToken',
+ }),
+ ('GET', '/asdf/asdf', '', {
+ 'range': 'bytes=4-',
+ 'if-match': 'some etag',
+ 'x-auth-token': 'tToken',
+ }),
+ ])
+ def test_chunk_size_iter_retry_no_range_support(self):
+ conn = c.Connection('http://auth.url/', 'some_user', 'some_key')
+ with mock.patch('swiftclient.client.get_auth_1_0') as mock_get_auth:
+ mock_get_auth.return_value = ('http://auth.url', 'tToken')
+ c.http_connection = self.fake_http_connection(*[
+ StubResponse(200, 'abcdef', {'etag': 'some etag',
+ 'content-length': '6'})
+ ] * 3)
+ __, resp = conn.get_object('asdf', 'asdf', resp_chunk_size=2)
+ self.assertEqual(next(resp), 'ab')
+ self.assertEqual(1, conn.attempts)
+ # simulate a dropped connection
+ self.assertEqual(next(resp), 'cd')
+ self.assertEqual(2, conn.attempts)
+ # simulate a dropped connection
+ self.assertEqual(next(resp), 'ef')
+ self.assertEqual(3, conn.attempts)
+ self.assertRaises(StopIteration, next, resp)
+ self.assertRequests([
+ ('GET', '/asdf/asdf', '', {
+ 'x-auth-token': 'tToken',
+ }),
+ ('GET', '/asdf/asdf', '', {
+ 'range': 'bytes=2-',
+ 'if-match': 'some etag',
+ 'x-auth-token': 'tToken',
+ }),
+ ('GET', '/asdf/asdf', '', {
+ 'range': 'bytes=4-',
+ 'if-match': 'some etag',
+ 'x-auth-token': 'tToken',
+ }),
+ ])
+ def test_chunk_size_iter_retry_bad_range_response(self):
+ conn = c.Connection('http://auth.url/', 'some_user', 'some_key')
+ with mock.patch('swiftclient.client.get_auth_1_0') as mock_get_auth:
+ mock_get_auth.return_value = ('http://auth.url', 'tToken')
+ c.http_connection = self.fake_http_connection(
+ StubResponse(200, 'abcdef', {'etag': 'some etag',
+ 'content-length': '6'}),
+ StubResponse(206, 'abcdef', {'etag': 'some etag',
+ 'content-length': '6',
+ 'content-range': 'chunk 1-2/3'})
+ )
+ __, resp = conn.get_object('asdf', 'asdf', resp_chunk_size=2)
+ self.assertEqual(next(resp), 'ab')
+ self.assertEqual(1, conn.attempts)
+ # simulate a dropped connection
+ self.assertRaises(c.ClientException, next, resp)
+ self.assertRequests([
+ ('GET', '/asdf/asdf', '', {
+ 'x-auth-token': 'tToken',
+ }),
+ ('GET', '/asdf/asdf', '', {
+ 'range': 'bytes=2-',
+ 'if-match': 'some etag',
+ 'x-auth-token': 'tToken',
+ }),
+ ])
+ def test_get_object_with_resp_chunk_size_zero(self):
+ def get_connection(self):
+ def get_auth():
+ return '', 'token'
+ conn = c.Connection('', 'asdf', 'asdf')
+ self.assertIs(type(conn), c.Connection)
+ conn.get_auth = get_auth
+ self.assertEqual(conn.attempts, 0)
+ return conn
+ with mock.patch('swiftclient.client.http_connection',
+ self.fake_http_connection(200)):
+ conn = get_connection(self)
+ conn.get_object('container1', 'obj1', resp_chunk_size=0)
+ self.assertEqual(conn.attempts, 1)
+class TestHeadObject(MockHttpTest):
+ def test_server_error(self):
+ body = 'c' * 60
+ headers = {'foo': 'bar'}
+ c.http_connection = self.fake_http_connection(
+ StubResponse(500, body, headers))
+ with self.assertRaises(c.ClientException) as exc_context:
+ c.head_object('', 'asdf', 'asdf', 'asdf')
+ self.assertEqual(exc_context.exception.http_response_content, body)
+ self.assertEqual(exc_context.exception.http_response_headers, headers)
+ def test_request_headers(self):
+ c.http_connection = self.fake_http_connection(204)
+ conn = c.http_connection('')
+ headers = {'x-client-key': 'client key'}
+ c.head_object('url_is_irrelevant', 'TOKEN', 'container',
+ 'asdf', http_conn=conn, headers=headers)
+ self.assertRequests([
+ ('HEAD', '/container/asdf', '', {
+ 'x-auth-token': 'TOKEN',
+ 'x-client-key': 'client key',
+ }),
+ ])
+ def test_query_string(self):
+ c.http_connection = self.fake_http_connection(204)
+ conn = c.http_connection('')
+ query_string = 'foo=bar'
+ c.head_object('url_is_irrelevant', 'token', 'container', 'key',
+ http_conn=conn, query_string=query_string)
+ self.assertRequests([
+ ('HEAD', '/container/key?foo=bar', '', {'x-auth-token': 'token'})
+ ])
+class TestPutObject(MockHttpTest):
+ @mock.patch('swiftclient.requests.__version__', '2.2.0')
+ def test_ok(self):
+ c.http_connection = self.fake_http_connection(200)
+ args = ('', 'TOKEN', 'container', 'obj', 'body', 4)
+ value = c.put_object(*args)
+ self.assertIsInstance(value, six.string_types)
+ self.assertEqual(value, EMPTY_ETAG)
+ self.assertRequests([
+ ('PUT', '/container/obj', 'body', {
+ 'x-auth-token': 'TOKEN',
+ 'content-length': '4',
+ 'content-type': ''
+ }),
+ ])
+ def test_unicode_ok(self):
+ conn = c.http_connection(u'')
+ mock_file = six.StringIO(u'\u5929\u7a7a\u4e2d\u7684\u4e4c\u4e91')
+ args = (u'\u5929\u7a7a\u4e2d\u7684\u4e4c\u4e91',
+ u'\u5929\u7a7a\u4e2d\u7684\u4e4c\u4e91',
+ u'\u5929\u7a7a\u4e2d\u7684\u4e4c\u4e91',
+ u'\u5929\u7a7a\u4e2d\u7684\u4e4c\u4e91',
+ mock_file)
+ text = u'\u5929\u7a7a\u4e2d\u7684\u4e4c\u4e91'
+ headers = {'X-Header1': text,
+ 'X-2': '1', 'X-3': "{'a': 'b'}", 'a-b': '.x:yz mn:fg:lp'}
+ resp = MockHttpResponse()
+ conn[1].getresponse = resp.fake_response
+ conn[1]._request = resp._fake_request
+ value = c.put_object(*args, headers=headers, http_conn=conn)
+ self.assertIsInstance(value, six.string_types)
+ # Test for RFC-2616 encoded symbols
+ self.assertIn(("a-b", b".x:yz mn:fg:lp"),
+ resp.buffer)
+ # Test unicode header
+ self.assertIn(('x-header1', text.encode('utf8')),
+ resp.buffer)
+ def test_chunk_warning(self):
+ conn = c.http_connection('')
+ mock_file = six.StringIO('asdf')
+ args = ('asdf', 'asdf', 'asdf', 'asdf', mock_file)
+ resp = MockHttpResponse()
+ conn[1].getresponse = resp.fake_response
+ conn[1]._request = resp._fake_request
+ with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
+ c.put_object(*args, chunk_size=20, headers={}, http_conn=conn)
+ self.assertEqual(len(w), 0)
+ body = 'c' * 60
+ c.http_connection = self.fake_http_connection(200, body=body)
+ args = ('', 'asdf', 'asdf', 'asdf', 'asdf')
+ with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
+ c.put_object(*args, chunk_size=20)
+ self.assertEqual(len(w), 1)
+ self.assertTrue(issubclass(w[-1].category, UserWarning))
+ @mock.patch('swiftclient.requests.__version__', '2.2.0')
+ def test_server_error(self):
+ body = 'c' * 60
+ headers = {'foo': 'bar'}
+ c.http_connection = self.fake_http_connection(
+ StubResponse(500, body, headers))
+ args = ('', 'asdf', 'asdf', 'asdf', 'asdf')
+ with self.assertRaises(c.ClientException) as exc_context:
+ c.put_object(*args)
+ e = exc_context.exception
+ self.assertEqual(e.http_response_content, body)
+ self.assertEqual(e.http_response_headers, headers)
+ self.assertEqual(e.http_status, 500)
+ self.assertRequests([
+ ('PUT', '/asdf/asdf', 'asdf', {
+ 'x-auth-token': 'asdf',
+ 'content-type': ''}),
+ ])
+ def test_query_string(self):
+ c.http_connection = self.fake_http_connection(200,
+ query_string="hello=20")
+ c.put_object('', 'asdf', 'asdf', 'asdf',
+ query_string="hello=20")
+ for req in self.iter_request_log():
+ self.assertEqual(req['method'], 'PUT')
+ self.assertEqual(req['parsed_path'].path, '/asdf/asdf')
+ self.assertEqual(req['parsed_path'].query, 'hello=20')
+ self.assertEqual(req['headers']['x-auth-token'], 'asdf')
+ def test_raw_upload(self):
+ # Raw upload happens when content_length is passed to put_object
+ conn = c.http_connection(u'')
+ resp = MockHttpResponse(status=200)
+ conn[1].getresponse = resp.fake_response
+ conn[1]._request = resp._fake_request
+ raw_data = b'asdf' * 256
+ raw_data_len = len(raw_data)
+ for kwarg in ({'headers': {'Content-Length': str(raw_data_len)}},
+ {'content_length': raw_data_len}):
+ with tempfile.TemporaryFile() as mock_file:
+ mock_file.write(raw_data)
+ c.put_object(url='', http_conn=conn,
+ contents=mock_file, **kwarg)
+ req_data = resp.requests_params['data']
+ self.assertIs(type(req_data), swiftclient.utils.LengthWrapper)
+ self.assertEqual(raw_data_len, len(
+ def test_chunk_upload(self):
+ # Chunked upload happens when no content_length is passed to put_object
+ conn = c.http_connection(u'')
+ resp = MockHttpResponse(status=200)
+ conn[1].getresponse = resp.fake_response
+ conn[1]._request = resp._fake_request
+ raw_data = b'asdf' * 256
+ chunk_size = 16
+ with tempfile.TemporaryFile() as mock_file:
+ mock_file.write(raw_data)
+ c.put_object(url='', http_conn=conn,
+ contents=mock_file, chunk_size=chunk_size)
+ req_data = resp.requests_params['data']
+ self.assertTrue(hasattr(req_data, '__iter__'))
+ data = b''
+ for chunk in req_data:
+ self.assertEqual(chunk_size, len(chunk))
+ data += chunk
+ self.assertEqual(data, raw_data)
+ def test_iter_upload(self):
+ def data():
+ for chunk in ('foo', '', 'bar'):
+ yield chunk
+ conn = c.http_connection(u'')
+ resp = MockHttpResponse(status=200)
+ conn[1].getresponse = resp.fake_response
+ conn[1]._request = resp._fake_request
+ c.put_object(url='', http_conn=conn,
+ contents=data())
+ req_headers = resp.requests_params['headers']
+ self.assertNotIn('Content-Length', req_headers)
+ req_data = resp.requests_params['data']
+ self.assertTrue(hasattr(req_data, '__iter__'))
+ # If we emit an empty chunk, requests will go ahead and send it,
+ # causing the server to close the connection. So make sure we don't
+ # do that.
+ self.assertEqual(['foo', 'bar'], list(req_data))
+ def test_md5_mismatch(self):
+ conn = c.http_connection('')
+ resp = MockHttpResponse(status=200, verify=True,
+ headers={'etag': '"badresponseetag"'})
+ conn[1].getresponse = resp.fake_response
+ conn[1]._request = resp._fake_request
+ raw_data = b'asdf' * 256
+ raw_data_md5 = md5(raw_data).hexdigest()
+ chunk_size = 16
+ with tempfile.TemporaryFile() as mock_file:
+ mock_file.write(raw_data)
+ contents = swiftclient.utils.ReadableToIterable(mock_file,
+ md5=True)
+ etag = c.put_object(url='',
+ http_conn=conn,
+ contents=contents,
+ chunk_size=chunk_size)
+ self.assertNotEqual(etag, contents.get_md5sum())
+ self.assertEqual(etag, 'badresponseetag')
+ self.assertEqual(raw_data_md5, contents.get_md5sum())
+ def test_md5_match(self):
+ conn = c.http_connection('')
+ raw_data = b'asdf' * 256
+ raw_data_md5 = md5(raw_data).hexdigest()
+ resp = MockHttpResponse(status=200, verify=True,
+ headers={'etag': '"' + raw_data_md5 + '"'})
+ conn[1].getresponse = resp.fake_response
+ conn[1]._request = resp._fake_request
+ chunk_size = 16
+ with tempfile.TemporaryFile() as mock_file:
+ mock_file.write(raw_data)
+ contents = swiftclient.utils.ReadableToIterable(mock_file,
+ md5=True)
+ etag = c.put_object(url='',
+ http_conn=conn,
+ contents=contents,
+ chunk_size=chunk_size)
+ self.assertEqual(raw_data_md5, contents.get_md5sum())
+ self.assertEqual(etag, contents.get_md5sum())
+ def test_params(self):
+ conn = c.http_connection(u'')
+ resp = MockHttpResponse(status=200)
+ conn[1].getresponse = resp.fake_response
+ conn[1]._request = resp._fake_request
+ c.put_object(url='', http_conn=conn,
+ etag='1234-5678', content_type='text/plain')
+ request_header = resp.requests_params['headers']
+ self.assertEqual(request_header['etag'], b'1234-5678')
+ self.assertEqual(request_header['content-type'], b'text/plain')
+ @mock.patch('swiftclient.requests.__version__', '2.2.0')
+ def test_no_content_type_old_requests(self):
+ conn = c.http_connection(u'')
+ resp = MockHttpResponse(status=200)
+ conn[1].getresponse = resp.fake_response
+ conn[1]._request = resp._fake_request
+ c.put_object(url='', http_conn=conn)
+ request_header = resp.requests_params['headers']
+ self.assertEqual(request_header['content-type'], b'')
+ @mock.patch('swiftclient.requests.__version__', '2.4.0')
+ def test_no_content_type_new_requests(self):
+ conn = c.http_connection(u'')
+ resp = MockHttpResponse(status=200)
+ conn[1].getresponse = resp.fake_response
+ conn[1]._request = resp._fake_request
+ c.put_object(url='', http_conn=conn)
+ request_header = resp.requests_params['headers']
+ self.assertNotIn('content-type', request_header)
+ def test_content_type_in_headers(self):
+ conn = c.http_connection(u'')
+ resp = MockHttpResponse(status=200)
+ conn[1].getresponse = resp.fake_response
+ conn[1]._request = resp._fake_request
+ # title-case header
+ hdrs = {'Content-Type': 'text/Plain'}
+ c.put_object(url='', http_conn=conn, headers=hdrs)
+ request_header = resp.requests_params['headers']
+ self.assertEqual(request_header['content-type'], b'text/Plain')
+ # method param overrides headers
+ c.put_object(url='', http_conn=conn, headers=hdrs,
+ content_type='image/jpeg')
+ request_header = resp.requests_params['headers']
+ self.assertEqual(request_header['content-type'], b'image/jpeg')
+class TestPostObject(MockHttpTest):
+ def test_ok(self):
+ c.http_connection = self.fake_http_connection(200)
+ delete_at = 2.1 # not str! we don't know what other devs will use!
+ args = ('', 'token', 'container', 'obj',
+ {'X-Object-Meta-Test': 'mymeta',
+ 'X-Delete-At': delete_at})
+ c.post_object(*args)
+ self.assertRequests([
+ ('POST', '/container/obj', '', {
+ 'x-auth-token': 'token',
+ 'X-Object-Meta-Test': 'mymeta',
+ 'X-Delete-At': delete_at}),
+ ])
+ # Check that the request header dict didn't get mutated
+ self.assertEqual(args[-1], {
+ 'X-Object-Meta-Test': 'mymeta',
+ 'X-Delete-At': delete_at,
+ })
+ def test_unicode_ok(self):
+ conn = c.http_connection(u'')
+ args = (u'\u5929\u7a7a\u4e2d\u7684\u4e4c\u4e91',
+ u'\u5929\u7a7a\u4e2d\u7684\u4e4c\u4e91',
+ u'\u5929\u7a7a\u4e2d\u7684\u4e4c\u4e91',
+ u'\u5929\u7a7a\u4e2d\u7684\u4e4c\u4e91')
+ text = u'\u5929\u7a7a\u4e2d\u7684\u4e4c\u4e91'
+ headers = {'X-Header1': text,
+ b'X-Header2': 'value',
+ 'X-2': '1', 'X-3': "{'a': 'b'}", 'a-b': '.x:yz mn:kl:qr',
+ 'X-Object-Meta-Header-not-encoded': text,
+ b'X-Object-Meta-Header-encoded': 'value'}
+ resp = MockHttpResponse()
+ conn[1].getresponse = resp.fake_response
+ conn[1]._request = resp._fake_request
+ c.post_object(*args, headers=headers, http_conn=conn)
+ # Test for RFC-2616 encoded symbols
+ self.assertIn(('a-b', b".x:yz mn:kl:qr"), resp.buffer)
+ # Test unicode header
+ self.assertIn(('x-header1', text.encode('utf8')),
+ resp.buffer)
+ self.assertIn((b'x-object-meta-header-not-encoded',
+ text.encode('utf8')), resp.buffer)
+ self.assertIn((b'x-object-meta-header-encoded', b'value'),
+ resp.buffer)
+ self.assertIn((b'x-header2', b'value'), resp.buffer)
+ def test_server_error(self):
+ body = 'c' * 60
+ headers = {'foo': 'bar'}
+ c.http_connection = self.fake_http_connection(
+ StubResponse(500, body, headers))
+ args = ('', 'token', 'container', 'obj', {})
+ with self.assertRaises(c.ClientException) as exc_context:
+ c.post_object(*args)
+ self.assertEqual(exc_context.exception.http_response_content, body)
+ self.assertEqual(exc_context.exception.http_response_headers, headers)
+ self.assertRequests([
+ ('POST', '', '', {
+ 'x-auth-token': 'token',
+ }),
+ ])
+class TestCopyObject(MockHttpTest):
+ def test_server_error(self):
+ c.http_connection = self.fake_http_connection(500)
+ self.assertRaises(
+ c.ClientException, c.copy_object,
+ '', 'asdf', 'asdf', 'asdf')
+ def test_ok(self):
+ c.http_connection = self.fake_http_connection(200)
+ c.copy_object(
+ '', 'token', 'container', 'obj',
+ destination='/container2/obj')
+ self.assertRequests([
+ ('COPY', '', '', {
+ 'X-Auth-Token': 'token',
+ 'Destination': '/container2/obj',
+ }),
+ ])
+ def test_service_token(self):
+ c.http_connection = self.fake_http_connection(200)
+ c.copy_object('', None, 'container',
+ 'obj', destination='/container2/obj',
+ service_token="TOKEN")
+ self.assertRequests([
+ ('COPY', '', '', {
+ 'X-Service-Token': 'TOKEN',
+ 'Destination': '/container2/obj',
+ }),
+ ])
+ def test_headers(self):
+ c.http_connection = self.fake_http_connection(200)
+ c.copy_object(
+ '', 'token', 'container', 'obj',
+ destination='/container2/obj',
+ headers={'some-hdr': 'a', 'other-hdr': 'b'})
+ self.assertRequests([
+ ('COPY', '', '', {
+ 'X-Auth-Token': 'token',
+ 'Destination': '/container2/obj',
+ 'some-hdr': 'a',
+ 'other-hdr': 'b',
+ }),
+ ])
+ def test_fresh_metadata_default(self):
+ c.http_connection = self.fake_http_connection(200)
+ c.copy_object(
+ '', 'token', 'container', 'obj',
+ '/container2/obj', {'x-fresh-metadata': 'hdr-value'})
+ self.assertRequests([
+ ('COPY', '', '', {
+ 'X-Auth-Token': 'token',
+ 'Destination': '/container2/obj',
+ 'X-Fresh-Metadata': 'hdr-value',
+ }),
+ ])
+ def test_fresh_metadata_true(self):
+ c.http_connection = self.fake_http_connection(200)
+ c.copy_object(
+ '', 'token', 'container', 'obj',
+ destination='/container2/obj',
+ headers={'x-fresh-metadata': 'hdr-value'},
+ fresh_metadata=True)
+ self.assertRequests([
+ ('COPY', '', '', {
+ 'X-Auth-Token': 'token',
+ 'Destination': '/container2/obj',
+ 'X-Fresh-Metadata': 'true',
+ }),
+ ])
+ def test_fresh_metadata_false(self):
+ c.http_connection = self.fake_http_connection(200)
+ c.copy_object(
+ '', 'token', 'container', 'obj',
+ destination='/container2/obj',
+ headers={'x-fresh-metadata': 'hdr-value'},
+ fresh_metadata=False)
+ self.assertRequests([
+ ('COPY', '', '', {
+ 'x-auth-token': 'token',
+ 'Destination': '/container2/obj',
+ 'X-Fresh-Metadata': 'false',
+ }),
+ ])
+ def test_no_destination(self):
+ c.http_connection = self.fake_http_connection(200)
+ c.copy_object(
+ '', 'token', 'container', 'obj')
+ self.assertRequests([
+ ('COPY', '', '', {
+ 'x-auth-token': 'token',
+ 'Destination': '/container/obj',
+ }),
+ ])
+class TestDeleteObject(MockHttpTest):
+ def test_ok(self):
+ c.http_connection = self.fake_http_connection(200)
+ c.delete_object('', 'token', 'container', 'obj')
+ self.assertRequests([
+ ('DELETE', '', '', {
+ 'x-auth-token': 'token',
+ }),
+ ])
+ def test_server_error(self):
+ body = 'c' * 60
+ headers = {'foo': 'bar'}
+ c.http_connection = self.fake_http_connection(
+ StubResponse(500, body, headers))
+ with self.assertRaises(c.ClientException) as exc_context:
+ c.delete_object('', 'asdf', 'asdf', 'asdf')
+ self.assertEqual(exc_context.exception.http_response_content, body)
+ self.assertEqual(exc_context.exception.http_response_headers, headers)
+ def test_query_string(self):
+ c.http_connection = self.fake_http_connection(200,
+ query_string="hello=20")
+ c.delete_object('', 'token', 'container', 'obj',
+ query_string="hello=20")
+ self.assertRequests([
+ ('DELETE', '', '', {
+ 'x-auth-token': 'token',
+ }),
+ ])
+class TestGetCapabilities(MockHttpTest):
+ def test_ok(self):
+ conn = self.fake_http_connection(200, body=b'{}')
+ http_conn = conn('')
+ info = c.get_capabilities(http_conn)
+ self.assertRequests([
+ ('GET', '/info', '', {'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip'}),
+ ])
+ self.assertEqual(info, {})
+ self.assertTrue(http_conn[1].resp.has_been_read)
+ def test_server_error(self):
+ body = 'c' * 60
+ headers = {'foo': 'bar'}
+ conn = self.fake_http_connection(
+ StubResponse(500, body, headers))
+ http_conn = conn('')
+ with self.assertRaises(c.ClientException) as exc_context:
+ c.get_capabilities(http_conn)
+ self.assertEqual(exc_context.exception.http_response_content, body)
+ self.assertEqual(exc_context.exception.http_response_headers, headers)
+ def test_conn_get_capabilities_with_auth(self):
+ auth_headers = {
+ 'x-auth-token': 'token',
+ 'x-storage-url': ''
+ }
+ auth_v1_response = StubResponse(headers=auth_headers)
+ stub_info = {'swift': {'fake': True}}
+ info_response = StubResponse(body=b'{"swift":{"fake":true}}')
+ fake_conn = self.fake_http_connection(auth_v1_response, info_response)
+ conn = c.Connection('',
+ 'user', 'key')
+ with mock.patch('swiftclient.client.http_connection',
+ new=fake_conn):
+ info = conn.get_capabilities()
+ self.assertEqual(info, stub_info)
+ self.assertRequests([
+ ('GET', '/auth/v1.0', '', {
+ 'x-auth-user': 'user',
+ 'x-auth-key': 'key'}),
+ ('GET', '', '', {
+ 'accept-encoding': 'gzip'}),
+ ])
+ def test_conn_get_capabilities_with_os_auth(self):
+ fake_keystone = fake_get_auth_keystone(
+ storage_url='')
+ stub_info = {'swift': {'fake': True}}
+ info_response = StubResponse(body=b'{"swift":{"fake":true}}')
+ fake_conn = self.fake_http_connection(info_response)
+ os_options = {'project_id': 'test'}
+ conn = c.Connection('',
+ 'user', 'key', os_options=os_options,
+ auth_version=3)
+ with mock.patch.multiple('swiftclient.client',
+ get_auth_keystone=fake_keystone,
+ http_connection=fake_conn):
+ info = conn.get_capabilities()
+ self.assertEqual(info, stub_info)
+ self.assertRequests([
+ ('GET', ''),
+ ])
+ def test_conn_get_capabilities_with_url_param(self):
+ stub_info = {'swift': {'fake': True}}
+ info_response = StubResponse(body=b'{"swift":{"fake":true}}')
+ fake_conn = self.fake_http_connection(info_response)
+ conn = c.Connection('',
+ 'user', 'key')
+ with mock.patch('swiftclient.client.http_connection',
+ new=fake_conn):
+ info = conn.get_capabilities(
+ '')
+ self.assertEqual(info, stub_info)
+ self.assertRequests([
+ ('GET', ''),
+ ])
+ def test_conn_get_capabilities_with_preauthurl_param(self):
+ stub_info = {'swift': {'fake': True}}
+ info_response = StubResponse(body=b'{"swift":{"fake":true}}')
+ fake_conn = self.fake_http_connection(info_response)
+ storage_url = ''
+ conn = c.Connection('',
+ 'user', 'key', preauthurl=storage_url)
+ with mock.patch('swiftclient.client.http_connection',
+ new=fake_conn):
+ info = conn.get_capabilities()
+ self.assertEqual(info, stub_info)
+ self.assertRequests([
+ ('GET', ''),
+ ])
+ def test_conn_get_capabilities_with_os_options(self):
+ stub_info = {'swift': {'fake': True}}
+ info_response = StubResponse(body=b'{"swift":{"fake":true}}')
+ fake_conn = self.fake_http_connection(info_response)
+ storage_url = ''
+ os_options = {
+ 'project_id': 'test',
+ 'object_storage_url': storage_url,
+ }
+ conn = c.Connection('',
+ 'user', 'key', os_options=os_options,
+ auth_version=3)
+ with mock.patch('swiftclient.client.http_connection',
+ new=fake_conn):
+ info = conn.get_capabilities()
+ self.assertEqual(info, stub_info)
+ self.assertRequests([
+ ('GET', ''),
+ ])
+class TestHTTPConnection(MockHttpTest):
+ def test_bad_url_scheme(self):
+ url = u''
+ with self.assertRaises(c.ClientException) as exc_context:
+ c.http_connection(url)
+ exc = exc_context.exception
+ expected = u'Unsupported scheme "" in url ""'
+ self.assertEqual(expected, str(exc))
+ url = u'://'
+ with self.assertRaises(c.ClientException) as exc_context:
+ c.http_connection(url)
+ exc = exc_context.exception
+ expected = u'Unsupported scheme "" in url "://"'
+ self.assertEqual(expected, str(exc))
+ url = u'blah://'
+ with self.assertRaises(c.ClientException) as exc_context:
+ c.http_connection(url)
+ exc = exc_context.exception
+ expected = u'Unsupported scheme "blah" in url "blah://"'
+ self.assertEqual(expected, str(exc))
+ def test_ok_url_scheme(self):
+ for scheme in ('http', 'https', 'HTTP', 'HTTPS'):
+ url = u'%s://' % scheme
+ parsed_url, conn = c.http_connection(url)
+ self.assertEqual(scheme.lower(), parsed_url.scheme)
+ self.assertEqual(u'%s://' % scheme, conn.url)
+ def test_ok_proxy(self):
+ conn = c.http_connection(u'',
+ proxy='http://localhost:8080')
+ self.assertEqual(conn[1].requests_args['proxies']['http'],
+ 'http://localhost:8080')
+ def test_bad_proxy(self):
+ try:
+ c.http_connection(u'', proxy='localhost:8080')
+ except c.ClientException as e:
+ self.assertEqual(e.msg, "Proxy's missing scheme")
+ def test_cacert(self):
+ conn = c.http_connection(u'',
+ cacert='/dev/urandom')
+ self.assertEqual(conn[1].requests_args['verify'], '/dev/urandom')
+ def test_insecure(self):
+ conn = c.http_connection(u'', insecure=True)
+ self.assertEqual(conn[1].requests_args['verify'], False)
+ def test_cert(self):
+ conn = c.http_connection(u'', cert='minnie')
+ self.assertEqual(conn[1].requests_args['cert'], 'minnie')
+ def test_cert_key(self):
+ conn = c.http_connection(
+ u'', cert='minnie', cert_key='mickey')
+ self.assertEqual(conn[1].requests_args['cert'], ('minnie', 'mickey'))
+ def test_response_connection_released(self):
+ _parsed_url, conn = c.http_connection(u'')
+ conn.resp = MockHttpResponse()
+ conn.resp.raw = mock.Mock()
+ = ["Chunk", ""]
+ resp = conn.getresponse()
+ self.assertFalse(resp.closed)
+ self.assertEqual("Chunk",
+ self.assertFalse(
+ self.assertTrue(resp.closed)
+ @unittest.skipIf(six.PY3, 'python2 specific test')
+ def test_response_python2_headers(self):
+ '''Test utf-8 headers in Python 2.
+ '''
+ _, conn = c.http_connection(u'')
+ conn.resp = MockHttpResponse(
+ status=200,
+ headers={
+ '\xd8\xaa-unicode': '\xd8\xaa-value',
+ 'empty-header': ''
+ }
+ )
+ resp = conn.getresponse()
+ self.assertEqual(
+ '\xd8\xaa-value', resp.getheader('\xd8\xaa-unicode'))
+ self.assertEqual(
+ '\xd8\xaa-value', resp.getheader('\xd8\xaa-UNICODE'))
+ self.assertEqual('', resp.getheader('empty-header'))
+ self.assertEqual(
+ dict([('\xd8\xaa-unicode', '\xd8\xaa-value'),
+ ('empty-header', ''),
+ ('etag', '"%s"' % EMPTY_ETAG)]),
+ dict(resp.getheaders()))
+ @unittest.skipIf(six.PY2, 'python3 specific test')
+ def test_response_python3_headers(self):
+ '''Test latin1-encoded headers in Python 3.
+ '''
+ _, conn = c.http_connection(u'')
+ conn.resp = MockHttpResponse(
+ status=200,
+ headers={
+ b'\xd8\xaa-unicode'.decode('iso-8859-1'):
+ b'\xd8\xaa-value'.decode('iso-8859-1'),
+ 'empty-header': ''
+ }
+ )
+ resp = conn.getresponse()
+ self.assertEqual(
+ '\u062a-value', resp.getheader('\u062a-unicode'))
+ self.assertEqual(
+ '\u062a-value', resp.getheader('\u062a-UNICODE'))
+ self.assertEqual('', resp.getheader('empty-header'))
+ self.assertEqual(
+ dict([('\u062a-unicode', '\u062a-value'),
+ ('empty-header', ''),
+ ('etag', ('"%s"' % EMPTY_ETAG))]),
+ dict(resp.getheaders()))
+class TestConnection(MockHttpTest):
+ def test_instance(self):
+ conn = c.Connection('', 'asdf', 'asdf')
+ self.assertEqual(conn.retries, 5)
+ def test_instance_kwargs(self):
+ args = {'user': 'ausername',
+ 'key': 'secretpass',
+ 'authurl': '',
+ 'tenant_name': 'atenant'}
+ conn = c.Connection(**args)
+ self.assertEqual(type(conn), c.Connection)
+ def test_instance_kwargs_token(self):
+ args = {'preauthtoken': 'atoken123',
+ 'preauthurl': ''}
+ conn = c.Connection(**args)
+ self.assertEqual(conn.url, args['preauthurl'])
+ self.assertEqual(conn.token, args['preauthtoken'])
+ def test_instance_kwargs_os_token(self):
+ storage_url = ''
+ token = 'token'
+ args = {
+ 'os_options': {
+ 'object_storage_url': storage_url,
+ 'auth_token': token,
+ }
+ }
+ conn = c.Connection(**args)
+ self.assertEqual(conn.url, storage_url)
+ self.assertEqual(conn.token, token)
+ def test_instance_kwargs_token_precedence(self):
+ storage_url = ''
+ token = 'token'
+ args = {
+ 'preauthurl': storage_url,
+ 'preauthtoken': token,
+ 'os_options': {
+ 'auth_token': 'less-specific-token',
+ 'object_storage_url': 'less-specific-storage-url',
+ }
+ }
+ conn = c.Connection(**args)
+ self.assertEqual(conn.url, storage_url)
+ self.assertEqual(conn.token, token)
+ def test_storage_url_override(self):
+ static_url = ''
+ conn = c.Connection('http://auth.url/', 'some_user', 'some_key',
+ os_options={
+ 'object_storage_url': static_url})
+ method_signatures = (
+ (conn.head_account, []),
+ (conn.get_account, []),
+ (conn.head_container, ('asdf',)),
+ (conn.get_container, ('asdf',)),
+ (conn.put_container, ('asdf',)),
+ (conn.delete_container, ('asdf',)),
+ (conn.head_object, ('asdf', 'asdf')),
+ (conn.get_object, ('asdf', 'asdf')),
+ (conn.put_object, ('asdf', 'asdf', 'asdf')),
+ (conn.post_object, ('asdf', 'asdf', {})),
+ (conn.delete_object, ('asdf', 'asdf')),
+ )
+ with mock.patch('swiftclient.client.get_auth_1_0') as mock_get_auth:
+ mock_get_auth.return_value = ('', 'tToken')
+ for method, args in method_signatures:
+ c.http_connection = self.fake_http_connection(
+ 200, body=b'[]', storage_url=static_url)
+ method(*args)
+ self.assertEqual(len(self.request_log), 1)
+ for request in self.iter_request_log():
+ self.assertEqual(request['parsed_path'].netloc,
+ '')
+ self.assertEqual(request['headers']['x-auth-token'],
+ 'tToken')
+ def test_get_capabilities(self):
+ conn = c.Connection()
+ with mock.patch('swiftclient.client.get_capabilities') as get_cap:
+ conn.get_capabilities('')
+ parsed = get_cap.call_args[0][0][0]
+ self.assertEqual(parsed.path, '/info')
+ self.assertEqual(parsed.netloc, '')
+ conn.get_auth = lambda: ('',
+ 'token')
+ conn.get_capabilities()
+ parsed = get_cap.call_args[0][0][0]
+ self.assertEqual(parsed.path, '/info')
+ self.assertEqual(parsed.netloc, '')
+ def test_retry(self):
+ def quick_sleep(*args):
+ pass
+ c.sleep = quick_sleep
+ conn = c.Connection('', 'asdf', 'asdf')
+ code_iter = [500] * (conn.retries + 1)
+ c.http_connection = self.fake_http_connection(*code_iter)
+ self.assertRaises(c.ClientException, conn.head_account)
+ self.assertEqual(conn.attempts, conn.retries + 1)
+ def test_retry_on_ratelimit(self):
+ def quick_sleep(*args):
+ pass
+ c.sleep = quick_sleep
+ # test retries
+ conn = c.Connection('', 'asdf', 'asdf',
+ retry_on_ratelimit=True)
+ code_iter = [200] + [498] * (conn.retries + 1)
+ auth_resp_headers = {
+ 'x-auth-token': 'asdf',
+ 'x-storage-url': 'http://storage/v1/test',
+ }
+ c.http_connection = self.fake_http_connection(
+ *code_iter, headers=auth_resp_headers)
+ with self.assertRaises(c.ClientException) as exc_context:
+ conn.head_account()
+ self.assertIn('Account HEAD failed', str(exc_context.exception))
+ self.assertEqual(conn.attempts, conn.retries + 1)
+ # test default no-retry
+ c.http_connection = self.fake_http_connection(
+ 200, 498,
+ headers=auth_resp_headers)
+ conn = c.Connection('', 'asdf', 'asdf')
+ with self.assertRaises(c.ClientException) as exc_context:
+ conn.head_account()
+ self.assertIn('Account HEAD failed', str(exc_context.exception))
+ self.assertEqual(conn.attempts, 1)
+ def test_retry_with_socket_error(self):
+ def quick_sleep(*args):
+ pass
+ c.sleep = quick_sleep
+ conn = c.Connection('', 'asdf', 'asdf')
+ with mock.patch('swiftclient.client.http_connection') as \
+ fake_http_connection, \
+ mock.patch('swiftclient.client.get_auth_1_0') as mock_auth:
+ mock_auth.return_value = ('', 'mock_token')
+ fake_http_connection.side_effect = socket.error
+ self.assertRaises(socket.error, conn.head_account)
+ self.assertEqual(mock_auth.call_count, 1)
+ self.assertEqual(conn.attempts, conn.retries + 1)
+ def test_retry_with_force_auth_retry_exceptions(self):
+ def quick_sleep(*args):
+ pass
+ def do_test(exception):
+ c.sleep = quick_sleep
+ conn = c.Connection(
+ '', 'asdf', 'asdf',
+ force_auth_retry=True)
+ with mock.patch('swiftclient.client.http_connection') as \
+ fake_http_connection, \
+ mock.patch('swiftclient.client.get_auth_1_0') as mock_auth:
+ mock_auth.return_value = ('', 'mock_token')
+ fake_http_connection.side_effect = exception
+ self.assertRaises(exception, conn.head_account)
+ self.assertEqual(mock_auth.call_count, conn.retries + 1)
+ self.assertEqual(conn.attempts, conn.retries + 1)
+ do_test(socket.error)
+ do_test(RequestException)
+ def test_retry_with_force_auth_retry_client_exceptions(self):
+ def quick_sleep(*args):
+ pass
+ def do_test(http_status, count):
+ def mock_http_connection(*args, **kwargs):
+ raise ClientException('fake', http_status=http_status)
+ c.sleep = quick_sleep
+ conn = c.Connection(
+ '', 'asdf', 'asdf',
+ force_auth_retry=True)
+ with mock.patch('swiftclient.client.http_connection') as \
+ fake_http_connection, \
+ mock.patch('swiftclient.client.get_auth_1_0') as mock_auth:
+ mock_auth.return_value = ('', 'mock_token')
+ fake_http_connection.side_effect = mock_http_connection
+ self.assertRaises(ClientException, conn.head_account)
+ self.assertEqual(mock_auth.call_count, count)
+ self.assertEqual(conn.attempts, count)
+ # sanity, in case of 401, the auth will be called only twice because of
+ # retried_auth mechanism
+ do_test(401, 2)
+ # others will be tried until retry limits
+ do_test(408, 6)
+ do_test(500, 6)
+ do_test(503, 6)
+ def test_resp_read_on_server_error(self):
+ conn = c.Connection('', 'asdf', 'asdf', retries=0)
+ def get_auth(*args, **kwargs):
+ return '', 'new'
+ conn.get_auth = get_auth
+ self.url, self.token = conn.get_auth()
+ method_signatures = (
+ (conn.head_account, []),
+ (conn.get_account, []),
+ (conn.head_container, ('asdf',)),
+ (conn.get_container, ('asdf',)),
+ (conn.put_container, ('asdf',)),
+ (conn.delete_container, ('asdf',)),
+ (conn.head_object, ('asdf', 'asdf')),
+ (conn.get_object, ('asdf', 'asdf')),
+ (conn.put_object, ('asdf', 'asdf', 'asdf')),
+ (conn.post_object, ('asdf', 'asdf', {})),
+ (conn.delete_object, ('asdf', 'asdf')),
+ )
+ for method, args in method_signatures:
+ c.http_connection = self.fake_http_connection(500)
+ self.assertRaises(c.ClientException, method, *args)
+ requests = list(self.iter_request_log())
+ self.assertEqual(len(requests), 1)
+ for req in requests:
+ msg = '%s did not read resp on server error' % method.__name__
+ self.assertTrue(req['resp'].has_been_read, msg)
+ def test_reauth(self):
+ c.http_connection = self.fake_http_connection(401, 200)
+ def get_auth(*args, **kwargs):
+ # this mock, and by extension this test are not
+ # representative of the unit under test. The real get_auth
+ # method will always return the os_option dict's
+ # object_storage_url which will be overridden by the
+ # preauthurl parameter to Connection if it is provided.
+ return '', 'new'
+ def swap_sleep(*args):
+ self.swap_sleep_called = True
+ c.get_auth = get_auth
+ c.sleep = swap_sleep
+ self.swap_sleep_called = False
+ conn = c.Connection('', 'asdf', 'asdf',
+ preauthurl='',
+ preauthtoken='old',
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(conn.attempts, 0)
+ self.assertEqual(conn.url, '')
+ self.assertEqual(conn.token, 'old')
+ conn.head_account()
+ self.assertTrue(self.swap_sleep_called)
+ self.assertEqual(conn.attempts, 2)
+ self.assertEqual(conn.url, '')
+ self.assertEqual(conn.token, 'new')
+ def test_reauth_preauth(self):
+ conn = c.Connection(
+ '', 'user', 'password',
+ preauthurl='',
+ preauthtoken='expired')
+ auth_v1_response = StubResponse(200, headers={
+ 'x-auth-token': 'token',
+ 'x-storage-url': '',
+ })
+ fake_conn = self.fake_http_connection(401, auth_v1_response, 200)
+ with mock.patch.multiple('swiftclient.client',
+ http_connection=fake_conn,
+ sleep=mock.DEFAULT):
+ conn.head_account()
+ self.assertRequests([
+ ('HEAD', '/v1/AUTH_test', '', {'x-auth-token': 'expired'}),
+ ('GET', '', '', {
+ 'x-auth-user': 'user',
+ 'x-auth-key': 'password'}),
+ ('HEAD', '/v1/AUTH_test', '', {'x-auth-token': 'token'}),
+ ])
+ def test_reauth_os_preauth(self):
+ os_preauth_options = {
+ 'tenant_name': 'demo',
+ 'object_storage_url': '',
+ 'auth_token': 'expired',
+ }
+ conn = c.Connection('', 'user', 'password',
+ os_options=os_preauth_options, auth_version=2)
+ fake_keystone = fake_get_auth_keystone(os_preauth_options)
+ fake_conn = self.fake_http_connection(401, 200)
+ with mock.patch.multiple('swiftclient.client',
+ get_auth_keystone=fake_keystone,
+ http_connection=fake_conn,
+ sleep=mock.DEFAULT):
+ conn.head_account()
+ self.assertRequests([
+ ('HEAD', '/v1/AUTH_test', '', {'x-auth-token': 'expired'}),
+ ('HEAD', '/v1/AUTH_test', '', {'x-auth-token': 'token'}),
+ ])
+ def test_session_no_invalidate(self):
+ mock_session = mock.MagicMock()
+ mock_session.get_endpoint.return_value = 'http://storagehost/v1/acct'
+ mock_session.get_token.return_value = 'expired'
+ mock_session.invalidate.return_value = False
+ conn = c.Connection(session=mock_session)
+ fake_conn = self.fake_http_connection(401)
+ with mock.patch.multiple('swiftclient.client',
+ http_connection=fake_conn,
+ sleep=mock.DEFAULT):
+ self.assertRaises(c.ClientException, conn.head_account)
+ self.assertEqual(mock_session.get_token.mock_calls, [])
+ self.assertEqual(mock_session.invalidate.mock_calls, [])
+ def test_session_can_invalidate(self):
+ mock_session = mock.MagicMock()
+ mock_session.get_endpoint.return_value = 'http://storagehost/v1/acct'
+ mock_session.get_token.side_effect = ['expired', 'token']
+ mock_session.invalidate.return_value = True
+ conn = c.Connection(session=mock_session)
+ fake_conn = self.fake_http_connection(401, 200)
+ with mock.patch.multiple('swiftclient.client',
+ http_connection=fake_conn,
+ sleep=mock.DEFAULT):
+ conn.head_account()
+ self.assertRequests([
+ ('HEAD', '/v1/acct', '', {'x-auth-token': 'expired'}),
+ ('HEAD', '/v1/acct', '', {'x-auth-token': 'token'}),
+ ])
+ self.assertEqual(mock_session.get_token.mock_calls, [
+ self.assertEqual(mock_session.invalidate.mock_calls, [])
+ def test_preauth_token_with_no_storage_url_requires_auth(self):
+ conn = c.Connection(
+ '', 'user', 'password',
+ preauthtoken='expired')
+ auth_v1_response = StubResponse(200, headers={
+ 'x-auth-token': 'token',
+ 'x-storage-url': '',
+ })
+ fake_conn = self.fake_http_connection(auth_v1_response, 200)
+ with mock.patch.multiple('swiftclient.client',
+ http_connection=fake_conn,
+ sleep=mock.DEFAULT):
+ conn.head_account()
+ self.assertRequests([
+ ('GET', '', '', {
+ 'x-auth-user': 'user',
+ 'x-auth-key': 'password'}),
+ ('HEAD', '/v1/AUTH_user', '', {'x-auth-token': 'token'}),
+ ])
+ def test_os_preauth_token_with_no_storage_url_requires_auth(self):
+ os_preauth_options = {
+ 'tenant_name': 'demo',
+ 'auth_token': 'expired',
+ }
+ conn = c.Connection('', 'user', 'password',
+ os_options=os_preauth_options, auth_version=2)
+ storage_url = ''
+ fake_keystone = fake_get_auth_keystone(storage_url=storage_url)
+ fake_conn = self.fake_http_connection(200)
+ with mock.patch.multiple('swiftclient.client',
+ get_auth_keystone=fake_keystone,
+ http_connection=fake_conn,
+ sleep=mock.DEFAULT):
+ conn.head_account()
+ self.assertRequests([
+ ('HEAD', '/v1/AUTH_user', '', {'x-auth-token': 'token'}),
+ ])
+ def test_preauth_url_trumps_auth_url(self):
+ storage_url = ''
+ conn = c.Connection(
+ '', 'user', 'password',
+ preauthurl=storage_url)
+ auth_v1_response = StubResponse(200, headers={
+ 'x-auth-token': 'post_token',
+ 'x-storage-url': '',
+ })
+ fake_conn = self.fake_http_connection(auth_v1_response, 200)
+ with mock.patch.multiple('swiftclient.client',
+ http_connection=fake_conn,
+ sleep=mock.DEFAULT):
+ conn.head_account()
+ self.assertRequests([
+ ('GET', '', '', {
+ 'x-auth-user': 'user',
+ 'x-auth-key': 'password'}),
+ ('HEAD', '/v1/AUTH_pre_url', '', {'x-auth-token': 'post_token'}),
+ ])
+ def test_os_preauth_url_trumps_auth_url(self):
+ storage_url = ''
+ os_preauth_options = {
+ 'tenant_name': 'demo',
+ 'object_storage_url': storage_url,
+ }
+ conn = c.Connection('', 'user', 'password',
+ os_options=os_preauth_options, auth_version=2)
+ fake_keystone = fake_get_auth_keystone(
+ storage_url='',
+ token='post_token')
+ fake_conn = self.fake_http_connection(200)
+ with mock.patch.multiple('swiftclient.client',
+ get_auth_keystone=fake_keystone,
+ http_connection=fake_conn,
+ sleep=mock.DEFAULT):
+ conn.head_account()
+ self.assertRequests([
+ ('HEAD', '/v1/AUTH_pre_url', '', {'x-auth-token': 'post_token'}),
+ ])
+ def test_preauth_url_trumps_os_preauth_url(self):
+ storage_url = ''
+ os_storage_url = ''
+ os_preauth_options = {
+ 'tenant_name': 'demo',
+ 'object_storage_url': os_storage_url,
+ }
+ orig_os_preauth_options = dict(os_preauth_options)
+ conn = c.Connection('', 'user', 'password',
+ os_options=os_preauth_options, auth_version=2,
+ preauthurl=storage_url, tenant_name='not_demo')
+ fake_keystone = fake_get_auth_keystone(
+ storage_url='',
+ token='post_token')
+ fake_conn = self.fake_http_connection(200)
+ with mock.patch.multiple('swiftclient.client',
+ get_auth_keystone=fake_keystone,
+ http_connection=fake_conn,
+ sleep=mock.DEFAULT):
+ conn.head_account()
+ self.assertRequests([
+ ('HEAD', '/v1/AUTH_pre_url', '', {'x-auth-token': 'post_token'}),
+ ])
+ # check that Connection has not modified our os_options
+ self.assertEqual(orig_os_preauth_options, os_preauth_options)
+ def test_get_auth_sets_url_and_token(self):
+ with mock.patch('swiftclient.client.get_auth') as mock_get_auth:
+ mock_get_auth.return_value = (
+ "https://storage.url/v1/AUTH_storage_acct", "AUTH_token"
+ )
+ conn = c.Connection("https://auth.url/auth/v2.0",
+ "user", "passkey", tenant_name="tenant")
+ conn.get_auth()
+ self.assertEqual("https://storage.url/v1/AUTH_storage_acct", conn.url)
+ self.assertEqual("AUTH_token", conn.token)
+ def test_timeout_passed_down(self):
+ # We want to avoid mocking http_connection(), and most especially
+ # avoid passing it down in argument. However, we cannot simply
+ # instantiate C=Connection(), then shim C.http_conn. Doing so would
+ # avoid some of the code under test (where _retry() invokes
+ # http_connection()), and would miss get_auth() completely.
+ # So, with regret, we do mock http_connection(), but with a very
+ # light shim that swaps out _request() as originally intended.
+ orig_http_connection = c.http_connection
+ timeouts = []
+ def my_request_handler(*a, **kw):
+ if 'timeout' in kw:
+ timeouts.append(kw['timeout'])
+ else:
+ timeouts.append(None)
+ return MockHttpResponse(
+ status=200,
+ headers={
+ 'x-auth-token': 'a_token',
+ 'x-storage-url': ''})
+ def shim_connection(*a, **kw):
+ url, conn = orig_http_connection(*a, **kw)
+ conn._request = my_request_handler
+ return url, conn
+ # v1 auth
+ conn = c.Connection(
+ '', 'user', 'password', timeout=33.0)
+ with mock.patch.multiple('swiftclient.client',
+ http_connection=shim_connection,
+ sleep=mock.DEFAULT):
+ conn.head_account()
+ # 1 call is through get_auth, 1 call is HEAD for account
+ self.assertEqual(timeouts, [33.0, 33.0])
+ # v2 auth
+ timeouts = []
+ os_options = {'tenant_name': 'tenant', 'auth_token': 'meta-token'}
+ conn = c.Connection(
+ '', 'user', 'password', timeout=33.0,
+ os_options=os_options, auth_version=2.0)
+ fake_ks = FakeKeystone(endpoint='http://some_url', token='secret')
+ with mock.patch('swiftclient.client.ksclient_v2', fake_ks):
+ with mock.patch.multiple('swiftclient.client',
+ http_connection=shim_connection,
+ sleep=mock.DEFAULT):
+ conn.head_account()
+ # check timeout is passed to keystone client
+ self.assertEqual(1, len(fake_ks.calls))
+ self.assertEqual(33.0, fake_ks.calls[0].get('timeout'))
+ # check timeout passed to HEAD for account
+ self.assertEqual(timeouts, [33.0])
+ # check token passed to keystone client
+ self.assertIn('token', fake_ks.calls[0])
+ self.assertEqual('meta-token', fake_ks.calls[0].get('token'))
+ def test_reset_stream(self):
+ class LocalContents(object):
+ def __init__(self, tell_value=0):
+ = six.BytesIO(string.ascii_letters.encode() * 10)
+ self.reads = []
+ self.seeks = []
+ self.tells = []
+ def tell(self):
+ self.tells.append(
+ return self.tells[-1]
+ def seek(self, position, mode=0):
+ self.seeks.append((position, mode))
+, mode)
+ def read(self, size=-1):
+ read_data =
+ self.reads.append((size, read_data))
+ return read_data
+ class LocalConnection(object):
+ def __init__(self, parsed_url=None):
+ self.reason = ""
+ if parsed_url:
+ = parsed_url.netloc
+ self.port = parsed_url.netloc
+ def putrequest(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ self.send('PUT', *args, **kwargs)
+ def putheader(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ return
+ def endheaders(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ return
+ def send(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ data = kwargs.get('data')
+ if data is not None:
+ if hasattr(data, 'read'):
+ else:
+ for datum in data:
+ pass
+ raise socket.error('oops')
+ def request(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ return
+ def getresponse(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ self.status = 200
+ return self
+ def getheader(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ return 'header'
+ def getheaders(self):
+ return [('key1', 'value1'), ('key2', 'value2')]
+ def read(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ return ''
+ def close(self):
+ pass
+ def local_http_connection(url, proxy=None, cacert=None,
+ insecure=False, cert=None, cert_key=None,
+ ssl_compression=True, timeout=None):
+ parsed = urlparse(url)
+ return parsed, LocalConnection()
+ with mock.patch.object(c, 'http_connection', local_http_connection):
+ conn = c.Connection('', 'asdf', 'asdf',
+ retries=1, starting_backoff=.0001)
+ contents = LocalContents()
+ exc = None
+ try:
+ conn.put_object('c', 'o', contents)
+ except socket.error as err:
+ exc = err
+ self.assertEqual(contents.tells, [0])
+ self.assertEqual(contents.seeks, [(0, 0)])
+ # four reads: two in the initial pass, two in the retry
+ self.assertEqual(4, len(contents.reads))
+ self.assertEqual((65536, b''), contents.reads[1])
+ self.assertEqual((65536, b''), contents.reads[3])
+ self.assertEqual(str(exc), 'oops')
+ contents = LocalContents(tell_value=123)
+ exc = None
+ try:
+ conn.put_object('c', 'o', contents)
+ except socket.error as err:
+ exc = err
+ self.assertEqual(contents.tells, [123])
+ self.assertEqual(contents.seeks, [(123, 0)])
+ # four reads: two in the initial pass, two in the retry
+ self.assertEqual(4, len(contents.reads))
+ self.assertEqual((65536, b''), contents.reads[1])
+ self.assertEqual((65536, b''), contents.reads[3])
+ self.assertEqual(str(exc), 'oops')
+ contents = LocalContents(tell_value=123)
+ wrapped_contents = swiftclient.utils.LengthWrapper(
+ contents, 6, md5=True)
+ exc = None
+ try:
+ conn.put_object('c', 'o', wrapped_contents)
+ except socket.error as err:
+ exc = err
+ self.assertEqual(contents.tells, [123])
+ self.assertEqual(contents.seeks, [(123, 0)])
+ self.assertEqual(contents.reads, [(6, b'tuvwxy')] * 2)
+ self.assertEqual(str(exc), 'oops')
+ self.assertEqual(md5(b'tuvwxy').hexdigest(),
+ wrapped_contents.get_md5sum())
+ contents = LocalContents()
+ contents.tell = None
+ exc = None
+ try:
+ conn.put_object('c', 'o', contents)
+ except c.ClientException as err:
+ exc = err
+ self.assertEqual(contents.seeks, [])
+ self.assertEqual(str(exc), "put_object('c', 'o', ...) failure "
+ "and no ability to reset contents for reupload.")
+ def test_get_container(self):
+ headers = {'X-Favourite-Pet': 'Aardvark'}
+ with mock.patch('swiftclient.client.http_connection',
+ self.fake_http_connection(200, body=b'{}')):
+ with mock.patch('swiftclient.client.get_auth',
+ lambda *a, **k: ('http://url:8080/v1/a', 'token')):
+ conn = c.Connection()
+ conn.get_container('c1', prefix='p', limit=5,
+ headers=headers)
+ self.assertEqual(1, len(self.request_log), self.request_log)
+ self.assertRequests([
+ ('GET', '/v1/a/c1?format=json&limit=5&prefix=p', '', {
+ 'x-auth-token': 'token',
+ 'X-Favourite-Pet': 'Aardvark',
+ 'accept-encoding': 'gzip',
+ }),
+ ])
+ self.assertEqual(conn.attempts, 1)
+ def test_head_container(self):
+ headers = {'X-Favourite-Pet': 'Aardvark'}
+ with mock.patch('swiftclient.client.http_connection',
+ self.fake_http_connection(200, body=b'{}')):
+ with mock.patch('swiftclient.client.get_auth',
+ lambda *a, **k: ('http://url:8080/v1/a', 'token')):
+ conn = c.Connection()
+ conn.head_container('c1', headers=headers)
+ self.assertEqual(1, len(self.request_log), self.request_log)
+ self.assertRequests([
+ ('HEAD', '/v1/a/c1', '', {
+ 'x-auth-token': 'token',
+ 'X-Favourite-Pet': 'Aardvark',
+ }),
+ ])
+ self.assertEqual(conn.attempts, 1)
+ def test_head_object(self):
+ headers = {'X-Favourite-Pet': 'Aardvark'}
+ query_string = 'foo=bar'
+ with mock.patch('swiftclient.client.http_connection',
+ self.fake_http_connection(200)):
+ with mock.patch('swiftclient.client.get_auth',
+ lambda *a, **k: ('http://url:8080/v1/a', 'token')):
+ conn = c.Connection()
+ conn.head_object('c1', 'o1',
+ headers=headers, query_string=query_string)
+ self.assertEqual(1, len(self.request_log), self.request_log)
+ self.assertRequests([
+ ('HEAD', '/v1/a/c1/o1?foo=bar', '', {
+ 'x-auth-token': 'token',
+ 'X-Favourite-Pet': 'Aardvark',
+ }),
+ ])
+ self.assertEqual(conn.attempts, 1)
+class TestResponseDict(MockHttpTest):
+ """
+ Verify handling of optional response_dict argument.
+ """
+ calls = [('post_account', {}),
+ ('post_container', 'c', {}),
+ ('put_container', 'c'),
+ ('delete_container', 'c'),
+ ('post_object', 'c', 'o', {}),
+ ('put_object', 'c', 'o', 'body'),
+ ('copy_object', 'c', 'o'),
+ ('delete_object', 'c', 'o')]
+ def fake_get_auth(*args, **kwargs):
+ return 'http://url', 'token'
+ def test_response_dict_with_auth_error(self):
+ def bad_get_auth(*args, **kwargs):
+ raise c.ClientException('test')
+ for call in self.calls:
+ resp_dict = {'test': 'should be untouched'}
+ with mock.patch('swiftclient.client.get_auth',
+ bad_get_auth):
+ conn = c.Connection('', 'user', 'key')
+ self.assertRaises(c.ClientException, getattr(conn, call[0]),
+ *call[1:], response_dict=resp_dict)
+ self.assertEqual({'test': 'should be untouched'}, resp_dict)
+ def test_response_dict_with_request_error(self):
+ for call in self.calls:
+ resp_dict = {'test': 'should be untouched'}
+ with mock.patch('swiftclient.client.get_auth',
+ self.fake_get_auth):
+ exc = c.ClientException('test')
+ with mock.patch('swiftclient.client.http_connection',
+ self.fake_http_connection(200, exc=exc)):
+ conn = c.Connection('', 'user', 'key')
+ self.assertRaises(c.ClientException,
+ getattr(conn, call[0]),
+ *call[1:],
+ response_dict=resp_dict)
+ self.assertEqual('should be untouched', resp_dict.get('test'))
+ self.assertEqual([{}], resp_dict.get('response_dicts'))
+ def test_response_dict(self):
+ # test response_dict is populated and
+ # new list of response_dicts is created
+ for call in self.calls:
+ resp_dict = {'test': 'should be untouched'}
+ with mock.patch('swiftclient.client.get_auth',
+ self.fake_get_auth):
+ with mock.patch('swiftclient.client.http_connection',
+ self.fake_http_connection(200)):
+ conn = c.Connection('', 'user', 'key')
+ getattr(conn, call[0])(*call[1:], response_dict=resp_dict)
+ self.assertEqual('should be untouched',
+ resp_dict.pop('test', None))
+ self.assertEqual('Fake', resp_dict.get('reason'))
+ self.assertEqual(200, resp_dict.get('status'))
+ self.assertIn('headers', resp_dict)
+ self.assertEqual('yes', resp_dict['headers'].get('x-works'))
+ children = resp_dict.pop('response_dicts', [])
+ self.assertEqual(1, len(children))
+ self.assertEqual(resp_dict, children[0])
+ def test_response_dict_with_existing(self):
+ # check response_dict is populated and new dict is appended
+ # to existing response_dicts list
+ for call in self.calls:
+ resp_dict = {'test': 'should be untouched',
+ 'response_dicts': [{'existing': 'response dict'}]}
+ with mock.patch('swiftclient.client.get_auth',
+ self.fake_get_auth):
+ with mock.patch('swiftclient.client.http_connection',
+ self.fake_http_connection(200)):
+ conn = c.Connection('', 'user', 'key')
+ getattr(conn, call[0])(*call[1:], response_dict=resp_dict)
+ self.assertEqual('should be untouched',
+ resp_dict.pop('test', None))
+ self.assertEqual('Fake', resp_dict.get('reason'))
+ self.assertEqual(200, resp_dict.get('status'))
+ self.assertIn('headers', resp_dict)
+ self.assertEqual('yes', resp_dict['headers'].get('x-works'))
+ children = resp_dict.pop('response_dicts', [])
+ self.assertEqual(2, len(children))
+ self.assertEqual({'existing': 'response dict'}, children[0])
+ self.assertEqual(resp_dict, children[1])
+class TestLogging(MockHttpTest):
+ """
+ Make sure all the lines in http_log are covered.
+ """
+ def setUp(self):
+ super(TestLogging, self).setUp()
+ self.swiftclient_logger = logging.getLogger("swiftclient")
+ self.log_level = self.swiftclient_logger.getEffectiveLevel()
+ self.swiftclient_logger.setLevel(logging.INFO)
+ def tearDown(self):
+ self.swiftclient_logger.setLevel(self.log_level)
+ super(TestLogging, self).tearDown()
+ def test_put_ok(self):
+ c.http_connection = self.fake_http_connection(200)
+ args = ('', 'asdf', 'asdf', 'asdf', 'asdf')
+ value = c.put_object(*args)
+ self.assertIsInstance(value, six.string_types)
+ def test_head_error(self):
+ c.http_connection = self.fake_http_connection(500)
+ self.assertRaises(c.ClientException, c.head_object,
+ '', 'asdf', 'asdf', 'asdf')
+ def test_get_error(self):
+ c.http_connection = self.fake_http_connection(404)
+ with self.assertRaises(c.ClientException) as exc_context:
+ c.get_object('', 'asdf', 'asdf', 'asdf')
+ self.assertEqual(exc_context.exception.http_status, 404)
+ def test_content_encoding_gzip_body_is_logged_decoded(self):
+ buf = six.BytesIO()
+ gz = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=buf, mode='w')
+ data = {"test": u"\u2603"}
+ decoded_body = json.dumps(data).encode('utf-8')
+ gz.write(decoded_body)
+ gz.close()
+ # stub a gzip encoded body
+ body = buf.getvalue()
+ headers = {'content-encoding': 'gzip'}
+ # ... and make a content-encoding gzip error response
+ stub_response = StubResponse(500, body, headers)
+ with mock.patch('') as mock_log:
+ # ... if the client gets such a response
+ c.http_connection = self.fake_http_connection(stub_response)
+ with self.assertRaises(c.ClientException) as exc_context:
+ c.get_object('', 'asdf', 'asdf', 'asdf')
+ self.assertEqual(exc_context.exception.http_status, 500)
+ # it will log the decoded body
+ self.assertEqual([
+'REQ: %s', u'curl -i '
+ '-X GET -H "X-Auth-Token: ..."'),
+'RESP STATUS: %s %s', 500, 'Fake'),
+'RESP HEADERS: %s', {'content-encoding': 'gzip'}),
+'RESP BODY: %s', decoded_body)
+ ], mock_log.mock_calls)
+ def test_redact_token(self):
+ with mock.patch('swiftclient.client.logger.debug') as mock_log:
+ token_value = 'tkee96b40a8ca44fc5ad72ec5a7c90d9b'
+ token_encoded = token_value.encode('utf8')
+ unicode_token_value = (u'\u5929\u7a7a\u4e2d\u7684\u4e4c\u4e91'
+ u'\u5929\u7a7a\u4e2d\u7684\u4e4c\u4e91'
+ u'\u5929\u7a7a\u4e2d\u7684\u4e4c')
+ unicode_token_encoded = unicode_token_value.encode('utf8')
+ set_cookie_value = 'X-Auth-Token=%s' % token_value
+ set_cookie_encoded = set_cookie_value.encode('utf8')
+ c.http_log(
+ ['GET'],
+ {'headers': {
+ 'X-Auth-Token': token_encoded,
+ 'X-Storage-Token': unicode_token_encoded
+ }},
+ MockHttpResponse(
+ status=200,
+ headers={
+ 'X-Auth-Token': token_encoded,
+ 'X-Storage-Token': unicode_token_encoded,
+ 'Etag': b'mock_etag',
+ 'Set-Cookie': set_cookie_encoded
+ }
+ ),
+ ''
+ )
+ out = []
+ for _, args, kwargs in mock_log.mock_calls:
+ for arg in args:
+ out.append(u'%s' % arg)
+ output = u''.join(out)
+ self.assertIn('X-Auth-Token', output)
+ self.assertIn(token_value[:16] + '...', output)
+ self.assertIn('X-Storage-Token', output)
+ self.assertIn(unicode_token_value[:8] + '...', output)
+ self.assertIn('Set-Cookie', output)
+ self.assertIn(set_cookie_value[:16] + '...', output)
+ self.assertNotIn(token_value, output)
+ self.assertNotIn(unicode_token_value, output)
+ self.assertNotIn(set_cookie_value, output)
+ def test_show_token(self):
+ with mock.patch('swiftclient.client.logger.debug') as mock_log:
+ token_value = 'tkee96b40a8ca44fc5ad72ec5a7c90d9b'
+ token_encoded = token_value.encode('utf8')
+ unicode_token_value = (u'\u5929\u7a7a\u4e2d\u7684\u4e4c\u4e91'
+ u'\u5929\u7a7a\u4e2d\u7684\u4e4c\u4e91'
+ u'\u5929\u7a7a\u4e2d\u7684\u4e4c')
+ c.logger_settings['redact_sensitive_headers'] = False
+ unicode_token_encoded = unicode_token_value.encode('utf8')
+ c.http_log(
+ ['GET'],
+ {'headers': {
+ 'X-Auth-Token': token_encoded,
+ 'X-Storage-Token': unicode_token_encoded
+ }},
+ MockHttpResponse(
+ status=200,
+ headers=[
+ ('X-Auth-Token', token_encoded),
+ ('X-Storage-Token', unicode_token_encoded),
+ ('Etag', b'mock_etag')
+ ]
+ ),
+ ''
+ )
+ out = []
+ for _, args, kwargs in mock_log.mock_calls:
+ for arg in args:
+ out.append(u'%s' % arg)
+ output = u''.join(out)
+ self.assertIn('X-Auth-Token', output)
+ self.assertIn(token_value, output)
+ self.assertIn('X-Storage-Token', output)
+ self.assertIn(unicode_token_value, output)
+ @mock.patch('swiftclient.client.logger.debug')
+ def test_unicode_path(self, mock_log):
+ path = u'http://swift/v1/AUTH_account-\u062a'.encode('utf-8')
+ c.http_log(['GET', path], {},
+ MockHttpResponse(status=200, headers=[]), '')
+ request_log_line = mock_log.mock_calls[0]
+ self.assertEqual('REQ: %s', request_log_line[1][0])
+ self.assertEqual(u'curl -i -X GET %s' % path.decode('utf-8'),
+ request_log_line[1][1])
+class TestCloseConnection(MockHttpTest):
+ def test_close_none(self):
+ c.http_connection = self.fake_http_connection()
+ conn = c.Connection('', 'asdf', 'asdf')
+ self.assertIsNone(conn.http_conn)
+ conn.close()
+ self.assertIsNone(conn.http_conn)
+ # Can re-close
+ conn.close()
+ self.assertIsNone(conn.http_conn)
+ def test_close_ok(self):
+ url = ''
+ conn = c.Connection(url, 'asdf', 'asdf')
+ self.assertIsNone(conn.http_conn)
+ conn.http_conn = c.http_connection(url)
+ self.assertEqual(type(conn.http_conn), tuple)
+ self.assertEqual(len(conn.http_conn), 2)
+ http_conn_obj = conn.http_conn[1]
+ self.assertIsInstance(http_conn_obj, c.HTTPConnection)
+ self.assertTrue(hasattr(http_conn_obj, 'close'))
+ conn.close()
+class TestServiceToken(MockHttpTest):
+ def setUp(self):
+ super(TestServiceToken, self).setUp()
+ self.os_options = {
+ 'object_storage_url': '',
+ 'service_username': 'service_username',
+ 'service_project_name': 'service_project_name',
+ 'service_key': 'service_key'}
+ def get_connection(self):
+ conn = c.Connection('', 'asdf', 'asdf',
+ os_options=self.os_options)
+ self.assertIs(type(conn), c.Connection)
+ conn.get_auth = self.get_auth
+ conn.get_service_auth = self.get_service_auth
+ self.assertEqual(conn.attempts, 0)
+ self.assertIsNone(conn.service_token)
+ self.assertIs(type(conn), c.Connection)
+ return conn
+ def get_auth(self):
+ # The real get_auth function will always return the os_option
+ # dict's object_storage_url which will be overridden by the
+ # preauthurl parameter to Connection if it is provided.
+ return self.os_options.get('object_storage_url'), 'token'
+ def get_service_auth(self):
+ # The real get_auth function will always return the os_option
+ # dict's object_storage_url which will be overridden by the
+ # preauthurl parameter to Connection if it is provided.
+ return self.os_options.get('object_storage_url'), 'stoken'
+ def test_service_token_reauth(self):
+ get_auth_call_list = []
+ def get_auth(url, user, key, **kwargs):
+ # The real get_auth function will always return the os_option
+ # dict's object_storage_url which will be overridden by the
+ # preauthurl parameter to Connection if it is provided.
+ args = {'url': url, 'user': user, 'key': key, 'kwargs': kwargs}
+ get_auth_call_list.append(args)
+ return_dict = {'asdf': 'new', 'service_username': 'newserv'}
+ storage_url = kwargs['os_options'].get('object_storage_url')
+ return storage_url, return_dict[user]
+ def swap_sleep(*args):
+ self.swap_sleep_called = True
+ c.get_auth = get_auth
+ with mock.patch('swiftclient.client.http_connection',
+ self.fake_http_connection(401, 200)):
+ with mock.patch('swiftclient.client.sleep', swap_sleep):
+ self.swap_sleep_called = False
+ conn = c.Connection('', 'asdf', 'asdf',
+ preauthurl='',
+ preauthtoken='old',
+ os_options=self.os_options)
+ self.assertEqual(conn.attempts, 0)
+ self.assertEqual(conn.url, '')
+ self.assertEqual(conn.token, 'old')
+ conn.head_account()
+ self.assertTrue(self.swap_sleep_called)
+ self.assertEqual(conn.attempts, 2)
+ # The original 'preauth' storage URL *must* be preserved
+ self.assertEqual(conn.url, '')
+ self.assertEqual(conn.token, 'new')
+ self.assertEqual(conn.service_token, 'newserv')
+ # Check get_auth was called with expected args
+ auth_args = get_auth_call_list[0]
+ auth_kwargs = get_auth_call_list[0]['kwargs']
+ self.assertEqual('asdf', auth_args['user'])
+ self.assertEqual('asdf', auth_args['key'])
+ self.assertEqual('service_key',
+ auth_kwargs['os_options']['service_key'])
+ self.assertEqual('service_username',
+ auth_kwargs['os_options']['service_username'])
+ self.assertEqual('service_project_name',
+ auth_kwargs['os_options']['service_project_name'])
+ auth_args = get_auth_call_list[1]
+ auth_kwargs = get_auth_call_list[1]['kwargs']
+ self.assertEqual('service_username', auth_args['user'])
+ self.assertEqual('service_key', auth_args['key'])
+ self.assertEqual('service_project_name',
+ auth_kwargs['os_options']['tenant_name'])
+ def test_service_token_reauth_retries_0(self):
+ get_auth_call_list = []
+ def get_auth(url, user, key, **kwargs):
+ # The real get_auth function will always return the os_option
+ # dict's object_storage_url which will be overridden by the
+ # preauthurl parameter to Connection if it is provided.
+ args = {'url': url, 'user': user, 'key': key, 'kwargs': kwargs}
+ get_auth_call_list.append(args)
+ return_dict = {'asdf': 'new', 'service_username': 'newserv'}
+ storage_url = kwargs['os_options'].get('object_storage_url')
+ return storage_url, return_dict[user]
+ def swap_sleep(*args):
+ self.swap_sleep_called = True
+ c.get_auth = get_auth
+ with mock.patch('swiftclient.client.http_connection',
+ self.fake_http_connection(401, 200)):
+ with mock.patch('swiftclient.client.sleep', swap_sleep):
+ self.swap_sleep_called = False
+ conn = c.Connection('', 'asdf', 'asdf',
+ preauthurl='',
+ preauthtoken='old',
+ os_options=self.os_options,
+ retries=0)
+ self.assertEqual(conn.attempts, 0)
+ self.assertEqual(conn.url, '')
+ self.assertEqual(conn.token, 'old')
+ conn.head_account()
+ self.assertTrue(self.swap_sleep_called)
+ self.assertEqual(conn.attempts, 2)
+ # The original 'preauth' storage URL *must* be preserved
+ self.assertEqual(conn.url, '')
+ self.assertEqual(conn.token, 'new')
+ self.assertEqual(conn.service_token, 'newserv')
+ # Check get_auth was called with expected args
+ auth_args = get_auth_call_list[0]
+ auth_kwargs = get_auth_call_list[0]['kwargs']
+ self.assertEqual('asdf', auth_args['user'])
+ self.assertEqual('asdf', auth_args['key'])
+ self.assertEqual('service_key',
+ auth_kwargs['os_options']['service_key'])
+ self.assertEqual('service_username',
+ auth_kwargs['os_options']['service_username'])
+ self.assertEqual('service_project_name',
+ auth_kwargs['os_options']['service_project_name'])
+ auth_args = get_auth_call_list[1]
+ auth_kwargs = get_auth_call_list[1]['kwargs']
+ self.assertEqual('service_username', auth_args['user'])
+ self.assertEqual('service_key', auth_args['key'])
+ self.assertEqual('service_project_name',
+ auth_kwargs['os_options']['tenant_name'])
+ # Ensure this is not an endless loop - it fails after the second 401
+ with mock.patch('swiftclient.client.http_connection',
+ self.fake_http_connection(401, 401, 401, 401)):
+ with mock.patch('swiftclient.client.sleep', swap_sleep):
+ self.swap_sleep_called = False
+ conn = c.Connection('', 'asdf', 'asdf',
+ preauthurl='',
+ preauthtoken='old',
+ os_options=self.os_options,
+ retries=0)
+ self.assertEqual(conn.attempts, 0)
+ self.assertRaises(c.ClientException, conn.head_account)
+ self.assertEqual(conn.attempts, 2)
+ unused_responses = list(self.fake_connect.code_iter)
+ self.assertEqual(unused_responses, [401, 401])
+ def test_service_token_get_account(self):
+ with mock.patch('swiftclient.client.http_connection',
+ self.fake_http_connection(200)):
+ with mock.patch('swiftclient.client.parse_api_response'):
+ conn = self.get_connection()
+ conn.get_account()
+ self.assertEqual(1, len(self.request_log), self.request_log)
+ for actual in self.iter_request_log():
+ self.assertEqual('GET', actual['method'])
+ actual_hdrs = actual['headers']
+ self.assertEqual('stoken', actual_hdrs.get('X-Service-Token'))
+ self.assertEqual('token', actual_hdrs['X-Auth-Token'])
+ self.assertEqual('',
+ actual['full_path'])
+ self.assertEqual(conn.attempts, 1)
+ def test_service_token_head_account(self):
+ with mock.patch('swiftclient.client.http_connection',
+ self.fake_http_connection(200)):
+ conn = self.get_connection()
+ conn.head_account()
+ self.assertEqual(1, len(self.request_log), self.request_log)
+ for actual in self.iter_request_log():
+ self.assertEqual('HEAD', actual['method'])
+ actual_hdrs = actual['headers']
+ self.assertEqual('stoken', actual_hdrs.get('X-Service-Token'))
+ self.assertEqual('token', actual_hdrs['X-Auth-Token'])
+ self.assertEqual('', actual['full_path'])
+ self.assertEqual(conn.attempts, 1)
+ def test_service_token_post_account(self):
+ with mock.patch('swiftclient.client.http_connection',
+ self.fake_http_connection(201)):
+ conn = self.get_connection()
+ conn.post_account(headers={})
+ self.assertEqual(1, len(self.request_log), self.request_log)
+ for actual in self.iter_request_log():
+ self.assertEqual('POST', actual['method'])
+ actual_hdrs = actual['headers']
+ self.assertEqual('stoken', actual_hdrs.get('X-Service-Token'))
+ self.assertEqual('token', actual_hdrs['X-Auth-Token'])
+ self.assertEqual('', actual['full_path'])
+ self.assertEqual(conn.attempts, 1)
+ def test_service_token_delete_container(self):
+ with mock.patch('swiftclient.client.http_connection',
+ self.fake_http_connection(204)):
+ conn = self.get_connection()
+ conn.delete_container('container1')
+ self.assertEqual(1, len(self.request_log), self.request_log)
+ for actual in self.iter_request_log():
+ self.assertEqual('DELETE', actual['method'])
+ actual_hdrs = actual['headers']
+ self.assertEqual('stoken', actual_hdrs.get('X-Service-Token'))
+ self.assertEqual('token', actual_hdrs['X-Auth-Token'])
+ self.assertEqual('',
+ actual['full_path'])
+ self.assertEqual(conn.attempts, 1)
+ def test_service_token_get_container(self):
+ with mock.patch('swiftclient.client.http_connection',
+ self.fake_http_connection(200)):
+ with mock.patch('swiftclient.client.parse_api_response'):
+ conn = self.get_connection()
+ conn.get_container('container1')
+ self.assertEqual(1, len(self.request_log), self.request_log)
+ for actual in self.iter_request_log():
+ self.assertEqual('GET', actual['method'])
+ actual_hdrs = actual['headers']
+ self.assertEqual('stoken', actual_hdrs.get('X-Service-Token'))
+ self.assertEqual('token', actual_hdrs['X-Auth-Token'])
+ self.assertEqual('',
+ actual['full_path'])
+ self.assertEqual(conn.attempts, 1)
+ def test_service_token_get_container_full_listing(self):
+ # verify service token is sent with each request for a full listing
+ with mock.patch('swiftclient.client.http_connection',
+ self.fake_http_connection(200, 200)):
+ with mock.patch('swiftclient.client.parse_api_response') as resp:
+ resp.side_effect = ([{"name": "obj1"}], [])
+ conn = self.get_connection()
+ conn.get_container('container1', full_listing=True)
+ self.assertEqual(2, len(self.request_log), self.request_log)
+ expected_urls = iter((
+ '',
+ ''
+ ))
+ for actual in self.iter_request_log():
+ self.assertEqual('GET', actual['method'])
+ actual_hdrs = actual['headers']
+ self.assertEqual('stoken', actual_hdrs.get('X-Service-Token'))
+ self.assertEqual('token', actual_hdrs['X-Auth-Token'])
+ self.assertEqual(next(expected_urls),
+ actual['full_path'])
+ self.assertEqual(conn.attempts, 1)
+ def test_service_token_head_container(self):
+ with mock.patch('swiftclient.client.http_connection',
+ self.fake_http_connection(200)):
+ conn = self.get_connection()
+ conn.head_container('container1')
+ self.assertEqual(1, len(self.request_log), self.request_log)
+ for actual in self.iter_request_log():
+ self.assertEqual('HEAD', actual['method'])
+ actual_hdrs = actual['headers']
+ self.assertEqual('stoken', actual_hdrs.get('X-Service-Token'))
+ self.assertEqual('token', actual_hdrs['X-Auth-Token'])
+ self.assertEqual('',
+ actual['full_path'])
+ self.assertEqual(conn.attempts, 1)
+ def test_service_token_post_container(self):
+ headers = {'X-Container-Meta-Color': 'blue'}
+ with mock.patch('swiftclient.client.http_connection',
+ self.fake_http_connection(201)):
+ conn = self.get_connection()
+ conn.post_container('container1', headers)
+ self.assertEqual(1, len(self.request_log), self.request_log)
+ for actual in self.iter_request_log():
+ self.assertEqual('POST', actual['method'])
+ actual_hdrs = actual['headers']
+ self.assertEqual('stoken', actual_hdrs.get('X-Service-Token'))
+ self.assertEqual('token', actual_hdrs['X-Auth-Token'])
+ self.assertEqual('',
+ actual['full_path'])
+ self.assertEqual(conn.attempts, 1)
+ # Check that we didn't mutate the request header dict
+ self.assertEqual(headers, {'X-Container-Meta-Color': 'blue'})
+ def test_service_token_put_container(self):
+ with mock.patch('swiftclient.client.http_connection',
+ self.fake_http_connection(200)):
+ conn = self.get_connection()
+ conn.put_container('container1')
+ self.assertEqual(1, len(self.request_log), self.request_log)
+ for actual in self.iter_request_log():
+ self.assertEqual('PUT', actual['method'])
+ actual_hdrs = actual['headers']
+ self.assertEqual('stoken', actual_hdrs.get('X-Service-Token'))
+ self.assertEqual('token', actual_hdrs['X-Auth-Token'])
+ self.assertEqual('',
+ actual['full_path'])
+ self.assertEqual(conn.attempts, 1)
+ def test_service_token_get_object(self):
+ with mock.patch('swiftclient.client.http_connection',
+ self.fake_http_connection(200)):
+ conn = self.get_connection()
+ conn.get_object('container1', 'obj1')
+ self.assertEqual(1, len(self.request_log), self.request_log)
+ for actual in self.iter_request_log():
+ self.assertEqual('GET', actual['method'])
+ actual_hdrs = actual['headers']
+ self.assertEqual('stoken', actual_hdrs.get('X-Service-Token'))
+ self.assertEqual('token', actual_hdrs['X-Auth-Token'])
+ self.assertEqual('',
+ actual['full_path'])
+ self.assertEqual(conn.attempts, 1)
+ def test_service_token_head_object(self):
+ with mock.patch('swiftclient.client.http_connection',
+ self.fake_http_connection(200)):
+ conn = self.get_connection()
+ conn.head_object('container1', 'obj1')
+ self.assertEqual(1, len(self.request_log), self.request_log)
+ for actual in self.iter_request_log():
+ self.assertEqual('HEAD', actual['method'])
+ actual_hdrs = actual['headers']
+ self.assertEqual('stoken', actual_hdrs.get('X-Service-Token'))
+ self.assertEqual('token', actual_hdrs['X-Auth-Token'])
+ self.assertEqual('',
+ actual['full_path'])
+ self.assertEqual(conn.attempts, 1)
+ def test_service_token_put_object(self):
+ with mock.patch('swiftclient.client.http_connection',
+ self.fake_http_connection(200)):
+ conn = self.get_connection()
+ conn.put_object('container1', 'obj1', 'a_string')
+ self.assertEqual(1, len(self.request_log), self.request_log)
+ for actual in self.iter_request_log():
+ self.assertEqual('PUT', actual['method'])
+ actual_hdrs = actual['headers']
+ self.assertEqual('stoken', actual_hdrs.get('X-Service-Token'))
+ self.assertEqual('token', actual_hdrs['X-Auth-Token'])
+ self.assertEqual('',
+ actual['full_path'])
+ self.assertEqual(conn.attempts, 1)
+ def test_service_token_post_object(self):
+ with mock.patch('swiftclient.client.http_connection',
+ self.fake_http_connection(202)):
+ conn = self.get_connection()
+ conn.post_object('container1', 'obj1', {})
+ self.assertEqual(1, len(self.request_log), self.request_log)
+ for actual in self.iter_request_log():
+ self.assertEqual('POST', actual['method'])
+ actual_hdrs = actual['headers']
+ self.assertEqual('stoken', actual_hdrs.get('X-Service-Token'))
+ self.assertEqual('token', actual_hdrs['X-Auth-Token'])
+ self.assertEqual('',
+ actual['full_path'])
+ self.assertEqual(conn.attempts, 1)
+ def test_service_token_delete_object(self):
+ with mock.patch('swiftclient.client.http_connection',
+ self.fake_http_connection(202)):
+ conn = self.get_connection()
+ conn.delete_object('container1', 'obj1', query_string='a_string')
+ self.assertEqual(1, len(self.request_log), self.request_log)
+ for actual in self.iter_request_log():
+ self.assertEqual('DELETE', actual['method'])
+ actual_hdrs = actual['headers']
+ self.assertEqual('stoken', actual_hdrs.get('X-Service-Token'))
+ self.assertEqual('token', actual_hdrs['X-Auth-Token'])
+ self.assertEqual('',
+ actual['full_path'])
+ self.assertEqual(conn.attempts, 1)