# Copyright (c) 2010-2013 OpenStack, LLC. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from __future__ import unicode_literals import logging import os from concurrent.futures import as_completed, CancelledError, TimeoutError from copy import deepcopy from errno import EEXIST, ENOENT from hashlib import md5 from os import environ, makedirs, stat, utime from os.path import ( basename, dirname, getmtime, getsize, isdir, join, sep as os_path_sep ) from posixpath import join as urljoin from random import shuffle from time import time from threading import Thread from six import Iterator, StringIO, string_types, text_type from six.moves.queue import Queue from six.moves.queue import Empty as QueueEmpty from six.moves.urllib.parse import quote import json from swiftclient import Connection from swiftclient.command_helpers import ( stat_account, stat_container, stat_object ) from swiftclient.utils import ( config_true_value, ReadableToIterable, LengthWrapper, EMPTY_ETAG, parse_api_response, report_traceback, n_groups, split_request_headers, n_at_a_time ) from swiftclient.exceptions import ClientException from swiftclient.multithreading import MultiThreadingManager logger = logging.getLogger("swiftclient.service") class ResultsIterator(Iterator): def __init__(self, futures): self.futures = interruptable_as_completed(futures) def __iter__(self): return self def __next__(self): next_completed_future = next(self.futures) return next_completed_future.result() class SwiftError(Exception): def __init__(self, value, container=None, obj=None, segment=None, exc=None): self.value = value self.container = container self.obj = obj self.segment = segment self.exception = exc def __str__(self): value = repr(self.value) if self.container is not None: value += " container:%s" % self.container if self.obj is not None: value += " object:%s" % self.obj if self.segment is not None: value += " segment:%s" % self.segment return value def process_options(options): # tolerate sloppy auth_version if options.get('auth_version') == '3.0': options['auth_version'] = '3' elif options.get('auth_version') == '2': options['auth_version'] = '2.0' if options.get('auth_version') not in ('2.0', '3') and not all( options.get(key) for key in ('auth', 'user', 'key')): # Use keystone auth if any of the new-style args are present if any(options.get(k) for k in ( 'os_user_domain_id', 'os_user_domain_name', 'os_project_domain_id', 'os_project_domain_name')): # Use v3 if there's any reference to domains options['auth_version'] = '3' else: options['auth_version'] = '2.0' # Use new-style args if old ones not present if not options['auth'] and options['os_auth_url']: options['auth'] = options['os_auth_url'] if not options['user'] and options['os_username']: options['user'] = options['os_username'] if not options['key'] and options['os_password']: options['key'] = options['os_password'] # Specific OpenStack options options['os_options'] = { 'user_id': options['os_user_id'], 'user_domain_id': options['os_user_domain_id'], 'user_domain_name': options['os_user_domain_name'], 'tenant_id': options['os_tenant_id'], 'tenant_name': options['os_tenant_name'], 'project_id': options['os_project_id'], 'project_name': options['os_project_name'], 'project_domain_id': options['os_project_domain_id'], 'project_domain_name': options['os_project_domain_name'], 'service_type': options['os_service_type'], 'endpoint_type': options['os_endpoint_type'], 'auth_token': options['os_auth_token'], 'object_storage_url': options['os_storage_url'], 'region_name': options['os_region_name'], } def _build_default_global_options(): return { "snet": False, "verbose": 1, "debug": False, "info": False, "auth": environ.get('ST_AUTH'), "auth_version": environ.get('ST_AUTH_VERSION', '1.0'), "user": environ.get('ST_USER'), "key": environ.get('ST_KEY'), "retries": 5, "os_username": environ.get('OS_USERNAME'), "os_user_id": environ.get('OS_USER_ID'), "os_user_domain_name": environ.get('OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME'), "os_user_domain_id": environ.get('OS_USER_DOMAIN_ID'), "os_password": environ.get('OS_PASSWORD'), "os_tenant_id": environ.get('OS_TENANT_ID'), "os_tenant_name": environ.get('OS_TENANT_NAME'), "os_project_name": environ.get('OS_PROJECT_NAME'), "os_project_id": environ.get('OS_PROJECT_ID'), "os_project_domain_name": environ.get('OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_NAME'), "os_project_domain_id": environ.get('OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_ID'), "os_auth_url": environ.get('OS_AUTH_URL'), "os_auth_token": environ.get('OS_AUTH_TOKEN'), "os_storage_url": environ.get('OS_STORAGE_URL'), "os_region_name": environ.get('OS_REGION_NAME'), "os_service_type": environ.get('OS_SERVICE_TYPE'), "os_endpoint_type": environ.get('OS_ENDPOINT_TYPE'), "os_cacert": environ.get('OS_CACERT'), "os_cert": environ.get('OS_CERT'), "os_key": environ.get('OS_KEY'), "insecure": config_true_value(environ.get('SWIFTCLIENT_INSECURE')), "ssl_compression": False, 'segment_threads': 10, 'object_dd_threads': 10, 'object_uu_threads': 10, 'container_threads': 10 } _default_global_options = _build_default_global_options() _default_local_options = { 'sync_to': None, 'sync_key': None, 'use_slo': False, 'segment_size': None, 'segment_container': None, 'leave_segments': False, 'changed': None, 'skip_identical': False, 'yes_all': False, 'read_acl': None, 'write_acl': None, 'out_file': None, 'out_directory': None, 'remove_prefix': False, 'no_download': False, 'long': False, 'totals': False, 'marker': '', 'header': [], 'meta': [], 'prefix': None, 'delimiter': None, 'fail_fast': False, 'human': False, 'dir_marker': False, 'checksum': True, 'shuffle': False, 'destination': None, 'fresh_metadata': False, } POLICY = 'X-Storage-Policy' KNOWN_DIR_MARKERS = ( 'application/directory', # Preferred 'text/directory', # Historically relevant ) def get_from_queue(q, timeout=864000): while True: try: item = q.get(timeout=timeout) return item except QueueEmpty: # Do nothing here, we only have a timeout to allow interruption pass def get_future_result(f, timeout=86400): while True: try: res = f.result(timeout=timeout) return res except TimeoutError: # Do nothing here, we only have a timeout to allow interruption pass def interruptable_as_completed(fs, timeout=86400): while True: try: for f in as_completed(fs, timeout=timeout): fs.remove(f) yield f return except TimeoutError: # Do nothing here, we only have a timeout to allow interruption pass def get_conn(options): """ Return a connection building it from the options. """ return Connection(options['auth'], options['user'], options['key'], options['retries'], auth_version=options['auth_version'], os_options=options['os_options'], snet=options['snet'], cacert=options['os_cacert'], insecure=options['insecure'], cert=options['os_cert'], cert_key=options['os_key'], ssl_compression=options['ssl_compression']) def mkdirs(path): try: makedirs(path) except OSError as err: if err.errno != EEXIST: raise def split_headers(options, prefix=''): """ Splits 'Key: Value' strings and returns them as a dictionary. :param options: Must be one of: * an iterable of 'Key: Value' strings * an iterable of ('Key', 'Value') pairs * a dict of {'Key': 'Value'} pairs :param prefix: String to prepend to all of the keys in the dictionary. reporting. """ headers = {} try: headers = split_request_headers(options, prefix) except ValueError as e: raise SwiftError(e) return headers class SwiftUploadObject(object): """ Class for specifying an object upload, allowing the object source, name and options to be specified separately for each individual object. """ def __init__(self, source, object_name=None, options=None): if isinstance(source, string_types): self.object_name = object_name or source elif source is None or hasattr(source, 'read'): if not object_name or not isinstance(object_name, string_types): raise SwiftError('Object names must be specified as ' 'strings for uploads from None or file ' 'like objects.') self.object_name = object_name else: raise SwiftError('Unexpected source type for ' 'SwiftUploadObject: {0}'.format(type(source))) if not self.object_name: raise SwiftError('Object names must not be empty strings') self.object_name = self.object_name.lstrip('/') self.options = options self.source = source class SwiftPostObject(object): """ Class for specifying an object post, allowing the headers/metadata to be specified separately for each individual object. """ def __init__(self, object_name, options=None): if not (isinstance(object_name, string_types) and object_name): raise SwiftError( "Object names must be specified as non-empty strings" ) self.object_name = object_name self.options = options class SwiftCopyObject(object): """ Class for specifying an object copy, allowing the destination/headers/metadata/fresh_metadata to be specified separately for each individual object. destination and fresh_metadata should be set in options """ def __init__(self, object_name, options=None): if not (isinstance(object_name, string_types) and object_name): raise SwiftError( "Object names must be specified as non-empty strings" ) self.object_name = object_name self.options = options if self.options is None: self.destination = None self.fresh_metadata = False else: self.destination = self.options.get('destination') self.fresh_metadata = self.options.get('fresh_metadata', False) if self.destination is not None: destination_components = self.destination.split('/') if destination_components[0] or len(destination_components) < 2: raise SwiftError("destination must be in format /cont[/obj]") if not destination_components[-1]: raise SwiftError("destination must not end in a slash") if len(destination_components) == 2: # only container set in destination self.destination = "{0}/{1}".format( self.destination, object_name ) class _SwiftReader(object): """ Class for downloading objects from swift and raising appropriate errors on failures caused by either invalid md5sum or size of the data read. """ def __init__(self, path, body, headers, checksum=True): self._path = path self._body = body self._actual_read = 0 self._content_length = None self._actual_md5 = None self._expected_md5 = headers.get('etag', '') if len(self._expected_md5) > 1 and self._expected_md5[0] == '"' \ and self._expected_md5[-1] == '"': self._expected_md5 = self._expected_md5[1:-1] # Some headers indicate the MD5 of the response # definitely *won't* match the ETag bad_md5_headers = set([ 'content-range', 'x-object-manifest', 'x-static-large-object', ]) if bad_md5_headers.intersection(headers): # This isn't a useful checksum self._expected_md5 = '' if self._expected_md5 and checksum: self._actual_md5 = md5() if 'content-length' in headers: try: self._content_length = int(headers.get('content-length')) except ValueError: raise SwiftError('content-length header must be an integer') def __iter__(self): for chunk in self._body: if self._actual_md5: self._actual_md5.update(chunk) self._actual_read += len(chunk) yield chunk self._check_contents() def _check_contents(self): if self._actual_md5 and self._expected_md5: etag = self._actual_md5.hexdigest() if etag != self._expected_md5: raise SwiftError('Error downloading {0}: md5sum != etag, ' '{1} != {2}'.format( self._path, etag, self._expected_md5)) if (self._content_length is not None and self._actual_read != self._content_length): raise SwiftError('Error downloading {0}: read_length != ' 'content_length, {1:d} != {2:d}'.format( self._path, self._actual_read, self._content_length)) def bytes_read(self): return self._actual_read class SwiftService(object): """ Service for performing swift operations """ def __init__(self, options=None): if options is not None: self._options = dict( _default_global_options, **dict(_default_local_options, **options) ) else: self._options = dict( _default_global_options, **_default_local_options ) process_options(self._options) create_connection = lambda: get_conn(self._options) self.thread_manager = MultiThreadingManager( create_connection, segment_threads=self._options['segment_threads'], object_dd_threads=self._options['object_dd_threads'], object_uu_threads=self._options['object_uu_threads'], container_threads=self._options['container_threads'] ) self.capabilities_cache = {} # Each instance should have its own cache def __enter__(self): self.thread_manager.__enter__() return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self.thread_manager.__exit__(exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb) # Stat related methods # def stat(self, container=None, objects=None, options=None): """ Get account stats, container stats or information about a list of objects in a container. :param container: The container to query. :param objects: A list of object paths about which to return information (a list of strings). :param options: A dictionary containing options to override the global options specified during the service object creation. These options are applied to all stat operations performed by this call:: { 'human': False, 'header': [] } :returns: Either a single dictionary containing stats about an account or container, or an iterator for returning the results of the stat operations on a list of objects. :raises SwiftError: """ if options is not None: options = dict(self._options, **options) else: options = self._options if not container: if objects: raise SwiftError('Objects specified without container') else: res = { 'action': 'stat_account', 'success': True, 'container': container, 'object': None, } try: stats_future = self.thread_manager.container_pool.submit( stat_account, options ) items, headers = get_future_result(stats_future) res.update({ 'items': items, 'headers': headers }) return res except ClientException as err: if err.http_status != 404: traceback, err_time = report_traceback() logger.exception(err) res.update({ 'success': False, 'error': err, 'traceback': traceback, 'error_timestamp': err_time }) return res raise SwiftError('Account not found', exc=err) except Exception as err: traceback, err_time = report_traceback() logger.exception(err) res.update({ 'success': False, 'error': err, 'traceback': traceback, 'error_timestamp': err_time }) return res else: if not objects: res = { 'action': 'stat_container', 'container': container, 'object': None, 'success': True, } try: stats_future = self.thread_manager.container_pool.submit( stat_container, options, container ) items, headers = get_future_result(stats_future) res.update({ 'items': items, 'headers': headers }) return res except ClientException as err: if err.http_status != 404: traceback, err_time = report_traceback() logger.exception(err) res.update({ 'success': False, 'error': err, 'traceback': traceback, 'error_timestamp': err_time }) return res raise SwiftError('Container %r not found' % container, container=container, exc=err) except Exception as err: traceback, err_time = report_traceback() logger.exception(err) res.update({ 'success': False, 'error': err, 'traceback': traceback, 'error_timestamp': err_time }) return res else: stat_futures = [] for stat_o in objects: stat_future = self.thread_manager.object_dd_pool.submit( self._stat_object, container, stat_o, options ) stat_futures.append(stat_future) return ResultsIterator(stat_futures) @staticmethod def _stat_object(conn, container, obj, options): res = { 'action': 'stat_object', 'object': obj, 'container': container, 'success': True, } try: items, headers = stat_object(conn, options, container, obj) res.update({ 'items': items, 'headers': headers }) return res except Exception as err: traceback, err_time = report_traceback() logger.exception(err) res.update({ 'success': False, 'error': err, 'traceback': traceback, 'error_timestamp': err_time }) return res # Post related methods # def post(self, container=None, objects=None, options=None): """ Post operations on an account, container or list of objects :param container: The container to make the post operation against. :param objects: A list of object names (strings) or SwiftPostObject instances containing an object name, and an options dict (can be None) to override the options for that individual post operation:: [ 'object_name', SwiftPostObject('object_name', options={...}), ... ] The options dict is described below. :param options: A dictionary containing options to override the global options specified during the service object creation. These options are applied to all post operations performed by this call, unless overridden on a per object basis. Possible options are given below:: { 'meta': [], 'header': [], 'read_acl': None, # For containers only 'write_acl': None, # For containers only 'sync_to': None, # For containers only 'sync_key': None # For containers only } :returns: Either a single result dictionary in the case of a post to a container/account, or an iterator for returning the results of posts to a list of objects. :raises SwiftError: """ if options is not None: options = dict(self._options, **options) else: options = self._options res = { 'success': True, 'container': container, 'object': None, 'headers': {}, } if not container: res["action"] = "post_account" if objects: raise SwiftError('Objects specified without container') else: response_dict = {} headers = split_headers( options['meta'], 'X-Account-Meta-') headers.update( split_headers(options['header'], '')) res['headers'] = headers try: post = self.thread_manager.container_pool.submit( self._post_account_job, headers, response_dict ) get_future_result(post) except ClientException as err: if err.http_status != 404: traceback, err_time = report_traceback() logger.exception(err) res.update({ 'success': False, 'error': err, 'traceback': traceback, 'error_timestamp': err_time, 'response_dict': response_dict }) return res raise SwiftError('Account not found', exc=err) except Exception as err: traceback, err_time = report_traceback() logger.exception(err) res.update({ 'success': False, 'error': err, 'response_dict': response_dict, 'traceback': traceback, 'error_timestamp': err_time }) return res if not objects: res["action"] = "post_container" response_dict = {} headers = split_headers( options['meta'], 'X-Container-Meta-') headers.update( split_headers(options['header'], '')) if options['read_acl'] is not None: headers['X-Container-Read'] = options['read_acl'] if options['write_acl'] is not None: headers['X-Container-Write'] = options['write_acl'] if options['sync_to'] is not None: headers['X-Container-Sync-To'] = options['sync_to'] if options['sync_key'] is not None: headers['X-Container-Sync-Key'] = options['sync_key'] res['headers'] = headers try: post = self.thread_manager.container_pool.submit( self._post_container_job, container, headers, response_dict ) get_future_result(post) except ClientException as err: if err.http_status != 404: traceback, err_time = report_traceback() logger.exception(err) res.update({ 'action': 'post_container', 'success': False, 'error': err, 'traceback': traceback, 'error_timestamp': err_time, 'response_dict': response_dict }) return res raise SwiftError( "Container '%s' not found" % container, container=container, exc=err ) except Exception as err: traceback, err_time = report_traceback() logger.exception(err) res.update({ 'action': 'post_container', 'success': False, 'error': err, 'response_dict': response_dict, 'traceback': traceback, 'error_timestamp': err_time }) return res else: post_futures = [] post_objects = self._make_post_objects(objects) for post_object in post_objects: obj = post_object.object_name obj_options = post_object.options response_dict = {} headers = split_headers( options['meta'], 'X-Object-Meta-') # add header options to the headers object for the request. headers.update( split_headers(options['header'], '')) if obj_options is not None: if 'meta' in obj_options: headers.update( split_headers( obj_options['meta'], 'X-Object-Meta-' ) ) if 'header' in obj_options: headers.update( split_headers(obj_options['header'], '') ) post = self.thread_manager.object_uu_pool.submit( self._post_object_job, container, obj, headers, response_dict ) post_futures.append(post) return ResultsIterator(post_futures) @staticmethod def _make_post_objects(objects): post_objects = [] for o in objects: if isinstance(o, string_types): obj = SwiftPostObject(o) post_objects.append(obj) elif isinstance(o, SwiftPostObject): post_objects.append(o) else: raise SwiftError( "The post operation takes only strings or " "SwiftPostObjects as input", obj=o) return post_objects @staticmethod def _post_account_job(conn, headers, result): return conn.post_account(headers=headers, response_dict=result) @staticmethod def _post_container_job(conn, container, headers, result): try: res = conn.post_container( container, headers=headers, response_dict=result) except ClientException as err: if err.http_status != 404: raise _response_dict = {} res = conn.put_container( container, headers=headers, response_dict=_response_dict) result['post_put'] = _response_dict return res @staticmethod def _post_object_job(conn, container, obj, headers, result): res = { 'success': True, 'action': 'post_object', 'container': container, 'object': obj, 'headers': headers, 'response_dict': result } try: conn.post_object( container, obj, headers=headers, response_dict=result) except Exception as err: traceback, err_time = report_traceback() logger.exception(err) res.update({ 'success': False, 'error': err, 'traceback': traceback, 'error_timestamp': err_time }) return res # List related methods # def list(self, container=None, options=None): """ List operations on an account, container. :param container: The container to make the list operation against. :param options: A dictionary containing options to override the global options specified during the service object creation:: { 'long': False, 'prefix': None, 'delimiter': None, 'header': [] } :returns: A generator for returning the results of the list operation on an account or container. Each result yielded from the generator is either a 'list_account_part' or 'list_container_part', containing part of the listing. """ if options is not None: options = dict(self._options, **options) else: options = self._options rq = Queue(maxsize=10) # Just stop list running away consuming memory if container is None: listing_future = self.thread_manager.container_pool.submit( self._list_account_job, options, rq ) else: listing_future = self.thread_manager.container_pool.submit( self._list_container_job, container, options, rq ) res = get_from_queue(rq) while res is not None: yield res res = get_from_queue(rq) # Make sure the future has completed get_future_result(listing_future) @staticmethod def _list_account_job(conn, options, result_queue): marker = '' error = None req_headers = split_headers(options.get('header', [])) try: while True: _, items = conn.get_account( marker=marker, prefix=options['prefix'], headers=req_headers ) if not items: result_queue.put(None) return if options['long']: for i in items: name = i['name'] i['meta'] = conn.head_container(name) res = { 'action': 'list_account_part', 'container': None, 'prefix': options['prefix'], 'success': True, 'listing': items, 'marker': marker, } result_queue.put(res) marker = items[-1].get('name', items[-1].get('subdir')) except ClientException as err: traceback, err_time = report_traceback() logger.exception(err) if err.http_status != 404: error = (err, traceback, err_time) else: error = ( SwiftError('Account not found', exc=err), traceback, err_time ) except Exception as err: traceback, err_time = report_traceback() logger.exception(err) error = (err, traceback, err_time) res = { 'action': 'list_account_part', 'container': None, 'prefix': options['prefix'], 'success': False, 'marker': marker, 'error': error[0], 'traceback': error[1], 'error_timestamp': error[2] } result_queue.put(res) result_queue.put(None) @staticmethod def _list_container_job(conn, container, options, result_queue): marker = options.get('marker', '') error = None req_headers = split_headers(options.get('header', [])) try: while True: _, items = conn.get_container( container, marker=marker, prefix=options['prefix'], delimiter=options['delimiter'], headers=req_headers ) if not items: result_queue.put(None) return res = { 'action': 'list_container_part', 'container': container, 'prefix': options['prefix'], 'success': True, 'marker': marker, 'listing': items, } result_queue.put(res) marker = items[-1].get('name', items[-1].get('subdir')) except ClientException as err: traceback, err_time = report_traceback() logger.exception(err) if err.http_status != 404: error = (err, traceback, err_time) else: error = ( SwiftError( 'Container %r not found' % container, container=container, exc=err ), traceback, err_time ) except Exception as err: traceback, err_time = report_traceback() logger.exception(err) error = (err, traceback, err_time) res = { 'action': 'list_container_part', 'container': container, 'prefix': options['prefix'], 'success': False, 'marker': marker, 'error': error[0], 'traceback': error[1], 'error_timestamp': error[2] } result_queue.put(res) result_queue.put(None) # Download related methods # def download(self, container=None, objects=None, options=None): """ Download operations on an account, optional container and optional list of objects. :param container: The container to download from. :param objects: A list of object names to download (a list of strings). :param options: A dictionary containing options to override the global options specified during the service object creation:: { 'yes_all': False, 'marker': '', 'prefix': None, 'no_download': False, 'header': [], 'skip_identical': False, 'out_directory': None, 'checksum': True, 'out_file': None, 'remove_prefix': False, 'shuffle' : False } :returns: A generator for returning the results of the download operations. Each result yielded from the generator is a 'download_object' dictionary containing the results of an individual file download. :raises ClientException: :raises SwiftError: """ if options is not None: options = dict(self._options, **options) else: options = self._options if not container: # Download everything if options['yes_all'] is set if options['yes_all']: try: options_copy = deepcopy(options) options_copy["long"] = False for part in self.list(options=options_copy): if part["success"]: containers = [i['name'] for i in part["listing"]] if options['shuffle']: shuffle(containers) for con in containers: for res in self._download_container( con, options_copy): yield res else: raise part["error"] # If we see a 404 here, the listing of the account failed except ClientException as err: if err.http_status != 404: raise raise SwiftError('Account not found', exc=err) elif objects is None: if '/' in container: raise SwiftError('\'/\' in container name', container=container) for res in self._download_container(container, options): yield res else: if '/' in container: raise SwiftError('\'/\' in container name', container=container) if options['out_file'] and len(objects) > 1: options['out_file'] = None o_downs = [ self.thread_manager.object_dd_pool.submit( self._download_object_job, container, obj, options ) for obj in objects ] for o_down in interruptable_as_completed(o_downs): yield o_down.result() def _download_object_job(self, conn, container, obj, options): out_file = options['out_file'] results_dict = {} req_headers = split_headers(options['header'], '') pseudodir = False path = join(container, obj) if options['yes_all'] else obj path = path.lstrip(os_path_sep) options['skip_identical'] = (options['skip_identical'] and out_file != '-') if options['prefix'] and options['remove_prefix']: path = path[len(options['prefix']):].lstrip('/') if options['out_directory']: path = os.path.join(options['out_directory'], path) if options['skip_identical']: filename = out_file if out_file else path try: fp = open(filename, 'rb') except IOError: pass else: with fp: md5sum = md5() while True: data = fp.read(65536) if not data: break md5sum.update(data) req_headers['If-None-Match'] = md5sum.hexdigest() try: start_time = time() get_args = {'resp_chunk_size': 65536, 'headers': req_headers, 'response_dict': results_dict} if options['skip_identical']: # Assume the file is a large object; if we're wrong, the query # string is ignored and the If-None-Match header will trigger # the behavior we want get_args['query_string'] = 'multipart-manifest=get' try: headers, body = conn.get_object(container, obj, **get_args) except ClientException as e: if not options['skip_identical']: raise if e.http_status != 304: # Only handling Not Modified raise headers = results_dict['headers'] if 'x-object-manifest' in headers: # DLO: most likely it has more than one page worth of # segments and we have an empty file locally body = [] elif config_true_value(headers.get('x-static-large-object')): # SLO: apparently we have a copy of the manifest locally? # provide no chunking data to force a fresh download body = [b'[]'] else: # Normal object: let it bubble up raise if options['skip_identical']: if config_true_value(headers.get('x-static-large-object')) or \ 'x-object-manifest' in headers: # The request was chunked, so stitch it back together chunk_data = self._get_chunk_data(conn, container, obj, headers, b''.join(body)) else: chunk_data = None if chunk_data is not None: if self._is_identical(chunk_data, filename): raise ClientException('Large object is identical', http_status=304) # Large objects are different; start the real download del get_args['query_string'] get_args['response_dict'].clear() headers, body = conn.get_object(container, obj, **get_args) headers_receipt = time() obj_body = _SwiftReader(path, body, headers, options.get('checksum', True)) no_file = options['no_download'] if out_file == "-" and not no_file: res = { 'action': 'download_object', 'container': container, 'object': obj, 'path': path, 'pseudodir': pseudodir, 'contents': obj_body } return res fp = None try: content_type = headers.get('content-type', '').split(';', 1)[0] if content_type in KNOWN_DIR_MARKERS: make_dir = not no_file and out_file != "-" if make_dir and not isdir(path): mkdirs(path) else: make_dir = not (no_file or out_file) if make_dir: dirpath = dirname(path) if dirpath and not isdir(dirpath): mkdirs(dirpath) if not no_file: if out_file: fp = open(out_file, 'wb') else: if basename(path): fp = open(path, 'wb') else: pseudodir = True for chunk in obj_body: if fp is not None: fp.write(chunk) finish_time = time() finally: bytes_read = obj_body.bytes_read() if fp is not None: fp.close() if 'x-object-meta-mtime' in headers and not no_file: try: mtime = float(headers['x-object-meta-mtime']) except ValueError: pass # no real harm; couldn't trust it anyway else: if options['out_file']: utime(options['out_file'], (mtime, mtime)) else: utime(path, (mtime, mtime)) res = { 'action': 'download_object', 'success': True, 'container': container, 'object': obj, 'path': path, 'pseudodir': pseudodir, 'start_time': start_time, 'finish_time': finish_time, 'headers_receipt': headers_receipt, 'auth_end_time': conn.auth_end_time, 'read_length': bytes_read, 'attempts': conn.attempts, 'response_dict': results_dict } return res except Exception as err: traceback, err_time = report_traceback() logger.exception(err) res = { 'action': 'download_object', 'container': container, 'object': obj, 'success': False, 'error': err, 'traceback': traceback, 'error_timestamp': err_time, 'response_dict': results_dict, 'path': path, 'pseudodir': pseudodir, 'attempts': conn.attempts } return res def _submit_page_downloads(self, container, page_generator, options): try: list_page = next(page_generator) except StopIteration: return None if list_page["success"]: objects = [o["name"] for o in list_page["listing"]] if options["shuffle"]: shuffle(objects) o_downs = [ self.thread_manager.object_dd_pool.submit( self._download_object_job, container, obj, options ) for obj in objects ] return o_downs else: raise list_page["error"] def _download_container(self, container, options): _page_generator = self.list(container=container, options=options) try: next_page_downs = self._submit_page_downloads( container, _page_generator, options ) except ClientException as err: if err.http_status != 404: raise raise SwiftError( 'Container %r not found' % container, container=container, exc=err ) error = None while next_page_downs: page_downs = next_page_downs next_page_downs = None # Start downloading the next page of list results when # we have completed 80% of the previous page next_page_triggered = False next_page_trigger_point = 0.8 * len(page_downs) page_results_yielded = 0 for o_down in interruptable_as_completed(page_downs): yield o_down.result() # Do we need to start the next set of downloads yet? if not next_page_triggered: page_results_yielded += 1 if page_results_yielded >= next_page_trigger_point: try: next_page_downs = self._submit_page_downloads( container, _page_generator, options ) except ClientException as err: # Allow the current page to finish downloading logger.exception(err) error = err except Exception: # Something unexpected went wrong - cancel # remaining downloads for _d in page_downs: _d.cancel() raise finally: # Stop counting and testing next_page_triggered = True if error: raise error # Upload related methods # def upload(self, container, objects, options=None): """ Upload a list of objects to a given container. :param container: The container (or pseudo-folder path) to put the uploads into. :param objects: A list of file/directory names (strings) or SwiftUploadObject instances containing a source for the created object, an object name, and an options dict (can be None) to override the options for that individual upload operation:: [ '/path/to/file', SwiftUploadObject('/path', object_name='obj1'), ... ] The options dict is as described below. The SwiftUploadObject source may be one of: * A file-like object (with a read method) * A string containing the path to a local file or directory * None, to indicate that we want an empty object :param options: A dictionary containing options to override the global options specified during the service object creation. These options are applied to all upload operations performed by this call, unless overridden on a per object basis. Possible options are given below:: { 'meta': [], 'header': [], 'segment_size': None, 'use_slo': False, 'segment_container': None, 'leave_segments': False, 'changed': None, 'skip_identical': False, 'fail_fast': False, 'dir_marker': False # Only for None sources } :returns: A generator for returning the results of the uploads. :raises SwiftError: :raises ClientException: """ if options is not None: options = dict(self._options, **options) else: options = self._options try: segment_size = int(0 if options['segment_size'] is None else options['segment_size']) except ValueError: raise SwiftError('Segment size should be an integer value') # Incase we have a psudeo-folder path for arg, derive # the container name from the top path and prepend the rest to # the object name. (same as passing --object-name). container, _sep, pseudo_folder = container.partition('/') # Try to create the container, just in case it doesn't exist. If this # fails, it might just be because the user doesn't have container PUT # permissions, so we'll ignore any error. If there's really a problem, # it'll surface on the first object PUT. policy_header = {} _header = split_headers(options["header"]) if POLICY in _header: policy_header[POLICY] = \ _header[POLICY] create_containers = [ self.thread_manager.container_pool.submit( self._create_container_job, container, headers=policy_header) ] # wait for first container job to complete before possibly attempting # segment container job because segment container job may attempt # to HEAD the first container for r in interruptable_as_completed(create_containers): res = r.result() yield res if segment_size: seg_container = container + '_segments' if options['segment_container']: seg_container = options['segment_container'] if seg_container != container: if not policy_header: # Since no storage policy was specified on the command # line, rather than just letting swift pick the default # storage policy, we'll try to create the segments # container with the same policy as the upload container create_containers = [ self.thread_manager.container_pool.submit( self._create_container_job, seg_container, policy_source=container ) ] else: create_containers = [ self.thread_manager.container_pool.submit( self._create_container_job, seg_container, headers=policy_header ) ] for r in interruptable_as_completed(create_containers): res = r.result() yield res # We maintain a results queue here and a separate thread to monitor # the futures because we want to get results back from potential # segment uploads too rq = Queue() file_jobs = {} upload_objects = self._make_upload_objects(objects, pseudo_folder) for upload_object in upload_objects: s = upload_object.source o = upload_object.object_name o_opts = upload_object.options details = {'action': 'upload', 'container': container} if o_opts is not None: object_options = deepcopy(options) object_options.update(o_opts) else: object_options = options if hasattr(s, 'read'): # We've got a file like object to upload to o file_future = self.thread_manager.object_uu_pool.submit( self._upload_object_job, container, s, o, object_options ) details['file'] = s details['object'] = o file_jobs[file_future] = details elif s is not None: # We've got a path to upload to o details['path'] = s details['object'] = o if isdir(s): dir_future = self.thread_manager.object_uu_pool.submit( self._create_dir_marker_job, container, o, object_options, path=s ) file_jobs[dir_future] = details else: try: stat(s) file_future = \ self.thread_manager.object_uu_pool.submit( self._upload_object_job, container, s, o, object_options, results_queue=rq ) file_jobs[file_future] = details except OSError as err: # Avoid tying up threads with jobs that will fail traceback, err_time = report_traceback() logger.exception(err) res = { 'action': 'upload_object', 'container': container, 'object': o, 'success': False, 'error': err, 'traceback': traceback, 'error_timestamp': err_time, 'path': s } rq.put(res) else: # Create an empty object (as a dir marker if is_dir) details['file'] = None details['object'] = o if object_options['dir_marker']: dir_future = self.thread_manager.object_uu_pool.submit( self._create_dir_marker_job, container, o, object_options ) file_jobs[dir_future] = details else: file_future = self.thread_manager.object_uu_pool.submit( self._upload_object_job, container, StringIO(), o, object_options ) file_jobs[file_future] = details # Start a thread to watch for upload results Thread( target=self._watch_futures, args=(file_jobs, rq) ).start() # yield results as they become available, including those from # segment uploads. res = get_from_queue(rq) cancelled = False while res is not None: yield res if not res['success']: if not cancelled and options['fail_fast']: cancelled = True for f in file_jobs: f.cancel() res = get_from_queue(rq) @staticmethod def _make_upload_objects(objects, pseudo_folder=''): upload_objects = [] for o in objects: if isinstance(o, string_types): obj = SwiftUploadObject(o, urljoin(pseudo_folder, o.lstrip('/'))) upload_objects.append(obj) elif isinstance(o, SwiftUploadObject): o.object_name = urljoin(pseudo_folder, o.object_name) upload_objects.append(o) else: raise SwiftError( "The upload operation takes only strings or " "SwiftUploadObjects as input", obj=o) return upload_objects @staticmethod def _create_container_job( conn, container, headers=None, policy_source=None): """ Create a container using the given connection :param conn: The swift connection used for requests. :param container: The container name to create. :param headers: An optional dict of headers for the put_container request. :param policy_source: An optional name of a container whose policy we should duplicate. :return: A dict containing the results of the operation. """ res = { 'action': 'create_container', 'container': container, 'headers': headers } create_response = {} try: if policy_source is not None: _meta = conn.head_container(policy_source) if 'x-storage-policy' in _meta: policy_header = { POLICY: _meta.get('x-storage-policy') } if headers is None: headers = policy_header else: headers.update(policy_header) conn.put_container( container, headers, response_dict=create_response ) res.update({ 'success': True, 'response_dict': create_response }) except Exception as err: traceback, err_time = report_traceback() logger.exception(err) res.update({ 'success': False, 'error': err, 'traceback': traceback, 'error_timestamp': err_time, 'response_dict': create_response }) return res @staticmethod def _create_dir_marker_job(conn, container, obj, options, path=None): res = { 'action': 'create_dir_marker', 'container': container, 'object': obj, 'path': path } results_dict = {} if obj.startswith('./') or obj.startswith('.\\'): obj = obj[2:] if obj.startswith('/'): obj = obj[1:] if path is not None: put_headers = {'x-object-meta-mtime': "%f" % getmtime(path)} else: put_headers = {'x-object-meta-mtime': "%f" % round(time())} res['headers'] = put_headers if options['changed']: try: headers = conn.head_object(container, obj) ct = headers.get('content-type', '').split(';', 1)[0] cl = int(headers.get('content-length')) et = headers.get('etag') mt = headers.get('x-object-meta-mtime') if (ct in KNOWN_DIR_MARKERS and cl == 0 and et == EMPTY_ETAG and mt == put_headers['x-object-meta-mtime']): res['success'] = True return res except ClientException as err: if err.http_status != 404: traceback, err_time = report_traceback() logger.exception(err) res.update({ 'success': False, 'error': err, 'traceback': traceback, 'error_timestamp': err_time }) return res try: conn.put_object(container, obj, '', content_length=0, content_type=KNOWN_DIR_MARKERS[0], headers=put_headers, response_dict=results_dict) res.update({ 'success': True, 'response_dict': results_dict}) return res except Exception as err: traceback, err_time = report_traceback() logger.exception(err) res.update({ 'success': False, 'error': err, 'traceback': traceback, 'error_timestamp': err_time, 'response_dict': results_dict}) return res @staticmethod def _upload_segment_job(conn, path, container, segment_name, segment_start, segment_size, segment_index, obj_name, options, results_queue=None): results_dict = {} if options['segment_container']: segment_container = options['segment_container'] else: segment_container = container + '_segments' res = { 'action': 'upload_segment', 'for_container': container, 'for_object': obj_name, 'segment_index': segment_index, 'segment_size': segment_size, 'segment_location': '/%s/%s' % (segment_container, segment_name), 'log_line': '%s segment %s' % (obj_name, segment_index), } fp = None try: fp = open(path, 'rb') fp.seek(segment_start) contents = LengthWrapper(fp, segment_size, md5=options['checksum']) etag = conn.put_object( segment_container, segment_name, contents, content_length=segment_size, content_type='application/swiftclient-segment', response_dict=results_dict) if options['checksum'] and etag and etag != contents.get_md5sum(): raise SwiftError('Segment {0}: upload verification failed: ' 'md5 mismatch, local {1} != remote {2} ' '(remote segment has not been removed)' .format(segment_index, contents.get_md5sum(), etag)) res.update({ 'success': True, 'response_dict': results_dict, 'segment_etag': etag, 'attempts': conn.attempts }) if results_queue is not None: results_queue.put(res) return res except Exception as err: traceback, err_time = report_traceback() logger.exception(err) res.update({ 'success': False, 'error': err, 'traceback': traceback, 'error_timestamp': err_time, 'response_dict': results_dict, 'attempts': conn.attempts }) if results_queue is not None: results_queue.put(res) return res finally: if fp is not None: fp.close() def _get_chunk_data(self, conn, container, obj, headers, manifest=None): chunks = [] if 'x-object-manifest' in headers: scontainer, sprefix = headers['x-object-manifest'].split('/', 1) for part in self.list(scontainer, {'prefix': sprefix}): if part["success"]: chunks.extend(part["listing"]) else: raise part["error"] elif config_true_value(headers.get('x-static-large-object')): if manifest is None: headers, manifest = conn.get_object( container, obj, query_string='multipart-manifest=get') manifest = parse_api_response(headers, manifest) for chunk in manifest: if chunk.get('sub_slo'): scont, sobj = chunk['name'].lstrip('/').split('/', 1) chunks.extend(self._get_chunk_data( conn, scont, sobj, {'x-static-large-object': True})) else: chunks.append(chunk) else: chunks.append({'hash': headers.get('etag').strip('"'), 'bytes': int(headers.get('content-length'))}) return chunks def _is_identical(self, chunk_data, path): try: fp = open(path, 'rb') except IOError: return False with fp: for chunk in chunk_data: to_read = chunk['bytes'] md5sum = md5() while to_read: data = fp.read(min(65536, to_read)) if not data: return False md5sum.update(data) to_read -= len(data) if md5sum.hexdigest() != chunk['hash']: return False # Each chunk is verified; check that we're at the end of the file return not fp.read(1) def _upload_object_job(self, conn, container, source, obj, options, results_queue=None): if obj.startswith('./') or obj.startswith('.\\'): obj = obj[2:] if obj.startswith('/'): obj = obj[1:] res = { 'action': 'upload_object', 'container': container, 'object': obj } if hasattr(source, 'read'): stream = source path = None else: path = source res['path'] = path try: if path is not None: put_headers = {'x-object-meta-mtime': "%f" % getmtime(path)} else: put_headers = {'x-object-meta-mtime': "%f" % round(time())} res['headers'] = put_headers # We need to HEAD all objects now in case we're overwriting a # manifest object and need to delete the old segments # ourselves. old_manifest = None old_slo_manifest_paths = [] new_slo_manifest_paths = set() segment_size = int(0 if options['segment_size'] is None else options['segment_size']) if (options['changed'] or options['skip_identical'] or not options['leave_segments']): try: headers = conn.head_object(container, obj) is_slo = config_true_value( headers.get('x-static-large-object')) if options['skip_identical'] or ( is_slo and not options['leave_segments']): chunk_data = self._get_chunk_data( conn, container, obj, headers) if options['skip_identical'] and self._is_identical( chunk_data, path): res.update({ 'success': True, 'status': 'skipped-identical' }) return res cl = int(headers.get('content-length')) mt = headers.get('x-object-meta-mtime') if (path is not None and options['changed'] and cl == getsize(path) and mt == put_headers['x-object-meta-mtime']): res.update({ 'success': True, 'status': 'skipped-changed' }) return res if not options['leave_segments']: old_manifest = headers.get('x-object-manifest') if is_slo: for old_seg in chunk_data: seg_path = old_seg['name'].lstrip('/') if isinstance(seg_path, text_type): seg_path = seg_path.encode('utf-8') old_slo_manifest_paths.append(seg_path) except ClientException as err: if err.http_status != 404: traceback, err_time = report_traceback() logger.exception(err) res.update({ 'success': False, 'error': err, 'traceback': traceback, 'error_timestamp': err_time }) return res # Merge the command line header options to the put_headers put_headers.update(split_headers(options['header'], '')) # Don't do segment job if object is not big enough, and never do # a segment job if we're reading from a stream - we may fail if we # go over the single object limit, but this gives us a nice way # to create objects from memory if (path is not None and segment_size and (getsize(path) > segment_size)): res['large_object'] = True seg_container = container + '_segments' if options['segment_container']: seg_container = options['segment_container'] full_size = getsize(path) segment_futures = [] segment_pool = self.thread_manager.segment_pool segment = 0 segment_start = 0 while segment_start < full_size: if segment_start + segment_size > full_size: segment_size = full_size - segment_start if options['use_slo']: segment_name = '%s/slo/%s/%s/%s/%08d' % ( obj, put_headers['x-object-meta-mtime'], full_size, options['segment_size'], segment ) else: segment_name = '%s/%s/%s/%s/%08d' % ( obj, put_headers['x-object-meta-mtime'], full_size, options['segment_size'], segment ) seg = segment_pool.submit( self._upload_segment_job, path, container, segment_name, segment_start, segment_size, segment, obj, options, results_queue=results_queue ) segment_futures.append(seg) segment += 1 segment_start += segment_size segment_results = [] errors = False exceptions = [] for f in interruptable_as_completed(segment_futures): try: r = f.result() if not r['success']: errors = True segment_results.append(r) except Exception as err: traceback, err_time = report_traceback() logger.exception(err) errors = True exceptions.append((err, traceback, err_time)) if errors: err = ClientException( 'Aborting manifest creation ' 'because not all segments could be uploaded. %s/%s' % (container, obj)) res.update({ 'success': False, 'error': err, 'exceptions': exceptions, 'segment_results': segment_results }) return res res['segment_results'] = segment_results if options['use_slo']: segment_results.sort(key=lambda di: di['segment_index']) for seg in segment_results: seg_loc = seg['segment_location'].lstrip('/') if isinstance(seg_loc, text_type): seg_loc = seg_loc.encode('utf-8') new_slo_manifest_paths.add(seg_loc) manifest_data = json.dumps([ { 'path': d['segment_location'], 'etag': d['segment_etag'], 'size_bytes': d['segment_size'] } for d in segment_results ]) mr = {} conn.put_object( container, obj, manifest_data, headers=put_headers, query_string='multipart-manifest=put', response_dict=mr ) res['manifest_response_dict'] = mr else: new_object_manifest = '%s/%s/%s/%s/%s/' % ( quote(seg_container.encode('utf8')), quote(obj.encode('utf8')), put_headers['x-object-meta-mtime'], full_size, options['segment_size']) if old_manifest and old_manifest.rstrip('/') == \ new_object_manifest.rstrip('/'): old_manifest = None put_headers['x-object-manifest'] = new_object_manifest mr = {} conn.put_object( container, obj, '', content_length=0, headers=put_headers, response_dict=mr ) res['manifest_response_dict'] = mr else: res['large_object'] = False obr = {} fp = None try: if path is not None: content_length = getsize(path) fp = open(path, 'rb') contents = LengthWrapper(fp, content_length, md5=options['checksum']) else: content_length = None contents = ReadableToIterable(stream, md5=options['checksum']) etag = conn.put_object( container, obj, contents, content_length=content_length, headers=put_headers, response_dict=obr ) res['response_dict'] = obr if (options['checksum'] and etag and etag != contents.get_md5sum()): raise SwiftError( 'Object upload verification failed: ' 'md5 mismatch, local {0} != remote {1} ' '(remote object has not been removed)' .format(contents.get_md5sum(), etag)) finally: if fp is not None: fp.close() if old_manifest or old_slo_manifest_paths: drs = [] delobjsmap = {} if old_manifest: scontainer, sprefix = old_manifest.split('/', 1) sprefix = sprefix.rstrip('/') + '/' delobjsmap[scontainer] = [] for part in self.list(scontainer, {'prefix': sprefix}): if not part["success"]: raise part["error"] delobjsmap[scontainer].extend( seg['name'] for seg in part['listing']) if old_slo_manifest_paths: for seg_to_delete in old_slo_manifest_paths: if seg_to_delete in new_slo_manifest_paths: continue scont, sobj = \ seg_to_delete.split(b'/', 1) delobjs_cont = delobjsmap.get(scont, []) delobjs_cont.append(sobj) delobjsmap[scont] = delobjs_cont del_segs = [] for dscont, dsobjs in delobjsmap.items(): for dsobj in dsobjs: del_seg = self.thread_manager.segment_pool.submit( self._delete_segment, dscont, dsobj, results_queue=results_queue ) del_segs.append(del_seg) for del_seg in interruptable_as_completed(del_segs): drs.append(del_seg.result()) res['segment_delete_results'] = drs # return dict for printing res.update({ 'success': True, 'status': 'uploaded', 'attempts': conn.attempts}) return res except OSError as err: traceback, err_time = report_traceback() logger.exception(err) if err.errno == ENOENT: error = SwiftError('Local file %r not found' % path, exc=err) else: error = err res.update({ 'success': False, 'error': error, 'traceback': traceback, 'error_timestamp': err_time }) except Exception as err: traceback, err_time = report_traceback() logger.exception(err) res.update({ 'success': False, 'error': err, 'traceback': traceback, 'error_timestamp': err_time }) return res # Delete related methods # def delete(self, container=None, objects=None, options=None): """ Delete operations on an account, optional container and optional list of objects. :param container: The container to delete or delete from. :param objects: The list of objects to delete. :param options: A dictionary containing options to override the global options specified during the service object creation:: { 'yes_all': False, 'leave_segments': False, 'prefix': None, 'header': [], } :returns: A generator for returning the results of the delete operations. Each result yielded from the generator is either a 'delete_container', 'delete_object', 'delete_segment', or 'bulk_delete' dictionary containing the results of an individual delete operation. :raises ClientException: :raises SwiftError: """ if options is not None: options = dict(self._options, **options) else: options = self._options if container is not None: if objects is not None: if options['prefix']: objects = [obj for obj in objects if obj.startswith(options['prefix'])] rq = Queue() obj_dels = {} bulk_page_size = self._bulk_delete_page_size(objects) if bulk_page_size > 1: page_at_a_time = n_at_a_time(objects, bulk_page_size) for page_slice in page_at_a_time: for obj_slice in n_groups( page_slice, self._options['object_dd_threads']): self._bulk_delete(container, obj_slice, options, obj_dels) else: self._per_item_delete(container, objects, options, obj_dels, rq) # Start a thread to watch for delete results Thread( target=self._watch_futures, args=(obj_dels, rq) ).start() # yield results as they become available, raising the first # encountered exception res = get_from_queue(rq) while res is not None: yield res # Cancel the remaining jobs if necessary if options['fail_fast'] and not res['success']: for d in obj_dels.keys(): d.cancel() res = get_from_queue(rq) else: for res in self._delete_container(container, options): yield res else: if objects: raise SwiftError('Objects specified without container') if options['prefix']: raise SwiftError('Prefix specified without container') if options['yes_all']: cancelled = False containers = [] for part in self.list(): if part["success"]: containers.extend(c['name'] for c in part['listing']) else: raise part["error"] for con in containers: if cancelled: break else: for res in self._delete_container( con, options=options): yield res # Cancel the remaining container deletes, but yield # any pending results if (not cancelled and options['fail_fast'] and not res['success']): cancelled = True def _bulk_delete_page_size(self, objects): ''' Given the iterable 'objects', will return how many items should be deleted at a time. :param objects: An iterable that supports 'len()' :returns: The bulk delete page size (i.e. the max number of objects that can be bulk deleted at once, as reported by the cluster). If bulk delete is disabled, return 1 ''' if len(objects) <= 2 * self._options['object_dd_threads']: # Not many objects; may as well delete one-by-one return 1 try: cap_result = self.capabilities() if not cap_result['success']: # This shouldn't actually happen, but just in case we start # being more nuanced about our capabilities result... return 1 except ClientException: # Old swift, presumably; assume no bulk middleware return 1 swift_info = cap_result['capabilities'] if 'bulk_delete' in swift_info: return swift_info['bulk_delete'].get( 'max_deletes_per_request', 10000) else: return 1 def _per_item_delete(self, container, objects, options, rdict, rq): for obj in objects: obj_del = self.thread_manager.object_dd_pool.submit( self._delete_object, container, obj, options, results_queue=rq ) obj_details = {'container': container, 'object': obj} rdict[obj_del] = obj_details @staticmethod def _delete_segment(conn, container, obj, results_queue=None): results_dict = {} try: conn.delete_object(container, obj, response_dict=results_dict) res = {'success': True} except Exception as err: traceback, err_time = report_traceback() logger.exception(err) res = { 'success': False, 'error': err, 'traceback': traceback, 'error_timestamp': err_time } res.update({ 'action': 'delete_segment', 'container': container, 'object': obj, 'attempts': conn.attempts, 'response_dict': results_dict }) if results_queue is not None: results_queue.put(res) return res def _delete_object(self, conn, container, obj, options, results_queue=None): _headers = {} _headers = split_headers(options.get('header', [])) res = { 'action': 'delete_object', 'container': container, 'object': obj } try: old_manifest = None query_string = None if not options['leave_segments']: try: headers = conn.head_object(container, obj, headers=_headers) old_manifest = headers.get('x-object-manifest') if config_true_value(headers.get('x-static-large-object')): query_string = 'multipart-manifest=delete' except ClientException as err: if err.http_status != 404: raise results_dict = {} conn.delete_object(container, obj, headers=_headers, query_string=query_string, response_dict=results_dict) if old_manifest: dlo_segments_deleted = True segment_pool = self.thread_manager.segment_pool s_container, s_prefix = old_manifest.split('/', 1) s_prefix = s_prefix.rstrip('/') + '/' del_segs = [] for part in self.list( container=s_container, options={'prefix': s_prefix}): if part["success"]: seg_list = [o["name"] for o in part["listing"]] else: raise part["error"] for seg in seg_list: del_seg = segment_pool.submit( self._delete_segment, s_container, seg, results_queue=results_queue ) del_segs.append(del_seg) for del_seg in interruptable_as_completed(del_segs): del_res = del_seg.result() if not del_res["success"]: dlo_segments_deleted = False res['dlo_segments_deleted'] = dlo_segments_deleted res.update({ 'success': True, 'response_dict': results_dict, 'attempts': conn.attempts, }) except Exception as err: traceback, err_time = report_traceback() logger.exception(err) res.update({ 'success': False, 'error': err, 'traceback': traceback, 'error_timestamp': err_time }) return res return res @staticmethod def _delete_empty_container(conn, container, options): results_dict = {} _headers = {} _headers = split_headers(options.get('header', [])) try: conn.delete_container(container, headers=_headers, response_dict=results_dict) res = {'success': True} except Exception as err: traceback, err_time = report_traceback() logger.exception(err) res = { 'success': False, 'error': err, 'traceback': traceback, 'error_timestamp': err_time } res.update({ 'action': 'delete_container', 'container': container, 'object': None, 'attempts': conn.attempts, 'response_dict': results_dict }) return res def _delete_container(self, container, options): try: for part in self.list(container=container, options=options): if not part["success"]: raise part["error"] for res in self.delete( container=container, objects=[o['name'] for o in part['listing']], options=options): yield res if options['prefix']: # We're only deleting a subset of objects within the container return con_del = self.thread_manager.container_pool.submit( self._delete_empty_container, container, options ) con_del_res = get_future_result(con_del) except Exception as err: traceback, err_time = report_traceback() logger.exception(err) con_del_res = { 'action': 'delete_container', 'container': container, 'object': None, 'success': False, 'error': err, 'traceback': traceback, 'error_timestamp': err_time } yield con_del_res # Bulk methods # def _bulk_delete(self, container, objects, options, rdict): if objects: bulk_del = self.thread_manager.object_dd_pool.submit( self._bulkdelete, container, objects, options ) bulk_details = {'container': container, 'objects': objects} rdict[bulk_del] = bulk_details @staticmethod def _bulkdelete(conn, container, objects, options): results_dict = {} try: headers = { 'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'text/plain', } res = {'container': container, 'objects': objects} objects = [quote(('/%s/%s' % (container, obj)).encode('utf-8')) for obj in objects] headers, body = conn.post_account( headers=headers, query_string='bulk-delete', data=b''.join(obj.encode('utf-8') + b'\n' for obj in objects), response_dict=results_dict) if body: res.update({'success': True, 'result': parse_api_response(headers, body)}) else: res.update({ 'success': False, 'error': SwiftError( 'No content received on account POST. ' 'Is the bulk operations middleware enabled?')}) except Exception as e: res.update({'success': False, 'error': e}) res.update({ 'action': 'bulk_delete', 'attempts': conn.attempts, 'response_dict': results_dict }) return res # Copy related methods # def copy(self, container, objects, options=None): """ Copy operations on a list of objects in a container. Destination containers will be created. :param container: The container from which to copy the objects. :param objects: A list of object names (strings) or SwiftCopyObject instances containing an object name and an options dict (can be None) to override the options for that individual copy operation:: [ 'object_name', SwiftCopyObject( 'object_name', options={ 'destination': '/container/object', 'fresh_metadata': False, ... }), ... ] The options dict is described below. :param options: A dictionary containing options to override the global options specified during the service object creation. These options are applied to all copy operations performed by this call, unless overridden on a per object basis. The options "destination" and "fresh_metadata" do not need to be set, in this case objects will be copied onto themselves and metadata will not be refreshed. The option "destination" can also be specified in the format '/container', in which case objects without an explicit destination will be copied to the destination /container/original_object_name. Combinations of multiple objects and a destination in the format '/container/object' is invalid. Possible options are given below:: { 'meta': [], 'header': [], 'destination': '/container/object', 'fresh_metadata': False, } :returns: A generator returning the results of copying the given list of objects. :raises SwiftError: """ if options is not None: options = dict(self._options, **options) else: options = self._options # Try to create the container, just in case it doesn't exist. If this # fails, it might just be because the user doesn't have container PUT # permissions, so we'll ignore any error. If there's really a problem, # it'll surface on the first object COPY. containers = set( next(p for p in obj.destination.split("/") if p) for obj in objects if isinstance(obj, SwiftCopyObject) and obj.destination ) if options.get('destination'): destination_split = options['destination'].split('/') if destination_split[0]: raise SwiftError("destination must be in format /cont[/obj]") _str_objs = [ o for o in objects if not isinstance(o, SwiftCopyObject) ] if len(destination_split) > 2 and len(_str_objs) > 1: # TODO (clayg): could be useful to copy multiple objects into # a destination like "/container/common/prefix/for/objects/" # where the trailing "/" indicates the destination option is a # prefix! raise SwiftError("Combination of multiple objects and " "destination including object is invalid") if destination_split[-1] == '': # N.B. this protects the above case raise SwiftError("destination can not end in a slash") containers.add(destination_split[1]) policy_header = {} _header = split_headers(options["header"]) if POLICY in _header: policy_header[POLICY] = _header[POLICY] create_containers = [ self.thread_manager.container_pool.submit( self._create_container_job, cont, headers=policy_header) for cont in containers ] # wait for container creation jobs to complete before any COPY for r in interruptable_as_completed(create_containers): res = r.result() yield res copy_futures = [] copy_objects = self._make_copy_objects(objects, options) for copy_object in copy_objects: obj = copy_object.object_name obj_options = copy_object.options destination = copy_object.destination fresh_metadata = copy_object.fresh_metadata headers = split_headers( options['meta'], 'X-Object-Meta-') # add header options to the headers object for the request. headers.update( split_headers(options['header'], '')) if obj_options is not None: if 'meta' in obj_options: headers.update( split_headers( obj_options['meta'], 'X-Object-Meta-' ) ) if 'header' in obj_options: headers.update( split_headers(obj_options['header'], '') ) copy = self.thread_manager.object_uu_pool.submit( self._copy_object_job, container, obj, destination, headers, fresh_metadata ) copy_futures.append(copy) for r in interruptable_as_completed(copy_futures): res = r.result() yield res @staticmethod def _make_copy_objects(objects, options): copy_objects = [] for o in objects: if isinstance(o, string_types): obj = SwiftCopyObject(o, options) copy_objects.append(obj) elif isinstance(o, SwiftCopyObject): copy_objects.append(o) else: raise SwiftError( "The copy operation takes only strings or " "SwiftCopyObjects as input", obj=o) return copy_objects @staticmethod def _copy_object_job(conn, container, obj, destination, headers, fresh_metadata): response_dict = {} res = { 'success': True, 'action': 'copy_object', 'container': container, 'object': obj, 'destination': destination, 'headers': headers, 'fresh_metadata': fresh_metadata, 'response_dict': response_dict } try: conn.copy_object( container, obj, destination=destination, headers=headers, fresh_metadata=fresh_metadata, response_dict=response_dict) except Exception as err: traceback, err_time = report_traceback() logger.exception(err) res.update({ 'success': False, 'error': err, 'traceback': traceback, 'error_timestamp': err_time }) return res # Capabilities related methods # def capabilities(self, url=None, refresh_cache=False): """ List the cluster capabilities. :param url: Proxy URL of the cluster to retrieve capabilities. :returns: A dictionary containing the capabilities of the cluster. :raises ClientException: """ if not refresh_cache and url in self.capabilities_cache: return self.capabilities_cache[url] res = { 'action': 'capabilities', 'timestamp': time(), } cap = self.thread_manager.container_pool.submit( self._get_capabilities, url ) capabilities = get_future_result(cap) res.update({ 'success': True, 'capabilities': capabilities }) if url is not None: res.update({ 'url': url }) self.capabilities_cache[url] = res return res @staticmethod def _get_capabilities(conn, url): return conn.get_capabilities(url) # Helper methods # @staticmethod def _watch_futures(futures, result_queue): """ Watches a dict of futures and pushes their results onto the given queue. We use this to wait for a set of futures which may create futures of their own to wait for, whilst also allowing us to immediately return the results of those sub-jobs. When all futures have completed, None is pushed to the queue If the future is cancelled, we use the dict to return details about the cancellation. """ futures_only = list(futures.keys()) for f in interruptable_as_completed(futures_only): try: r = f.result() if r is not None: result_queue.put(r) except CancelledError: details = futures[f] res = details res['status'] = 'cancelled' result_queue.put(res) except Exception as err: traceback, err_time = report_traceback() logger.exception(err) details = futures[f] res = details res.update({ 'success': False, 'error': err, 'traceback': traceback, 'error_timestamp': err_time }) result_queue.put(res) result_queue.put(None)