# Copyright (c) 2010-2013 OpenStack, LLC. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import testtools import mock import six import tempfile from swiftclient import utils as u class TestConfigTrueValue(testtools.TestCase): def test_TRUE_VALUES(self): for v in u.TRUE_VALUES: self.assertEqual(v, v.lower()) def test_config_true_value(self): orig_trues = u.TRUE_VALUES try: u.TRUE_VALUES = 'hello world'.split() for val in 'hello world HELLO WORLD'.split(): self.assertTrue(u.config_true_value(val) is True) self.assertTrue(u.config_true_value(True) is True) self.assertTrue(u.config_true_value('foo') is False) self.assertTrue(u.config_true_value(False) is False) finally: u.TRUE_VALUES = orig_trues class TestPrtBytes(testtools.TestCase): def test_zero_bytes(self): bytes_ = 0 raw = '0' human = '0' self.assertEqual(raw, u.prt_bytes(bytes_, False).lstrip()) self.assertEqual(human, u.prt_bytes(bytes_, True).lstrip()) def test_one_byte(self): bytes_ = 1 raw = '1' human = '1' self.assertEqual(raw, u.prt_bytes(bytes_, False).lstrip()) self.assertEqual(human, u.prt_bytes(bytes_, True).lstrip()) def test_less_than_one_k(self): bytes_ = (2 ** 10) - 1 raw = '1023' human = '1023' self.assertEqual(raw, u.prt_bytes(bytes_, False).lstrip()) self.assertEqual(human, u.prt_bytes(bytes_, True).lstrip()) def test_one_k(self): bytes_ = 2 ** 10 raw = '1024' human = '1.0K' self.assertEqual(raw, u.prt_bytes(bytes_, False).lstrip()) self.assertEqual(human, u.prt_bytes(bytes_, True).lstrip()) def test_a_decimal_k(self): bytes_ = (3 * 2 ** 10) + 512 raw = '3584' human = '3.5K' self.assertEqual(raw, u.prt_bytes(bytes_, False).lstrip()) self.assertEqual(human, u.prt_bytes(bytes_, True).lstrip()) def test_a_bit_less_than_one_meg(self): bytes_ = (2 ** 20) - (2 ** 10) raw = '1047552' human = '1023K' self.assertEqual(raw, u.prt_bytes(bytes_, False).lstrip()) self.assertEqual(human, u.prt_bytes(bytes_, True).lstrip()) def test_just_a_hair_less_than_one_meg(self): bytes_ = (2 ** 20) - (2 ** 10) + 1 raw = '1047553' human = '1.0M' self.assertEqual(raw, u.prt_bytes(bytes_, False).lstrip()) self.assertEqual(human, u.prt_bytes(bytes_, True).lstrip()) def test_one_meg(self): bytes_ = 2 ** 20 raw = '1048576' human = '1.0M' self.assertEqual(raw, u.prt_bytes(bytes_, False).lstrip()) self.assertEqual(human, u.prt_bytes(bytes_, True).lstrip()) def test_ten_meg(self): bytes_ = 10 * 2 ** 20 human = '10M' self.assertEqual(human, u.prt_bytes(bytes_, True).lstrip()) def test_bit_less_than_ten_meg(self): bytes_ = (10 * 2 ** 20) - (100 * 2 ** 10) human = '9.9M' self.assertEqual(human, u.prt_bytes(bytes_, True).lstrip()) def test_just_a_hair_less_than_ten_meg(self): bytes_ = (10 * 2 ** 20) - 1 human = '10.0M' self.assertEqual(human, u.prt_bytes(bytes_, True).lstrip()) def test_a_yotta(self): bytes_ = 42 * 2 ** 80 self.assertEqual('42Y', u.prt_bytes(bytes_, True).lstrip()) def test_overflow(self): bytes_ = 2 ** 90 self.assertEqual('1024Y', u.prt_bytes(bytes_, True).lstrip()) class TestTempURL(testtools.TestCase): def setUp(self): super(TestTempURL, self).setUp() self.url = '/v1/AUTH_account/c/o' self.seconds = 3600 self.key = 'correcthorsebatterystaple' self.method = 'GET' @mock.patch('hmac.HMAC.hexdigest') @mock.patch('time.time') def test_generate_temp_url(self, time_mock, hmac_mock): time_mock.return_value = 1400000000 hmac_mock.return_value = 'temp_url_signature' expected_url = ( '/v1/AUTH_account/c/o?' 'temp_url_sig=temp_url_signature&' 'temp_url_expires=1400003600') url = u.generate_temp_url(self.url, self.seconds, self.key, self.method) self.assertEqual(url, expected_url) def test_generate_temp_url_bad_seconds(self): self.assertRaises(TypeError, u.generate_temp_url, self.url, 'not_an_int', self.key, self.method) self.assertRaises(ValueError, u.generate_temp_url, self.url, -1, self.key, self.method) class TestLengthWrapper(testtools.TestCase): def test_stringio(self): contents = six.StringIO('a' * 100) data = u.LengthWrapper(contents, 42) self.assertEqual(42, len(data)) read_data = ''.join(iter(data.read, '')) self.assertEqual(42, len(read_data)) self.assertEqual('a' * 42, read_data) def test_tempfile(self): with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w') as f: f.write('a' * 100) f.flush() contents = open(f.name) data = u.LengthWrapper(contents, 42) self.assertEqual(42, len(data)) read_data = ''.join(iter(data.read, '')) self.assertEqual(42, len(read_data)) self.assertEqual('a' * 42, read_data) def test_segmented_file(self): with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w') as f: segment_length = 1024 segments = ('a', 'b', 'c', 'd') for c in segments: f.write(c * segment_length) f.flush() for i, c in enumerate(segments): contents = open(f.name) contents.seek(i * segment_length) data = u.LengthWrapper(contents, segment_length) self.assertEqual(segment_length, len(data)) read_data = ''.join(iter(data.read, '')) self.assertEqual(segment_length, len(read_data)) self.assertEqual(c * segment_length, read_data)