# Copyright (c) 2010-2012 OpenStack Foundation # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from __future__ import print_function import json import re import sys import uuid import time import random import signal import socket import logging from contextlib import contextmanager from optparse import Values import eventlet import eventlet.pools from eventlet.green.httplib import CannotSendRequest from six.moves import range import swiftclient as client from swiftbench.utils import config_true_value, using_http_proxy, \ get_size_bytes try: from swift.common import direct_client except ImportError: direct_client = None HTTP_CONFLICT = 409 def _func_on_containers(logger, conf, concurrency_key, func, **kwargs): """Run a function on each container with concurrency.""" bench = Bench(logger, conf, []) pool = eventlet.GreenPool(int(getattr(conf, concurrency_key))) for container in conf.containers: pool.spawn_n(func, bench.url, bench.token, container, **kwargs) pool.waitall() def delete_containers(logger, conf): """Utility function to delete benchmark containers.""" def _deleter(url, token, container): try: client.delete_container(url, token, container) except client.ClientException as e: if e.http_status != HTTP_CONFLICT: logger.warn("Unable to delete container '%s'. " "Got http status '%d'." % (container, e.http_status)) _func_on_containers(logger, conf, 'del_concurrency', _deleter) def create_containers(logger, conf): """Utility function to create benchmark containers.""" if conf.policy_name: logger.info("Creating containers with storage policy: %s" % conf.policy_name) _func_on_containers(logger, conf, 'put_concurrency', client.put_container, headers={'X-Storage-Policy': conf.policy_name}) else: _func_on_containers(logger, conf, 'put_concurrency', client.put_container) class SourceFile(object): """ Iterable, file-like object to lazily emit a bunch of zeros in reasonable-size chunks. swift.common.direct_client wants iterables, but swiftclient wants file-like objects where hasattr(thing, 'read') is true. Therefore, this class can do both. """ def __init__(self, size, chunk_size=1024 * 64): self.pos = 0 self.size = size self.chunk_size = chunk_size def __iter__(self): return self def __len__(self): return self.size def next(self): if self.pos >= self.size: raise StopIteration chunk_size = min(self.size - self.pos, self.chunk_size) self.pos += chunk_size return b'0' * chunk_size def read(self, desired_size): chunk_size = min(self.size - self.pos, desired_size) self.pos += chunk_size return b'0' * chunk_size class ConnectionPool(eventlet.pools.Pool): def __init__(self, url, size): self.url = url eventlet.pools.Pool.__init__(self, size, size) def create(self): return client.http_connection(self.url) class BenchServer(object): """ A BenchServer binds to an IP/port and listens for bench jobs. A bench job consists of the normal conf "dict" encoded in JSON, terminated with an EOF. The log level is at least INFO, but DEBUG may also be specified in the conf dict. The server will wait forever for jobs, running them one at a time. """ def __init__(self, logger, bind_ip, bind_port): self.logger = logger self.bind_ip = bind_ip self.bind_port = int(bind_port) def run(self): s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.logger.info('Binding to %s:%s', self.bind_ip, self.bind_port) s.bind((self.bind_ip, self.bind_port)) s.listen(20) while True: client, address = s.accept() self.logger.debug('Accepting connection from %s:%s', *address) client_file = client.makefile('rb+', 1) json_data = client_file.read() conf = Values(json.loads(json_data)) self.logger.info( 'Starting run for %s:%s [put/get/del_concurrency: %s/%s/%s, ' 'num_objects: %s, num_gets: %s]', address[0], address[1], conf.put_concurrency, conf.get_concurrency, conf.del_concurrency, conf.num_objects, conf.num_gets) logger = logging.getLogger('bench-server') level = logging.DEBUG if conf.log_level.lower() == 'debug' \ else logging.INFO logger.setLevel(level) loghandler = logging.StreamHandler(client_file) logformat = logging.Formatter( 'bench-server %(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s') loghandler.setFormatter(logformat) logger.addHandler(loghandler) controller = BenchController(logger, conf) try: controller.run() except socket.error: logger.warning('Socket error', exc_info=1) logger.removeHandler(loghandler) client_file.close() client.close() self.logger.info('...bench run completed; waiting for next run.') class Bench(object): def __init__(self, logger, conf, names): self.logger = logger self.aborted = False self.user = conf.user self.key = conf.key self.auth_url = conf.auth self.use_proxy = config_true_value(conf.use_proxy) if not self.use_proxy and direct_client is None: self.logger.critical("You need to have swift installed if you are " "not using the proxy") sys.exit(1) self.auth_version = conf.auth_version self.logger.info("Auth version: %s" % self.auth_version) if self.use_proxy: if using_http_proxy(self.auth_url): logger.warn("Auth is going through HTTP proxy server. This " "could affect test result") url, token = client.get_auth(self.auth_url, self.user, self.key, auth_version=self.auth_version) self.token = token self.account = url.split('/')[-1] if conf.url == '': self.url = url else: self.url = conf.url else: self.token = 'SlapChop!' self.account = conf.account self.url = conf.url self.ip, self.port = self.url.split('/')[2].split(':') if using_http_proxy(self.url): logger.warn("Communication with Swift server is going through " "HTTP proxy server. This could affect test result") self.object_size = get_size_bytes(conf.object_size) self.object_sources = conf.object_sources self.lower_object_size = get_size_bytes(conf.lower_object_size) self.upper_object_size = get_size_bytes(conf.upper_object_size) self.files = [] if self.object_sources: self.object_sources = self.object_sources.split() self.files = [] for f in self.object_sources: with open(f, 'rb') as fp: self.files.append(fp.read()) self.put_concurrency = int(conf.put_concurrency) self.get_concurrency = int(conf.get_concurrency) self.del_concurrency = int(conf.del_concurrency) self.total_objects = int(conf.num_objects) self.total_gets = int(conf.num_gets) self.timeout = int(conf.timeout) self.devices = conf.devices.split() self.names = names self.conn_pool = ConnectionPool(self.url, max(self.put_concurrency, self.get_concurrency, self.del_concurrency)) def _log_status(self, title): total = time.time() - self.beginbeat self.logger.info( '%(complete)s %(title)s [%(fail)s failures], %(rate).01f/s', {'title': title, 'complete': self.complete, 'fail': self.failures, 'rate': (float(self.complete) / total)}) @contextmanager def connection(self): try: hc = self.conn_pool.get() try: yield hc except CannotSendRequest: self.logger.info("CannotSendRequest. Skipping...") try: hc.close() except Exception: pass self.failures += 1 hc = self.conn_pool.create() finally: self.conn_pool.put(hc) def run(self): pool = eventlet.GreenPool(self.concurrency) self.beginbeat = self.heartbeat = time.time() self.heartbeat -= 13 # just to get the first report quicker self.failures = 0 self.complete = 0 for i in range(self.total): if self.aborted: break pool.spawn_n(self._run, i) pool.waitall() self._log_status(self.msg + ' **FINAL**') def _run(self, thread): return class DistributedBenchController(object): """ This class manages a distributed swift-bench run. For this Controller class to make sense, the conf.bench_clients list must contain at least one entry. The idea is to split the configured load between one or more swift-bench-client processes, each of which use eventlet for concurrency. We deliberately take a simple, naive approach with these limitations: 1) Concurrency, num_objects, and num_gets are spread evenly between the swift-bench-client processes. With a low concurrency to swift-bench-client count ratio, rounding may result in a greater than desired aggregate concurrency. 2) Each swift-bench-client process runs independently so some may finish up before others, i.e. the target aggregate concurrency is not necessarily present the whole time. This may bias aggregate reported rates lower than a more efficient architecture. 3) Because of #2, some swift-bench-client processes may be running GETs while others are still runinng their PUTs. Because of this potential skew, distributed runs will not isolate one operation at a time like a single swift-bench run will. 3) Reported aggregate rates are simply the sum of each swift-bench-client process reported FINAL number. That's probably inaccurate somehow. """ def __init__(self, logger, conf): self.logger = logger # ... INFO 1000 PUTS **FINAL** [0 failures], 34.9/s self.final_re = re.compile( 'INFO (\d+) (.*) \*\*FINAL\*\* \[(\d+) failures\], (\d+\.\d+)/s') self.clients = conf.bench_clients del conf.bench_clients for key, minval in [('put_concurrency', 1), ('get_concurrency', 1), ('del_concurrency', 1), ('num_objects', 0), ('num_gets', 0)]: setattr(conf, key, max(minval, int(getattr(conf, key)) / len(self.clients))) self.conf = conf def run(self): eventlet.patcher.monkey_patch(socket=True) pool = eventlet.GreenPool(size=len(self.clients)) pile = eventlet.GreenPile(pool) for c in self.clients: pile.spawn(self.do_run, c) results = { 'PUTS': dict(count=0, failures=0, rate=0.0), 'GETS': dict(count=0, failures=0, rate=0.0), 'DEL': dict(count=0, failures=0, rate=0.0), } for result in pile: for k, v in result.iteritems(): target = results[k] target['count'] += int(v['count']) target['failures'] += int(v['failures']) target['rate'] += float(v['rate']) for k in ['PUTS', 'GETS', 'DEL']: v = results[k] self.logger.info('%d %s **FINAL** [%d failures], %.1f/s' % ( v['count'], k, v['failures'], v['rate'])) def do_run(self, client): s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) ip, port = client.split(':') s.connect((ip, int(port))) s.sendall(json.dumps(self.conf.__dict__)) s.shutdown(socket.SHUT_WR) s_file = s.makefile('rb', 1) result = {} for line in s_file: match = self.final_re.search(line) if match: g = match.groups() result[g[1]] = { 'count': g[0], 'failures': g[2], 'rate': g[3], } else: sys.stderr.write('%s %s' % (client, line)) return result class BenchController(object): def __init__(self, logger, conf): self.logger = logger self.conf = conf self.names = [] self.delete = config_true_value(conf.delete) self.gets = int(conf.num_gets) self.aborted = False self.delay = int(self.conf.delay) def sigint1(self, signum, frame): if self.delete: print( 'SIGINT received; finishing up and running DELETE.\n' 'Send one more SIGINT to exit *immediately*.', file=sys.stderr) self.aborted = True if self.running and not isinstance(self.running, BenchDELETE): self.running.aborted = True signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self.sigint2) else: self.sigint2(signum, frame) def sigint2(self, signum, frame): sys.exit('Final SIGINT received.') def run(self): eventlet.patcher.monkey_patch(socket=True) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self.sigint1) puts = BenchPUT(self.logger, self.conf, self.names) self.running = puts puts.run() if self.gets and not self.aborted: gets = BenchGET(self.logger, self.conf, self.names) self.running = gets gets.run() if self.delete: if self.delay != 0: self.logger.info('Delay before ' 'DELETE request %s sec' % self.delay) time.sleep(self.delay) dels = BenchDELETE(self.logger, self.conf, self.names) self.running = dels dels.run() class BenchDELETE(Bench): def __init__(self, logger, conf, names): Bench.__init__(self, logger, conf, names) self.concurrency = self.del_concurrency self.total = len(names) self.msg = 'DEL' def _run(self, thread): if time.time() - self.heartbeat >= 15: self.heartbeat = time.time() self._log_status('DEL') device, partition, name, container_name = self.names.pop() with self.connection() as conn: try: if self.use_proxy: client.delete_object(self.url, self.token, container_name, name, http_conn=conn) else: node = {'ip': self.ip, 'port': self.port, 'device': device} direct_client.direct_delete_object(node, partition, self.account, container_name, name) except client.ClientException as e: self.logger.debug(str(e)) self.failures += 1 self.complete += 1 class BenchGET(Bench): def __init__(self, logger, conf, names): Bench.__init__(self, logger, conf, names) self.concurrency = self.get_concurrency self.total = self.total_gets self.msg = 'GETS' def _run(self, thread): if time.time() - self.heartbeat >= 15: self.heartbeat = time.time() self._log_status('GETS') device, partition, name, container_name = random.choice(self.names) with self.connection() as conn: try: if self.use_proxy: client.get_object(self.url, self.token, container_name, name, http_conn=conn) else: node = {'ip': self.ip, 'port': self.port, 'device': device} direct_client.direct_get_object(node, partition, self.account, container_name, name) except client.ClientException as e: self.logger.debug(str(e)) self.failures += 1 self.complete += 1 class BenchPUT(Bench): def __init__(self, logger, conf, names): Bench.__init__(self, logger, conf, names) self.concurrency = self.put_concurrency self.total = self.total_objects self.msg = 'PUTS' self.containers = conf.containers def _run(self, thread): if time.time() - self.heartbeat >= 15: self.heartbeat = time.time() self._log_status('PUTS') name = uuid.uuid4().hex if self.object_sources: source = random.choice(self.files) elif self.upper_object_size > self.lower_object_size: source = SourceFile(random.randint(self.lower_object_size, self.upper_object_size)) else: source = SourceFile(self.object_size) device = random.choice(self.devices) partition = str(random.randint(1, 3000)) container_name = random.choice(self.containers) with self.connection() as conn: try: if self.use_proxy: client.put_object(self.url, self.token, container_name, name, source, content_length=len(source), http_conn=conn) else: node = {'ip': self.ip, 'port': self.port, 'device': device} direct_client.direct_put_object(node, partition, self.account, container_name, name, source, content_length=len(source)) except client.ClientException as e: self.logger.debug(str(e)) self.failures += 1 else: self.names.append((device, partition, name, container_name)) self.complete += 1