- hosts: all become: true tasks: - name: Check for geckodriver log stat: path: '{{ ansible_env.HOME }}/geckodriver.log' register: geckodriver_output - name: Copy geckodriver log from worker nodes to executor node synchronize: src: '{{ ansible_env.HOME }}/geckodriver.log' dest: '{{ zuul.executor.log_root }}' mode: pull copy_links: true verify_host: true when: geckodriver_output.stat.exists == true - name: Check for CORS test output stat: path: '{{ ansible_env.HOME }}/cors-test-results.txt' register: test_output - name: Copy CORS tests output from worker nodes to executor node synchronize: src: '{{ ansible_env.HOME }}/cors-test-results.txt' dest: '{{ zuul.executor.log_root }}' mode: pull copy_links: true verify_host: true when: test_output.stat.exists == true - zuul_return: data: zuul: artifacts: - name: CORS test results url: cors-test-results.txt when: test_output.stat.exists == true