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authorJenkins <>2015-04-01 15:34:06 +0000
committerGerrit Code Review <>2015-04-01 15:34:06 +0000
commit00d29e852985bc203cb8380d93011e591e20b28a (patch)
parent32edab9c301d8983e43ba0b61750d78e287d5a40 (diff)
parentd8d8450f1b36d5133baf3b660072775d54e9f631 (diff)
Merge "Add short document on building guest images"
2 files changed, 610 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/source/dev/building_guest_images.rst b/doc/source/dev/building_guest_images.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0c76e967
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/source/dev/building_guest_images.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,598 @@
+.. _build_guest_images:
+.. role:: bash(code)
+ :language: bash
+Building Guest Images for OpenStack Trove
+.. If section numbers are desired, unindent this
+ .. sectnum::
+.. If a TOC is desired, unindent this
+ .. contents::
+When Trove receives a command to create a guest instance, it does so
+by launching a Nova instance based on the appropriate guest image that
+is stored in Glance.
+To operate Trove it is vital to have a properly constructed guest
+image, and while tools are provided that help you build them,
+the Trove project itself does not distribute guest images. This
+document shows you how to build guest images for use with Trove.
+It is assumed that you have a working OpenStack deployment with the
+key services like Keystone, Glance, Swift, Cinder, Nova and networking
+through either Nova Networks or Neutron where you will deploy the
+guest images. It is also assumed that you have Trove functioning and
+all the Trove services operating normally. If you don't have these
+prerequisites, this document won't help you get them. Consult the
+appropriate documentation for installing and configuring OpenStack for
+High Level Overview of a Trove Guest Instance
+At the most basic level, a Trove Guest Instance is a Nova instance
+launched by Trove in response to a create command. For most of this
+document, we will confine ourselves to single instance databases; in
+other words, without the additional complexity of replication or
+mirroring. Guest instances and Guest images for replicated and
+mirrored database instances will be addressed specifically in later
+sections of this document.
+This section describes the various components of a Trove Guest
+Operating System and Database
+A Trove Guest Instance contains at least a functioning Operating
+System and the database software that the instance wishes to provide
+(as a Service). For example, if your chosen operating system is Ubuntu
+and you wish to deliver MySQL version 5.5, then your guest instance is
+a Nova instance running the Ubuntu operating system and will have
+MySQL version 5.5 installed on it.
+Trove Guest Agent
+Trove supports multiple databases, some of them are relational (RDBMS)
+and some are non-relational (NoSQL). In order to provide a common
+management interface to all of these, the Trove Guest Instance has on
+it a 'Guest Agent'. The Trove Guest Agent is a component of the
+Trove system that is specific to the database running on that Guest
+The purpose of the Trove Guest Agent is to implement the Trove Guest
+Agent API for the specific database. This includes such things as the
+implementation of the database 'start' and 'stop' commands. The Trove
+Guest Agent API is the common API used by Trove to communicate with
+any guest database, and the Guest Agent is the implementation of that
+API for the specific database.
+The Trove Guest Agent runs on the Trove Guest Instance.
+Persistent Storage, Networking
+The database stores data on persistent storage on Cinder (if
+configured, see trove.conf and the volume_support parameter) or
+ephemeral storage on the Nova instance. The database is accessible
+over the network and the Guest Instance is configured for network
+access by client applications.
+Building Guest Images using DIB
+A Trove Guest Image can be built with any tool that produces an image
+accepted by Nova. In this document we describe how to build guest
+images using the 'Disk Image Builder' (DIB) tool, and we focus on
+building qemu images [1]_. DIB is an OpenStack tool and is available for
+download at
+ or
+DIB uses a chroot'ed environment to construct the image. The goal is
+to build a bare machine that has all the components required for
+launch by Nova.
+You can download the DIB tool from OpenStack's public git
+repository. Note that DIB works with Ubuntu and Fedora (RedHat). Other
+operating systems are not yet fully supported.
+.. code-block:: bash
+ user@machine:/opt/stack$ git clone
+ Cloning into 'diskimage-builder'...
+ remote: Counting objects: 8881, done.
+ remote: Total 8881 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)
+ Receiving objects: 100% (8881/8881), 1.92 MiB | 0 bytes/s, done.
+ Resolving deltas: 100% (4668/4668), done.
+ Checking connectivity... done.
+ user@machine:/opt/stack$
+Ensure that you have qemu-img [2]_ and kpartx installed.
+The disk-image-create command is the main command in the DIB tool that
+is used to build guest images for Trove. The disk-image-create command
+takes the following options:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ user@machine:/opt/stack/diskimage-builder$ ./bin/disk-image-create -h
+ Usage: disk-image-create [OPTION]... [ELEMENT]...
+ Options:
+ -a i386|amd64|armhf -- set the architecture of the image(default amd64)
+ -o imagename -- set the imagename of the output image file(default image)
+ -t qcow2,tar -- set the image types of the output image files (default qcow2)
+ File types should be comma separated
+ -x -- turn on tracing
+ -u -- uncompressed; do not compress the image - larger but faster
+ -c -- clear environment before starting work
+ --image-size size -- image size in GB for the created image
+ --image-cache directory -- location for cached images(default ~/.cache/image-create)
+ --max-online-resize size -- max number of filesystem blocks to support when resizing.
+ Useful if you want a really large root partition when the image is deployed.
+ Using a very large value may run into a known bug in resize2fs.
+ Setting the value to 274877906944 will get you a 1PB root file system.
+ Making this value unnecessarily large will consume extra disk space
+ on the root partition with extra file system inodes.
+ --min-tmpfs size -- minimum size in GB needed in tmpfs to build the image
+ --no-tmpfs -- do not use tmpfs to speed image build
+ --offline -- do not update cached resources
+ --qemu-img-options -- option flags to be passed directly to qemu-img.
+ Options need to be comma separated, and follow the key=value pattern.
+ --root-label label -- label for the root filesystem. Defaults to 'cloudimg-rootfs'.
+ --ramdisk-element -- specify the main element to be used for building ramdisks.
+ Defaults to 'ramdisk'. Should be set to 'dracut-ramdisk' for platforms such
+ as RHEL and CentOS that do not package busybox.
+ --install-type -- specify the default installation type. Defaults to 'source'. Set
+ to 'package' to use package based installations by default.
+ -n skip the default inclusion of the 'base' element
+ -p package[,package,package] -- list of packages to install in the image
+ -h|--help -- display this help and exit
+ ELEMENTS_PATH will allow you to specify multiple locations for the elements.
+ NOTE: At least one distribution root element must be specified.
+ Examples:
+ disk-image-create -a amd64 -o ubuntu-amd64 vm ubuntu
+ export ELEMENTS_PATH=~/source/tripleo-image-elements/elements
+ disk-image-create -a amd64 -o fedora-amd64-heat-cfntools vm fedora heat-cfntools
+ user@machine:/opt/stack/diskimage-builder$
+The example command provided above would build a perfectly functional
+Nova image with the 64 bit Fedora operating system.
+In addition to the -a argument which specifies to build an amd64 (64
+bit) image, and the -o which specifies the output file, the command
+line lists the various elements that should be used in building the
+image. The next section of this document talks about image elements.
+Building a Trove guest image is a little more involved and the standard
+elements (more about this later) are highly configurable through the use
+of environment variables.
+This command will create a guest image usable by Trove:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ export PATH_TROVE
+ export SSH_DIR
+ local QEMU_IMG_OPTIONS=$(! $(qemu-img | grep -q 'version 1') && \
+ echo "--qemu-img-options compat=0.10")
+ ${PATH_DISKIMAGEBUILDER}/bin/disk-image-create -a amd64 -o "${IMAGE_NAME}" \
+ vm heat-cfntools cloud-init-datasources ${DISTRO}-guest \
+Disk Image Builder 'Elements'
+DIB Elements are 'executed' by the disk-image-create command to
+produce the guest image. An element consists of a number of bash
+scripts that are executed by DIB in a specific order to generate the
+image. You provide the names of the elements that you would like
+executed, in order, on the command line to disk-image-create.
+Elements are executed within the chroot'ed environment while DIB is
+run. Elements are executed in phases and the various phases are (in
+order) root.d, extra-data.d, pre-install.d, install.d, post-install.d,
+block-device.d, finalise.d [3]_, and cleanup.d [4]_. The latter
+reference provides a very good outline on writing elements and is a
+'must read'.
+Some elements use environment.d to setup environment
+variables. Element dependencies can be established using the
+element-deps and element-provides files which are plain text files.
+Existing Elements
+DIB comes with some tools that are located in the elements directory.
+.. code-block:: bash
+ user@machine:/opt/stack/diskimage-builder/elements$ ls
+ apt-conf dpkg ramdisk
+ apt-preferences dracut-network ramdisk-base
+ apt-sources dracut-ramdisk rax-nova-agent
+ architecture-emulation-binaries element-manifest redhat-common
+ baremetal enable-serial-console rhel
+ base epel rhel7
+ cache-url fedora rhel-common
+ centos7 hwburnin rpm-distro
+ cleanup-kernel-initrd hwdiscovery select-boot-kernel-initrd
+ cloud-init-datasources ilo selinux-permissive
+ cloud-init-nocloud ironic-agent serial-console
+ debian ironic-discoverd-ramdisk source-repositories
+ debian-systemd iso stable-interface-names
+ debian-upstart local-config svc-map
+ deploy manifests uboot
+ deploy-baremetal mellanox ubuntu
+ deploy-ironic modprobe-blacklist ubuntu-core
+ deploy-kexec opensuse vm
+ dhcp-all-interfaces package-installs yum
+ dib-run-parts pip-cache zypper
+ disable-selinux pkg-map
+ dkms pypi
+In addition, projects like TripleO [5]_ provide elements as well.
+Trove provides a set of elements as part of the trove-integration [6]_
+project which will be described in the next section.
+Trove Reference Elements
+Reference elements provided by Trove are part of the trove-integration
+In keeping with the philosophy of making elements 'layered', Trove
+provides two sets of elements. The first implements the guest agent
+for various operating systems and the second implements the database
+for these operating systems.
+Provided Reference Elements
+The Trove reference elements are located in the
+trove-integration/scripts/files/elements directory. The elements
+[operating-system]-guest provide the Trove Guest capabilities and the
+[operating-system]-[database] elements provide support for each
+database on the specified database.
+.. code-block:: bash
+ user@machine:/opt/stack/trove-integration/scripts/files/elements$ ls -l
+ total 56
+ drwxrwxr-x 5 user group 4096 Jan 7 12:47 fedora-guest
+ drwxrwxr-x 3 user group 4096 Jan 7 12:47 fedora-mongodb
+ drwxrwxr-x 3 user group 4096 Jan 7 12:47 fedora-mysql
+ drwxrwxr-x 3 user group 4096 Jan 7 12:47 fedora-percona
+ drwxrwxr-x 3 user group 4096 Jan 7 12:47 fedora-postgresql
+ drwxrwxr-x 3 user group 4096 Jan 7 12:47 fedora-redis
+ drwxrwxr-x 3 user group 4096 Jan 7 12:47 ubuntu-cassandra
+ drwxrwxr-x 3 user group 4096 Jan 7 12:47 ubuntu-couchbase
+ drwxrwxr-x 6 user group 4096 Jan 7 12:47 ubuntu-guest
+ drwxrwxr-x 3 user group 4096 Jan 7 12:47 ubuntu-mongodb
+ drwxrwxr-x 4 user group 4096 Jan 7 12:47 ubuntu-mysql
+ drwxrwxr-x 4 user group 4096 Jan 7 12:47 ubuntu-percona
+ drwxrwxr-x 3 user group 4096 Jan 7 12:47 ubuntu-postgresql
+ drwxrwxr-x 3 user group 4096 Jan 7 12:47 ubuntu-redis
+ user@machine:/opt/stack/trove-integration/scripts/files/elements$
+With this infrastructure in place, and the elements from DIB and
+TripleO accessible to the DIB command, one can generate the (for
+example) Ubuntu guest image for Percona Server with the command line:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ ${DIB} -a amd64 -o ${output-file} Ubuntu vm heat-cfntools \
+ cloud-init-datasources ubuntu-guest ubuntu-percona
+Where ${DIB} is the fully qualified path to the disk-image-create
+command and ${output-file} is the name of the output file to be
+Contributing Reference Elements When Implementing a New 'Datastore'
+When contributing a new datastore, you should contribute elements
+that will allow any user of Trove to be able to build a guest image
+for that datastore.
+This is typically accomplished by submitting files into the
+trove-integration project, as above.
+Getting the Guest Agent Code onto a Trove Guest Instance
+The guest agent code typically runs on the guest instance alongside
+the database. There are two ways in which the guest agent code can be
+placed on the guest instance and we describe both of these here.
+Guest Agent Code Installed at Build Time
+In this option, the guest agent code is built into the guest image,
+thereby ensuring that all database instances that are launched with
+the image will have the exact same version of the guest image.
+This can be accomplished by placing suitable code in the elements for
+the image and these elements will ensure that the guest agent code is
+installed on the image.
+Guest Agent Code Installed at Run Time
+In this option, the guest agent code is not part of the guest image
+and instead the guest agent code is obtained at runtime, potentially
+from some well known location.
+In devstack, this is implemented in trove-guest.upstart.conf and
+trove-guest.systemd.conf. Shown below is the code from
+trove-guest.upstart.conf (this code may change in the future and
+is shown here as an example only). See the code highlighted below:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ description "Trove Guest"
+ author "Auto-Gen"
+ start on (filesystem and net-device-up IFACE!=lo)
+ stop on runlevel [016]
+ chdir /var/run
+ pre-start script
+ mkdir -p /var/run/trove
+ chown GUEST_USERNAME:root /var/run/trove/
+ mkdir -p /var/lock/trove
+ chown GUEST_USERNAME:root /var/lock/trove/
+ mkdir -p GUEST_LOGDIR
+ chmod +r /etc/guest_info
+ # If /etc/trove does not exist, copy the trove source and the
+ # guest agent config from the user's development environment
+ if [ ! -d /etc/trove ]; then
+ -> sudo -u GUEST_USERNAME rsync -e 'ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no' -avz --exclude='.*' HOST_SCP_USERNAME@NETWORK_GATEWAY:PATH_TROVE/ /home/GUEST_USERNAME/trove
+ mkdir -p /etc/trove
+ -> sudo -u GUEST_USERNAME rsync -e 'ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no' -avz --exclude='.*' HOST_SCP_USERNAME@NETWORK_GATEWAY:/etc/trove/trove-guestagent.conf ~GUEST_USERNAME/
+ mv ~GUEST_USERNAME/trove-guestagent.conf /etc/trove/trove-guestagent.conf
+ fi
+ end script
+ exec su -c "/home/GUEST_USERNAME/trove/contrib/trove-guestagent -config-file=/etc/guest_info --config-file=/etc/trove/trove-guestagent.conf" GUEST_USERNAME
+In building an image for a production Trove deployment, it is a very
+bad idea to use this mechanism. It makes sense in a development
+environment where the thing that you are developing is in Trove and
+part of the Guest Agent! This is because you get to merely boot a new
+Trove instance and the freshly modified code gets run on the
+Guest. But, in any other circumstance, it is much better to have the
+guest image include the guest agent code.
+Considerations in Building a Guest Image
+In building a guest image, there are several considerations that one
+must take into account. Some of the ones that we have encountered are
+described below.
+Speed of Launch and Start-up Activities
+The actions performed on first boot can be very expensive and may
+impact the time taken to launch a new guest instance. So, for example,
+guest images that don't have the database software pre-installed and
+instead download and install during launch could take longer to
+In building a guest image, therefore care should be taken to ensure
+that activities performed on first boot are traded off against the
+demands for start-time.
+Database licensing, and Database Software Download Issues
+Some database software downloads are licensed and manual steps are
+required in order to obtain the installable software. In other
+instances, no repositories may be setup to serve images of a
+particular database. In these cases, it is suggested that an extra
+step be used to build the guest image.
+User Manually Downloads Database Software
+The user manually downloads the database software in a suitable format
+and places it in a specified location on the machine that will be used
+to build the guest image.
+An environment variable 'DATASTORE_PKG_LOCATION' is set to point
+to this location. It can be a single file (for example new_db.deb)
+or a folder (for example new_db_files) depending on what the elements
+expect. In the latter case, the folder would need to contain all the
+files that the elements need in order to install the database software
+(a folder would typically be used only if more than one file was
+Use an extra-data.d Folder
+Use an extra-data.d folder for the element and copy the file
+into the image
+Steps in extra-data.d are run first, and outside the DIB chroot'ed
+environment. The step here can copy the installable from
+(typically into TMP_HOOKS_PATH).
+For example, if DATASTORE_PKG_LOCATION contains the full path to an
+installation package, an element in this folder could contain the
+following line:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ dd if=${DATASTORE_PKG_LOCATION} of=${TMP_HOOKS_PATH}/new_db.deb
+Use an install.d Step to Install the Software
+A standard install.d step can now install the software from
+For example, an element in this folder could contain:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ dpkg -i ${TMP_HOOKS_PATH}/new_db.deb
+Once elements have been set up that expect a package to be available,
+the guest image can be created by executing the following:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ DATASTORE_PKG_LOCATION=/path/to/new_db.deb ./
+Assuming the elements for new_db are available in redstack, this would
+equate to:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ DATASTORE_PKG_LOCATION=/path/to/new_db.deb ./redstack kick-start new_db
+Building Guest Images Using Standard Elements
+A very good reference for how one builds guest images can be found by
+reviewing the redstack script (trove-integration/scripts). Lower level
+routines that actually invoke Disk Image Builder can be found in
+The following block of code illustrates the most basic invocation of
+DIB to create a guest image. This code is in
+trove-integration/scripts/functions_qemu as part of the function
+build_vm(). We look at this section of code in detail below.
+.. code-block:: bash
+ export PATH_TROVE
+ export SSH_DIR
+ local QEMU_IMG_OPTIONS=$(! $(qemu-img | grep -q 'version 1') && \
+ echo "--qemu-img-options compat=0.10")
+ ${PATH_DISKIMAGEBUILDER}/bin/disk-image-create -a amd64 -o "${IMAGE_NAME}" \
+ vm heat-cfntools cloud-init-datasources ${DISTRO}-guest \
+Several of the environment variables referenced above are referenced
+in the course of the Disk Image Building process.
+For example, let's look at GUEST_LOGDIR. Looking at the element
+elements/fedora-guest/extra-data.d/20-guest-upstart, we find:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ #!/bin/bash
+ set -e
+ set -o xtrace
+ [...]
+ [ -n "${ESCAPED_GUEST_LOGDIR}" ] || die "ESCAPED_GUEST_LOGDIR must be set to the escaped guest log dir"
+ ${REDSTACK_SCRIPTS}/files/trove-guest.systemd.conf > \
+ ${TMP_HOOKS_PATH}/trove-guest.service
+As you can see, the value of GUEST_LOGDIR is used in the extra-data.d
+script to appropriately configure the trove-guest.systemd.conf file.
+This pattern is one that you can expect in your own building of guest
+images. The invocation of disk-image-create provides a list of
+elements that are to be invoked 'in order'.
+That list of elements is:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ vm
+ heat-cfntools
+ cloud-init-datasources
+ ${DISTRO}-guest
+When invoked to (for example) create a MySQL guest image on Ubuntu, we
+can expect that DISTRO would be 'Ubuntu' and SERVICE_TYPE would be
+MySQL. And therefore these would end up being the elements:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ ubuntu From diskimage-builder/elements/ubuntu
+ vm From diskimage-builder/elements/vm
+ heat-cfntools From tripleo-image-elements/elements/heat-cfntools
+ cloud-init-datasources From diskimage-builder/elements/cloud-init-datasources
+ ubuntu-guest From trove-integration/scripts/files/elements/ubuntu-guest
+ ubuntu-mysql From trove-integration/scripts/files/elements/ubuntu-mysql
+.. [1] For more information about QEMU, refer to
+.. [2] On Ubuntu, qemu-img is part of the package qemu-utils, on Fedora and RedHat it is part of the qemu package.
+.. [3] User (especially in the USA) are cautioned about this spelling which once resulted in several sleepless nights.
+.. [4]
+.. [5]
+.. [6]
diff --git a/doc/source/index.rst b/doc/source/index.rst
index 72ce5aa4..e8f7566e 100644
--- a/doc/source/index.rst
+++ b/doc/source/index.rst
@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ functionality, the following resources are provided.
+ dev/building_guest_images.rst
* Source Code Repositories
@@ -57,6 +58,17 @@ functionality, the following resources are provided.
* `Trove API Documentation`_ on
+Guest Images
+In order to use Trove, you need to have Guest Images for each
+datastore and version. These images are loaded into Glance and
+registered with Trove.
+For those wishing to develop guest images, please refer to the
+:doc:`dev/building_guest_images.rst` page.
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