path: root/doc/source/install/manual_install.rst
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-.. _manual_install:
-Manual Trove Installation
-This document provides a step-by-step guide for manual installation of Trove with
-an existing OpenStack environment for development purposes.
-This document will not cover:
-- OpenStack setup
-- Trove service configuration
-A running OpenStack environment is required, including the following components:
-- Compute (Nova)
-- Image Service (Glance)
-- Identity (Keystone)
-- Network (Neutron)
-- If you want to provision datastores on block-storage volumes, you also will need Block Storage (Cinder)
-- If you want to do backup/restore and replication, you will also need Object Storage (Swift)
-- An environment with a freshly installed Ubuntu 16.04 LTS to run Trove services.
- This will be referred to as "local environment"
-- AMQP service (RabbitMQ or QPID)
-- MySQL (SQLite, PostgreSQL) database for Trove's internal needs, accessible from the local environment
-- Certain OpenStack services must be accessible from VMs:
- - Swift
-- VMs must be accessible from local environment for development/debugging purposes
-- OpenStack services must be accessible directly from the local environment, such as:
- - Nova
- - Cinder
- - Swift
- - Heat
-Gather info
-The following information about the existing environment is required:
-- Keystone host and port(s)
-- OpenStack administrator's username, tenant name and password
-- Nova URL
-- Cinder URL
-- Swift URL
-- Heat URL
-- AMQP connection credentials (server URL, user, password)
-- Trove's controller backend connection string (MySQL, SQLite, PostgreSQL)
-Install dependencies
-Required packages for Trove
-List of packages to be installed:
-.. code-block:: bash
- $ sudo apt-get install build-essential libxslt1-dev qemu-utils mysql-client \
- git python-dev python-pexpect python-pymysql libmysqlclient-dev
-Python settings
-To find out which setuptools version is latest please check out the `setuptools repo`_.
-.. _setuptools repo:
-To find out which pip version is latest please visit the `pip repo`_.
-.. _pip repo:
-Some packages in Ubuntu repositories are outdated. Please make sure to update to the latest versions from the appropriate sources.
-Use latest setuptools:
-Go, download the latest source setuptools, and move it under ~
-.. code-block:: bash
- $ cd ~
- $ tar xfvz setuptools-{{latest}}.tar.gz
- $ cd setuptools-{{latest}}
- $ python install --user
-Use latest pip:
-Go, download the latest source pip, and move it under ~
-.. code-block:: bash
- $ tar xfvz pip-{{latest}}.tar.gz
- $ cd pip-{{latest}}
- $ python install --user
-Note '--user' above -- we installed packages in user's home dir, in $HOME/.local/bin, so we need to add it to path:
-.. code-block:: bash
- $ echo PATH="$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH" >> ~/.profile
- $ . ~/.profile
-Install virtualenv, create environment and activate it:
-.. code-block:: bash
- $ pip install virtualenv --user
- $ virtualenv --system-site-packages env
- $ . env/bin/activate
-Get Trove
-Obtain the Trove source components from OpenStack repositories:
-.. code-block:: bash
- $ cd ~
- $ git clone
- $ git clone
-Install Trove
-First, install the requirements:
-.. code-block:: bash
- $ cd ~/trove
- $ pip install -r requirements.txt -r test-requirements.txt
-Then, install Trove:
-.. code-block:: bash
- $ sudo python develop
-Finally, install the Trove client:
-.. code-block:: bash
- $ cd ~/python-troveclient
- $ sudo python develop
- $ cd ~
-Other required OpenStack clients (python-novaclient, python-keystoneclient, etc.) should already be installed as part of the Trove requirements.
-Prepare Trove for OpenStack
-You will first need to create a tenant called 'trove_for_trove_usage'.
-Next, create users called 'regular_trove_user' and 'admin_trove_user' —using 'trove' as the password. These are the accounts used by the Trove service.
-Additionally, you will need to register Trove as an OpenStack service and its endpoints:
-.. code-block:: bash
- $ openstack --os-username <OpenStackAdminUsername> --os-password <OpenStackAdminPassword> --os-project-name <OpenStackAdminProject> --os-domain-name <OpenstackDomainName> --os-auth-url http://<KeystoneIP>/identity project create trove_for_trove_usage
- $ openstack --os-username <OpenStackAdminUsername> --os-password <OpenStackAdminPassword> --os-project-name <OpenStackAdminProject> --os-domain-name <OpenstackDomainName> --os-auth-url http://<KeystoneIP>/identity user create regular_trove_user --project trove_for_trove_usage --password-prompt
- $ openstack --os-username <OpenStackAdminUsername> --os-password <OpenStackAdminPassword> --os-project-name <OpenStackAdminProject> --os-domain-name <OpenstackDomainName> --os-auth-url http://<KeystoneIP>/identity user create admin_trove_user --project trove_for_trove_usage --password-prompt
- $ openstack --os-username <OpenStackAdminUsername> --os-password <OpenStackAdminPassword> --os-project-name <OpenStackAdminProject> --os-domain-name <OpenstackDomainName> --os-auth-url http://<KeystoneIP>/identity role add --user admin_trove_user --project trove_for_trove_usage admin
- $ openstack --os-username <OpenStackAdminUsername> --os-password <OpenStackAdminPassword> --os-project-name <OpenStackAdminProject> --os-domain-name <OpenstackDomainName> --os-auth-url http://<KeystoneIP>/identity service create --name trove --description "Database" database
- $ openstack --os-username <OpenStackAdminUsername> --os-password <OpenStackAdminPassword> --os-project-name <OpenStackAdminProject> --os-domain-name <OpenstackDomainName> --os-auth-url http://<KeystoneIP>/identity endpoint create --region RegionOne database public 'http://<EnvironmentPublicIP>:<EnvironmentPort>/v1.0/$(tenant_id)s'
- $ openstack --os-username <OpenStackAdminUsername> --os-password <OpenStackAdminPassword> --os-project-name <OpenStackAdminProject> --os-domain-name <OpenstackDomainName> --os-auth-url http://<KeystoneIP>/identity endpoint create --region RegionOne database admin 'http://<EnvironmentPublicIP>:<EnvironmentPort>/v1.0/$(tenant_id)s'
- $ openstack --os-username <OpenStackAdminUsername> --os-password <OpenStackAdminPassword> --os-project-name <OpenStackAdminProject> --os-domain-name <OpenstackDomainName> --os-auth-url http://<KeystoneIP>/identity endpoint create --region RegionOne database internal 'http://<EnvironmentPublicIP>:<EnvironmentPort>/v1.0/$(tenant_id)s'
-Where <EnvironmentPublicIP> and <EnvironmentPort> are the IP address and Port of the server where Trove was installed. This IP should be reachable from any hosts that will be used to communicate with Trove.
-Prepare Trove configuration files
-There are several configuration files for Trove:
-- api-paste.ini and trove.conf — For trove-api service
-- trove-guestagent.conf — For trove-guestagent service
-- <datastore_manager>.cloudinit — Userdata for VMs during provisioning
-Cloud-init scripts are userdata that is being used for different datastore types like mysql/percona, cassandra, mongodb, redis, couchbase while provisioning new compute instances.
-Samples of the above are available in ~/trove/etc/trove/ as \*.conf.sample files.
-If a clean Ubuntu image is used as the source image for Trove instances, the cloud-init script must install and run guestagent in the instance.
-As an alternative, one may consider creating a custom image with pre-installed and pre-configured Trove in it.
-Source images
-As the source image for Trove instances, we will use a Trove-compatible Ubuntu image.
-Build your own Trove images, Then run the following steps:
-.. code-block:: bash
- $ export DATASTORE_TYPE="mysql"
- $ glance --os-username admin_trove_user --os-password trove --os-tenant-name trove_for_trove_usage --os-auth-url http://<KeystoneIP>:<KeystoneAdminPort>/v2.0 image-create --name trove-image --is-public True --container-format ovf --disk-format qcow2 --file ${DATASTORE_TYPE}.qcow2
-At this step please remember the image ID or store it in an environment variable (IMAGEID).
-.. code-block:: bash
- $ glance --os-username trove --os-password trove --os-tenant-name trove --os-auth-url http://<KeystoneIP>:<KeystoneAdminPort>/v2.0
- image-create --name trove-image --is-public true --container-format ovf --disk-format qcow2 --owner trove < precise.qcow2
- $ export IMAGEID=<glance_image_id>
-Cloud-init scripts
-Cloud-init location
-By default, trove-taskmanager will look at /etc/trove/cloudinit for <datastore_manager>.cloudinit.
-Cloud-init content
-Each cloud-init script for Trove-compatible images should contain:
-- Trove installation
-Custom images with Trove code inside
-*To be added*
-Prepare the database
-Create the Trove database schema:
-- Connect to the storage backend (MySQL, PostgreSQL)
-- Create a database called `trove` (this database will be used for storing Trove ORM)
-- Compose connection string. Example: mysql+pymysql://<user>:<password>@<backend_host>:<backend_port>/<database_name>
-Initialize the database
-Once the database for Trove is created, its structure needs to be populated.
-.. code-block:: bash
- $ trove-manage db_sync
-Setup Trove Datastores
-A Datastore is a data structure that describes a set of Datastore Versions, which consists of::
- - ID -- simple auto-generated UUID
- - Name -- user-defined attribute, actual name of a datastore
- - Datastore Versions
- - mysql, cassandra, redis, etc.
-Datastore Version
-A Datastore Version is a data structure that describes a version of a specific database pinned to datastore, which consists of::
- - ID — Simple auto-generated UUID
- - Datastore ID — Reference to Datastore
- - Name — User-defined attribute, actual name of a database version
- - Datastore manager — trove-guestagent manager that is used for datastore management
- - Image ID — Reference to a specific Glance image ID
- - Packages — Operating system specific packages that would be deployed onto datastore VM
- - Active — Boolean flag that defines if version can be used for instance deployment or not
- - ID - edb1d22a-b66d-4e86-be60-756240439272
- - Datastore ID - 9c3d890b-a2f2-4ba5-91b2-2997d0791502
- - Name - mysql-5.7
- - Datastore manager - mysql
- - Image ID - d73a402-3953-4721-8c99-86fc72e1cb51
- - Packages - mysql-server=5.7, percona-xtrabackup=2.4
- - Active - True
-Datastore and Datastore Version registration
-To register a datastore, you must execute:
-.. code-block:: bash
- $ export DATASTORE_TYPE="mysql" # available options: mysql, mongodb, postgresql, redis, cassandra, couchbase, couchdb, db2, vertica, etc.
- $ export DATASTORE_VERSION="5.7" # available options: for cassandra 2.0.x, for mysql: 5.x, for mongodb: 2.x.x, etc.
- $ export PACKAGES="mysql-server-5.7" # available options: cassandra=2.0.9, mongodb=2.0.4, etc
- $ export IMAGEID="9910350b-77e3-4790-86be-b971d0cf9175" # Glance image ID of the relevant Datastore version (see Source images section)
- $ trove-manage datastore_update ${DATASTORE_TYPE} ""
- $ trove-manage datastore_version_update ${DATASTORE_TYPE} ${DATASTORE_VERSION} ${DATASTORE_TYPE} ${IMAGEID} ${PACKAGES} 1
- $ trove-manage datastore_update ${DATASTORE_TYPE} ${DATASTORE_VERSION}
-Run Trove
-Trove services configuration and tuning
-*To be added*
-Starting Trove services
-Run trove-api:
-.. code-block:: bash
- $ trove-api --config-file=${TROVE_CONF_DIR}/trove.conf &
-Run trove-taskmanager:
-.. code-block:: bash
- $ trove-taskmanager --config-file=${TROVE_CONF_DIR}/trove.conf &
-Run trove-conductor:
-.. code-block:: bash
- $ trove-conductor --config-file=${TROVE_CONF_DIR}/trove.conf &
-Trove interaction
-You need to build a `keystonerc` file that contains data to simplify the auth processes while using the Trove client:
-.. code-block:: bash
- export OS_PROJECT_NAME=trove
- export OS_USERNAME=regular_trove_user
- export OS_PASSWORD=<UserPassword>
- export OS_AUTH_URL="http://<KeystoneIP>/identity"
- export OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME=Default
-Trove deployment verification
-First you need to execute:
-.. code-block:: bash
- $ . keystonerc
-To see `help` for a specific command:
-.. code-block:: bash
- $ trove help <command>
-To create an instance:
-.. code-block:: bash
- $ trove create <name> <flavor>
- [--size <size>] [--volume_type <volume_type>]
- [--databases <database> [<database> ...]]
- [--users <user:password> [<user:password> ...]]
- [--backup <backup>]
- [--availability_zone <availability_zone>]
- [--datastore <datastore>]
- [--datastore_version <datastore_version>]
- [--nic <net-id=<net-uuid>,v4-fixed-ip=<ip-addr>,port-id=<port-uuid>>]
- [--configuration <configuration>]
- [--replica_of <source_instance>] [--replica_count <count>]
- [--module <module>] [--locality <policy>]
-No instance IPs in the output of 'trove show <instance_id>'
-If the Trove instance was successfully created, is showing ACTIVE state and working, yet there is no IP address for the instance shown in the output of 'trove show <instance_id>, then confirm the following lines are added to trove.conf ::
- network_label_regex = ^NETWORK_NAME$
-where NETWORK_NAME should be replaced with real name of the network to which the instance is connected to.
-To decide which network would you like to attach a Trove instance to, run the following command:
-.. code-block:: bash
- $ openstack network list
-One possible way to find the network name is to execute the 'nova list' command. The output will list all OpenStack instances for the tenant, including network information. Look for ::
-Additional information
-Additional information can be found in the OpenStack installation guide for the trove project. This document can be found under the "Installation Tutorials and Guides" section of the OpenStack Documentation.
-For the current documentation, visit:
-Select the link for "Installation Tutorials and Guides"
-The installation guides for trove (the Database Service) can be found under the appropriate operating system.
-If you are interested in documentation for a specific OpenStack release, visit:
-For example, the documentation for the Pike release is found at:
-and the documentation for the Queens release is found at: