# Copyright [2013] Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Model classes that form the core of snapshots functionality.""" from oslo_log import log as logging from requests.exceptions import ConnectionError from sqlalchemy import desc from swiftclient.client import ClientException from trove.backup.state import BackupState from trove.common import cfg from trove.common import clients from trove.common import constants from trove.common import exception from trove.common import swift from trove.common import utils from trove.common.i18n import _ from trove.datastore import models as datastore_models from trove.db.models import DatabaseModelBase from trove.quota.quota import run_with_quotas from trove.taskmanager import api CONF = cfg.CONF LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Backup(object): @classmethod def validate_can_perform_action(cls, instance, operation): """ Raises exception if backup strategy is not supported """ datastore_cfg = CONF.get(instance.datastore_version.manager) if not datastore_cfg or not ( datastore_cfg.get('backup_strategy', None)): raise exception.DatastoreOperationNotSupported( operation=operation, datastore=instance.datastore.name) @classmethod def create(cls, context, instance, name, description=None, parent_id=None, incremental=False, swift_container=None, restore_from=None): """ create db record for Backup :param cls: :param context: tenant_id included :param instance: :param name: :param description: :param parent_id: :param incremental: flag to indicate incremental backup based on previous backup :param swift_container: Swift container name. :param restore_from: A dict that contains backup information of another region. :return: """ backup_state = BackupState.NEW checksum = None instance_id = None parent = None last_backup_id = None location = None backup_type = constants.BACKUP_TYPE_FULL size = None if restore_from: # Check location and datastore version. LOG.info(f"Restoring backup, restore_from: {restore_from}") backup_state = BackupState.RESTORED ds_version_id = restore_from.get('local_datastore_version_id') ds_version = datastore_models.DatastoreVersion.load_by_uuid( ds_version_id) location = restore_from.get('remote_location') swift_client = clients.create_swift_client(context) try: obj_meta = swift.get_metadata(swift_client, location, extra_attrs=['etag']) except Exception: msg = f'Failed to restore backup from {location}' LOG.exception(msg) raise exception.BackupCreationError(msg) checksum = obj_meta['etag'] if 'parent_location' in obj_meta: backup_type = constants.BACKUP_TYPE_INC size = restore_from['size'] else: instance_id = utils.get_id_from_href(instance) # Import here to avoid circular imports. from trove.instance import models as inst_model instance_model = inst_model.Instance.load(context, instance_id) instance_model.validate_can_perform_action() if instance_model.cluster_id is not None: raise exception.ClusterInstanceOperationNotSupported() cls.validate_can_perform_action(instance_model, 'backup_create') cls.verify_swift_auth_token(context) ds = instance_model.datastore ds_version = instance_model.datastore_version if parent_id: # Look up the parent info or fail early if not found or if # the user does not have access to the parent. _parent = cls.get_by_id(context, parent_id) parent = { 'location': _parent.location, 'checksum': _parent.checksum, } elif incremental: _parent = Backup.get_last_completed(context, instance_id) if _parent: parent = { 'location': _parent.location, 'checksum': _parent.checksum } last_backup_id = _parent.id if parent: backup_type = constants.BACKUP_TYPE_INC def _create_resources(): try: db_info = DBBackup.create( name=name, description=description, tenant_id=context.project_id, state=backup_state, instance_id=instance_id, parent_id=parent_id or last_backup_id, datastore_version_id=ds_version.id, deleted=False, location=location, checksum=checksum, backup_type=backup_type, size=size ) except exception.InvalidModelError as ex: LOG.exception("Unable to create backup record for " "instance: %s", instance_id) raise exception.BackupCreationError(str(ex)) if not restore_from: backup_info = { 'id': db_info.id, 'name': name, 'description': description, 'instance_id': instance_id, 'backup_type': db_info.backup_type, 'checksum': db_info.checksum, 'parent': parent, 'datastore': ds.name, 'datastore_version': ds_version.name, 'swift_container': swift_container } api.API(context).create_backup(backup_info, instance_id) else: context.notification.payload.update( {'backup_id': db_info.id} ) return db_info return run_with_quotas(context.project_id, {'backups': 1}, _create_resources) @classmethod def running(cls, instance_id, exclude=None): """ Returns the first running backup for instance_id :param instance_id: Id of the instance :param exclude: Backup ID to exclude from the query (any other running) """ query = DBBackup.query() query = query.filter(DBBackup.instance_id == instance_id, DBBackup.state.in_(BackupState.RUNNING_STATES)) # filter out deleted backups, PEP8 does not like field == False! query = query.filter_by(deleted=False) if exclude: query = query.filter(DBBackup.id != exclude) return query.first() @classmethod def get_by_id(cls, context, backup_id, deleted=False): """ get the backup for that id :param cls: :param backup_id: Id of the backup to return :param deleted: Return deleted backups :return: """ try: db_info = DBBackup.find_by(context=context, id=backup_id, deleted=deleted) return db_info except exception.NotFound: raise exception.NotFound(uuid=backup_id) @classmethod def _paginate(cls, context, query): """Paginate the results of the base query. We use limit/offset as the results need to be ordered by date and not the primary key. """ marker = int(context.marker or 0) limit = int(context.limit or CONF.backups_page_size) # order by 'updated DESC' to show the most recent backups first query = query.order_by(desc(DBBackup.updated)) # Apply limit/offset query = query.limit(limit) query = query.offset(marker) # check if we need to send a marker for the next page if query.count() < limit: marker = None else: marker += limit return query.all(), marker @classmethod def list(cls, context, datastore=None, instance_id=None, project_id=None, all_projects=False): query = DBBackup.query() filters = [DBBackup.deleted == 0] if project_id: filters.append(DBBackup.tenant_id == project_id) elif not all_projects: filters.append(DBBackup.tenant_id == context.project_id) if instance_id: filters.append(DBBackup.instance_id == instance_id) if datastore: ds = datastore_models.Datastore.load(datastore) filters.append(datastore_models.DBDatastoreVersion. datastore_id == ds.id) query = query.join(datastore_models.DBDatastoreVersion) query = query.filter(*filters) return cls._paginate(context, query) @classmethod def list_for_instance(cls, context, instance_id): """ list all live Backups associated with given instance :param cls: :param instance_id: :return: """ query = DBBackup.query() if context.is_admin: query = query.filter_by(instance_id=instance_id, deleted=False) else: query = query.filter_by(instance_id=instance_id, tenant_id=context.project_id, deleted=False) return cls._paginate(context, query) @classmethod def get_last_completed(cls, context, instance_id, include_incremental=True): """ returns last completed backup :param cls: :param instance_id: :param include_incremental: :return: """ last_backup = None backups, marker = cls.list_for_instance(context, instance_id) # we don't care about the marker since we only want the first backup # and they are ordered descending based on date (what we want) for backup in backups: if backup.state == BackupState.COMPLETED and ( include_incremental or not backup.parent_id): if not last_backup or backup.updated > last_backup.updated: last_backup = backup return last_backup @classmethod def fail_for_instance(cls, instance_id): query = DBBackup.query() query = query.filter(DBBackup.instance_id == instance_id, DBBackup.state.in_(BackupState.RUNNING_STATES)) query = query.filter_by(deleted=False) for backup in query.all(): backup.state = BackupState.FAILED backup.save() @classmethod def delete(cls, context, backup_id): """ update Backup table on deleted flag for given Backup :param cls: :param context: context containing the tenant id and token :param backup_id: Backup uuid :return: """ # Recursively delete all children and grandchildren of this backup. query = DBBackup.query() query = query.filter_by(parent_id=backup_id, deleted=False) for child in query.all(): try: cls.delete(context, child.id) except exception.NotFound: LOG.warning("Backup %s cannot be found.", backup_id) def _delete_resources(): backup = cls.get_by_id(context, backup_id) if backup.is_running: msg = _("Backup %s cannot be deleted because it is running.") raise exception.UnprocessableEntity(msg % backup_id) cls.verify_swift_auth_token(context) api.API(context).delete_backup(backup_id) return run_with_quotas(context.project_id, {'backups': -1}, _delete_resources) @classmethod def verify_swift_auth_token(cls, context): try: client = clients.create_swift_client(context) client.get_account() except ClientException: raise exception.SwiftAuthError(tenant_id=context.project_id) except exception.NoServiceEndpoint: raise exception.SwiftNotFound(tenant_id=context.project_id) except ConnectionError: raise exception.SwiftConnectionError() class BackupStrategy(object): @classmethod def create(cls, context, instance_id, swift_container): try: existing = DBBackupStrategy.find_by(tenant_id=context.project_id, instance_id=instance_id) existing.swift_container = swift_container existing.save() return existing except exception.NotFound: return DBBackupStrategy.create( tenant_id=context.project_id, instance_id=instance_id, backend='swift', swift_container=swift_container, ) @classmethod def list(cls, context, tenant_id, instance_id=None): kwargs = {'tenant_id': tenant_id} if instance_id: kwargs['instance_id'] = instance_id result = DBBackupStrategy.find_by_filter(**kwargs) return result @classmethod def get(cls, context, instance_id): try: return DBBackupStrategy.find_by(tenant_id=context.project_id, instance_id=instance_id) except exception.NotFound: try: return DBBackupStrategy.find_by(tenant_id=context.project_id, instance_id='') except exception.NotFound: return None @classmethod def delete(cls, context, tenant_id, instance_id): try: existing = DBBackupStrategy.find_by(tenant_id=tenant_id, instance_id=instance_id) existing.delete() except exception.NotFound: pass def persisted_models(): return {'backups': DBBackup, 'backup_strategy': DBBackupStrategy} class DBBackup(DatabaseModelBase): """A table for Backup records.""" _data_fields = ['name', 'description', 'location', 'backup_type', 'size', 'tenant_id', 'state', 'instance_id', 'checksum', 'backup_timestamp', 'deleted', 'created', 'updated', 'deleted_at', 'parent_id', 'datastore_version_id'] _table_name = 'backups' @property def is_running(self): return self.state in BackupState.RUNNING_STATES @property def is_done(self): return self.state in BackupState.END_STATES @property def is_done_successfuly(self): return self.state in [BackupState.COMPLETED, BackupState.RESTORED] @property def filename(self): if self.location: last_slash = self.location.rfind("/") if last_slash < 0: raise ValueError(_("Bad location for backup object: %s") % self.location) return self.location[last_slash + 1:] else: return None @property def container_name(self): if self.location: return self.location.split('/')[-2] else: return None @property def datastore(self): if self.datastore_version_id: return datastore_models.Datastore.load( self.datastore_version.datastore_id) @property def datastore_version(self): if self.datastore_version_id: return datastore_models.DatastoreVersion.load_by_uuid( self.datastore_version_id) def check_swift_object_exist(self, context, verify_checksum=False): try: parts = self.location.split('/') obj = parts[-1] container = parts[-2] client = clients.create_swift_client(context) LOG.debug("Checking if backup exists in %s", self.location) resp = client.head_object(container, obj) if verify_checksum: LOG.debug("Checking if backup checksum matches swift " "for backup %s", self.id) # swift returns etag in double quotes # e.g. '"dc3b0827f276d8d78312992cc60c2c3f"' swift_checksum = resp['etag'].strip('"') if self.checksum != swift_checksum: raise exception.RestoreBackupIntegrityError( backup_id=self.id) return True except ClientException as e: if e.http_status == 404: return False else: raise exception.SwiftAuthError(tenant_id=context.project_id) class DBBackupStrategy(DatabaseModelBase): """A table for backup strategy records.""" _data_fields = ['tenant_id', 'instance_id', 'backend', 'swift_container'] _table_name = 'backup_strategy'