# Copyright 2019 Catalyst Cloud Ltd. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import netaddr from oslo_cache import core from oslo_log import log as logging from neutronclient.common import exceptions as neutron_exceptions from trove.common import cache from trove.common import cfg from trove.common import clients from trove.common import exception CONF = cfg.CONF LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) MGMT_NETWORKS = None MGMT_CIDRS = None NEUTRON_EXTENSION_CACHE = {} PROJECT_ID_EXT_ALIAS = 'project-id' MEMOIZE_PORTS = core.get_memoization_decorator( conf=CONF, region=cache.get_cache_region(), group="instance_ports_cache") def check_extension_enabled(client, extension_alias): """Check if an extension is enabled in Neutron.""" global NEUTRON_EXTENSION_CACHE if extension_alias in NEUTRON_EXTENSION_CACHE: status = NEUTRON_EXTENSION_CACHE[extension_alias] LOG.debug(f"Neutron extension {extension_alias} cached as " f"{'enabled' if status else 'disabled'}") else: try: client.show_extension(extension_alias) LOG.debug(f'Neutron extension {extension_alias} found enabled') NEUTRON_EXTENSION_CACHE[extension_alias] = True except neutron_exceptions.NotFound: LOG.debug(f'Neutron extension {extension_alias} is not enabled') NEUTRON_EXTENSION_CACHE[extension_alias] = False return NEUTRON_EXTENSION_CACHE[extension_alias] def get_management_networks(context): """Cache the management network names. When CONF.management_networks is changed, the Trove service needs to restart so the global cache will be refreshed. """ global MGMT_NETWORKS if MGMT_NETWORKS is not None: return MGMT_NETWORKS MGMT_NETWORKS = [] if len(CONF.management_networks) > 0: neutron_client = clients.create_neutron_client(context) for net_id in CONF.management_networks: MGMT_NETWORKS.append( neutron_client.show_network(net_id)['network']['name'] ) return MGMT_NETWORKS def reset_management_networks(): """This method is only for testing purpose.""" global MGMT_NETWORKS MGMT_NETWORKS = None def check_subnet_router(client, subnet_id): """Check if the subnet is associated with a router.""" router_ports = client.list_ports( device_owner="network:router_interface", fixed_ips=f"subnet_id={subnet_id}" )["ports"] + client.list_ports( device_owner="network:router_interface_distributed", fixed_ips=f"subnet_id={subnet_id}" )["ports"] + client.list_ports( device_owner="network:ha_router_replicated_interface", fixed_ips=f"subnet_id={subnet_id}")["ports"] if not router_ports: raise exception.TroveError(f"Subnet {subnet_id} is not " f"associated with router.") @MEMOIZE_PORTS def get_instance_ports(client, instance_id): """Get ports attached to the trove instance. After the trove instance is created, the attached ports are not changed. """ LOG.info(f'Getting ports for instance {instance_id}') return client.list_ports(device_id=instance_id)['ports'] def get_port_fips(client, port_id): return client.list_floatingips(port_id=port_id)['floatingips'] def create_port(client, name, description, network_id, security_groups, is_public=False, subnet_id=None, ip=None, is_mgmt=False, project_id=None): enable_access_check = (not is_mgmt and (CONF.network.enable_access_check or is_public)) port_body = { "port": { "name": name, "description": description, "network_id": network_id, "security_groups": security_groups } } if subnet_id: if enable_access_check: check_subnet_router(client, subnet_id) fixed_ips = { "fixed_ips": [{"subnet_id": subnet_id}] } if ip: fixed_ips['fixed_ips'][0].update({'ip_address': ip}) port_body['port'].update(fixed_ips) port = client.create_port(body=port_body) port_id = port['port']['id'] if not subnet_id and enable_access_check: # Check if the subnet has been associated with a router. subnet_id = port['port']['fixed_ips'][0]['subnet_id'] check_subnet_router(client, subnet_id) if is_public: make_port_public(client, port_id, project_id) return port_id def delete_port(client, id): ret = client.list_floatingips(port_id=id) if len(ret['floatingips']) > 0: for fip in ret['floatingips']: try: client.delete_floatingip(fip['id']) except Exception as e: LOG.error( 'Failed to delete floating IP for port %s, error: %s', id, str(e) ) client.delete_port(id) def make_port_public(client, port_id, project_id): """Associate floating IP with the port.""" public_network_id = get_public_network(client) if not public_network_id: raise exception.PublicNetworkNotFound() fip_body = { "floatingip": { 'floating_network_id': public_network_id, 'port_id': port_id, } } if project_id: if check_extension_enabled(client, PROJECT_ID_EXT_ALIAS): project_id_key = 'project_id' else: project_id_key = 'tenant_id' fip_body['floatingip'][project_id_key] = project_id try: LOG.debug(f"Creating floating IP for the port {port_id}, " f"request body: {fip_body}") ret = client.create_floatingip(fip_body) LOG.info(f"Successfully created floating IP " f"{ret['floatingip']['floating_ip_address']} for port " f"{port_id}") except Exception as e: LOG.error(f"Failed to create public IP with port {port_id}: " f"{str(e)}") raise exception.TroveError('Failed to expose instance port to public.') def get_public_network(client): """Get public network ID. If not given in the config file, try to query all the public networks and use the first one in the list. """ if CONF.network.public_network_id: return CONF.network.public_network_id kwargs = {'router:external': True} ret = client.list_networks(**kwargs) if len(ret.get('networks', [])) == 0: return None return ret['networks'][0].get('id') def ensure_port_access(client, port_id, is_public, project_id): fips = client.list_floatingips(port_id=port_id)["floatingips"] if is_public and not fips: # Associate floating IP LOG.debug(f"Associate public IP with port {port_id}") make_port_public(client, port_id, project_id) return if not is_public and fips: # Disassociate floating IP for fip in fips: LOG.debug(f"Disassociate public IP {fip['floating_ip_address']} " f"from port {port_id}") client.delete_floatingip(fip["id"]) return def create_security_group(client, name, instance_id): body = { 'security_group': { 'name': name, 'description': 'Security group for trove instance %s' % instance_id } } ret = client.create_security_group(body=body) return ret['security_group']['id'] def create_security_group_rule(client, sg_id, protocol, ports, remote_ips): for remote_ip in remote_ips: ip = netaddr.IPNetwork(remote_ip) ethertype = 'IPv4' if ip.version == 4 else 'IPv6' for port_or_range in set(ports): from_, to_ = port_or_range[0], port_or_range[-1] body = { "security_group_rule": { "direction": "ingress", "ethertype": ethertype, "protocol": protocol, "security_group_id": sg_id, "port_range_min": int(from_), "port_range_max": int(to_), "remote_ip_prefix": remote_ip } } client.create_security_group_rule(body) def clear_ingress_security_group_rules(client, sg_id): rules = client.list_security_group_rules( security_group_id=sg_id)['security_group_rules'] for rule in rules: if rule['direction'] == 'ingress': client.delete_security_group_rule(rule['id']) def get_subnet_cidrs(client, network_id=None, subnet_id=None): cidrs = [] # Check subnet first. if subnet_id: cidrs.append(client.show_subnet(subnet_id)['subnet']['cidr']) elif network_id: subnets = client.list_subnets(network_id=network_id)['subnets'] for subnet in subnets: cidrs.append(subnet.get('cidr')) return cidrs def get_mamangement_subnet_cidrs(client): """Cache the management subnet CIDRS.""" global MGMT_CIDRS if MGMT_CIDRS is not None: return MGMT_CIDRS MGMT_CIDRS = [] if len(CONF.management_networks) > 0: MGMT_CIDRS = get_subnet_cidrs(client, CONF.management_networks[0]) return MGMT_CIDRS