path: root/horizon/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'horizon/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 803 deletions
diff --git a/horizon/ b/horizon/
deleted file mode 100644
index 32643394..00000000
--- a/horizon/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,803 +0,0 @@
-# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
-# Copyright 2012 Nebula, Inc.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-# a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-Contains the core classes and functionality that makes Horizon what it is.
-This module is considered internal, and should not be relied on directly.
-Public APIs are made available through the :mod:`horizon` module and
-the classes contained therein.
-import collections
-import copy
-import inspect
-import logging
-import os
-from django.conf import settings
-from django.conf.urls.defaults import include
-from django.conf.urls.defaults import patterns
-from django.conf.urls.defaults import url
-from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured
-from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
-from django.utils.datastructures import SortedDict
-from django.utils.functional import SimpleLazyObject
-from django.utils.importlib import import_module
-from django.utils.module_loading import module_has_submodule
-from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
-from horizon import conf
-from horizon.decorators import _current_component
-from horizon.decorators import require_auth
-from horizon.decorators import require_perms
-from horizon import loaders
-LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-def _decorate_urlconf(urlpatterns, decorator, *args, **kwargs):
- for pattern in urlpatterns:
- if getattr(pattern, 'callback', None):
- pattern._callback = decorator(pattern.callback, *args, **kwargs)
- if getattr(pattern, 'url_patterns', []):
- _decorate_urlconf(pattern.url_patterns, decorator, *args, **kwargs)
-class NotRegistered(Exception):
- pass
-class HorizonComponent(object):
- def __init__(self):
- super(HorizonComponent, self).__init__()
- if not self.slug:
- raise ImproperlyConfigured('Every %s must have a slug.'
- % self.__class__)
- def __unicode__(self):
- name = getattr(self, 'name', u"Unnamed %s" % self.__class__.__name__)
- return unicode(name)
- def _get_default_urlpatterns(self):
- package_string = '.'.join(self.__module__.split('.')[:-1])
- if getattr(self, 'urls', None):
- try:
- mod = import_module('.%s' % self.urls, package_string)
- except ImportError:
- mod = import_module(self.urls)
- urlpatterns = mod.urlpatterns
- else:
- # Try importing a from the dashboard package
- if module_has_submodule(import_module(package_string), 'urls'):
- urls_mod = import_module('.urls', package_string)
- urlpatterns = urls_mod.urlpatterns
- else:
- urlpatterns = patterns('')
- return urlpatterns
-class Registry(object):
- def __init__(self):
- self._registry = {}
- if not getattr(self, '_registerable_class', None):
- raise ImproperlyConfigured('Subclasses of Registry must set a '
- '"_registerable_class" property.')
- def _register(self, cls):
- """Registers the given class.
- If the specified class is already registered then it is ignored.
- """
- if not inspect.isclass(cls):
- raise ValueError('Only classes may be registered.')
- elif not issubclass(cls, self._registerable_class):
- raise ValueError('Only %s classes or subclasses may be registered.'
- % self._registerable_class.__name__)
- if cls not in self._registry:
- cls._registered_with = self
- self._registry[cls] = cls()
- return self._registry[cls]
- def _unregister(self, cls):
- """Unregisters the given class.
- If the specified class isn't registered, ``NotRegistered`` will
- be raised.
- """
- if not issubclass(cls, self._registerable_class):
- raise ValueError('Only %s classes or subclasses may be '
- 'unregistered.' % self._registerable_class)
- if cls not in self._registry.keys():
- raise NotRegistered('%s is not registered' % cls)
- del self._registry[cls]
- return True
- def _registered(self, cls):
- if inspect.isclass(cls) and issubclass(cls, self._registerable_class):
- found = self._registry.get(cls, None)
- if found:
- return found
- else:
- # Allow for fetching by slugs as well.
- for registered in self._registry.values():
- if registered.slug == cls:
- return registered
- class_name = self._registerable_class.__name__
- if hasattr(self, "_registered_with"):
- parent = self._registered_with._registerable_class.__name__
- raise NotRegistered('%(type)s with slug "%(slug)s" is not '
- 'registered with %(parent)s "%(name)s".'
- % {"type": class_name,
- "slug": cls,
- "parent": parent,
- "name": self.slug})
- else:
- slug = getattr(cls, "slug", cls)
- raise NotRegistered('%(type)s with slug "%(slug)s" is not '
- 'registered.' % {"type": class_name,
- "slug": slug})
-class Panel(HorizonComponent):
- """ A base class for defining Horizon dashboard panels.
- All Horizon dashboard panels should extend from this class. It provides
- the appropriate hooks for automatically constructing URLconfs, and
- providing permission-based access control.
- .. attribute:: name
- The name of the panel. This will be displayed in the
- auto-generated navigation and various other places.
- Default: ``''``.
- .. attribute:: slug
- A unique "short name" for the panel. The slug is used as
- a component of the URL path for the panel. Default: ``''``.
- .. attribute:: permissions
- A list of permission names, all of which a user must possess in order
- to access any view associated with this panel. This attribute
- is combined cumulatively with any permissions required on the
- ``Dashboard`` class with which it is registered.
- .. attribute:: urls
- Path to a URLconf of views for this panel using dotted Python
- notation. If no value is specified, a file called ````
- living in the same package as the ```` file is used.
- Default: ``None``.
- .. attribute:: nav
- .. method:: nav(context)
- The ``nav`` attribute can be either boolean value or a callable
- which accepts a ``RequestContext`` object as a single argument
- to control whether or not this panel should appear in
- automatically-generated navigation. Default: ``True``.
- .. attribute:: index_url_name
- The ``name`` argument for the URL pattern which corresponds to
- the index view for this ``Panel``. This is the view that
- :meth:`.Panel.get_absolute_url` will attempt to reverse.
- """
- name = ''
- slug = ''
- urls = None
- nav = True
- index_url_name = "index"
- def __repr__(self):
- return "<Panel: %s>" % self.slug
- def get_absolute_url(self):
- """ Returns the default URL for this panel.
- The default URL is defined as the URL pattern with ``name="index"`` in
- the URLconf for this panel.
- """
- try:
- return reverse('horizon:%s:%s:%s' % (self._registered_with.slug,
- self.slug,
- self.index_url_name))
- except Exception as exc:
- # Logging here since this will often be called in a template
- # where the exception would be hidden.
-"Error reversing absolute URL for %s: %s" % (self, exc))
- raise
- @property
- def _decorated_urls(self):
- urlpatterns = self._get_default_urlpatterns()
- # Apply access controls to all views in the patterns
- permissions = getattr(self, 'permissions', [])
- _decorate_urlconf(urlpatterns, require_perms, permissions)
- _decorate_urlconf(urlpatterns, _current_component, panel=self)
- # Return the three arguments to django.conf.urls.defaults.include
- return urlpatterns, self.slug, self.slug
-class PanelGroup(object):
- """ A container for a set of :class:`~horizon.Panel` classes.
- When iterated, it will yield each of the ``Panel`` instances it
- contains.
- .. attribute:: slug
- A unique string to identify this panel group. Required.
- .. attribute:: name
- A user-friendly name which will be used as the group heading in
- places such as the navigation. Default: ``None``.
- .. attribute:: panels
- A list of panel module names which should be contained within this
- grouping.
- """
- def __init__(self, dashboard, slug=None, name=None, panels=None):
- self.dashboard = dashboard
- self.slug = slug or getattr(self, "slug", "default")
- = name or getattr(self, "name", None)
- # Our panels must be mutable so it can be extended by others.
- self.panels = list(panels or getattr(self, "panels", []))
- def __repr__(self):
- return "<%s: %s>" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.slug)
- def __unicode__(self):
- return
- def __iter__(self):
- panel_instances = []
- for name in self.panels:
- try:
- panel_instances.append(self.dashboard.get_panel(name))
- except NotRegistered as e:
- LOG.debug(e)
- return iter(panel_instances)
-class Dashboard(Registry, HorizonComponent):
- """ A base class for defining Horizon dashboards.
- All Horizon dashboards should extend from this base class. It provides the
- appropriate hooks for automatic discovery of :class:`~horizon.Panel`
- modules, automatically constructing URLconfs, and providing
- permission-based access control.
- .. attribute:: name
- The name of the dashboard. This will be displayed in the
- auto-generated navigation and various other places.
- Default: ``''``.
- .. attribute:: slug
- A unique "short name" for the dashboard. The slug is used as
- a component of the URL path for the dashboard. Default: ``''``.
- .. attribute:: panels
- The ``panels`` attribute can be either a flat list containing the name
- of each panel **module** which should be loaded as part of this
- dashboard, or a list of :class:`~horizon.PanelGroup` classes which
- define groups of panels as in the following example::
- class SystemPanels(horizon.PanelGroup):
- slug = "syspanel"
- name = _("System Panel")
- panels = ('overview', 'instances', ...)
- class Syspanel(horizon.Dashboard):
- panels = (SystemPanels,)
- Automatically generated navigation will use the order of the
- modules in this attribute.
- Default: ``[]``.
- .. warning::
- The values for this attribute should not correspond to the
- :attr:`` attributes of the ``Panel`` classes.
- They should be the names of the Python modules in which the
- ```` files live. This is used for the automatic
- loading and registration of ``Panel`` classes much like
- Django's ``ModelAdmin`` machinery.
- Panel modules must be listed in ``panels`` in order to be
- discovered by the automatic registration mechanism.
- .. attribute:: default_panel
- The name of the panel which should be treated as the default
- panel for the dashboard, i.e. when you visit the root URL
- for this dashboard, that's the panel that is displayed.
- Default: ``None``.
- .. attribute:: permissions
- A list of permission names, all of which a user must possess in order
- to access any panel registered with this dashboard. This attribute
- is combined cumulatively with any permissions required on individual
- :class:`~horizon.Panel` classes.
- .. attribute:: urls
- Optional path to a URLconf of additional views for this dashboard
- which are not connected to specific panels. Default: ``None``.
- .. attribute:: nav
- Optional boolean to control whether or not this dashboard should
- appear in automatically-generated navigation. Default: ``True``.
- .. attribute:: supports_tenants
- Optional boolean that indicates whether or not this dashboard includes
- support for projects/tenants. If set to ``True`` this dashboard's
- navigation will include a UI element that allows the user to select
- project/tenant. Default: ``False``.
- .. attribute:: public
- Boolean value to determine whether this dashboard can be viewed
- without being logged in. Defaults to ``False``.
- """
- _registerable_class = Panel
- name = ''
- slug = ''
- urls = None
- panels = []
- default_panel = None
- nav = True
- supports_tenants = False
- public = False
- def __repr__(self):
- return "<Dashboard: %s>" % self.slug
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- super(Dashboard, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
- self._panel_groups = None
- def get_panel(self, panel):
- """
- Returns the specified :class:`~horizon.Panel` instance registered
- with this dashboard.
- """
- return self._registered(panel)
- def get_panels(self):
- """
- Returns the :class:`~horizon.Panel` instances registered with this
- dashboard in order, without any panel groupings.
- """
- all_panels = []
- panel_groups = self.get_panel_groups()
- for panel_group in panel_groups.values():
- all_panels.extend(panel_group)
- return all_panels
- def get_panel_group(self, slug):
- return self._panel_groups[slug]
- def get_panel_groups(self):
- registered = copy.copy(self._registry)
- panel_groups = []
- # Gather our known panels
- if self._panel_groups is not None:
- for panel_group in self._panel_groups.values():
- for panel in panel_group:
- registered.pop(panel.__class__)
- panel_groups.append((panel_group.slug, panel_group))
- # Deal with leftovers (such as add-on registrations)
- if len(registered):
- slugs = [panel.slug for panel in registered.values()]
- new_group = PanelGroup(self,
- slug="other",
- name=_("Other"),
- panels=slugs)
- panel_groups.append((new_group.slug, new_group))
- return SortedDict(panel_groups)
- def get_absolute_url(self):
- """ Returns the default URL for this dashboard.
- The default URL is defined as the URL pattern with ``name="index"``
- in the URLconf for the :class:`~horizon.Panel` specified by
- :attr:`~horizon.Dashboard.default_panel`.
- """
- try:
- return self._registered(self.default_panel).get_absolute_url()
- except:
- # Logging here since this will often be called in a template
- # where the exception would be hidden.
- LOG.exception("Error reversing absolute URL for %s." % self)
- raise
- @property
- def _decorated_urls(self):
- urlpatterns = self._get_default_urlpatterns()
- default_panel = None
- # Add in each panel's views except for the default view.
- for panel in self._registry.values():
- if panel.slug == self.default_panel:
- default_panel = panel
- continue
- urlpatterns += patterns('',
- url(r'^%s/' % panel.slug, include(panel._decorated_urls)))
- # Now the default view, which should come last
- if not default_panel:
- raise NotRegistered('The default panel "%s" is not registered.'
- % self.default_panel)
- urlpatterns += patterns('',
- url(r'', include(default_panel._decorated_urls)))
- # Require login if not public.
- if not self.public:
- _decorate_urlconf(urlpatterns, require_auth)
- # Apply access controls to all views in the patterns
- permissions = getattr(self, 'permissions', [])
- _decorate_urlconf(urlpatterns, require_perms, permissions)
- _decorate_urlconf(urlpatterns, _current_component, dashboard=self)
- # Return the three arguments to django.conf.urls.defaults.include
- return urlpatterns, self.slug, self.slug
- def _autodiscover(self):
- """ Discovers panels to register from the current dashboard module. """
- if getattr(self, "_autodiscover_complete", False):
- return
- panels_to_discover = []
- panel_groups = []
- # If we have a flat iterable of panel names, wrap it again so
- # we have a consistent structure for the next step.
- if all([isinstance(i, basestring) for i in self.panels]):
- self.panels = [self.panels]
- # Now iterate our panel sets.
- for panel_set in self.panels:
- # Instantiate PanelGroup classes.
- if not isinstance(panel_set, collections.Iterable) and \
- issubclass(panel_set, PanelGroup):
- panel_group = panel_set(self)
- # Check for nested tuples, and convert them to PanelGroups
- elif not isinstance(panel_set, PanelGroup):
- panel_group = PanelGroup(self, panels=panel_set)
- # Put our results into their appropriate places
- panels_to_discover.extend(panel_group.panels)
- panel_groups.append((panel_group.slug, panel_group))
- self._panel_groups = SortedDict(panel_groups)
- # Do the actual discovery
- package = '.'.join(self.__module__.split('.')[:-1])
- mod = import_module(package)
- for panel in panels_to_discover:
- try:
- before_import_registry = copy.copy(self._registry)
- import_module('.%s.panel' % panel, package)
- except:
- self._registry = before_import_registry
- if module_has_submodule(mod, panel):
- raise
- self._autodiscover_complete = True
- @classmethod
- def register(cls, panel):
- """ Registers a :class:`~horizon.Panel` with this dashboard. """
- panel_class = Horizon.register_panel(cls, panel)
- # Support template loading from panel template directories.
- panel_mod = import_module(panel.__module__)
- panel_dir = os.path.dirname(panel_mod.__file__)
- template_dir = os.path.join(panel_dir, "templates")
- if os.path.exists(template_dir):
- key = os.path.join(cls.slug, panel.slug)
- loaders.panel_template_dirs[key] = template_dir
- return panel_class
- @classmethod
- def unregister(cls, panel):
- """ Unregisters a :class:`~horizon.Panel` from this dashboard. """
- success = Horizon.unregister_panel(cls, panel)
- if success:
- # Remove the panel's template directory.
- key = os.path.join(cls.slug, panel.slug)
- if key in loaders.panel_template_dirs:
- del loaders.panel_template_dirs[key]
- return success
-class Workflow(object):
- def __init__(*args, **kwargs):
- raise NotImplementedError()
- from django.utils.functional import empty
-except ImportError:
- #Django 1.3 fallback
- empty = None
-class LazyURLPattern(SimpleLazyObject):
- def __iter__(self):
- if self._wrapped is empty:
- self._setup()
- return iter(self._wrapped)
- def __reversed__(self):
- if self._wrapped is empty:
- self._setup()
- return reversed(self._wrapped)
- def __len__(self):
- if self._wrapped is empty:
- self._setup()
- return len(self._wrapped)
- def __getitem__(self, idx):
- if self._wrapped is empty:
- self._setup()
- return self._wrapped[idx]
-class Site(Registry, HorizonComponent):
- """ The overarching class which encompasses all dashboards and panels. """
- # Required for registry
- _registerable_class = Dashboard
- name = "Horizon"
- namespace = 'horizon'
- slug = 'horizon'
- urls = 'horizon.site_urls'
- def __repr__(self):
- return u"<Site: %s>" % self.slug
- @property
- def _conf(self):
- return conf.HORIZON_CONFIG
- @property
- def dashboards(self):
- return self._conf['dashboards']
- @property
- def default_dashboard(self):
- return self._conf['default_dashboard']
- def register(self, dashboard):
- """ Registers a :class:`~horizon.Dashboard` with Horizon."""
- return self._register(dashboard)
- def unregister(self, dashboard):
- """ Unregisters a :class:`~horizon.Dashboard` from Horizon. """
- return self._unregister(dashboard)
- def registered(self, dashboard):
- return self._registered(dashboard)
- def register_panel(self, dashboard, panel):
- dash_instance = self.registered(dashboard)
- return dash_instance._register(panel)
- def unregister_panel(self, dashboard, panel):
- dash_instance = self.registered(dashboard)
- if not dash_instance:
- raise NotRegistered("The dashboard %s is not registered."
- % dashboard)
- return dash_instance._unregister(panel)
- def get_dashboard(self, dashboard):
- """ Returns the specified :class:`~horizon.Dashboard` instance. """
- return self._registered(dashboard)
- def get_dashboards(self):
- """ Returns an ordered tuple of :class:`~horizon.Dashboard` modules.
- Orders dashboards according to the ``"dashboards"`` key in
- ``HORIZON_CONFIG`` or else returns all registered dashboards
- in alphabetical order.
- Any remaining :class:`~horizon.Dashboard` classes registered with
- Horizon but not listed in ``HORIZON_CONFIG['dashboards']``
- will be appended to the end of the list alphabetically.
- """
- if self.dashboards:
- registered = copy.copy(self._registry)
- dashboards = []
- for item in self.dashboards:
- dashboard = self._registered(item)
- dashboards.append(dashboard)
- registered.pop(dashboard.__class__)
- if len(registered):
- extra = registered.values()
- extra.sort()
- dashboards.extend(extra)
- return dashboards
- else:
- dashboards = self._registry.values()
- dashboards.sort()
- return dashboards
- def get_default_dashboard(self):
- """ Returns the default :class:`~horizon.Dashboard` instance.
- If ``"default_dashboard"`` is specified in ``HORIZON_CONFIG``
- then that dashboard will be returned. If not, the first dashboard
- returned by :func:`~horizon.get_dashboards` will be returned.
- """
- if self.default_dashboard:
- return self._registered(self.default_dashboard)
- elif len(self._registry):
- return self.get_dashboards()[0]
- else:
- raise NotRegistered("No dashboard modules have been registered.")
- def get_user_home(self, user):
- """ Returns the default URL for a particular user.
- This method can be used to customize where a user is sent when
- they log in, etc. By default it returns the value of
- :meth:`get_absolute_url`.
- An alternative function can be supplied to customize this behavior
- by specifying a either a URL or a function which returns a URL via
- the ``"user_home"`` key in ``HORIZON_CONFIG``. Each of these
- would be valid::
- {"user_home": "/home",} # A URL
- {"user_home": "my_module.get_user_home",} # Path to a function
- {"user_home": lambda user: "/" +,} # A function
- {"user_home": None,} # Will always return the default dashboard
- This can be useful if the default dashboard may not be accessible
- to all users. When user_home is missing from HORIZON_CONFIG,
- it will default to the settings.LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL value.
- """
- user_home = self._conf['user_home']
- if user_home:
- if callable(user_home):
- return user_home(user)
- elif isinstance(user_home, basestring):
- # Assume we've got a URL if there's a slash in it
- if user_home.find("/") != -1:
- return user_home
- else:
- mod, func = user_home.rsplit(".", 1)
- return getattr(import_module(mod), func)(user)
- # If it's not callable and not a string, it's wrong.
- raise ValueError('The user_home setting must be either a string '
- 'or a callable object (e.g. a function).')
- else:
- return self.get_absolute_url()
- def get_absolute_url(self):
- """ Returns the default URL for Horizon's URLconf.
- The default URL is determined by calling
- :meth:`~horizon.Dashboard.get_absolute_url`
- on the :class:`~horizon.Dashboard` instance returned by
- :meth:`~horizon.get_default_dashboard`.
- """
- return self.get_default_dashboard().get_absolute_url()
- @property
- def _lazy_urls(self):
- """ Lazy loading for URL patterns.
- This method avoids problems associated with attempting to evaluate
- the the URLconf before the settings module has been loaded.
- """
- def url_patterns():
- return self._urls()[0]
- return LazyURLPattern(url_patterns), self.namespace, self.slug
- def _urls(self):
- """ Constructs the URLconf for Horizon from registered Dashboards. """
- urlpatterns = self._get_default_urlpatterns()
- self._autodiscover()
- # Discover each dashboard's panels.
- for dash in self._registry.values():
- dash._autodiscover()
- # Allow for override modules
- if self._conf.get("customization_module", None):
- customization_module = self._conf["customization_module"]
- bits = customization_module.split('.')
- mod_name = bits.pop()
- package = '.'.join(bits)
- mod = import_module(package)
- try:
- before_import_registry = copy.copy(self._registry)
- import_module('%s.%s' % (package, mod_name))
- except:
- self._registry = before_import_registry
- if module_has_submodule(mod, mod_name):
- raise
- # Compile the dynamic urlconf.
- for dash in self._registry.values():
- urlpatterns += patterns('',
- url(r'^%s/' % dash.slug, include(dash._decorated_urls)))
- # Return the three arguments to django.conf.urls.defaults.include
- return urlpatterns, self.namespace, self.slug
- def _autodiscover(self):
- """ Discovers modules to register from ``settings.INSTALLED_APPS``.
- This makes sure that the appropriate modules get imported to register
- themselves with Horizon.
- """
- if not getattr(self, '_registerable_class', None):
- raise ImproperlyConfigured('You must set a '
- '"_registerable_class" property '
- 'in order to use autodiscovery.')
- # Discover both dashboards and panels, in that order
- for mod_name in ('dashboard', 'panel'):
- for app in settings.INSTALLED_APPS:
- mod = import_module(app)
- try:
- before_import_registry = copy.copy(self._registry)
- import_module('%s.%s' % (app, mod_name))
- except:
- self._registry = before_import_registry
- if module_has_submodule(mod, mod_name):
- raise
-class HorizonSite(Site):
- """
- A singleton implementation of Site such that all dealings with horizon
- get the same instance no matter what. There can be only one.
- """
- _instance = None
- def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
- if not cls._instance:
- cls._instance = super(Site, cls).__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs)
- return cls._instance
-# The one true Horizon
-Horizon = HorizonSite()