path: root/zuul
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authorJames E. Blair <>2022-08-29 16:05:13 -0700
committerSimon Westphahl <>2022-09-19 08:42:28 +0200
commit8c2433a2c427367b4e26ec5fd4a0cd0f67399383 (patch)
tree188b813820c9053a3501fd9b7b2e0fc5da751440 /zuul
parentce40b296776caf8ca76825befa35c4b166488e11 (diff)
Tracing: implement span save/restore
This adds methods to allow us to save and restore spans using ZooKeeper data. Additionally, we subclass the tracing.Span class so that we can transparently handle timestamps which are stored as floating point numbers rather than integer nanoseconds. To exercise the new features, emit spans for QueueItems and BuildSets. Because most of our higher-level (parent) spans may start on one host and end on another, we save the full information about the span in ZK and restore it whenever we do anything with it, including starting child spans. This works well for starting a Build span given a BuildSet, since both objects are used by the executor client and so the span information for both is available. However, there are cases where we would like to have child spans and we do not have the full information of the parent, such as any children of the Build span on the executor. We could duplicate all the information of the Build span in ZK and send it along with the build request, but we really only need a few bits of info to start a remote child span. In OpenTelemetry, this is called trace propogation, and there are some tools for this which assume that the implicit trace context is being used and formats information for an HTTP header. We could use those methods, but this change adds a simpler API that is well suited to our typical json-serialization method of propogation. To use it, we will add a small extra dictionary to build and merge requests. This should serialize to about 104 bytes. So that we can transparantly handle upgrades from having no saved state for spans and span context in our ZK data, have our tracing API return a NonRecordingSpan when we try to restore from a None value. This code uses tracing.INVALID_SPAN or tracing.INVALID_SPAN_CONTEXT which are suitable constants. They are sufficiently real for the purpose of context managers, etc. The only down side is that any child spans of these will be real, actual reported spans, so in these cases, we will emit what we intend to be child spans as actual parent traces. Since this should only happen when a user first enables tracing on an already existing system, that seems like a reasonable trade-off. As new objects are populated, the spans will be emitted as expected. The trade off here is that our operational code can be much simpler as we can avoid null value checks and any confusion regarding context managers. In particular, we can just assume that tracing spans and contexts are always valid. Change-Id: If55b06572b5e95f8c21611b2a3c23f7fd224a547
Diffstat (limited to 'zuul')
3 files changed, 230 insertions, 15 deletions
diff --git a/zuul/lib/ b/zuul/lib/
index 2eb4d8903..42b2681f3 100644
--- a/zuul/lib/
+++ b/zuul/lib/
@@ -18,12 +18,203 @@ from opentelemetry.exporter.otlp.proto.grpc.trace_exporter import \
from opentelemetry.exporter.otlp.proto.http.trace_exporter import \
OTLPSpanExporter as HTTPExporter
from opentelemetry.sdk.resources import SERVICE_NAME, Resource
-from opentelemetry.sdk.trace import TracerProvider
+from opentelemetry.sdk.trace import TracerProvider, Span
from opentelemetry.sdk.trace.export import BatchSpanProcessor
+from opentelemetry import trace
+from opentelemetry.sdk import trace as trace_sdk
from zuul.lib.config import get_default, any_to_bool
+class ZuulSpan(Span):
+ """An implementation of Span which accepts floating point
+ times and converts them to the expected nanoseconds."""
+ def start(self, start_time=None, parent_context=None):
+ if isinstance(start_time, float):
+ start_time = int(start_time * (10**9))
+ return super().start(start_time, parent_context)
+ def end(self, end_time=None):
+ if isinstance(end_time, float):
+ end_time = int(end_time * (10**9))
+ return super().end(end_time)
+# Patch the OpenTelemetry SDK Span class to return a ZuulSpan so that
+# we can supply floating point timestamps.
+trace_sdk._Span = ZuulSpan
+def _formatContext(context):
+ return {
+ 'trace_id': context.trace_id,
+ 'span_id': context.span_id,
+ }
+def _formatAttributes(attrs):
+ if attrs is None:
+ return None
+ return attrs.copy()
+def getSpanInfo(span, include_attributes=False):
+ """Return a dict for use in serializing a Span."""
+ links = [{'context': _formatContext(l.context),
+ 'attributes': _formatAttributes(l.attributes)}
+ for l in span.links]
+ attrs = _formatAttributes(span.attributes)
+ context = span.get_span_context()
+ ret = {
+ 'name':,
+ 'trace_id': context.trace_id,
+ 'span_id': context.span_id,
+ 'trace_flags': context.trace_flags,
+ 'start_time': span.start_time,
+ }
+ if links:
+ ret['links'] = links
+ if attrs:
+ if not include_attributes:
+ # Avoid setting attributes when we start saved spans
+ # because we have to store them in ZooKeeper and we should
+ # minimize what we store there (especially since it is
+ # usually duplicative). If you really need to set
+ # attributes at the start of a span (because the info is
+ # not available later), set include_attributes to True.
+ # Otherwise, we raise an error here to remind ourselves to
+ # avoid that programming pattern.
+ raise RuntimeError("Attributes were set on a saved span; "
+ "either set them when ending the span, "
+ "or set include_attributes=True")
+ ret['attributes'] = attrs
+ return ret
+def restoreSpan(span_info, is_remote=True):
+ """Restore a Span from the serialized dict provided by getSpanInfo
+ Return None if unable to serialize the span.
+ """
+ tracer = trace.get_tracer("zuul")
+ if span_info is None:
+ return trace.INVALID_SPAN
+ required_keys = {'name', 'trace_id', 'span_id', 'trace_flags'}
+ if not required_keys <= set(span_info.keys()):
+ return trace.INVALID_SPAN
+ span_context = trace.SpanContext(
+ span_info['trace_id'],
+ span_info['span_id'],
+ is_remote=is_remote,
+ trace_flags=trace.TraceFlags(span_info['trace_flags']),
+ )
+ links = []
+ for link_info in span_info.get('links', []):
+ link_context = trace.SpanContext(
+ link_info['context']['trace_id'],
+ link_info['context']['span_id'])
+ link = trace.Link(link_context, link_info['attributes'])
+ links.append(link)
+ attributes = span_info.get('attributes', {})
+ span = ZuulSpan(
+ name=span_info['name'],
+ context=span_context,
+ parent=None,
+ sampler=tracer.sampler,
+ resource=tracer.resource,
+ attributes=attributes,
+ span_processor=tracer.span_processor,
+ kind=trace.SpanKind.INTERNAL,
+ links=links,
+ instrumentation_info=tracer.instrumentation_info,
+ record_exception=False,
+ set_status_on_exception=True,
+ limits=tracer._span_limits,
+ instrumentation_scope=tracer._instrumentation_scope,
+ )
+ span.start(start_time=span_info['start_time'])
+ return span
+def startSavedSpan(*args, **kw):
+ """Start a span and serialize it
+ This is a convenience method which starts a span (either root
+ or child) and immediately serializes it.
+ Most spans in Zuul should use this method.
+ """
+ tracer = trace.get_tracer("zuul")
+ include_attributes = kw.pop('include_attributes', False)
+ span = tracer.start_span(*args, **kw)
+ return getSpanInfo(span, include_attributes)
+def endSavedSpan(span_info, end_time=None, attributes=None):
+ """End a saved span.
+ This is a convenience method to restore a saved span and
+ immediately end it.
+ Most spans in Zuul should use this method.
+ """
+ span = restoreSpan(span_info, is_remote=False)
+ if span:
+ if attributes:
+ span.set_attributes(attributes)
+ span.end(end_time=end_time)
+def getSpanContext(span):
+ """Return a dict for use in serializing a Span Context.
+ The span context information used here is a lightweight
+ encoding of the span information so that remote child spans
+ can be started without access to a fully restored parent.
+ This is equivalent to (but not the same format) as the
+ OpenTelemetry trace context propogator.
+ """
+ context = span.get_span_context()
+ return {
+ 'trace_id': context.trace_id,
+ 'span_id': context.span_id,
+ 'trace_flags': context.trace_flags,
+ }
+def restoreSpanContext(span_context):
+ """Return a span with remote context information from getSpanContext.
+ This returns a non-recording span to use as a parent span. It
+ avoids the necessity of fully restoring the parent span.
+ """
+ if span_context:
+ span_context = trace.SpanContext(
+ trace_id=span_context['trace_id'],
+ span_id=span_context['span_id'],
+ is_remote=True,
+ trace_flags=trace.TraceFlags(span_context['trace_flags'])
+ )
+ else:
+ span_context = trace.INVALID_SPAN_CONTEXT
+ parent = trace.NonRecordingSpan(span_context)
+ return parent
+def startSpanInContext(span_context, *args, **kw):
+ """Start a span in a saved context.
+ This restores a span from a saved context and starts a new child span.
+ """
+ tracer = trace.get_tracer("zuul")
+ parent = restoreSpanContext(span_context)
+ with trace.use_span(parent):
+ return tracer.start_span(*args, **kw)
class Tracing:
PROTOCOL_HTTP_PROTOBUF = 'http/protobuf'
@@ -33,10 +224,10 @@ class Tracing:
service_name = get_default(config, "tracing", "service_name", "zuul")
resource = Resource(attributes={SERVICE_NAME: service_name})
provider = TracerProvider(resource=resource)
+ trace.set_tracer_provider(provider)
enabled = get_default(config, "tracing", "enabled")
if not any_to_bool(enabled):
self.processor = None
- self.tracer = provider.get_tracer("zuul")
protocol = get_default(config, "tracing", "protocol",
@@ -93,16 +284,8 @@ class Tracing:
raise Exception(f"Unknown tracing protocol {protocol}")
self.processor = self.processor_class(exporter)
- self.tracer = provider.get_tracer("zuul")
def stop(self):
if not self.processor:
- def test(self):
- # TODO: remove once we have actual traces
- if not self.tracer:
- return
- with self.tracer.start_as_current_span('test-trace'):
- pass
diff --git a/zuul/manager/ b/zuul/manager/
index 365435f3d..cd9b2381d 100644
--- a/zuul/manager/
+++ b/zuul/manager/
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ from zuul import model
from zuul.lib.dependson import find_dependency_headers
from zuul.lib.logutil import get_annotated_logger
from zuul.lib.tarjan import strongly_connected_components
+import zuul.lib.tracing as tracing
from zuul.model import (
Change, DequeueEvent, PipelineState, PipelineChangeList, QueueItem,
@@ -30,6 +31,8 @@ from zuul.zk.change_cache import ChangeKey
from zuul.zk.components import COMPONENT_REGISTRY
from zuul.zk.locks import pipeline_lock
+from opentelemetry import trace
class DynamicChangeQueueContextManager(object):
def __init__(self, change_queue):
@@ -579,7 +582,13 @@ class PipelineManager(metaclass=ABCMeta):"Adding change %s to queue %s in %s" %
(change, change_queue, self.pipeline))
- item = change_queue.enqueueChange(change, event)
+ if enqueue_time is None:
+ enqueue_time = time.time()
+ span_info = tracing.startSavedSpan(
+ 'QueueItem', start_time=enqueue_time)
+ item = change_queue.enqueueChange(change, event,
+ span_info=span_info,
+ enqueue_time=enqueue_time)
self.updateBundle(item, change_queue, cycle)
with item.activeContext(self.current_context):
@@ -739,6 +748,15 @@ class PipelineManager(metaclass=ABCMeta):
+ span_attrs = {
+ 'zuul_event_id': item.event.zuul_event_id,
+ }
+ for k, v in item.change.getSafeAttributes().toDict().items():
+ span_attrs['ref_' + k] = v
+ tracing.endSavedSpan(item.current_build_set.span_info)
+ tracing.endSavedSpan(item.span_info,
+ attributes=span_attrs)
def removeItem(self, item):
log = get_annotated_logger(self.log, item.event)
# Remove an item from the queue, probably because it has been
@@ -964,6 +982,7 @@ class PipelineManager(metaclass=ABCMeta):
item.current_build_set, 'dequeue', final=False,
+ tracing.endSavedSpan(item.current_build_set.span_info)
for item_behind in item.items_behind:
@@ -1337,7 +1356,9 @@ class PipelineManager(metaclass=ABCMeta):
# isn't already set.
tpc = tenant.project_configs.get(item.change.project.canonical_name)
if not build_set.ref:
- build_set.setConfiguration(self.current_context)
+ with trace.use_span(tracing.restoreSpan(item.span_info)):
+ span_info = tracing.startSavedSpan('BuildSet')
+ build_set.setConfiguration(self.current_context, span_info)
# Next, if a change ahead has a broken config, then so does
# this one. Record that and don't do anything else.
diff --git a/zuul/ b/zuul/
index f66a5e875..2dd019e08 100644
--- a/zuul/
+++ b/zuul/
@@ -329,6 +329,9 @@ class Attributes(object):
def __init__(self, **kw):
setattr(self, '__dict__', kw)
+ def toDict(self):
+ return self.__dict__
class Freezable(object):
"""A mix-in class so that an object can be made immutable"""
@@ -1087,13 +1090,16 @@ class ChangeQueue(zkobject.ZKObject):
def matches(self, project_cname, branch):
return (project_cname, branch) in self.project_branches
- def enqueueChange(self, change, event):
+ def enqueueChange(self, change, event, span_info=None, enqueue_time=None):
+ if enqueue_time is None:
+ enqueue_time = time.time()
item =,
- enqueue_time=time.time())
+ span_info=span_info,
+ enqueue_time=enqueue_time)
return item
@@ -3875,6 +3881,7 @@ class BuildSet(zkobject.ZKObject):
+ span_info=None,
configured_time=None, # When setConfigured was called
start_time=None, # When the buildset reported start
@@ -3983,6 +3990,7 @@ class BuildSet(zkobject.ZKObject):
"fail_fast": self.fail_fast,
"job_graph": (self.job_graph.toDict()
if self.job_graph else None),
+ "span_info": self.span_info,
"configured_time": self.configured_time,
"start_time": self.start_time,
"repo_state_request_time": self.repo_state_request_time,
@@ -4133,7 +4141,7 @@ class BuildSet(zkobject.ZKObject):
- def setConfiguration(self, context):
+ def setConfiguration(self, context, span_info):
with self.activeContext(context):
# The change isn't enqueued until after it's created
# so we don't know what the other changes ahead will be
@@ -4153,6 +4161,7 @@ class BuildSet(zkobject.ZKObject):
self.merger_items = [i.makeMergerItem() for i in items]
self.configured = True
self.configured_time = time.time()
+ self.span_info = span_info
def _toChangeDict(self, item):
# Inject bundle_id to dict if available, this can be used to decide
@@ -4322,6 +4331,7 @@ class QueueItem(zkobject.ZKObject):
+ span_info=None,
@@ -4384,6 +4394,7 @@ class QueueItem(zkobject.ZKObject):
"item_ahead": self.item_ahead and self.item_ahead.getPath(),
"items_behind": [i.getPath() for i in self.items_behind],
+ "span_info": self.span_info,
"enqueue_time": self.enqueue_time,
"report_time": self.report_time,
"dequeue_time": self.dequeue_time,