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19 files changed, 2538 insertions, 2290 deletions
diff --git a/doc/source/developer/specs/index.rst b/doc/source/developer/specs/index.rst
index d96df0c26..78c11bbb8 100644
--- a/doc/source/developer/specs/index.rst
+++ b/doc/source/developer/specs/index.rst
@@ -23,3 +23,4 @@ documentation instead.
+ tracing
diff --git a/doc/source/developer/specs/tracing.rst b/doc/source/developer/specs/tracing.rst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5e0e9e4d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/source/developer/specs/tracing.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,323 @@
+.. warning:: This is not authoritative documentation. These features
+ are not currently available in Zuul. They may change significantly
+ before final implementation, or may never be fully completed.
+It can be difficult for a user to understand what steps were involved
+between a trigger event (such as a patchset upload or recheck comment)
+and a buildset report. If it took an unusually long time it can be
+difficult to determine why. At present, an operator would need to
+examine logs to determine what steps were involved and the sources of
+any potential delays. Even experienced operators and developers can
+take quite some time to first collect and then analyze logs to answer
+these questions.
+Sometimes these answers may point to routine system operation (such as
+a delay caused by many gate resets, or preparing a large number of
+repositories). Other times they may point to deficiencies in the
+system (insufficient mergers) or bugs in the code.
+Being able to visualize the activities of a Zuul system can help
+operators (and potentially users) triage and diagnose issues more
+quickly and accurately. Even if examining logs is ultimately required
+in order to fully diagnose an issue, being able to narrow down the
+scope using analsys tools can greatly simplify the process.
+Proposed Solution
+Implementing distributed tracing in Zuul can help improve the
+observability of the system and aid operators and potentially users in
+understanding the sequence of events.
+By exporting information about the processing Zuul performs using the
+OpenTelemetry API, information about Zuul operations can be collected
+in any of several tools for analysis.
+OpenTelemetry is an Open Source protocol for exchanging observability
+data, an SDK implementing that protocol, as well as an implementation
+of a collector for distributing information to multiple backends.
+It supports three kinds of observability data: `traces`, `metrics`,
+and `logs`. Since Zuul already has support for metrics and logs, this
+specification proposes that we use only the support in OpenTelemtry
+for `traces`.
+Usage Scenarios
+Usage of OpenTelemetry should be entirely optional and supplementary
+for any Zuul deployment. Log messages alone should continue to be
+sufficient to analyze any potential problem.
+Should a deployer wish to use OpenTelemetry tracing data, a very
+simple deployment for smaller sites may be constructed by running only
+Jaeger. Jaeger is a service that can receive, store, and display
+tracing information. The project distributes an all-in-one container
+image which can store data in local filesystem storage.
+Larger sites may wish to run multiple collectors and feed data to
+larger, distributed storage backends (such as Cassandra,
+Elasticsearch, etc).
+Suitability to Zuul
+OpenTelemetry tracing, at a high level, is designed to record
+information about events, their timing, and their relation to other
+events. At first this seems like a natural fit for Zuul, which reacts
+to events, processes events, and generates more events. However,
+OpenTelemetry's bias toward small and simple web applications is
+evident throughout its documentation and the SDK implementation.
+ Traces give us the big picture of what happens when a request is
+ made by user or an application.
+Zuul is not driven by user or application requests, and a system
+designed to record several millisecond-long events which make up the
+internal response to a user request of a web app is not necessarily
+the obvious right choice for recording sequences and combinations of
+events which frequently take hours (and sometimes days) to play out
+across multiple systems.
+Fortunately, the concepts and protocol implementation of OpenTelemtry
+are sufficiently well-designed for the general case to be able to
+accomodate a system like Zuul, even if the SDK makes incompatible
+assumptions that make integration difficult. There are some
+challenges to implementation, but because the concepts appear to be
+well matched, we should proceed with using the OpenTelemetry protocol
+and SDK.
+The key tracing concepts in OpenTelemety are `traces` and `spans`.
+From a data model perspective, the unit of data storage is a `span`.
+A trace itself is really just a unique ID that is common to multiple
+Spans can relate to other spans as either children or links. A trace
+is generally considered to have a single 'root' span, and within the
+time period represented by that span, it may have any number of child
+spans (which may further have their own child spans).
+OpenTelemetry anticipates that a span on one system may spawn a child
+span on another system and includes facilities for transferring enough
+information about the parent span to a child system that the child
+system alone can emit traces for its span and any children that it
+spawns in turn.
+For a concrete example in Zuul, we might have a Zuul scheduler start a
+span for a buildset, and then a merger might emit a child span for
+performing the initial merge, and an executor might emit a child span
+for executing a build.
+Spans can relate to other spans (including spans in other traces), so
+sequences of events can be chained together without necessitating that
+they all be part of the same span or trace.
+Because Zuul processes series of events which may stretch for long
+periods of time, we should specify what events and actions should
+correspond to spans and traces. Spans can have arbitrary metadat
+associated with them, so we will be able to search by event or job
+The following sections describe traces and their child spans.
+Event Ingestion
+A trace will begin when Zuul receives an event and end when that event
+has been enqueued into scheduler queues (or discarded). A driver
+completing processing of an event is a definitive point in time so it
+is easy to know when to close the root span for that event's trace
+(whereas if we kept the trace open to include scheduler processing, we
+would need to know when the last trigger event spawned by the
+connection event was complete).
+This may include processing in internal queues by a given driver, and
+these processing steps/queues should appear as their own child spans.
+The spans should include event IDs (and potentially other information
+about the event such as change or pull request numbers) as metadata.
+Tenant Event Processing
+A trace will begin when a scheduler begins processing a tenant event
+and ends when it has forwarded the event to all pipelines within a
+tenant. It will link to the event ingestion trace as a follow-on
+Queue Item
+A trace will begin when an item is enqueued and end when it is
+dequeued. This will be quite a long trace (hours or days). It is
+expected to be the primary benefit of this telemetry effort as it will
+show the entire lifetime of a queue item. It will link to the tenant
+event processing trace as a follow-on span.
+Within the root span, there will be a span for each buildset (so that
+if a gate reset happens and a new buildset is created, users will see
+a series of buildset spans). Within a buildset, there will be spans
+for all of the major processing steps, such as merge operations,
+layout calculating, freezing the job graph, and freezing jobs. Each
+build will also merit a span (retried builds will get their own spans
+as well), and within a job span, there will be child spans for git
+repo prep, job setup, individual playbooks, and cleanup.
+SDK Challenges
+As a high-level concept, the idea of spans for each of these
+operations makes sense. In practice, the SDK makes implementation
+The OpenTelemtry SDK makes no provision for beginning a span on one
+system and ending it on another, so the fact that one Zuul scheduler
+might start a buildset span while another ends it is problematic.
+Fortunately, the OpenTelemetry API only reports spans when they end,
+not when they start. This means that we don't need to coordinate a
+"start" API call on one scheduler with an "end" API call on another.
+We can simply emit the trace with its root span at the end. However,
+any child spans emitted during that time need to know the trace ID
+they should use, which means that we at least need to store a trace ID
+and start timestamp on our starting scheduler for use by any child
+spans as well as the "end span" API call.
+The SDK does not support creating a span with a specific trace ID or
+start timestamp (most timestamps are automatic), but it has
+well-defined interfaces for spans and we can subclass the
+implementation to allow us to specify trace IDs and timestamps. With
+this approach, we can "virtually" start a span on one host, store its
+information in ZooKeeper with whatever long-lived object it is
+associated with (such as a QueueItem) and then make it concrete on
+another host when we end it.
+This section describes some alternative ideas for dealing with the
+SDK's mismatch with Zuul concepts as well as why they weren't
+* Multiple root spans with the same trace ID
+ Jaeger handles this relatively well, and the timeline view appears
+ as expected (multiple events with whitespace between them). The
+ graph view in Jaeger may have some trouble displaying this.
+ It is not clear that OpenTelemetry anticipates having multiple
+ "root" spans, so it may be best to avoid this in order to avoid
+ potential problems with other tools.
+* Child spans without a parent
+ If we emit spans that specify a parent which does not exist, Jaeger
+ will display these traces but show a warning that the parent is
+ invalid. This may occur naturally while the system is operating
+ (builds complete while a buildset is running), but should be
+ eventually corrected once an item is dequeued. In case of a serious
+ error, we may never close a parent span, which would cause this to
+ persist. We should accept that this may happen, but try to avoid it
+ happening intentionally.
+Links between spans are fairly primitive in Jaeger. While the
+OpenTelemetry API includes attributes for links (so that when we link
+a queue item to an event, we could specify that it was a forwarded
+event), Jaeger does not store or render them. Instead, we are only
+left with a reference to a ``< span in another trace >`` with a
+reference type of ``FOLLOWS_FROM``. Clicking on that link will
+immediately navigate to the other trace where metadata about the trace
+will be visible, but before clicking on it, users will have little
+idea of what awaits on the other side.
+For this reason, we should use span links sparingly so that when they
+are encountered, users are likely to intuit what they are for and are
+not overwhelmed by multiple indistinguishable links.
+Events and Exceptions
+OpenTelemetry allows events to be added to spans. Events have their
+own timestamp and attributes. These can be used to add additional
+context to spans (representing single points in time rather than
+events with duration that should be child spans). Examples might
+include receiving a request to cancel a job or dequeue an item.
+Events should not be used as an alternative to logs, nor should all
+log messages be copied as events. Events should be used sparingly to
+avoid overwhelming the tracing storage with data and the user with
+Exceptions may also be included in spans. This happens automatically
+and by default when using the context managers supplied by the SDK.
+Because many spans in Zuul will be unable to use the SDK context
+managers and any exception information would need to be explicitly
+handled and stored in ZooKeeper, we will disable inclusion of
+exception information in spans. This will provide a more consistent
+experience (so that users don't see the absence of an exception in
+tracing information to indicate the absence of an error in logs) and
+reduce the cost of supporting traces (extra storage in ZooKeeper and
+in the telemetry storage).
+If we decide that exception information is worth including in the
+future, this decision will be easy to revisit and reverse.
+Sensitive Information
+No sensitive information (secrets, passwords, job variables, etc)
+should be included in tracing output. All output should be suitable
+for an audience of Zuul users (that is, if someone has access to the
+Zuul dashboard, then tracing data should not have any more sensitive
+information than they already have access to). For public-facing Zuul
+systems (such as OpenDev), the information should be suitable for
+public use.
+Protobuf and gRPC
+The most efficient and straightforward method of transmitting data
+from Zuul to a collector (including Jaeger) is using OTLP with gRPC
+(OpenTelemetry Protocol + gRPC Remote Procedure Calls). Because
+Protobuf applications include automatically generated code, we may
+encounter the occasional version inconsistency. We may need to
+navigate package requirements more than normal due to this (especially
+if we have multiple packages that depend on protobuf).
+For a contemporary example, the OpenTelemetry project is in the
+process of pinning to an older version of protobuf:
+There is an HTTP+JSON exporter as well, so in the case that something
+goes very wrong with protobuf+gRPC, that may be available as a fallback.
+Work Items
+* Add OpenTelemetry SDK and support for configuring an exporter to
+ zuul.conf
+* Implement SDK subclasses to support opening and closing spans on
+ different hosts
+* Instrument event processing in each driver
+* Instrument event processing in scheduler
+* Instrument queue items and related spans
+* Document a simple Jaeger setup as a quickstart add-on (similar to
+ authz)
+* Optional: work with OpenDev to run a public Jaeger server for
+ OpenDev
+The last item is not required for this specification (and not our
+choice as Zuul developers to make) but it would be nice if there were
+one available so that all Zuul users and developers have a reference
+implementation available for community collaboration.
diff --git a/doc/source/examples/keycloak/docker-compose.yaml b/doc/source/examples/keycloak/docker-compose.yaml
index 917c50231..9e70fec5f 100644
--- a/doc/source/examples/keycloak/docker-compose.yaml
+++ b/doc/source/examples/keycloak/docker-compose.yaml
@@ -7,21 +7,19 @@ version: '2.1'
- image:
+ image:
- - KEYCLOAK_IMPORT=/var/keycloak_import/zuul-demo-data.json
- - JAVA_OPTS_APPEND="-Djboss.socket.binding.port-offset=2"
+ - KC_HTTP_PORT=8082
- "8082:8082"
- - "./keycloak/:/var/keycloak_import/:z"
- entrypoint: |
- /bin/sh -c '\
- /opt/jboss/tools/ -b'
- command: []
+ - "./keycloak/:/opt/keycloak/data/import/:z"
+ command:
+ - start-dev
+ - --import-realm
- zuul
diff --git a/doc/source/examples/keycloak/etc_zuul/zuul.conf b/doc/source/examples/keycloak/etc_zuul/zuul.conf
index 35cabe807..f2401cc90 100644
--- a/doc/source/examples/keycloak/etc_zuul/zuul.conf
+++ b/doc/source/examples/keycloak/etc_zuul/zuul.conf
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ tenant_config=/etc/zuul/main.yaml
[connection "gerrit"]
diff --git a/doc/source/examples/keycloak/keycloak/zuul-demo-data.json b/doc/source/examples/keycloak/keycloak/zuul-demo-data.json
index 448267eed..194814e1b 100644
--- a/doc/source/examples/keycloak/keycloak/zuul-demo-data.json
+++ b/doc/source/examples/keycloak/keycloak/zuul-demo-data.json
@@ -1,2224 +1,1927 @@
- "id": "zuul-demo",
- "realm": "zuul-demo",
- "notBefore": 0,
- "revokeRefreshToken": false,
- "refreshTokenMaxReuse": 0,
- "accessTokenLifespan": 300,
- "accessTokenLifespanForImplicitFlow": 900,
- "ssoSessionIdleTimeout": 1800,
- "ssoSessionMaxLifespan": 36000,
- "ssoSessionIdleTimeoutRememberMe": 0,
- "ssoSessionMaxLifespanRememberMe": 0,
- "offlineSessionIdleTimeout": 2592000,
- "offlineSessionMaxLifespanEnabled": false,
- "offlineSessionMaxLifespan": 5184000,
- "clientSessionIdleTimeout": 0,
- "clientSessionMaxLifespan": 0,
- "clientOfflineSessionIdleTimeout": 0,
- "clientOfflineSessionMaxLifespan": 0,
- "accessCodeLifespan": 60,
- "accessCodeLifespanUserAction": 300,
- "accessCodeLifespanLogin": 1800,
- "actionTokenGeneratedByAdminLifespan": 43200,
- "actionTokenGeneratedByUserLifespan": 300,
- "enabled": true,
- "sslRequired": "external",
- "registrationAllowed": true,
- "registrationEmailAsUsername": false,
- "rememberMe": false,
- "verifyEmail": false,
- "loginWithEmailAllowed": true,
- "duplicateEmailsAllowed": false,
- "resetPasswordAllowed": false,
- "editUsernameAllowed": false,
- "bruteForceProtected": false,
- "permanentLockout": false,
- "maxFailureWaitSeconds": 900,
- "minimumQuickLoginWaitSeconds": 60,
- "waitIncrementSeconds": 60,
- "quickLoginCheckMilliSeconds": 1000,
- "maxDeltaTimeSeconds": 43200,
- "failureFactor": 30,
- "roles": {
- "realm": [
- {
- "id": "b295f2e1-c823-4f30-84b4-c534676c3ded",
- "name": "uma_authorization",
- "composite": false,
- "clientRole": false,
- "containerId": "zuul-demo",
- "attributes": {}
- },
- {
- "id": "047a5001-b3fe-452a-8fd3-985d82f7df31",
- "name": "offline_access",
- "description": "${role_offline-access}",
- "composite": false,
- "clientRole": false,
- "containerId": "zuul-demo",
- "attributes": {}
- }
- ],
- "client": {
- "realm-management": [
- {
- "id": "7e18128e-7a99-4403-8107-5a90ac0b952c",
- "name": "view-identity-providers",
- "description": "${role_view-identity-providers}",
- "composite": false,
- "clientRole": true,
- "containerId": "63ae0908-5213-436d-b3d6-5a611eb24216",
- "attributes": {}
- },
- {
- "id": "95f5f229-415e-48ba-8bfc-ff0a750f119e",
- "name": "view-users",
- "description": "${role_view-users}",
- "composite": true,
- "composites": {
- "client": {
- "realm-management": [
- "query-groups",
- "query-users"
- ]
- }
- },
- "clientRole": true,
- "containerId": "63ae0908-5213-436d-b3d6-5a611eb24216",
- "attributes": {}
- },
- {
- "id": "7cffdbb0-ced3-4fb0-98de-6b1d8506dbe4",
- "name": "manage-identity-providers",
- "description": "${role_manage-identity-providers}",
- "composite": false,
- "clientRole": true,
- "containerId": "63ae0908-5213-436d-b3d6-5a611eb24216",
- "attributes": {}
- },
- {
- "id": "08729d50-a31e-42fd-ad81-120cdee3b1b9",
- "name": "query-clients",
- "description": "${role_query-clients}",
- "composite": false,
- "clientRole": true,
- "containerId": "63ae0908-5213-436d-b3d6-5a611eb24216",
- "attributes": {}
- },
- {
- "id": "69ffc663-32cb-4f4e-a9af-669bd23b4edc",
- "name": "query-groups",
- "description": "${role_query-groups}",
- "composite": false,
- "clientRole": true,
- "containerId": "63ae0908-5213-436d-b3d6-5a611eb24216",
- "attributes": {}
- },
- {
- "id": "2a9f4d72-35bb-4072-b8aa-3fe7f1ab7f26",
- "name": "view-clients",
- "description": "${role_view-clients}",
- "composite": true,
- "composites": {
- "client": {
- "realm-management": [
- "query-clients"
- ]
- }
- },
- "clientRole": true,
- "containerId": "63ae0908-5213-436d-b3d6-5a611eb24216",
- "attributes": {}
- },
- {
- "id": "16c74fae-7feb-446d-9d42-08b31583ddf5",
- "name": "manage-events",
- "description": "${role_manage-events}",
- "composite": false,
- "clientRole": true,
- "containerId": "63ae0908-5213-436d-b3d6-5a611eb24216",
- "attributes": {}
- },
- {
- "id": "30cc0071-f914-446a-9aa3-a3372d9f45c0",
- "name": "manage-authorization",
- "description": "${role_manage-authorization}",
- "composite": false,
- "clientRole": true,
- "containerId": "63ae0908-5213-436d-b3d6-5a611eb24216",
- "attributes": {}
- },
- {
- "id": "d3d32a6d-f1da-410f-8c52-62d1b2ac7abc",
- "name": "query-realms",
- "description": "${role_query-realms}",
- "composite": false,
- "clientRole": true,
- "containerId": "63ae0908-5213-436d-b3d6-5a611eb24216",
- "attributes": {}
- },
- {
- "id": "1f7afd46-36a8-46e8-abc1-8949836ec532",
- "name": "view-authorization",
- "description": "${role_view-authorization}",
- "composite": false,
- "clientRole": true,
- "containerId": "63ae0908-5213-436d-b3d6-5a611eb24216",
- "attributes": {}
- },
- {
- "id": "6384baeb-1ec0-4e69-a5c2-7b632c3bfda5",
- "name": "impersonation",
- "description": "${role_impersonation}",
- "composite": false,
- "clientRole": true,
- "containerId": "63ae0908-5213-436d-b3d6-5a611eb24216",
- "attributes": {}
- },
- {
- "id": "eefc7ff0-e2f2-4381-b034-c96d0bae3769",
- "name": "realm-admin",
- "description": "${role_realm-admin}",
- "composite": true,
- "composites": {
- "client": {
- "realm-management": [
- "view-identity-providers",
- "view-users",
- "manage-identity-providers",
- "query-clients",
- "query-groups",
- "view-clients",
- "manage-events",
- "view-authorization",
- "manage-authorization",
- "query-realms",
- "impersonation",
- "create-client",
- "manage-clients",
- "manage-users",
- "manage-realm",
- "view-events",
- "view-realm",
- "query-users"
- ]
- }
- },
- "clientRole": true,
- "containerId": "63ae0908-5213-436d-b3d6-5a611eb24216",
- "attributes": {}
- },
- {
- "id": "1c104476-dc65-4df5-9f0e-3f9086a75813",
- "name": "create-client",
- "description": "${role_create-client}",
- "composite": false,
- "clientRole": true,
- "containerId": "63ae0908-5213-436d-b3d6-5a611eb24216",
- "attributes": {}
- },
- {
- "id": "f0893b2a-770e-4b21-a430-1a9974ecc01a",
- "name": "manage-clients",
- "description": "${role_manage-clients}",
- "composite": false,
- "clientRole": true,
- "containerId": "63ae0908-5213-436d-b3d6-5a611eb24216",
- "attributes": {}
- },
- {
- "id": "dfddee2e-682a-47ea-924c-59699f338e0c",
- "name": "manage-users",
- "description": "${role_manage-users}",
- "composite": false,
- "clientRole": true,
- "containerId": "63ae0908-5213-436d-b3d6-5a611eb24216",
- "attributes": {}
- },
- {
- "id": "a8198df9-d3cd-460f-a48f-ccede56e08a9",
- "name": "manage-realm",
- "description": "${role_manage-realm}",
- "composite": false,
- "clientRole": true,
- "containerId": "63ae0908-5213-436d-b3d6-5a611eb24216",
- "attributes": {}
- },
- {
- "id": "657b4b26-98c5-4963-a353-db26453f5dd2",
- "name": "view-events",
- "description": "${role_view-events}",
- "composite": false,
- "clientRole": true,
- "containerId": "63ae0908-5213-436d-b3d6-5a611eb24216",
- "attributes": {}
- },
- {
- "id": "693093ae-6004-48be-bb22-8804f61af1c0",
- "name": "view-realm",
- "description": "${role_view-realm}",
- "composite": false,
- "clientRole": true,
- "containerId": "63ae0908-5213-436d-b3d6-5a611eb24216",
- "attributes": {}
- },
- {
- "id": "418abb16-fdc3-402e-8125-52800990445b",
- "name": "query-users",
- "description": "${role_query-users}",
- "composite": false,
- "clientRole": true,
- "containerId": "63ae0908-5213-436d-b3d6-5a611eb24216",
- "attributes": {}
- }
- ],
- "security-admin-console": [],
- "admin-cli": [],
- "account-console": [],
- "zuul": [],
- "broker": [],
- "account": [
- {
- "id": "b839cd34-f23d-4c14-8060-ed635e708b87",
- "name": "view-consent",
- "description": "${role_view-consent}",
- "composite": false,
- "clientRole": true,
- "containerId": "6fd2abe1-4aeb-4834-8a9e-e3f499d64a03",
- "attributes": {}
- },
- {
- "id": "a98bcb3b-1584-45ab-afa8-e431ddfed5e7",
- "name": "view-applications",
- "description": "${role_view-applications}",
- "composite": false,
- "clientRole": true,
- "containerId": "6fd2abe1-4aeb-4834-8a9e-e3f499d64a03",
- "attributes": {}
- },
- {
- "id": "471d721c-872c-4004-bb76-e6399f5e1fd0",
- "name": "delete-account",
- "description": "${role_delete-account}",
- "composite": false,
- "clientRole": true,
- "containerId": "6fd2abe1-4aeb-4834-8a9e-e3f499d64a03",
- "attributes": {}
- },
- {
- "id": "e5a0f953-bdcb-4136-bfbf-0c311797e57f",
- "name": "manage-account",
- "composite": false,
- "clientRole": true,
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- }
- ]
- },
- {
- "id": "2637f0c2-5d96-4057-a032-ce8f11477048",
- "name": "web-origins",
- "description": "OpenID Connect scope for add allowed web origins to the access token",
- "protocol": "openid-connect",
- "attributes": {
- "": "false",
- "display.on.consent.screen": "false",
- "consent.screen.text": ""
- },
- "protocolMappers": [
- {
- "id": "33cbf353-644c-4801-91c1-b6ca677f65d2",
- "name": "allowed web origins",
- "protocol": "openid-connect",
- "protocolMapper": "oidc-allowed-origins-mapper",
- "consentRequired": false,
- "config": {}
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- "id": "ace09ede-6cf1-4e36-9557-91beb58ce557",
- "name": "zuul_audience",
- "description": "fix audience claim for Zuul",
- "protocol": "openid-connect",
- "attributes": {
- "": "true",
- "display.on.consent.screen": "true"
- },
- "protocolMappers": [
- {
- "id": "9a1029e7-f142-4ff1-ba47-50ca6bb24073",
- "name": "zuul_audience_mapper",
- "protocol": "openid-connect",
- "protocolMapper": "oidc-audience-mapper",
- "consentRequired": false,
- "config": {
- "included.client.audience": "zuul",
- "id.token.claim": "true",
- "access.token.claim": "true",
- "userinfo.token.claim": "true"
- }
- }
- ]
+ "clientRole" : true,
+ "containerId" : "38f83427-736e-4570-9f68-25a8b53f0b51",
+ "attributes" : { }
+ } ]
- ],
- "defaultDefaultClientScopes": [
- "email",
- "web-origins",
- "profile",
- "role_list",
- "roles"
- ],
- "defaultOptionalClientScopes": [
- "offline_access",
- "microprofile-jwt",
- "address",
- "phone"
- ],
- "browserSecurityHeaders": {
- "contentSecurityPolicyReportOnly": "",
- "xContentTypeOptions": "nosniff",
- "xRobotsTag": "none",
- "xFrameOptions": "SAMEORIGIN",
- "contentSecurityPolicy": "frame-src 'self'; frame-ancestors 'self'; object-src 'none';",
- "xXSSProtection": "1; mode=block",
- "strictTransportSecurity": "max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains"
- "smtpServer": {},
- "eventsEnabled": false,
- "eventsListeners": [
- "jboss-logging"
- ],
- "enabledEventTypes": [],
- "adminEventsEnabled": false,
- "adminEventsDetailsEnabled": false,
- "identityProviders": [],
- "identityProviderMappers": [],
- "components": {
- "": [
- {
- "id": "909674c7-fb40-458b-af37-8372300725b1",
- "name": "Max Clients Limit",
- "providerId": "max-clients",
- "subType": "anonymous",
- "subComponents": {},
- "config": {
- "max-clients": [
- "200"
- ]
- }
- },
- {
- "id": "b350d08d-4298-4d76-bd94-e120b1aadd28",
- "name": "Allowed Client Scopes",
- "providerId": "allowed-client-templates",
- "subType": "anonymous",
- "subComponents": {},
- "config": {
- "allow-default-scopes": [
- "true"
- ]
- }
- },
- {
- "id": "4c1d186e-250d-497b-ac28-b7dffd021c19",
- "name": "Allowed Protocol Mapper Types",
- "providerId": "allowed-protocol-mappers",
- "subType": "anonymous",
- "subComponents": {},
- "config": {
- "allowed-protocol-mapper-types": [
- "oidc-address-mapper",
- "oidc-sha256-pairwise-sub-mapper",
- "saml-user-attribute-mapper",
- "oidc-full-name-mapper",
- "oidc-usermodel-attribute-mapper",
- "saml-user-property-mapper",
- "oidc-usermodel-property-mapper",
- "saml-role-list-mapper"
- ]
- }
- },
- {
- "id": "74a38dd7-41bf-414e-9858-f4f287c8caf3",
- "name": "Full Scope Disabled",
- "providerId": "scope",
- "subType": "anonymous",
- "subComponents": {},
- "config": {}
- },
- {
- "id": "19082549-290b-4e93-bd77-6ce5cc386b63",
- "name": "Allowed Protocol Mapper Types",
- "providerId": "allowed-protocol-mappers",
- "subType": "authenticated",
- "subComponents": {},
- "config": {
- "allowed-protocol-mapper-types": [
- "saml-user-property-mapper",
- "oidc-usermodel-attribute-mapper",
- "oidc-address-mapper",
- "oidc-usermodel-property-mapper",
- "saml-role-list-mapper",
- "saml-user-attribute-mapper",
- "oidc-full-name-mapper",
- "oidc-sha256-pairwise-sub-mapper"
- ]
- }
- },
- {
- "id": "62c50eea-fc15-40f1-a3c0-9923dcb8a8c7",
- "name": "Trusted Hosts",
- "providerId": "trusted-hosts",
- "subType": "anonymous",
- "subComponents": {},
- "config": {
- "host-sending-registration-request-must-match": [
- "true"
- ],
- "client-uris-must-match": [
- "true"
- ]
- }
- },
- {
- "id": "21095085-2c9b-45ea-99d3-9ce962ab2020",
- "name": "Allowed Client Scopes",
- "providerId": "allowed-client-templates",
- "subType": "authenticated",
- "subComponents": {},
- "config": {
- "allow-default-scopes": [
- "true"
- ]
- }
- },
- {
- "id": "36577457-a002-4b44-8029-9a599f2395a5",
- "name": "Consent Required",
- "providerId": "consent-required",
- "subType": "anonymous",
- "subComponents": {},
- "config": {}
- }
- ],
- "org.keycloak.keys.KeyProvider": [
- {
- "id": "0a6a397a-6eb1-46ab-8c6d-a3d4ea47f085",
- "name": "rsa-generated",
- "providerId": "rsa-generated",
- "subComponents": {},
- "config": {
- "privateKey": [
- "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"
- ],
- "certificate": [
- "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"
- ],
- "priority": [
- "100"
- ]
- }
- },
- {
- "id": "78880d4c-8ff2-4619-82b4-02a8fbd4a624",
- "name": "hmac-generated",
- "providerId": "hmac-generated",
- "subComponents": {},
- "config": {
- "kid": [
- "a23a2cdc-8d85-4754-b885-fc14a9e1a7bc"
- ],
- "secret": [
- "k5rhshjW9QaQvYnfC4nZUzQRkLZHKJlW524t125u63s9nza8ptFhPkLl7C3AGYSS6vD3tKSfOvkGuxubsRIJKg"
- ],
- "priority": [
- "100"
- ],
- "algorithm": [
- "HS256"
- ]
- }
- },
- {
- "id": "96281deb-af4d-49f8-a35c-10993007c7df",
- "name": "aes-generated",
- "providerId": "aes-generated",
- "subComponents": {},
- "config": {
- "kid": [
- "074f1951-9f97-40ff-8f0a-4219353d6f3d"
- ],
- "secret": [
- "Csz6nXZD0tf117pBKkJ7qw"
- ],
- "priority": [
- "100"
- ]
- }
- }
- ]
+ "groups" : [ {
+ "id" : "33a7bf20-adbe-47d9-b18c-77aa9ae9f045",
+ "name" : "example-tenant-admin",
+ "path" : "/example-tenant-admin",
+ "attributes" : { },
+ "realmRoles" : [ ],
+ "clientRoles" : { },
+ "subGroups" : [ ]
+ } ],
+ "defaultRole" : {
+ "id" : "156d7b5b-65fb-4c89-b3d8-c2f82e9ecdd4",
+ "name" : "default-roles-zuul-demo",
+ "description" : "${role_default-roles}",
+ "composite" : true,
+ "clientRole" : false,
+ "containerId" : "zuul-demo"
- "internationalizationEnabled": false,
- "supportedLocales": [],
- "authenticationFlows": [
- {
- "id": "3e95c1d5-2e16-40ad-89d3-cc13bd514fee",
- "alias": "Account verification options",
- "description": "Method with which to verity the existing account",
- "providerId": "basic-flow",
- "topLevel": false,
- "builtIn": true,
- "authenticationExecutions": [
- {
- "authenticator": "idp-email-verification",
- "requirement": "ALTERNATIVE",
- "priority": 10,
- "userSetupAllowed": false,
- "autheticatorFlow": false
- },
- {
- "requirement": "ALTERNATIVE",
- "priority": 20,
- "flowAlias": "Verify Existing Account by Re-authentication",
- "userSetupAllowed": false,
- "autheticatorFlow": true
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- "id": "7143f715-1076-4c59-a039-34c5ec30d7e8",
- "alias": "Authentication Options",
- "description": "Authentication options.",
- "providerId": "basic-flow",
- "topLevel": false,
- "builtIn": true,
- "authenticationExecutions": [
- {
- "authenticator": "basic-auth",
- "requirement": "REQUIRED",
- "priority": 10,
- "userSetupAllowed": false,
- "autheticatorFlow": false
- },
- {
- "authenticator": "basic-auth-otp",
- "requirement": "DISABLED",
- "priority": 20,
- "userSetupAllowed": false,
- "autheticatorFlow": false
- },
- {
- "authenticator": "auth-spnego",
- "requirement": "DISABLED",
- "priority": 30,
- "userSetupAllowed": false,
- "autheticatorFlow": false
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- "id": "e3804922-4ffa-4e53-aa28-e982730f96a5",
- "alias": "Browser - Conditional OTP",
- "description": "Flow to determine if the OTP is required for the authentication",
- "providerId": "basic-flow",
- "topLevel": false,
- "builtIn": true,
- "authenticationExecutions": [
- {
- "authenticator": "conditional-user-configured",
- "requirement": "REQUIRED",
- "priority": 10,
- "userSetupAllowed": false,
- "autheticatorFlow": false
- },
- {
- "authenticator": "auth-otp-form",
- "requirement": "REQUIRED",
- "priority": 20,
- "userSetupAllowed": false,
- "autheticatorFlow": false
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- "id": "e5ba2a92-70f1-4559-b31a-968363222c72",
- "alias": "Direct Grant - Conditional OTP",
- "description": "Flow to determine if the OTP is required for the authentication",
- "providerId": "basic-flow",
- "topLevel": false,
- "builtIn": true,
- "authenticationExecutions": [
- {
- "authenticator": "conditional-user-configured",
- "requirement": "REQUIRED",
- "priority": 10,
- "userSetupAllowed": false,
- "autheticatorFlow": false
- },
- {
- "authenticator": "direct-grant-validate-otp",
- "requirement": "REQUIRED",
- "priority": 20,
- "userSetupAllowed": false,
- "autheticatorFlow": false
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- "id": "617c8570-c7aa-4b4a-8b52-3bb94dc7ba04",
- "alias": "First broker login - Conditional OTP",
- "description": "Flow to determine if the OTP is required for the authentication",
- "providerId": "basic-flow",
- "topLevel": false,
- "builtIn": true,
- "authenticationExecutions": [
- {
- "authenticator": "conditional-user-configured",
- "requirement": "REQUIRED",
- "priority": 10,
- "userSetupAllowed": false,
- "autheticatorFlow": false
- },
- {
- "authenticator": "auth-otp-form",
- "requirement": "REQUIRED",
- "priority": 20,
- "userSetupAllowed": false,
- "autheticatorFlow": false
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- "id": "7bf3d19b-f551-4c1f-9188-850923a403b1",
- "alias": "Handle Existing Account",
- "description": "Handle what to do if there is existing account with same email/username like authenticated identity provider",
- "providerId": "basic-flow",
- "topLevel": false,
- "builtIn": true,
- "authenticationExecutions": [
- {
- "authenticator": "idp-confirm-link",
- "requirement": "REQUIRED",
- "priority": 10,
- "userSetupAllowed": false,
- "autheticatorFlow": false
- },
- {
- "requirement": "REQUIRED",
- "priority": 20,
- "flowAlias": "Account verification options",
- "userSetupAllowed": false,
- "autheticatorFlow": true
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- "id": "ff1dd822-547c-4e25-8c9e-5b7a3dd30504",
- "alias": "Reset - Conditional OTP",
- "description": "Flow to determine if the OTP should be reset or not. Set to REQUIRED to force.",
- "providerId": "basic-flow",
- "topLevel": false,
- "builtIn": true,
- "authenticationExecutions": [
- {
- "authenticator": "conditional-user-configured",
- "requirement": "REQUIRED",
- "priority": 10,
- "userSetupAllowed": false,
- "autheticatorFlow": false
- },
- {
- "authenticator": "reset-otp",
- "requirement": "REQUIRED",
- "priority": 20,
- "userSetupAllowed": false,
- "autheticatorFlow": false
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- "id": "3b586469-9250-4bbf-9af0-f3ad81ce2eaa",
- "alias": "User creation or linking",
- "description": "Flow for the existing/non-existing user alternatives",
- "providerId": "basic-flow",
- "topLevel": false,
- "builtIn": true,
- "authenticationExecutions": [
- {
- "authenticatorConfig": "create unique user config",
- "authenticator": "idp-create-user-if-unique",
- "requirement": "ALTERNATIVE",
- "priority": 10,
- "userSetupAllowed": false,
- "autheticatorFlow": false
- },
- {
- "requirement": "ALTERNATIVE",
- "priority": 20,
- "flowAlias": "Handle Existing Account",
- "userSetupAllowed": false,
- "autheticatorFlow": true
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- "id": "80831f25-c4ab-4ad8-ad6c-f1d7b570d919",
- "alias": "Verify Existing Account by Re-authentication",
- "description": "Reauthentication of existing account",
- "providerId": "basic-flow",
- "topLevel": false,
- "builtIn": true,
- "authenticationExecutions": [
- {
- "authenticator": "idp-username-password-form",
- "requirement": "REQUIRED",
- "priority": 10,
- "userSetupAllowed": false,
- "autheticatorFlow": false
- },
- {
- "requirement": "CONDITIONAL",
- "priority": 20,
- "flowAlias": "First broker login - Conditional OTP",
- "userSetupAllowed": false,
- "autheticatorFlow": true
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- "id": "dec78792-6cf8-4752-9833-18c1386423df",
- "alias": "browser",
- "description": "browser based authentication",
- "providerId": "basic-flow",
- "topLevel": true,
- "builtIn": true,
- "authenticationExecutions": [
- {
- "authenticator": "auth-cookie",
- "requirement": "ALTERNATIVE",
- "priority": 10,
- "userSetupAllowed": false,
- "autheticatorFlow": false
- },
- {
- "authenticator": "auth-spnego",
- "requirement": "DISABLED",
- "priority": 20,
- "userSetupAllowed": false,
- "autheticatorFlow": false
- },
- {
- "authenticator": "identity-provider-redirector",
- "requirement": "ALTERNATIVE",
- "priority": 25,
- "userSetupAllowed": false,
- "autheticatorFlow": false
- },
- {
- "requirement": "ALTERNATIVE",
- "priority": 30,
- "flowAlias": "forms",
- "userSetupAllowed": false,
- "autheticatorFlow": true
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- "id": "14c06286-51e3-4abc-af50-8554c57c9f8f",
- "alias": "clients",
- "description": "Base authentication for clients",
- "providerId": "client-flow",
- "topLevel": true,
- "builtIn": true,
- "authenticationExecutions": [
- {
- "authenticator": "client-secret",
- "requirement": "ALTERNATIVE",
- "priority": 10,
- "userSetupAllowed": false,
- "autheticatorFlow": false
- },
- {
- "authenticator": "client-jwt",
- "requirement": "ALTERNATIVE",
- "priority": 20,
- "userSetupAllowed": false,
- "autheticatorFlow": false
- },
- {
- "authenticator": "client-secret-jwt",
- "requirement": "ALTERNATIVE",
- "priority": 30,
- "userSetupAllowed": false,
- "autheticatorFlow": false
- },
- {
- "authenticator": "client-x509",
- "requirement": "ALTERNATIVE",
- "priority": 40,
- "userSetupAllowed": false,
- "autheticatorFlow": false
- }
- ]
+ "requiredCredentials" : [ "password" ],
+ "otpPolicyType" : "totp",
+ "otpPolicyAlgorithm" : "HmacSHA1",
+ "otpPolicyInitialCounter" : 0,
+ "otpPolicyDigits" : 6,
+ "otpPolicyLookAheadWindow" : 1,
+ "otpPolicyPeriod" : 30,
+ "otpSupportedApplications" : [ "FreeOTP", "Google Authenticator" ],
+ "webAuthnPolicyRpEntityName" : "keycloak",
+ "webAuthnPolicySignatureAlgorithms" : [ "ES256" ],
+ "webAuthnPolicyRpId" : "",
+ "webAuthnPolicyAttestationConveyancePreference" : "not specified",
+ "webAuthnPolicyAuthenticatorAttachment" : "not specified",
+ "webAuthnPolicyRequireResidentKey" : "not specified",
+ "webAuthnPolicyUserVerificationRequirement" : "not specified",
+ "webAuthnPolicyCreateTimeout" : 0,
+ "webAuthnPolicyAvoidSameAuthenticatorRegister" : false,
+ "webAuthnPolicyAcceptableAaguids" : [ ],
+ "webAuthnPolicyPasswordlessRpEntityName" : "keycloak",
+ "webAuthnPolicyPasswordlessSignatureAlgorithms" : [ "ES256" ],
+ "webAuthnPolicyPasswordlessRpId" : "",
+ "webAuthnPolicyPasswordlessAttestationConveyancePreference" : "not specified",
+ "webAuthnPolicyPasswordlessAuthenticatorAttachment" : "not specified",
+ "webAuthnPolicyPasswordlessRequireResidentKey" : "not specified",
+ "webAuthnPolicyPasswordlessUserVerificationRequirement" : "not specified",
+ "webAuthnPolicyPasswordlessCreateTimeout" : 0,
+ "webAuthnPolicyPasswordlessAvoidSameAuthenticatorRegister" : false,
+ "webAuthnPolicyPasswordlessAcceptableAaguids" : [ ],
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+ "enabled" : true,
+ "totp" : false,
+ "emailVerified" : false,
+ "firstName" : "Zuul",
+ "lastName" : "Administrator",
+ "email" : "",
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+ "createdDate" : 1658485888588,
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+ "credentialData" : "{\"hashIterations\":27500,\"algorithm\":\"pbkdf2-sha256\",\"additionalParameters\":{}}"
+ } ],
+ "disableableCredentialTypes" : [ ],
+ "requiredActions" : [ ],
+ "realmRoles" : [ "default-roles-zuul-demo" ],
+ "notBefore" : 0,
+ "groups" : [ ]
+ }, {
+ "id" : "2c3b0f44-0488-42fe-acac-2d5e483b9806",
+ "createdTimestamp" : 1658485982882,
+ "username" : "user1",
+ "enabled" : true,
+ "totp" : false,
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+ "lastName" : "One",
+ "email" : "",
+ "credentials" : [ {
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+ "createdDate" : 1658485994760,
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+ } ],
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+ "groups" : [ "/example-tenant-admin" ]
+ }, {
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+ "createdTimestamp" : 1658486020309,
+ "username" : "user2",
+ "enabled" : true,
+ "totp" : false,
+ "emailVerified" : false,
+ "firstName" : "User",
+ "lastName" : "Two",
+ "email" : "",
+ "credentials" : [ {
+ "id" : "304178ea-219a-4495-bca1-76361e841ce0",
+ "type" : "password",
+ "createdDate" : 1658486030056,
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+ "credentialData" : "{\"hashIterations\":27500,\"algorithm\":\"pbkdf2-sha256\",\"additionalParameters\":{}}"
+ } ],
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+ "requiredActions" : [ ],
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+ "groups" : [ ]
+ } ],
+ "scopeMappings" : [ {
+ "clientScope" : "offline_access",
+ "roles" : [ "offline_access" ]
+ } ],
+ "clientScopeMappings" : {
+ "account" : [ {
+ "client" : "account-console",
+ "roles" : [ "manage-account" ]
+ } ]
+ },
+ "clients" : [ {
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+ "clientId" : "account",
+ "name" : "${client_account}",
+ "rootUrl" : "${authBaseUrl}",
+ "baseUrl" : "/realms/zuul-demo/account/",
+ "surrogateAuthRequired" : false,
+ "enabled" : true,
+ "alwaysDisplayInConsole" : false,
+ "clientAuthenticatorType" : "client-secret",
+ "redirectUris" : [ "/realms/zuul-demo/account/*" ],
+ "webOrigins" : [ ],
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+ "bearerOnly" : false,
+ "consentRequired" : false,
+ "standardFlowEnabled" : true,
+ "implicitFlowEnabled" : false,
+ "directAccessGrantsEnabled" : false,
+ "serviceAccountsEnabled" : false,
+ "publicClient" : true,
+ "frontchannelLogout" : false,
+ "protocol" : "openid-connect",
+ "attributes" : { },
+ "authenticationFlowBindingOverrides" : { },
+ "fullScopeAllowed" : false,
+ "nodeReRegistrationTimeout" : 0,
+ "defaultClientScopes" : [ "web-origins", "acr", "roles", "profile", "email" ],
+ "optionalClientScopes" : [ "address", "phone", "offline_access", "microprofile-jwt" ]
+ }, {
+ "id" : "a124c422-d35d-4ad9-bb85-4df87ae56fb3",
+ "clientId" : "account-console",
+ "name" : "${client_account-console}",
+ "rootUrl" : "${authBaseUrl}",
+ "baseUrl" : "/realms/zuul-demo/account/",
+ "surrogateAuthRequired" : false,
+ "enabled" : true,
+ "alwaysDisplayInConsole" : false,
+ "clientAuthenticatorType" : "client-secret",
+ "redirectUris" : [ "/realms/zuul-demo/account/*" ],
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+ "bearerOnly" : false,
+ "consentRequired" : false,
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+ "implicitFlowEnabled" : false,
+ "directAccessGrantsEnabled" : false,
+ "serviceAccountsEnabled" : false,
+ "publicClient" : true,
+ "frontchannelLogout" : false,
+ "protocol" : "openid-connect",
+ "attributes" : {
+ "pkce.code.challenge.method" : "S256"
- {
- "id": "54d29594-0183-486f-abb2-c1998d4e45c5",
- "alias": "direct grant",
- "description": "OpenID Connect Resource Owner Grant",
- "providerId": "basic-flow",
- "topLevel": true,
- "builtIn": true,
- "authenticationExecutions": [
- {
- "authenticator": "direct-grant-validate-username",
- "requirement": "REQUIRED",
- "priority": 10,
- "userSetupAllowed": false,
- "autheticatorFlow": false
- },
- {
- "authenticator": "direct-grant-validate-password",
- "requirement": "REQUIRED",
- "priority": 20,
- "userSetupAllowed": false,
- "autheticatorFlow": false
- },
- {
- "requirement": "CONDITIONAL",
- "priority": 30,
- "flowAlias": "Direct Grant - Conditional OTP",
- "userSetupAllowed": false,
- "autheticatorFlow": true
- }
- ]
+ "authenticationFlowBindingOverrides" : { },
+ "fullScopeAllowed" : false,
+ "nodeReRegistrationTimeout" : 0,
+ "protocolMappers" : [ {
+ "id" : "849fdec6-5827-4e3e-b9bb-25fe91a8c3af",
+ "name" : "audience resolve",
+ "protocol" : "openid-connect",
+ "protocolMapper" : "oidc-audience-resolve-mapper",
+ "consentRequired" : false,
+ "config" : { }
+ } ],
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+ "optionalClientScopes" : [ "address", "phone", "offline_access", "microprofile-jwt" ]
+ }, {
+ "id" : "24514749-6257-4d58-bc00-e68592d4f8ee",
+ "clientId" : "admin-cli",
+ "name" : "${client_admin-cli}",
+ "surrogateAuthRequired" : false,
+ "enabled" : true,
+ "alwaysDisplayInConsole" : false,
+ "clientAuthenticatorType" : "client-secret",
+ "redirectUris" : [ ],
+ "webOrigins" : [ ],
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+ "bearerOnly" : false,
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+ "directAccessGrantsEnabled" : true,
+ "serviceAccountsEnabled" : false,
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+ "attributes" : { },
+ "authenticationFlowBindingOverrides" : { },
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+ }, {
+ "id" : "1f0c06e8-299d-4818-aada-4c59e326cbf8",
+ "clientId" : "broker",
+ "name" : "${client_broker}",
+ "surrogateAuthRequired" : false,
+ "enabled" : true,
+ "alwaysDisplayInConsole" : false,
+ "clientAuthenticatorType" : "client-secret",
+ "redirectUris" : [ ],
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+ "serviceAccountsEnabled" : false,
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+ "frontchannelLogout" : false,
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+ "attributes" : { },
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+ }, {
+ "id" : "a9986aaf-a807-43db-b27e-bfcb4a6ed680",
+ "clientId" : "realm-management",
+ "name" : "${client_realm-management}",
+ "surrogateAuthRequired" : false,
+ "enabled" : true,
+ "alwaysDisplayInConsole" : false,
+ "clientAuthenticatorType" : "client-secret",
+ "redirectUris" : [ ],
+ "webOrigins" : [ ],
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+ "implicitFlowEnabled" : false,
+ "directAccessGrantsEnabled" : false,
+ "serviceAccountsEnabled" : false,
+ "publicClient" : false,
+ "frontchannelLogout" : false,
+ "protocol" : "openid-connect",
+ "attributes" : { },
+ "authenticationFlowBindingOverrides" : { },
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+ "nodeReRegistrationTimeout" : 0,
+ "defaultClientScopes" : [ "web-origins", "acr", "roles", "profile", "email" ],
+ "optionalClientScopes" : [ "address", "phone", "offline_access", "microprofile-jwt" ]
+ }, {
+ "id" : "952f56db-5191-41fd-ac39-572ba28d9ee5",
+ "clientId" : "security-admin-console",
+ "name" : "${client_security-admin-console}",
+ "rootUrl" : "${authAdminUrl}",
+ "baseUrl" : "/admin/zuul-demo/console/",
+ "surrogateAuthRequired" : false,
+ "enabled" : true,
+ "alwaysDisplayInConsole" : false,
+ "clientAuthenticatorType" : "client-secret",
+ "redirectUris" : [ "/admin/zuul-demo/console/*" ],
+ "webOrigins" : [ "+" ],
+ "notBefore" : 0,
+ "bearerOnly" : false,
+ "consentRequired" : false,
+ "standardFlowEnabled" : true,
+ "implicitFlowEnabled" : false,
+ "directAccessGrantsEnabled" : false,
+ "serviceAccountsEnabled" : false,
+ "publicClient" : true,
+ "frontchannelLogout" : false,
+ "protocol" : "openid-connect",
+ "attributes" : {
+ "pkce.code.challenge.method" : "S256"
- {
- "id": "e6734c68-8029-4b27-bf56-7eccb2202903",
- "alias": "docker auth",
- "description": "Used by Docker clients to authenticate against the IDP",
- "providerId": "basic-flow",
- "topLevel": true,
- "builtIn": true,
- "authenticationExecutions": [
- {
- "authenticator": "docker-http-basic-authenticator",
- "requirement": "REQUIRED",
- "priority": 10,
- "userSetupAllowed": false,
- "autheticatorFlow": false
- }
- ]
+ "authenticationFlowBindingOverrides" : { },
+ "fullScopeAllowed" : false,
+ "nodeReRegistrationTimeout" : 0,
+ "protocolMappers" : [ {
+ "id" : "661a797e-0734-46b8-8c4b-17b1a58cf05a",
+ "name" : "locale",
+ "protocol" : "openid-connect",
+ "protocolMapper" : "oidc-usermodel-attribute-mapper",
+ "consentRequired" : false,
+ "config" : {
+ "userinfo.token.claim" : "true",
+ "user.attribute" : "locale",
+ "id.token.claim" : "true",
+ "access.token.claim" : "true",
+ "" : "locale",
+ "jsonType.label" : "String"
+ }
+ } ],
+ "defaultClientScopes" : [ "web-origins", "acr", "roles", "profile", "email" ],
+ "optionalClientScopes" : [ "address", "phone", "offline_access", "microprofile-jwt" ]
+ }, {
+ "id" : "99377c87-2fb8-4d8b-a628-6281350e7e9b",
+ "clientId" : "zuul",
+ "rootUrl" : "http://localhost:9000",
+ "adminUrl" : "http://localhost:9000",
+ "surrogateAuthRequired" : false,
+ "enabled" : true,
+ "alwaysDisplayInConsole" : false,
+ "clientAuthenticatorType" : "client-secret",
+ "redirectUris" : [ "http://localhost:3000/*", "http://localhost:9000/*" ],
+ "webOrigins" : [ "*" ],
+ "notBefore" : 0,
+ "bearerOnly" : false,
+ "consentRequired" : false,
+ "standardFlowEnabled" : true,
+ "implicitFlowEnabled" : true,
+ "directAccessGrantsEnabled" : true,
+ "serviceAccountsEnabled" : false,
+ "publicClient" : true,
+ "frontchannelLogout" : false,
+ "protocol" : "openid-connect",
+ "attributes" : {
+ "" : "false",
+ "saml.multivalued.roles" : "false",
+ "frontchannel.logout.session.required" : "false",
+ "oauth2.device.authorization.grant.enabled" : "false",
+ "backchannel.logout.revoke.offline.tokens" : "false",
+ "saml.server.signature.keyinfo.ext" : "false",
+ "use.refresh.tokens" : "true",
+ "oidc.ciba.grant.enabled" : "false",
+ "backchannel.logout.session.required" : "true",
+ "client_credentials.use_refresh_token" : "false",
+ "require.pushed.authorization.requests" : "false",
+ "saml.client.signature" : "false",
+ "saml.allow.ecp.flow" : "false",
+ "" : "false",
+ "saml.assertion.signature" : "false",
+ "saml.encrypt" : "false",
+ "saml.server.signature" : "false",
+ "exclude.session.state.from.auth.response" : "false",
+ "saml.artifact.binding" : "false",
+ "saml_force_name_id_format" : "false",
+ "" : "{}",
+ "tls.client.certificate.bound.access.tokens" : "false",
+ "saml.authnstatement" : "false",
+ "display.on.consent.screen" : "false",
+ "token.response.type.bearer.lower-case" : "false",
+ "saml.onetimeuse.condition" : "false"
- {
- "id": "0e26f9c0-bc34-4d38-b3fe-472580bff946",
- "alias": "first broker login",
- "description": "Actions taken after first broker login with identity provider account, which is not yet linked to any Keycloak account",
- "providerId": "basic-flow",
- "topLevel": true,
- "builtIn": true,
- "authenticationExecutions": [
- {
- "authenticatorConfig": "review profile config",
- "authenticator": "idp-review-profile",
- "requirement": "REQUIRED",
- "priority": 10,
- "userSetupAllowed": false,
- "autheticatorFlow": false
- },
- {
- "requirement": "REQUIRED",
- "priority": 20,
- "flowAlias": "User creation or linking",
- "userSetupAllowed": false,
- "autheticatorFlow": true
- }
- ]
+ "authenticationFlowBindingOverrides" : { },
+ "fullScopeAllowed" : true,
+ "nodeReRegistrationTimeout" : -1,
+ "protocolMappers" : [ {
+ "id" : "ab67e3ef-562f-4cfa-96ad-02d9e29ed483",
+ "name" : "groups",
+ "protocol" : "openid-connect",
+ "protocolMapper" : "oidc-usermodel-realm-role-mapper",
+ "consentRequired" : false,
+ "config" : {
+ "multivalued" : "true",
+ "userinfo.token.claim" : "true",
+ "user.attribute" : "foo",
+ "id.token.claim" : "true",
+ "access.token.claim" : "true",
+ "" : "groups",
+ "jsonType.label" : "String"
+ }
+ } ],
+ "defaultClientScopes" : [ "web-origins", "acr", "roles", "profile", "zuul_aud", "email" ],
+ "optionalClientScopes" : [ "address", "phone", "offline_access", "microprofile-jwt" ]
+ } ],
+ "clientScopes" : [ {
+ "id" : "f9da357f-356a-45a7-8ad8-b0e47413c30e",
+ "name" : "web-origins",
+ "description" : "OpenID Connect scope for add allowed web origins to the access token",
+ "protocol" : "openid-connect",
+ "attributes" : {
+ "" : "false",
+ "display.on.consent.screen" : "false",
+ "consent.screen.text" : ""
- {
- "id": "6f56d749-5f06-4e2a-a043-cd4103383899",
- "alias": "forms",
- "description": "Username, password, otp and other auth forms.",
- "providerId": "basic-flow",
- "topLevel": false,
- "builtIn": true,
- "authenticationExecutions": [
- {
- "authenticator": "auth-username-password-form",
- "requirement": "REQUIRED",
- "priority": 10,
- "userSetupAllowed": false,
- "autheticatorFlow": false
- },
- {
- "requirement": "CONDITIONAL",
- "priority": 20,
- "flowAlias": "Browser - Conditional OTP",
- "userSetupAllowed": false,
- "autheticatorFlow": true
- }
- ]
+ "protocolMappers" : [ {
+ "id" : "2f31c90f-8237-4a54-b852-a2df857c6fc8",
+ "name" : "allowed web origins",
+ "protocol" : "openid-connect",
+ "protocolMapper" : "oidc-allowed-origins-mapper",
+ "consentRequired" : false,
+ "config" : { }
+ } ]
+ }, {
+ "id" : "554bde36-edad-4c3b-a2f8-1461ad4181c8",
+ "name" : "role_list",
+ "description" : "SAML role list",
+ "protocol" : "saml",
+ "attributes" : {
+ "consent.screen.text" : "${samlRoleListScopeConsentText}",
+ "display.on.consent.screen" : "true"
- {
- "id": "4a95b320-312e-468a-978e-215747302385",
- "alias": "http challenge",
- "description": "An authentication flow based on challenge-response HTTP Authentication Schemes",
- "providerId": "basic-flow",
- "topLevel": true,
- "builtIn": true,
- "authenticationExecutions": [
- {
- "authenticator": "no-cookie-redirect",
- "requirement": "REQUIRED",
- "priority": 10,
- "userSetupAllowed": false,
- "autheticatorFlow": false
- },
- {
- "requirement": "REQUIRED",
- "priority": 20,
- "flowAlias": "Authentication Options",
- "userSetupAllowed": false,
- "autheticatorFlow": true
- }
- ]
+ "protocolMappers" : [ {
+ "id" : "ab8dfb24-9c7e-4018-bafe-ef3fc2dd10c6",
+ "name" : "role list",
+ "protocol" : "saml",
+ "protocolMapper" : "saml-role-list-mapper",
+ "consentRequired" : false,
+ "config" : {
+ "single" : "false",
+ "attribute.nameformat" : "Basic",
+ "" : "Role"
+ }
+ } ]
+ }, {
+ "id" : "c68d1141-1188-4adb-9c88-033ea1bff03a",
+ "name" : "address",
+ "description" : "OpenID Connect built-in scope: address",
+ "protocol" : "openid-connect",
+ "attributes" : {
+ "" : "true",
+ "display.on.consent.screen" : "true",
+ "consent.screen.text" : "${addressScopeConsentText}"
- {
- "id": "17678e79-9819-47f8-bbfe-3b68efb92f3d",
- "alias": "registration",
- "description": "registration flow",
- "providerId": "basic-flow",
- "topLevel": true,
- "builtIn": true,
- "authenticationExecutions": [
- {
- "authenticator": "registration-page-form",
- "requirement": "REQUIRED",
- "priority": 10,
- "flowAlias": "registration form",
- "userSetupAllowed": false,
- "autheticatorFlow": true
- }
- ]
+ "protocolMappers" : [ {
+ "id" : "e97f7b55-12d6-40cb-9e60-b0cee354ae8f",
+ "name" : "address",
+ "protocol" : "openid-connect",
+ "protocolMapper" : "oidc-address-mapper",
+ "consentRequired" : false,
+ "config" : {
+ "user.attribute.formatted" : "formatted",
+ "" : "country",
+ "user.attribute.postal_code" : "postal_code",
+ "userinfo.token.claim" : "true",
+ "user.attribute.street" : "street",
+ "id.token.claim" : "true",
+ "user.attribute.region" : "region",
+ "access.token.claim" : "true",
+ "user.attribute.locality" : "locality"
+ }
+ } ]
+ }, {
+ "id" : "18ceed25-cdb0-4911-8419-b8228d5947a2",
+ "name" : "zuul_aud",
+ "description" : "zuul audience mapper",
+ "protocol" : "openid-connect",
+ "attributes" : {
+ "" : "true",
+ "display.on.consent.screen" : "true"
- {
- "id": "7c23bfaa-420a-4975-a547-254bb0873457",
- "alias": "registration form",
- "description": "registration form",
- "providerId": "form-flow",
- "topLevel": false,
- "builtIn": true,
- "authenticationExecutions": [
- {
- "authenticator": "registration-user-creation",
- "requirement": "REQUIRED",
- "priority": 20,
- "userSetupAllowed": false,
- "autheticatorFlow": false
- },
- {
- "authenticator": "registration-profile-action",
- "requirement": "REQUIRED",
- "priority": 40,
- "userSetupAllowed": false,
- "autheticatorFlow": false
- },
- {
- "authenticator": "registration-password-action",
- "requirement": "REQUIRED",
- "priority": 50,
- "userSetupAllowed": false,
- "autheticatorFlow": false
- },
- {
- "authenticator": "registration-recaptcha-action",
- "requirement": "DISABLED",
- "priority": 60,
- "userSetupAllowed": false,
- "autheticatorFlow": false
- }
- ]
+ "protocolMappers" : [ {
+ "id" : "e54ce7f5-fb11-425f-ad3a-628db83c1ef2",
+ "name" : "zuul_aud_mapper",
+ "protocol" : "openid-connect",
+ "protocolMapper" : "oidc-audience-mapper",
+ "consentRequired" : false,
+ "config" : {
+ "included.client.audience" : "zuul",
+ "id.token.claim" : "true",
+ "access.token.claim" : "true",
+ "userinfo.token.claim" : "true"
+ }
+ } ]
+ }, {
+ "id" : "1f3ab062-a2bd-4929-9a49-434fa94b7f55",
+ "name" : "microprofile-jwt",
+ "description" : "Microprofile - JWT built-in scope",
+ "protocol" : "openid-connect",
+ "attributes" : {
+ "" : "true",
+ "display.on.consent.screen" : "false"
- {
- "id": "ef21d1d8-4afd-4baf-a44d-34d657f673a4",
- "alias": "reset credentials",
- "description": "Reset credentials for a user if they forgot their password or something",
- "providerId": "basic-flow",
- "topLevel": true,
- "builtIn": true,
- "authenticationExecutions": [
- {
- "authenticator": "reset-credentials-choose-user",
- "requirement": "REQUIRED",
- "priority": 10,
- "userSetupAllowed": false,
- "autheticatorFlow": false
- },
- {
- "authenticator": "reset-credential-email",
- "requirement": "REQUIRED",
- "priority": 20,
- "userSetupAllowed": false,
- "autheticatorFlow": false
- },
- {
- "authenticator": "reset-password",
- "requirement": "REQUIRED",
- "priority": 30,
- "userSetupAllowed": false,
- "autheticatorFlow": false
- },
- {
- "requirement": "CONDITIONAL",
- "priority": 40,
- "flowAlias": "Reset - Conditional OTP",
- "userSetupAllowed": false,
- "autheticatorFlow": true
- }
- ]
+ "protocolMappers" : [ {
+ "id" : "80212ba7-8894-4b23-b73c-b29fb6157c41",
+ "name" : "groups",
+ "protocol" : "openid-connect",
+ "protocolMapper" : "oidc-usermodel-realm-role-mapper",
+ "consentRequired" : false,
+ "config" : {
+ "multivalued" : "true",
+ "userinfo.token.claim" : "true",
+ "user.attribute" : "foo",
+ "id.token.claim" : "true",
+ "access.token.claim" : "true",
+ "" : "groups",
+ "jsonType.label" : "String"
+ }
+ }, {
+ "id" : "1abd1cea-5b14-41ef-b865-bb81af679932",
+ "name" : "upn",
+ "protocol" : "openid-connect",
+ "protocolMapper" : "oidc-usermodel-property-mapper",
+ "consentRequired" : false,
+ "config" : {
+ "userinfo.token.claim" : "true",
+ "user.attribute" : "username",
+ "id.token.claim" : "true",
+ "access.token.claim" : "true",
+ "" : "upn",
+ "jsonType.label" : "String"
+ }
+ } ]
+ }, {
+ "id" : "220b27ee-6e55-49c0-86a7-e2f915166bc7",
+ "name" : "phone",
+ "description" : "OpenID Connect built-in scope: phone",
+ "protocol" : "openid-connect",
+ "attributes" : {
+ "" : "true",
+ "display.on.consent.screen" : "true",
+ "consent.screen.text" : "${phoneScopeConsentText}"
- {
- "id": "21fea2f5-c4e3-46af-a573-54f36aa25b4b",
- "alias": "saml ecp",
- "description": "SAML ECP Profile Authentication Flow",
- "providerId": "basic-flow",
- "topLevel": true,
- "builtIn": true,
- "authenticationExecutions": [
- {
- "authenticator": "http-basic-authenticator",
- "requirement": "REQUIRED",
- "priority": 10,
- "userSetupAllowed": false,
- "autheticatorFlow": false
- }
- ]
- }
- ],
- "authenticatorConfig": [
- {
- "id": "d093ee16-2996-4916-ba26-827877401a45",
- "alias": "create unique user config",
- "config": {
- "require.password.update.after.registration": "false"
+ "protocolMappers" : [ {
+ "id" : "82f49e59-01d9-4435-9d57-8b51ba068f95",
+ "name" : "phone number",
+ "protocol" : "openid-connect",
+ "protocolMapper" : "oidc-usermodel-attribute-mapper",
+ "consentRequired" : false,
+ "config" : {
+ "userinfo.token.claim" : "true",
+ "user.attribute" : "phoneNumber",
+ "id.token.claim" : "true",
+ "access.token.claim" : "true",
+ "" : "phone_number",
+ "jsonType.label" : "String"
+ }, {
+ "id" : "4b7d2541-a139-4f35-8b0a-7f786abf8e25",
+ "name" : "phone number verified",
+ "protocol" : "openid-connect",
+ "protocolMapper" : "oidc-usermodel-attribute-mapper",
+ "consentRequired" : false,
+ "config" : {
+ "userinfo.token.claim" : "true",
+ "user.attribute" : "phoneNumberVerified",
+ "id.token.claim" : "true",
+ "access.token.claim" : "true",
+ "" : "phone_number_verified",
+ "jsonType.label" : "boolean"
+ }
+ } ]
+ }, {
+ "id" : "f862a715-e18d-491f-ad37-0c77253e1519",
+ "name" : "email",
+ "description" : "OpenID Connect built-in scope: email",
+ "protocol" : "openid-connect",
+ "attributes" : {
+ "" : "true",
+ "display.on.consent.screen" : "true",
+ "consent.screen.text" : "${emailScopeConsentText}"
- {
- "id": "9cf393f2-4659-473a-a1d8-2318e107fcfe",
- "alias": "review profile config",
- "config": {
- "update.profile.on.first.login": "missing"
+ "protocolMappers" : [ {
+ "id" : "195a1039-aeca-4e57-888b-1a1e802fa64d",
+ "name" : "email",
+ "protocol" : "openid-connect",
+ "protocolMapper" : "oidc-usermodel-property-mapper",
+ "consentRequired" : false,
+ "config" : {
+ "userinfo.token.claim" : "true",
+ "user.attribute" : "email",
+ "id.token.claim" : "true",
+ "access.token.claim" : "true",
+ "" : "email",
+ "jsonType.label" : "String"
+ }
+ }, {
+ "id" : "4ccb27c0-2574-48b7-92bd-ec246306a944",
+ "name" : "email verified",
+ "protocol" : "openid-connect",
+ "protocolMapper" : "oidc-usermodel-property-mapper",
+ "consentRequired" : false,
+ "config" : {
+ "userinfo.token.claim" : "true",
+ "user.attribute" : "emailVerified",
+ "id.token.claim" : "true",
+ "access.token.claim" : "true",
+ "" : "email_verified",
+ "jsonType.label" : "boolean"
+ } ]
+ }, {
+ "id" : "a03e0161-18f1-4d82-8482-4c6b1b6803bf",
+ "name" : "offline_access",
+ "description" : "OpenID Connect built-in scope: offline_access",
+ "protocol" : "openid-connect",
+ "attributes" : {
+ "consent.screen.text" : "${offlineAccessScopeConsentText}",
+ "display.on.consent.screen" : "true"
- ],
- "requiredActions": [
- {
- "alias": "CONFIGURE_TOTP",
- "name": "Configure OTP",
- "providerId": "CONFIGURE_TOTP",
- "enabled": true,
- "defaultAction": false,
- "priority": 10,
- "config": {}
- },
- {
- "alias": "terms_and_conditions",
- "name": "Terms and Conditions",
- "providerId": "terms_and_conditions",
- "enabled": false,
- "defaultAction": false,
- "priority": 20,
- "config": {}
- },
- {
- "alias": "UPDATE_PASSWORD",
- "name": "Update Password",
- "providerId": "UPDATE_PASSWORD",
- "enabled": true,
- "defaultAction": false,
- "priority": 30,
- "config": {}
+ }, {
+ "id" : "3bc63b52-838d-48bc-b0b6-b0805901c4b0",
+ "name" : "roles",
+ "description" : "OpenID Connect scope for add user roles to the access token",
+ "protocol" : "openid-connect",
+ "attributes" : {
+ "" : "false",
+ "display.on.consent.screen" : "true",
+ "consent.screen.text" : "${rolesScopeConsentText}"
- {
- "alias": "UPDATE_PROFILE",
- "name": "Update Profile",
- "providerId": "UPDATE_PROFILE",
- "enabled": true,
- "defaultAction": false,
- "priority": 40,
- "config": {}
- },
- {
- "alias": "VERIFY_EMAIL",
- "name": "Verify Email",
- "providerId": "VERIFY_EMAIL",
- "enabled": true,
- "defaultAction": false,
- "priority": 50,
- "config": {}
+ "protocolMappers" : [ {
+ "id" : "f654cdcf-ad35-483d-bc9a-36e27cf2d459",
+ "name" : "client roles",
+ "protocol" : "openid-connect",
+ "protocolMapper" : "oidc-usermodel-client-role-mapper",
+ "consentRequired" : false,
+ "config" : {
+ "user.attribute" : "foo",
+ "access.token.claim" : "true",
+ "" : "resource_access.${client_id}.roles",
+ "jsonType.label" : "String",
+ "multivalued" : "true"
+ }
+ }, {
+ "id" : "f6b687b6-94d6-4cfd-b167-eac16d07d1ff",
+ "name" : "audience resolve",
+ "protocol" : "openid-connect",
+ "protocolMapper" : "oidc-audience-resolve-mapper",
+ "consentRequired" : false,
+ "config" : { }
+ }, {
+ "id" : "f59d4345-6702-43ca-82d9-dc2d60c9b66e",
+ "name" : "realm roles",
+ "protocol" : "openid-connect",
+ "protocolMapper" : "oidc-usermodel-realm-role-mapper",
+ "consentRequired" : false,
+ "config" : {
+ "user.attribute" : "foo",
+ "access.token.claim" : "true",
+ "" : "realm_access.roles",
+ "jsonType.label" : "String",
+ "multivalued" : "true"
+ }
+ } ]
+ }, {
+ "id" : "6cdcdd5e-8a80-4366-b38f-49005db03f27",
+ "name" : "acr",
+ "description" : "OpenID Connect scope for add acr (authentication context class reference) to the token",
+ "protocol" : "openid-connect",
+ "attributes" : {
+ "" : "false",
+ "display.on.consent.screen" : "false"
- {
- "alias": "delete_account",
- "name": "Delete Account",
- "providerId": "delete_account",
- "enabled": false,
- "defaultAction": false,
- "priority": 60,
- "config": {}
+ "protocolMappers" : [ {
+ "id" : "941b04f7-0f19-49b5-a11b-0790dcf83e3a",
+ "name" : "acr loa level",
+ "protocol" : "openid-connect",
+ "protocolMapper" : "oidc-acr-mapper",
+ "consentRequired" : false,
+ "config" : {
+ "id.token.claim" : "true",
+ "access.token.claim" : "true",
+ "userinfo.token.claim" : "true"
+ }
+ } ]
+ }, {
+ "id" : "197b457a-28ff-48c2-a879-be4eceeeaed6",
+ "name" : "profile",
+ "description" : "OpenID Connect built-in scope: profile",
+ "protocol" : "openid-connect",
+ "attributes" : {
+ "" : "true",
+ "display.on.consent.screen" : "true",
+ "consent.screen.text" : "${profileScopeConsentText}"
- {
- "alias": "update_user_locale",
- "name": "Update User Locale",
- "providerId": "update_user_locale",
- "enabled": true,
- "defaultAction": false,
- "priority": 1000,
- "config": {}
+ "protocolMappers" : [ {
+ "id" : "8247fb9a-2a89-4491-ae97-9a3ef846a32d",
+ "name" : "family name",
+ "protocol" : "openid-connect",
+ "protocolMapper" : "oidc-usermodel-property-mapper",
+ "consentRequired" : false,
+ "config" : {
+ "userinfo.token.claim" : "true",
+ "user.attribute" : "lastName",
+ "id.token.claim" : "true",
+ "access.token.claim" : "true",
+ "" : "family_name",
+ "jsonType.label" : "String"
+ }
+ }, {
+ "id" : "7b71b659-4929-454d-a2f1-9e84c3ebd970",
+ "name" : "middle name",
+ "protocol" : "openid-connect",
+ "protocolMapper" : "oidc-usermodel-attribute-mapper",
+ "consentRequired" : false,
+ "config" : {
+ "userinfo.token.claim" : "true",
+ "user.attribute" : "middleName",
+ "id.token.claim" : "true",
+ "access.token.claim" : "true",
+ "" : "middle_name",
+ "jsonType.label" : "String"
+ }
+ }, {
+ "id" : "58bbcd2b-77a8-4a98-b51e-b9802b0d300c",
+ "name" : "zoneinfo",
+ "protocol" : "openid-connect",
+ "protocolMapper" : "oidc-usermodel-attribute-mapper",
+ "consentRequired" : false,
+ "config" : {
+ "userinfo.token.claim" : "true",
+ "user.attribute" : "zoneinfo",
+ "id.token.claim" : "true",
+ "access.token.claim" : "true",
+ "" : "zoneinfo",
+ "jsonType.label" : "String"
+ }
+ }, {
+ "id" : "2bdf1469-3ce1-408d-a6db-616a687efd20",
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+ "protocol" : "openid-connect",
+ "protocolMapper" : "oidc-usermodel-attribute-mapper",
+ "consentRequired" : false,
+ "config" : {
+ "userinfo.token.claim" : "true",
+ "user.attribute" : "picture",
+ "id.token.claim" : "true",
+ "access.token.claim" : "true",
+ "" : "picture",
+ "jsonType.label" : "String"
+ }
+ }, {
+ "id" : "ee34f510-aa37-47f0-81b6-eee4d0bd2073",
+ "name" : "given name",
+ "protocol" : "openid-connect",
+ "protocolMapper" : "oidc-usermodel-property-mapper",
+ "consentRequired" : false,
+ "config" : {
+ "userinfo.token.claim" : "true",
+ "user.attribute" : "firstName",
+ "id.token.claim" : "true",
+ "access.token.claim" : "true",
+ "" : "given_name",
+ "jsonType.label" : "String"
+ }
+ }, {
+ "id" : "a7e5ad5f-afe7-4e10-833a-db4ca4502083",
+ "name" : "nickname",
+ "protocol" : "openid-connect",
+ "protocolMapper" : "oidc-usermodel-attribute-mapper",
+ "consentRequired" : false,
+ "config" : {
+ "userinfo.token.claim" : "true",
+ "user.attribute" : "nickname",
+ "id.token.claim" : "true",
+ "access.token.claim" : "true",
+ "" : "nickname",
+ "jsonType.label" : "String"
+ }
+ }, {
+ "id" : "6731543a-4fd5-4064-8cd6-438d59f07d98",
+ "name" : "birthdate",
+ "protocol" : "openid-connect",
+ "protocolMapper" : "oidc-usermodel-attribute-mapper",
+ "consentRequired" : false,
+ "config" : {
+ "userinfo.token.claim" : "true",
+ "user.attribute" : "birthdate",
+ "id.token.claim" : "true",
+ "access.token.claim" : "true",
+ "" : "birthdate",
+ "jsonType.label" : "String"
+ }
+ }, {
+ "id" : "dfbc8ef9-be5e-476b-a4cb-8a4130b00ad7",
+ "name" : "website",
+ "protocol" : "openid-connect",
+ "protocolMapper" : "oidc-usermodel-attribute-mapper",
+ "consentRequired" : false,
+ "config" : {
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+ "user.attribute" : "website",
+ "id.token.claim" : "true",
+ "access.token.claim" : "true",
+ "" : "website",
+ "jsonType.label" : "String"
+ }
+ }, {
+ "id" : "3c2b96fc-fcff-4847-b7a5-6c915adad250",
+ "name" : "updated at",
+ "protocol" : "openid-connect",
+ "protocolMapper" : "oidc-usermodel-attribute-mapper",
+ "consentRequired" : false,
+ "config" : {
+ "userinfo.token.claim" : "true",
+ "user.attribute" : "updatedAt",
+ "id.token.claim" : "true",
+ "access.token.claim" : "true",
+ "" : "updated_at",
+ "jsonType.label" : "long"
+ }
+ }, {
+ "id" : "6487b361-8548-4131-9636-f5e6c1db962d",
+ "name" : "gender",
+ "protocol" : "openid-connect",
+ "protocolMapper" : "oidc-usermodel-attribute-mapper",
+ "consentRequired" : false,
+ "config" : {
+ "userinfo.token.claim" : "true",
+ "user.attribute" : "gender",
+ "id.token.claim" : "true",
+ "access.token.claim" : "true",
+ "" : "gender",
+ "jsonType.label" : "String"
+ }
+ }, {
+ "id" : "4e93de0c-7f96-499e-8014-fc260fd82960",
+ "name" : "full name",
+ "protocol" : "openid-connect",
+ "protocolMapper" : "oidc-full-name-mapper",
+ "consentRequired" : false,
+ "config" : {
+ "id.token.claim" : "true",
+ "access.token.claim" : "true",
+ "userinfo.token.claim" : "true"
+ }
+ }, {
+ "id" : "7e202343-ae40-4149-985b-3f4cbf9b1588",
+ "name" : "username",
+ "protocol" : "openid-connect",
+ "protocolMapper" : "oidc-usermodel-property-mapper",
+ "consentRequired" : false,
+ "config" : {
+ "userinfo.token.claim" : "true",
+ "user.attribute" : "username",
+ "id.token.claim" : "true",
+ "access.token.claim" : "true",
+ "" : "preferred_username",
+ "jsonType.label" : "String"
+ }
+ }, {
+ "id" : "e9175df7-260b-4fe7-8655-db30ccc9c424",
+ "name" : "locale",
+ "protocol" : "openid-connect",
+ "protocolMapper" : "oidc-usermodel-attribute-mapper",
+ "consentRequired" : false,
+ "config" : {
+ "userinfo.token.claim" : "true",
+ "user.attribute" : "locale",
+ "id.token.claim" : "true",
+ "access.token.claim" : "true",
+ "" : "locale",
+ "jsonType.label" : "String"
+ }
+ }, {
+ "id" : "59663d46-72dd-4ea6-b106-7a264d01ebcb",
+ "name" : "profile",
+ "protocol" : "openid-connect",
+ "protocolMapper" : "oidc-usermodel-attribute-mapper",
+ "consentRequired" : false,
+ "config" : {
+ "userinfo.token.claim" : "true",
+ "user.attribute" : "profile",
+ "id.token.claim" : "true",
+ "access.token.claim" : "true",
+ "" : "profile",
+ "jsonType.label" : "String"
+ }
+ } ]
+ } ],
+ "defaultDefaultClientScopes" : [ "profile", "roles", "role_list", "acr", "email", "web-origins" ],
+ "defaultOptionalClientScopes" : [ "microprofile-jwt", "phone", "offline_access", "address" ],
+ "browserSecurityHeaders" : {
+ "contentSecurityPolicyReportOnly" : "",
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+ },
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+ "eventsEnabled" : false,
+ "eventsListeners" : [ "jboss-logging" ],
+ "enabledEventTypes" : [ ],
+ "adminEventsEnabled" : false,
+ "adminEventsDetailsEnabled" : false,
+ "identityProviders" : [ ],
+ "identityProviderMappers" : [ ],
+ "components" : {
+ "" : [ {
+ "id" : "c6df0a44-af38-4795-8990-ffc359a2b62b",
+ "name" : "Consent Required",
+ "providerId" : "consent-required",
+ "subType" : "anonymous",
+ "subComponents" : { },
+ "config" : { }
+ }, {
+ "id" : "fa50952d-682b-4bf3-936c-2e35abfd810a",
+ "name" : "Allowed Client Scopes",
+ "providerId" : "allowed-client-templates",
+ "subType" : "authenticated",
+ "subComponents" : { },
+ "config" : {
+ "allow-default-scopes" : [ "true" ]
+ }
+ }, {
+ "id" : "adb59412-5ad2-4531-bcde-cdd3048e8698",
+ "name" : "Max Clients Limit",
+ "providerId" : "max-clients",
+ "subType" : "anonymous",
+ "subComponents" : { },
+ "config" : {
+ "max-clients" : [ "200" ]
+ }
+ }, {
+ "id" : "270f6a69-5b86-4a4b-b54c-1900ea3d325d",
+ "name" : "Allowed Protocol Mapper Types",
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+ "subType" : "anonymous",
+ "subComponents" : { },
+ "config" : {
+ "allowed-protocol-mapper-types" : [ "oidc-sha256-pairwise-sub-mapper", "oidc-full-name-mapper", "saml-user-attribute-mapper", "oidc-usermodel-property-mapper", "saml-role-list-mapper", "oidc-address-mapper", "saml-user-property-mapper", "oidc-usermodel-attribute-mapper" ]
+ }
+ }, {
+ "id" : "a107bb7f-7b95-4c80-bf36-0793913507b9",
+ "name" : "Trusted Hosts",
+ "providerId" : "trusted-hosts",
+ "subType" : "anonymous",
+ "subComponents" : { },
+ "config" : {
+ "host-sending-registration-request-must-match" : [ "true" ],
+ "client-uris-must-match" : [ "true" ]
+ }
+ }, {
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+ "name" : "Full Scope Disabled",
+ "providerId" : "scope",
+ "subType" : "anonymous",
+ "subComponents" : { },
+ "config" : { }
+ }, {
+ "id" : "829ff854-352f-453e-ae71-b3ed893167e5",
+ "name" : "Allowed Protocol Mapper Types",
+ "providerId" : "allowed-protocol-mappers",
+ "subType" : "authenticated",
+ "subComponents" : { },
+ "config" : {
+ "allowed-protocol-mapper-types" : [ "saml-role-list-mapper", "saml-user-property-mapper", "oidc-full-name-mapper", "oidc-address-mapper", "oidc-usermodel-property-mapper", "oidc-usermodel-attribute-mapper", "saml-user-attribute-mapper", "oidc-sha256-pairwise-sub-mapper" ]
+ }
+ }, {
+ "id" : "eb1f66db-d2a2-435f-958d-f385db20740e",
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+ "subComponents" : { },
+ "config" : {
+ "allow-default-scopes" : [ "true" ]
+ }
+ } ],
+ "org.keycloak.keys.KeyProvider" : [ {
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+ "subComponents" : { },
+ "config" : {
+ "privateKey" : [ "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" ],
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+ }
+ }, {
+ "id" : "558fe888-18c5-48e2-9c45-a072532315f7",
+ "name" : "hmac-generated",
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+ "subComponents" : { },
+ "config" : {
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+ "secret" : [ "0Aph42iALP396xPal2boz2dTNi9j8gculw6H_g6ohYO1vdJdwjBUsH-GD-GCBQk49Rtxa1yNZDWrr1f-2inGfw" ],
+ "priority" : [ "100" ],
+ "algorithm" : [ "HS256" ]
+ }
+ }, {
+ "id" : "67d8a3df-b709-4726-a929-e592530f7889",
+ "name" : "rsa-enc-generated",
+ "providerId" : "rsa-enc-generated",
+ "subComponents" : { },
+ "config" : {
+ "privateKey" : [ "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" ],
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+ "keyUse" : [ "ENC" ],
+ "certificate" : [ "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" ],
+ "active" : [ "false" ],
+ "priority" : [ "100" ],
+ "enabled" : [ "false" ],
+ "algorithm" : [ "RSA-OAEP" ]
+ }
+ }, {
+ "id" : "18071daa-3312-45d7-9687-80f4b713b351",
+ "name" : "aes-generated",
+ "providerId" : "aes-generated",
+ "subComponents" : { },
+ "config" : {
+ "kid" : [ "ebdbe2a3-cac0-4ceb-a691-349f9a857a4a" ],
+ "secret" : [ "G77Dlvi7V6exa6LZZjv0Aw" ],
+ "priority" : [ "100" ]
+ }
+ } ]
+ },
+ "internationalizationEnabled" : false,
+ "supportedLocales" : [ ],
+ "authenticationFlows" : [ {
+ "id" : "905f0ff4-552b-41cd-a293-54615e1cca5e",
+ "alias" : "Account verification options",
+ "description" : "Method with which to verity the existing account",
+ "providerId" : "basic-flow",
+ "topLevel" : false,
+ "builtIn" : true,
+ "authenticationExecutions" : [ {
+ "authenticator" : "idp-email-verification",
+ "authenticatorFlow" : false,
+ "requirement" : "ALTERNATIVE",
+ "priority" : 10,
+ "autheticatorFlow" : false,
+ "userSetupAllowed" : false
+ }, {
+ "authenticatorFlow" : true,
+ "requirement" : "ALTERNATIVE",
+ "priority" : 20,
+ "autheticatorFlow" : true,
+ "flowAlias" : "Verify Existing Account by Re-authentication",
+ "userSetupAllowed" : false
+ } ]
+ }, {
+ "id" : "56aefed5-e44b-418b-9acf-5c8ad5a99b38",
+ "alias" : "Authentication Options",
+ "description" : "Authentication options.",
+ "providerId" : "basic-flow",
+ "topLevel" : false,
+ "builtIn" : true,
+ "authenticationExecutions" : [ {
+ "authenticator" : "basic-auth",
+ "authenticatorFlow" : false,
+ "requirement" : "REQUIRED",
+ "priority" : 10,
+ "autheticatorFlow" : false,
+ "userSetupAllowed" : false
+ }, {
+ "authenticator" : "basic-auth-otp",
+ "authenticatorFlow" : false,
+ "requirement" : "DISABLED",
+ "priority" : 20,
+ "autheticatorFlow" : false,
+ "userSetupAllowed" : false
+ }, {
+ "authenticator" : "auth-spnego",
+ "authenticatorFlow" : false,
+ "requirement" : "DISABLED",
+ "priority" : 30,
+ "autheticatorFlow" : false,
+ "userSetupAllowed" : false
+ } ]
+ }, {
+ "id" : "ee2217ce-1a43-45da-9e42-53e967301b68",
+ "alias" : "Browser - Conditional OTP",
+ "description" : "Flow to determine if the OTP is required for the authentication",
+ "providerId" : "basic-flow",
+ "topLevel" : false,
+ "builtIn" : true,
+ "authenticationExecutions" : [ {
+ "authenticator" : "conditional-user-configured",
+ "authenticatorFlow" : false,
+ "requirement" : "REQUIRED",
+ "priority" : 10,
+ "autheticatorFlow" : false,
+ "userSetupAllowed" : false
+ }, {
+ "authenticator" : "auth-otp-form",
+ "authenticatorFlow" : false,
+ "requirement" : "REQUIRED",
+ "priority" : 20,
+ "autheticatorFlow" : false,
+ "userSetupAllowed" : false
+ } ]
+ }, {
+ "id" : "a2675999-6a95-4eda-b46b-b6c23f897bb7",
+ "alias" : "Direct Grant - Conditional OTP",
+ "description" : "Flow to determine if the OTP is required for the authentication",
+ "providerId" : "basic-flow",
+ "topLevel" : false,
+ "builtIn" : true,
+ "authenticationExecutions" : [ {
+ "authenticator" : "conditional-user-configured",
+ "authenticatorFlow" : false,
+ "requirement" : "REQUIRED",
+ "priority" : 10,
+ "autheticatorFlow" : false,
+ "userSetupAllowed" : false
+ }, {
+ "authenticator" : "direct-grant-validate-otp",
+ "authenticatorFlow" : false,
+ "requirement" : "REQUIRED",
+ "priority" : 20,
+ "autheticatorFlow" : false,
+ "userSetupAllowed" : false
+ } ]
+ }, {
+ "id" : "7088d6ca-06a0-48bb-a2bb-dc0ecd21bae2",
+ "alias" : "First broker login - Conditional OTP",
+ "description" : "Flow to determine if the OTP is required for the authentication",
+ "providerId" : "basic-flow",
+ "topLevel" : false,
+ "builtIn" : true,
+ "authenticationExecutions" : [ {
+ "authenticator" : "conditional-user-configured",
+ "authenticatorFlow" : false,
+ "requirement" : "REQUIRED",
+ "priority" : 10,
+ "autheticatorFlow" : false,
+ "userSetupAllowed" : false
+ }, {
+ "authenticator" : "auth-otp-form",
+ "authenticatorFlow" : false,
+ "requirement" : "REQUIRED",
+ "priority" : 20,
+ "autheticatorFlow" : false,
+ "userSetupAllowed" : false
+ } ]
+ }, {
+ "id" : "d5a6c5aa-aa28-4d8a-b5a1-2d0df85a9979",
+ "alias" : "Handle Existing Account",
+ "description" : "Handle what to do if there is existing account with same email/username like authenticated identity provider",
+ "providerId" : "basic-flow",
+ "topLevel" : false,
+ "builtIn" : true,
+ "authenticationExecutions" : [ {
+ "authenticator" : "idp-confirm-link",
+ "authenticatorFlow" : false,
+ "requirement" : "REQUIRED",
+ "priority" : 10,
+ "autheticatorFlow" : false,
+ "userSetupAllowed" : false
+ }, {
+ "authenticatorFlow" : true,
+ "requirement" : "REQUIRED",
+ "priority" : 20,
+ "autheticatorFlow" : true,
+ "flowAlias" : "Account verification options",
+ "userSetupAllowed" : false
+ } ]
+ }, {
+ "id" : "940b59eb-3977-4354-8ad0-a60a513a91ca",
+ "alias" : "Reset - Conditional OTP",
+ "description" : "Flow to determine if the OTP should be reset or not. Set to REQUIRED to force.",
+ "providerId" : "basic-flow",
+ "topLevel" : false,
+ "builtIn" : true,
+ "authenticationExecutions" : [ {
+ "authenticator" : "conditional-user-configured",
+ "authenticatorFlow" : false,
+ "requirement" : "REQUIRED",
+ "priority" : 10,
+ "autheticatorFlow" : false,
+ "userSetupAllowed" : false
+ }, {
+ "authenticator" : "reset-otp",
+ "authenticatorFlow" : false,
+ "requirement" : "REQUIRED",
+ "priority" : 20,
+ "autheticatorFlow" : false,
+ "userSetupAllowed" : false
+ } ]
+ }, {
+ "id" : "653228d9-a3a7-41b1-b6c1-eaea8b2f4e87",
+ "alias" : "User creation or linking",
+ "description" : "Flow for the existing/non-existing user alternatives",
+ "providerId" : "basic-flow",
+ "topLevel" : false,
+ "builtIn" : true,
+ "authenticationExecutions" : [ {
+ "authenticatorConfig" : "create unique user config",
+ "authenticator" : "idp-create-user-if-unique",
+ "authenticatorFlow" : false,
+ "requirement" : "ALTERNATIVE",
+ "priority" : 10,
+ "autheticatorFlow" : false,
+ "userSetupAllowed" : false
+ }, {
+ "authenticatorFlow" : true,
+ "requirement" : "ALTERNATIVE",
+ "priority" : 20,
+ "autheticatorFlow" : true,
+ "flowAlias" : "Handle Existing Account",
+ "userSetupAllowed" : false
+ } ]
+ }, {
+ "id" : "9c6a2dff-b711-4bbd-8606-d8939ba4d9ca",
+ "alias" : "Verify Existing Account by Re-authentication",
+ "description" : "Reauthentication of existing account",
+ "providerId" : "basic-flow",
+ "topLevel" : false,
+ "builtIn" : true,
+ "authenticationExecutions" : [ {
+ "authenticator" : "idp-username-password-form",
+ "authenticatorFlow" : false,
+ "requirement" : "REQUIRED",
+ "priority" : 10,
+ "autheticatorFlow" : false,
+ "userSetupAllowed" : false
+ }, {
+ "authenticatorFlow" : true,
+ "requirement" : "CONDITIONAL",
+ "priority" : 20,
+ "autheticatorFlow" : true,
+ "flowAlias" : "First broker login - Conditional OTP",
+ "userSetupAllowed" : false
+ } ]
+ }, {
+ "id" : "5c564dc9-1ea5-4977-ad52-eb6a1213b88e",
+ "alias" : "browser",
+ "description" : "browser based authentication",
+ "providerId" : "basic-flow",
+ "topLevel" : true,
+ "builtIn" : true,
+ "authenticationExecutions" : [ {
+ "authenticator" : "auth-cookie",
+ "authenticatorFlow" : false,
+ "requirement" : "ALTERNATIVE",
+ "priority" : 10,
+ "autheticatorFlow" : false,
+ "userSetupAllowed" : false
+ }, {
+ "authenticator" : "auth-spnego",
+ "authenticatorFlow" : false,
+ "requirement" : "DISABLED",
+ "priority" : 20,
+ "autheticatorFlow" : false,
+ "userSetupAllowed" : false
+ }, {
+ "authenticator" : "identity-provider-redirector",
+ "authenticatorFlow" : false,
+ "requirement" : "ALTERNATIVE",
+ "priority" : 25,
+ "autheticatorFlow" : false,
+ "userSetupAllowed" : false
+ }, {
+ "authenticatorFlow" : true,
+ "requirement" : "ALTERNATIVE",
+ "priority" : 30,
+ "autheticatorFlow" : true,
+ "flowAlias" : "forms",
+ "userSetupAllowed" : false
+ } ]
+ }, {
+ "id" : "28f28120-2107-4cd5-a2bf-a139653db782",
+ "alias" : "clients",
+ "description" : "Base authentication for clients",
+ "providerId" : "client-flow",
+ "topLevel" : true,
+ "builtIn" : true,
+ "authenticationExecutions" : [ {
+ "authenticator" : "client-secret",
+ "authenticatorFlow" : false,
+ "requirement" : "ALTERNATIVE",
+ "priority" : 10,
+ "autheticatorFlow" : false,
+ "userSetupAllowed" : false
+ }, {
+ "authenticator" : "client-jwt",
+ "authenticatorFlow" : false,
+ "requirement" : "ALTERNATIVE",
+ "priority" : 20,
+ "autheticatorFlow" : false,
+ "userSetupAllowed" : false
+ }, {
+ "authenticator" : "client-secret-jwt",
+ "authenticatorFlow" : false,
+ "requirement" : "ALTERNATIVE",
+ "priority" : 30,
+ "autheticatorFlow" : false,
+ "userSetupAllowed" : false
+ }, {
+ "authenticator" : "client-x509",
+ "authenticatorFlow" : false,
+ "requirement" : "ALTERNATIVE",
+ "priority" : 40,
+ "autheticatorFlow" : false,
+ "userSetupAllowed" : false
+ } ]
+ }, {
+ "id" : "c7ccf556-1270-4adb-8c9a-d50d0370acda",
+ "alias" : "direct grant",
+ "description" : "OpenID Connect Resource Owner Grant",
+ "providerId" : "basic-flow",
+ "topLevel" : true,
+ "builtIn" : true,
+ "authenticationExecutions" : [ {
+ "authenticator" : "direct-grant-validate-username",
+ "authenticatorFlow" : false,
+ "requirement" : "REQUIRED",
+ "priority" : 10,
+ "autheticatorFlow" : false,
+ "userSetupAllowed" : false
+ }, {
+ "authenticator" : "direct-grant-validate-password",
+ "authenticatorFlow" : false,
+ "requirement" : "REQUIRED",
+ "priority" : 20,
+ "autheticatorFlow" : false,
+ "userSetupAllowed" : false
+ }, {
+ "authenticatorFlow" : true,
+ "requirement" : "CONDITIONAL",
+ "priority" : 30,
+ "autheticatorFlow" : true,
+ "flowAlias" : "Direct Grant - Conditional OTP",
+ "userSetupAllowed" : false
+ } ]
+ }, {
+ "id" : "2dd78821-8a10-4701-8131-22f02eeca193",
+ "alias" : "docker auth",
+ "description" : "Used by Docker clients to authenticate against the IDP",
+ "providerId" : "basic-flow",
+ "topLevel" : true,
+ "builtIn" : true,
+ "authenticationExecutions" : [ {
+ "authenticator" : "docker-http-basic-authenticator",
+ "authenticatorFlow" : false,
+ "requirement" : "REQUIRED",
+ "priority" : 10,
+ "autheticatorFlow" : false,
+ "userSetupAllowed" : false
+ } ]
+ }, {
+ "id" : "3d5aad69-76b9-4859-8500-9ded3a096e22",
+ "alias" : "first broker login",
+ "description" : "Actions taken after first broker login with identity provider account, which is not yet linked to any Keycloak account",
+ "providerId" : "basic-flow",
+ "topLevel" : true,
+ "builtIn" : true,
+ "authenticationExecutions" : [ {
+ "authenticatorConfig" : "review profile config",
+ "authenticator" : "idp-review-profile",
+ "authenticatorFlow" : false,
+ "requirement" : "REQUIRED",
+ "priority" : 10,
+ "autheticatorFlow" : false,
+ "userSetupAllowed" : false
+ }, {
+ "authenticatorFlow" : true,
+ "requirement" : "REQUIRED",
+ "priority" : 20,
+ "autheticatorFlow" : true,
+ "flowAlias" : "User creation or linking",
+ "userSetupAllowed" : false
+ } ]
+ }, {
+ "id" : "ffd3082c-2a68-425c-a248-95fc076b211c",
+ "alias" : "forms",
+ "description" : "Username, password, otp and other auth forms.",
+ "providerId" : "basic-flow",
+ "topLevel" : false,
+ "builtIn" : true,
+ "authenticationExecutions" : [ {
+ "authenticator" : "auth-username-password-form",
+ "authenticatorFlow" : false,
+ "requirement" : "REQUIRED",
+ "priority" : 10,
+ "autheticatorFlow" : false,
+ "userSetupAllowed" : false
+ }, {
+ "authenticatorFlow" : true,
+ "requirement" : "CONDITIONAL",
+ "priority" : 20,
+ "autheticatorFlow" : true,
+ "flowAlias" : "Browser - Conditional OTP",
+ "userSetupAllowed" : false
+ } ]
+ }, {
+ "id" : "1fcb0e73-4ec2-4605-9e49-cc7588a6c818",
+ "alias" : "http challenge",
+ "description" : "An authentication flow based on challenge-response HTTP Authentication Schemes",
+ "providerId" : "basic-flow",
+ "topLevel" : true,
+ "builtIn" : true,
+ "authenticationExecutions" : [ {
+ "authenticator" : "no-cookie-redirect",
+ "authenticatorFlow" : false,
+ "requirement" : "REQUIRED",
+ "priority" : 10,
+ "autheticatorFlow" : false,
+ "userSetupAllowed" : false
+ }, {
+ "authenticatorFlow" : true,
+ "requirement" : "REQUIRED",
+ "priority" : 20,
+ "autheticatorFlow" : true,
+ "flowAlias" : "Authentication Options",
+ "userSetupAllowed" : false
+ } ]
+ }, {
+ "id" : "39102862-55f7-4134-be4f-918b2cbfa169",
+ "alias" : "registration",
+ "description" : "registration flow",
+ "providerId" : "basic-flow",
+ "topLevel" : true,
+ "builtIn" : true,
+ "authenticationExecutions" : [ {
+ "authenticator" : "registration-page-form",
+ "authenticatorFlow" : true,
+ "requirement" : "REQUIRED",
+ "priority" : 10,
+ "autheticatorFlow" : true,
+ "flowAlias" : "registration form",
+ "userSetupAllowed" : false
+ } ]
+ }, {
+ "id" : "27a49f8e-4a94-4818-991e-eefddf680431",
+ "alias" : "registration form",
+ "description" : "registration form",
+ "providerId" : "form-flow",
+ "topLevel" : false,
+ "builtIn" : true,
+ "authenticationExecutions" : [ {
+ "authenticator" : "registration-user-creation",
+ "authenticatorFlow" : false,
+ "requirement" : "REQUIRED",
+ "priority" : 20,
+ "autheticatorFlow" : false,
+ "userSetupAllowed" : false
+ }, {
+ "authenticator" : "registration-profile-action",
+ "authenticatorFlow" : false,
+ "requirement" : "REQUIRED",
+ "priority" : 40,
+ "autheticatorFlow" : false,
+ "userSetupAllowed" : false
+ }, {
+ "authenticator" : "registration-password-action",
+ "authenticatorFlow" : false,
+ "requirement" : "REQUIRED",
+ "priority" : 50,
+ "autheticatorFlow" : false,
+ "userSetupAllowed" : false
+ }, {
+ "authenticator" : "registration-recaptcha-action",
+ "authenticatorFlow" : false,
+ "requirement" : "DISABLED",
+ "priority" : 60,
+ "autheticatorFlow" : false,
+ "userSetupAllowed" : false
+ } ]
+ }, {
+ "id" : "c3056f11-5d2d-4e77-9a17-94168854f540",
+ "alias" : "reset credentials",
+ "description" : "Reset credentials for a user if they forgot their password or something",
+ "providerId" : "basic-flow",
+ "topLevel" : true,
+ "builtIn" : true,
+ "authenticationExecutions" : [ {
+ "authenticator" : "reset-credentials-choose-user",
+ "authenticatorFlow" : false,
+ "requirement" : "REQUIRED",
+ "priority" : 10,
+ "autheticatorFlow" : false,
+ "userSetupAllowed" : false
+ }, {
+ "authenticator" : "reset-credential-email",
+ "authenticatorFlow" : false,
+ "requirement" : "REQUIRED",
+ "priority" : 20,
+ "autheticatorFlow" : false,
+ "userSetupAllowed" : false
+ }, {
+ "authenticator" : "reset-password",
+ "authenticatorFlow" : false,
+ "requirement" : "REQUIRED",
+ "priority" : 30,
+ "autheticatorFlow" : false,
+ "userSetupAllowed" : false
+ }, {
+ "authenticatorFlow" : true,
+ "requirement" : "CONDITIONAL",
+ "priority" : 40,
+ "autheticatorFlow" : true,
+ "flowAlias" : "Reset - Conditional OTP",
+ "userSetupAllowed" : false
+ } ]
+ }, {
+ "id" : "a91298df-ebf0-4c98-8587-6c680a2c4ccd",
+ "alias" : "saml ecp",
+ "description" : "SAML ECP Profile Authentication Flow",
+ "providerId" : "basic-flow",
+ "topLevel" : true,
+ "builtIn" : true,
+ "authenticationExecutions" : [ {
+ "authenticator" : "http-basic-authenticator",
+ "authenticatorFlow" : false,
+ "requirement" : "REQUIRED",
+ "priority" : 10,
+ "autheticatorFlow" : false,
+ "userSetupAllowed" : false
+ } ]
+ } ],
+ "authenticatorConfig" : [ {
+ "id" : "e1a83662-2baf-4955-bf07-6c3d50bc1196",
+ "alias" : "create unique user config",
+ "config" : {
+ "require.password.update.after.registration" : "false"
+ }
+ }, {
+ "id" : "d683f0f4-7685-40e1-9521-5761fdd9e111",
+ "alias" : "review profile config",
+ "config" : {
+ "update.profile.on.first.login" : "missing"
- ],
- "browserFlow": "browser",
- "registrationFlow": "registration",
- "directGrantFlow": "direct grant",
- "resetCredentialsFlow": "reset credentials",
- "clientAuthenticationFlow": "clients",
- "dockerAuthenticationFlow": "docker auth",
- "attributes": {
- "clientOfflineSessionMaxLifespan": "0",
- "clientSessionIdleTimeout": "0",
- "clientSessionMaxLifespan": "0",
- "clientOfflineSessionIdleTimeout": "0"
+ } ],
+ "requiredActions" : [ {
+ "alias" : "CONFIGURE_TOTP",
+ "name" : "Configure OTP",
+ "providerId" : "CONFIGURE_TOTP",
+ "enabled" : true,
+ "defaultAction" : false,
+ "priority" : 10,
+ "config" : { }
+ }, {
+ "alias" : "terms_and_conditions",
+ "name" : "Terms and Conditions",
+ "providerId" : "terms_and_conditions",
+ "enabled" : false,
+ "defaultAction" : false,
+ "priority" : 20,
+ "config" : { }
+ }, {
+ "alias" : "UPDATE_PASSWORD",
+ "name" : "Update Password",
+ "providerId" : "UPDATE_PASSWORD",
+ "enabled" : true,
+ "defaultAction" : false,
+ "priority" : 30,
+ "config" : { }
+ }, {
+ "alias" : "UPDATE_PROFILE",
+ "name" : "Update Profile",
+ "providerId" : "UPDATE_PROFILE",
+ "enabled" : true,
+ "defaultAction" : false,
+ "priority" : 40,
+ "config" : { }
+ }, {
+ "alias" : "VERIFY_EMAIL",
+ "name" : "Verify Email",
+ "providerId" : "VERIFY_EMAIL",
+ "enabled" : true,
+ "defaultAction" : false,
+ "priority" : 50,
+ "config" : { }
+ }, {
+ "alias" : "delete_account",
+ "name" : "Delete Account",
+ "providerId" : "delete_account",
+ "enabled" : false,
+ "defaultAction" : false,
+ "priority" : 60,
+ "config" : { }
+ }, {
+ "alias" : "update_user_locale",
+ "name" : "Update User Locale",
+ "providerId" : "update_user_locale",
+ "enabled" : true,
+ "defaultAction" : false,
+ "priority" : 1000,
+ "config" : { }
+ } ],
+ "browserFlow" : "browser",
+ "registrationFlow" : "registration",
+ "directGrantFlow" : "direct grant",
+ "resetCredentialsFlow" : "reset credentials",
+ "clientAuthenticationFlow" : "clients",
+ "dockerAuthenticationFlow" : "docker auth",
+ "attributes" : {
+ "cibaBackchannelTokenDeliveryMode" : "poll",
+ "cibaExpiresIn" : "120",
+ "cibaAuthRequestedUserHint" : "login_hint",
+ "oauth2DeviceCodeLifespan" : "600",
+ "clientOfflineSessionMaxLifespan" : "0",
+ "oauth2DevicePollingInterval" : "5",
+ "clientSessionIdleTimeout" : "0",
+ "parRequestUriLifespan" : "60",
+ "clientSessionMaxLifespan" : "0",
+ "clientOfflineSessionIdleTimeout" : "0",
+ "cibaInterval" : "5"
+ },
+ "keycloakVersion" : "18.0.2",
+ "userManagedAccessAllowed" : false,
+ "clientProfiles" : {
+ "profiles" : [ ]
- "keycloakVersion": "12.0.1",
- "userManagedAccessAllowed": false
+ "clientPolicies" : {
+ "policies" : [ ]
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/source/howtos/openid-with-keycloak.rst b/doc/source/howtos/openid-with-keycloak.rst
index 74d3a27c0..7fb258fea 100644
--- a/doc/source/howtos/openid-with-keycloak.rst
+++ b/doc/source/howtos/openid-with-keycloak.rst
@@ -73,6 +73,19 @@ Finally, go back to the clients list and pick the ``zuul`` client again. Click
on ``Client Scopes``, and add the ``zuul_aud`` scope to the ``Assigned Default
Client Scopes``.
+Configuring JWT signing algorithms
+.. note::
+ Skip this step if you are using a keycloak version prior to 18.0.
+Due to current limitations with the pyJWT library, Zuul does not support every default
+signing algorithm used by Keycloak.
+Go to `my_realm->Settings->Keys`, then choose `rsa-enc-generated` (this should be mapped
+to "RSA-OAEP") if available. Then set `enabled` to false and save your changes.
(Optional) Set up a social identity provider
diff --git a/doc/source/tutorials/keycloak.rst b/doc/source/tutorials/keycloak.rst
index a6c011eed..5242a4f05 100644
--- a/doc/source/tutorials/keycloak.rst
+++ b/doc/source/tutorials/keycloak.rst
@@ -28,6 +28,15 @@ to `/etc/hosts`. Make sure you have a line that looks like this: localhost keycloak
+If you are using podman, you need to add the following option in $HOME/.config/containers/containers.conf:
+.. code-block::
+ [containers]
+ no_hosts=true
+This way your /etc/hosts settings will not interfere with podman's networking.
Restart Zuul Containers
@@ -37,14 +46,14 @@ that we can update Zuul's configuration to add authentication.
.. code-block:: shell
cd zuul/doc/source/examples
- sudo -E docker-compose -p zuul-tutorial down
+ sudo -E docker-compose-compose -p zuul-tutorial down
Restart the containers with a new Zuul configuration.
.. code-block:: shell
cd zuul/doc/source/examples
- ZUUL_TUTORIAL_CONFIG="./keycloak/etc_zuul/" sudo -E docker-compose -p zuul-tutorial up -d
+ ZUUL_TUTORIAL_CONFIG="./keycloak/etc_zuul/" sudo -E docker-compose-compose -p zuul-tutorial up -d
This tells docker-compose to use these Zuul `config files
@@ -58,7 +67,7 @@ with this command:
.. code-block:: shell
cd zuul/doc/source/examples/keycloak
- sudo -E docker-compose -p zuul-tutorial-keycloak up -d
+ sudo -E docker-compose-compose -p zuul-tutorial-keycloak up -d
Once Keycloak is running, you can visit the web interface at
diff --git a/playbooks/zuul-stream/fixtures/test-stream.yaml b/playbooks/zuul-stream/fixtures/test-stream.yaml
index 05b75daf9..0326ae54e 100644
--- a/playbooks/zuul-stream/fixtures/test-stream.yaml
+++ b/playbooks/zuul-stream/fixtures/test-stream.yaml
@@ -1,3 +1,16 @@
+- name: Start zuul stream daemon
+ hosts: node
+ tasks:
+ # NOTE : when new_console is set, this playbook runs with
+ # ZUUL_CONSOLE_PORT=19887 so that we test with the zuul_console
+ # from the Zuul checkout, and not the one started by test
+ # infrastructure.
+ - name: Start zuul_console on non-default port
+ zuul_console:
+ port: 19887
+ when: new_console | default(false)
- name: Run some commands to show that logging works
hosts: node
@@ -51,3 +64,15 @@
- name: Print binary data
command: echo -e '\x80abc'
+ - name: Find any console log files
+ find:
+ paths: /tmp
+ patterns: 'console-*.log'
+ register: _tmp_files
+ # We check this list in zuul-stream/functional.yaml to make sure
+ # we're cleaning up console log files.
+ - name: Dump tmp files
+ debug:
+ var: _tmp_files
diff --git a/playbooks/zuul-stream/functional.yaml b/playbooks/zuul-stream/functional.yaml
index ee1643fbc..7ae4704a9 100644
--- a/playbooks/zuul-stream/functional.yaml
+++ b/playbooks/zuul-stream/functional.yaml
@@ -7,71 +7,104 @@
# the python version of the platform is changed.
python_path: "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages"
- - name: Run ansible that should succeed
+ - name: Run ansible that should succeed against testing console
command: >
/usr/lib/zuul/ansible/{{ zuul_ansible_version }}/bin/ansible-playbook
+ -e "new_console=true"
+ # Setup by test-stream.yaml so we start a new zuul_console
+ # from this checkout.
ZUUL_JOB_LOG_CONFIG: "{{ ansible_user_dir}}/logging.json"
ZUUL_JOBDIR: "{{ ansible_user_dir}}"
PYTHONPATH: "{{ python_path }}"
+ register: _success_output
- - name: Run ansible playbook that should fail
+ - name: Save raw output to file
+ copy:
+ content: '{{ _success_output.stdout }}'
+ dest: 'console-job-output-success-19887.txt'
+ - name: Save output
+ shell: |
+ mv job-output.txt job-output-success-19887.txt
+ mv job-output.json job-output-success-19887.json
+ - name: Check protocol version
+ assert:
+ that:
+ - "'[node1] Reports streaming version: 1' in _success_output.stdout"
+ # Streamer puts out a line like
+ # [node1] Starting to log 916b2084-4bbb-80e5-248e-000000000016-1-node1 for task TASK: Print binary data
+ # One of the tasks in job-output shows find: results;
+ # the console file for this task should not be there.
+ - name: Validate temporary files removed
+ shell: |
+ for f in $(grep 'Starting to log' console-job-output-success-19887.txt | awk '{print $5}'); do
+ echo "Checking ${f}"
+ if grep -q '"path": "/tmp/console-'${f}'.log"' job-output-success-19887.txt; then
+ echo "*** /tmp/${f}.log still exists"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ done
+ # NOTE(ianw) 2022-07 : we deliberatly have this second step to run
+ # against the console setup by the infrastructure executor in the
+ # job pre playbooks as a backwards compatability sanity check.
+ - name: Run ansible that should succeed against extant console
command: >
/usr/lib/zuul/ansible/{{ zuul_ansible_version }}/bin/ansible-playbook
- src/
- register: failed_results
- failed_when: "failed_results.rc != 2"
+ -e "new_console=false"
+ src/
ZUUL_JOB_LOG_CONFIG: "{{ ansible_user_dir}}/logging.json"
ZUUL_JOBDIR: "{{ ansible_user_dir}}"
PYTHONPATH: "{{ python_path }}"
+ register: _success_output
- - name: Validate output - setupvar
- shell: |
- egrep "^.*\| node1 \|\s+\"setupvar\": {" job-output.txt
- egrep "^.*\| node2 \|\s+\"setupvar\": {" job-output.txt
+ - name: Save raw output to file
+ copy:
+ content: '{{ _success_output.stdout }}'
+ dest: 'console-job-output-success-19885.txt'
- - name: Validate output - shell task
+ - name: Save output
shell: |
- egrep "^.*\| node1 \| 1: lo:" job-output.txt
- egrep "^.*\| node2 \| 1: lo:" job-output.txt
+ mv job-output.txt job-output-success-19885.txt
+ mv job-output.json job-output-success-19885.json
- - name: Validate output - loop with items
- shell: |
- egrep "^.+\| node1 \| ok: Item: item1" job-output.txt
- egrep "^.+\| node1 \| ok: Item: item2" job-output.txt
- egrep "^.+\| node1 \| ok: Item: item3" job-output.txt
- egrep "^.+\| node2 \| ok: Item: item1" job-output.txt
- egrep "^.+\| node2 \| ok: Item: item2" job-output.txt
- egrep "^.+\| node2 \| ok: Item: item3" job-output.txt
+ - name: Validate outputs
+ include_tasks: validate.yaml
+ loop:
+ - job-output-success-19887.txt
+ - job-output-success-19885.txt
- - name: Validate output - loop with complex items
- shell: |
- egrep "^.+\| node1 \| ok: Item: Runtime" job-output.txt
- egrep "^.+\| node2 \| ok: Item: Runtime" job-output.txt
+ # failure case
- - name: Validate output - failed shell task
- shell: |
- egrep "^.+\| node1 \| Exception: Test module failure exception task" job-output.txt
- egrep "^.+\| node2 \| Exception: Test module failure exception task" job-output.txt
+ - name: Run ansible playbook that should fail
+ command: >
+ /usr/lib/zuul/ansible/{{ zuul_ansible_version }}/bin/ansible-playbook
+ src/
+ register: failed_results
+ failed_when: "failed_results.rc != 2"
+ environment:
+ ZUUL_JOB_LOG_CONFIG: "{{ ansible_user_dir}}/logging.json"
+ ZUUL_JOBDIR: "{{ ansible_user_dir}}"
+ PYTHONPATH: "{{ python_path }}"
- - name: Validate output - item loop with exception
+ - name: Save output
shell: |
- egrep "^.+\| node1 \| Exception: Test module failure exception loop" job-output.txt
- egrep "^.+\| node2 \| Exception: Test module failure exception loop" job-output.txt
+ mv job-output.txt job-output-failure.txt
+ mv job-output.json job-output-failure.json
- name: Validate output - failure shell task with exception
shell: |
- egrep "^.+\| node1 \| Exception: Test module failure exception fail-task" job-output.txt
- egrep "^.+\| node2 \| Exception: Test module failure exception fail-task" job-output.txt
+ egrep "^.+\| node1 \| Exception: Test module failure exception fail-task" job-output-failure.txt
+ egrep "^.+\| node2 \| Exception: Test module failure exception fail-task" job-output-failure.txt
- name: Validate output - failure item loop with exception
shell: |
- egrep "^.+\| node1 \| Exception: Test module failure exception fail-loop" job-output.txt
- egrep "^.+\| node2 \| Exception: Test module failure exception fail-loop" job-output.txt
- - name: Validate output - binary data
- shell: |
- egrep "^.*\| node1 \| \\\\x80abc" job-output.txt
- egrep "^.*\| node2 \| \\\\x80abc" job-output.txt
+ egrep "^.+\| node1 \| Exception: Test module failure exception fail-loop" job-output-failure.txt
+ egrep "^.+\| node2 \| Exception: Test module failure exception fail-loop" job-output-failure.txt
diff --git a/playbooks/zuul-stream/post.yaml b/playbooks/zuul-stream/post.yaml
index 2c717a82e..4beb8d1f9 100644
--- a/playbooks/zuul-stream/post.yaml
+++ b/playbooks/zuul-stream/post.yaml
@@ -10,9 +10,6 @@
state: directory
delegate_to: localhost
- - name: Rename job-output.txt
- command: mv job-output.txt stream-job-output.txt
- name: Fetch files
src: "{{ ansible_user_dir }}/{{ item }}"
@@ -21,5 +18,10 @@
- logging.json
- ansible.cfg
- - stream-job-output.txt
- - job-output.json
+ - console-job-output-success-19887.txt
+ - job-output-success-19887.txt
+ - job-output-success-19887.json
+ - job-output-success-19885.txt
+ - job-output-success-19885.json
+ - job-output-failure.txt
+ - job-output-failure.json
diff --git a/playbooks/zuul-stream/validate.yaml b/playbooks/zuul-stream/validate.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..73ccd873a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/playbooks/zuul-stream/validate.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+- name: Validate output - setupvar
+ shell: |
+ egrep "^.*\| node1 \|\s+\"setupvar\": {" {{ item }}
+ egrep "^.*\| node2 \|\s+\"setupvar\": {" {{ item }}
+- name: Validate output - shell task
+ shell: |
+ egrep "^.*\| node1 \| 1: lo:" {{ item }}
+ egrep "^.*\| node2 \| 1: lo:" {{ item }}
+- name: Validate output - loop with items
+ shell: |
+ egrep "^.+\| node1 \| ok: Item: item1" {{ item }}
+ egrep "^.+\| node1 \| ok: Item: item2" {{ item }}
+ egrep "^.+\| node1 \| ok: Item: item3" {{ item }}
+ egrep "^.+\| node2 \| ok: Item: item1" {{ item }}
+ egrep "^.+\| node2 \| ok: Item: item2" {{ item }}
+ egrep "^.+\| node2 \| ok: Item: item3" {{ item }}
+- name: Validate output - loop with complex items
+ shell: |
+ egrep "^.+\| node1 \| ok: Item: Runtime" {{ item }}
+ egrep "^.+\| node2 \| ok: Item: Runtime" {{ item }}
+- name: Validate output - failed shell task
+ shell: |
+ egrep "^.+\| node1 \| Exception: Test module failure exception task" {{ item }}
+ egrep "^.+\| node2 \| Exception: Test module failure exception task" {{ item }}
+- name: Validate output - item loop with exception
+ shell: |
+ egrep "^.+\| node1 \| Exception: Test module failure exception loop" {{ item }}
+ egrep "^.+\| node2 \| Exception: Test module failure exception loop" {{ item }}
+- name: Validate output - binary data
+ shell: |
+ egrep "^.*\| node1 \| \\\\x80abc" {{ item }}
+ egrep "^.*\| node2 \| \\\\x80abc" {{ item }}
diff --git a/tests/remote/ b/tests/remote/
index 1f6b7fff7..1c705127e 100644
--- a/tests/remote/
+++ b/tests/remote/
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ class FunctionalZuulStreamMixIn:
self.log_console_port = 19000 + int(
self.executor_server.log_console_port = self.log_console_port
- self.wait_timeout = 120
+ self.wait_timeout = 180
self.fake_nodepool.remote_ansible = True
ansible_remote = os.environ.get('ZUUL_REMOTE_IPV4')
diff --git a/tests/unit/ b/tests/unit/
index 5e0385be3..66c508fea 100644
--- a/tests/unit/
+++ b/tests/unit/
@@ -226,6 +226,18 @@ class TestSchedulerZoneFallback(ZuulTestCase):
def test_jobs_executed(self):
"Test that jobs are executed and a change is merged per zone"
self.hold_jobs_in_queue = True
+ # Validate that the reported executor stats are correct. Since
+ # the executor accepts zoned and unzoned job it should be counted
+ # in both metrics.
+ self.assertReportedStat(
+ '', value='1', kind='g')
+ self.assertReportedStat(
+ '', value='1', kind='g')
+ self.assertReportedStat(
+ '',
+ value='1', kind='g')
A = self.fake_gerrit.addFakeChange('org/project', 'master', 'A')
A.addApproval('Code-Review', 2)
self.fake_gerrit.addEvent(A.addApproval('Approved', 1))
diff --git a/web/public/openapi.yaml b/web/public/openapi.yaml
index 312a1907e..b101c66e0 100644
--- a/web/public/openapi.yaml
+++ b/web/public/openapi.yaml
@@ -474,11 +474,9 @@ components:
description: The event id
type: string
- description: The list of events ahead
- items:
- type: string
- type: array
- item_behind:
+ description: The event ahead
+ type: string
+ items_behind:
description: The list of events behind
type: string
diff --git a/zuul/ansible/base/callback/ b/zuul/ansible/base/callback/
index 720261cb2..f31983ed6 100644
--- a/zuul/ansible/base/callback/
+++ b/zuul/ansible/base/callback/
@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ from zuul.ansible import paths
from zuul.ansible import logconfig
LOG_STREAM_PORT = int(os.environ.get("ZUUL_CONSOLE_PORT", 19885))
def zuul_filter_result(result):
@@ -103,6 +104,7 @@ class CallbackModule(default.CallbackModule):
self._items_done = False
self._deferred_result = None
self._playbook_name = None
+ self._zuul_console_version = 0
def configure_logger(self):
# ansible appends timestamp, user and pid to the log lines emitted
@@ -129,9 +131,7 @@ class CallbackModule(default.CallbackModule):
- def _read_log(self, host, ip, port, log_id, task_name, hosts):
- self._log("[%s] Starting to log %s for task %s"
- % (host, log_id, task_name), job=False, executor=True)
+ def _read_log_connect(self, host, ip, port):
logger_retries = 0
while True:
@@ -141,6 +141,7 @@ class CallbackModule(default.CallbackModule):
# logs continously. Without this we can easily trip the 5
# second timeout.
+ return s
except socket.timeout:
"Timeout exception waiting for the logger. "
@@ -151,7 +152,7 @@ class CallbackModule(default.CallbackModule):
"Timeout exception waiting for the logger. "
"Please check connectivity to [%s:%s]"
% (ip, port))
- return
+ return None
except Exception:
if logger_retries % 10 == 0:
self._log("[%s] Waiting on logger" % host,
@@ -159,31 +160,77 @@ class CallbackModule(default.CallbackModule):
logger_retries += 1
- msg = "%s\n" % log_id
- s.send(msg.encode("utf-8"))
- buff = s.recv(4096)
- buffering = True
- while buffering:
- if b'\n' in buff:
- (line, buff) = buff.split(b'\n', 1)
- # We can potentially get binary data here. In order to
- # being able to handle that use the backslashreplace
- # error handling method. This decodes unknown utf-8
- # code points to escape sequences which exactly represent
- # the correct data without throwing a decoding exception.
- done = self._log_streamline(
- host, line.decode("utf-8", "backslashreplace"))
- if done:
- return
+ def _read_log(self, host, ip, port, log_id, task_name, hosts):
+ self._log("[%s] Starting to log %s for task %s"
+ % (host, log_id, task_name), job=False, executor=True)
+ s = self._read_log_connect(host, ip, port)
+ if s is None:
+ # Can't connect; _read_log_connect() already logged an
+ # error for us, just bail
+ return
+ # Find out what version we are running against
+ s.send(f'v:{LOG_STREAM_VERSION}\n'.encode('utf-8'))
+ buff = s.recv(1024).decode('utf-8').strip()
+ # NOTE(ianw) 2022-07-21 : zuul_console from < 6.3.0 do not
+ # understand this protocol. They will assume the send
+ # above is a log request and send back the not found
+ # message in a loop. So to handle this we disconnect and
+ # reconnect. When we decide to remove this, we can remove
+ # anything in the "version 0" path.
+ if buff == '[Zuul] Log not found':
+ s.close()
+ s = self._read_log_connect(host, ip, port)
+ if s is None:
+ return
+ else:
+ self._zuul_console_version = int(buff)
+ self._log('[%s] Reports streaming version: %d' %
+ (host, self._zuul_console_version),
+ job=False, executor=True)
+ if self._zuul_console_version >= 1:
+ msg = 's:%s\n' % log_id
+ else:
+ msg = '%s\n' % log_id
+ s.send(msg.encode("utf-8"))
+ buff = s.recv(4096)
+ buffering = True
+ while buffering:
+ if b'\n' in buff:
+ (line, buff) = buff.split(b'\n', 1)
+ # We can potentially get binary data here. In order to
+ # being able to handle that use the backslashreplace
+ # error handling method. This decodes unknown utf-8
+ # code points to escape sequences which exactly represent
+ # the correct data without throwing a decoding exception.
+ done = self._log_streamline(
+ host, line.decode("utf-8", "backslashreplace"))
+ if done:
+ if self._zuul_console_version > 0:
+ try:
+ # reestablish connection and tell console to
+ # clean up
+ s = self._read_log_connect(host, ip, port)
+ s.send(f'f:{log_id}\n'.encode('utf-8'))
+ s.close()
+ except Exception:
+ # Don't worry if this fails
+ pass
+ return
+ else:
+ more = s.recv(4096)
+ if not more:
+ buffering = False
- more = s.recv(4096)
- if not more:
- buffering = False
- else:
- buff += more
- if buff:
- self._log_streamline(
- host, buff.decode("utf-8", "backslashreplace"))
+ buff += more
+ if buff:
+ self._log_streamline(
+ host, buff.decode("utf-8", "backslashreplace"))
def _log_streamline(self, host, line):
if "[Zuul] Task exit code" in line:
diff --git a/zuul/ansible/base/library/ b/zuul/ansible/base/library/
index 9dffbbc3a..aa999cac1 100755
--- a/zuul/ansible/base/library/
+++ b/zuul/ansible/base/library/
@@ -24,6 +24,14 @@ import subprocess
import threading
import time
+# This is the version we report to the zuul_stream callback. It is
+# expected that this (zuul_console) process can be long-lived, so if
+# there are updates this ensures a later streaming callback can still
+# talk to us.
+# This is the template for the file name of the log-file written out
+# by the override command in the executor's Ansible
+# install.
LOG_STREAM_FILE = '/tmp/console-{log_uuid}.log'
@@ -162,15 +170,49 @@ class Server(object):
ret = buffer.decode('utf-8')
x = ret.find('\n')
if x > 0:
- return ret[:x]
+ return ret[:x].strip()
except UnicodeDecodeError:
- def handleOneConnection(self, conn):
- log_uuid = self.get_command(conn)
+ def _clean_uuid(self, log_uuid):
# use path split to make use the input isn't trying to be clever
# and construct some path like /tmp/console-/../../something
- log_uuid = os.path.split(log_uuid.rstrip())[-1]
+ return os.path.split(log_uuid)[-1]
+ def handleOneConnection(self, conn):
+ # V1 protocol
+ # -----------
+ # v:<ver> get version number, <ver> is remote version
+ # s:<uuid> send logs for <uuid>
+ # f:<uuid> finalise/cleanup <uuid>
+ while True:
+ command = self.get_command(conn)
+ if command.startswith('v:'):
+ # NOTE(ianw) : remote sends its version. We currently
+ # don't have anything to do with this value, so ignore
+ # for now.
+ conn.send(cmd.encode('utf-8'))
+ continue
+ elif command.startswith('f:'):
+ log_uuid = self._clean_uuid(command[2:])
+ try:
+ os.unlink(self.path.format(log_uuid=log_uuid))
+ except Exception:
+ # something might have cleaned /tmp
+ pass
+ continue
+ elif command.startswith('s:'):
+ log_uuid = self._clean_uuid(command[2:])
+ break
+ else:
+ # NOTE(ianw): 2022-07-21 In releases < 6.3.0 the streaming
+ # side would just send a raw uuid and nothing else; so by
+ # default assume that is what is coming in here. We can
+ # remove this fallback when we decide it is no longer
+ # necessary.
+ log_uuid = self._clean_uuid(command)
+ break
# FIXME: this won't notice disconnects until it tries to send
console = None
diff --git a/zuul/driver/smtp/ b/zuul/driver/smtp/
index 4815026ab..a5d8938c1 100644
--- a/zuul/driver/smtp/
+++ b/zuul/driver/smtp/
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ class SMTPReporter(BaseReporter):
if 'subject' in self.config:
subject = self.config['subject'].format(
- change=item.change)
+ change=item.change, pipeline=item.pipeline.getSafeAttributes())
subject = "Report for change {change} against {ref}".format(
change=item.change, ref=item.change.ref)
diff --git a/zuul/executor/ b/zuul/executor/
index eac7fa7e5..e00612e9e 100644
--- a/zuul/executor/
+++ b/zuul/executor/
@@ -3157,6 +3157,10 @@ class ExecutorServer(BaseMergeServer):
self.allow_unzoned = get_default(self.config, 'executor',
'allow_unzoned', False)
+ # If this executor has no zone configured it is implicitly unzoned
+ if is None:
+ self.allow_unzoned = True
# Those attributes won't change, so it's enough to set them once on the
# component info. =
diff --git a/zuul/ b/zuul/
index 272235757..dfc922cf1 100644
--- a/zuul/
+++ b/zuul/
@@ -438,12 +438,12 @@ class Scheduler(threading.Thread):
mergers_online = 0
for executor_component in self.component_registry.all("executor"):
- if executor_component.allow_unzoned or not
+ if executor_component.allow_unzoned:
if executor_component.state == BaseComponent.RUNNING:
executors_unzoned_online += 1
if executor_component.accepting_work:
executors_unzoned_accepting += 1
- else:
+ if
zone_stats = zoned_executor_stats.setdefault(,