path: root/doc/source/tenants.rst
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diff --git a/doc/source/tenants.rst b/doc/source/tenants.rst
index 7835eef46..fbbb458a5 100644
--- a/doc/source/tenants.rst
+++ b/doc/source/tenants.rst
@@ -211,6 +211,66 @@ configuration. Some examples of tenant definitions are:
exclude-unprotected-branches. This currently only affects
GitHub and GitLab projects.
+ .. attr:: include-branches
+ A list of regexes matching branches which should be
+ processed. If omitted, all branches are included.
+ Operates after *exclude-unprotected-branches* and so may
+ be used to further reduce the set of branches (but not
+ increase it).
+ It has priority over *exclude-branches*.
+ .. attr:: exclude-branches
+ A list of regexes matching branches which should be
+ processed. If omitted, all branches are included.
+ Operates after *exclude-unprotected-branches* and so may
+ be used to further reduce the set of branches (but not
+ increase it).
+ It will not exclude a branch which already matched
+ *include-branches*.
+ .. attr:: always-dynamic-branches
+ A list of regular expressions matching branches which
+ should be treated as if every change newly proposes
+ dynamic Zuul configuration. In other words, the only time
+ Zuul will realize any configuration related to these
+ branches is during the time it is running jobs for a
+ proposed change.
+ This is potentially useful for situations with large
+ numbers of rarely used feature branches, but comes at the
+ cost of a significant reduction in Zuul features for these
+ branches.
+ Every regular expression listed here will also implicitly
+ be included in *exclude-branches*, therefore Zuul will not
+ load any static in-repo configuration from this branch.
+ These branches will not be available for use in overriding
+ checkouts of repos, nor will they be included in the git
+ repos that Zuul prepares for *required-projects* (unless
+ there is a change in the dependency tree for this branch).
+ In particular, this means that the only jobs which can be
+ specified for these branches are pre-merge and gating jobs
+ (such as :term:`check` and :term:`gate`). No post-merge
+ or periodic jobs will run for these branches.
+ Using this setting also incurs additional processing for
+ each change submitted for these branches as Zuul must
+ recalculate the configuration layout it uses for such a
+ change as if it included a change to a ``zuul.yaml`` file,
+ even if the change does not alter the configuration).
+ With all these caveats in mind, this can be useful for
+ repos with large numbers of rarely used branches as it
+ allows Zuul to omit their configuration in most
+ circumstances and only calculate the configuration of a
+ single additional branch when it is used.
.. attr:: extra-config-paths
Normally Zuul loads in-repo configuration from the first
@@ -363,6 +423,57 @@ configuration. Some examples of tenant definitions are:
to add finer filtering to admin rules, for example filtering by the ``iss``
claim (generally equal to the issuer ID).
+ .. attr:: semaphores
+ A list of names of :attr:`global-semaphore` objects to allow
+ jobs in this tenant to access.
+.. _global_semaphore:
+Global Semaphore
+Semaphores are normally defined in in-repo configuration (see
+:ref:`semaphore`), however to support use-cases where semaphores are
+used to represent constrained global resources that may be used by
+multiple Zuul tenants, semaphores may be defined within the main
+tenant configuration file.
+In order for a job to use a global semaphore, the semaphore must first
+be defined in the tenant configuration file with
+:attr:`global-semaphore` and then added to each tenant which should
+have access to it with :attr:`tenant.semaphores`. Once that is done,
+Zuul jobs may use that semaphore in the same way they would use a
+normal tenant-scoped semaphore.
+If any tenant which is granted access to a global semaphore also has a
+tenant-scoped semaphore defined with the same name, that definition
+will be treated as a configuration error and subsequently ignored in
+favor of the global semaphore.
+An example definition looks similar to the normal semaphore object:
+.. code-block:: yaml
+ - global-semaphore:
+ name: global-semaphore-foo
+ max: 5
+.. attr:: global-semaphore
+ The following attributes are available:
+ .. attr:: name
+ :required:
+ The name of the semaphore, referenced by jobs.
+ .. attr:: max
+ :default: 1
+ The maximum number of running jobs which can use this semaphore.
.. _admin_rule_definition:
Access Rule