- name: Init Test1 include_role: name: init-repository vars: projectname: test1 - name: Copy data to test1 copy: src: ../../doc/source/examples/test1/ dest: "{{ workspace }}/test1/" - name: Commit and upload test change in test1 shell: chdir: "{{ workspace }}/test1/" executable: /bin/bash cmd: | {{ ssh_agent.stdout }} mv zuul.yaml .zuul.yaml git add .zuul.yaml playbooks git commit -m "Add test Zuul job" git review - import_role: name: check-pipeline vars: title: "test job test1" projectname: test1 - name: Save test1 change info set_fact: changetest1: "{{ changeinfo }}" json_query_finger: "messages[?contains(@.message, 'testjob http://')].message | [0]" - name: "Check build URL" assert: that: - (result_json | to_json | from_json | json_query(json_query_finger) | regex_search('(http://[^ ]*)') | length > 0) - name: Configure a Base Job zuul-config copy: src: ../../doc/source/examples/zuul-config/playbooks/base/ dest: "{{ workspace }}/zuul-config/playbooks/base/" - name: Update the base job definition copy: src: ../../doc/source/examples/zuul-config/zuul.d/jobs2.yaml dest: "{{ workspace }}/zuul-config/zuul.d/jobs.yaml" - name: Commit and upload zuul-config shell: chdir: "{{ workspace }}/zuul-config/" executable: /bin/bash cmd: | {{ ssh_agent.stdout }} git add playbooks zuul.d/jobs.yaml git commit -m "Update Zuul base job" git review - include_role: name: change-merged vars: title: "Update Zuul base job" projectname: zuul-config # Remove the label so Zuul will post again Verified+1 which is what # check-pipeline is looking for - include_role: name: remove-verified vars: change_id: "{{ changetest1.id }}" - include_role: name: recheck-change vars: change_id: "{{ changetest1.id }}" - include_role: name: check-pipeline vars: title: "test job test1" projectname: test1 check_number: 2 - name: Find the build URL with regex set_fact: build_url: "{{ result_json | to_json | from_json | json_query(json_query_log_url) | regex_search('-.*(http://[^ ]*)') | regex_search('(http://[^ ]*)') }}" vars: json_query_log_url: "messages[?contains(@.message, 'http://')].message | [1]" - name: Extract build id from build url set_fact: build_uuid: "{{ build_url.split('/')[-1] }}" - name: Find log URL via Zuul API uri: url: "http://localhost:9000/api/tenant/example-tenant/build/{{ build_uuid }}" method: GET return_content: true register: result - name: Fetch log URL get_url: url: "{{ result.json.log_url }}job-output.txt" dest: "{{ workspace }}/job-output.txt" - name: Verify log contents command: "grep 'Hello world!' {{ workspace }}/job-output.txt"