- hosts: controller tasks: - name: Set python path fact set_fact: # This value is used by Ansible to find the zuul.ansible code # that Zuul's ansible plugins consume. It must be updated when # the python version of the platform is changed. python_path: "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages" - name: Run ansible that should succeed against testing console command: > /usr/lib/zuul/ansible/{{ zuul_ansible_version }}/bin/ansible-playbook -e "new_console=true" src/opendev.org/zuul/zuul/playbooks/zuul-stream/fixtures/test-stream.yaml environment: # Setup by test-stream.yaml so we start a new zuul_console # from this checkout. ZUUL_CONSOLE_PORT: 19887 ZUUL_JOB_LOG_CONFIG: "{{ ansible_user_dir}}/logging.json" ZUUL_JOBDIR: "{{ ansible_user_dir}}" PYTHONPATH: "{{ python_path }}" register: _success_output - name: Save raw output to file copy: content: '{{ _success_output.stdout }}' dest: 'console-job-output-success-19887.txt' - name: Save output shell: | mv job-output.txt job-output-success-19887.txt mv job-output.json job-output-success-19887.json # Streamer puts out a line like # [node1] Starting to log 916b2084-4bbb-80e5-248e-000000000016-1-node1 for task TASK: Print binary data # One of the tasks in job-output shows find: results; # the console file for this task should not be there. - name: Validate temporary files removed shell: | for f in $(grep 'Starting to log' console-job-output-success-19887.txt | awk '{print $5}'); do echo "Checking ${f}" if grep -q '"path": "/tmp/console-'${f}'.log"' job-output-success-19887.txt; then echo "*** /tmp/${f}.log still exists" exit 1 fi done # NOTE(ianw) 2022-07 : we deliberatly have this second step to run # against the console setup by the infrastructure executor in the # job pre playbooks as a backwards compatability sanity check. # The py27 container job (node3) is not running an existing # console streamer, so that will not output anything -- limit this # out. - name: Run ansible that should succeed against extant console command: > /usr/lib/zuul/ansible/{{ zuul_ansible_version }}/bin/ansible-playbook -e "new_console=false" --limit="node1,node2" src/opendev.org/zuul/zuul/playbooks/zuul-stream/fixtures/test-stream.yaml environment: ZUUL_JOB_LOG_CONFIG: "{{ ansible_user_dir}}/logging.json" ZUUL_JOBDIR: "{{ ansible_user_dir}}" PYTHONPATH: "{{ python_path }}" register: _success_output - name: Save raw output to file copy: content: '{{ _success_output.stdout }}' dest: 'console-job-output-success-19885.txt' - name: Save output shell: | mv job-output.txt job-output-success-19885.txt mv job-output.json job-output-success-19885.json - name: Validate text outputs include_tasks: validate.yaml loop: - { node: 'node1', filename: 'job-output-success-19887.txt' } - { node: 'node2', filename: 'job-output-success-19887.txt' } - { node: 'node1', filename: 'job-output-success-19885.txt' } - { node: 'node2', filename: 'job-output-success-19885.txt' } # node3 only listen on 19887 - { node: 'node3', filename: 'job-output-success-19887.txt' } # This shows that zuul_console_disabled has activated and set the # UUID to "skip" - name: Validate json output shell: | egrep 'zuul_log_id": "skip"' job-output-success-19885.json egrep 'zuul_log_id": "skip"' job-output-success-19887.json # failure case - name: Run ansible playbook that should fail command: > /usr/lib/zuul/ansible/{{ zuul_ansible_version }}/bin/ansible-playbook src/opendev.org/zuul/zuul/playbooks/zuul-stream/fixtures/test-stream-failure.yaml register: failed_results failed_when: "failed_results.rc != 2" environment: ZUUL_CONSOLE_PORT: 19887 ZUUL_JOB_LOG_CONFIG: "{{ ansible_user_dir}}/logging.json" ZUUL_JOBDIR: "{{ ansible_user_dir}}" PYTHONPATH: "{{ python_path }}" - name: Save output shell: | mv job-output.txt job-output-failure.txt mv job-output.json job-output-failure.json - name: Validate output - failure shell task with exception shell: | egrep "^.+\| node1 \| Exception: Test module failure exception fail-task" job-output-failure.txt egrep "^.+\| node2 \| Exception: Test module failure exception fail-task" job-output-failure.txt egrep "^.+\| node3 \| Exception: Test module failure exception fail-task" job-output-failure.txt - name: Validate output - failure item loop with exception shell: | egrep "^.+\| node1 \| Exception: Test module failure exception fail-loop" job-output-failure.txt egrep "^.+\| node2 \| Exception: Test module failure exception fail-loop" job-output-failure.txt egrep "^.+\| node3 \| Exception: Test module failure exception fail-loop" job-output-failure.txt