--- security: - | A vulnerability which allowed the execution of untrusted code on the executor was fixed. Zuul restricts the Ansible modules and plugins which can be used in the `untrusted` security context (i.e., untrusted projects). It also prohibits running programs on the Zuul executor in the untrusted security context. Ansible 2.8 and later versions support referencing builtin modules using the `ansible.builtin.` alias. Playbooks which use this mechanism can bypass Zuul's security restrictions and run arbitrary local code or otherwise restricted modules. Zuul's use of bubblewrap means that any commands executed via this vulnerability would still be contained within the restricted environment, meaning that they can not access files outside of the build directory or continue running longer than the playbook. But they may have been able to access files within the build directory but outside of the `work/` directory, as well as potentially exploit any kernel or hypervisor privilege escalation vulnerabilities. The Zuul team now considers the restricted Ansible environment to be ineffective as a security mechanism and is developing plans to remove the restrictions and rely entirely on bubblewrap in the future. These changes will occur in a future release of Zuul (likely 6.0.0) and will be preceded by more details about the change.