--- features: - | A new command, ``prune-database`` has been added to `zuul-admin` in order to remove database entries older than a certain age. upgrade: - | A SQL schema migration is added in order to add an ``updated`` column to the buildset table which will be used by the `prune-database` command to determine which buildsets to delete. The migration will attempt to use the most recent timestamp associated with the buildset when initializing this column, however, if no timestamps are available, it will initialize it to 1970-01-01. Since this is considerably before Zuul's birthdate, this means that any buildsets without timestamp information will be pruned the first time `prune-database` is run. It is expected that buildsets with no timestamps, even very recent ones, are typically uninteresting and therefore this should not cause a hardship. If this is not the case for your installation, you may want to inspect the database and change the ``updated`` column to a more recent value in these cases.