# Copyright 2012 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. # Copyright 2016 Red Hat, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import configparser from configparser import ConfigParser from contextlib import contextmanager import copy import datetime import errno import gc import hashlib from io import StringIO import itertools import json import logging import os import queue import random import re from logging import Logger import requests import select import shutil import socket import string import subprocess import sys import tempfile import threading import traceback import time import uuid import socketserver import http.server import urllib.parse import git import gear import fixtures import kazoo.client import kazoo.exceptions import pymysql import psycopg2 import psycopg2.extensions import testtools import testtools.content import testtools.content_type from git.exc import NoSuchPathError import yaml import paramiko from zuul.lib.connections import ConnectionRegistry from psutil import Popen import tests.fakegithub import zuul.driver.gerrit.gerritsource as gerritsource import zuul.driver.gerrit.gerritconnection as gerritconnection import zuul.driver.git.gitwatcher as gitwatcher import zuul.driver.github.githubconnection as githubconnection import zuul.driver.pagure.pagureconnection as pagureconnection import zuul.driver.gitlab.gitlabconnection as gitlabconnection import zuul.driver.github import zuul.driver.sql import zuul.scheduler import zuul.executor.server import zuul.executor.client import zuul.lib.ansible import zuul.lib.connections import zuul.lib.auth import zuul.merger.client import zuul.merger.merger import zuul.merger.server import zuul.model import zuul.nodepool import zuul.rpcclient import zuul.zk import zuul.configloader from zuul.lib.config import get_default from zuul.lib.logutil import get_annotated_logger FIXTURE_DIR = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'fixtures') KEEP_TEMPDIRS = bool(os.environ.get('KEEP_TEMPDIRS', False)) def repack_repo(path): cmd = ['git', '--git-dir=%s/.git' % path, 'repack', '-afd'] output = subprocess.Popen(cmd, close_fds=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) out = output.communicate() if output.returncode: raise Exception("git repack returned %d" % output.returncode) return out def random_sha1(): return hashlib.sha1(str(random.random()).encode('ascii')).hexdigest() def iterate_timeout(max_seconds, purpose): start = time.time() count = 0 while (time.time() < start + max_seconds): count += 1 yield count time.sleep(0.01) raise Exception("Timeout waiting for %s" % purpose) def simple_layout(path, driver='gerrit'): """Specify a layout file for use by a test method. :arg str path: The path to the layout file. :arg str driver: The source driver to use, defaults to gerrit. Some tests require only a very simple configuration. For those, establishing a complete config directory hierachy is too much work. In those cases, you can add a simple zuul.yaml file to the test fixtures directory (in fixtures/layouts/foo.yaml) and use this decorator to indicate the test method should use that rather than the tenant config file specified by the test class. The decorator will cause that layout file to be added to a config-project called "common-config" and each "project" instance referenced in the layout file will have a git repo automatically initialized. """ def decorator(test): test.__simple_layout__ = (path, driver) return test return decorator def never_capture(): """Never capture logs/output Due to high volume, log files are normally captured and attached to the subunit stream only on error. This can make diagnosing some problems difficult. Use this dectorator on a test to indicate that logs and output should not be captured. """ def decorator(test): test.__never_capture__ = True return test return decorator class FakeAnsibleManager(zuul.lib.ansible.AnsibleManager): def validate(self): return True def copyAnsibleFiles(self): pass class GerritChangeReference(git.Reference): _common_path_default = "refs/changes" _points_to_commits_only = True class FakeGerritChange(object): categories = {'Approved': ('Approved', -1, 1), 'Code-Review': ('Code-Review', -2, 2), 'Verified': ('Verified', -2, 2)} def __init__(self, gerrit, number, project, branch, subject, status='NEW', upstream_root=None, files={}, parent=None): self.gerrit = gerrit self.source = gerrit self.reported = 0 self.queried = 0 self.patchsets = [] self.number = number self.project = project self.branch = branch self.subject = subject self.latest_patchset = 0 self.depends_on_change = None self.depends_on_patchset = None self.needed_by_changes = [] self.fail_merge = False self.messages = [] self.comments = [] self.checks = {} self.checks_history = [] self.data = { 'branch': branch, 'comments': self.comments, 'commitMessage': subject, 'createdOn': time.time(), 'id': 'I' + random_sha1(), 'lastUpdated': time.time(), 'number': str(number), 'open': status == 'NEW', 'owner': {'email': 'user@example.com', 'name': 'User Name', 'username': 'username'}, 'patchSets': self.patchsets, 'project': project, 'status': status, 'subject': subject, 'submitRecords': [], 'url': '%s/%s' % (self.gerrit.baseurl.rstrip('/'), number)} self.upstream_root = upstream_root self.addPatchset(files=files, parent=parent) self.data['submitRecords'] = self.getSubmitRecords() self.open = status == 'NEW' def addFakeChangeToRepo(self, msg, files, large, parent): path = os.path.join(self.upstream_root, self.project) repo = git.Repo(path) if parent is None: parent = 'refs/tags/init' ref = GerritChangeReference.create( repo, '1/%s/%s' % (self.number, self.latest_patchset), parent) repo.head.reference = ref zuul.merger.merger.reset_repo_to_head(repo) repo.git.clean('-x', '-f', '-d') path = os.path.join(self.upstream_root, self.project) if not large: for fn, content in files.items(): fn = os.path.join(path, fn) if content is None: os.unlink(fn) repo.index.remove([fn]) else: d = os.path.dirname(fn) if not os.path.exists(d): os.makedirs(d) with open(fn, 'w') as f: f.write(content) repo.index.add([fn]) else: for fni in range(100): fn = os.path.join(path, str(fni)) f = open(fn, 'w') for ci in range(4096): f.write(random.choice(string.printable)) f.close() repo.index.add([fn]) r = repo.index.commit(msg) repo.head.reference = 'master' zuul.merger.merger.reset_repo_to_head(repo) repo.git.clean('-x', '-f', '-d') repo.heads['master'].checkout() return r def addPatchset(self, files=None, large=False, parent=None): self.latest_patchset += 1 if not files: fn = '%s-%s' % (self.branch.replace('/', '_'), self.number) data = ("test %s %s %s\n" % (self.branch, self.number, self.latest_patchset)) files = {fn: data} msg = self.subject + '-' + str(self.latest_patchset) c = self.addFakeChangeToRepo(msg, files, large, parent) ps_files = [{'file': '/COMMIT_MSG', 'type': 'ADDED'}, {'file': 'README', 'type': 'MODIFIED'}] for f in files: ps_files.append({'file': f, 'type': 'ADDED'}) d = {'approvals': [], 'createdOn': time.time(), 'files': ps_files, 'number': str(self.latest_patchset), 'ref': 'refs/changes/1/%s/%s' % (self.number, self.latest_patchset), 'revision': c.hexsha, 'uploader': {'email': 'user@example.com', 'name': 'User name', 'username': 'user'}} self.data['currentPatchSet'] = d self.patchsets.append(d) self.data['submitRecords'] = self.getSubmitRecords() def setCheck(self, checker, reset=False, **kw): if reset: self.checks[checker] = {'state': 'NOT_STARTED', 'created': str(datetime.datetime.now())} chk = self.checks.setdefault(checker, {}) chk['updated'] = str(datetime.datetime.now()) for (key, default) in [ ('state', None), ('repository', self.project), ('change_number', self.number), ('patch_set_id', self.latest_patchset), ('checker_uuid', checker), ('message', None), ('url', None), ('started', None), ('finished', None), ]: val = kw.get(key, chk.get(key, default)) if val is not None: chk[key] = val elif key in chk: del chk[key] self.checks_history.append(copy.deepcopy(self.checks)) def addComment(self, filename, line, message, name, email, username, comment_range=None): comment = { 'file': filename, 'line': int(line), 'reviewer': { 'name': name, 'email': email, 'username': username, }, 'message': message, } if comment_range: comment['range'] = comment_range self.comments.append(comment) def getPatchsetCreatedEvent(self, patchset): event = {"type": "patchset-created", "change": {"project": self.project, "branch": self.branch, "id": "I5459869c07352a31bfb1e7a8cac379cabfcb25af", "number": str(self.number), "subject": self.subject, "owner": {"name": "User Name"}, "url": "https://hostname/3"}, "patchSet": self.patchsets[patchset - 1], "uploader": {"name": "User Name"}} return event def getChangeRestoredEvent(self): event = {"type": "change-restored", "change": {"project": self.project, "branch": self.branch, "id": "I5459869c07352a31bfb1e7a8cac379cabfcb25af", "number": str(self.number), "subject": self.subject, "owner": {"name": "User Name"}, "url": "https://hostname/3"}, "restorer": {"name": "User Name"}, "patchSet": self.patchsets[-1], "reason": ""} return event def getChangeAbandonedEvent(self): event = {"type": "change-abandoned", "change": {"project": self.project, "branch": self.branch, "id": "I5459869c07352a31bfb1e7a8cac379cabfcb25af", "number": str(self.number), "subject": self.subject, "owner": {"name": "User Name"}, "url": "https://hostname/3"}, "abandoner": {"name": "User Name"}, "patchSet": self.patchsets[-1], "reason": ""} return event def getChangeCommentEvent(self, patchset): event = {"type": "comment-added", "change": {"project": self.project, "branch": self.branch, "id": "I5459869c07352a31bfb1e7a8cac379cabfcb25af", "number": str(self.number), "subject": self.subject, "owner": {"name": "User Name"}, "url": "https://hostname/3"}, "patchSet": self.patchsets[patchset - 1], "author": {"name": "User Name"}, "approvals": [{"type": "Code-Review", "description": "Code-Review", "value": "0"}], "comment": "This is a comment"} return event def getChangeMergedEvent(self): event = {"submitter": {"name": "Jenkins", "username": "jenkins"}, "newRev": "29ed3b5f8f750a225c5be70235230e3a6ccb04d9", "patchSet": self.patchsets[-1], "change": self.data, "type": "change-merged", "eventCreatedOn": 1487613810} return event def getRefUpdatedEvent(self): path = os.path.join(self.upstream_root, self.project) repo = git.Repo(path) oldrev = repo.heads[self.branch].commit.hexsha event = { "type": "ref-updated", "submitter": { "name": "User Name", }, "refUpdate": { "oldRev": oldrev, "newRev": self.patchsets[-1]['revision'], "refName": self.branch, "project": self.project, } } return event def addApproval(self, category, value, username='reviewer_john', granted_on=None, message='', tag=None): if not granted_on: granted_on = time.time() approval = { 'description': self.categories[category][0], 'type': category, 'value': str(value), 'by': { 'username': username, 'email': username + '@example.com', }, 'grantedOn': int(granted_on), '__tag': tag, # Not available in ssh api } for i, x in enumerate(self.patchsets[-1]['approvals'][:]): if x['by']['username'] == username and x['type'] == category: del self.patchsets[-1]['approvals'][i] self.patchsets[-1]['approvals'].append(approval) event = {'approvals': [approval], 'author': {'email': 'author@example.com', 'name': 'Patchset Author', 'username': 'author_phil'}, 'change': {'branch': self.branch, 'id': 'Iaa69c46accf97d0598111724a38250ae76a22c87', 'number': str(self.number), 'owner': {'email': 'owner@example.com', 'name': 'Change Owner', 'username': 'owner_jane'}, 'project': self.project, 'subject': self.subject, 'topic': 'master', 'url': 'https://hostname/459'}, 'comment': message, 'patchSet': self.patchsets[-1], 'type': 'comment-added'} self.data['submitRecords'] = self.getSubmitRecords() return json.loads(json.dumps(event)) def getSubmitRecords(self): status = {} for cat in self.categories: status[cat] = 0 for a in self.patchsets[-1]['approvals']: cur = status[a['type']] cat_min, cat_max = self.categories[a['type']][1:] new = int(a['value']) if new == cat_min: cur = new elif abs(new) > abs(cur): cur = new status[a['type']] = cur labels = [] ok = True for typ, cat in self.categories.items(): cur = status[typ] cat_min, cat_max = cat[1:] if cur == cat_min: value = 'REJECT' ok = False elif cur == cat_max: value = 'OK' else: value = 'NEED' ok = False labels.append({'label': cat[0], 'status': value}) if ok: return [{'status': 'OK'}] return [{'status': 'NOT_READY', 'labels': labels}] def setDependsOn(self, other, patchset): self.depends_on_change = other self.depends_on_patchset = patchset d = {'id': other.data['id'], 'number': other.data['number'], 'ref': other.patchsets[patchset - 1]['ref'] } self.data['dependsOn'] = [d] other.needed_by_changes.append((self, len(self.patchsets))) needed = other.data.get('neededBy', []) d = {'id': self.data['id'], 'number': self.data['number'], 'ref': self.patchsets[-1]['ref'], 'revision': self.patchsets[-1]['revision'] } needed.append(d) other.data['neededBy'] = needed def query(self): self.queried += 1 d = self.data.get('dependsOn') if d: d = d[0] if (self.depends_on_change.patchsets[-1]['ref'] == d['ref']): d['isCurrentPatchSet'] = True else: d['isCurrentPatchSet'] = False return json.loads(json.dumps(self.data)) def queryHTTP(self): self.queried += 1 labels = {} for cat in self.categories: labels[cat] = {} for app in self.patchsets[-1]['approvals']: label = labels[app['type']] _, label_min, label_max = self.categories[app['type']] val = int(app['value']) label_all = label.setdefault('all', []) approval = { "value": val, "username": app['by']['username'], "email": app['by']['email'], "date": str(datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(app['grantedOn'])), } if app.get('__tag') is not None: approval['tag'] = app['__tag'] label_all.append(approval) if val == label_min: label['blocking'] = True if 'rejected' not in label: label['rejected'] = app['by'] if val == label_max: if 'approved' not in label: label['approved'] = app['by'] revisions = {} rev = self.patchsets[-1] num = len(self.patchsets) files = {} for f in rev['files']: if f['file'] == '/COMMIT_MSG': continue files[f['file']] = {"status": f['type'][0]} # ADDED -> A parent = '0000000000000000000000000000000000000000' if self.depends_on_change: parent = self.depends_on_change.patchsets[ self.depends_on_patchset - 1]['revision'] revisions[rev['revision']] = { "kind": "REWORK", "_number": num, "created": rev['createdOn'], "uploader": rev['uploader'], "ref": rev['ref'], "commit": { "subject": self.subject, "message": self.data['commitMessage'], "parents": [{ "commit": parent, }] }, "files": files } data = { "id": self.project + '~' + self.branch + '~' + self.data['id'], "project": self.project, "branch": self.branch, "hashtags": [], "change_id": self.data['id'], "subject": self.subject, "status": self.data['status'], "created": self.data['createdOn'], "updated": self.data['lastUpdated'], "_number": self.number, "owner": self.data['owner'], "labels": labels, "current_revision": self.patchsets[-1]['revision'], "revisions": revisions, "requirements": [] } return json.loads(json.dumps(data)) def queryRevisionHTTP(self, revision): for ps in self.patchsets: if ps['revision'] == revision: break else: return None changes = [] if self.depends_on_change: changes.append({ "commit": { "commit": self.depends_on_change.patchsets[ self.depends_on_patchset - 1]['revision'], }, "_change_number": self.depends_on_change.number, "_revision_number": self.depends_on_patchset }) for (needed_by_change, needed_by_patchset) in self.needed_by_changes: changes.append({ "commit": { "commit": needed_by_change.patchsets[ needed_by_patchset - 1]['revision'], }, "_change_number": needed_by_change.number, "_revision_number": needed_by_patchset, }) return {"changes": changes} def setMerged(self): if (self.depends_on_change and self.depends_on_change.data['status'] != 'MERGED'): return if self.fail_merge: return self.data['status'] = 'MERGED' self.open = False path = os.path.join(self.upstream_root, self.project) repo = git.Repo(path) repo.heads[self.branch].commit = \ repo.commit(self.patchsets[-1]['revision']) def setReported(self): self.reported += 1 class GerritWebServer(object): def __init__(self, fake_gerrit): super(GerritWebServer, self).__init__() self.fake_gerrit = fake_gerrit def start(self): fake_gerrit = self.fake_gerrit class Server(http.server.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler): log = logging.getLogger("zuul.test.FakeGerritConnection") review_re = re.compile('/a/changes/(.*?)/revisions/(.*?)/review') submit_re = re.compile('/a/changes/(.*?)/submit') pending_checks_re = re.compile( r'/a/plugins/checks/checks\.pending/\?' r'query=checker:(.*?)\+\(state:(.*?)\)') update_checks_re = re.compile( r'/a/changes/(.*)/revisions/(.*?)/checks/(.*)') list_checkers_re = re.compile('/a/plugins/checks/checkers/') change_re = re.compile(r'/a/changes/(.*)\?o=.*') related_re = re.compile(r'/a/changes/(.*)/revisions/(.*)/related') change_search_re = re.compile(r'/a/changes/\?n=500.*&q=(.*)') version_re = re.compile(r'/a/config/server/version') def do_POST(self): path = self.path self.log.debug("Got POST %s", path) data = self.rfile.read(int(self.headers['Content-Length'])) data = json.loads(data.decode('utf-8')) self.log.debug("Got data %s", data) m = self.review_re.match(path) if m: return self.review(m.group(1), m.group(2), data) m = self.submit_re.match(path) if m: return self.submit(m.group(1), data) m = self.update_checks_re.match(path) if m: return self.update_checks( m.group(1), m.group(2), m.group(3), data) self.send_response(500) self.end_headers() def do_GET(self): path = self.path self.log.debug("Got GET %s", path) m = self.change_re.match(path) if m: return self.get_change(m.group(1)) m = self.related_re.match(path) if m: return self.get_related(m.group(1), m.group(2)) m = self.change_search_re.match(path) if m: return self.get_changes(m.group(1)) m = self.pending_checks_re.match(path) if m: return self.get_pending_checks(m.group(1), m.group(2)) m = self.list_checkers_re.match(path) if m: return self.list_checkers() m = self.version_re.match(path) if m: return self.version() self.send_response(500) self.end_headers() def _404(self): self.send_response(404) self.end_headers() def _get_change(self, change_id): change_id = urllib.parse.unquote(change_id) project, branch, change = change_id.split('~') for c in fake_gerrit.changes.values(): if (c.data['id'] == change and c.data['branch'] == branch and c.data['project'] == project): return c def review(self, change_id, revision, data): change = self._get_change(change_id) if not change: return self._404() message = data['message'] labels = data.get('labels', {}) comments = data.get('robot_comments', data.get('comments', {})) tag = data.get('tag', None) fake_gerrit._test_handle_review( int(change.data['number']), message, False, labels, comments, tag=tag) self.send_response(200) self.end_headers() def submit(self, change_id, data): change = self._get_change(change_id) if not change: return self._404() message = None labels = {} fake_gerrit._test_handle_review( int(change.data['number']), message, True, labels) self.send_response(200) self.end_headers() def update_checks(self, change_id, revision, checker, data): self.log.debug("Update checks %s %s %s", change_id, revision, checker) change = self._get_change(change_id) if not change: return self._404() change.setCheck(checker, **data) self.send_response(200) # TODO: return the real data structure, but zuul # ignores this now. self.end_headers() def get_pending_checks(self, checker, state): self.log.debug("Get pending checks %s %s", checker, state) ret = [] for c in fake_gerrit.changes.values(): if checker not in c.checks: continue patchset_pending_checks = {} if c.checks[checker]['state'] == state: patchset_pending_checks[checker] = { 'state': c.checks[checker]['state'], } if patchset_pending_checks: ret.append({ 'patch_set': { 'repository': c.project, 'change_number': c.number, 'patch_set_id': c.latest_patchset, }, 'pending_checks': patchset_pending_checks, }) self.send_data(ret) def list_checkers(self): self.log.debug("Get checkers") self.send_data(fake_gerrit.fake_checkers) def get_change(self, number): change = fake_gerrit.changes.get(int(number)) if not change: return self._404() self.send_data(change.queryHTTP()) self.end_headers() def get_related(self, number, revision): change = fake_gerrit.changes.get(int(number)) if not change: return self._404() data = change.queryRevisionHTTP(revision) if data is None: return self._404() self.send_data(data) self.end_headers() def get_changes(self, query): self.log.debug("simpleQueryHTTP: %s", query) query = urllib.parse.unquote(query) fake_gerrit.queries.append(query) results = [] if query.startswith('(') and 'OR' in query: query = query[1:-1] for q in query.split(' OR '): for r in fake_gerrit._simpleQuery(q, http=True): if r not in results: results.append(r) else: results = fake_gerrit._simpleQuery(query, http=True) self.send_data(results) self.end_headers() def version(self): self.send_data('3.0.0-some-stuff') self.end_headers() def send_data(self, data): data = json.dumps(data).encode('utf-8') data = b")]}'\n" + data self.send_response(200) self.send_header('Content-Type', 'application/json') self.send_header('Content-Length', len(data)) self.end_headers() self.wfile.write(data) def log_message(self, fmt, *args): self.log.debug(fmt, *args) self.httpd = socketserver.ThreadingTCPServer(('', 0), Server) self.port = self.httpd.socket.getsockname()[1] self.thread = threading.Thread(name='GerritWebServer', target=self.httpd.serve_forever) self.thread.daemon = True self.thread.start() def stop(self): self.httpd.shutdown() self.thread.join() class FakeGerritPoller(gerritconnection.GerritPoller): """A Fake Gerrit poller for use in tests. This subclasses :py:class:`~zuul.connection.gerrit.GerritPoller`. """ poll_interval = 1 def _run(self, *args, **kw): r = super(FakeGerritPoller, self)._run(*args, **kw) # Set the event so tests can confirm that the poller has run # after they changed something. self.connection._poller_event.set() return r class FakeGerritRefWatcher(gitwatcher.GitWatcher): """A Fake Gerrit ref watcher. This subclasses :py:class:`~zuul.connection.git.GitWatcher`. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kw): super(FakeGerritRefWatcher, self).__init__(*args, **kw) self.baseurl = self.connection.upstream_root self.poll_delay = 1 def _run(self, *args, **kw): r = super(FakeGerritRefWatcher, self)._run(*args, **kw) # Set the event so tests can confirm that the watcher has run # after they changed something. self.connection._ref_watcher_event.set() return r class FakeGerritConnection(gerritconnection.GerritConnection): """A Fake Gerrit connection for use in tests. This subclasses :py:class:`~zuul.connection.gerrit.GerritConnection` to add the ability for tests to add changes to the fake Gerrit it represents. """ log = logging.getLogger("zuul.test.FakeGerritConnection") _poller_class = FakeGerritPoller _ref_watcher_class = FakeGerritRefWatcher def __init__(self, driver, connection_name, connection_config, changes_db=None, upstream_root=None, poller_event=None, ref_watcher_event=None): if connection_config.get('password'): self.web_server = GerritWebServer(self) self.web_server.start() url = 'http://localhost:%s' % self.web_server.port connection_config['baseurl'] = url else: self.web_server = None super(FakeGerritConnection, self).__init__(driver, connection_name, connection_config) self.event_queue = queue.Queue() self.fixture_dir = os.path.join(FIXTURE_DIR, 'gerrit') self.change_number = 0 self.changes = changes_db self.queries = [] self.upstream_root = upstream_root self.fake_checkers = [] self._poller_event = poller_event self._ref_watcher_event = ref_watcher_event def addFakeChecker(self, **kw): self.fake_checkers.append(kw) def addFakeChange(self, project, branch, subject, status='NEW', files=None, parent=None): """Add a change to the fake Gerrit.""" self.change_number += 1 c = FakeGerritChange(self, self.change_number, project, branch, subject, upstream_root=self.upstream_root, status=status, files=files, parent=parent) self.changes[self.change_number] = c return c def addFakeTag(self, project, branch, tag): path = os.path.join(self.upstream_root, project) repo = git.Repo(path) commit = repo.heads[branch].commit newrev = commit.hexsha ref = 'refs/tags/' + tag git.Tag.create(repo, tag, commit) event = { "type": "ref-updated", "submitter": { "name": "User Name", }, "refUpdate": { "oldRev": 40 * '0', "newRev": newrev, "refName": ref, "project": project, } } return event def getFakeBranchCreatedEvent(self, project, branch): path = os.path.join(self.upstream_root, project) repo = git.Repo(path) oldrev = 40 * '0' event = { "type": "ref-updated", "submitter": { "name": "User Name", }, "refUpdate": { "oldRev": oldrev, "newRev": repo.heads[branch].commit.hexsha, "refName": 'refs/heads/' + branch, "project": project, } } return event def getFakeBranchDeletedEvent(self, project, branch): oldrev = '4abd38457c2da2a72d4d030219ab180ecdb04bf0' newrev = 40 * '0' event = { "type": "ref-updated", "submitter": { "name": "User Name", }, "refUpdate": { "oldRev": oldrev, "newRev": newrev, "refName": 'refs/heads/' + branch, "project": project, } } return event def review(self, item, message, submit, labels, checks_api, file_comments, zuul_event_id=None): if self.web_server: return super(FakeGerritConnection, self).review( item, message, submit, labels, checks_api, file_comments, zuul_event_id) self._test_handle_review(int(item.change.number), message, submit, labels) def _test_handle_review(self, change_number, message, submit, labels, file_comments=None, tag=None): # Handle a review action from a test change = self.changes[change_number] # Add the approval back onto the change (ie simulate what gerrit would # do). # Usually when zuul leaves a review it'll create a feedback loop where # zuul's review enters another gerrit event (which is then picked up by # zuul). However, we can't mimic this behaviour (by adding this # approval event into the queue) as it stops jobs from checking what # happens before this event is triggered. If a job needs to see what # happens they can add their own verified event into the queue. # Nevertheless, we can update change with the new review in gerrit. for cat in labels: change.addApproval(cat, labels[cat], username=self.user, tag=tag) if message: change.messages.append(message) if file_comments: for filename, commentlist in file_comments.items(): for comment in commentlist: change.addComment(filename, comment['line'], comment['message'], 'Zuul', 'zuul@example.com', self.user, comment.get('range')) if submit: change.setMerged() if message: change.setReported() def queryChangeSSH(self, number, event=None): self.log.debug("Query change SSH: %s", number) change = self.changes.get(int(number)) if change: return change.query() return {} def _simpleQuery(self, query, http=False): if http: def queryMethod(change): return change.queryHTTP() else: def queryMethod(change): return change.query() # the query can be in parenthesis so strip them if needed if query.startswith('('): query = query[1:-1] if query.startswith('change:'): # Query a specific changeid changeid = query[len('change:'):] l = [queryMethod(change) for change in self.changes.values() if (change.data['id'] == changeid or change.data['number'] == changeid)] elif query.startswith('message:'): # Query the content of a commit message msg = query[len('message:'):].strip() # Remove quoting if it is there if msg.startswith('{') and msg.endswith('}'): msg = msg[1:-1] l = [queryMethod(change) for change in self.changes.values() if msg in change.data['commitMessage']] else: # Query all open changes l = [queryMethod(change) for change in self.changes.values()] return l def simpleQuerySSH(self, query, event=None): log = get_annotated_logger(self.log, event) log.debug("simpleQuerySSH: %s", query) self.queries.append(query) results = [] if query.startswith('(') and 'OR' in query: query = query[1:-1] for q in query.split(' OR '): for r in self._simpleQuery(q): if r not in results: results.append(r) else: results = self._simpleQuery(query) return results def _start_watcher_thread(self, *args, **kw): pass def _uploadPack(self, project): ret = ('00a31270149696713ba7e06f1beb760f20d359c4abed HEAD\x00' 'multi_ack thin-pack side-band side-band-64k ofs-delta ' 'shallow no-progress include-tag multi_ack_detailed no-done\n') path = os.path.join(self.upstream_root, project.name) repo = git.Repo(path) for ref in repo.refs: if ref.path.endswith('.lock'): # don't treat lockfiles as ref continue r = ref.object.hexsha + ' ' + ref.path + '\n' ret += '%04x%s' % (len(r) + 4, r) ret += '0000' return ret def getGitUrl(self, project): return 'file://' + os.path.join(self.upstream_root, project.name) class PagureChangeReference(git.Reference): _common_path_default = "refs/pull" _points_to_commits_only = True class FakePagurePullRequest(object): log = logging.getLogger("zuul.test.FakePagurePullRequest") def __init__(self, pagure, number, project, branch, subject, upstream_root, files=[], number_of_commits=1, initial_comment=None): self.pagure = pagure self.source = pagure self.number = number self.project = project self.branch = branch self.subject = subject self.upstream_root = upstream_root self.number_of_commits = 0 self.status = 'Open' self.initial_comment = initial_comment self.uuid = uuid.uuid4().hex self.comments = [] self.flags = [] self.files = {} self.tags = [] self.cached_merge_status = '' self.threshold_reached = False self.commit_stop = None self.commit_start = None self.threshold_reached = False self.upstream_root = upstream_root self.cached_merge_status = 'MERGE' self.url = "https://%s/%s/pull-request/%s" % ( self.pagure.server, self.project, self.number) self.is_merged = False self.pr_ref = self._createPRRef() self._addCommitInPR(files=files) self._updateTimeStamp() def _getPullRequestEvent(self, action, pull_data_field='pullrequest'): name = 'pg_pull_request' data = { 'msg': { pull_data_field: { 'branch': self.branch, 'comments': self.comments, 'commit_start': self.commit_start, 'commit_stop': self.commit_stop, 'date_created': '0', 'tags': self.tags, 'initial_comment': self.initial_comment, 'id': self.number, 'project': { 'fullname': self.project, }, 'status': self.status, 'subject': self.subject, 'uid': self.uuid, } }, 'msg_id': str(uuid.uuid4()), 'timestamp': 1427459070, 'topic': action } if action == 'pull-request.flag.added': data['msg']['flag'] = self.flags[0] if action == 'pull-request.tag.added': data['msg']['tags'] = self.tags return (name, data) def getPullRequestOpenedEvent(self): return self._getPullRequestEvent('pull-request.new') def getPullRequestClosedEvent(self, merged=True): if merged: self.is_merged = True self.status = 'Merged' else: self.is_merged = False self.status = 'Closed' return self._getPullRequestEvent('pull-request.closed') def getPullRequestUpdatedEvent(self): self._addCommitInPR() self.addComment( "**1 new commit added**\n\n * ``Bump``\n", True) return self._getPullRequestEvent('pull-request.comment.added') def getPullRequestCommentedEvent(self, message): self.addComment(message) return self._getPullRequestEvent('pull-request.comment.added') def getPullRequestInitialCommentEvent(self, message): self.initial_comment = message self._updateTimeStamp() return self._getPullRequestEvent('pull-request.initial_comment.edited') def getPullRequestTagAddedEvent(self, tags, reset=True): if reset: self.tags = [] _tags = set(self.tags) _tags.update(set(tags)) self.tags = list(_tags) self.addComment( "**Metadata Update from @pingou**:\n- " + "Pull-request tagged with: %s" % ', '.join(tags), True) self._updateTimeStamp() return self._getPullRequestEvent( 'pull-request.tag.added', pull_data_field='pull_request') def getPullRequestStatusSetEvent(self, status): self.addFlag( status, "https://url", "Build %s" % status) return self._getPullRequestEvent('pull-request.flag.added') def addFlag(self, status, url, comment, username="Pingou"): flag = { "username": username, "comment": comment, "status": status, "url": url } self.flags.insert(0, flag) self._updateTimeStamp() def editInitialComment(self, initial_comment): self.initial_comment = initial_comment self._updateTimeStamp() def addComment(self, message, notification=False, fullname=None): self.comments.append({ 'comment': message, 'notification': notification, 'date_created': str(int(time.time())), 'user': { 'fullname': fullname or 'Pingou' }} ) self._updateTimeStamp() def getPRReference(self): return '%s/head' % self.number def _getRepo(self): repo_path = os.path.join(self.upstream_root, self.project) return git.Repo(repo_path) def _createPRRef(self): repo = self._getRepo() return PagureChangeReference.create( repo, self.getPRReference(), 'refs/tags/init') def addCommit(self, files=[]): """Adds a commit on top of the actual PR head.""" self._addCommitInPR(files=files) self._updateTimeStamp() def forcePush(self, files=[]): """Clears actual commits and add a commit on top of the base.""" self._addCommitInPR(files=files, reset=True) self._updateTimeStamp() def _addCommitInPR(self, files=[], reset=False): repo = self._getRepo() ref = repo.references[self.getPRReference()] if reset: self.number_of_commits = 0 ref.set_object('refs/tags/init') self.number_of_commits += 1 repo.head.reference = ref repo.git.clean('-x', '-f', '-d') if files: self.files = files else: fn = '%s-%s' % (self.branch.replace('/', '_'), self.number) self.files = {fn: "test %s %s\n" % (self.branch, self.number)} msg = self.subject + '-' + str(self.number_of_commits) for fn, content in self.files.items(): fn = os.path.join(repo.working_dir, fn) with open(fn, 'w') as f: f.write(content) repo.index.add([fn]) self.commit_stop = repo.index.commit(msg).hexsha if not self.commit_start: self.commit_start = self.commit_stop repo.create_head(self.getPRReference(), self.commit_stop, force=True) self.pr_ref.set_commit(self.commit_stop) repo.head.reference = 'master' repo.git.clean('-x', '-f', '-d') repo.heads['master'].checkout() def _updateTimeStamp(self): self.last_updated = str(int(time.time())) class FakePagureAPIClient(pagureconnection.PagureAPIClient): log = logging.getLogger("zuul.test.FakePagureAPIClient") def __init__(self, baseurl, api_token, project, token_exp_date=None, pull_requests_db={}): super(FakePagureAPIClient, self).__init__( baseurl, api_token, project, token_exp_date) self.session = None self.pull_requests = pull_requests_db self.return_post_error = None def gen_error(self, verb, custom_only=False): if verb == 'POST' and self.return_post_error: return { 'error': self.return_post_error['error'], 'error_code': self.return_post_error['error_code'] }, 401, "", 'POST' self.return_post_error = None if not custom_only: return { 'error': 'some error', 'error_code': 'some error code' }, 503, "", verb def _get_pr(self, match): project, number = match.groups() pr = self.pull_requests.get(project, {}).get(number) if not pr: return self.gen_error("GET") return pr def get(self, url): self.log.debug("Getting resource %s ..." % url) match = re.match(r'.+/api/0/(.+)/pull-request/(\d+)$', url) if match: pr = self._get_pr(match) return { 'branch': pr.branch, 'subject': pr.subject, 'status': pr.status, 'initial_comment': pr.initial_comment, 'last_updated': pr.last_updated, 'comments': pr.comments, 'commit_stop': pr.commit_stop, 'threshold_reached': pr.threshold_reached, 'cached_merge_status': pr.cached_merge_status, 'tags': pr.tags, }, 200, "", "GET" match = re.match(r'.+/api/0/(.+)/pull-request/(\d+)/flag$', url) if match: pr = self._get_pr(match) return {'flags': pr.flags}, 200, "", "GET" match = re.match('.+/api/0/(.+)/git/branches$', url) if match: # project = match.groups()[0] return {'branches': ['master']}, 200, "", "GET" match = re.match(r'.+/api/0/(.+)/pull-request/(\d+)/diffstats$', url) if match: pr = self._get_pr(match) return pr.files, 200, "", "GET" def post(self, url, params=None): self.log.info( "Posting on resource %s, params (%s) ..." % (url, params)) # Will only match if return_post_error is set err = self.gen_error("POST", custom_only=True) if err: return err match = re.match(r'.+/api/0/(.+)/pull-request/(\d+)/merge$', url) if match: pr = self._get_pr(match) pr.status = 'Merged' pr.is_merged = True return {}, 200, "", "POST" if not params: return self.gen_error("POST") match = re.match(r'.+/api/0/(.+)/pull-request/(\d+)/flag$', url) if match: pr = self._get_pr(match) pr.flags.insert(0, params) match = re.match(r'.+/api/0/(.+)/pull-request/(\d+)/comment$', url) if match: pr = self._get_pr(match) pr.addComment(params['comment']) return {}, 200, "", "POST" class FakePagureConnection(pagureconnection.PagureConnection): log = logging.getLogger("zuul.test.FakePagureConnection") def __init__(self, driver, connection_name, connection_config, rpcclient, changes_db=None, upstream_root=None): super(FakePagureConnection, self).__init__(driver, connection_name, connection_config) self.connection_name = connection_name self.pr_number = 0 self.pull_requests = changes_db self.statuses = {} self.upstream_root = upstream_root self.reports = [] self.rpcclient = rpcclient self.cloneurl = self.upstream_root self.connectors = {} def _refresh_project_connectors(self, project): connector = self.connectors.setdefault( project, {'api_client': None, 'webhook_token': None}) api_token_exp_date = int(time.time()) + 60 * 24 * 3600 connector['api_client'] = FakePagureAPIClient( self.baseurl, "fake_api_token-%s" % project, project, token_exp_date=api_token_exp_date, pull_requests_db=self.pull_requests) connector['webhook_token'] = "fake_webhook_token-%s" % project return connector def emitEvent(self, event, use_zuulweb=False, project=None): name, payload = event secret = 'fake_webhook_token-%s' % project if use_zuulweb: payload = json.dumps(payload).encode('utf-8') signature, _ = pagureconnection._sign_request(payload, secret) headers = {'x-pagure-signature': signature, 'x-pagure-project': project} return requests.post( '' % (self.zuul_web_port, self.connection_name), data=payload, headers=headers) else: job = self.rpcclient.submitJob( 'pagure:%s:payload' % self.connection_name, {'payload': payload}) return json.loads(job.data[0]) def openFakePullRequest(self, project, branch, subject, files=[], initial_comment=None): self.pr_number += 1 pull_request = FakePagurePullRequest( self, self.pr_number, project, branch, subject, self.upstream_root, files=files, initial_comment=initial_comment) self.pull_requests.setdefault( project, {})[str(self.pr_number)] = pull_request return pull_request def getGitReceiveEvent(self, project): name = 'pg_push' repo_path = os.path.join(self.upstream_root, project) repo = git.Repo(repo_path) headsha = repo.head.commit.hexsha data = { 'msg': { 'project_fullname': project, 'branch': 'master', 'end_commit': headsha, 'old_commit': '1' * 40, }, 'msg_id': str(uuid.uuid4()), 'timestamp': 1427459070, 'topic': 'git.receive', } return (name, data) def getGitTagCreatedEvent(self, project, tag, rev): name = 'pg_push' data = { 'msg': { 'project_fullname': project, 'tag': tag, 'rev': rev }, 'msg_id': str(uuid.uuid4()), 'timestamp': 1427459070, 'topic': 'git.tag.creation', } return (name, data) def getGitBranchEvent(self, project, branch, type, rev): name = 'pg_push' data = { 'msg': { 'project_fullname': project, 'branch': branch, 'rev': rev, }, 'msg_id': str(uuid.uuid4()), 'timestamp': 1427459070, 'topic': 'git.branch.%s' % type, } return (name, data) def setZuulWebPort(self, port): self.zuul_web_port = port class FakeGitlabConnection(gitlabconnection.GitlabConnection): log = logging.getLogger("zuul.test.FakeGitlabConnection") def __init__(self, driver, connection_name, connection_config, rpcclient, changes_db=None, upstream_root=None): super(FakeGitlabConnection, self).__init__(driver, connection_name, connection_config) self.merge_requests = changes_db self.gl_client = FakeGitlabAPIClient( self.baseurl, self.api_token, merge_requests_db=changes_db) self.rpcclient = rpcclient self.upstream_root = upstream_root self.mr_number = 0 def getGitUrl(self, project): return 'file://' + os.path.join(self.upstream_root, project.name) def openFakeMergeRequest(self, project, branch, title, description='', files=[]): self.mr_number += 1 merge_request = FakeGitlabMergeRequest( self, self.mr_number, project, branch, title, self.upstream_root, files=files, description=description) self.merge_requests.setdefault( project, {})[str(self.mr_number)] = merge_request return merge_request def emitEvent(self, event, use_zuulweb=False, project=None): name, payload = event if use_zuulweb: payload = json.dumps(payload).encode('utf-8') headers = {'x-gitlab-token': self.webhook_token} return requests.post( '' % (self.zuul_web_port, self.connection_name), data=payload, headers=headers) else: job = self.rpcclient.submitJob( 'gitlab:%s:payload' % self.connection_name, {'payload': payload}) return json.loads(job.data[0]) def setZuulWebPort(self, port): self.zuul_web_port = port class FakeGitlabAPIClient(gitlabconnection.GitlabAPIClient): log = logging.getLogger("zuul.test.FakeGitlabAPIClient") def __init__(self, baseurl, api_token, merge_requests_db={}): super(FakeGitlabAPIClient, self).__init__(baseurl, api_token) self.merge_requests = merge_requests_db def gen_error(self, verb): return { 'message': 'some error', }, 503, "", verb def _get_mr(self, match): project, number = match.groups() project = urllib.parse.unquote(project) mr = self.merge_requests.get(project, {}).get(number) if not mr: return self.gen_error("GET") return mr def get(self, url, zuul_event_id=None): log = get_annotated_logger(self.log, zuul_event_id) log.debug("Getting resource %s ..." % url) match = re.match(r'.+/projects/(.+)/merge_requests/(\d+)$', url) if match: mr = self._get_mr(match) return { 'target_branch': mr.branch, 'title': mr.title, 'state': mr.state, 'description': mr.description, 'updated_at': mr.updated_at.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ'), 'sha': mr.patch_number, 'labels': mr.labels, 'merged_at': mr.merged_at, 'merge_status': mr.merge_status, }, 200, "", "GET" match = re.match('.+/projects/(.+)/repository/branches$', url) if match: return [{'name': 'master'}], 200, "", "GET" def post(self, url, params=None, zuul_event_id=None): self.log.info( "Posting on resource %s, params (%s) ..." % (url, params)) match = re.match(r'.+/projects/(.+)/merge_requests/(\d+)/notes$', url) if match: mr = self._get_mr(match) mr.addNote(params['body']) return {}, 200, "", "POST" class GitlabChangeReference(git.Reference): _common_path_default = "refs/merge-requests" _points_to_commits_only = True class FakeGitlabMergeRequest(object): log = logging.getLogger("zuul.test.FakeGitlabMergeRequest") def __init__(self, gitlab, number, project, branch, title, upstream_root, files=[], description=''): self.gitlab = gitlab self.source = gitlab self.number = number self.project = project self.branch = branch self.title = title self.description = description self.upstream_root = upstream_root self.number_of_commits = 0 self.created_at = datetime.datetime.now() self.updated_at = self.created_at self.merged_at = None self.patch_number = None self.state = 'opened' self.merge_status = 'can_be_merged' self.uuid = uuid.uuid4().hex self.labels = [] self.notes = [] self.upstream_root = upstream_root self.url = "https://%s/%s/merge_requests/%s" % ( self.gitlab.server, urllib.parse.quote_plus( self.project), self.number) self.is_merged = False self.mr_ref = self._createMRRef() self._addCommitInMR(files=files) def _getRepo(self): repo_path = os.path.join(self.upstream_root, self.project) return git.Repo(repo_path) def _createMRRef(self): repo = self._getRepo() return GitlabChangeReference.create( repo, self.getMRReference(), 'refs/tags/init') def getMRReference(self): return '%s/head' % self.number def addNote(self, body): self.notes.append( { "body": body, "created_at": datetime.datetime.now(), } ) def _addCommitInMR(self, files=[], reset=False): repo = self._getRepo() ref = repo.references[self.getMRReference()] if reset: self.number_of_commits = 0 ref.set_object('refs/tags/init') self.number_of_commits += 1 repo.head.reference = ref repo.git.clean('-x', '-f', '-d') if files: self.files = files else: fn = '%s-%s' % (self.branch.replace('/', '_'), self.number) self.files = {fn: "test %s %s\n" % (self.branch, self.number)} msg = self.title + '-' + str(self.number_of_commits) for fn, content in self.files.items(): fn = os.path.join(repo.working_dir, fn) with open(fn, 'w') as f: f.write(content) repo.index.add([fn]) self.patch_number = repo.index.commit(msg).hexsha repo.create_head(self.getMRReference(), self.patch_number, force=True) self.mr_ref.set_commit(self.patch_number) repo.head.reference = 'master' repo.git.clean('-x', '-f', '-d') repo.heads['master'].checkout() def _updateTimeStamp(self): self.updated_at = datetime.datetime.now() def getMergeRequestOpenedEvent(self): name = 'gl_merge_request' data = { 'object_kind': 'merge_request', 'project': { 'path_with_namespace': self.project }, 'object_attributes': { 'title': self.title, 'created_at': self.created_at.strftime( '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S UTC'), 'updated_at': self.updated_at.strftime( '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S UTC'), 'iid': self.number, 'target_branch': self.branch, 'last_commit': { 'id': self.patch_number, } }, } return (name, data) def getMergeRequestCommentedEvent(self, note): self.addNote(note) note_date = self.notes[-1]['created_at'].strftime( '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S UTC') name = 'gl_merge_request' data = { 'object_kind': 'note', 'project': { 'path_with_namespace': self.project }, 'merge_request': { 'title': self.title, 'iid': self.number, 'target_branch': self.branch, 'last_commit': { 'id': self.patch_number, }, }, 'object_attributes': { 'created_at': note_date, 'updated_at': note_date, 'note': self.notes[-1]['body'], }, } return (name, data) class GithubChangeReference(git.Reference): _common_path_default = "refs/pull" _points_to_commits_only = True class FakeGithubPullRequest(object): def __init__(self, github, number, project, branch, subject, upstream_root, files=[], number_of_commits=1, writers=[], body=None, draft=False): """Creates a new PR with several commits. Sends an event about opened PR.""" self.github = github self.source = github self.number = number self.project = project self.branch = branch self.subject = subject self.body = body self.draft = draft self.number_of_commits = 0 self.upstream_root = upstream_root self.files = [] self.comments = [] self.labels = [] self.statuses = {} self.reviews = [] self.writers = [] self.admins = [] self.updated_at = None self.head_sha = None self.is_merged = False self.merge_message = None self.state = 'open' self.url = 'https://%s/%s/pull/%s' % (github.server, project, number) self._createPRRef() self._addCommitToRepo(files=files) self._updateTimeStamp() def addCommit(self, files=[]): """Adds a commit on top of the actual PR head.""" self._addCommitToRepo(files=files) self._updateTimeStamp() def forcePush(self, files=[]): """Clears actual commits and add a commit on top of the base.""" self._addCommitToRepo(files=files, reset=True) self._updateTimeStamp() def getPullRequestOpenedEvent(self): return self._getPullRequestEvent('opened') def getPullRequestSynchronizeEvent(self): return self._getPullRequestEvent('synchronize') def getPullRequestReopenedEvent(self): return self._getPullRequestEvent('reopened') def getPullRequestClosedEvent(self): return self._getPullRequestEvent('closed') def getPullRequestEditedEvent(self): return self._getPullRequestEvent('edited') def addComment(self, message): self.comments.append(message) self._updateTimeStamp() def getIssueCommentAddedEvent(self, text): name = 'issue_comment' data = { 'action': 'created', 'issue': { 'number': self.number }, 'comment': { 'body': text }, 'repository': { 'full_name': self.project }, 'sender': { 'login': 'ghuser' } } return (name, data) def getCommentAddedEvent(self, text): name, data = self.getIssueCommentAddedEvent(text) # A PR comment has an additional 'pull_request' key in the issue data data['issue']['pull_request'] = { 'url': 'http://%s/api/v3/repos/%s/pull/%s' % ( self.github.server, self.project, self.number) } return (name, data) def getReviewAddedEvent(self, review): name = 'pull_request_review' data = { 'action': 'submitted', 'pull_request': { 'number': self.number, 'title': self.subject, 'updated_at': self.updated_at, 'base': { 'ref': self.branch, 'repo': { 'full_name': self.project } }, 'head': { 'sha': self.head_sha } }, 'review': { 'state': review }, 'repository': { 'full_name': self.project }, 'sender': { 'login': 'ghuser' } } return (name, data) def addLabel(self, name): if name not in self.labels: self.labels.append(name) self._updateTimeStamp() return self._getLabelEvent(name) def removeLabel(self, name): if name in self.labels: self.labels.remove(name) self._updateTimeStamp() return self._getUnlabelEvent(name) def _getLabelEvent(self, label): name = 'pull_request' data = { 'action': 'labeled', 'pull_request': { 'number': self.number, 'updated_at': self.updated_at, 'base': { 'ref': self.branch, 'repo': { 'full_name': self.project } }, 'head': { 'sha': self.head_sha } }, 'label': { 'name': label }, 'sender': { 'login': 'ghuser' } } return (name, data) def _getUnlabelEvent(self, label): name = 'pull_request' data = { 'action': 'unlabeled', 'pull_request': { 'number': self.number, 'title': self.subject, 'updated_at': self.updated_at, 'base': { 'ref': self.branch, 'repo': { 'full_name': self.project } }, 'head': { 'sha': self.head_sha, 'repo': { 'full_name': self.project } } }, 'label': { 'name': label }, 'sender': { 'login': 'ghuser' } } return (name, data) def editBody(self, body): self.body = body self._updateTimeStamp() def _getRepo(self): repo_path = os.path.join(self.upstream_root, self.project) return git.Repo(repo_path) def _createPRRef(self): repo = self._getRepo() GithubChangeReference.create( repo, self.getPRReference(), 'refs/tags/init') def _addCommitToRepo(self, files=[], reset=False): repo = self._getRepo() ref = repo.references[self.getPRReference()] if reset: self.number_of_commits = 0 ref.set_object('refs/tags/init') self.number_of_commits += 1 repo.head.reference = ref zuul.merger.merger.reset_repo_to_head(repo) repo.git.clean('-x', '-f', '-d') if files: self.files = files else: fn = '%s-%s' % (self.branch.replace('/', '_'), self.number) self.files = {fn: "test %s %s\n" % (self.branch, self.number)} msg = self.subject + '-' + str(self.number_of_commits) for fn, content in self.files.items(): fn = os.path.join(repo.working_dir, fn) with open(fn, 'w') as f: f.write(content) repo.index.add([fn]) self.head_sha = repo.index.commit(msg).hexsha repo.create_head(self.getPRReference(), self.head_sha, force=True) # Create an empty set of statuses for the given sha, # each sha on a PR may have a status set on it self.statuses[self.head_sha] = [] repo.head.reference = 'master' zuul.merger.merger.reset_repo_to_head(repo) repo.git.clean('-x', '-f', '-d') repo.heads['master'].checkout() def _updateTimeStamp(self): self.updated_at = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ', time.localtime()) def getPRHeadSha(self): repo = self._getRepo() return repo.references[self.getPRReference()].commit.hexsha def addReview(self, user, state, granted_on=None): gh_time_format = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ' # convert the timestamp to a str format that would be returned # from github as 'submitted_at' in the API response if granted_on: granted_on = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(granted_on) submitted_at = time.strftime( gh_time_format, granted_on.timetuple()) else: # github timestamps only down to the second, so we need to make # sure reviews that tests add appear to be added over a period of # time in the past and not all at once. if not self.reviews: # the first review happens 10 mins ago offset = 600 else: # subsequent reviews happen 1 minute closer to now offset = 600 - (len(self.reviews) * 60) granted_on = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp( time.time() - offset) submitted_at = time.strftime( gh_time_format, granted_on.timetuple()) self.reviews.append(tests.fakegithub.FakeGHReview({ 'state': state, 'user': { 'login': user, 'email': user + "@derp.com", }, 'submitted_at': submitted_at, })) def getPRReference(self): return '%s/head' % self.number def _getPullRequestEvent(self, action): name = 'pull_request' data = { 'action': action, 'number': self.number, 'pull_request': { 'number': self.number, 'title': self.subject, 'updated_at': self.updated_at, 'base': { 'ref': self.branch, 'repo': { 'full_name': self.project } }, 'head': { 'sha': self.head_sha, 'repo': { 'full_name': self.project } }, 'body': self.body }, 'sender': { 'login': 'ghuser' }, 'labels': [{'name': l} for l in self.labels] } return (name, data) def getCommitStatusEvent(self, context, state='success', user='zuul'): name = 'status' data = { 'state': state, 'sha': self.head_sha, 'name': self.project, 'description': 'Test results for %s: %s' % (self.head_sha, state), 'target_url': 'http://zuul/%s' % self.head_sha, 'branches': [], 'context': context, 'sender': { 'login': user } } return (name, data) def getCheckRunRequestedEvent(self, cr_name, app="zuul"): name = "check_run" data = { "action": "rerequested", "check_run": { "head_sha": self.head_sha, "name": cr_name, "app": { "slug": app, }, }, "repository": { "full_name": self.project, }, } return (name, data) def setMerged(self, commit_message): self.is_merged = True self.merge_message = commit_message repo = self._getRepo() repo.heads[self.branch].commit = repo.commit(self.head_sha) class FakeGithubConnection(githubconnection.GithubConnection): log = logging.getLogger("zuul.test.FakeGithubConnection") def __init__(self, driver, connection_name, connection_config, rpcclient, changes_db=None, upstream_root=None, git_url_with_auth=False): super(FakeGithubConnection, self).__init__(driver, connection_name, connection_config) self.connection_name = connection_name self.pr_number = 0 self.pull_requests = changes_db self.statuses = {} self.upstream_root = upstream_root self.merge_failure = False self.merge_not_allowed_count = 0 self.reports = [] self.github_data = tests.fakegithub.FakeGithubData(changes_db) self.recorded_clients = [] self.git_url_with_auth = git_url_with_auth self.rpcclient = rpcclient self.record_clients = False def getGithubClient(self, project=None, user_id=None, zuul_event_id=None): if self.app_id: inst_id = self.installation_map.get(project) client = tests.fakegithub.FakeGithubClient( self.github_data, inst_id=inst_id) else: client = tests.fakegithub.FakeGithubClient(self.github_data) if self.record_clients: self.recorded_clients.append(client) return client def _prime_installation_map(self): if not self.app_id: return # simulate one installation per org orgs = {} latest_inst_id = 0 for repo in self.github_data.repos: inst_id = orgs.get(repo[0]) if not inst_id: latest_inst_id += 1 inst_id = latest_inst_id orgs[repo[0]] = inst_id self.installation_map['/'.join(repo)] = inst_id def setZuulWebPort(self, port): self.zuul_web_port = port def openFakePullRequest(self, project, branch, subject, files=[], body=None, draft=False): self.pr_number += 1 pull_request = FakeGithubPullRequest( self, self.pr_number, project, branch, subject, self.upstream_root, files=files, body=body, draft=draft) self.pull_requests[self.pr_number] = pull_request return pull_request def getPushEvent(self, project, ref, old_rev=None, new_rev=None, added_files=[], removed_files=[], modified_files=[]): if not old_rev: old_rev = '0' * 40 if not new_rev: new_rev = random_sha1() name = 'push' data = { 'ref': ref, 'before': old_rev, 'after': new_rev, 'repository': { 'full_name': project }, 'commits': [ { 'added': added_files, 'removed': removed_files, 'modified': modified_files } ] } return (name, data) def emitEvent(self, event, use_zuulweb=False): """Emulates sending the GitHub webhook event to the connection.""" name, data = event payload = json.dumps(data).encode('utf8') secret = self.connection_config['webhook_token'] signature = githubconnection._sign_request(payload, secret) headers = {'x-github-event': name, 'x-hub-signature': signature, 'x-github-delivery': str(uuid.uuid4())} if use_zuulweb: return requests.post( '' % (self.zuul_web_port, self.connection_name), json=data, headers=headers) else: job = self.rpcclient.submitJob( 'github:%s:payload' % self.connection_name, {'headers': headers, 'body': data}) return json.loads(job.data[0]) def addProject(self, project): # use the original method here and additionally register it in the # fake github super(FakeGithubConnection, self).addProject(project) self.getGithubClient(project).addProject(project) def getGitUrl(self, project): if self.git_url_with_auth: auth_token = ''.join( random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase) for x in range(8)) prefix = 'file://x-access-token:%s@' % auth_token else: prefix = '' return prefix + os.path.join(self.upstream_root, str(project)) def real_getGitUrl(self, project): return super(FakeGithubConnection, self).getGitUrl(project) def commentPull(self, project, pr_number, message, zuul_event_id=None): # record that this got reported self.reports.append((project, pr_number, 'comment')) pull_request = self.pull_requests[int(pr_number)] pull_request.addComment(message) def setCommitStatus(self, project, sha, state, url='', description='', context='default', user='zuul', zuul_event_id=None): # record that this got reported and call original method self.reports.append((project, sha, 'status', (user, context, state))) super(FakeGithubConnection, self).setCommitStatus( project, sha, state, url=url, description=description, context=context) def labelPull(self, project, pr_number, label, zuul_event_id=None): # record that this got reported self.reports.append((project, pr_number, 'label', label)) pull_request = self.pull_requests[int(pr_number)] pull_request.addLabel(label) def unlabelPull(self, project, pr_number, label, zuul_event_id=None): # record that this got reported self.reports.append((project, pr_number, 'unlabel', label)) pull_request = self.pull_requests[pr_number] pull_request.removeLabel(label) class BuildHistory(object): def __init__(self, **kw): self.__dict__.update(kw) def __repr__(self): return ("" % (self.result, self.name, self.uuid, self.changes, self.ref)) class FakeStatsd(threading.Thread): log = logging.getLogger("zuul.test.FakeStatsd") def __init__(self): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.daemon = True self.sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET6, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) self.sock.bind(('', 0)) self.port = self.sock.getsockname()[1] self.wake_read, self.wake_write = os.pipe() self.stats = [] def run(self): while True: poll = select.poll() poll.register(self.sock, select.POLLIN) poll.register(self.wake_read, select.POLLIN) ret = poll.poll() for (fd, event) in ret: if fd == self.sock.fileno(): data = self.sock.recvfrom(1024) if not data: return self.log.debug("Appending: %s" % data[0]) self.stats.append(data[0]) if fd == self.wake_read: return def stop(self): os.write(self.wake_write, b'1\n') class FakeBuild(object): log = logging.getLogger("zuul.test") def __init__(self, executor_server, job): self.daemon = True self.executor_server = executor_server self.job = job self.jobdir = None self.uuid = job.unique self.parameters = json.loads(job.arguments) # TODOv3(jeblair): self.node is really "the label of the node # assigned". We should rename it (self.node_label?) if we # keep using it like this, or we may end up exposing more of # the complexity around multi-node jobs here # (self.nodes[0].label?) self.node = None if len(self.parameters.get('nodes')) == 1: self.node = self.parameters['nodes'][0]['label'] self.unique = self.parameters['zuul']['build'] self.pipeline = self.parameters['zuul']['pipeline'] self.project = self.parameters['zuul']['project']['name'] self.name = self.parameters['job'] self.wait_condition = threading.Condition() self.waiting = False self.paused = False self.aborted = False self.requeue = False self.created = time.time() self.changes = None items = self.parameters['zuul']['items'] self.changes = ' '.join(['%s,%s' % (x['change'], x['patchset']) for x in items if 'change' in x]) if 'change' in items[-1]: self.change = ' '.join((items[-1]['change'], items[-1]['patchset'])) else: self.change = None def __repr__(self): waiting = '' if self.waiting: waiting = ' [waiting]' return '' % (self.pipeline, self.name, self.changes, waiting) def release(self): """Release this build.""" self.wait_condition.acquire() self.wait_condition.notify() self.waiting = False self.log.debug("Build %s released" % self.unique) self.wait_condition.release() def isWaiting(self): """Return whether this build is being held. :returns: Whether the build is being held. :rtype: bool """ self.wait_condition.acquire() if self.waiting: ret = True else: ret = False self.wait_condition.release() return ret def _wait(self): self.wait_condition.acquire() self.waiting = True self.log.debug("Build %s waiting" % self.unique) self.wait_condition.wait() self.wait_condition.release() def run(self): self.log.debug('Running build %s' % self.unique) if self.executor_server.hold_jobs_in_build: self.log.debug('Holding build %s' % self.unique) self._wait() self.log.debug("Build %s continuing" % self.unique) self.writeReturnData() result = (RecordingAnsibleJob.RESULT_NORMAL, 0) # Success if self.shouldFail(): result = (RecordingAnsibleJob.RESULT_NORMAL, 1) # Failure if self.aborted: result = (RecordingAnsibleJob.RESULT_ABORTED, None) if self.requeue: result = (RecordingAnsibleJob.RESULT_UNREACHABLE, None) return result def shouldFail(self): changes = self.executor_server.fail_tests.get(self.name, []) for change in changes: if self.hasChanges(change): return True return False def writeReturnData(self): changes = self.executor_server.return_data.get(self.name, {}) data = changes.get(self.change) if data is None: return with open(self.jobdir.result_data_file, 'w') as f: f.write(json.dumps(data)) def hasChanges(self, *changes): """Return whether this build has certain changes in its git repos. :arg FakeChange changes: One or more changes (varargs) that are expected to be present (in order) in the git repository of the active project. :returns: Whether the build has the indicated changes. :rtype: bool """ for change in changes: hostname = change.source.canonical_hostname path = os.path.join(self.jobdir.src_root, hostname, change.project) try: repo = git.Repo(path) except NoSuchPathError as e: self.log.debug('%s' % e) return False repo_messages = [c.message.strip() for c in repo.iter_commits()] commit_message = '%s-1' % change.subject self.log.debug("Checking if build %s has changes; commit_message " "%s; repo_messages %s" % (self, commit_message, repo_messages)) if commit_message not in repo_messages: self.log.debug(" messages do not match") return False self.log.debug(" OK") return True def getWorkspaceRepos(self, projects): """Return workspace git repo objects for the listed projects :arg list projects: A list of strings, each the canonical name of a project. :returns: A dictionary of {name: repo} for every listed project. :rtype: dict """ repos = {} for project in projects: path = os.path.join(self.jobdir.src_root, project) repo = git.Repo(path) repos[project] = repo return repos class RecordingAnsibleJob(zuul.executor.server.AnsibleJob): result = None def doMergeChanges(self, merger, items, repo_state): # Get a merger in order to update the repos involved in this job. commit = super(RecordingAnsibleJob, self).doMergeChanges( merger, items, repo_state) if not commit: # merge conflict self.recordResult('MERGER_FAILURE') for _ in iterate_timeout(60, 'wait for merge'): if not self.executor_server.hold_jobs_in_start: break time.sleep(1) return commit def recordResult(self, result): self.executor_server.lock.acquire() build = self.executor_server.job_builds.get(self.job.unique) if not build: self.executor_server.lock.release() # Already recorded return self.executor_server.build_history.append( BuildHistory(name=build.name, result=result, changes=build.changes, node=build.node, uuid=build.unique, ref=build.parameters['zuul']['ref'], newrev=build.parameters['zuul'].get('newrev'), parameters=build.parameters, jobdir=build.jobdir, pipeline=build.parameters['zuul']['pipeline']) ) self.executor_server.running_builds.remove(build) del self.executor_server.job_builds[self.job.unique] self.executor_server.lock.release() def runPlaybooks(self, args): build = self.executor_server.job_builds[self.job.unique] build.jobdir = self.jobdir self.result = super(RecordingAnsibleJob, self).runPlaybooks(args) if self.result is None: # Record result now because cleanup won't be performed self.recordResult(None) return self.result def runCleanupPlaybooks(self, success): super(RecordingAnsibleJob, self).runCleanupPlaybooks(success) if self.result is not None: self.recordResult(self.result) def runAnsible(self, cmd, timeout, playbook, ansible_version, wrapped=True, cleanup=False): build = self.executor_server.job_builds[self.job.unique] if self.executor_server._run_ansible: # Call run on the fake build omitting the result so we also can # hold real ansible jobs. if playbook.path: build.run() result = super(RecordingAnsibleJob, self).runAnsible( cmd, timeout, playbook, ansible_version, wrapped, cleanup) else: if playbook.path: result = build.run() else: result = (self.RESULT_NORMAL, 0) return result def getHostList(self, args): self.log.debug("hostlist") hosts = super(RecordingAnsibleJob, self).getHostList(args) for host in hosts: if not host['host_vars'].get('ansible_connection'): host['host_vars']['ansible_connection'] = 'local' return hosts def pause(self): build = self.executor_server.job_builds[self.job.unique] build.paused = True super().pause() def resume(self): build = self.executor_server.job_builds.get(self.job.unique) if build: build.paused = False super().resume() def _send_aborted(self): self.recordResult('ABORTED') super()._send_aborted() class RecordingMergeClient(zuul.merger.client.MergeClient): def __init__(self, config, sched): super().__init__(config, sched) self.history = {} def submitJob(self, name, data, build_set, precedence=zuul.model.PRECEDENCE_NORMAL, event=None): self.history.setdefault(name, []) self.history[name].append((data, build_set)) return super().submitJob( name, data, build_set, precedence, event=event) class RecordingExecutorServer(zuul.executor.server.ExecutorServer): """An Ansible executor to be used in tests. :ivar bool hold_jobs_in_build: If true, when jobs are executed they will report that they have started but then pause until released before reporting completion. This attribute may be changed at any time and will take effect for subsequently executed builds, but previously held builds will still need to be explicitly released. """ _job_class = RecordingAnsibleJob def __init__(self, *args, **kw): self._run_ansible = kw.pop('_run_ansible', False) self._test_root = kw.pop('_test_root', False) if self._run_ansible: self._ansible_manager_class = zuul.lib.ansible.AnsibleManager else: self._ansible_manager_class = FakeAnsibleManager super(RecordingExecutorServer, self).__init__(*args, **kw) self.hold_jobs_in_build = False self.hold_jobs_in_start = False self.lock = threading.Lock() self.running_builds = [] self.build_history = [] self.fail_tests = {} self.return_data = {} self.job_builds = {} def failJob(self, name, change): """Instruct the executor to report matching builds as failures. :arg str name: The name of the job to fail. :arg Change change: The :py:class:`~tests.base.FakeChange` instance which should cause the job to fail. This job will also fail for changes depending on this change. """ l = self.fail_tests.get(name, []) l.append(change) self.fail_tests[name] = l def returnData(self, name, change, data): """Instruct the executor to return data for this build. :arg str name: The name of the job to return data. :arg Change change: The :py:class:`~tests.base.FakeChange` instance which should cause the job to return data. :arg dict data: The data to return """ # TODO(clarkb) We are incredibly change focused here and in FakeBuild # above. This makes it very difficult to test non change items with # return data. We currently rely on the hack that None is used as a # key for the changes dict, but we should improve that to look up # refnames or similar. changes = self.return_data.setdefault(name, {}) if hasattr(change, 'number'): cid = ' '.join((str(change.number), str(change.latest_patchset))) else: # Not actually a change, but a ref update event for tags/etc # In this case a key of None is used by writeReturnData cid = None changes[cid] = data def release(self, regex=None): """Release a held build. :arg str regex: A regular expression which, if supplied, will cause only builds with matching names to be released. If not supplied, all builds will be released. """ builds = self.running_builds[:] if len(builds) == 0: self.log.debug('No running builds to release') return self.log.debug("Releasing build %s (%s)" % (regex, len(builds))) for build in builds: if not regex or re.match(regex, build.name): self.log.debug("Releasing build %s" % (build.parameters['zuul']['build'])) build.release() else: self.log.debug("Not releasing build %s" % (build.parameters['zuul']['build'])) self.log.debug("Done releasing builds %s (%s)" % (regex, len(builds))) def executeJob(self, job): build = FakeBuild(self, job) job.build = build self.running_builds.append(build) self.job_builds[job.unique] = build args = json.loads(job.arguments) args['zuul']['_test'] = dict(test_root=self._test_root) job.arguments = json.dumps(args) super(RecordingExecutorServer, self).executeJob(job) def stopJob(self, job): self.log.debug("handle stop") parameters = json.loads(job.arguments) uuid = parameters['uuid'] for build in self.running_builds: if build.unique == uuid: build.aborted = True build.release() super(RecordingExecutorServer, self).stopJob(job) def stop(self): for build in self.running_builds: build.release() super(RecordingExecutorServer, self).stop() class FakeGearmanServer(gear.Server): """A Gearman server for use in tests. :ivar bool hold_jobs_in_queue: If true, submitted jobs will be added to the queue but will not be distributed to workers until released. This attribute may be changed at any time and will take effect for subsequently enqueued jobs, but previously held jobs will still need to be explicitly released. """ def __init__(self, use_ssl=False): self.hold_jobs_in_queue = False self.hold_merge_jobs_in_queue = False self.jobs_history = [] if use_ssl: ssl_ca = os.path.join(FIXTURE_DIR, 'gearman/root-ca.pem') ssl_cert = os.path.join(FIXTURE_DIR, 'gearman/server.pem') ssl_key = os.path.join(FIXTURE_DIR, 'gearman/server.key') else: ssl_ca = None ssl_cert = None ssl_key = None super(FakeGearmanServer, self).__init__(0, ssl_key=ssl_key, ssl_cert=ssl_cert, ssl_ca=ssl_ca) def getJobForConnection(self, connection, peek=False): for job_queue in [self.high_queue, self.normal_queue, self.low_queue]: for job in job_queue: self.jobs_history.append(job) if not hasattr(job, 'waiting'): if job.name.startswith(b'executor:execute'): job.waiting = self.hold_jobs_in_queue elif job.name.startswith(b'merger:'): job.waiting = self.hold_merge_jobs_in_queue else: job.waiting = False if job.waiting: continue if job.name in connection.functions: if not peek: job_queue.remove(job) connection.related_jobs[job.handle] = job job.worker_connection = connection job.running = True return job return None def release(self, regex=None): """Release a held job. :arg str regex: A regular expression which, if supplied, will cause only jobs with matching names to be released. If not supplied, all jobs will be released. """ released = False qlen = (len(self.high_queue) + len(self.normal_queue) + len(self.low_queue)) self.log.debug("releasing queued job %s (%s)" % (regex, qlen)) for job in self.getQueue(): match = False if job.name.startswith(b'executor:execute'): parameters = json.loads(job.arguments.decode('utf8')) if not regex or re.match(regex, parameters.get('job')): match = True if job.name.startswith(b'merger:'): if not regex: match = True if match: self.log.debug("releasing queued job %s" % job.unique) job.waiting = False released = True else: self.log.debug("not releasing queued job %s" % job.unique) if released: self.wakeConnections() qlen = (len(self.high_queue) + len(self.normal_queue) + len(self.low_queue)) self.log.debug("done releasing queued jobs %s (%s)" % (regex, qlen)) class FakeSMTP(object): log = logging.getLogger('zuul.FakeSMTP') def __init__(self, messages, server, port): self.server = server self.port = port self.messages = messages def sendmail(self, from_email, to_email, msg): self.log.info("Sending email from %s, to %s, with msg %s" % ( from_email, to_email, msg)) headers = msg.split('\n\n', 1)[0] body = msg.split('\n\n', 1)[1] self.messages.append(dict( from_email=from_email, to_email=to_email, msg=msg, headers=headers, body=body, )) return True def quit(self): return True class FakeNodepool(object): REQUEST_ROOT = '/nodepool/requests' NODE_ROOT = '/nodepool/nodes' LAUNCHER_ROOT = '/nodepool/launchers' log = logging.getLogger("zuul.test.FakeNodepool") def __init__(self, host, port, chroot): self.complete_event = threading.Event() self.host_keys = None self.client = kazoo.client.KazooClient( hosts='%s:%s%s' % (host, port, chroot)) self.client.start() self.registerLauncher() self._running = True self.paused = False self.thread = threading.Thread(target=self.run) self.thread.daemon = True self.thread.start() self.fail_requests = set() self.remote_ansible = False self.attributes = None self.resources = None self.python_path = 'auto' def stop(self): self._running = False self.thread.join() self.client.stop() self.client.close() def pause(self): self.complete_event.wait() self.paused = True def unpause(self): self.paused = False def run(self): while self._running: self.complete_event.clear() try: self._run() except Exception: self.log.exception("Error in fake nodepool:") self.complete_event.set() time.sleep(0.1) def _run(self): if self.paused: return for req in self.getNodeRequests(): self.fulfillRequest(req) def registerLauncher(self, labels=["label1"], id="FakeLauncher"): path = os.path.join(self.LAUNCHER_ROOT, id) data = {'id': id, 'supported_labels': labels} self.client.create( path, json.dumps(data).encode('utf8'), makepath=True) def getNodeRequests(self): try: reqids = self.client.get_children(self.REQUEST_ROOT) except kazoo.exceptions.NoNodeError: return [] reqs = [] for oid in reqids: path = self.REQUEST_ROOT + '/' + oid try: data, stat = self.client.get(path) data = json.loads(data.decode('utf8')) data['_oid'] = oid reqs.append(data) except kazoo.exceptions.NoNodeError: pass reqs.sort(key=lambda r: (r['_oid'].split('-')[0], r['relative_priority'], r['_oid'].split('-')[1])) return reqs def getNodes(self): try: nodeids = self.client.get_children(self.NODE_ROOT) except kazoo.exceptions.NoNodeError: return [] nodes = [] for oid in sorted(nodeids): path = self.NODE_ROOT + '/' + oid data, stat = self.client.get(path) data = json.loads(data.decode('utf8')) data['_oid'] = oid try: lockfiles = self.client.get_children(path + '/lock') except kazoo.exceptions.NoNodeError: lockfiles = [] if lockfiles: data['_lock'] = True else: data['_lock'] = False nodes.append(data) return nodes def makeNode(self, request_id, node_type): now = time.time() path = '/nodepool/nodes/' remote_ip = os.environ.get('ZUUL_REMOTE_IPV4', '') if self.remote_ansible and not self.host_keys: self.host_keys = self.keyscan(remote_ip) host_keys = self.host_keys or ["fake-key1", "fake-key2"] data = dict(type=node_type, cloud='test-cloud', provider='test-provider', region='test-region', az='test-az', attributes=self.attributes, host_id='test-host-id', interface_ip=remote_ip, public_ipv4=remote_ip, private_ipv4=None, public_ipv6=None, python_path=self.python_path, allocated_to=request_id, state='ready', state_time=now, created_time=now, updated_time=now, image_id=None, host_keys=host_keys, executor='fake-nodepool', hold_expiration=None) if self.resources: data['resources'] = self.resources if self.remote_ansible: data['connection_type'] = 'ssh' if 'fakeuser' in node_type: data['username'] = 'fakeuser' if 'windows' in node_type: data['connection_type'] = 'winrm' if 'network' in node_type: data['connection_type'] = 'network_cli' if 'kubernetes-namespace' in node_type or 'fedora-pod' in node_type: data['connection_type'] = 'namespace' data['connection_port'] = { 'name': 'zuul-ci', 'namespace': 'zuul-ci-abcdefg', 'host': 'localhost', 'skiptls': True, 'token': 'FakeToken', 'ca_crt': 'FakeCA', 'user': 'zuul-worker', } if 'fedora-pod' in node_type: data['connection_type'] = 'kubectl' data['connection_port']['pod'] = 'fedora-abcdefg' data = json.dumps(data).encode('utf8') path = self.client.create(path, data, makepath=True, sequence=True) nodeid = path.split("/")[-1] return nodeid def removeNode(self, node): path = self.NODE_ROOT + '/' + node["_oid"] self.client.delete(path, recursive=True) def addFailRequest(self, request): self.fail_requests.add(request['_oid']) def fulfillRequest(self, request): if request['state'] != 'requested': return request = request.copy() oid = request['_oid'] del request['_oid'] if oid in self.fail_requests: request['state'] = 'failed' else: request['state'] = 'fulfilled' nodes = [] for node in request['node_types']: nodeid = self.makeNode(oid, node) nodes.append(nodeid) request['nodes'] = nodes request['state_time'] = time.time() path = self.REQUEST_ROOT + '/' + oid data = json.dumps(request).encode('utf8') self.log.debug("Fulfilling node request: %s %s" % (oid, data)) try: self.client.set(path, data) except kazoo.exceptions.NoNodeError: self.log.debug("Node request %s %s disappeared" % (oid, data)) def keyscan(self, ip, port=22, timeout=60): ''' Scan the IP address for public SSH keys. Keys are returned formatted as: " " ''' addrinfo = socket.getaddrinfo(ip, port)[0] family = addrinfo[0] sockaddr = addrinfo[4] keys = [] key = None for count in iterate_timeout(timeout, "ssh access"): sock = None t = None try: sock = socket.socket(family, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sock.settimeout(timeout) sock.connect(sockaddr) t = paramiko.transport.Transport(sock) t.start_client(timeout=timeout) key = t.get_remote_server_key() break except socket.error as e: if e.errno not in [ errno.ECONNREFUSED, errno.EHOSTUNREACH, None]: self.log.exception( 'Exception with ssh access to %s:' % ip) except Exception as e: self.log.exception("ssh-keyscan failure: %s", e) finally: try: if t: t.close() except Exception as e: self.log.exception('Exception closing paramiko: %s', e) try: if sock: sock.close() except Exception as e: self.log.exception('Exception closing socket: %s', e) # Paramiko, at this time, seems to return only the ssh-rsa key, so # only the single key is placed into the list. if key: keys.append("%s %s" % (key.get_name(), key.get_base64())) return keys class ChrootedKazooFixture(fixtures.Fixture): def __init__(self, test_id): super(ChrootedKazooFixture, self).__init__() if 'ZOOKEEPER_2181_TCP' in os.environ: # prevent any nasty hobbits^H^H^H suprises if 'NODEPOOL_ZK_HOST' in os.environ: raise Exception( 'Looks like tox-docker is being used but you have also ' 'configured NODEPOOL_ZK_HOST. Either avoid using the ' 'docker environment or unset NODEPOOL_ZK_HOST.') zk_host = 'localhost:' + os.environ['ZOOKEEPER_2181_TCP'] elif 'NODEPOOL_ZK_HOST' in os.environ: zk_host = os.environ['NODEPOOL_ZK_HOST'] else: zk_host = 'localhost' if ':' in zk_host: host, port = zk_host.split(':') else: host = zk_host port = None self.zookeeper_host = host if not port: self.zookeeper_port = 2181 else: self.zookeeper_port = int(port) self.test_id = test_id def _setUp(self): # Make sure the test chroot paths do not conflict random_bits = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase + string.ascii_uppercase) for x in range(8)) rand_test_path = '%s_%s_%s' % (random_bits, os.getpid(), self.test_id) self.zookeeper_chroot = "/nodepool_test/%s" % rand_test_path self.addCleanup(self._cleanup) # Ensure the chroot path exists and clean up any pre-existing znodes. _tmp_client = kazoo.client.KazooClient( hosts='%s:%s' % (self.zookeeper_host, self.zookeeper_port)) _tmp_client.start() if _tmp_client.exists(self.zookeeper_chroot): _tmp_client.delete(self.zookeeper_chroot, recursive=True) _tmp_client.ensure_path(self.zookeeper_chroot) _tmp_client.stop() _tmp_client.close() def _cleanup(self): '''Remove the chroot path.''' # Need a non-chroot'ed client to remove the chroot path _tmp_client = kazoo.client.KazooClient( hosts='%s:%s' % (self.zookeeper_host, self.zookeeper_port)) _tmp_client.start() _tmp_client.delete(self.zookeeper_chroot, recursive=True) _tmp_client.stop() _tmp_client.close() class WebProxyFixture(fixtures.Fixture): def __init__(self, rules): super(WebProxyFixture, self).__init__() self.rules = rules def _setUp(self): rules = self.rules class Proxy(http.server.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler): log = logging.getLogger('zuul.WebProxyFixture.Proxy') def do_GET(self): path = self.path for (pattern, replace) in rules: path = re.sub(pattern, replace, path) resp = requests.get(path) self.send_response(resp.status_code) if resp.status_code >= 300: self.end_headers() return for key, val in resp.headers.items(): self.send_header(key, val) self.end_headers() self.wfile.write(resp.content) def log_message(self, fmt, *args): self.log.debug(fmt, *args) self.httpd = socketserver.ThreadingTCPServer(('', 0), Proxy) self.port = self.httpd.socket.getsockname()[1] self.thread = threading.Thread(target=self.httpd.serve_forever) self.thread.start() self.addCleanup(self._cleanup) def _cleanup(self): self.httpd.shutdown() self.thread.join() class ZuulWebFixture(fixtures.Fixture): def __init__(self, gearman_server_port, config, test_root, info=None, zk_hosts=None): super(ZuulWebFixture, self).__init__() self.gearman_server_port = gearman_server_port self.connections = zuul.lib.connections.ConnectionRegistry() self.connections.configure( config, include_drivers=[zuul.driver.sql.SQLDriver, zuul.driver.github.GithubDriver, zuul.driver.gitlab.GitlabDriver, zuul.driver.pagure.PagureDriver]) self.authenticators = zuul.lib.auth.AuthenticatorRegistry() self.authenticators.configure(config) if info is None: self.info = zuul.model.WebInfo() else: self.info = info self.zk_hosts = zk_hosts self.test_root = test_root def _setUp(self): # Start the web server self.web = zuul.web.ZuulWeb( listen_address='::', listen_port=0, gear_server='', gear_port=self.gearman_server_port, info=self.info, connections=self.connections, zk_hosts=self.zk_hosts, command_socket=os.path.join(self.test_root, 'web.socket'), authenticators=self.authenticators) self.web.start() self.addCleanup(self.stop) self.host = 'localhost' # Wait until web server is started while True: self.port = self.web.port try: with socket.create_connection((self.host, self.port)): break except ConnectionRefusedError: pass def stop(self): self.web.stop() self.connections.stop() class MySQLSchemaFixture(fixtures.Fixture): def setUp(self): super(MySQLSchemaFixture, self).setUp() random_bits = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase + string.ascii_uppercase) for x in range(8)) self.name = '%s_%s' % (random_bits, os.getpid()) self.passwd = uuid.uuid4().hex self.host = os.environ.get('ZUUL_MYSQL_HOST', '') db = pymysql.connect(host=self.host, user="openstack_citest", passwd="openstack_citest", db="openstack_citest") try: with db.cursor() as cur: cur.execute("create database %s" % self.name) cur.execute( "create user '{user}'@'' identified by '{passwd}'".format( user=self.name, passwd=self.passwd)) cur.execute("grant all on {name}.* to '{name}'@''".format( name=self.name)) cur.execute("flush privileges") finally: db.close() self.dburi = 'mysql+pymysql://{name}:{passwd}@{host}/{name}'.format( name=self.name, passwd=self.passwd, host=self.host) self.addDetail('dburi', testtools.content.text_content(self.dburi)) self.addCleanup(self.cleanup) def cleanup(self): db = pymysql.connect(host=self.host, user="openstack_citest", passwd="openstack_citest", db="openstack_citest") try: with db.cursor() as cur: cur.execute("drop database %s" % self.name) cur.execute("drop user '%s'@''" % self.name) cur.execute("flush privileges") finally: db.close() class PostgresqlSchemaFixture(fixtures.Fixture): def setUp(self): super(PostgresqlSchemaFixture, self).setUp() # Postgres lowercases user and table names during creation but not # during authentication. Thus only use lowercase chars. random_bits = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase) for x in range(8)) self.name = '%s_%s' % (random_bits, os.getpid()) self.passwd = uuid.uuid4().hex self.host = os.environ.get('ZUUL_POSTGRES_HOST', '') db = psycopg2.connect(host=self.host, user="openstack_citest", password="openstack_citest", database="openstack_citest") db.autocommit = True cur = db.cursor() cur.execute("create role %s with login password '%s';" % ( self.name, self.passwd)) cur.execute("create database %s OWNER %s TEMPLATE template0 " "ENCODING 'UTF8';" % (self.name, self.name)) self.dburi = 'postgresql://{name}:{passwd}@{host}/{name}'.format( name=self.name, passwd=self.passwd, host=self.host) self.addDetail('dburi', testtools.content.text_content(self.dburi)) self.addCleanup(self.cleanup) def cleanup(self): db = psycopg2.connect(host=self.host, user="openstack_citest", password="openstack_citest", database="openstack_citest") db.autocommit = True cur = db.cursor() cur.execute("drop database %s" % self.name) cur.execute("drop user %s" % self.name) class FakeCPUTimes: def __init__(self): self.user = 0 self.system = 0 self.children_user = 0 self.children_system = 0 def cpu_times(self): return FakeCPUTimes() class BaseTestCase(testtools.TestCase): log = logging.getLogger("zuul.test") wait_timeout = 90 def attachLogs(self, *args): def reader(): self._log_stream.seek(0) while True: x = self._log_stream.read(4096) if not x: break yield x.encode('utf8') content = testtools.content.content_from_reader( reader, testtools.content_type.UTF8_TEXT, False) self.addDetail('logging', content) def shouldNeverCapture(self): test_name = self.id().split('.')[-1] test = getattr(self, test_name) if hasattr(test, '__never_capture__'): return getattr(test, '__never_capture__') return False def setUp(self): super(BaseTestCase, self).setUp() test_timeout = os.environ.get('OS_TEST_TIMEOUT', 0) try: test_timeout = int(test_timeout) except ValueError: # If timeout value is invalid do not set a timeout. test_timeout = 0 if test_timeout > 0: # Try a gentle timeout first and as a safety net a hard timeout # later. self.useFixture(fixtures.Timeout(test_timeout, gentle=True)) self.useFixture(fixtures.Timeout(test_timeout + 20, gentle=False)) if not self.shouldNeverCapture(): if (os.environ.get('OS_STDOUT_CAPTURE') == 'True' or os.environ.get('OS_STDOUT_CAPTURE') == '1'): stdout = self.useFixture( fixtures.StringStream('stdout')).stream self.useFixture(fixtures.MonkeyPatch('sys.stdout', stdout)) if (os.environ.get('OS_STDERR_CAPTURE') == 'True' or os.environ.get('OS_STDERR_CAPTURE') == '1'): stderr = self.useFixture( fixtures.StringStream('stderr')).stream self.useFixture(fixtures.MonkeyPatch('sys.stderr', stderr)) if (os.environ.get('OS_LOG_CAPTURE') == 'True' or os.environ.get('OS_LOG_CAPTURE') == '1'): self._log_stream = StringIO() self.addOnException(self.attachLogs) else: self._log_stream = sys.stdout else: self._log_stream = sys.stdout handler = logging.StreamHandler(self._log_stream) formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(name)-32s ' '%(levelname)-8s %(message)s') handler.setFormatter(formatter) logger = logging.getLogger() logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) logger.addHandler(handler) # Make sure we don't carry old handlers around in process state # which slows down test runs self.addCleanup(logger.removeHandler, handler) # NOTE(notmorgan): Extract logging overrides for specific # libraries from the OS_LOG_DEFAULTS env and create loggers # for each. This is used to limit the output during test runs # from libraries that zuul depends on such as gear. log_defaults_from_env = os.environ.get( 'OS_LOG_DEFAULTS', 'git.cmd=INFO,kazoo.client=WARNING,gear=WARNING') if log_defaults_from_env: for default in log_defaults_from_env.split(','): try: name, level_str = default.split('=', 1) level = getattr(logging, level_str, logging.DEBUG) logger = logging.getLogger(name) logger.setLevel(level) logger.addHandler(handler) self.addCleanup(logger.removeHandler, handler) logger.propagate = False except ValueError: # NOTE(notmorgan): Invalid format of the log default, # skip and don't try and apply a logger for the # specified module pass self.addCleanup(handler.close) self.addCleanup(handler.flush) if sys.platform == 'darwin': # Popen.cpu_times() is broken on darwin so patch it with a fake. Popen.cpu_times = cpu_times class SymLink(object): def __init__(self, target): self.target = target class SchedulerTestApp: def __init__(self, log: Logger, config: ConfigParser, zk_config: str, connections: ConnectionRegistry): self.log = log self.config = config self.zk_config = zk_config self.sched = zuul.scheduler.Scheduler(self.config) self.sched.setZuulApp(self) self.sched._stats_interval = 1 self.event_queues = [ self.sched.result_event_queue, self.sched.trigger_event_queue, self.sched.management_event_queue ] self.sched.registerConnections(connections) self.executor_client = zuul.executor.client.ExecutorClient( self.config, self.sched) self.merge_client = RecordingMergeClient(self.config, self.sched) self.nodepool = zuul.nodepool.Nodepool(self.sched) self.zk = zuul.zk.ZooKeeper(enable_cache=True) self.zk.connect(self.zk_config, timeout=60.0) self.sched.setExecutor(self.executor_client) self.sched.setMerger(self.merge_client) self.sched.setNodepool(self.nodepool) self.sched.setZooKeeper(self.zk) self.sched.start() self.executor_client.gearman.waitForServer() self.sched.reconfigure(self.config) self.sched.resume() def fullReconfigure(self): try: self.sched.reconfigure(self.config) except Exception: self.log.exception("Reconfiguration failed:") def smartReconfigure(self, command_socket=False): try: if command_socket: command_socket = self.config.get('scheduler', 'command_socket') with socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM) as s: s.connect(command_socket) s.sendall('smart-reconfigure\n'.encode('utf8')) else: self.sched.reconfigure(self.config, smart=True) except Exception: self.log.exception("Reconfiguration failed:") class ZuulTestCase(BaseTestCase): """A test case with a functioning Zuul. The following class variables are used during test setup and can be overidden by subclasses but are effectively read-only once a test method starts running: :cvar str config_file: This points to the main zuul config file within the fixtures directory. Subclasses may override this to obtain a different behavior. :cvar str tenant_config_file: This is the tenant config file (which specifies from what git repos the configuration should be loaded). It defaults to the value specified in `config_file` but can be overidden by subclasses to obtain a different tenant/project layout while using the standard main configuration. See also the :py:func:`simple_layout` decorator. :cvar str tenant_config_script_file: This is the tenant config script file. This attribute has the same meaning than tenant_config_file except that the tenant configuration is loaded from a script. When this attribute is set then tenant_config_file is ignored by the scheduler. :cvar bool create_project_keys: Indicates whether Zuul should auto-generate keys for each project, or whether the test infrastructure should insert dummy keys to save time during startup. Defaults to False. :cvar int log_console_port: The zuul_stream/zuul_console port. The following are instance variables that are useful within test methods: :ivar FakeGerritConnection fake_: A :py:class:`~tests.base.FakeGerritConnection` will be instantiated for each connection present in the config file and stored here. For instance, `fake_gerrit` will hold the FakeGerritConnection object for a connection named `gerrit`. :ivar FakeGearmanServer gearman_server: An instance of :py:class:`~tests.base.FakeGearmanServer` which is the Gearman server that all of the Zuul components in this test use to communicate with each other. :ivar RecordingExecutorServer executor_server: An instance of :py:class:`~tests.base.RecordingExecutorServer` which is the Ansible execute server used to run jobs for this test. :ivar list builds: A list of :py:class:`~tests.base.FakeBuild` objects representing currently running builds. They are appended to the list in the order they are executed, and removed from this list upon completion. :ivar list history: A list of :py:class:`~tests.base.BuildHistory` objects representing completed builds. They are appended to the list in the order they complete. """ config_file = 'zuul.conf' run_ansible = False create_project_keys = False use_ssl = False git_url_with_auth = False log_console_port = 19885 def _startMerger(self): self.merge_server = zuul.merger.server.MergeServer(self.config, self.connections) self.merge_server.start() def setUp(self): super(ZuulTestCase, self).setUp() self.setupZK() self.fake_nodepool = FakeNodepool( self.zk_chroot_fixture.zookeeper_host, self.zk_chroot_fixture.zookeeper_port, self.zk_chroot_fixture.zookeeper_chroot) if not KEEP_TEMPDIRS: tmp_root = self.useFixture(fixtures.TempDir( rootdir=os.environ.get("ZUUL_TEST_ROOT")) ).path else: tmp_root = tempfile.mkdtemp( dir=os.environ.get("ZUUL_TEST_ROOT", None)) self.test_root = os.path.join(tmp_root, "zuul-test") self.upstream_root = os.path.join(self.test_root, "upstream") self.merger_src_root = os.path.join(self.test_root, "merger-git") self.executor_src_root = os.path.join(self.test_root, "executor-git") self.state_root = os.path.join(self.test_root, "lib") self.merger_state_root = os.path.join(self.test_root, "merger-lib") self.executor_state_root = os.path.join(self.test_root, "executor-lib") self.jobdir_root = os.path.join(self.test_root, "builds") if os.path.exists(self.test_root): shutil.rmtree(self.test_root) os.makedirs(self.test_root) os.makedirs(self.upstream_root) os.makedirs(self.state_root) os.makedirs(self.merger_state_root) os.makedirs(self.executor_state_root) os.makedirs(self.jobdir_root) # Make per test copy of Configuration. self.config = self.setup_config(self.config_file) self.private_key_file = os.path.join(self.test_root, 'test_id_rsa') if not os.path.exists(self.private_key_file): src_private_key_file = os.environ.get( 'ZUUL_SSH_KEY', os.path.join(FIXTURE_DIR, 'test_id_rsa')) shutil.copy(src_private_key_file, self.private_key_file) shutil.copy('{}.pub'.format(src_private_key_file), '{}.pub'.format(self.private_key_file)) os.chmod(self.private_key_file, 0o0600) for cfg_attr in ('tenant_config', 'tenant_config_script'): if self.config.has_option('scheduler', cfg_attr): cfg_value = self.config.get('scheduler', cfg_attr) self.config.set( 'scheduler', cfg_attr, os.path.join(FIXTURE_DIR, cfg_value)) self.config.set('scheduler', 'state_dir', self.state_root) self.config.set( 'scheduler', 'command_socket', os.path.join(self.test_root, 'scheduler.socket')) self.config.set('merger', 'git_dir', self.merger_src_root) self.config.set('executor', 'git_dir', self.executor_src_root) self.config.set('executor', 'private_key_file', self.private_key_file) self.config.set('executor', 'state_dir', self.executor_state_root) self.config.set( 'executor', 'command_socket', os.path.join(self.test_root, 'executor.socket')) self.config.set( 'merger', 'command_socket', os.path.join(self.test_root, 'merger.socket')) self.statsd = FakeStatsd() if self.config.has_section('statsd'): self.config.set('statsd', 'port', str(self.statsd.port)) self.statsd.start() self.gearman_server = FakeGearmanServer(self.use_ssl) self.config.set('gearman', 'port', str(self.gearman_server.port)) self.log.info("Gearman server on port %s" % (self.gearman_server.port,)) if self.use_ssl: self.log.info('SSL enabled for gearman') self.config.set( 'gearman', 'ssl_ca', os.path.join(FIXTURE_DIR, 'gearman/root-ca.pem')) self.config.set( 'gearman', 'ssl_cert', os.path.join(FIXTURE_DIR, 'gearman/client.pem')) self.config.set( 'gearman', 'ssl_key', os.path.join(FIXTURE_DIR, 'gearman/client.key')) self.rpcclient = zuul.rpcclient.RPCClient( self.config.get('gearman', 'server'), self.gearman_server.port, get_default(self.config, 'gearman', 'ssl_key'), get_default(self.config, 'gearman', 'ssl_cert'), get_default(self.config, 'gearman', 'ssl_ca')) gerritsource.GerritSource.replication_timeout = 1.5 gerritsource.GerritSource.replication_retry_interval = 0.5 gerritconnection.GerritEventConnector.delay = 0.0 self.event_queues = [] self.poller_events = {} self.configure_connections() self.executor_server = RecordingExecutorServer( self.config, self.connections, jobdir_root=self.jobdir_root, _run_ansible=self.run_ansible, _test_root=self.test_root, keep_jobdir=KEEP_TEMPDIRS, log_console_port=self.log_console_port) self.executor_server.start() self.history = self.executor_server.build_history self.builds = self.executor_server.running_builds self.sched_app = SchedulerTestApp(self.log, self.config, self.zk_config, self.connections) self.sched = self.sched_app.sched self.event_queues = self.sched_app.event_queues + self.event_queues if hasattr(self, 'fake_github'): self.event_queues.append( self.fake_github.github_event_connector._event_forward_queue) self.executor_client = self.sched_app.executor_client self.merge_client = self.sched_app.merge_client self.merge_server = None self.nodepool = self.sched_app.nodepool self.zk = self.sched_app.zk # Cleanups are run in reverse order self.addCleanup(self.assertCleanShutdown) self.addCleanup(self.shutdown) self.addCleanup(self.assertFinalState) def configure_connections(self, source_only=False): # Set up gerrit related fakes # Set a changes database so multiple FakeGerrit's can report back to # a virtual canonical database given by the configured hostname self.gerrit_changes_dbs = {} self.github_changes_dbs = {} self.pagure_changes_dbs = {} self.gitlab_changes_dbs = {} def getGerritConnection(driver, name, config): db = self.gerrit_changes_dbs.setdefault(config['server'], {}) poll_event = self.poller_events.setdefault(name, threading.Event()) ref_event = self.poller_events.setdefault(name + '-ref', threading.Event()) con = FakeGerritConnection(driver, name, config, changes_db=db, upstream_root=self.upstream_root, poller_event=poll_event, ref_watcher_event=ref_event) if con.web_server: self.addCleanup(con.web_server.stop) self.event_queues.append(con.event_queue) setattr(self, 'fake_' + name, con) return con self.useFixture(fixtures.MonkeyPatch( 'zuul.driver.gerrit.GerritDriver.getConnection', getGerritConnection)) def registerGithubProjects(con): path = self.config.get('scheduler', 'tenant_config') with open(os.path.join(FIXTURE_DIR, path)) as f: tenant_config = yaml.safe_load(f.read()) for tenant in tenant_config: sources = tenant['tenant']['source'] conf = sources.get(con.source.name) if not conf: return projects = conf.get('config-projects', []) projects.extend(conf.get('untrusted-projects', [])) client = con.getGithubClient(None) for project in projects: if isinstance(project, dict): # This can be a dict with the project as the only key client.addProjectByName( list(project.keys())[0]) else: client.addProjectByName(project) def getGithubConnection(driver, name, config): server = config.get('server', 'github.com') db = self.github_changes_dbs.setdefault(server, {}) con = FakeGithubConnection( driver, name, config, self.rpcclient, changes_db=db, upstream_root=self.upstream_root, git_url_with_auth=self.git_url_with_auth) self.event_queues.append(con.event_queue) setattr(self, 'fake_' + name, con) registerGithubProjects(con) return con self.useFixture(fixtures.MonkeyPatch( 'zuul.driver.github.GithubDriver.getConnection', getGithubConnection)) def getPagureConnection(driver, name, config): server = config.get('server', 'pagure.io') db = self.pagure_changes_dbs.setdefault(server, {}) con = FakePagureConnection( driver, name, config, self.rpcclient, changes_db=db, upstream_root=self.upstream_root) self.event_queues.append(con.event_queue) setattr(self, 'fake_' + name, con) return con self.useFixture(fixtures.MonkeyPatch( 'zuul.driver.pagure.PagureDriver.getConnection', getPagureConnection)) def getGitlabConnection(driver, name, config): server = config.get('server', 'gitlab.com') db = self.gitlab_changes_dbs.setdefault(server, {}) con = FakeGitlabConnection( driver, name, config, self.rpcclient, changes_db=db, upstream_root=self.upstream_root) self.event_queues.append(con.event_queue) setattr(self, 'fake_' + name, con) return con self.useFixture(fixtures.MonkeyPatch( 'zuul.driver.gitlab.GitlabDriver.getConnection', getGitlabConnection)) # Set up smtp related fakes # TODO(jhesketh): This should come from lib.connections for better # coverage # Register connections from the config self.smtp_messages = [] def FakeSMTPFactory(*args, **kw): args = [self.smtp_messages] + list(args) return FakeSMTP(*args, **kw) self.useFixture(fixtures.MonkeyPatch('smtplib.SMTP', FakeSMTPFactory)) # Set up mqtt related fakes self.mqtt_messages = [] def fakeMQTTPublish(_, topic, msg, qos, zuul_event_id): log = logging.getLogger('zuul.FakeMQTTPubish') log.info('Publishing message via mqtt') self.mqtt_messages.append({'topic': topic, 'msg': msg, 'qos': qos}) self.useFixture(fixtures.MonkeyPatch( 'zuul.driver.mqtt.mqttconnection.MQTTConnection.publish', fakeMQTTPublish)) # Register connections from the config using fakes self.connections = zuul.lib.connections.ConnectionRegistry() self.connections.configure(self.config, source_only=source_only) def setup_config(self, config_file: str): # This creates the per-test configuration object. It can be # overridden by subclasses, but should not need to be since it # obeys the config_file and tenant_config_file attributes. config = configparser.ConfigParser() config.read(os.path.join(FIXTURE_DIR, config_file)) sections = ['zuul', 'scheduler', 'executor', 'merger'] for section in sections: if not config.has_section(section): config.add_section(section) if not self.setupSimpleLayout(config): tenant_config = None for cfg_attr in ('tenant_config', 'tenant_config_script'): if hasattr(self, cfg_attr + '_file'): if getattr(self, cfg_attr + '_file'): value = getattr(self, cfg_attr + '_file') config.set('scheduler', cfg_attr, value) tenant_config = value else: config.remove_option('scheduler', cfg_attr) if tenant_config: git_path = os.path.join( os.path.dirname( os.path.join(FIXTURE_DIR, tenant_config)), 'git') if os.path.exists(git_path): for reponame in os.listdir(git_path): project = reponame.replace('_', '/') self.copyDirToRepo(project, os.path.join(git_path, reponame)) # Make test_root persist after ansible run for .flag test config.set('executor', 'trusted_rw_paths', self.test_root) self.setupAllProjectKeys(config) return config def setupSimpleLayout(self, config: ConfigParser): # If the test method has been decorated with a simple_layout, # use that instead of the class tenant_config_file. Set up a # single config-project with the specified layout, and # initialize repos for all of the 'project' entries which # appear in the layout. test_name = self.id().split('.')[-1] test = getattr(self, test_name) if hasattr(test, '__simple_layout__'): path, driver = getattr(test, '__simple_layout__') else: return False files = {} path = os.path.join(FIXTURE_DIR, path) with open(path) as f: data = f.read() layout = yaml.safe_load(data) files['zuul.yaml'] = data untrusted_projects = [] for item in layout: if 'project' in item: name = item['project']['name'] if name.startswith('^'): continue untrusted_projects.append(name) self.init_repo(name) self.addCommitToRepo(name, 'initial commit', files={'README': ''}, branch='master', tag='init') if 'job' in item: if 'run' in item['job']: files['%s' % item['job']['run']] = '' for fn in zuul.configloader.as_list( item['job'].get('pre-run', [])): files['%s' % fn] = '' for fn in zuul.configloader.as_list( item['job'].get('post-run', [])): files['%s' % fn] = '' root = os.path.join(self.test_root, "config") if not os.path.exists(root): os.makedirs(root) f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir=root, delete=False) temp_config = [{ 'tenant': { 'name': 'tenant-one', 'source': { driver: { 'config-projects': ['org/common-config'], 'untrusted-projects': untrusted_projects}}}}] f.write(yaml.dump(temp_config).encode('utf8')) f.close() config.set('scheduler', 'tenant_config', os.path.join(FIXTURE_DIR, f.name)) self.init_repo('org/common-config') self.addCommitToRepo('org/common-config', 'add content from fixture', files, branch='master', tag='init') return True def setupAllProjectKeys(self, config: ConfigParser): if self.create_project_keys: return path = config.get('scheduler', 'tenant_config') with open(os.path.join(FIXTURE_DIR, path)) as f: tenant_config = yaml.safe_load(f.read()) for tenant in tenant_config: if 'tenant' not in tenant.keys(): continue sources = tenant['tenant']['source'] for source, conf in sources.items(): for project in conf.get('config-projects', []): self.setupProjectKeys(source, project) for project in conf.get('untrusted-projects', []): self.setupProjectKeys(source, project) def setupProjectKeys(self, source, project): # Make sure we set up an RSA key for the project so that we # don't spend time generating one: if isinstance(project, dict): project = list(project.keys())[0] key_root = os.path.join(self.state_root, 'keys') if not os.path.isdir(key_root): os.mkdir(key_root, 0o700) fn = os.path.join(key_root, '.version') with open(fn, 'w') as f: f.write('1') # secrets key private_key_file = os.path.join( key_root, 'secrets', 'project', source, project, '0.pem') private_key_dir = os.path.dirname(private_key_file) self.log.debug("Installing test secrets keys for project %s at %s" % ( project, private_key_file)) if not os.path.isdir(private_key_dir): os.makedirs(private_key_dir) with open(os.path.join(FIXTURE_DIR, 'private.pem')) as i: with open(private_key_file, 'w') as o: o.write(i.read()) # ssh key private_key_file = os.path.join( key_root, 'ssh', 'project', source, project, '0.pem') private_key_dir = os.path.dirname(private_key_file) self.log.debug("Installing test ssh keys for project %s at %s" % ( project, private_key_file)) if not os.path.isdir(private_key_dir): os.makedirs(private_key_dir) with open(os.path.join(FIXTURE_DIR, 'ssh.pem')) as i: with open(private_key_file, 'w') as o: o.write(i.read()) def setupZK(self): self.zk_chroot_fixture = self.useFixture( ChrootedKazooFixture(self.id())) self.zk_config = '%s:%s%s' % ( self.zk_chroot_fixture.zookeeper_host, self.zk_chroot_fixture.zookeeper_port, self.zk_chroot_fixture.zookeeper_chroot) def copyDirToRepo(self, project, source_path): self.init_repo(project) files = {} for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in os.walk(source_path): for filename in filenames: test_tree_filepath = os.path.join(dirpath, filename) common_path = os.path.commonprefix([test_tree_filepath, source_path]) relative_filepath = test_tree_filepath[len(common_path) + 1:] with open(test_tree_filepath, 'rb') as f: content = f.read() # dynamically create symlinks if the content is of the form # symlink: match = re.match(rb'symlink: ([^\s]+)', content) if match: content = SymLink(match.group(1)) files[relative_filepath] = content self.addCommitToRepo(project, 'add content from fixture', files, branch='master', tag='init') def assertNodepoolState(self): # Make sure that there are no pending requests requests = None for x in iterate_timeout(30, "zk getNodeRequests"): try: requests = self.fake_nodepool.getNodeRequests() break except kazoo.exceptions.ConnectionLoss: # NOTE(pabelanger): We lost access to zookeeper, iterate again pass self.assertEqual(len(requests), 0) nodes = None for x in iterate_timeout(30, "zk getNodeRequests"): try: nodes = self.fake_nodepool.getNodes() break except kazoo.exceptions.ConnectionLoss: # NOTE(pabelanger): We lost access to zookeeper, iterate again pass for node in nodes: self.assertFalse(node['_lock'], "Node %s is locked" % (node['_oid'],)) def assertNoGeneratedKeys(self): # Make sure that Zuul did not generate any project keys # (unless it was supposed to). if self.create_project_keys: return test_keys = [] key_fns = ['private.pem', 'ssh.pem'] for fn in key_fns: with open(os.path.join(FIXTURE_DIR, fn)) as i: test_keys.append(i.read()) key_root = os.path.join(self.state_root, 'keys') for root, dirname, files in os.walk(key_root): for fn in files: if fn == '.version': continue with open(os.path.join(root, fn)) as f: self.assertTrue(f.read() in test_keys) def assertFinalState(self): self.log.debug("Assert final state") # Make sure no jobs are running self.assertEqual({}, self.executor_server.job_workers) # Make sure that git.Repo objects have been garbage collected. gc.disable() try: gc.collect() for obj in gc.get_objects(): if isinstance(obj, git.Repo): self.log.debug("Leaked git repo object: 0x%x %s" % (id(obj), repr(obj))) finally: gc.enable() self.assertEmptyQueues() self.assertNodepoolState() self.assertNoGeneratedKeys() ipm = zuul.manager.independent.IndependentPipelineManager for tenant in self.sched.abide.tenants.values(): for pipeline in tenant.layout.pipelines.values(): if isinstance(pipeline.manager, ipm): self.assertEqual(len(pipeline.queues), 0) def shutdown(self): self.log.debug("Shutting down after tests") self.executor_server.hold_jobs_in_build = False self.executor_server.release() self.executor_client.stop() self.merge_client.stop() if self.merge_server: self.merge_server.stop() self.merge_server.join() self.executor_server.stop() self.executor_server.join() self.sched.stop() self.sched.join() self.statsd.stop() self.statsd.join() self.rpcclient.shutdown() self.gearman_server.shutdown() self.fake_nodepool.stop() self.zk.disconnect() self.printHistory() # We whitelist watchdog threads as they have relatively long delays # before noticing they should exit, but they should exit on their own. whitelist = ['watchdog', 'socketserver_Thread', 'GerritWebServer', ] # Ignore threads that start with # * Thread- : Kazoo TreeCache # * Dummy- : Seen during debugging in VS Code # * pydevd : Debug helper threads of pydevd (used by many IDEs) # * ptvsd : Debug helper threads used by VS Code threads = [t for t in threading.enumerate() if t.name not in whitelist and not t.name.startswith("Thread-") and not t.name.startswith('Dummy-') and not t.name.startswith('pydevd.') and not t.name.startswith('ptvsd.') ] if len(threads) > 1: log_str = "" for thread_id, stack_frame in sys._current_frames().items(): log_str += "Thread: %s\n" % thread_id log_str += "".join(traceback.format_stack(stack_frame)) self.log.debug(log_str) raise Exception("More than one thread is running: %s" % threads) def assertCleanShutdown(self): pass def init_repo(self, project, tag=None): parts = project.split('/') path = os.path.join(self.upstream_root, *parts[:-1]) if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) path = os.path.join(self.upstream_root, project) repo = git.Repo.init(path) with repo.config_writer() as config_writer: config_writer.set_value('user', 'email', 'user@example.com') config_writer.set_value('user', 'name', 'User Name') repo.index.commit('initial commit') master = repo.create_head('master') if tag: repo.create_tag(tag) repo.head.reference = master zuul.merger.merger.reset_repo_to_head(repo) repo.git.clean('-x', '-f', '-d') def create_branch(self, project, branch, commit_filename='README'): path = os.path.join(self.upstream_root, project) repo = git.Repo(path) fn = os.path.join(path, commit_filename) branch_head = repo.create_head(branch) repo.head.reference = branch_head f = open(fn, 'a') f.write("test %s\n" % branch) f.close() repo.index.add([fn]) repo.index.commit('%s commit' % branch) repo.head.reference = repo.heads['master'] zuul.merger.merger.reset_repo_to_head(repo) repo.git.clean('-x', '-f', '-d') def delete_branch(self, project, branch): path = os.path.join(self.upstream_root, project) repo = git.Repo(path) repo.head.reference = repo.heads['master'] zuul.merger.merger.reset_repo_to_head(repo) repo.delete_head(repo.heads[branch], force=True) def create_commit(self, project, files=None, head='master', message='Creating a fake commit', **kwargs): path = os.path.join(self.upstream_root, project) repo = git.Repo(path) repo.head.reference = repo.heads[head] repo.head.reset(index=True, working_tree=True) files = files or {"README": "creating fake commit\n"} for name, content in files.items(): file_name = os.path.join(path, name) with open(file_name, 'a') as f: f.write(content) repo.index.add([file_name]) commit = repo.index.commit(message, **kwargs) return commit.hexsha def orderedRelease(self, count=None): # Run one build at a time to ensure non-race order: i = 0 while len(self.builds): self.release(self.builds[0]) self.waitUntilSettled() i += 1 if count is not None and i >= count: break def getSortedBuilds(self): "Return the list of currently running builds sorted by name" return sorted(self.builds, key=lambda x: x.name) def release(self, job): if isinstance(job, FakeBuild): job.release() else: job.waiting = False self.log.debug("Queued job %s released" % job.unique) self.gearman_server.wakeConnections() def getParameter(self, job, name): if isinstance(job, FakeBuild): return job.parameters[name] else: parameters = json.loads(job.arguments) return parameters[name] def haveAllBuildsReported(self): # See if Zuul is waiting on a meta job to complete if self.executor_client.meta_jobs: return False # Find out if every build that the worker has completed has been # reported back to Zuul. If it hasn't then that means a Gearman # event is still in transit and the system is not stable. for build in self.history: zbuild = self.executor_client.builds.get(build.uuid) if not zbuild: # It has already been reported continue # It hasn't been reported yet. return False # Make sure that none of the worker connections are in GRAB_WAIT worker = self.executor_server.executor_gearworker.gearman for connection in worker.active_connections: if connection.state == 'GRAB_WAIT': return False return True def areAllBuildsWaiting(self): builds = self.executor_client.builds.values() seen_builds = set() for build in builds: seen_builds.add(build.uuid) client_job = None for conn in self.executor_client.gearman.active_connections: for j in conn.related_jobs.values(): if j.unique == build.uuid: client_job = j break if not client_job: self.log.debug("%s is not known to the gearman client" % build) return False if not client_job.handle: self.log.debug("%s has no handle" % client_job) return False server_job = self.gearman_server.jobs.get(client_job.handle) if not server_job: self.log.debug("%s is not known to the gearman server" % client_job) return False if not hasattr(server_job, 'waiting'): self.log.debug("%s is being enqueued" % server_job) return False if server_job.waiting: continue if build.url is None: self.log.debug("%s has not reported start" % build) return False # using internal ServerJob which offers no Text interface worker_build = self.executor_server.job_builds.get( server_job.unique.decode('utf8')) if worker_build: if build.paused: continue if worker_build.isWaiting(): continue self.log.debug("%s is running" % worker_build) return False else: self.log.debug("%s is unassigned" % server_job) return False for (build_uuid, job_worker) in \ self.executor_server.job_workers.items(): if build_uuid not in seen_builds: self.log.debug("%s is not finalized" % build_uuid) return False return True def areAllNodeRequestsComplete(self): if self.fake_nodepool.paused: return True if self.sched.nodepool.requests: return False return True def areAllMergeJobsWaiting(self): for client_job in list(self.merge_client.jobs): if not client_job.handle: self.log.debug("%s has no handle" % client_job) return False server_job = self.gearman_server.jobs.get(client_job.handle) if not server_job: self.log.debug("%s is not known to the gearman server" % client_job) return False if not hasattr(server_job, 'waiting'): self.log.debug("%s is being enqueued" % server_job) return False if server_job.waiting: self.log.debug("%s is waiting" % server_job) continue self.log.debug("%s is not waiting" % server_job) return False return True def eventQueuesEmpty(self): for event_queue in self.event_queues: yield event_queue.empty() def eventQueuesJoin(self): for event_queue in self.event_queues: event_queue.join() def waitUntilSettled(self, msg=""): self.log.debug("Waiting until settled... (%s)", msg) start = time.time() i = 0 while True: i = i + 1 if time.time() - start > self.wait_timeout: self.log.error("Timeout waiting for Zuul to settle") self.log.error("Queue status:") for event_queue in self.event_queues: self.log.error(" %s: %s" % (event_queue, event_queue.empty())) self.log.error("All builds waiting: %s" % (self.areAllBuildsWaiting(),)) self.log.error("All builds reported: %s" % (self.haveAllBuildsReported(),)) self.log.error("All requests completed: %s" % (self.areAllNodeRequestsComplete(),)) self.log.error("Merge client jobs: %s" % (self.merge_client.jobs,)) raise Exception("Timeout waiting for Zuul to settle") # Make sure no new events show up while we're checking self.executor_server.lock.acquire() # have all build states propogated to zuul? if self.haveAllBuildsReported(): # Join ensures that the queue is empty _and_ events have been # processed self.eventQueuesJoin() self.sched.run_handler_lock.acquire() if (self.areAllMergeJobsWaiting() and self.haveAllBuildsReported() and self.areAllBuildsWaiting() and self.areAllNodeRequestsComplete() and all(self.eventQueuesEmpty())): # The queue empty check is placed at the end to # ensure that if a component adds an event between # when locked the run handler and checked that the # components were stable, we don't erroneously # report that we are settled. self.sched.run_handler_lock.release() self.executor_server.lock.release() self.log.debug("...settled after %.3f ms / %s loops (%s)", time.time() - start, i, msg) self.logState() return self.sched.run_handler_lock.release() self.executor_server.lock.release() self.sched.wake_event.wait(0.1) def waitForPoll(self, poller, timeout=30): self.log.debug("Wait for poll on %s", poller) self.poller_events[poller].clear() self.log.debug("Waiting for poll 1 on %s", poller) self.poller_events[poller].wait(timeout) self.poller_events[poller].clear() self.log.debug("Waiting for poll 2 on %s", poller) self.poller_events[poller].wait(timeout) self.log.debug("Done waiting for poll on %s", poller) def logState(self): """ Log the current state of the system """ self.log.info("Begin state dump --------------------") for build in self.history: self.log.info("Completed build: %s" % build) for build in self.builds: self.log.info("Running build: %s" % build) for tenant in self.sched.abide.tenants.values(): for pipeline in tenant.layout.pipelines.values(): for pipeline_queue in pipeline.queues: if len(pipeline_queue.queue) != 0: status = '' for item in pipeline_queue.queue: status += item.formatStatus() self.log.info( 'Tenant %s pipeline %s queue %s contents:' % ( tenant.name, pipeline.name, pipeline_queue.name)) for l in status.split('\n'): if l.strip(): self.log.info(l) self.log.info("End state dump --------------------") def countJobResults(self, jobs, result): jobs = filter(lambda x: x.result == result, jobs) return len(list(jobs)) def getBuildByName(self, name): for build in self.builds: if build.name == name: return build raise Exception("Unable to find build %s" % name) def assertJobNotInHistory(self, name, project=None): for job in self.history: if (project is None or job.parameters['zuul']['project']['name'] == project): self.assertNotEqual(job.name, name, 'Job %s found in history' % name) def getJobFromHistory(self, name, project=None, result=None): for job in self.history: if (job.name == name and (project is None or job.parameters['zuul']['project']['name'] == project) and (result is None or job.result == result)): return job raise Exception("Unable to find job %s in history" % name) def assertEmptyQueues(self): # Make sure there are no orphaned jobs for tenant in self.sched.abide.tenants.values(): for pipeline in tenant.layout.pipelines.values(): for pipeline_queue in pipeline.queues: if len(pipeline_queue.queue) != 0: print('pipeline %s queue %s contents %s' % ( pipeline.name, pipeline_queue.name, pipeline_queue.queue)) self.assertEqual(len(pipeline_queue.queue), 0, "Pipelines queues should be empty") def assertReportedStat(self, key, value=None, kind=None): """Check statsd output Check statsd return values. A ``value`` should specify a ``kind``, however a ``kind`` may be specified without a ``value`` for a generic match. Leave both empy to just check for key presence. :arg str key: The statsd key :arg str value: The expected value of the metric ``key`` :arg str kind: The expected type of the metric ``key`` For example - ``c`` counter - ``g`` gauge - ``ms`` timing - ``s`` set """ if value: self.assertNotEqual(kind, None) start = time.time() while time.time() < (start + 5): # Note our fake statsd just queues up results in a queue. # We just keep going through them until we find one that # matches, or fail out. If statsd pipelines are used, # large single packets are sent with stats separated by # newlines; thus we first flatten the stats out into # single entries. stats = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable( [s.decode('utf-8').split('\n') for s in self.statsd.stats])) # Check that we don't have already have a counter value # that we then try to extend a sub-key under; this doesn't # work on the server. e.g. # zuul.new.stat is already a counter # zuul.new.stat.sub.value will silently not work # # note only valid for gauges and counters; timers are # slightly different because statsd flushes them out but # actually writes a bunch of different keys like "mean, # std, count", so the "key" isn't so much a key, but a # path to the folder where the actual values will be kept. # Thus you can extend timer keys OK. already_set_keys = set() for stat in stats: k, v = stat.split(':') s_value, s_kind = v.split('|') if s_kind == 'c' or s_kind == 'g': already_set_keys.update([k]) for k in already_set_keys: if key != k and key.startswith(k): raise Exception( "Key %s is a gauge/counter and " "we are trying to set subkey %s" % (k, key)) for stat in stats: k, v = stat.split(':') s_value, s_kind = v.split('|') if key == k: if kind is None: # key with no qualifiers is found return True # if no kind match, look for other keys if kind != s_kind: continue if value: # special-case value|ms because statsd can turn # timing results into float of indeterminate # length, hence foiling string matching. if kind == 'ms': if float(value) == float(s_value): return True if value == s_value: return True # otherwise keep looking for other matches continue # this key matches return True time.sleep(0.1) raise Exception("Key %s not found in reported stats" % key) def assertBuilds(self, builds): """Assert that the running builds are as described. The list of running builds is examined and must match exactly the list of builds described by the input. :arg list builds: A list of dictionaries. Each item in the list must match the corresponding build in the build history, and each element of the dictionary must match the corresponding attribute of the build. """ try: self.assertEqual(len(self.builds), len(builds)) for i, d in enumerate(builds): for k, v in d.items(): self.assertEqual( getattr(self.builds[i], k), v, "Element %i in builds does not match" % (i,)) except Exception: for build in self.builds: self.log.error("Running build: %s" % build) else: self.log.error("No running builds") raise def assertHistory(self, history, ordered=True): """Assert that the completed builds are as described. The list of completed builds is examined and must match exactly the list of builds described by the input. :arg list history: A list of dictionaries. Each item in the list must match the corresponding build in the build history, and each element of the dictionary must match the corresponding attribute of the build. :arg bool ordered: If true, the history must match the order supplied, if false, the builds are permitted to have arrived in any order. """ def matches(history_item, item): for k, v in item.items(): if getattr(history_item, k) != v: return False return True try: self.assertEqual(len(self.history), len(history)) if ordered: for i, d in enumerate(history): if not matches(self.history[i], d): raise Exception( "Element %i in history does not match %s" % (i, self.history[i])) else: unseen = self.history[:] for i, d in enumerate(history): found = False for unseen_item in unseen: if matches(unseen_item, d): found = True unseen.remove(unseen_item) break if not found: raise Exception("No match found for element %i " "in history" % (i,)) if unseen: raise Exception("Unexpected items in history") except Exception: for build in self.history: self.log.error("Completed build: %s" % build) if not self.history: self.log.error("No completed builds") raise def printHistory(self): """Log the build history. This can be useful during tests to summarize what jobs have completed. """ if not self.history: self.log.debug("Build history: no builds ran") return self.log.debug("Build history:") for build in self.history: self.log.debug(build) def updateConfigLayout(self, path): root = os.path.join(self.test_root, "config") if not os.path.exists(root): os.makedirs(root) f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir=root, delete=False) f.write(""" - tenant: name: openstack source: gerrit: config-projects: - %s untrusted-projects: - org/project - org/project1 - org/project2\n""" % path) f.close() self.config.set('scheduler', 'tenant_config', os.path.join(FIXTURE_DIR, f.name)) self.setupAllProjectKeys(self.config) def addTagToRepo(self, project, name, sha): path = os.path.join(self.upstream_root, project) repo = git.Repo(path) repo.git.tag(name, sha) def delTagFromRepo(self, project, name): path = os.path.join(self.upstream_root, project) repo = git.Repo(path) repo.git.tag('-d', name) def addCommitToRepo(self, project, message, files, branch='master', tag=None): path = os.path.join(self.upstream_root, project) repo = git.Repo(path) repo.head.reference = branch zuul.merger.merger.reset_repo_to_head(repo) for fn, content in files.items(): fn = os.path.join(path, fn) try: os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(fn)) except OSError: pass if isinstance(content, SymLink): os.symlink(content.target, fn) else: mode = 'w' if isinstance(content, bytes): # the file fixtures are loaded as bytes such that # we also support binary files mode = 'wb' with open(fn, mode) as f: f.write(content) repo.index.add([fn]) commit = repo.index.commit(message) before = repo.heads[branch].commit repo.heads[branch].commit = commit repo.head.reference = branch repo.git.clean('-x', '-f', '-d') repo.heads[branch].checkout() if tag: repo.create_tag(tag) return before def commitConfigUpdate(self, project_name, source_name): """Commit an update to zuul.yaml This overwrites the zuul.yaml in the specificed project with the contents specified. :arg str project_name: The name of the project containing zuul.yaml (e.g., common-config) :arg str source_name: The path to the file (underneath the test fixture directory) whose contents should be used to replace zuul.yaml. """ source_path = os.path.join(FIXTURE_DIR, source_name) files = {} with open(source_path, 'r') as f: data = f.read() layout = yaml.safe_load(data) files['zuul.yaml'] = data for item in layout: if 'job' in item: jobname = item['job']['name'] files['playbooks/%s.yaml' % jobname] = '' before = self.addCommitToRepo( project_name, 'Pulling content from %s' % source_name, files) return before def newTenantConfig(self, source_name): """ Use this to update the tenant config file in tests This will update self.tenant_config_file to point to a temporary file for the duration of this particular test. The content of that file will be taken from FIXTURE_DIR/source_name After the test the original value of self.tenant_config_file will be restored. :arg str source_name: The path of the file under FIXTURE_DIR that will be used to populate the new tenant config file. """ source_path = os.path.join(FIXTURE_DIR, source_name) orig_tenant_config_file = self.tenant_config_file with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( delete=False, mode='wb') as new_tenant_config: self.tenant_config_file = new_tenant_config.name with open(source_path, mode='rb') as source_tenant_config: new_tenant_config.write(source_tenant_config.read()) self.config['scheduler']['tenant_config'] = self.tenant_config_file self.setupAllProjectKeys(self.config) self.log.debug( 'tenant_config_file = {}'.format(self.tenant_config_file)) def _restoreTenantConfig(): self.log.debug( 'restoring tenant_config_file = {}'.format( orig_tenant_config_file)) os.unlink(self.tenant_config_file) self.tenant_config_file = orig_tenant_config_file self.config['scheduler']['tenant_config'] = orig_tenant_config_file self.addCleanup(_restoreTenantConfig) def addEvent(self, connection, event): """Inject a Fake (Gerrit) event. This method accepts a JSON-encoded event and simulates Zuul having received it from Gerrit. It could (and should) eventually apply to any connection type, but is currently only used with Gerrit connections. The name of the connection is used to look up the corresponding server, and the event is simulated as having been received by all Zuul connections attached to that server. So if two Gerrit connections in Zuul are connected to the same Gerrit server, and you invoke this method specifying the name of one of them, the event will be received by both. .. note:: "self.fake_gerrit.addEvent" calls should be migrated to this method. :arg str connection: The name of the connection corresponding to the gerrit server. :arg str event: The JSON-encoded event. """ specified_conn = self.connections.connections[connection] for conn in self.connections.connections.values(): if (isinstance(conn, specified_conn.__class__) and specified_conn.server == conn.server): conn.addEvent(event) def getUpstreamRepos(self, projects): """Return upstream git repo objects for the listed projects :arg list projects: A list of strings, each the canonical name of a project. :returns: A dictionary of {name: repo} for every listed project. :rtype: dict """ repos = {} for project in projects: # FIXME(jeblair): the upstream root does not yet have a # hostname component; that needs to be added, and this # line removed: tmp_project_name = '/'.join(project.split('/')[1:]) path = os.path.join(self.upstream_root, tmp_project_name) repo = git.Repo(path) repos[project] = repo return repos class AnsibleZuulTestCase(ZuulTestCase): """ZuulTestCase but with an actual ansible executor running""" run_ansible = True @contextmanager def jobLog(self, build): """Print job logs on assertion errors This method is a context manager which, if it encounters an ecxeption, adds the build log to the debug output. :arg Build build: The build that's being asserted. """ try: yield except Exception: path = os.path.join(self.jobdir_root, build.uuid, 'work', 'logs', 'job-output.txt') with open(path) as f: self.log.debug(f.read()) path = os.path.join(self.jobdir_root, build.uuid, 'work', 'logs', 'job-output.json') with open(path) as f: self.log.debug(f.read()) raise class SSLZuulTestCase(ZuulTestCase): """ZuulTestCase but using SSL when possible""" use_ssl = True class ZuulDBTestCase(ZuulTestCase): def setup_config(self, config_file: str): config = super(ZuulDBTestCase, self).setup_config(config_file) for section_name in config.sections(): con_match = re.match(r'^connection ([\'\"]?)(.*)(\1)$', section_name, re.I) if not con_match: continue if config.get(section_name, 'driver') == 'sql': if (config.get(section_name, 'dburi') == '$MYSQL_FIXTURE_DBURI$'): f = MySQLSchemaFixture() self.useFixture(f) config.set(section_name, 'dburi', f.dburi) elif (config.get(section_name, 'dburi') == '$POSTGRESQL_FIXTURE_DBURI$'): f = PostgresqlSchemaFixture() self.useFixture(f) config.set(section_name, 'dburi', f.dburi) return config class ZuulGithubAppTestCase(ZuulTestCase): def setup_config(self, config_file: str): config = super(ZuulGithubAppTestCase, self).setup_config(config_file) for section_name in config.sections(): con_match = re.match(r'^connection ([\'\"]?)(.*)(\1)$', section_name, re.I) if not con_match: continue if config.get(section_name, 'driver') == 'github': if (config.get(section_name, 'app_key', fallback=None) == '$APP_KEY_FIXTURE$'): config.set(section_name, 'app_key', os.path.join(FIXTURE_DIR, 'app_key')) return config