#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright 2017 Red Hat, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import logging import signal import sys import zuul.cmd import zuul.model import zuul.web import zuul.driver.sql import zuul.driver.github import zuul.lib.auth from zuul.lib.config import get_default class WebServer(zuul.cmd.ZuulDaemonApp): app_name = 'web' app_description = 'A standalone Zuul web server.' def createParser(self): parser = super().createParser() parser.add_argument('command', choices=zuul.web.COMMANDS, nargs='?') return parser def parseArguments(self, args=None): super().parseArguments() if self.args.command: self.args.nodaemon = True def exit_handler(self, signum, frame): self.web.stop() def _run(self): info = zuul.model.WebInfo.fromConfig(self.config) params = dict() params['info'] = info params['listen_address'] = get_default(self.config, 'web', 'listen_address', '') params['listen_port'] = get_default(self.config, 'web', 'port', 9000) params['static_cache_expiry'] = get_default(self.config, 'web', 'static_cache_expiry', 3600) params['static_path'] = get_default(self.config, 'web', 'static_path', None) params['gear_server'] = get_default(self.config, 'gearman', 'server') params['gear_port'] = get_default(self.config, 'gearman', 'port', 4730) params['ssl_key'] = get_default(self.config, 'gearman', 'ssl_key') params['ssl_cert'] = get_default(self.config, 'gearman', 'ssl_cert') params['ssl_ca'] = get_default(self.config, 'gearman', 'ssl_ca') params['command_socket'] = get_default( self.config, 'web', 'command_socket', '/var/lib/zuul/web.socket') params['connections'] = self.connections params['authenticators'] = self.authenticators # Validate config here before we spin up the ZuulWeb object for conn_name, connection in self.connections.connections.items(): try: connection.validateWebConfig(self.config, self.connections) except Exception: self.log.exception("Error validating config") sys.exit(1) params["zk_hosts"] = get_default( self.config, 'zookeeper', 'hosts', None) if not params["zk_hosts"]: raise Exception("The zookeeper hosts config value is required") params["zk_tls_key"] = get_default(self.config, 'zookeeper', 'tls_key') params["zk_tls_cert"] = get_default(self.config, 'zookeeper', 'tls_cert') params["zk_tls_ca"] = get_default(self.config, 'zookeeper', 'tls_ca') params["zk_timeout"] = float(get_default(self.config, 'zookeeper', 'session_timeout', 10.0)) try: self.web = zuul.web.ZuulWeb(**params) except Exception: self.log.exception("Error creating ZuulWeb:") sys.exit(1) signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR1, self.exit_handler) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, self.exit_handler) self.log.info('Zuul Web Server starting') self.web.start() self.web.join() self.log.info("Zuul Web Server stopped") def configure_authenticators(self): self.authenticators = zuul.lib.auth.AuthenticatorRegistry() self.authenticators.configure(self.config) def run(self): if self.args.command in zuul.web.COMMANDS: self.send_command(self.args.command) sys.exit(0) self.setup_logging('web', 'log_config') self.log = logging.getLogger("zuul.WebServer") try: self.configure_connections( include_drivers=[zuul.driver.sql.SQLDriver, zuul.driver.github.GithubDriver, zuul.driver.pagure.PagureDriver, zuul.driver.gitlab.GitlabDriver]) self.configure_authenticators() self._run() except Exception: self.log.exception("Exception from WebServer:") def main(): WebServer().main() if __name__ == "__main__": main()