# Copyright 2020 BMW Group # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import enum import functools import json import logging import threading import time import uuid from collections import namedtuple from collections.abc import Iterable from contextlib import suppress from kazoo.exceptions import NoNodeError from kazoo.protocol.states import EventType from zuul import model from zuul.lib.collections import DefaultKeyDict from zuul.lib.logutil import get_annotated_logger from zuul.zk import ZooKeeperSimpleBase, sharding from zuul.zk.election import SessionAwareElection RESULT_EVENT_TYPE_MAP = { "BuildCompletedEvent": model.BuildCompletedEvent, "BuildPausedEvent": model.BuildPausedEvent, "BuildStartedEvent": model.BuildStartedEvent, "BuildStatusEvent": model.BuildStatusEvent, "FilesChangesCompletedEvent": model.FilesChangesCompletedEvent, "MergeCompletedEvent": model.MergeCompletedEvent, "NodesProvisionedEvent": model.NodesProvisionedEvent, "SemaphoreReleaseEvent": model.SemaphoreReleaseEvent, } MANAGEMENT_EVENT_TYPE_MAP = { "DequeueEvent": model.DequeueEvent, "EnqueueEvent": model.EnqueueEvent, "PromoteEvent": model.PromoteEvent, "ReconfigureEvent": model.ReconfigureEvent, "TenantReconfigureEvent": model.TenantReconfigureEvent, "PipelinePostConfigEvent": model.PipelinePostConfigEvent, "PipelineSemaphoreReleaseEvent": model.PipelineSemaphoreReleaseEvent, } # /zuul/events/tenant TENANT_ROOT # /{tenant} TENANT_NAME_ROOT # /management TENANT_MANAGEMENT_ROOT # /queue TENANT_MANAGEMENT_QUEUE # /data [side channel data] # /trigger TENANT_TRIGGER_ROOT # /queue TENANT_TRIGGER_QUEUE # /data [side channel data] # /pipelines PIPELINE_ROOT # /{pipeline} PIPELINE_NAME_ROOT # /management PIPELINE_MANAGEMENT_ROOT # /queue PIPELINE_MANAGEMENT_QUEUE # /data [side channel data] # /trigger PIPELINE_TRIGGER_ROOT # /queue PIPELINE_TRIGGER_QUEUE # /data [side channel data] # /result PIPELINE_RESULT_ROOT # /queue PIPELINE_RESULT_QUEUE # /data [side channel data] TENANT_ROOT = "/zuul/events/tenant" TENANT_NAME_ROOT = TENANT_ROOT + "/{tenant}" TENANT_MANAGEMENT_ROOT = TENANT_NAME_ROOT + "/management" TENANT_MANAGEMENT_QUEUE = TENANT_MANAGEMENT_ROOT + "/queue" TENANT_TRIGGER_ROOT = TENANT_NAME_ROOT + "/trigger" TENANT_TRIGGER_QUEUE = TENANT_TRIGGER_ROOT + "/queue" PIPELINE_ROOT = TENANT_NAME_ROOT + "/pipelines" PIPELINE_NAME_ROOT = PIPELINE_ROOT + "/{pipeline}" PIPELINE_MANAGEMENT_ROOT = PIPELINE_NAME_ROOT + "/management" PIPELINE_MANAGEMENT_QUEUE = PIPELINE_MANAGEMENT_ROOT + "/queue" PIPELINE_TRIGGER_ROOT = PIPELINE_NAME_ROOT + "/trigger" PIPELINE_TRIGGER_QUEUE = PIPELINE_TRIGGER_ROOT + "/queue" PIPELINE_RESULT_ROOT = PIPELINE_NAME_ROOT + "/result" PIPELINE_RESULT_QUEUE = PIPELINE_RESULT_ROOT + "/queue" CONNECTION_ROOT = "/zuul/events/connection" # This is the path to the serialized from of the event in ZK (along # with the version when it was read (which should not change since # events are immutable in queue)). When processing of the event is # complete, this is the path that should be deleted in order to # acknowledge it and prevent re-processing. Instances of this are # dynamically created and attached to de-serialized Event instances. EventAckRef = namedtuple("EventAckRef", ("path", "version")) UNKNOWN_ZVERSION = -1 class EventPrefix(enum.Enum): MANAGEMENT = "100" RESULT = "200" TRIGGER = "300" class EventWatcher(ZooKeeperSimpleBase): log = logging.getLogger("zuul.zk.event_queues.EventWatcher") def __init__(self, client, callback): super().__init__(client) self.callback = callback self.watched_tenants = set() self.watched_pipelines = set() self.kazoo_client.ensure_path(TENANT_ROOT) self.kazoo_client.ChildrenWatch(TENANT_ROOT, self._tenantWatch) def _makePipelineWatcher(self, tenant_name): def watch(children, event=None): return self._pipelineWatch(tenant_name, children) return watch def _tenantWatch(self, tenants): for tenant_name in tenants: if tenant_name in self.watched_tenants: continue for path in (TENANT_MANAGEMENT_QUEUE, TENANT_TRIGGER_QUEUE): path = path.format(tenant=tenant_name) self.kazoo_client.ensure_path(path) self.kazoo_client.ChildrenWatch( path, self._eventWatch, send_event=True) pipelines_path = PIPELINE_ROOT.format(tenant=tenant_name) self.kazoo_client.ensure_path(pipelines_path) self.kazoo_client.ChildrenWatch( pipelines_path, self._makePipelineWatcher(tenant_name)) self.watched_tenants.add(tenant_name) def _pipelineWatch(self, tenant_name, pipelines): # Remove pipelines that no longer exists from the watch list so # we re-register the children watch in case the pipeline is # added again. for watched_tenant, pipeline_name in list(self.watched_pipelines): if watched_tenant != tenant_name: continue if pipeline_name in pipelines: continue with suppress(KeyError): self.watched_pipelines.remove((tenant_name, pipeline_name)) for pipeline_name in pipelines: key = (tenant_name, pipeline_name) if key in self.watched_pipelines: continue for path in (PIPELINE_MANAGEMENT_QUEUE, PIPELINE_TRIGGER_QUEUE, PIPELINE_RESULT_QUEUE): path = path.format(tenant=tenant_name, pipeline=pipeline_name) self.kazoo_client.ensure_path(path) self.kazoo_client.ChildrenWatch( path, self._eventWatch, send_event=True) self.watched_pipelines.add(key) def _eventWatch(self, event_list, event=None): if event is None: # Handle initial call when the watch is created. If there are # already events in the queue we trigger the callback. if event_list: self.callback() elif event.type == EventType.CHILD: self.callback() class ZooKeeperEventQueue(ZooKeeperSimpleBase, Iterable): """Abstract API for events via ZooKeeper The lifecycle of a global (not pipeline-specific) event is: * Serialized form of event added to ZK queue. * During queue processing, events are de-serialized and AbstractEvent subclasses are instantiated. An EventAckRef is associated with the event instance in order to maintain the link to the serialized form. * When event processing is complete, the EventAckRef is used to delete the original event. If the event requires a result (e.g., a management event that returns data) the result will be written to a pre-determined location. A future can watch for the result to appear at that location. Pipeline specific events usually start out as global events, but upon processing, may be forwarded to pipeline-specific queues. In these cases, the original event will be deleted as above, and a new, identical event will be created in the pipeline-specific queue. If the event expects a result, no result will be written upon forwarding; the result will only be written when the forwarded event is processed. """ log = logging.getLogger("zuul.zk.event_queues.ZooKeeperEventQueue") def __init__(self, client, queue_root): super().__init__(client) self.queue_root = queue_root self.event_root = f'{queue_root}/queue' self.data_root = f'{queue_root}/data' self.initialize() def initialize(self): self.kazoo_client.ensure_path(self.event_root) self.kazoo_client.ensure_path(self.data_root) def _listEvents(self): return self.kazoo_client.get_children(self.event_root) def __len__(self): try: data, stat = self.kazoo_client.get(self.event_root) return stat.children_count except NoNodeError: return 0 def hasEvents(self): return bool(len(self)) def ack(self, event): # Event.ack_ref is an EventAckRef, previously attached to an # event object when it was de-serialized. if not event.ack_ref: raise RuntimeError("Cannot ack event %s without reference", event) if not self._remove(event.ack_ref.path, event.ack_ref.version): self.log.warning("Event %s was already acknowledged", event) def _put(self, data, updater=None): # Event data can be large, so we want to shard it. But events # also need to be atomic (we don't want an event listener to # start processing a half-stored event). A natural solution # is to write the sharded data along with the event. However, # our events are sequence nodes in order to maintain ordering, # and we can't write shard nodes under the event without # creating the event first. We can't use transactions because # they are subject to the same size limit. To resolve this, # we store the event data in two places: the event itself and # associated metadata are in the event queue as a single # sequence node. The event data are stored in a separate tree # under a UUID. We have to use a UUID because we don't know # the sequence node when we write it. The event metadata # includes the UUID of the data. We call the separated data # "side channel data" to indicate it's stored outside the main # event queue. # # To make the API simpler to work with, we assume "event_data" # contains the bulk of the data. We extract it here into the # side channel data, then in _iterEvents we re-constitute it # into the dictionary. # # If `updater` is supplied, it is a RequestUpdater instance, and # we are engaged in a cooperative transaction with a job # request. # Add a trailing /q for our sequence nodes; transaction # sequence nodes need a character after / otherwise they drop # the /. event_path = f"{self.event_root}/q" if updater and not updater.preRun(): # Don't even try the update return # Write the side channel data here under the assumption that # the transaction will proceed. If the transaction fails, it # will be cleaned up after about 5 minutes. side_channel_data = None size_limit = sharding.NODE_BYTE_SIZE_LIMIT if updater: # If we are in a transaction, leave enough room to share. size_limit /= 2 encoded_data = json.dumps(data, sort_keys=True).encode("utf-8") if (len(encoded_data) > size_limit and 'event_data' in data): # Get a unique data node data_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) data_root = f'{self.data_root}/{data_id}' side_channel_data = json.dumps(data['event_data'], sort_keys=True).encode("utf-8") data = data.copy() del data['event_data'] data['event_data_path'] = data_root encoded_data = json.dumps(data, sort_keys=True).encode("utf-8") with sharding.BufferedShardWriter( self.kazoo_client, data_root) as stream: stream.write(side_channel_data) if updater is None: return self.kazoo_client.create( event_path, encoded_data, sequence=True) # The rest of the method is the updater case. Start a # transaction. transaction = self.kazoo_client.transaction() # Add transaction tasks. transaction.create(event_path, encoded_data, sequence=True) updater.run(transaction) # Commit the transaction and process the results. `results` # is an array of either exceptions or return values # corresponding to the operations in order. result = transaction.commit() if isinstance(result[0], Exception): raise result[0] updater.postRun(result[1]) return result[0] def _iterEvents(self): try: # We need to sort this ourself, since Kazoo doesn't guarantee any # ordering of the returned children. events = sorted(self._listEvents()) except NoNodeError: return for event_id in events: path = "/".join((self.event_root, event_id)) # Load the event metadata data, zstat = self.kazoo_client.get(path) try: event = json.loads(data) except json.JSONDecodeError: self.log.exception("Malformed event data in %s", path) self._remove(path) continue # Load the event data (if present); if that fails, the # event is corrupt; delete and continue. side_channel_path = event.get('event_data_path') if side_channel_path: try: with sharding.BufferedShardReader( self.kazoo_client, side_channel_path) as stream: side_channel_data = stream.read() except NoNodeError: self.log.exception("Side channel data for %s " "not found at %s", path, side_channel_path) self._remove(path) continue try: event_data = json.loads(side_channel_data) except json.JSONDecodeError: self.log.exception("Malformed side channel " "event data in %s", side_channel_path) self._remove(path) continue event['event_data'] = event_data yield event, EventAckRef(path, zstat.version), zstat def _remove(self, path, version=UNKNOWN_ZVERSION): try: # Find the side channel path side_channel_path = None data, zstat = self.kazoo_client.get(path) try: event = json.loads(data) side_channel_path = event.get('event_data_path') except json.JSONDecodeError: pass if side_channel_path: with suppress(NoNodeError): self.kazoo_client.delete(side_channel_path, recursive=True) self.kazoo_client.delete(path, version=version, recursive=True) return True except NoNodeError: return False def _findLostSideChannelData(self, age): # Get data nodes which are older than the specified age (we # don't want to delete nodes which are just being written # slowly). # Convert to MS now = int(time.time() * 1000) age = age * 1000 data_nodes = set() for data_id in self.kazoo_client.get_children(self.data_root): data_path = f'{self.data_root}/{data_id}' data_zstat = self.kazoo_client.exists(data_path) if now - data_zstat.mtime > age: data_nodes.add(data_path) # If there are no candidate data nodes, we don't need to # filter them by known events. if not data_nodes: return data_nodes events = set(self._listEvents()) for event_id in events: # Load the event metadata path = "/".join((self.event_root, event_id)) data, zstat = self.kazoo_client.get(path) try: event = json.loads(data) except json.JSONDecodeError: self.log.exception("Malformed event data in %s", path) self._remove(path) continue side_channel_path = event.get('event_data_path') if side_channel_path: data_nodes.discard(side_channel_path) return data_nodes def cleanup(self, age=300): try: for path in self._findLostSideChannelData(age): try: self.log.error("Removing side channel data: %s", path) self.kazoo_client.delete(path, recursive=True) except Exception: self.log.exception( "Unable to delete side channel data %s", path) except Exception: self.log.exception("Error cleaning up event queue %s", self) class EventResultFuture(ZooKeeperSimpleBase): """Base class for result futures for different events.""" log = logging.getLogger("zuul.zk.event_queues.EventResultFuture") def __init__(self, client, result_path): super().__init__(client) self._result_path = result_path self._wait_event = threading.Event() self.kazoo_client.DataWatch(self._result_path, self._resultCallback) self.data = {} def _resultCallback(self, data=None, stat=None): if data is None: # Igore events w/o any data return None self._wait_event.set() # Stop the watch if we got a result return False def _read(self): # Internal method to read the result data; may be overridden # by subclasses. return self.kazoo_client.get(self._result_path)[0] def _delete(self): with suppress(NoNodeError): self.kazoo_client.delete(self._result_path, recursive=True) def wait(self, timeout=None): """Wait until the result for this event has been written.""" # Note that due to event forwarding, the only way to confirm # that an event has been processed is to check for a result; # the original event may have been deleted when forwaded to a # different queue. if not self._wait_event.wait(timeout): return False try: try: data = self._read() self.data = json.loads(data.decode("utf-8")) except json.JSONDecodeError: self.log.exception( "Malformed result data in %s", self._result_path ) raise finally: self._delete() return True class JobResultFuture(EventResultFuture): log = logging.getLogger("zuul.JobResultFuture") def __init__(self, client, request_path, result_path, waiter_path): super().__init__(client, result_path) self.request_path = request_path self._waiter_path = waiter_path self._result_data_path = None self.merged = None self.updated = None self.commit = None self.files = None self.repo_state = None self.item_in_branches = None def _read(self): result_node = self.kazoo_client.get(self._result_path)[0] result = json.loads(result_node) self._result_data_path = result['result_data_path'] with sharding.BufferedShardReader( self.kazoo_client, self._result_data_path) as stream: return stream.read() def _delete(self): super()._delete() if self._result_data_path: with suppress(NoNodeError): self.kazoo_client.delete(self._result_data_path, recursive=True) def wait(self, timeout=None): try: res = super().wait(timeout) finally: with suppress(NoNodeError): self.kazoo_client.delete(self._waiter_path) self.merged = self.data.get("merged", False) self.updated = self.data.get("updated", False) self.commit = self.data.get("commit") self.files = self.data.get("files", {}) self.repo_state = self.data.get("repo_state", {}) self.item_in_branches = self.data.get("item_in_branches", []) return res def cancel(self): # Remove our waiter node so that if a result is ever reported, # it will be garbage collected. with suppress(NoNodeError): self.kazoo_client.delete(self._waiter_path) class ManagementEventResultFuture(EventResultFuture): """Returned when a management event is put into a queue.""" log = logging.getLogger("zuul.zk.event_queues.ManagementEventResultFuture") def __init__(self, client, result_path: str): super().__init__(client, result_path) def wait(self, timeout=None): res = super().wait(timeout) tb = self.data.get("traceback") if tb is not None: # TODO: raise some kind of ManagementEventException here raise RuntimeError(tb) return res class ManagementEventQueue(ZooKeeperEventQueue): """Management events via ZooKeeper""" RESULTS_ROOT = "/zuul/results/management" log = logging.getLogger("zuul.zk.event_queues.ManagementEventQueue") def put(self, event, needs_result=True): result_path = None # If this event is forwarded it might have a result ref that # we need to forward. if event.result_ref: result_path = event.result_ref elif needs_result: result_path = "/".join((self.RESULTS_ROOT, str(uuid.uuid4()))) data = { "event_type": type(event).__name__, "event_data": event.toDict(), "result_path": result_path, } if needs_result and not event.result_ref: # The event was not forwarded, create the result ref self.kazoo_client.create(result_path, None, makepath=True, ephemeral=True) self._put(data) if needs_result and result_path: return ManagementEventResultFuture(self.client, result_path) return None def __iter__(self): event_list = [] for data, ack_ref, zstat in self._iterEvents(): try: event_class = MANAGEMENT_EVENT_TYPE_MAP[data["event_type"]] event_data = data["event_data"] result_path = data["result_path"] except KeyError: self.log.warning("Malformed event found: %s", data) self._remove(ack_ref.path, ack_ref.version) continue event = event_class.fromDict(event_data) event.ack_ref = ack_ref event.result_ref = result_path # Initialize the logical timestamp if not valid if event.zuul_event_ltime is None: event.zuul_event_ltime = zstat.creation_transaction_id try: other_event = event_list[event_list.index(event)] except ValueError: other_event = None if other_event: if isinstance(other_event, model.TenantReconfigureEvent): other_event.merge(event) continue event_list.append(event) yield from event_list def ack(self, event): """Acknowledge the event (by deleting it from the queue)""" # Note: the result is reported first to ensure that the # originator of the event which may be waiting on a future # receives a result, or otherwise this event is considered # unprocessed and remains on the queue. self._reportResult(event) super().ack(event) if isinstance(event, model.TenantReconfigureEvent): for merged_event in event.merged_events: merged_event.traceback = event.traceback self._reportResult(merged_event) super().ack(merged_event) def _reportResult(self, event): if not event.result_ref: return result_data = {"traceback": event.traceback, "timestamp": time.time()} try: self.kazoo_client.set( event.result_ref, json.dumps(result_data, sort_keys=True).encode("utf-8"), ) except NoNodeError: self.log.warning(f"No result node found for {event}; " "client may have disconnected") class PipelineManagementEventQueue(ManagementEventQueue): log = logging.getLogger( "zuul.zk.event_queues.PipelineManagementEventQueue" ) def __init__(self, client, tenant_name, pipeline_name): queue_root = PIPELINE_MANAGEMENT_ROOT.format( tenant=tenant_name, pipeline=pipeline_name) super().__init__(client, queue_root) @classmethod def createRegistry(cls, client): """Create a tenant/pipeline queue registry Returns a nested dictionary of: tenant_name -> pipeline_name -> EventQueue Queues are dynamically created with the originally supplied ZK client as they are accessed via the registry (so new tenants or pipelines show up automatically). """ return DefaultKeyDict(lambda t: cls._createRegistry(client, t)) @classmethod def _createRegistry(cls, client, tenant_name): return DefaultKeyDict(lambda p: cls(client, tenant_name, p)) class TenantManagementEventQueue(ManagementEventQueue): log = logging.getLogger("zuul.zk.event_queues.TenantManagementEventQueue") def __init__(self, client, tenant_name): queue_root = TENANT_MANAGEMENT_ROOT.format( tenant=tenant_name) super().__init__(client, queue_root) def ackWithoutResult(self, event): """ Used to ack a management event when forwarding to a pipeline queue """ super(ManagementEventQueue, self).ack(event) if isinstance(event, model.TenantReconfigureEvent): for merged_event in event.merged_events: super(ManagementEventQueue, self).ack(merged_event) @classmethod def createRegistry(cls, client): """Create a tenant queue registry Returns a dictionary of: tenant_name -> EventQueue Queues are dynamically created with the originally supplied ZK client as they are accessed via the registry (so new tenants show up automatically). """ return DefaultKeyDict(lambda t: cls(client, t)) class PipelineResultEventQueue(ZooKeeperEventQueue): """Result events via ZooKeeper""" log = logging.getLogger("zuul.zk.event_queues.PipelineResultEventQueue") def __init__(self, client, tenant_name, pipeline_name): queue_root = PIPELINE_RESULT_ROOT.format( tenant=tenant_name, pipeline=pipeline_name) super().__init__(client, queue_root) @classmethod def createRegistry(cls, client): """Create a tenant/pipeline queue registry Returns a nested dictionary of: tenant_name -> pipeline_name -> EventQueue Queues are dynamically created with the originally supplied ZK client as they are accessed via the registry (so new tenants or pipelines show up automatically). """ return DefaultKeyDict(lambda t: cls._createRegistry(client, t)) @classmethod def _createRegistry(cls, client, tenant_name): return DefaultKeyDict(lambda p: cls(client, tenant_name, p)) def put(self, event, updater=None): data = { "event_type": type(event).__name__, "event_data": event.toDict(), } self._put(data, updater) def __iter__(self): for data, ack_ref, _ in self._iterEvents(): try: event_class = RESULT_EVENT_TYPE_MAP[data["event_type"]] event_data = data["event_data"] except KeyError: self.log.warning("Malformed event found: %s", data) self._remove(ack_ref.path, ack_ref.version) continue event = event_class.fromDict(event_data) event.ack_ref = ack_ref yield event class TriggerEventQueue(ZooKeeperEventQueue): """Trigger events via ZooKeeper""" log = logging.getLogger("zuul.zk.event_queues.TriggerEventQueue") def __init__(self, client, queue_root, connections): self.connections = connections super().__init__(client, queue_root) def put(self, driver_name, event): data = { "driver_name": driver_name, "event_data": event.toDict(), } self._put(data) def put_supercede(self, event): data = { "event_type": "SupercedeEvent", "event_data": event.toDict(), "driver_name": None, } self._put(data) def __iter__(self): for data, ack_ref, zstat in self._iterEvents(): try: if (data["driver_name"] is None and data["event_type"] == "SupercedeEvent"): event_class = model.SupercedeEvent else: event_class = self.connections.getTriggerEventClass( data["driver_name"] ) event_data = data["event_data"] except KeyError: self.log.warning("Malformed event found: %s", data) self._remove(ack_ref.path, ack_ref.version) continue event = event_class.fromDict(event_data) event.ack_ref = ack_ref event.driver_name = data["driver_name"] # Initialize the logical timestamp if not valid if event.zuul_event_ltime is None: event.zuul_event_ltime = zstat.creation_transaction_id yield event class TenantTriggerEventQueue(TriggerEventQueue): log = logging.getLogger("zuul.zk.event_queues.TenantTriggerEventQueue") def __init__(self, client, connections, tenant_name): queue_root = TENANT_TRIGGER_ROOT.format( tenant=tenant_name) super().__init__(client, queue_root, connections) self.metadata = {} def _setQueueMetadata(self): encoded_data = json.dumps( self.metadata, sort_keys=True).encode("utf-8") self.kazoo_client.set(self.queue_root, encoded_data) def refreshMetadata(self): data, zstat = self.kazoo_client.get(self.queue_root) try: self.metadata = json.loads(data) except json.JSONDecodeError: self.metadata = {} @property def last_reconfigure_event_ltime(self): return self.metadata.get('last_reconfigure_event_ltime', -1) @last_reconfigure_event_ltime.setter def last_reconfigure_event_ltime(self, val): self.metadata['last_reconfigure_event_ltime'] = val self._setQueueMetadata() @classmethod def createRegistry(cls, client, connections): """Create a tenant queue registry Returns a dictionary of: tenant_name -> EventQueue Queues are dynamically created with the originally supplied ZK client as they are accessed via the registry (so new tenants show up automatically). """ return DefaultKeyDict(lambda t: cls(client, connections, t)) class PipelineTriggerEventQueue(TriggerEventQueue): log = logging.getLogger("zuul.zk.event_queues.PipelineTriggerEventQueue") def __init__(self, client, tenant_name, pipeline_name, connections): queue_root = PIPELINE_TRIGGER_ROOT.format( tenant=tenant_name, pipeline=pipeline_name) super().__init__(client, queue_root, connections) @classmethod def createRegistry(cls, client, connections): """Create a tenant/pipeline queue registry Returns a nested dictionary of: tenant_name -> pipeline_name -> EventQueue Queues are dynamically created with the originally supplied ZK client and connection registry as they are accessed via the queue registry (so new tenants or pipelines show up automatically). """ return DefaultKeyDict( lambda t: cls._createRegistry(client, t, connections) ) @classmethod def _createRegistry(cls, client, tenant_name, connections): return DefaultKeyDict( lambda p: cls(client, tenant_name, p, connections) ) class ConnectionEventQueue(ZooKeeperEventQueue): """Connection events via ZooKeeper""" log = logging.getLogger("zuul.ConnectionEventQueue") def __init__(self, client, connection_name): queue_root = "/".join((CONNECTION_ROOT, connection_name, "events")) super().__init__(client, queue_root) self.election_root = "/".join( (CONNECTION_ROOT, connection_name, "election") ) self.kazoo_client.ensure_path(self.election_root) self.election = SessionAwareElection( self.kazoo_client, self.election_root) def _eventWatch(self, callback, event_list): if event_list: return callback() def registerEventWatch(self, callback): self.kazoo_client.ChildrenWatch( self.event_root, functools.partial(self._eventWatch, callback) ) def put(self, data): log = self.log if "zuul_event_id" in data: log = get_annotated_logger(log, data["zuul_event_id"]) log.debug("Submitting connection event to queue %s: %s", self.event_root, data) self._put({'event_data': data}) def __iter__(self): for data, ack_ref, zstat in self._iterEvents(): if not data: self.log.warning("Malformed event found: %s", data) self._remove(ack_ref.path) continue # TODO: We can assume event_data exists after 4.6.1 is released event = model.ConnectionEvent.fromDict( data.get('event_data', data)) event.ack_ref = ack_ref event.zuul_event_ltime = zstat.creation_transaction_id yield event class EventReceiverElection(SessionAwareElection): """Election for a singleton event receiver.""" def __init__(self, client, connection_name, receiver_name): self.election_root = "/".join( (CONNECTION_ROOT, connection_name, f"election-{receiver_name}") ) super().__init__(client.client, self.election_root) class NodepoolEventElection(SessionAwareElection): """Election for the nodepool completion event processor.""" def __init__(self, client): self.election_root = "/zuul/nodepool/election" super().__init__(client.client, self.election_root)