path: root/Documentation/ref/ovsdb-server.7.rst
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+ Copyright (c) 2017 Nicira, Inc.
+ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+ not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+ a copy of the License at
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+ WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+ License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ under the License.
+ Convention for heading levels in Open vSwitch documentation:
+ ======= Heading 0 (reserved for the title in a document)
+ ------- Heading 1
+ ~~~~~~~ Heading 2
+ +++++++ Heading 3
+ ''''''' Heading 4
+ Avoid deeper levels because they do not render well.
+``ovsdb-server`` implements the Open vSwitch Database (OVSDB) protocol
+specified in RFC 7047. This document provides clarifications for how
+``ovsdb-server`` implements the protocol and describes the extensions that it
+provides beyond RFC 7047. Numbers in section headings refer to corresponding
+sections in RFC 7047.
+3.1 JSON Usage
+RFC 4627 says that names within a JSON object should be unique.
+The Open vSwitch JSON parser discards all but the last value
+for a name that is specified more than once.
+The definition of <error> allows for implementation extensions.
+Currently ``ovsdb-server`` uses the following additional ``error``
+strings (which might change in later releases):
+``syntax error`` or ``unknown column``
+ The request could not be parsed as an OVSDB request. An additional
+ ``syntax`` member, whose value is a string that contains JSON, may narrow
+ down the particular syntax that could not be parsed.
+``internal error``
+ The request triggered a bug in ``ovsdb-server``.
+``ovsdb error``
+ A map or set contains a duplicate key.
+``permission error``
+ The request was denied by the role-based access control extension,
+ introduced in version 2.8.
+3.2 Schema Format
+RFC 7047 requires the ``version`` field in <database-schema>. Current versions
+of ``ovsdb-server`` allow it to be omitted (future versions are likely to
+require it).
+RFC 7047 allows columns that contain weak references to be immutable. This
+raises the issue of the behavior of the weak reference when the rows that it
+references are deleted. Since version 2.6, ``ovsdb-server`` forces columns
+that contain weak references to be mutable.
+Since version 2.8, the table name ``RBAC_Role`` is used internally by the
+role-based access control extension to ``ovsdb-server`` and should not be used
+for purposes other than defining mappings of role names to table access
+permissions. This table has one row per role name and the following columns:
+ The role name.
+ A map of table name to a reference to a row in a separate permission table.
+The separate RBAC permission table has one row per access control
+configuration and the following columns:
+ The name of the table to which the row applies.
+ The set of column names and column:key pairs to be compared with the client
+ ID in order to determine the authorization status of the requested
+ operation.
+ A boolean value, true if authorized insertions and deletions are allowed,
+ false if no insertions or deletions are allowed.
+ The set of columns and column:key pairs for which authorized update and
+ mutate operations should be permitted.
+4 Wire Protocol
+The original OVSDB specifications included the following reasons, omitted from
+RFC 7047, to operate JSON-RPC directly over a stream instead of over HTTP:
+* JSON-RPC is a peer-to-peer protocol, but HTTP is a client-server protocol,
+ which is a poor match. Thus, JSON-RPC over HTTP requires the client to
+ periodically poll the server to receive server requests.
+* HTTP is more complicated than stream connections and doesn't provide any
+ corresponding advantage.
+* The JSON-RPC specification for HTTP transport is incomplete.
+4.1.3 Transact
+Since version 2.8, role-based access controls can be applied to operations
+within a transaction that would modify the contents of the database (these
+operations include row insert, row delete, column update, and column
+mutate). Role-based access controls are applied when the database schema
+contains a table with the name ``RBAC_Role`` and the connection on which the
+transaction request was received has an associated role name (from the ``role``
+column in the remote connection table). When role-based access controls are
+enabled, transactions that are otherwise well-formed may be rejected depending
+on the client's role, ID, and the contents of the ``RBAC_Role`` table and
+associated permissions table.
+4.1.5 Monitor
+For backward compatibility, ``ovsdb-server`` currently permits a single
+<monitor-request> to be used instead of an array; it is treated as a
+single-element array. Future versions of ``ovsdb-server`` might remove this
+compatibility feature.
+Because the <json-value> parameter is used to match subsequent update
+notifications (see below) to the request, it must be unique among all active
+monitors. ``ovsdb-server`` rejects attempt to create two monitors with the
+same identifier.
+4.1.12 Monitor_cond
+A new monitor method added in Open vSwitch version 2.6. The ``monitor_cond``
+request enables a client to replicate subsets of tables within an OVSDB
+database by requesting notifications of changes to rows matching one of the
+conditions specified in ``where`` by receiving the specified contents of these
+rows when table updates occur. ``monitor_cond`` also allows a more efficient
+update notifications by receiving <table-updates2> notifications (described
+The ``monitor`` method described in Section 4.1.5 also applies to
+``monitor_cond``, with the following exceptions:
+* RPC request method becomes ``monitor_cond``.
+* Reply result follows <table-updates2>, described in Section 4.1.14.
+* Subsequent changes are sent to the client using the ``update2`` monitor
+ notification, described in Section 4.1.14
+* Update notifications are being sent only for rows matching [<condition>*].
+The request object has the following members::
+ "method": "monitor_cond"
+ "params": [<db-name>, <json-value>, <monitor-cond-requests>]
+ "id": <nonnull-json-value>
+The <json-value> parameter is used to match subsequent update notifications
+(see below) to this request. The <monitor-cond-requests> object maps the name
+of the table to an array of <monitor-cond-request>.
+Each <monitor-cond-request> is an object with the following members::
+ "columns": [<column>*] optional
+ "where": [<condition>*] optional
+ "select": <monitor-select> optional
+The ``columns``, if present, define the columns within the table to be
+monitored that match conditions. If not present, all columns are monitored.
+The ``where``, if present, is a JSON array of <condition> and boolean values.
+If not present or condition is an empty array, implicit True will be considered
+and updates on all rows will be sent.
+<monitor-select> is an object with the following members::
+ "initial": <boolean> optional
+ "insert": <boolean> optional
+ "delete": <boolean> optional
+ "modify": <boolean> optional
+The contents of this object specify how the columns or table are to be
+monitored as explained in more detail below.
+The response object has the following members::
+ "result": <table-updates2>
+ "error": null
+ "id": same "id" as request
+The <table-updates2> object is described in detail in Section 4.1.14. It
+contains the contents of the tables for which initial rows are selected. If no
+tables initial contents are requested, then ``result`` is an empty object.
+Subsequently, when changes to a specified table that match one of the
+conditions in <monitor-cond-request> are committed, the changes are
+automatically sent to the client using the ``update2`` monitor notification
+(see Section 4.1.14). This monitoring persists until the JSON-RPC session
+terminates or until the client sends a ``monitor_cancel`` JSON-RPC request.
+Each <monitor-cond-request> specifies one or more conditions and the manner in
+which the rows that match the conditions are to be monitored. The
+circumstances in which an ``update`` notification is sent for a row within the
+table are determined by <monitor-select>:
+* If ``initial`` is omitted or true, every row in the original table that
+ matches one of the conditions is sent as part of the response to the
+ ``monitor_cond`` request.
+* If ``insert`` is omitted or true, update notifications are sent for rows
+ newly inserted into the table that match conditions or for rows modified in
+ the table so that their old version does not match the condition and new
+ version does.
+* If ``delete`` is omitted or true, update notifications are sent for rows
+ deleted from the table that match conditions or for rows modified in the
+ table so that their old version does match the conditions and new version
+ does not.
+* If ``modify`` is omitted or true, update notifications are sent whenever a
+ row in the table that matches conditions in both old and new version is
+ modified.
+Both ``monitor`` and ``monitor_cond`` sessions can exist concurrently. However,
+``monitor`` and ``monitor_cond`` shares the same <json-value> parameter space;
+it must be unique among all ``monitor`` and ``monitor_cond`` sessions.
+4.1.13 Monitor_cond_change
+The ``monitor_cond_change`` request enables a client to change an existing
+``monitor_cond`` replication of the database by specifying a new condition and
+columns for each replicated table. Currently changing the columns set is not
+The request object has the following members::
+ "method": "monitor_cond_change"
+ "params": [<json-value>, <json-value>, <monitor-cond-update-requests>]
+ "id": <nonnull-json-value>
+The <json-value> parameter should have a value of an existing conditional
+monitoring session from this client. The second <json-value> in params array is
+the requested value for this session. This value is valid only after
+``monitor_cond_change`` is committed. A user can use these values to
+distinguish between update messages before conditions update and after. The
+<monitor-cond-update-requests> object maps the name of the table to an array of
+<monitor-cond-update-request>. Monitored tables not included in
+<monitor-cond-update-requests> retain their current conditions.
+Each <monitor-cond-update-request> is an object with the following members::
+ "columns": [<column>*] optional
+ "where": [<condition>*] optional
+The ``columns`` specify a new array of columns to be monitored, although this
+feature is not yet supported.
+The ``where`` specify a new array of conditions to be applied to this
+monitoring session.
+The response object has the following members::
+ "result": null
+ "error": null
+ "id": same "id" as request
+Subsequent <table-updates2> notifications are described in detail in Section
+4.1.14 in the RFC. If insert contents are requested by original monitor_cond
+request, <table-updates2> will contain rows that match the new condition and do
+not match the old condition. If deleted contents are requested by origin
+monitor request, <table-updates2> will contain any matched rows by old
+condition and not matched by the new condition.
+Changes according to the new conditions are automatically sent to the client
+using the ``update2`` monitor notification. An update, if any, as a result of
+a condition change, will be sent to the client before the reply to the
+``monitor_cond_change`` request.
+4.1.14 Update2 notification
+The ``update2`` notification is sent by the server to the client to report
+changes in tables that are being monitored following a ``monitor_cond`` request
+as described above. The notification has the following members::
+ "method": "update2"
+ "params": [<json-value>, <table-updates2>]
+ "id": null
+The <json-value> in ``params`` is the same as the value passed as the
+<json-value> in ``params`` for the corresponding ``monitor`` request.
+<table-updates2> is an object that maps from a table name to a <table-update2>.
+A <table-update2> is an object that maps from row's UUID to a <row-update2>
+object. A <row-update2> is an object with one of the following members:
+``"initial": <row>``
+ present for ``initial`` updates
+``"insert": <row>``
+ present for ``insert`` updates
+``"delete": <row>``
+ present for ``delete`` updates
+``"modify": <row>"``
+ present for ``modify`` updates
+The format of <row> is described in Section 5.1.
+<row> is always a null object for a ``delete`` update. In ``initial`` and
+``insert`` updates, <row> omits columns whose values equal the default value of
+the column type.
+For a ``modify`` update, <row> contains only the columns that are modified.
+<row> stores the difference between the old and new value for those columns, as
+described below.
+For columns with single value, the difference is the value of the new column.
+The difference between two sets are all elements that only belong to one of the
+The difference between two maps are all key-value pairs whose keys appears in
+only one of the maps, plus the key-value pairs whose keys appear in both maps
+but with different values. For the latter elements, <row> includes the value
+from the new column.
+Initial views of rows are not presented in update2 notifications, but in the
+response object to the ``monitor_cond`` request. The formatting of the
+<table-updates2> object, however, is the same in either case.
+4.1.15 Get Server ID
+A new RPC method added in Open vSwitch version 2.7. The request contains the
+following members::
+ "method": "get_server_id"
+ "params": null
+ "id": <nonnull-json-value>
+The response object contains the following members::
+ "result": "<server_id>"
+ "error": null
+ "id": same "id" as request
+<server_id> is JSON string that contains a UUID that uniquely identifies the
+running OVSDB server process. A fresh UUID is generated when the process
+5.1 Notation
+For <condition>, RFC 7047 only allows the use of ``!=``, ``==``, ``includes``,
+and ``excludes`` operators with set types. Open vSwitch 2.4 and later extend
+<condition> to allow the use of ``<``, ``<=``, ``>=``, and ``>`` operators with
+columns with type "set of 0 or 1 integer" and "set of 0 or 1 real". These
+conditions evaluate to false when the column is empty, and otherwise as
+described in RFC 7047 for integer and real types.
+<condition> is specified in Section 5.1 in the RFC with the following change: A
+condition can be either a 3-element JSON array as described in the RFC or a
+boolean value. In case of an empty array an implicit true boolean value will be
+5.2.6 Wait, 5.2.7 Commit, 5.2.9 Comment
+RFC 7047 says that the ``wait``, ``commit``, and ``comment`` operations have no
+corresponding result object. This is not true. Instead, when such an
+operation is successful, it yields a result object with no members.