path: root/debian/ovs-bugtool
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'debian/ovs-bugtool')
1 files changed, 1114 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/debian/ovs-bugtool b/debian/ovs-bugtool
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..6f792eea7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/ovs-bugtool
@@ -0,0 +1,1114 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+# Copyright (c) 2005, 2007 XenSource Ltd.
+# Copyright (c) 2010, Nicira Networks.
+# To add new entries to the bugtool, you need to:
+# Create a new capability. These declare the new entry to the GUI, including
+# the expected size, time to collect, privacy implications, and whether the
+# capability should be selected by default. One capability may refer to
+# multiple files, assuming that they can be reasonably grouped together, and
+# have the same privacy implications. You need:
+# A new CAP_ constant.
+# A cap() invocation to declare the capability.
+# You then need to add calls to main() to collect the files. These will
+# typically be calls to the helpers file_output(), tree_output(), cmd_output(),
+# or func_output().
+import getopt
+import re
+import os
+import StringIO
+import sys
+import tarfile
+import time
+import commands
+import pprint
+from xml.dom.minidom import parse, getDOMImplementation
+import zipfile
+from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
+from select import select
+from signal import SIGTERM, SIGUSR1
+import md5
+import platform
+import fcntl
+import glob
+import urllib
+import socket
+import base64
+OS_RELEASE = platform.release()
+# Files & directories
+BUG_DIR = "/var/log/openvswitch"
+PLUGIN_DIR = "/etc/openvswitch/bugtool"
+GRUB_CONFIG = '/boot/grub/menu.lst'
+BOOT_KERNEL = '/boot/vmlinuz-' + OS_RELEASE
+BOOT_INITRD = '/boot/initrd-' + OS_RELEASE + '.img'
+PROC_PARTITIONS = '/proc/partitions'
+FSTAB = '/etc/fstab'
+PROC_MOUNTS = '/proc/mounts'
+PROC_CPUINFO = '/proc/cpuinfo'
+PROC_MEMINFO = '/proc/meminfo'
+PROC_IOPORTS = '/proc/ioports'
+PROC_INTERRUPTS = '/proc/interrupts'
+PROC_SCSI = '/proc/scsi/scsi'
+PROC_VERSION = '/proc/version'
+PROC_MODULES = '/proc/modules'
+PROC_DEVICES = '/proc/devices'
+PROC_FILESYSTEMS = '/proc/filesystems'
+PROC_CMDLINE = '/proc/cmdline'
+PROC_CONFIG = '/proc/config.gz'
+PROC_USB_DEV = '/proc/bus/usb/devices'
+PROC_NET_SOFTNET_STAT = '/proc/net/softnet_stat'
+MODPROBE_DIR = '/etc/modprobe.d'
+RESOLV_CONF = '/etc/resolv.conf'
+NSSWITCH_CONF = '/etc/nsswitch.conf'
+NTP_CONF = '/etc/ntp.conf'
+HOSTS = '/etc/hosts'
+HOSTS_ALLOW = '/etc/hosts.allow'
+HOSTS_DENY = '/etc/hosts.deny'
+DHCP_LEASE_DIR = '/var/lib/dhcp3'
+OPENVSWITCH_CORE_DIR = '/var/log/openvswitch/cores'
+OPENVSWITCH_DEFAULT_SWITCH = '/etc/default/openvswitch-switch'
+OPENVSWITCH_DEFAULT_CONTROLLER = '/etc/default/openvswitch-controller'
+OPENVSWITCH_CONF_DB = '/etc/openvswitch/conf.db'
+OPENVSWITCH_VSWITCHD_PID = '/var/run/openvswitch/'
+VAR_LOG_DIR = '/var/log/'
+X11_LOGS_RE = re.compile(r'.*/Xorg\..*$')
+X11_AUTH_DIR = '/root/'
+X11_AUTH_RE = re.compile(r'.*/\.((Xauthority)|(serverauth\.[0-9]*))$')
+PAM_DIR = '/etc/pam.d'
+# External programs
+ARP = '/usr/sbin/arp'
+CAT = '/bin/cat'
+DF = '/bin/df'
+DMESG = '/bin/dmesg'
+DMIDECODE = '/usr/sbin/dmidecode'
+FDISK = '/sbin/fdisk'
+FIND = '/usr/bin/find'
+IFCONFIG = '/sbin/ifconfig'
+IPTABLES = '/sbin/iptables'
+LOSETUP = '/sbin/losetup'
+LS = '/bin/ls'
+LSPCI = '/usr/bin/lspci'
+MD5SUM = '/usr/bin/md5sum'
+MODINFO = '/sbin/modinfo'
+NETSTAT = '/bin/netstat'
+OVS_DPCTL = '/usr/sbin/ovs-dpctl'
+OVS_OFCTL = '/usr/sbin/ovs-ofctl'
+OVS_VSCTL = '/usr/sbin/ovs-vsctl'
+OVS_APPCTL = '/usr/sbin/ovs-appctl'
+PS = '/bin/ps'
+ROUTE = '/sbin/route'
+SYSCTL = '/sbin/sysctl'
+TC = '/sbin/tc'
+UPTIME = '/usr/bin/uptime'
+ZCAT = '/bin/zcat'
+ETHTOOL = '/sbin/ethtool'
+# ETHTOOL recently moved from /usr/sbin to /sbin in debian
+if not os.path.isfile(ETHTOOL):
+ ETHTOOL = '/usr/sbin/ethtool'
+# PII -- Personally identifiable information. Of particular concern are
+# things that would identify customers, or their network topology.
+# Passwords are never to be included in any bug report, regardless of any PII
+# declaration.
+# NO -- No PII will be in these entries.
+# YES -- PII will likely or certainly be in these entries.
+# MAYBE -- The user may wish to audit these entries for PII.
+# IF_CUSTOMIZED -- If the files are unmodified, then they will contain no PII,
+# but since we encourage customers to edit these files, PII may have been
+# introduced by the customer. This is used in particular for the networking
+# scripts in dom0.
+PII_NO = 'no'
+PII_YES = 'yes'
+PII_MAYBE = 'maybe'
+PII_IF_CUSTOMIZED = 'if_customized'
+KEY = 0
+PII = 1
+MIME = 6
+MIME_DATA = 'application/data'
+MIME_TEXT = 'text/plain'
+INVENTORY_XML_ROOT = "system-status-inventory"
+INVENTORY_XML_SUMMARY = 'system-summary'
+INVENTORY_XML_ELEMENT = 'inventory-entry'
+CAP_XML_ROOT = "system-status-capabilities"
+CAP_XML_ELEMENT = 'capability'
+CAP_BLOBS = 'blobs'
+CAP_BOOT_LOADER = 'boot-loader'
+CAP_DISK_INFO = 'disk-info'
+CAP_FIRSTBOOT = 'firstboot'
+CAP_HARDWARE_INFO = 'hardware-info'
+CAP_HIGH_AVAILABILITY = 'high-availability'
+CAP_HOST_CRASHDUMP_DUMPS = 'host-crashdump-dumps'
+CAP_HOST_CRASHDUMP_LOGS = 'host-crashdump-logs'
+CAP_KERNEL_INFO = 'kernel-info'
+CAP_LOSETUP_A = 'loopback-devices'
+CAP_NETWORK_CONFIG = 'network-config'
+CAP_NETWORK_STATUS = 'network-status'
+CAP_OEM = 'oem'
+CAP_PAM = 'pam'
+CAP_PROCESS_LIST = 'process-list'
+CAP_PERSISTENT_STATS = 'persistent-stats'
+CAP_SYSTEM_LOGS = 'system-logs'
+CAP_SYSTEM_SERVICES = 'system-services'
+CAP_VNCTERM = 'vncterm'
+CAP_WLB = 'wlb'
+CAP_X11_LOGS = 'X11'
+CAP_X11_AUTH = 'X11-auth'
+KB = 1024
+MB = 1024 * 1024
+caps = {}
+cap_sizes = {}
+unlimited_data = False
+dbg = False
+def cap(key, pii=PII_MAYBE, min_size=-1, max_size=-1, min_time=-1,
+ max_time=-1, mime=MIME_TEXT, checked=True, hidden=False):
+ caps[key] = (key, pii, min_size, max_size, min_time, max_time, mime,
+ checked, hidden)
+ cap_sizes[key] = 0
+cap(CAP_BLOBS, PII_NO, max_size=5*MB)
+cap(CAP_BOOT_LOADER, PII_NO, max_size=3*KB,
+ max_time=5)
+cap(CAP_DISK_INFO, PII_MAYBE, max_size=25*KB,
+ max_time=20)
+cap(CAP_FIRSTBOOT, PII_YES, min_size=60*KB, max_size=80*KB)
+cap(CAP_HARDWARE_INFO, PII_MAYBE, max_size=30*KB,
+ max_time=20)
+cap(CAP_KERNEL_INFO, PII_MAYBE, max_size=120*KB,
+ max_time=5)
+cap(CAP_LOSETUP_A, PII_MAYBE, max_size=KB, max_time=5)
+ min_size=0, max_size=20*KB)
+cap(CAP_NETWORK_STATUS, PII_YES, max_size=19*KB,
+ max_time=30)
+cap(CAP_PAM, PII_NO, max_size=30*KB)
+ max_time=60)
+cap(CAP_PROCESS_LIST, PII_YES, max_size=30*KB,
+ max_time=20)
+cap(CAP_SYSTEM_LOGS, PII_MAYBE, max_size=50*MB,
+ max_time=5)
+cap(CAP_SYSTEM_SERVICES, PII_NO, max_size=5*KB,
+ max_time=20)
+cap(CAP_VNCTERM, PII_MAYBE, checked = False)
+cap(CAP_WLB, PII_NO, max_size=3*MB,
+ max_time=20)
+cap(CAP_X11_LOGS, PII_NO, max_size=100*KB)
+cap(CAP_X11_AUTH, PII_NO, max_size=100*KB)
+entries = None
+data = {}
+dev_null = open('/dev/null', 'r+')
+def output(x):
+ global SILENT_MODE
+ if not SILENT_MODE:
+ print x
+def output_ts(x):
+ output("[%s] %s" % (time.strftime("%x %X %Z"), x))
+def cmd_output(cap, args, label = None, filter = None):
+ if cap in entries:
+ if not label:
+ if isinstance(args, list):
+ a = [aa for aa in args]
+ a[0] = os.path.basename(a[0])
+ label = ' '.join(a)
+ else:
+ label = args
+ data[label] = {'cap': cap, 'cmd_args': args, 'filter': filter}
+def file_output(cap, path_list):
+ if cap in entries:
+ for p in path_list:
+ if os.path.exists(p):
+ if unlimited_data or caps[cap][MAX_SIZE] == -1 or \
+ cap_sizes[cap] < caps[cap][MAX_SIZE]:
+ data[p] = {'cap': cap, 'filename': p}
+ try:
+ s = os.stat(p)
+ cap_sizes[cap] += s.st_size
+ except:
+ pass
+ else:
+ output("Omitting %s, size constraint of %s exceeded" % (p, cap))
+def tree_output(cap, path, pattern = None, negate = False):
+ if cap in entries:
+ if os.path.exists(path):
+ for f in os.listdir(path):
+ fn = os.path.join(path, f)
+ if os.path.isfile(fn) and matches(fn, pattern, negate):
+ file_output(cap, [fn])
+ elif os.path.isdir(fn):
+ tree_output(cap, fn, pattern, negate)
+def func_output(cap, label, func):
+ if cap in entries:
+ t = str(func).split()
+ data[label] = {'cap': cap, 'func': func}
+def collect_data():
+ process_lists = {}
+ for (k, v) in data.items():
+ cap = v['cap']
+ if v.has_key('cmd_args'):
+ v['output'] = StringIOmtime()
+ if not process_lists.has_key(cap):
+ process_lists[cap] = []
+ process_lists[cap].append(ProcOutput(v['cmd_args'], caps[cap][MAX_TIME], v['output'], v['filter']))
+ elif v.has_key('filename') and v['filename'].startswith('/proc/'):
+ # proc files must be read into memory
+ try:
+ f = open(v['filename'], 'r')
+ s =
+ f.close()
+ if unlimited_data or caps[cap][MAX_SIZE] == -1 or \
+ cap_sizes[cap] < caps[cap][MAX_SIZE]:
+ v['output'] = StringIOmtime(s)
+ cap_sizes[cap] += len(s)
+ else:
+ output("Omitting %s, size constraint of %s exceeded" % (v['filename'], cap))
+ except:
+ pass
+ elif v.has_key('func'):
+ try:
+ s = v['func'](cap)
+ except Exception, e:
+ s = str(e)
+ if unlimited_data or caps[cap][MAX_SIZE] == -1 or \
+ cap_sizes[cap] < caps[cap][MAX_SIZE]:
+ v['output'] = StringIOmtime(s)
+ cap_sizes[cap] += len(s)
+ else:
+ output("Omitting %s, size constraint of %s exceeded" % (k, cap))
+ run_procs(process_lists.values())
+def main(argv = None):
+ global entries, data, dbg
+ # we need access to privileged files, exit if we are not running as root
+ if os.getuid() != 0:
+ print >>sys.stderr, "Error: ovs-bugtool must be run as root"
+ return 1
+ output_type = 'tar.bz2'
+ output_fd = -1
+ if argv is None:
+ argv = sys.argv
+ try:
+ (options, params) = getopt.gnu_getopt(
+ argv, 'sy', ['capabilities', 'silent', 'yestoall', 'entries=',
+ 'output=', 'outfd=', 'all', 'unlimited', 'debug'])
+ except getopt.GetoptError, opterr:
+ print >>sys.stderr, opterr
+ return 2
+ try:
+ load_plugins(True)
+ except:
+ pass
+ entries = [e for e in caps.keys() if caps[e][CHECKED]]
+ for (k, v) in options:
+ if k == '--capabilities':
+ update_capabilities()
+ print_capabilities()
+ return 0
+ if k == '--output':
+ if v in ['tar', 'tar.bz2', 'zip']:
+ output_type = v
+ else:
+ print >>sys.stderr, "Invalid output format '%s'" % v
+ return 2
+ # "-s" or "--silent" means suppress output (except for the final
+ # output filename at the end)
+ if k in ['-s', '--silent']:
+ if k == '--entries' and v != '':
+ entries = v.split(',')
+ # If the user runs the script with "-y" or "--yestoall" we don't ask
+ # all the really annoying questions.
+ if k in ['-y', '--yestoall']:
+ if k == '--outfd':
+ output_fd = int(v)
+ try:
+ old = fcntl.fcntl(output_fd, fcntl.F_GETFD)
+ fcntl.fcntl(output_fd, fcntl.F_SETFD, old | fcntl.FD_CLOEXEC)
+ except:
+ print >>sys.stderr, "Invalid output file descriptor", output_fd
+ return 2
+ elif k == '--all':
+ entries = caps.keys()
+ elif k == '--unlimited':
+ unlimited_data = True
+ elif k == '--debug':
+ dbg = True
+ ProcOutput.debug = True
+ if len(params) != 1:
+ print >>sys.stderr, "Invalid additional arguments", str(params)
+ return 2
+ if output_fd != -1 and output_type != 'tar':
+ print >>sys.stderr, "Option '--outfd' only valid with '--output=tar'"
+ return 2
+ output("Warning: '--yestoall' argument provided, will not prompt for individual files.")
+ output('''
+This application will collate dmesg output, details of the
+hardware configuration of your machine, information about the build of
+openvswitch that you are using, plus, if you allow it, various logs.
+The collated information will be saved as a .%s for archiving or
+sending to a Technical Support Representative.
+The logs may contain private information, and if you are at all
+worried about that, you should exit now, or you should explicitly
+exclude those logs from the archive.
+''' % output_type)
+ # assemble potential data
+ cmd_output(CAP_BOOT_LOADER, [LS, '-lR', '/boot'])
+ cmd_output(CAP_BOOT_LOADER, [MD5SUM, BOOT_KERNEL, BOOT_INITRD], label='vmlinuz-initrd.md5sum')
+ cmd_output(CAP_DISK_INFO, [FDISK, '-l'])
+ file_output(CAP_DISK_INFO, [FSTAB])
+ cmd_output(CAP_DISK_INFO, [DF, '-alT'])
+ cmd_output(CAP_DISK_INFO, [DF, '-alTi'])
+ cmd_output(CAP_DISK_INFO, [LS, '-R', '/sys/class/scsi_host'])
+ cmd_output(CAP_DISK_INFO, [LS, '-R', '/sys/class/scsi_disk'])
+ cmd_output(CAP_DISK_INFO, [LS, '-R', '/sys/class/fc_transport'])
+ func_output(CAP_DISK_INFO, 'scsi-hosts', dump_scsi_hosts)
+ cmd_output(CAP_HARDWARE_INFO, [LSPCI, '-n'])
+ cmd_output(CAP_HARDWARE_INFO, [LSPCI, '-vv'])
+ cmd_output(CAP_HARDWARE_INFO, [LS, '-lR', '/dev'])
+ cmd_output(CAP_KERNEL_INFO, [ZCAT, PROC_CONFIG], label='config')
+ cmd_output(CAP_KERNEL_INFO, [SYSCTL, '-A'])
+ func_output(CAP_KERNEL_INFO, 'modinfo', module_info)
+ cmd_output(CAP_LOSETUP_A, [LOSETUP, '-a'])
+ cmd_output(CAP_NETWORK_STATUS, [IFCONFIG, '-a'])
+ cmd_output(CAP_NETWORK_STATUS, [ROUTE, '-n'])
+ cmd_output(CAP_NETWORK_STATUS, [ARP, '-n'])
+ cmd_output(CAP_NETWORK_STATUS, [NETSTAT, '-an'])
+ cmd_output(CAP_NETWORK_STATUS, [IPTABLES, '-nL'])
+ for p in os.listdir('/sys/class/net/'):
+ try:
+ f = open('/sys/class/net/%s/type' % p, 'r')
+ t = f.readline()
+ f.close()
+ if int(t) == 1:
+ cmd_output(CAP_NETWORK_STATUS, [ETHTOOL, p])
+ cmd_output(CAP_NETWORK_STATUS, [ETHTOOL, '-S', p])
+ cmd_output(CAP_NETWORK_STATUS, [ETHTOOL, '-k', p])
+ cmd_output(CAP_NETWORK_STATUS, [ETHTOOL, '-i', p])
+ cmd_output(CAP_NETWORK_STATUS, [ETHTOOL, '-c', p])
+ except:
+ pass
+ cmd_output(CAP_NETWORK_STATUS, [TC, '-s', 'qdisc'])
+ if os.path.exists(OPENVSWITCH_VSWITCHD_PID):
+ cmd_output(CAP_NETWORK_STATUS, [OVS_DPCTL, 'show'])
+ for d in dp_list():
+ cmd_output(CAP_NETWORK_STATUS, [OVS_OFCTL, 'show', d])
+ cmd_output(CAP_NETWORK_STATUS, [OVS_OFCTL, 'status', d])
+ cmd_output(CAP_NETWORK_STATUS, [OVS_OFCTL, 'dump-flows', d])
+ cmd_output(CAP_NETWORK_STATUS, [OVS_DPCTL, 'dump-flows', d])
+ try:
+ vspidfile = open(OPENVSWITCH_VSWITCHD_PID)
+ vspid = int(vspidfile.readline().strip())
+ vspidfile.close()
+ for b in bond_list(vspid):
+ cmd_output(CAP_NETWORK_STATUS,
+ [OVS_APPCTL, '-t', '/var/run/ovs-vswitchd.%s.ctl' % vspid, '-e' 'bond/show %s' % b],
+ 'ovs-appctl-bond-show-%s.out' % b)
+ except e:
+ pass
+ tree_output(CAP_PAM, PAM_DIR)
+ cmd_output(CAP_PROCESS_LIST, [PS, 'wwwaxf', '-eo', 'pid,tty,stat,time,nice,psr,pcpu,pmem,nwchan,wchan:25,args'], label='process-tree')
+ func_output(CAP_PROCESS_LIST, 'fd_usage', fd_usage)
+ file_output(CAP_SYSTEM_LOGS,
+ [ VAR_LOG_DIR + x for x in
+ [ 'kern.log', 'daemon.log', 'user.log', 'syslog', 'messages',
+ 'debug', 'dmesg', 'boot'] +
+ [ f % n for n in range(1, 20) \
+ for f in ['kern.log.%d', 'kern.log.%d.gz',
+ 'daemon.log.%d', 'daemon.log.%d.gz',
+ 'user.log.%d', 'user.log.%d.gz',
+ 'messages.%d', 'messages.%d.gz']]])
+ if not os.path.exists('/var/log/dmesg') and not os.path.exists('/var/log/boot'):
+ cmd_output(CAP_SYSTEM_LOGS, [DMESG])
+ tree_output(CAP_X11_LOGS, X11_LOGS_DIR, X11_LOGS_RE)
+ tree_output(CAP_X11_AUTH, X11_AUTH_DIR, X11_AUTH_RE)
+ try:
+ load_plugins()
+ except:
+ pass
+ # permit the user to filter out data
+ for k in sorted(data.keys()):
+ if not ANSWER_YES_TO_ALL and not yes("Include '%s'? [Y/n]: " % k):
+ del data[k]
+ # collect selected data now
+ output_ts('Running commands to collect data')
+ collect_data()
+ subdir = "bug-report-%s" % time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
+ # include inventory
+ data['inventory.xml'] = {'cap': None, 'output': StringIOmtime(make_inventory(data, subdir))}
+ # create archive
+ if output_fd == -1 and not os.path.exists(BUG_DIR):
+ try:
+ os.makedirs(BUG_DIR)
+ except:
+ pass
+ if output_fd == -1:
+ output_ts('Creating output file')
+ if output_type.startswith('tar'):
+ make_tar(subdir, output_type, output_fd)
+ else:
+ make_zip(subdir)
+ clean_tapdisk_logs()
+ if dbg:
+ print >>sys.stderr, "Category sizes (max, actual):\n"
+ for c in caps.keys():
+ print >>sys.stderr, " %s (%d, %d)" % (c, caps[c][MAX_SIZE],
+ cap_sizes[c])
+ return 0
+def find_tapdisk_logs():
+ return glob.glob('/var/log/blktap/*.log*')
+def generate_tapdisk_logs():
+ for pid in pidof('tapdisk'):
+ try:
+ os.kill(pid, SIGUSR1)
+ output_ts("Including logs for tapdisk process %d" % pid)
+ except :
+ pass
+ # give processes a second to write their logs
+ time.sleep(1)
+def clean_tapdisk_logs():
+ for filename in find_tapdisk_logs():
+ try:
+ os.remove(filename)
+ except :
+ pass
+def filter_db_pii(str, state):
+ if 'in_secret_table' not in state:
+ state['in_secret_table'] = False
+ if str.startswith('<table ') and 'name="secret"' in str:
+ state['in_secret_table'] = True
+ elif str.startswith('</table>'):
+ state['in_secret_table'] = False
+ if state['in_secret_table'] and str.startswith("<row"): # match only on DB rows
+ str = re.sub(r'(value=")[^"]+(")', r'\1REMOVED\2', str)
+ return str
+def dump_scsi_hosts(cap):
+ output = ''
+ l = os.listdir('/sys/class/scsi_host')
+ l.sort()
+ for h in l:
+ procname = ''
+ try:
+ f = open('/sys/class/scsi_host/%s/proc_name' % h)
+ procname = f.readline().strip("\n")
+ f.close()
+ except:
+ pass
+ modelname = None
+ try:
+ f = open('/sys/class/scsi_host/%s/model_name' % h)
+ modelname = f.readline().strip("\n")
+ f.close()
+ except:
+ pass
+ output += "%s:\n" %h
+ output += " %s%s\n" % (procname, modelname and (" -> %s" % modelname) or '')
+ return output
+def module_info(cap):
+ output = StringIO.StringIO()
+ modules = open(PROC_MODULES, 'r')
+ procs = []
+ for line in modules:
+ module = line.split()[0]
+ procs.append(ProcOutput([MODINFO, module], caps[cap][MAX_TIME], output))
+ modules.close()
+ run_procs([procs])
+ return output.getvalue()
+def dp_list():
+ output = StringIO.StringIO()
+ procs = [ProcOutput([OVS_DPCTL, 'dump-dps'], caps[CAP_NETWORK_STATUS][MAX_TIME], output)]
+ run_procs([procs])
+ if not procs[0].timed_out:
+ return output.getvalue().splitlines()
+ return []
+def bond_list(pid):
+ output = StringIO.StringIO()
+ procs = [ProcOutput([OVS_APPCTL, '-t', '/var/run/ovs-vswitchd.%s.ctl' % pid, '-e' 'bond/list'], caps[CAP_NETWORK_STATUS][MAX_TIME], output)]
+ run_procs([procs])
+ if not procs[0].timed_out:
+ bonds = output.getvalue().splitlines()[1:]
+ return [x.split('\t')[1] for x in bonds]
+ return []
+def fd_usage(cap):
+ output = ''
+ fd_dict = {}
+ for d in [p for p in os.listdir('/proc') if p.isdigit()]:
+ try:
+ fh = open('/proc/'+d+'/cmdline')
+ name = fh.readline()
+ num_fds = len(os.listdir(os.path.join('/proc/'+d+'/fd')))
+ if num_fds > 0:
+ if not num_fds in fd_dict:
+ fd_dict[num_fds] = []
+ fd_dict[num_fds].append(name.replace('\0', ' ').strip())
+ finally:
+ fh.close()
+ keys = fd_dict.keys()
+ keys.sort(lambda a, b: int(b) - int(a))
+ for k in keys:
+ output += "%s: %s\n" % (k, str(fd_dict[k]))
+ return output
+def load_plugins(just_capabilities = False):
+ def getText(nodelist):
+ rc = ""
+ for node in nodelist:
+ if node.nodeType == node.TEXT_NODE:
+ rc +=
+ return rc.encode()
+ def getBoolAttr(el, attr, default = False):
+ ret = default
+ val = el.getAttribute(attr).lower()
+ if val in ['true', 'false', 'yes', 'no']:
+ ret = val in ['true', 'yes']
+ return ret
+ for dir in [d for d in os.listdir(PLUGIN_DIR) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(PLUGIN_DIR, d))]:
+ if not caps.has_key(dir):
+ if not os.path.exists("%s/%s.xml" % (PLUGIN_DIR, dir)):
+ continue
+ xmldoc = parse("%s/%s.xml" % (PLUGIN_DIR, dir))
+ assert xmldoc.documentElement.tagName == "capability"
+ pii, min_size, max_size, min_time, max_time, mime = \
+ PII_MAYBE, -1,-1,-1,-1, MIME_TEXT
+ if xmldoc.documentElement.getAttribute("pii") in [PII_NO, PII_YES, PII_MAYBE, PII_IF_CUSTOMIZED]:
+ pii = xmldoc.documentElement.getAttribute("pii")
+ if xmldoc.documentElement.getAttribute("min_size") != '':
+ min_size = long(xmldoc.documentElement.getAttribute("min_size"))
+ if xmldoc.documentElement.getAttribute("max_size") != '':
+ max_size = long(xmldoc.documentElement.getAttribute("max_size"))
+ if xmldoc.documentElement.getAttribute("min_time") != '':
+ min_time = int(xmldoc.documentElement.getAttribute("min_time"))
+ if xmldoc.documentElement.getAttribute("max_time") != '':
+ max_time = int(xmldoc.documentElement.getAttribute("max_time"))
+ if xmldoc.documentElement.getAttribute("mime") in [MIME_DATA, MIME_TEXT]:
+ mime = xmldoc.documentElement.getAttribute("mime")
+ checked = getBoolAttr(xmldoc.documentElement, 'checked', True)
+ hidden = getBoolAttr(xmldoc.documentElement, 'hidden', False)
+ cap(dir, pii, min_size, max_size, min_time, max_time, mime, checked, hidden)
+ if just_capabilities:
+ continue
+ plugdir = os.path.join(PLUGIN_DIR, dir)
+ for file in [f for f in os.listdir(plugdir) if f.endswith('.xml')]:
+ xmldoc = parse(os.path.join(plugdir, file))
+ assert xmldoc.documentElement.tagName == "collect"
+ for el in xmldoc.documentElement.getElementsByTagName("*"):
+ if el.tagName == "files":
+ file_output(dir, getText(el.childNodes).split())
+ elif el.tagName == "directory":
+ pattern = el.getAttribute("pattern")
+ if pattern == '': pattern = None
+ negate = getBoolAttr(el, 'negate')
+ tree_output(dir, getText(el.childNodes), pattern and re.compile(pattern) or None, negate)
+ elif el.tagName == "command":
+ label = el.getAttribute("label")
+ if label == '': label = None
+ cmd_output(dir, getText(el.childNodes), label)
+def make_tar(subdir, suffix, output_fd):
+ global SILENT_MODE, data
+ mode = 'w'
+ if suffix == 'tar.bz2':
+ mode = 'w:bz2'
+ filename = "%s/%s.%s" % (BUG_DIR, subdir, suffix)
+ if output_fd == -1:
+ tf =, mode)
+ else:
+ tf =, 'w', os.fdopen(output_fd, 'a'))
+ try:
+ for (k, v) in data.items():
+ try:
+ tar_filename = os.path.join(subdir, construct_filename(k, v))
+ ti = tarfile.TarInfo(tar_filename)
+ ti.uname = 'root'
+ ti.gname = 'root'
+ if v.has_key('output'):
+ ti.mtime = v['output'].mtime
+ ti.size = len(v['output'].getvalue())
+ v['output'].seek(0)
+ tf.addfile(ti, v['output'])
+ elif v.has_key('filename'):
+ s = os.stat(v['filename'])
+ ti.mtime = s.st_mtime
+ ti.size = s.st_size
+ tf.addfile(ti, file(v['filename']))
+ except:
+ pass
+ finally:
+ tf.close()
+ if output_fd == -1:
+ output ('Writing tarball %s successful.' % filename)
+ print filename
+def make_zip(subdir):
+ global SILENT_MODE, data
+ filename = "%s/" % (BUG_DIR, subdir)
+ zf = zipfile.ZipFile(filename, 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)
+ try:
+ for (k, v) in data.items():
+ try:
+ dest = os.path.join(subdir, construct_filename(k, v))
+ if v.has_key('output'):
+ zf.writestr(dest, v['output'].getvalue())
+ else:
+ if os.stat(v['filename']).st_size < 50:
+ compress_type = zipfile.ZIP_STORED
+ else:
+ compress_type = zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED
+ zf.write(v['filename'], dest, compress_type)
+ except:
+ pass
+ finally:
+ zf.close()
+ output ('Writing archive %s successful.' % filename)
+ print filename
+def make_inventory(inventory, subdir):
+ document = getDOMImplementation().createDocument(
+ # create summary entry
+ s = document.createElement(INVENTORY_XML_SUMMARY)
+ user = os.getenv('SUDO_USER', os.getenv('USER'))
+ if user:
+ s.setAttribute('user', user)
+ s.setAttribute('date', time.strftime('%c'))
+ s.setAttribute('hostname', platform.node())
+ s.setAttribute('uname', ' '.join(platform.uname()))
+ s.setAttribute('uptime', commands.getoutput(UPTIME))
+ document.getElementsByTagName(INVENTORY_XML_ROOT)[0].appendChild(s)
+ map(lambda (k, v): inventory_entry(document, subdir, k, v),
+ inventory.items())
+ return document.toprettyxml()
+def inventory_entry(document, subdir, k, v):
+ try:
+ el = document.createElement(INVENTORY_XML_ELEMENT)
+ el.setAttribute('capability', v['cap'])
+ el.setAttribute('filename', os.path.join(subdir, construct_filename(k, v)))
+ el.setAttribute('md5sum', md5sum(v))
+ document.getElementsByTagName(INVENTORY_XML_ROOT)[0].appendChild(el)
+ except:
+ pass
+def md5sum(d):
+ m =
+ if d.has_key('filename'):
+ f = open(d['filename'])
+ data =
+ while len(data) > 0:
+ m.update(data)
+ data =
+ f.close()
+ elif d.has_key('output'):
+ m.update(d['output'].getvalue())
+ return m.hexdigest()
+def construct_filename(k, v):
+ if v.has_key('filename'):
+ if v['filename'][0] == '/':
+ return v['filename'][1:]
+ else:
+ return v['filename']
+ s = k.replace(' ', '-')
+ s = s.replace('--', '-')
+ s = s.replace('/', '%')
+ if s.find('.') == -1:
+ s += '.out'
+ return s
+def update_capabilities():
+ pass
+def update_cap_size(cap, size):
+ update_cap(cap, MIN_SIZE, size)
+ update_cap(cap, MAX_SIZE, size)
+ update_cap(cap, CHECKED, size > 0)
+def update_cap(cap, k, v):
+ global caps
+ l = list(caps[cap])
+ l[k] = v
+ caps[cap] = tuple(l)
+def size_of_dir(d, pattern = None, negate = False):
+ if os.path.isdir(d):
+ return size_of_all([os.path.join(d, fn) for fn in os.listdir(d)],
+ pattern, negate)
+ else:
+ return 0
+def size_of_all(files, pattern = None, negate = False):
+ return sum([size_of(f, pattern, negate) for f in files])
+def matches(f, pattern, negate):
+ if negate:
+ return not matches(f, pattern, False)
+ else:
+ return pattern is None or pattern.match(f)
+def size_of(f, pattern, negate):
+ if os.path.isfile(f) and matches(f, pattern, negate):
+ return os.stat(f)[6]
+ else:
+ return size_of_dir(f, pattern, negate)
+def print_capabilities():
+ document = getDOMImplementation().createDocument(
+ "ns", CAP_XML_ROOT, None)
+ map(lambda key: capability(document, key), [k for k in caps.keys() if not caps[k][HIDDEN]])
+ print document.toprettyxml()
+def capability(document, key):
+ c = caps[key]
+ el = document.createElement(CAP_XML_ELEMENT)
+ el.setAttribute('key', c[KEY])
+ el.setAttribute('pii', c[PII])
+ el.setAttribute('min-size', str(c[MIN_SIZE]))
+ el.setAttribute('max-size', str(c[MAX_SIZE]))
+ el.setAttribute('min-time', str(c[MIN_TIME]))
+ el.setAttribute('max-time', str(c[MAX_TIME]))
+ el.setAttribute('content-type', c[MIME])
+ el.setAttribute('default-checked', c[CHECKED] and 'yes' or 'no')
+ document.getElementsByTagName(CAP_XML_ROOT)[0].appendChild(el)
+def prettyDict(d):
+ format = '%%-%ds: %%s' % max(map(len, [k for k, _ in d.items()]))
+ return '\n'.join([format % i for i in d.items()]) + '\n'
+def yes(prompt):
+ yn = raw_input(prompt)
+ return len(yn) == 0 or yn.lower()[0] == 'y'
+partition_re = re.compile(r'(.*[0-9]+$)|(^xvd)')
+def disk_list():
+ disks = []
+ try:
+ f = open('/proc/partitions')
+ f.readline()
+ f.readline()
+ for line in f.readlines():
+ (major, minor, blocks, name) = line.split()
+ if int(major) < 254 and not partition_re.match(name):
+ disks.append(name)
+ f.close()
+ except:
+ pass
+ return disks
+class ProcOutput:
+ debug = False
+ def __init__(self, command, max_time, inst=None, filter=None):
+ self.command = command
+ self.max_time = max_time
+ self.inst = inst
+ self.running = False
+ self.status = None
+ self.timed_out = False
+ self.failed = False
+ self.timeout = int(time.time()) + self.max_time
+ self.filter = filter
+ self.filter_state = {}
+ def __del__(self):
+ self.terminate()
+ def cmdAsStr(self):
+ return isinstance(self.command, list) and ' '.join(self.command) or self.command
+ def run(self):
+ self.timed_out = False
+ try:
+ if ProcOutput.debug:
+ output_ts("Starting '%s'" % self.cmdAsStr())
+ self.proc = Popen(self.command, bufsize=1, stdin=dev_null, stdout=PIPE, stderr=dev_null, shell=isinstance(self.command, str))
+ old = fcntl.fcntl(self.proc.stdout.fileno(), fcntl.F_GETFD)
+ fcntl.fcntl(self.proc.stdout.fileno(), fcntl.F_SETFD, old | fcntl.FD_CLOEXEC)
+ self.running = True
+ self.failed = False
+ except:
+ output_ts("'%s' failed" % self.cmdAsStr())
+ self.running = False
+ self.failed = True
+ def terminate(self):
+ if self.running:
+ try:
+ os.kill(, SIGTERM)
+ except:
+ pass
+ self.proc = None
+ self.running = False
+ self.status = SIGTERM
+ def read_line(self):
+ assert self.running
+ line = self.proc.stdout.readline()
+ if line == '':
+ # process exited
+ self.status = self.proc.wait()
+ self.proc = None
+ self.running = False
+ else:
+ if self.filter:
+ line = self.filter(line, self.filter_state)
+ if self.inst:
+ self.inst.write(line)
+def run_procs(procs):
+ while True:
+ pipes = []
+ active_procs = []
+ for pp in procs:
+ for p in pp:
+ if p.running:
+ active_procs.append(p)
+ pipes.append(p.proc.stdout)
+ break
+ elif p.status == None and not p.failed and not p.timed_out:
+ if p.running:
+ active_procs.append(p)
+ pipes.append(p.proc.stdout)
+ break
+ if len(pipes) == 0:
+ # all finished
+ break
+ (i, o, x) = select(pipes, [], [], 1.0)
+ now = int(time.time())
+ # handle process output
+ for p in active_procs:
+ if p.proc.stdout in i:
+ p.read_line()
+ # handle timeout
+ if p.running and now > p.timeout:
+ output_ts("'%s' timed out" % p.cmdAsStr())
+ if p.inst:
+ p.inst.write("\n** timeout **\n")
+ p.timed_out = True
+ p.terminate()
+def pidof(name):
+ pids = []
+ for d in [p for p in os.listdir('/proc') if p.isdigit()]:
+ try:
+ if os.path.basename(os.readlink('/proc/%s/exe' % d)) == name:
+ pids.append(int(d))
+ except:
+ pass
+ return pids
+class StringIOmtime(StringIO.StringIO):
+ def __init__(self, buf = ''):
+ StringIO.StringIO.__init__(self, buf)
+ self.mtime = time.time()
+ def write(self, s):
+ StringIO.StringIO.write(self, s)
+ self.mtime = time.time()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ try:
+ sys.exit(main())
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ print "\nInterrupted."
+ sys.exit(3)