name: Build and Test on: [push, pull_request] jobs: build-dpdk: env: dependencies: gcc libnuma-dev ninja-build CC: gcc DPDK_GIT: DPDK_VER: 22.11.1 name: dpdk gcc outputs: dpdk_key: ${{ steps.gen_dpdk_key.outputs.key }} runs-on: ubuntu-20.04 timeout-minutes: 30 steps: - name: checkout uses: actions/checkout@v3 - name: update PATH run: | echo "$HOME/bin" >> $GITHUB_PATH echo "$HOME/.local/bin" >> $GITHUB_PATH - name: create ci signature file for the dpdk cache key # This will collect most of DPDK related lines, so hash will be different # if something changed in a way we're building DPDK including DPDK_VER. # This also allows us to use cache from any branch as long as version # and a way we're building DPDK stays the same. run: | grep -irE 'RTE_|DPDK|meson|ninja' .ci/dpdk-* > dpdk-ci-signature grep -rwE 'DPDK_GIT|DPDK_VER' .github/ >> dpdk-ci-signature if [ "${DPDK_VER##refs/*/}" != "${DPDK_VER}" ]; then git ls-remote --heads $DPDK_GIT $DPDK_VER >> dpdk-ci-signature fi cat dpdk-ci-signature - name: generate ci DPDK key id: gen_dpdk_key env: ci_key: ${{ hashFiles('dpdk-ci-signature') }} run: echo 'key=dpdk-${{ env.ci_key }}' >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT - name: cache id: dpdk_cache uses: actions/cache@v3 with: path: dpdk-dir key: ${{ steps.gen_dpdk_key.outputs.key }} - name: set up python if: steps.dpdk_cache.outputs.cache-hit != 'true' uses: actions/setup-python@v4 with: python-version: '3.9' - name: update APT cache if: steps.dpdk_cache.outputs.cache-hit != 'true' run: sudo apt update || true - name: install common dependencies if: steps.dpdk_cache.outputs.cache-hit != 'true' run: sudo apt install -y ${{ env.dependencies }} - name: prepare if: steps.dpdk_cache.outputs.cache-hit != 'true' run: ./.ci/ - name: build if: steps.dpdk_cache.outputs.cache-hit != 'true' run: ./.ci/ build-linux: needs: build-dpdk env: dependencies: | automake libtool gcc bc libjemalloc2 libjemalloc-dev libssl-dev \ llvm-dev libnuma-dev libpcap-dev selinux-policy-dev libbpf-dev ASAN: ${{ matrix.asan }} UBSAN: ${{ matrix.ubsan }} CC: ${{ matrix.compiler }} DPDK: ${{ matrix.dpdk }} DPDK_SHARED: ${{ matrix.dpdk_shared }} LIBS: ${{ matrix.libs }} M32: ${{ matrix.m32 }} OPTS: ${{ matrix.opts }} TESTSUITE: ${{ matrix.testsuite }} name: linux ${{ join(matrix.*, ' ') }} runs-on: ubuntu-20.04 timeout-minutes: 30 strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: include: - compiler: gcc opts: --disable-ssl - compiler: clang opts: --disable-ssl - compiler: gcc testsuite: test - compiler: clang testsuite: test asan: asan - compiler: clang testsuite: test ubsan: ubsan - compiler: gcc testsuite: test opts: --enable-shared - compiler: clang testsuite: test opts: --enable-shared - compiler: gcc testsuite: test dpdk: dpdk - compiler: clang testsuite: test dpdk: dpdk - compiler: gcc testsuite: test libs: -ljemalloc - compiler: clang testsuite: test libs: -ljemalloc - compiler: gcc opts: --enable-afxdp - compiler: clang opts: --enable-afxdp - compiler: gcc dpdk: dpdk opts: --enable-shared - compiler: clang dpdk: dpdk opts: --enable-shared - compiler: gcc dpdk_shared: dpdk-shared - compiler: clang dpdk_shared: dpdk-shared - compiler: gcc dpdk_shared: dpdk-shared opts: --enable-shared - compiler: clang dpdk_shared: dpdk-shared opts: --enable-shared - compiler: gcc m32: m32 opts: --disable-ssl steps: - name: checkout uses: actions/checkout@v3 - name: update PATH run: | echo "$HOME/bin" >> $GITHUB_PATH echo "$HOME/.local/bin" >> $GITHUB_PATH - name: set up python uses: actions/setup-python@v4 with: python-version: '3.9' - name: cache if: matrix.dpdk != '' || matrix.dpdk_shared != '' uses: actions/cache@v3 with: path: dpdk-dir key: ${{ }} - name: update APT cache run: sudo apt update || true - name: install common dependencies run: sudo apt install -y ${{ env.dependencies }} - name: install libunbound libunwind # GitHub Actions doesn't have 32-bit versions of these libraries. if: matrix.m32 == '' run: sudo apt install -y libunbound-dev libunwind-dev - name: install 32-bit libraries if: matrix.m32 != '' run: sudo apt install -y gcc-multilib - name: prepare run: ./.ci/ - name: build run: ./.ci/ - name: copy logs on failure if: failure() || cancelled() run: | # upload-artifact@v2 throws exceptions if it tries to upload socket # files and we could have some socket files in testsuite.dir. # Also, upload-artifact@v2 doesn't work well enough with wildcards. # So, we're just archiving everything here to avoid any issues. mkdir logs cp config.log ./logs/ cp -r ./*/_build/sub/tests/testsuite.* ./logs/ || true tar -czvf logs.tgz logs/ - name: upload logs on failure if: failure() || cancelled() uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3 with: name: logs-linux-${{ join(matrix.*, '-') }} path: logs.tgz build-osx: env: CC: clang OPTS: --disable-ssl name: osx clang --disable-ssl runs-on: macos-latest timeout-minutes: 30 strategy: fail-fast: false steps: - name: checkout uses: actions/checkout@v3 - name: update PATH run: | echo "$HOME/bin" >> $GITHUB_PATH echo "$HOME/.local/bin" >> $GITHUB_PATH - name: set up python uses: actions/setup-python@v4 with: python-version: '3.9' - name: install dependencies run: brew install automake libtool - name: prepare run: ./.ci/ - name: build run: ./.ci/ - name: upload logs on failure if: failure() uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3 with: name: logs-osx-clang---disable-ssl path: config.log build-linux-deb: env: deb_dependencies: | linux-headers-$(uname -r) build-essential fakeroot devscripts equivs DEB_PACKAGE: yes DPDK: ${{ matrix.dpdk }} name: linux deb ${{ matrix.dpdk }} dpdk runs-on: ubuntu-22.04 timeout-minutes: 30 strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: include: - dpdk: no steps: - name: checkout uses: actions/checkout@v3 - name: update PATH run: | echo "$HOME/bin" >> $GITHUB_PATH echo "$HOME/.local/bin" >> $GITHUB_PATH - name: update APT cache run: sudo apt update || true - name: install dependencies for debian packages run: sudo apt install -y ${{ env.deb_dependencies }} - name: install dpdk-dev if: matrix.dpdk != 'no' run: sudo apt install -y libdpdk-dev - name: prepare run: ./.ci/ - name: build run: ./.ci/ - name: upload deb packages uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3 with: name: deb-packages-${{ matrix.dpdk }}-dpdk path: '/home/runner/work/ovs/*.deb' build-linux-rpm: name: linux rpm fedora runs-on: ubuntu-latest container: fedora:37 timeout-minutes: 30 strategy: fail-fast: false steps: - name: checkout uses: actions/checkout@v3 - name: install dependencies run: | dnf install -y rpm-build dnf-plugins-core sed -e 's/@VERSION@/0.0.1/' rhel/ \ > /tmp/ovs.spec dnf builddep -y /tmp/ovs.spec rm -f /tmp/ovs.spec - name: configure run: ./ && ./configure - name: build run: make rpm-fedora - name: install run: dnf install -y rpm/rpmbuild/RPMS/*/*.rpm - name: upload rpm packages uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3 with: name: rpm-packages path: | rpm/rpmbuild/SRPMS/*.rpm rpm/rpmbuild/RPMS/*/*.rpm