.. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. Convention for heading levels in Open vSwitch documentation: ======= Heading 0 (reserved for the title in a document) ------- Heading 1 ~~~~~~~ Heading 2 +++++++ Heading 3 ''''''' Heading 4 Avoid deeper levels because they do not render well. =========== Development =========== Q: How do I implement a new OpenFlow message? A: Add your new message to ``enum ofpraw`` and ``enum ofptype`` in ``include/openvswitch/ofp-msgs.h``, following the existing pattern. Then recompile and fix all of the new warnings, implementing new functionality for the new message as needed. (If you configure with ``--enable-Werror``, as described in :doc:`/intro/install/general`, then it is impossible to miss any warnings.) To add an OpenFlow vendor extension message (aka experimenter message) for a vendor that doesn't yet have any extension messages, you will also need to edit ``build-aux/extract-ofp-msgs`` and at least ``ofphdrs_decode()`` and ``ofpraw_put__()`` in ``lib/ofp-msgs.c``. OpenFlow doesn't standardize vendor extensions very well, so it's hard to make the process simpler than that. (If you have a choice of how to design your vendor extension messages, it will be easier if you make them resemble the ONF and OVS extension messages.) Q: How do I add support for a new field or header? A: Add new members for your field to ``struct flow`` in ``include/openvswitch/flow.h``, and add new enumerations for your new field to ``enum mf_field_id`` in ``include/openvswitch/meta-flow.h``, following the existing pattern. If the field uses a new OXM class, add it to OXM_CLASSES in ``build-aux/extract-ofp-fields``. Also, add support to ``miniflow_extract()`` in ``lib/flow.c`` for extracting your new field from a packet into struct miniflow, and to ``nx_put_raw()`` in ``lib/nx-match.c`` to output your new field in OXM matches. Then recompile and fix all of the new warnings, implementing new functionality for the new field or header as needed. (If you configure with ``--enable-Werror``, as described in :doc:`/intro/install/general`, then it is impossible to miss any warnings.) If you want kernel datapath support for your new field, you also need to modify the kernel module for the operating systems you are interested in. This isn't mandatory, since fields understood only by userspace work too (with a performance penalty), so it's reasonable to start development without it. If you implement kernel module support for Linux, then the Linux kernel "netdev" mailing list is the place to submit that support first; please read up on the Linux kernel development process separately. The Windows datapath kernel module support, on the other hand, is maintained within the OVS tree, so patches for that can go directly to ovs-dev. Q: How do I add support for a new OpenFlow action? A: Add your new action to ``enum ofp_raw_action_type`` in ``lib/ofp-actions.c``, following the existing pattern. Then recompile and fix all of the new warnings, implementing new functionality for the new action as needed. (If you configure with ``--enable-Werror``, as described in the :doc:`/intro/install/general`, then it is impossible to miss any warnings.) If you need to add an OpenFlow vendor extension action for a vendor that doesn't yet have any extension actions, then you will also need to add the vendor to ``vendor_map`` in ``build-aux/extract-ofp-actions``. Also, you will need to add support for the vendor to ``ofpact_decode_raw()`` and ``ofpact_put_raw()`` in ``lib/ofp-actions.c``. (If you have a choice of how to design your vendor extension actions, it will be easier if you make them resemble the ONF and OVS extension actions.) Q: How do I add support for a new OpenFlow error message? A: Add your new error to ``enum ofperr`` in ``include/openvswitch/ofp-errors.h``. Read the large comment at the top of the file for details. If you need to add an OpenFlow vendor extension error for a vendor that doesn't yet have any, first add the vendor ID to the ``_VENDOR_ID`` list in ``include/openflow/openflow-common.h``. Q: What's a Signed-off-by and how do I provide one? A: Free and open source software projects usually require a contributor to provide some assurance that they're entitled to contribute the code that they provide. Some projects, for example, do this with a Contributor License Agreement (CLA) or a copyright assignment that is signed on paper or electronically. For this purpose, Open vSwitch has adopted something called the Developer's Certificate of Origin (DCO), which is also used by the Linux kernel and originated there. Informally stated, agreeing to the DCO is the developer's way of attesting that a particular commit that they are contributing is one that they are allowed to contribute. You should visit https://developercertificate.org/ to read the full statement of the DCO, which is less than 200 words long. To certify compliance with the Developer's Certificate of Origin for a particular commit, just add the following line to the end of your commit message, properly substituting your name and email address: Signed-off-by: Firstname Lastname Git has special support for adding a Signed-off-by line to a commit message: when you run "git commit", just add the -s option, as in "git commit -s". If you use the "git citool" GUI for commits, you can add a Signed-off-by line to the commit message by pressing Control+S. Other Git user interfaces may provide similar support.