#! /usr/bin/python import os.path import sys import re macros = {} anyWarnings = False types = {} types['char'] = {"size": 1, "alignment": 1} types['uint8_t'] = {"size": 1, "alignment": 1} types['ovs_be16'] = {"size": 2, "alignment": 2} types['ovs_be32'] = {"size": 4, "alignment": 4} types['ovs_be64'] = {"size": 8, "alignment": 8} types['ovs_32aligned_be64'] = {"size": 8, "alignment": 4} types['struct eth_addr'] = {"size": 6, "alignment": 2} types['struct eth_addr64'] = {"size": 8, "alignment": 2} token = None line = "" idRe = "[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*" tokenRe = "#?" + idRe + "|[0-9]+|." includeRe = re.compile(r'\s*#include\s+<(openflow/[^#]+)>') includePath = '' inComment = False inDirective = False inputStack = [] def getToken(): global token global line global inComment global inDirective global inputFile global fileName while True: line = line.lstrip() if line != "": if line.startswith("/*"): inComment = True line = line[2:] elif inComment: commentEnd = line.find("*/") if commentEnd < 0: line = "" else: inComment = False line = line[commentEnd + 2:] else: match = re.match(tokenRe, line) token = match.group(0) line = line[len(token):] if token.startswith('#'): inDirective = True elif token in macros and not inDirective: line = macros[token] + line continue return True elif inDirective: token = "$" inDirective = False return True else: global lineNumber while True: line = inputFile.readline() lineNumber += 1 while line.endswith("\\\n"): line = line[:-2] + inputFile.readline() lineNumber += 1 match = includeRe.match(line) if match: inputStack.append((fileName, inputFile, lineNumber)) inputFile = open(includePath + match.group(1)) lineNumber = 0 continue if line == "": if inputStack: fileName, inputFile, lineNumber = inputStack.pop() continue if token == None: fatal("unexpected end of input") token = None return False break def fatal(msg): sys.stderr.write("%s:%d: error at \"%s\": %s\n" % (fileName, lineNumber, token, msg)) sys.exit(1) def warn(msg): global anyWarnings anyWarnings = True sys.stderr.write("%s:%d: warning: %s\n" % (fileName, lineNumber, msg)) def skipDirective(): getToken() while token != '$': getToken() def isId(s): return re.match(idRe + "$", s) != None def forceId(): if not isId(token): fatal("identifier expected") def forceInteger(): if not re.match('[0-9]+$', token): fatal("integer expected") def match(t): if token == t: getToken() return True else: return False def forceMatch(t): if not match(t): fatal("%s expected" % t) def parseTaggedName(): assert token in ('struct', 'union') name = token getToken() forceId() name = "%s %s" % (name, token) getToken() return name def parseTypeName(): if token in ('struct', 'union'): name = parseTaggedName() elif isId(token): name = token getToken() else: fatal("type name expected") if name in types: return name else: fatal("unknown type \"%s\"" % name) def parseStruct(): isStruct = token == 'struct' structName = parseTaggedName() if token == ";": return ofs = size = 0 alignment = 4 # ARM has minimum 32-bit alignment forceMatch('{') while not match('}'): typeName = parseTypeName() typeSize = types[typeName]['size'] typeAlignment = types[typeName]['alignment'] forceId() memberName = token getToken() if match('['): if token == ']': count = 0 else: forceInteger() count = int(token) getToken() forceMatch(']') else: count = 1 nBytes = typeSize * count if isStruct: if ofs % typeAlignment: shortage = typeAlignment - (ofs % typeAlignment) warn("%s member %s is %d bytes short of %d-byte alignment" % (structName, memberName, shortage, typeAlignment)) size += shortage ofs += shortage size += nBytes ofs += nBytes else: if nBytes > size: size = nBytes if typeAlignment > alignment: alignment = typeAlignment forceMatch(';') if size % alignment: shortage = alignment - (size % alignment) if (structName == "struct ofp10_packet_in" and shortage == 2 and memberName == 'data' and count == 0): # This is intentional pass else: warn("%s needs %d bytes of tail padding" % (structName, shortage)) size += shortage types[structName] = {"size": size, "alignment": alignment} return structName def checkStructs(): if len(sys.argv) < 2: sys.stderr.write("at least one non-option argument required; " "use --help for help") sys.exit(1) if '--help' in sys.argv: argv0 = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) print '''\ %(argv0)s, for checking struct and struct member alignment usage: %(argv0)s -Ipath HEADER [HEADER]... This program reads the header files specified on the command line and verifies that all struct members are aligned on natural boundaries without any need for the compiler to add additional padding. It also verifies that each struct's size is a multiple of 32 bits (because some ABIs for ARM require all structs to be a multiple of 32 bits), or 64 bits if the struct has any 64-bit members, again without the compiler adding additional padding. Finally, it checks struct size assertions using OFP_ASSERT. This program is specialized for reading Open vSwitch's OpenFlow header files. It will not work on arbitrary header files without extensions.\ ''' % {"argv0": argv0} sys.exit(0) global fileName for fileName in sys.argv[1:]: if fileName.startswith('-I'): global includePath includePath = fileName[2:] if not includePath.endswith('/'): includePath += '/' continue global inputFile global lineNumber inputFile = open(fileName) lineNumber = 0 lastStruct = None while getToken(): if token in ("#ifdef", "#ifndef", "#include", "#endif", "#elif", "#else"): skipDirective() elif token == "#define": getToken() name = token if line.startswith('('): skipDirective() else: definition = "" getToken() while token != '$': definition += token getToken() macros[name] = definition elif token == "enum": while token != ';': getToken() elif token in ('struct', 'union'): lastStruct = parseStruct() elif match('OFP_ASSERT') or match('BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT'): forceMatch('(') forceMatch('sizeof') forceMatch('(') typeName = parseTypeName() if typeName != lastStruct: warn("checking size of %s but %s was most recently defined" % (typeName, lastStruct)) forceMatch(')') forceMatch('=') forceMatch('=') forceInteger() size = int(token) getToken() forceMatch(')') if types[typeName]['size'] != size: warn("%s is %d bytes long but declared as %d" % ( typeName, types[typeName]['size'], size)) else: fatal("parse error") inputFile.close() if anyWarnings: sys.exit(1) if __name__ == '__main__': checkStructs()