#! /usr/bin/python import sys import os.path import re OFP_ACTION_ALIGN = 8 # Map from OpenFlow version number to version ID used in ofp_header. version_map = {"1.0": 0x01, "1.1": 0x02, "1.2": 0x03, "1.3": 0x04, "1.4": 0x05, "1.5": 0x06} version_reverse_map = dict((v, k) for (k, v) in version_map.items()) # Map from vendor name to the length of the action header. vendor_map = {"OF": (0x00000000, 4), "ONF": (0x4f4e4600, 10), "NX": (0x00002320, 10)} # Basic types used in action arguments. types = {} types['uint8_t'] = {"size": 1, "align": 1, "ntoh": None, "hton": None} types['ovs_be16'] = {"size": 2, "align": 2, "ntoh": "ntohs", "hton": "htons"} types['ovs_be32'] = {"size": 4, "align": 4, "ntoh": "ntohl", "hton": "htonl"} types['ovs_be64'] = {"size": 8, "align": 8, "ntoh": "ntohll", "hton": "htonll"} types['uint16_t'] = {"size": 2, "align": 2, "ntoh": None, "hton": None} types['uint32_t'] = {"size": 4, "align": 4, "ntoh": None, "hton": None} types['uint64_t'] = {"size": 8, "align": 8, "ntoh": None, "hton": None} line = "" arg_structs = set() def round_up(x, y): return int((x + (y - 1)) / y) * y def open_file(fn): global file_name global input_file global line_number file_name = fn input_file = open(file_name) line_number = 0 def get_line(): global input_file global line global line_number line = input_file.readline() line_number += 1 if line == "": fatal("unexpected end of input") return line n_errors = 0 def error(msg): global n_errors sys.stderr.write("%s:%d: %s\n" % (file_name, line_number, msg)) n_errors += 1 def fatal(msg): error(msg) sys.exit(1) def usage(): argv0 = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) print('''\ %(argv0)s, for extracting OpenFlow action data usage: %(argv0)s OFP_ACTIONS.C [--prototypes | --definitions] This program reads ofp-actions.c to obtain information about OpenFlow actions. With --prototypes, it outputs on stdout a set of prototypes to #include early in ofp-actions.c. With --definitions, it outputs on stdout a set of definitions to #include late in ofp-actions.c OFP_ACTIONS.C should point to lib/ofp-actions.c.\ ''' % {"argv0": argv0}) sys.exit(0) def extract_ofp_actions(fn, definitions): error_types = {} comments = [] names = [] domain = {} for code, size in vendor_map.values(): domain[code] = {} enums = {} n_errors = 0 open_file(fn) while True: get_line() if re.match('enum ofp_raw_action_type {', line): break while True: get_line() if line.startswith('/*') or not line or line.isspace(): continue elif re.match('}', line): break if not line.lstrip().startswith('/*'): fatal("unexpected syntax between actions") comment = line.lstrip()[2:].strip() while not comment.endswith('*/'): get_line() if line.startswith('/*') or not line or line.isspace(): fatal("unexpected syntax within action") comment += ' %s' % line.lstrip('* \t').rstrip(' \t\r\n') comment = re.sub('\[[^]]*\]', '', comment) comment = comment[:-2].rstrip() m = re.match('([^:]+):\s+(.*)$', comment) if not m: fatal("unexpected syntax between actions") dsts = m.group(1) argtypes = m.group(2).strip().replace('.', '', 1) if 'VLMFF' in argtypes: arg_vl_mff_map = True else: arg_vl_mff_map = False argtype = argtypes.replace('VLMFF', '', 1).rstrip() get_line() m = re.match(r'\s+(([A-Z]+)_RAW([0-9]*)_([A-Z0-9_]+)),?', line) if not m: fatal("syntax error expecting enum value") enum = m.group(1) if enum in names: fatal("%s specified twice" % enum) names.append(enum) for dst in dsts.split(', '): m = re.match(r'([A-Z]+)([0-9.]+)(\+|-[0-9.]+)?(?:\((\d+)\))(?: is deprecated \(([^)]+)\))?$', dst) if not m: fatal("%r: syntax error in destination" % dst) vendor_name = m.group(1) version1_name = m.group(2) version2_name = m.group(3) type_ = int(m.group(4)) deprecation = m.group(5) if vendor_name not in vendor_map: fatal("%s: unknown vendor" % vendor_name) vendor = vendor_map[vendor_name][0] if version1_name not in version_map: fatal("%s: unknown OpenFlow version" % version1_name) v1 = version_map[version1_name] if version2_name is None: v2 = v1 elif version2_name == "+": v2 = max(version_map.values()) elif version2_name[1:] not in version_map: fatal("%s: unknown OpenFlow version" % version2_name[1:]) else: v2 = version_map[version2_name[1:]] if v2 < v1: fatal("%s%s: %s precedes %s" % (version1_name, version2_name, version2_name, version1_name)) for version in range(v1, v2 + 1): domain[vendor].setdefault(type_, {}) if version in domain[vendor][type_]: v = domain[vendor][type_][version] msg = "%#x,%d in OF%s means both %s and %s" % ( vendor, type_, version_reverse_map[version], v["enum"], enum) error("%s: %s." % (dst, msg)) sys.stderr.write("%s:%d: %s: Here is the location " "of the previous definition.\n" % (v["file_name"], v["line_number"], dst)) n_errors += 1 else: header_len = vendor_map[vendor_name][1] base_argtype = argtype.replace(', ..', '', 1) if base_argtype in types: arg_align = types[base_argtype]['align'] arg_len = types[base_argtype]['size'] arg_ofs = round_up(header_len, arg_align) min_length = round_up(arg_ofs + arg_len, OFP_ACTION_ALIGN) elif base_argtype == 'void': min_length = round_up(header_len, OFP_ACTION_ALIGN) arg_len = 0 arg_ofs = 0 elif re.match(r'struct [a-zA-Z0-9_]+$', base_argtype): min_length = 'sizeof(%s)' % base_argtype arg_structs.add(base_argtype) arg_len = 0 arg_ofs = 0 # should also emit OFP_ACTION_ALIGN assertion else: fatal("bad argument type %s" % argtype) ellipsis = argtype != base_argtype if ellipsis: max_length = '65536 - OFP_ACTION_ALIGN' else: max_length = min_length info = {"enum": enum, # 0 "deprecation": deprecation, # 1 "file_name": file_name, # 2 "line_number": line_number, # 3 "min_length": min_length, # 4 "max_length": max_length, # 5 "arg_ofs": arg_ofs, # 6 "arg_len": arg_len, # 7 "base_argtype": base_argtype, # 8 "arg_vl_mff_map": arg_vl_mff_map, # 9 "version": version, # 10 "type": type_} # 11 domain[vendor][type_][version] = info enums.setdefault(enum, []) enums[enum].append(info) input_file.close() if n_errors: sys.exit(1) print("""\ /* Generated automatically; do not modify! -*- buffer-read-only: t -*- */ """) if definitions: print("/* Verify that structs used as actions are reasonable sizes. */") for s in sorted(arg_structs): print("BUILD_ASSERT_DECL(sizeof(%s) %% OFP_ACTION_ALIGN == 0);" % s) print("\nstatic struct ofpact_raw_instance all_raw_instances[] = {") for vendor in domain: for type_ in domain[vendor]: for version in domain[vendor][type_]: d = domain[vendor][type_][version] print(" { { 0x%08x, %2d, 0x%02x }, " % ( vendor, type_, version)) print(" %s," % d["enum"]) print(" HMAP_NODE_NULL_INITIALIZER,") print(" HMAP_NODE_NULL_INITIALIZER,") print(" %s," % d["min_length"]) print(" %s," % d["max_length"]) print(" %s," % d["arg_ofs"]) print(" %s," % d["arg_len"]) print(" \"%s\"," % re.sub('_RAW[0-9]*', '', d["enum"], 1)) if d["deprecation"]: print(" \"%s\"," % re.sub(r'(["\\])', r'\\\1', d["deprecation"])) else: print(" NULL,") print(" },") print("};") for versions in enums.values(): need_ofp_version = False for v in versions: assert v["arg_len"] == versions[0]["arg_len"] assert v["base_argtype"] == versions[0]["base_argtype"] if (v["min_length"] != versions[0]["min_length"] or v["arg_ofs"] != versions[0]["arg_ofs"] or v["type"] != versions[0]["type"]): need_ofp_version = True base_argtype = versions[0]["base_argtype"] decl = "static inline " if base_argtype.startswith('struct'): decl += "%s *" %base_argtype else: decl += "void" decl += "\nput_%s(struct ofpbuf *openflow" % versions[0]["enum"].replace('_RAW', '', 1) if need_ofp_version: decl += ", enum ofp_version version" if base_argtype != 'void' and not base_argtype.startswith('struct'): decl += ", %s arg" % base_argtype decl += ")" if definitions: decl += "{\n" decl += " " if base_argtype.startswith('struct'): decl += "return " decl += "ofpact_put_raw(openflow, " if need_ofp_version: decl += "version" else: decl += "%s" % versions[0]["version"] decl += ", %s, " % versions[0]["enum"] if base_argtype.startswith('struct') or base_argtype == 'void': decl += "0" else: ntoh = types[base_argtype]['ntoh'] if ntoh: decl += "%s(arg)" % ntoh else: decl += "arg" decl += ");\n" decl += "}" else: decl += ";" print(decl) print("") if definitions: print("""\ static enum ofperr ofpact_decode(const struct ofp_action_header *a, enum ofp_raw_action_type raw, enum ofp_version version, uint64_t arg, const struct vl_mff_map *vl_mff_map, uint64_t *tlv_bitmap, struct ofpbuf *out) { switch (raw) {\ """) for versions in enums.values(): enum = versions[0]["enum"] print(" case %s:" % enum) base_argtype = versions[0]["base_argtype"] arg_vl_mff_map = versions[0]["arg_vl_mff_map"] if base_argtype == 'void': print(" return decode_%s(out);" % enum) else: if base_argtype.startswith('struct'): arg = "ALIGNED_CAST(const %s *, a)" % base_argtype else: hton = types[base_argtype]['hton'] if hton: arg = "%s(arg)" % hton else: arg = "arg" if arg_vl_mff_map: print(" return decode_%s(%s, version, vl_mff_map, tlv_bitmap, out);" % (enum, arg)) else: print(" return decode_%s(%s, version, out);" % (enum, arg)) print("") print("""\ default: OVS_NOT_REACHED(); } }\ """) else: for versions in enums.values(): enum = versions[0]["enum"] prototype = "static enum ofperr decode_%s(" % enum base_argtype = versions[0]["base_argtype"] arg_vl_mff_map = versions[0]["arg_vl_mff_map"] if base_argtype != 'void': if base_argtype.startswith('struct'): prototype += "const %s *, enum ofp_version, " % base_argtype else: prototype += "%s, enum ofp_version, " % base_argtype if arg_vl_mff_map: prototype += 'const struct vl_mff_map *, uint64_t *, ' prototype += "struct ofpbuf *);" print(prototype) print(""" static enum ofperr ofpact_decode(const struct ofp_action_header *, enum ofp_raw_action_type raw, enum ofp_version version, uint64_t arg, const struct vl_mff_map *vl_mff_map, uint64_t *tlv_bitmap, struct ofpbuf *out); """) if __name__ == '__main__': if '--help' in sys.argv: usage() elif len(sys.argv) != 3: sys.stderr.write("exactly two arguments required; " "use --help for help\n") sys.exit(1) elif sys.argv[2] == '--prototypes': extract_ofp_actions(sys.argv[1], False) elif sys.argv[2] == '--definitions': extract_ofp_actions(sys.argv[1], True) else: sys.stderr.write("invalid arguments; use --help for help\n") sys.exit(1)