/* * Copyright (c) 2016 VMware, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "Conntrack.h" #include "Jhash.h" static PLIST_ENTRY ovsCtRelatedTable; /* Holds related entries */ static ULONG ctTotalRelatedEntries; static OVS_CT_THREAD_CTX ctRelThreadCtx; static PNDIS_RW_LOCK_EX ovsCtRelatedLockObj; extern POVS_SWITCH_CONTEXT gOvsSwitchContext; KSTART_ROUTINE OvsCtRelatedEntryCleaner; static __inline UINT32 OvsExtractCtRelatedKeyHash(OVS_CT_KEY *key) { UINT32 hsrc, hdst,hash; hsrc = OvsJhashBytes((UINT32*) &key->src, sizeof(key->src), 0); hdst = OvsJhashBytes((UINT32*) &key->dst, sizeof(key->dst), 0); hash = hsrc ^ hdst; /* TO identify reverse traffic */ return hash; } static __inline BOOLEAN OvsCtRelatedKeyAreSame(OVS_CT_KEY incomingKey, OVS_CT_KEY entryKey) { /* FTP PASV - Client initiates the connection from unknown port */ if ((incomingKey.dst.addr.ipv4 == entryKey.src.addr.ipv4) && (incomingKey.dst.port == entryKey.src.port) && (incomingKey.src.addr.ipv4 == entryKey.dst.addr.ipv4) && (incomingKey.dl_type == entryKey.dl_type) && (incomingKey.nw_proto == entryKey.nw_proto)) { return TRUE; } /* FTP ACTIVE - Server initiates the connection */ if ((incomingKey.src.addr.ipv4 == entryKey.src.addr.ipv4) && (incomingKey.src.port == entryKey.src.port) && (incomingKey.dst.addr.ipv4 == entryKey.dst.addr.ipv4) && (incomingKey.dst.port == entryKey.dst.port) && (incomingKey.dl_type == entryKey.dl_type) && (incomingKey.nw_proto == entryKey.nw_proto)) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /* *--------------------------------------------------------------------------- * OvsCtRelatedLookup * Checks the related connections table for an entry that matches the * incoming connection. If there is a matching entry, then it returns * the pointer to the original control connection. * *--------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ POVS_CT_ENTRY OvsCtRelatedLookup(OVS_CT_KEY key, UINT64 currentTime) { PLIST_ENTRY link, next; POVS_CT_REL_ENTRY entry; LOCK_STATE_EX lockState; if (!ctTotalRelatedEntries) { return NULL; } NdisAcquireRWLockRead(ovsCtRelatedLockObj, &lockState, 0); for (int i = 0; i < CT_HASH_TABLE_SIZE; i++) { /* XXX - Scan the table based on the hash instead */ LIST_FORALL_SAFE(&ovsCtRelatedTable[i], link, next) { entry = CONTAINING_RECORD(link, OVS_CT_REL_ENTRY, link); if (entry->expiration > currentTime) { if (OvsCtRelatedKeyAreSame(key, entry->key)) { NdisReleaseRWLock(ovsCtRelatedLockObj, &lockState); return entry->parent; } } } } NdisReleaseRWLock(ovsCtRelatedLockObj, &lockState); return NULL; } static __inline VOID OvsCtRelatedEntryDelete(POVS_CT_REL_ENTRY entry) { RemoveEntryList(&entry->link); OvsFreeMemoryWithTag(entry, OVS_CT_POOL_TAG); NdisInterlockedDecrement((PLONG)&ctTotalRelatedEntries); } NDIS_STATUS OvsCtRelatedEntryCreate(UINT8 ipProto, UINT16 dl_type, UINT32 serverIp, UINT32 clientIp, UINT16 serverPort, UINT16 clientPort, UINT64 currentTime, POVS_CT_ENTRY parent) { LOCK_STATE_EX lockState; POVS_CT_REL_ENTRY entry; entry = OvsAllocateMemoryWithTag(sizeof(OVS_CT_REL_ENTRY), OVS_CT_POOL_TAG); if (!entry) { return NDIS_STATUS_RESOURCES; } RtlZeroMemory(entry, sizeof(struct OVS_CT_REL_ENTRY)); entry->expiration = currentTime + (CT_INTERVAL_SEC * 60); entry->key.src.addr.ipv4 = serverIp; entry->key.dst.addr.ipv4 = clientIp; entry->key.nw_proto = ipProto; entry->key.dl_type = dl_type; entry->key.src.port = serverPort; entry->key.dst.port = clientPort; entry->parent = parent; UINT32 hash = OvsExtractCtRelatedKeyHash(&entry->key); NdisAcquireRWLockWrite(ovsCtRelatedLockObj, &lockState, 0); InsertHeadList(&ovsCtRelatedTable[hash & CT_HASH_TABLE_MASK], &entry->link); NdisInterlockedIncrement((PLONG)&ctTotalRelatedEntries); NdisReleaseRWLock(ovsCtRelatedLockObj, &lockState); return NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS; } static __inline NDIS_STATUS OvsCtRelatedFlush() { PLIST_ENTRY link, next; POVS_CT_REL_ENTRY entry; LOCK_STATE_EX lockState; if (ctTotalRelatedEntries) { NdisAcquireRWLockWrite(ovsCtRelatedLockObj, &lockState, 0); for (int i = 0; i < CT_HASH_TABLE_SIZE; i++) { LIST_FORALL_SAFE(&ovsCtRelatedTable[i], link, next) { entry = CONTAINING_RECORD(link, OVS_CT_REL_ENTRY, link); OvsCtRelatedEntryDelete(entry); } } NdisReleaseRWLock(ovsCtRelatedLockObj, &lockState); } return NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS; } /* XXX - Create a wrapper for managing Tables used by Connection Trackers */ /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * OvsCtRelatedEntryCleaner * Runs periodically and cleans up the related connections tracker *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ VOID OvsCtRelatedEntryCleaner(PVOID data) { POVS_CT_THREAD_CTX context = (POVS_CT_THREAD_CTX)data; PLIST_ENTRY link, next; POVS_CT_REL_ENTRY entry; LOCK_STATE_EX lockState; BOOLEAN success = TRUE; while (success) { if (ovsCtRelatedLockObj == NULL) { /* Lock has been freed by 'OvsCleanupCtRelated()' */ break; } if (context->exit) { break; } /* Set the timeout for the thread and cleanup */ UINT64 currentTime, threadSleepTimeout; NdisGetCurrentSystemTime((LARGE_INTEGER *)¤tTime); threadSleepTimeout = currentTime + CT_CLEANUP_INTERVAL; if (ctTotalRelatedEntries) { NdisAcquireRWLockWrite(ovsCtRelatedLockObj, &lockState, 0); for (int i = 0; i < CT_HASH_TABLE_SIZE; i++) { LIST_FORALL_SAFE(&ovsCtRelatedTable[i], link, next) { entry = CONTAINING_RECORD(link, OVS_CT_REL_ENTRY, link); if (entry->expiration < currentTime) { OvsCtRelatedEntryDelete(entry); } } } NdisReleaseRWLock(ovsCtRelatedLockObj, &lockState); } KeWaitForSingleObject(&context->event, Executive, KernelMode, FALSE, (LARGE_INTEGER *)&threadSleepTimeout); } PsTerminateSystemThread(STATUS_SUCCESS); } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * OvsInitCtRelated * Initialize the components used by Related Connections Tracker *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ NTSTATUS OvsInitCtRelated(POVS_SWITCH_CONTEXT context) { NTSTATUS status; HANDLE threadHandle = NULL; ctTotalRelatedEntries = 0; /* Init the sync-lock */ ovsCtRelatedLockObj = NdisAllocateRWLock(context->NdisFilterHandle); if (ovsCtRelatedLockObj == NULL) { return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } /* Init the Hash Buffer */ ovsCtRelatedTable = OvsAllocateMemoryWithTag(sizeof(LIST_ENTRY) * CT_HASH_TABLE_SIZE, OVS_CT_POOL_TAG); if (ovsCtRelatedTable == NULL) { NdisFreeRWLock(ovsCtRelatedLockObj); ovsCtRelatedLockObj = NULL; return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } for (int i = 0; i < CT_HASH_TABLE_SIZE; i++) { InitializeListHead(&ovsCtRelatedTable[i]); } /* Init CT Cleaner Thread */ KeInitializeEvent(&ctRelThreadCtx.event, NotificationEvent, FALSE); status = PsCreateSystemThread(&threadHandle, SYNCHRONIZE, NULL, NULL, NULL, OvsCtRelatedEntryCleaner, &ctRelThreadCtx); if (status != STATUS_SUCCESS) { NdisFreeRWLock(ovsCtRelatedLockObj); ovsCtRelatedLockObj = NULL; OvsFreeMemoryWithTag(ovsCtRelatedTable, OVS_CT_POOL_TAG); ovsCtRelatedTable = NULL; return status; } ObReferenceObjectByHandle(threadHandle, SYNCHRONIZE, NULL, KernelMode, &ctRelThreadCtx.threadObject, NULL); ZwClose(threadHandle); threadHandle = NULL; return STATUS_SUCCESS; } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * OvsCleanupCtRelated * Cleanup memory and thread that were spawned for tracking related entry *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ VOID OvsCleanupCtRelated(VOID) { LOCK_STATE_EX lockState; NdisAcquireRWLockWrite(ovsCtRelatedLockObj, &lockState, 0); ctRelThreadCtx.exit = 1; KeSetEvent(&ctRelThreadCtx.event, 0, FALSE); NdisReleaseRWLock(ovsCtRelatedLockObj, &lockState); KeWaitForSingleObject(ctRelThreadCtx.threadObject, Executive, KernelMode, FALSE, NULL); ObDereferenceObject(ctRelThreadCtx.threadObject); if (ovsCtRelatedTable) { OvsCtRelatedFlush(); OvsFreeMemoryWithTag(ovsCtRelatedTable, OVS_CT_POOL_TAG); ovsCtRelatedTable = NULL; } NdisFreeRWLock(ovsCtRelatedLockObj); ovsCtRelatedLockObj = NULL; }