/* * Copyright 2014 Cloudbase Solutions Srl * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http :/*www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #pragma once #include "precomp.h" /* * These are error codes to be used by netlink transactional operations. * The error code is assigned to the "error" field (INT) of the NL_MSG_ERR * struct. */ typedef enum _NL_ERROR_ { NL_ERROR_SUCCESS = 0, /* The operation is not permitted */ NL_ERROR_PERM = ((ULONG)-1), /* There is no such file or directory */ NL_ERROR_NOENT = ((ULONG)-2), /* There is no such process */ NL_ERROR_SRCH = ((ULONG)-3), /* An interrupted system call / interrupted function */ NL_ERROR_INTR = ((ULONG)-4), /* An I/O error */ NL_ERROR_IO = ((ULONG)-5), /* There is no such device or address */ NL_ERROR_NXIO = ((ULONG)-6), /* The argument list is too long */ NL_ERROR_2BIG = ((ULONG)-7), /* Executable file format error */ NL_ERROR_NOEXEC = ((ULONG)-8), /* A bad file descriptor / number */ NL_ERROR_BADF = ((ULONG)-9), /* Have no child processes */ NL_ERROR_CHILD = ((ULONG)-10), /* resource unavailable => try again later */ NL_ERROR_AGAIN = ((ULONG)-11), /* We're out of memory */ NL_ERROR_NOMEM = ((ULONG)-12), /* Permission is denied */ NL_ERROR_ACCES = ((ULONG)-13), /* A bad address */ NL_ERROR_FAULT = ((ULONG)-14), /* The device or the resource is busy */ NL_ERROR_BUSY = ((ULONG)-16), /* The file exists */ NL_ERROR_EXIST = ((ULONG)-17), /* A cross-device link */ NL_ERROR_XDEV = ((ULONG)-18), /* There is no such device */ NL_ERROR_NODEV = ((ULONG)-19), /* It is not a directory, nor a symbolic link to a directory. */ NL_ERROR_NOTDIR = ((ULONG)-20), /* This is a directory */ NL_ERROR_ISDIR = ((ULONG)-21), /* An invalid argument */ NL_ERROR_INVAL = ((ULONG)-22), /* * There are too many files open in system (i.e. no room for another file * descriptor) */ NL_ERROR_NFILE = ((ULONG)-23), /* The file descriptor value is too large. */ NL_ERROR_MFILE = ((ULONG)-24), /* And Inappropriate I/O control operation. Or, this is not a typewriter */ NL_ERROR_NOTTY = ((ULONG)-25), /* The file is too large */ NL_ERROR_FBIG = ((ULONG)-27), /* There is no space left on the device */ NL_ERROR_NOSPC = ((ULONG)-28), /* This is an invalid seek */ NL_ERROR_SPIPE = ((ULONG)-29), /* A read-only file system */ NL_ERROR_ROFS = ((ULONG)-30), /* There are too many links */ NL_ERROR_MLINK = ((ULONG)-31), /* A broken pipe */ NL_ERROR_PIPE = ((ULONG)-32), /* The mathematics argument is out of the domain of the function. */ NL_ERROR_DOM = ((ULONG)-33), /* The result is too large / cannot be represented */ NL_ERROR_RANGE = ((ULONG)-34), /* A resource deadlock would occur */ NL_ERROR_DEADLK = ((ULONG)-36), /* The file name is too long */ NL_ERROR_NAMETOOLONG = ((ULONG)-38), /* There are no locks available */ NL_ERROR_NOLCK = ((ULONG)-39), /* The function is not implemented / not supported */ NL_ERROR_NOSYS = ((ULONG)-40), /* The directory is not empty */ NL_ERROR_NOTEMPTY = ((ULONG)-41), /* The byte sequence is illegal */ NL_ERROR_ILSEQ = ((ULONG)-42), NL_ERROR_STRUNCATE = ((ULONG)-80), /* The address is already in use */ NL_ERROR_ADDRINUSE = ((ULONG)-100), /* The requested address cannot be assigned: is is not available */ NL_ERROR_ADDRNOTAVAIL = ((ULONG)-101), /* the address family is not supported by the protocol */ NL_ERROR_AFNOSUPPORT = ((ULONG)-102), /* The operation / connection is already in progress */ NL_ERROR_ALREADY = ((ULONG)-103), /* The message is bad */ NL_ERROR_BADMSG = ((ULONG)-104), /* The operation was canceled */ NL_ERROR_CANCELED = ((ULONG)-105), /* The software has caused a connection abort */ NL_ERROR_CONNABORTED = ((ULONG)-106), /*The connection was refused */ NL_ERROR_CONNREFUSED = ((ULONG)-107), /* The connection was reset by the peer */ NL_ERROR_CONNRESET = ((ULONG)-108), /* The destination address is required */ NL_ERROR_DESTADDRREQ = ((ULONG)-109), /*The host is unreachable */ NL_ERROR_HOSTUNREACH = ((ULONG)-110), /* The identifier was removed */ NL_ERROR_IDRM = ((ULONG)-111), /* The operations is in progress */ NL_ERROR_INPROGRESS = ((ULONG)-112), /* The socket is already connected */ NL_ERROR_ISCONN = ((ULONG)-113), /* There are too many levels of symbolic links. */ NL_ERROR_LOOP = ((ULONG)-114), /*The message is too large */ NL_ERROR_MSGSIZE = ((ULONG)-115), /* The network is down */ NL_ERROR_NETDOWN = ((ULONG)-116), /* The network has dropped connection because of a reset (i.e. the * connection was aborted by the network) */ NL_ERROR_NETRESET = ((ULONG)-117), /* The network is unreachable */ NL_ERROR_NETUNREACH = ((ULONG)-118), /* There is no buffer space available */ NL_ERROR_NOBUFS = ((ULONG)-119), /* There is no data available (on the stream head read queue) */ NL_ERROR_NODATA = ((ULONG)-120), /* The link has been severed (it's reserved in posix) */ NL_ERROR_NOLINK = ((ULONG)-121), /* There is no message of the desired type */ NL_ERROR_NOMSG = ((ULONG)-122), /* The protocol is not available */ NL_ERROR_NOPROTOOPT = ((ULONG)-123), /* We're out of streams resources */ NL_ERROR_NOSR = ((ULONG)-124), /* This is not a stream */ NL_ERROR_NOSTR = ((ULONG)-125), /* The socket is not connected */ NL_ERROR_NOTCONN = ((ULONG)-126), /* The state is not recoverable */ NL_ERROR_NOTRECOVERABLE = ((ULONG)-127), /* This is not a socket */ NL_ERROR_NOTSOCK = ((ULONG)-128), /* The operation is not supported */ NL_ERROR_NOTSUPP = ((ULONG)-129), /* The operation is not supported on socket */ NL_ERROR_OPNOTSUPP = ((ULONG)-130), NL_ERROR_OTHER = ((ULONG)-131), /* The value is too large for the data type */ NL_ERROR_OVERFLOW = ((ULONG)-132), /* The previous owner died */ NL_ERROR_OWNERDEAD = ((ULONG)-133), /* A protocol error */ NL_ERROR_PROTO = ((ULONG)-134), /* The protocol is not supported */ NL_ERROR_PROTONOSUPPORT = ((ULONG)-135), /* This is a wrong protocol type for the socket */ NL_ERROR_PROTOTYPE = ((ULONG)-136), /* The timer has expired (or, the stream ioctl has timed out) */ NL_ERROR_TIME = ((ULONG)-137), /* The connection has timed out */ NL_ERROR_TIMEDOUT = ((ULONG)-138), /* The given text file is busy */ NL_ERROR_TXTBSY = ((ULONG)-139), /*the operation would block */ NL_ERROR_WOULDBLOCK = ((ULONG)-140), } NL_ERROR;