/* * Copyright (c) 2016 Cloudbase Solutions Srl * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "Recirc.h" #include "Flow.h" #include "Jhash.h" /* * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- * '_OVS_DEFERRED_ACTION_QUEUE' structure is responsible for keeping track of * all deferred actions. The maximum number of deferred actions should not * exceed 'DEFERRED_ACTION_QUEUE_SIZE'. * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ typedef struct _OVS_DEFERRED_ACTION_QUEUE { UINT32 head; UINT32 tail; OVS_DEFERRED_ACTION deferredActions[DEFERRED_ACTION_QUEUE_SIZE]; } OVS_DEFERRED_ACTION_QUEUE, *POVS_DEFERRED_ACTION_QUEUE; typedef struct _OVS_DEFERRED_ACTION_DATA { OVS_DEFERRED_ACTION_QUEUE queue; UINT32 level; } OVS_DEFERRED_ACTION_DATA, *POVS_DEFERRED_ACTION_DATA; static POVS_DEFERRED_ACTION_DATA deferredData = NULL; /* * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- * OvsDeferredActionsInit -- * The function allocates all necessary deferred actions resources. * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ NTSTATUS OvsDeferredActionsInit() { NTSTATUS status = STATUS_SUCCESS; ULONG count = KeQueryMaximumProcessorCountEx(ALL_PROCESSOR_GROUPS); deferredData = OvsAllocateMemoryPerCpu(sizeof(*deferredData), count, OVS_RECIRC_POOL_TAG); if (!deferredData) { status = NDIS_STATUS_RESOURCES; } return status; } /* * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- * OvsDeferredActionsCleanup -- * The function frees all deferred actions resources. * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ VOID OvsDeferredActionsCleanup() { if (deferredData) { OvsFreeMemoryWithTag(deferredData, OVS_RECIRC_POOL_TAG); deferredData = NULL; } } /* * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- * OvsDeferredActionsQueueGet -- * The function returns the deferred action queue corresponding to the * current processor. * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ POVS_DEFERRED_ACTION_QUEUE OvsDeferredActionsQueueGet() { POVS_DEFERRED_ACTION_QUEUE queue = NULL; ULONG index = 0; KIRQL oldIrql = KeGetCurrentIrql(); if (oldIrql < DISPATCH_LEVEL) { KeRaiseIrqlToDpcLevel(); } index = KeGetCurrentProcessorNumberEx(NULL); queue = &deferredData[index].queue; if (oldIrql < DISPATCH_LEVEL) { KeLowerIrql(oldIrql); } return queue; } /* * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- * OvsDeferredActionsLevelGet -- * The function returns the deferred action execution level corresponding * to the current processor. * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ UINT32 OvsDeferredActionsLevelGet() { UINT32 level = 0; ULONG index = 0; KIRQL oldIrql = KeGetCurrentIrql(); if (oldIrql < DISPATCH_LEVEL) { KeRaiseIrqlToDpcLevel(); } index = KeGetCurrentProcessorNumberEx(NULL); level = deferredData[index].level; if (oldIrql < DISPATCH_LEVEL) { KeLowerIrql(oldIrql); } return level; } /* * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- * OvsDeferredActionsLevelInc -- * The function increments the deferred action execution level * corresponding to the current processor. * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ VOID OvsDeferredActionsLevelInc() { ULONG index = 0; KIRQL oldIrql = KeGetCurrentIrql(); if (oldIrql < DISPATCH_LEVEL) { KeRaiseIrqlToDpcLevel(); } index = KeGetCurrentProcessorNumberEx(NULL); deferredData[index].level++; if (oldIrql < DISPATCH_LEVEL) { KeLowerIrql(oldIrql); } } /* * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- * OvsDeferredActionsLevelDec -- * The function decrements the deferred action execution level * corresponding to the current processor. * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ VOID OvsDeferredActionsLevelDec() { ULONG index = 0; KIRQL oldIrql = KeGetCurrentIrql(); if (oldIrql < DISPATCH_LEVEL) { KeRaiseIrqlToDpcLevel(); } index = KeGetCurrentProcessorNumberEx(NULL); deferredData[index].level--; if (oldIrql < DISPATCH_LEVEL) { KeLowerIrql(oldIrql); } } /* * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- * OvsDeferredActionsQueueInit -- * The function resets the queue to be ready for the next packet. * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static VOID OvsDeferredActionsQueueInit(POVS_DEFERRED_ACTION_QUEUE queue) { queue->head = 0; queue->tail = 0; } /* * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- * OvsDeferredActionsQueueIsEmpty -- * The function verifies if the queue is empty. * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static BOOLEAN OvsDeferredActionsQueueIsEmpty(const POVS_DEFERRED_ACTION_QUEUE queue) { return (queue->head == queue->tail); } /* * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- * OvsDeferredActionsQueuePop -- * The function pops the next queue element. * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static POVS_DEFERRED_ACTION OvsDeferredActionsQueuePop(POVS_DEFERRED_ACTION_QUEUE queue) { POVS_DEFERRED_ACTION deferredAction = NULL; KIRQL oldIrql = KeGetCurrentIrql(); if (oldIrql < DISPATCH_LEVEL) { KeRaiseIrqlToDpcLevel(); } if (OvsDeferredActionsQueueIsEmpty(queue)) { /* Reset the queue for the next packet. */ OvsDeferredActionsQueueInit(queue); } else { deferredAction = &queue->deferredActions[queue->tail++]; } if (oldIrql < DISPATCH_LEVEL) { KeLowerIrql(oldIrql); } return deferredAction; } /* * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- * OvsDeferredActionsQueuePush -- * The function pushes the current element in the deferred actions queue. * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static POVS_DEFERRED_ACTION OvsDeferredActionsQueuePush(POVS_DEFERRED_ACTION_QUEUE queue) { POVS_DEFERRED_ACTION deferredAction = NULL; KIRQL oldIrql = KeGetCurrentIrql(); if (oldIrql < DISPATCH_LEVEL) { KeRaiseIrqlToDpcLevel(); } if (queue->head < DEFERRED_ACTION_QUEUE_SIZE) { deferredAction = &queue->deferredActions[queue->head++]; } if (oldIrql < DISPATCH_LEVEL) { KeLowerIrql(oldIrql); } return deferredAction; } /* * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- * OvsAddDeferredActions -- * This function adds the deferred action to the current CPU queue and * returns the new queue entry if the queue is not already full. * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ POVS_DEFERRED_ACTION OvsAddDeferredActions(PNET_BUFFER_LIST nbl, OvsFlowKey *key, const PNL_ATTR actions) { POVS_DEFERRED_ACTION_QUEUE queue = OvsDeferredActionsQueueGet(); POVS_DEFERRED_ACTION deferredAction = NULL; deferredAction = OvsDeferredActionsQueuePush(queue); if (deferredAction) { deferredAction->nbl = nbl; deferredAction->actions = actions; deferredAction->key = *key; } return deferredAction; } /* * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- * OvsProcessDeferredActions -- * This function processes all deferred actions contained in the queue * corresponding to the current CPU. * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ NDIS_STATUS OvsProcessDeferredActions(POVS_SWITCH_CONTEXT switchContext, OvsCompletionList *completionList, UINT32 portNo, ULONG sendFlags, OVS_PACKET_HDR_INFO *layers) { NDIS_STATUS status = NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS; POVS_DEFERRED_ACTION_QUEUE queue = OvsDeferredActionsQueueGet(); POVS_DEFERRED_ACTION deferredAction = NULL; /* Process all deferred actions. */ while ((deferredAction = OvsDeferredActionsQueuePop(queue)) != NULL) { if (deferredAction->actions) { status = OvsDoExecuteActions(switchContext, completionList, deferredAction->nbl, portNo, sendFlags, &deferredAction->key, NULL, layers, deferredAction->actions, NlAttrGetSize(deferredAction->actions)); } else { status = OvsDoRecirc(switchContext, completionList, deferredAction->nbl, &deferredAction->key, portNo, layers); } } return status; }