/* * Copyright (c) 2014, 2016 VMware, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /* * OvsUser.c * Manage packet queue for packet miss for userAction. */ #include "precomp.h" #include "Actions.h" #include "Datapath.h" #include "Debug.h" #include "Event.h" #include "Flow.h" #include "Jhash.h" #include "NetProto.h" #include "Offload.h" #include "PacketIO.h" #include "Switch.h" #include "TunnelIntf.h" #include "User.h" #include "Vport.h" #ifdef OVS_DBG_MOD #undef OVS_DBG_MOD #endif #define OVS_DBG_MOD OVS_DBG_USER POVS_PACKET_QUEUE_ELEM OvsGetNextPacket(POVS_OPEN_INSTANCE instance); extern PNDIS_SPIN_LOCK gOvsCtrlLock; extern POVS_SWITCH_CONTEXT gOvsSwitchContext; OVS_USER_STATS ovsUserStats; static VOID _MapNlAttrToOvsPktExec(PNL_MSG_HDR nlMsgHdr, PNL_ATTR *nlAttrs, PNL_ATTR *keyAttrs, OvsPacketExecute *execute); extern NL_POLICY nlFlowKeyPolicy[]; extern UINT32 nlFlowKeyPolicyLen; extern NL_POLICY nlFlowTunnelKeyPolicy[]; extern UINT32 nlFlowTunnelKeyPolicyLen; static __inline VOID OvsAcquirePidHashLock() { NdisAcquireSpinLock(&(gOvsSwitchContext->pidHashLock)); } static __inline VOID OvsReleasePidHashLock() { NdisReleaseSpinLock(&(gOvsSwitchContext->pidHashLock)); } static VOID OvsPurgePacketQueue(POVS_USER_PACKET_QUEUE queue, POVS_OPEN_INSTANCE instance) { PLIST_ENTRY link, next; LIST_ENTRY tmp; POVS_PACKET_QUEUE_ELEM elem; InitializeListHead(&tmp); NdisAcquireSpinLock(&queue->queueLock); if (queue->instance != instance) { NdisReleaseSpinLock(&queue->queueLock); return; } if (queue->numPackets) { OvsAppendList(&tmp, &queue->packetList); queue->numPackets = 0; } NdisReleaseSpinLock(&queue->queueLock); LIST_FORALL_SAFE(&tmp, link, next) { RemoveEntryList(link); elem = CONTAINING_RECORD(link, OVS_PACKET_QUEUE_ELEM, link); OvsFreeMemoryWithTag(elem, OVS_USER_POOL_TAG); } } VOID OvsCleanupPacketQueue(POVS_OPEN_INSTANCE instance) { POVS_USER_PACKET_QUEUE queue; POVS_PACKET_QUEUE_ELEM elem; PLIST_ENTRY link, next; LIST_ENTRY tmp; PIRP irp = NULL; ASSERT(instance); InitializeListHead(&tmp); queue = (POVS_USER_PACKET_QUEUE)instance->packetQueue; if (queue) { PDRIVER_CANCEL cancelRoutine; NdisAcquireSpinLock(&queue->queueLock); ASSERT(queue->instance == instance); /* XXX Should not happen */ if (queue->instance != instance) { NdisReleaseSpinLock(&queue->queueLock); NdisFreeSpinLock(&queue->queueLock); return; } if (queue->numPackets) { OvsAppendList(&tmp, &queue->packetList); queue->numPackets = 0; } queue->instance = NULL; instance->packetQueue = NULL; irp = queue->pendingIrp; queue->pendingIrp = NULL; if (irp) { cancelRoutine = IoSetCancelRoutine(irp, NULL); if (cancelRoutine == NULL) { irp = NULL; } } NdisReleaseSpinLock(&queue->queueLock); NdisFreeSpinLock(&queue->queueLock); } LIST_FORALL_SAFE(&tmp, link, next) { RemoveEntryList(link); elem = CONTAINING_RECORD(link, OVS_PACKET_QUEUE_ELEM, link); OvsFreeMemoryWithTag(elem, OVS_USER_POOL_TAG); } if (irp) { OvsCompleteIrpRequest(irp, 0, STATUS_SUCCESS); } if (queue) { OvsFreeMemoryWithTag(queue, OVS_USER_POOL_TAG); } /* Verify if gOvsSwitchContext exists. */ if (gOvsSwitchContext) { /* Remove the instance from pidHashArray */ OvsAcquirePidHashLock(); OvsDelPidInstance(gOvsSwitchContext, instance->pid); OvsReleasePidHashLock(); } } NTSTATUS OvsSubscribeDpIoctl(PVOID instanceP, UINT32 pid, UINT8 join) { POVS_USER_PACKET_QUEUE queue; POVS_OPEN_INSTANCE instance = (POVS_OPEN_INSTANCE)instanceP; if (instance->packetQueue && !join) { /* unsubscribe */ OvsCleanupPacketQueue(instance); } else if (instance->packetQueue == NULL && join) { queue = (POVS_USER_PACKET_QUEUE) OvsAllocateMemoryWithTag( sizeof *queue, OVS_USER_POOL_TAG); if (queue == NULL) { return STATUS_NO_MEMORY; } InitializeListHead(&(instance->pidLink)); instance->packetQueue = queue; RtlZeroMemory(queue, sizeof (*queue)); NdisAllocateSpinLock(&queue->queueLock); NdisAcquireSpinLock(&queue->queueLock); InitializeListHead(&queue->packetList); queue->pid = pid; queue->instance = instance; instance->packetQueue = queue; NdisReleaseSpinLock(&queue->queueLock); OvsAcquirePidHashLock(); /* Insert the instance to pidHashArray */ OvsAddPidInstance(gOvsSwitchContext, pid, instance); OvsReleasePidHashLock(); } else { /* user mode should call only once for subscribe */ return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } return STATUS_SUCCESS; } NTSTATUS OvsReadDpIoctl(PFILE_OBJECT fileObject, PVOID outputBuffer, UINT32 outputLength, UINT32 *replyLen) { POVS_OPEN_INSTANCE instance = (POVS_OPEN_INSTANCE)fileObject->FsContext; POVS_PACKET_QUEUE_ELEM elem; UINT32 len; #define TCP_CSUM_OFFSET 16 #define UDP_CSUM_OFFSET 6 ASSERT(instance); if (instance->packetQueue == NULL) { return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if (outputLength < (sizeof (OVS_PACKET_INFO) + OVS_MIN_PACKET_SIZE)) { return STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; } elem = OvsGetNextPacket(instance); if (elem) { /* * XXX revisit this later */ len = elem->packet.totalLen > outputLength ? outputLength : elem->packet.totalLen; if ((elem->hdrInfo.tcpCsumNeeded || elem->hdrInfo.udpCsumNeeded) && len == elem->packet.totalLen) { UINT16 sum, *ptr; UINT16 size = (UINT16)(elem->packet.payload - elem->packet.data + elem->hdrInfo.l4Offset); RtlCopyMemory(outputBuffer, &elem->packet.data, size); ASSERT(len - size >= elem->hdrInfo.l4PayLoad); sum = CopyAndCalculateChecksum((UINT8 *)outputBuffer + size, (UINT8 *)&elem->packet.data + size, elem->hdrInfo.l4PayLoad, 0); ptr =(UINT16 *)((UINT8 *)outputBuffer + size + (elem->hdrInfo.tcpCsumNeeded ? TCP_CSUM_OFFSET : UDP_CSUM_OFFSET)); *ptr = sum; ovsUserStats.l4Csum++; } else { RtlCopyMemory(outputBuffer, &elem->packet.data, len); } *replyLen = len; OvsFreeMemoryWithTag(elem, OVS_USER_POOL_TAG); } return STATUS_SUCCESS; } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * OvsNlExecuteCmdHandler -- * Handler for OVS_PACKET_CMD_EXECUTE command. *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ NTSTATUS OvsNlExecuteCmdHandler(POVS_USER_PARAMS_CONTEXT usrParamsCtx, UINT32 *replyLen) { NTSTATUS status = STATUS_SUCCESS; POVS_MESSAGE msgIn = (POVS_MESSAGE)usrParamsCtx->inputBuffer; POVS_MESSAGE msgOut = (POVS_MESSAGE)usrParamsCtx->outputBuffer; PNL_MSG_HDR nlMsgHdr = &(msgIn->nlMsg); PGENL_MSG_HDR genlMsgHdr = &(msgIn->genlMsg); POVS_HDR ovsHdr = &(msgIn->ovsHdr); PNL_ATTR nlAttrs[__OVS_PACKET_ATTR_MAX]; PNL_ATTR keyAttrs[__OVS_KEY_ATTR_MAX] = {NULL}; UINT32 attrOffset = NLMSG_HDRLEN + GENL_HDRLEN + OVS_HDRLEN; UINT32 keyAttrOffset = 0; OvsPacketExecute execute; NL_ERROR nlError = NL_ERROR_SUCCESS; NL_BUFFER nlBuf; static const NL_POLICY nlPktExecPolicy[] = { [OVS_PACKET_ATTR_PACKET] = {.type = NL_A_UNSPEC, .optional = FALSE}, [OVS_PACKET_ATTR_KEY] = {.type = NL_A_UNSPEC, .optional = FALSE}, [OVS_PACKET_ATTR_ACTIONS] = {.type = NL_A_UNSPEC, .optional = FALSE}, [OVS_PACKET_ATTR_USERDATA] = {.type = NL_A_UNSPEC, .optional = TRUE}, [OVS_PACKET_ATTR_EGRESS_TUN_KEY] = {.type = NL_A_UNSPEC, .optional = TRUE} }; RtlZeroMemory(&execute, sizeof(OvsPacketExecute)); /* Get all the top level Flow attributes */ if ((NlAttrParse(nlMsgHdr, attrOffset, NlMsgAttrsLen(nlMsgHdr), nlPktExecPolicy, ARRAY_SIZE(nlPktExecPolicy), nlAttrs, ARRAY_SIZE(nlAttrs))) != TRUE) { OVS_LOG_ERROR("Attr Parsing failed for msg: %p", nlMsgHdr); status = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; goto done; } keyAttrOffset = (UINT32)((PCHAR)nlAttrs[OVS_PACKET_ATTR_KEY] - (PCHAR)nlMsgHdr); /* Get flow keys attributes */ if ((NlAttrParseNested(nlMsgHdr, keyAttrOffset, NlAttrLen(nlAttrs[OVS_PACKET_ATTR_KEY]), nlFlowKeyPolicy, nlFlowKeyPolicyLen, keyAttrs, ARRAY_SIZE(keyAttrs))) != TRUE) { OVS_LOG_ERROR("Key Attr Parsing failed for msg: %p", nlMsgHdr); status = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; goto done; } execute.dpNo = ovsHdr->dp_ifindex; _MapNlAttrToOvsPktExec(nlMsgHdr, nlAttrs, keyAttrs, &execute); status = OvsExecuteDpIoctl(&execute); /* Default reply that we want to send */ if (status == STATUS_SUCCESS) { BOOLEAN ok; NlBufInit(&nlBuf, usrParamsCtx->outputBuffer, usrParamsCtx->outputLength); /* Prepare nl Msg headers */ ok = NlFillOvsMsg(&nlBuf, nlMsgHdr->nlmsgType, 0, nlMsgHdr->nlmsgSeq, nlMsgHdr->nlmsgPid, genlMsgHdr->cmd, OVS_PACKET_VERSION, ovsHdr->dp_ifindex); if (ok) { *replyLen = msgOut->nlMsg.nlmsgLen; } else { status = STATUS_INVALID_BUFFER_SIZE; } } else { /* Map NTSTATUS to NL_ERROR */ nlError = NlMapStatusToNlErr(status); /* As of now there are no transactional errors in the implementation. * Once we have them then we need to map status to correct * nlError value, so that below mentioned code gets hit. */ if ((nlError != NL_ERROR_SUCCESS) && (usrParamsCtx->outputBuffer)) { POVS_MESSAGE_ERROR msgError = (POVS_MESSAGE_ERROR) usrParamsCtx->outputBuffer; ASSERT(msgError); NlBuildErrorMsg(msgIn, msgError, nlError, replyLen); status = STATUS_SUCCESS; goto done; } } done: return status; } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * _MapNlAttrToOvsPktExec -- * Maps input Netlink attributes to OvsPacketExecute. *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static VOID _MapNlAttrToOvsPktExec(PNL_MSG_HDR nlMsgHdr, PNL_ATTR *nlAttrs, PNL_ATTR *keyAttrs, OvsPacketExecute *execute) { execute->packetBuf = NlAttrGet(nlAttrs[OVS_PACKET_ATTR_PACKET]); execute->packetLen = NlAttrGetSize(nlAttrs[OVS_PACKET_ATTR_PACKET]); execute->nlMsgHdr = nlMsgHdr; execute->actions = NlAttrGet(nlAttrs[OVS_PACKET_ATTR_ACTIONS]); execute->actionsLen = NlAttrGetSize(nlAttrs[OVS_PACKET_ATTR_ACTIONS]); ASSERT(keyAttrs[OVS_KEY_ATTR_IN_PORT]); execute->inPort = NlAttrGetU32(keyAttrs[OVS_KEY_ATTR_IN_PORT]); execute->keyAttrs = keyAttrs; } NTSTATUS OvsExecuteDpIoctl(OvsPacketExecute *execute) { NTSTATUS status = STATUS_SUCCESS; NTSTATUS ndisStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; LOCK_STATE_EX lockState; PNET_BUFFER_LIST pNbl = NULL; PNL_ATTR actions = NULL; PNDIS_SWITCH_FORWARDING_DETAIL_NET_BUFFER_LIST_INFO fwdDetail; OvsFlowKey key = { 0 }; OVS_PACKET_HDR_INFO layers = { 0 }; POVS_VPORT_ENTRY vport = NULL; PNL_ATTR tunnelAttrs[__OVS_TUNNEL_KEY_ATTR_MAX]; OvsFlowKey tempTunKey = {0}; if (execute->packetLen == 0) { status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto exit; } actions = execute->actions; ASSERT(actions); /* * Allocate the NBL, copy the data from the userspace buffer. Allocate * also, the forwarding context for the packet. */ pNbl = OvsAllocateNBLFromBuffer(gOvsSwitchContext, execute->packetBuf, execute->packetLen); if (pNbl == NULL) { status = STATUS_NO_MEMORY; goto exit; } fwdDetail = NET_BUFFER_LIST_SWITCH_FORWARDING_DETAIL(pNbl); vport = OvsFindVportByPortNo(gOvsSwitchContext, execute->inPort); if (vport) { fwdDetail->SourcePortId = vport->portId; fwdDetail->SourceNicIndex = vport->nicIndex; } else { fwdDetail->SourcePortId = NDIS_SWITCH_DEFAULT_PORT_ID; fwdDetail->SourceNicIndex = 0; } // XXX: Figure out if any of the other members of fwdDetail need to be set. status = OvsGetFlowMetadata(&key, execute->keyAttrs); if (status != STATUS_SUCCESS) { goto dropit; } if (execute->keyAttrs[OVS_KEY_ATTR_TUNNEL]) { UINT32 tunnelKeyAttrOffset; tunnelKeyAttrOffset = (UINT32)((PCHAR) (execute->keyAttrs[OVS_KEY_ATTR_TUNNEL]) - (PCHAR)execute->nlMsgHdr); /* Get tunnel keys attributes */ if ((NlAttrParseNested(execute->nlMsgHdr, tunnelKeyAttrOffset, NlAttrLen(execute->keyAttrs[OVS_KEY_ATTR_TUNNEL]), nlFlowTunnelKeyPolicy, nlFlowTunnelKeyPolicyLen, tunnelAttrs, ARRAY_SIZE(tunnelAttrs))) != TRUE) { OVS_LOG_ERROR("Tunnel key Attr Parsing failed for msg: %p", execute->nlMsgHdr); status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto dropit; } MapTunAttrToFlowPut(execute->keyAttrs, tunnelAttrs, &tempTunKey); } ndisStatus = OvsExtractFlow(pNbl, execute->inPort, &key, &layers, tempTunKey.tunKey.dst == 0 ? NULL : &tempTunKey.tunKey); if (ndisStatus == NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { NdisAcquireRWLockRead(gOvsSwitchContext->dispatchLock, &lockState, 0); ndisStatus = OvsActionsExecute(gOvsSwitchContext, NULL, pNbl, vport ? vport->portNo : OVS_DPPORT_NUMBER_INVALID, NDIS_SEND_FLAGS_SWITCH_DESTINATION_GROUP, &key, NULL, &layers, actions, execute->actionsLen); pNbl = NULL; NdisReleaseRWLock(gOvsSwitchContext->dispatchLock, &lockState); } if (ndisStatus != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { if (ndisStatus == NDIS_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED) { status = STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED; } else { status = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; } } dropit: if (pNbl) { OvsCompleteNBL(gOvsSwitchContext, pNbl, TRUE); } exit: return status; } NTSTATUS OvsPurgeDpIoctl(PFILE_OBJECT fileObject) { POVS_OPEN_INSTANCE instance = (POVS_OPEN_INSTANCE)fileObject->FsContext; POVS_USER_PACKET_QUEUE queue = (POVS_USER_PACKET_QUEUE)instance->packetQueue; if (queue == NULL) { return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } OvsPurgePacketQueue(queue, instance); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } VOID OvsCancelIrpDatapath(PDEVICE_OBJECT deviceObject, PIRP irp) { PIO_STACK_LOCATION irpSp; PFILE_OBJECT fileObject; POVS_OPEN_INSTANCE instance; POVS_USER_PACKET_QUEUE queue = NULL; UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(deviceObject); IoReleaseCancelSpinLock(irp->CancelIrql); irpSp = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(irp); fileObject = irpSp->FileObject; if (fileObject == NULL) { goto done; } NdisAcquireSpinLock(gOvsCtrlLock); instance = (POVS_OPEN_INSTANCE)fileObject->FsContext; if (instance) { queue = instance->packetQueue; } if (instance == NULL || queue == NULL) { NdisReleaseSpinLock(gOvsCtrlLock); goto done; } NdisReleaseSpinLock(gOvsCtrlLock); NdisAcquireSpinLock(&queue->queueLock); if (queue->pendingIrp == irp) { queue->pendingIrp = NULL; } NdisReleaseSpinLock(&queue->queueLock); done: OvsCompleteIrpRequest(irp, 0, STATUS_CANCELLED); } NTSTATUS OvsWaitDpIoctl(PIRP irp, PFILE_OBJECT fileObject) { POVS_OPEN_INSTANCE instance = (POVS_OPEN_INSTANCE)fileObject->FsContext; POVS_USER_PACKET_QUEUE queue = (POVS_USER_PACKET_QUEUE)instance->packetQueue; NTSTATUS status = STATUS_SUCCESS; BOOLEAN cancelled = FALSE; if (queue == NULL) { return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } NdisAcquireSpinLock(&queue->queueLock); if (queue->instance != instance) { NdisReleaseSpinLock(&queue->queueLock); return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if (queue->pendingIrp) { NdisReleaseSpinLock(&queue->queueLock); return STATUS_DEVICE_BUSY; } if (queue->numPackets == 0) { PDRIVER_CANCEL cancelRoutine; IoMarkIrpPending(irp); IoSetCancelRoutine(irp, OvsCancelIrpDatapath); if (irp->Cancel) { cancelRoutine = IoSetCancelRoutine(irp, NULL); if (cancelRoutine) { cancelled = TRUE; } } else { queue->pendingIrp = irp; } status = STATUS_PENDING; } NdisReleaseSpinLock(&queue->queueLock); if (cancelled) { OvsCompleteIrpRequest(irp, 0, STATUS_CANCELLED); OVS_LOG_INFO("Datapath IRP cancelled: %p", irp); } return status; } POVS_PACKET_QUEUE_ELEM OvsGetNextPacket(POVS_OPEN_INSTANCE instance) { POVS_USER_PACKET_QUEUE queue; PLIST_ENTRY link; queue = (POVS_USER_PACKET_QUEUE)instance->packetQueue; if (queue == NULL) { return NULL; } NdisAcquireSpinLock(&queue->queueLock); if (queue->instance != instance || queue->numPackets == 0) { NdisReleaseSpinLock(&queue->queueLock); return NULL; } link = RemoveHeadList(&queue->packetList); queue->numPackets--; NdisReleaseSpinLock(&queue->queueLock); return CONTAINING_RECORD(link, OVS_PACKET_QUEUE_ELEM, link); } /* * --------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Given a pid, returns the corresponding USER_PACKET_QUEUE. * --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ POVS_USER_PACKET_QUEUE OvsGetQueue(UINT32 pid) { POVS_OPEN_INSTANCE instance; POVS_USER_PACKET_QUEUE ret = NULL; instance = OvsGetPidInstance(gOvsSwitchContext, pid); if (instance) { ret = instance->packetQueue; } return ret; } /* * --------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Given a pid, returns the corresponding instance. * pidHashLock must be acquired before calling this API. * --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ POVS_OPEN_INSTANCE OvsGetPidInstance(POVS_SWITCH_CONTEXT switchContext, UINT32 pid) { POVS_OPEN_INSTANCE instance; PLIST_ENTRY head, link; UINT32 hash = OvsJhashBytes((const VOID *)&pid, sizeof(pid), OVS_HASH_BASIS); head = &(switchContext->pidHashArray[hash & OVS_PID_MASK]); LIST_FORALL(head, link) { instance = CONTAINING_RECORD(link, OVS_OPEN_INSTANCE, pidLink); if (instance->pid == pid) { return instance; } } return NULL; } /* * --------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Given a pid and an instance. This API adds instance to pidHashArray. * pidHashLock must be acquired before calling this API. * --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ VOID OvsAddPidInstance(POVS_SWITCH_CONTEXT switchContext, UINT32 pid, POVS_OPEN_INSTANCE instance) { PLIST_ENTRY head; UINT32 hash = OvsJhashBytes((const VOID *)&pid, sizeof(pid), OVS_HASH_BASIS); head = &(switchContext->pidHashArray[hash & OVS_PID_MASK]); InsertHeadList(head, &(instance->pidLink)); } /* * --------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Given a pid and an instance. This API removes instance from pidHashArray. * pidHashLock must be acquired before calling this API. * --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ VOID OvsDelPidInstance(POVS_SWITCH_CONTEXT switchContext, UINT32 pid) { POVS_OPEN_INSTANCE instance = OvsGetPidInstance(switchContext, pid); if (instance) { RemoveEntryList(&(instance->pidLink)); } } VOID OvsQueuePackets(PLIST_ENTRY packetList, UINT32 numElems) { POVS_USER_PACKET_QUEUE upcallQueue = NULL; POVS_PACKET_QUEUE_ELEM elem; PLIST_ENTRY link; UINT32 num = 0; LIST_ENTRY dropPackets; OVS_LOG_LOUD("Enter: numELems: %u", numElems); InitializeListHead(&dropPackets); while (!IsListEmpty(packetList)) { link = RemoveHeadList(packetList); elem = CONTAINING_RECORD(link, OVS_PACKET_QUEUE_ELEM, link); ASSERT(elem); OvsAcquirePidHashLock(); upcallQueue = OvsGetQueue(elem->upcallPid); if (!upcallQueue) { /* No upcall queue found, drop this packet. */ InsertTailList(&dropPackets, &elem->link); } else { NdisAcquireSpinLock(&upcallQueue->queueLock); if (upcallQueue->instance == NULL) { InsertTailList(&dropPackets, &elem->link); } else { InsertTailList(&upcallQueue->packetList, &elem->link); upcallQueue->numPackets++; if (upcallQueue->pendingIrp) { PIRP irp = upcallQueue->pendingIrp; PDRIVER_CANCEL cancelRoutine; upcallQueue->pendingIrp = NULL; cancelRoutine = IoSetCancelRoutine(irp, NULL); if (cancelRoutine != NULL) { OvsCompleteIrpRequest(irp, 0, STATUS_SUCCESS); } } } NdisReleaseSpinLock(&upcallQueue->queueLock); } OvsReleasePidHashLock(); } while (!IsListEmpty(&dropPackets)) { link = RemoveHeadList(&dropPackets); elem = CONTAINING_RECORD(link, OVS_PACKET_QUEUE_ELEM, link); OvsFreeMemoryWithTag(elem, OVS_USER_POOL_TAG); num++; } OVS_LOG_LOUD("Exit: drop %u packets", num); } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * OvsCreateAndAddPackets -- * * Create a packet and forwarded to user space. * * This function would fragment packet if needed, and queue * each segment to user space. *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ NTSTATUS OvsCreateAndAddPackets(PVOID userData, UINT32 userDataLen, UINT32 cmd, POVS_VPORT_ENTRY vport, OvsFlowKey *key, PNET_BUFFER_LIST nbl, BOOLEAN isRecv, POVS_PACKET_HDR_INFO hdrInfo, POVS_SWITCH_CONTEXT switchContext, LIST_ENTRY *list, UINT32 *num) { POVS_PACKET_QUEUE_ELEM elem; PNET_BUFFER_LIST newNbl = NULL; PNET_BUFFER nb; if (hdrInfo->isTcp) { NDIS_TCP_LARGE_SEND_OFFLOAD_NET_BUFFER_LIST_INFO tsoInfo; UINT32 packetLength; tsoInfo.Value = NET_BUFFER_LIST_INFO(nbl, TcpLargeSendNetBufferListInfo); nb = NET_BUFFER_LIST_FIRST_NB(nbl); packetLength = NET_BUFFER_DATA_LENGTH(nb); OVS_LOG_TRACE("MSS %u packet len %u", tsoInfo.LsoV1Transmit.MSS, packetLength); if (tsoInfo.LsoV1Transmit.MSS) { OVS_LOG_TRACE("l4Offset %d", hdrInfo->l4Offset); newNbl = OvsTcpSegmentNBL(switchContext, nbl, hdrInfo, tsoInfo.LsoV1Transmit.MSS , 0); if (newNbl == NULL) { return NDIS_STATUS_FAILURE; } nbl = newNbl; } } nb = NET_BUFFER_LIST_FIRST_NB(nbl); while (nb) { elem = OvsCreateQueueNlPacket(userData, userDataLen, cmd, vport, key, nbl, nb, isRecv, hdrInfo); if (elem) { InsertTailList(list, &elem->link); (*num)++; } nb = NET_BUFFER_NEXT_NB(nb); } if (newNbl) { OvsCompleteNBL(switchContext, newNbl, TRUE); } return NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS; } static __inline UINT32 OvsGetUpcallMsgSize(PVOID userData, UINT32 userDataLen, OvsIPv4TunnelKey *tunnelKey, UINT32 payload) { UINT32 size = NLMSG_ALIGN(sizeof(struct ovs_header)) + NlAttrSize(payload) + NlAttrSize(OvsFlowKeyAttrSize()); /* OVS_PACKET_ATTR_USERDATA */ if (userData) { size += NlAttrTotalSize(userDataLen); } /* OVS_PACKET_ATTR_EGRESS_TUN_KEY */ /* Is it included in the flow key attr XXX */ if (tunnelKey) { size += NlAttrTotalSize(OvsTunKeyAttrSize()); } return size; } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * This function completes the IP Header csum. record the L4 payload offset and * if there is a need to calculate the TCP or UDP csum. The actual csum will be * caluculated simopultaneossly with the copy of the payload to the destination * buffer when the packet is read. *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static VOID OvsCompletePacketHeader(UINT8 *packet, BOOLEAN isRecv, NDIS_TCP_IP_CHECKSUM_NET_BUFFER_LIST_INFO csumInfo, POVS_PACKET_HDR_INFO hdrInfoIn, POVS_PACKET_HDR_INFO hdrInfoOut) { if ((isRecv && csumInfo.Receive.IpChecksumValueInvalid) || (!isRecv && csumInfo.Transmit.IsIPv4 && csumInfo.Transmit.IpHeaderChecksum)) { PIPV4_HEADER ipHdr = (PIPV4_HEADER)(packet + hdrInfoOut->l3Offset); ASSERT(hdrInfoIn->isIPv4); ASSERT(ipHdr->Version == 4); ipHdr->HeaderChecksum = IPChecksum((UINT8 *)ipHdr, ipHdr->HeaderLength << 2, (UINT16)~ipHdr->HeaderChecksum); ovsUserStats.ipCsum++; } ASSERT(hdrInfoIn->tcpCsumNeeded == 0 && hdrInfoOut->udpCsumNeeded == 0); /* * calculate TCP/UDP pseudo checksum */ if (isRecv && csumInfo.Receive.TcpChecksumValueInvalid) { /* * Only this case, we need to reclaculate pseudo checksum * all other cases, it is assumed the pseudo checksum is * filled already. * */ PTCP_HDR tcpHdr = (PTCP_HDR)(packet + hdrInfoIn->l4Offset); if (hdrInfoIn->isIPv4) { PIPV4_HEADER ipHdr = (PIPV4_HEADER)(packet + hdrInfoIn->l3Offset); hdrInfoOut->l4PayLoad = (UINT16)(ntohs(ipHdr->TotalLength) - (ipHdr->HeaderLength << 2)); tcpHdr->th_sum = IPPseudoChecksum((UINT32 *)&ipHdr->SourceAddress, (UINT32 *)&ipHdr->DestinationAddress, IPPROTO_TCP, hdrInfoOut->l4PayLoad); } else { PIPV6_HEADER ipv6Hdr = (PIPV6_HEADER)(packet + hdrInfoIn->l3Offset); hdrInfoOut->l4PayLoad = (UINT16)(ntohs(ipv6Hdr->PayloadLength) + hdrInfoIn->l3Offset + sizeof(IPV6_HEADER)- hdrInfoIn->l4Offset); ASSERT(hdrInfoIn->isIPv6); tcpHdr->th_sum = IPv6PseudoChecksum((UINT32 *)&ipv6Hdr->SourceAddress, (UINT32 *)&ipv6Hdr->DestinationAddress, IPPROTO_TCP, hdrInfoOut->l4PayLoad); } hdrInfoOut->tcpCsumNeeded = 1; ovsUserStats.recalTcpCsum++; } else if (!isRecv) { if (hdrInfoIn->isTcp && csumInfo.Transmit.TcpChecksum) { hdrInfoOut->tcpCsumNeeded = 1; } else if (hdrInfoIn->isUdp && csumInfo.Transmit.UdpChecksum) { hdrInfoOut->udpCsumNeeded = 1; } if (hdrInfoOut->tcpCsumNeeded || hdrInfoOut->udpCsumNeeded) { #ifdef DBG UINT16 sum, *ptr; UINT8 proto = hdrInfoOut->tcpCsumNeeded ? IPPROTO_TCP : IPPROTO_UDP; #endif if (hdrInfoIn->isIPv4) { PIPV4_HEADER ipHdr = (PIPV4_HEADER)(packet + hdrInfoIn->l3Offset); hdrInfoOut->l4PayLoad = (UINT16)(ntohs(ipHdr->TotalLength) - (ipHdr->HeaderLength << 2)); #ifdef DBG sum = IPPseudoChecksum((UINT32 *)&ipHdr->SourceAddress, (UINT32 *)&ipHdr->DestinationAddress, proto, hdrInfoOut->l4PayLoad); #endif } else { PIPV6_HEADER ipv6Hdr = (PIPV6_HEADER)(packet + hdrInfoIn->l3Offset); hdrInfoOut->l4PayLoad = (UINT16)(ntohs(ipv6Hdr->PayloadLength) + hdrInfoIn->l3Offset + sizeof(IPV6_HEADER)- hdrInfoIn->l4Offset); ASSERT(hdrInfoIn->isIPv6); #ifdef DBG sum = IPv6PseudoChecksum((UINT32 *)&ipv6Hdr->SourceAddress, (UINT32 *)&ipv6Hdr->DestinationAddress, proto, hdrInfoOut->l4PayLoad); #endif } #ifdef DBG ptr = (UINT16 *)(packet + hdrInfoIn->l4Offset + (hdrInfoOut->tcpCsumNeeded ? TCP_CSUM_OFFSET : UDP_CSUM_OFFSET)); ASSERT(*ptr == sum); #endif } } } static NTSTATUS OvsGetPid(POVS_VPORT_ENTRY vport, PNET_BUFFER nb, UINT32 *pid) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(nb); ASSERT(vport); /* XXX select a pid from an array of pids using a flow based hash */ *pid = vport->upcallPid; return STATUS_SUCCESS; } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * OvsCreateQueueNlPacket -- * * Create a packet which will be forwarded to user space. * * InputParameter: * userData: when cmd is user action, this field contain * user action data. * userDataLen: as name indicated * cmd: either miss or user action * inPort: datapath port id from which the packet is received. * key: flow Key with a tunnel key if available * nbl: the NET_BUFFER_LIST which contain the packet * nb: the packet * isRecv: This is used to decide how to interprete the csum info * hdrInfo: include hdr info initialized during flow extraction. * * Results: * NULL if fail to create the packet * The packet element otherwise *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ POVS_PACKET_QUEUE_ELEM OvsCreateQueueNlPacket(PVOID userData, UINT32 userDataLen, UINT32 cmd, POVS_VPORT_ENTRY vport, OvsFlowKey *key, PNET_BUFFER_LIST nbl, PNET_BUFFER nb, BOOLEAN isRecv, POVS_PACKET_HDR_INFO hdrInfo) { #define VLAN_TAG_SIZE 4 UINT32 allocLen, dataLen, extraLen; POVS_PACKET_QUEUE_ELEM elem; UINT8 *src, *dst; NDIS_TCP_IP_CHECKSUM_NET_BUFFER_LIST_INFO csumInfo; NDIS_NET_BUFFER_LIST_8021Q_INFO vlanInfo; OvsIPv4TunnelKey *tunnelKey = (OvsIPv4TunnelKey *)&key->tunKey; UINT32 pid; UINT32 nlMsgSize; NL_BUFFER nlBuf; PNL_MSG_HDR nlMsg; if (vport == NULL){ /* No vport is not fatal. */ return NULL; } OvsGetPid(vport, nb, &pid); if (!pid) { /* * There is no userspace queue created yet, so there is no point for * creating a new packet to be queued. */ return NULL; } csumInfo.Value = NET_BUFFER_LIST_INFO(nbl, TcpIpChecksumNetBufferListInfo); if (isRecv && (csumInfo.Receive.TcpChecksumFailed || (csumInfo.Receive.UdpChecksumFailed && !hdrInfo->udpCsumZero) || csumInfo.Receive.IpChecksumFailed)) { OVS_LOG_INFO("Packet dropped due to checksum failure."); ovsUserStats.dropDuetoChecksum++; return NULL; } vlanInfo.Value = NET_BUFFER_LIST_INFO(nbl, Ieee8021QNetBufferListInfo); extraLen = vlanInfo.TagHeader.VlanId ? VLAN_TAG_SIZE : 0; dataLen = NET_BUFFER_DATA_LENGTH(nb); if (NlAttrSize(dataLen) > MAXUINT16) { return NULL; } nlMsgSize = OvsGetUpcallMsgSize(userData, userDataLen, tunnelKey, dataLen + extraLen); allocLen = sizeof (OVS_PACKET_QUEUE_ELEM) + nlMsgSize; elem = (POVS_PACKET_QUEUE_ELEM)OvsAllocateMemoryWithTag(allocLen, OVS_USER_POOL_TAG); if (elem == NULL) { ovsUserStats.dropDuetoResource++; return NULL; } elem->hdrInfo.value = hdrInfo->value; elem->upcallPid = pid; elem->packet.totalLen = nlMsgSize; /* XXX remove queueid */ elem->packet.queue = 0; /* XXX no need as the length is already in the NL attrib */ elem->packet.userDataLen = userDataLen; elem->packet.inPort = vport->portNo; elem->packet.cmd = cmd; if (cmd == (UINT32)OVS_PACKET_CMD_MISS) { ovsUserStats.miss++; } else if (cmd == (UINT32)OVS_PACKET_CMD_ACTION) { ovsUserStats.action++; } else { ASSERT(FALSE); goto fail; } /* XXX Should we have both packetLen and TotalLen*/ elem->packet.packetLen = dataLen + extraLen; NlBufInit(&nlBuf, (PCHAR)elem->packet.data, nlMsgSize); /* * Initialize the OVS header * Since we are pre allocating memory for the NL buffer * the attribute settings should not fail */ if (!NlFillOvsMsg(&nlBuf, OVS_WIN_NL_PACKET_FAMILY_ID, 0, 0, pid, (UINT8)cmd, OVS_PACKET_VERSION, gOvsSwitchContext->dpNo)) { goto fail; } if (MapFlowKeyToNlKey(&nlBuf, key, OVS_PACKET_ATTR_KEY, OVS_KEY_ATTR_TUNNEL) != STATUS_SUCCESS) { goto fail; } /* XXX must send OVS_PACKET_ATTR_EGRESS_TUN_KEY if set by vswtchd */ if (userData){ if (!NlMsgPutTailUnspec(&nlBuf, OVS_PACKET_ATTR_USERDATA, userData, (UINT16)userDataLen)) { goto fail; } } /* * Make space for the payload to be copied and set the attribute * XXX Uninit set initilizes the buffer with xero, we don't actually need * that the payload to be initailized */ dst = (UINT8 *)NlMsgPutTailUnspecUninit(&nlBuf, OVS_PACKET_ATTR_PACKET, (UINT16)(dataLen + extraLen)); if (!dst) { goto fail; } /* Store the payload for csum calculation when packet is read */ elem->packet.payload = dst; dst += extraLen; src = NdisGetDataBuffer(nb, dataLen, dst, 1, 0); if (src == NULL) { ovsUserStats.dropDuetoResource++; goto fail; } else if (src != dst) { /* Copy the data from the NDIS buffer to dst. */ RtlCopyMemory(dst, src, dataLen); } /* Set csum if was offloaded */ OvsCompletePacketHeader(dst, isRecv, csumInfo, hdrInfo, &elem->hdrInfo); /* * Finally insert VLAN tag */ if (extraLen) { dst = elem->packet.payload; src = dst + extraLen; ((UINT32 *)dst)[0] = ((UINT32 *)src)[0]; ((UINT32 *)dst)[1] = ((UINT32 *)src)[1]; ((UINT32 *)dst)[2] = ((UINT32 *)src)[2]; dst += 12; ((UINT16 *)dst)[0] = htons(0x8100); ((UINT16 *)dst)[1] = htons(vlanInfo.TagHeader.VlanId | (vlanInfo.TagHeader.UserPriority << 13)); elem->hdrInfo.l3Offset += VLAN_TAG_SIZE; elem->hdrInfo.l4Offset += VLAN_TAG_SIZE; ovsUserStats.vlanInsert++; } nlMsg = (PNL_MSG_HDR)NlBufAt(&nlBuf, 0, 0); nlMsg->nlmsgLen = NlBufSize(&nlBuf); /* 'totalLen' should be size of valid data. */ elem->packet.totalLen = nlMsg->nlmsgLen; return elem; fail: OvsFreeMemoryWithTag(elem, OVS_USER_POOL_TAG); return NULL; } /* * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Handler for the subscription for a packet queue * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ NTSTATUS OvsSubscribePacketCmdHandler(POVS_USER_PARAMS_CONTEXT usrParamsCtx, UINT32 *replyLen) { NDIS_STATUS status; BOOLEAN rc; UINT8 join; UINT32 pid; const NL_POLICY policy[] = { [OVS_NL_ATTR_PACKET_PID] = {.type = NL_A_U32 }, [OVS_NL_ATTR_PACKET_SUBSCRIBE] = {.type = NL_A_U8 } }; PNL_ATTR attrs[ARRAY_SIZE(policy)]; UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(replyLen); POVS_OPEN_INSTANCE instance = (POVS_OPEN_INSTANCE)usrParamsCtx->ovsInstance; POVS_MESSAGE msgIn = (POVS_MESSAGE)usrParamsCtx->inputBuffer; rc = NlAttrParse(&msgIn->nlMsg, sizeof (*msgIn), NlMsgAttrsLen((PNL_MSG_HDR)msgIn), policy, ARRAY_SIZE(policy), attrs, ARRAY_SIZE(attrs)); if (!rc) { status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto done; } join = NlAttrGetU8(attrs[OVS_NL_ATTR_PACKET_SUBSCRIBE]); pid = NlAttrGetU32(attrs[OVS_NL_ATTR_PACKET_PID]); /* The socket subscribed with must be the same socket we perform receive*/ ASSERT(pid == instance->pid); status = OvsSubscribeDpIoctl(instance, pid, join); /* * XXX Need to add this instance to a global data structure * which hold all packet based instances. The data structure (hash) * should be searched through the pid field of the instance for * placing the missed packet into the correct queue */ done: return status; } /* * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Handler for queueing an IRP used for missed packet notification. The IRP is * completed when a packet received and mismatched. STATUS_PENDING is returned * on success. User mode keep a pending IRP at all times. * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ NTSTATUS OvsPendPacketCmdHandler(POVS_USER_PARAMS_CONTEXT usrParamsCtx, UINT32 *replyLen) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(replyLen); POVS_OPEN_INSTANCE instance = (POVS_OPEN_INSTANCE)usrParamsCtx->ovsInstance; /* * XXX access to packet queue must be through acquiring a lock as user mode * could unsubscribe and the instnace will be freed. */ return OvsWaitDpIoctl(usrParamsCtx->irp, instance->fileObject); } /* * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Handler for reading missed pacckets from the driver event queue. This * handler is executed when user modes issues a socket receive on a socket * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ NTSTATUS OvsReadPacketCmdHandler(POVS_USER_PARAMS_CONTEXT usrParamsCtx, UINT32 *replyLen) { #ifdef DBG POVS_MESSAGE msgOut = (POVS_MESSAGE)usrParamsCtx->outputBuffer; #endif POVS_OPEN_INSTANCE instance = (POVS_OPEN_INSTANCE)usrParamsCtx->ovsInstance; NTSTATUS status; ASSERT(usrParamsCtx->devOp == OVS_READ_DEV_OP); /* Should never read events with a dump socket */ ASSERT(instance->dumpState.ovsMsg == NULL); /* Must have an packet queue */ ASSERT(instance->packetQueue != NULL); /* Output buffer has been validated while validating read dev op. */ ASSERT(msgOut != NULL && usrParamsCtx->outputLength >= sizeof *msgOut); /* Read a packet from the instance queue */ status = OvsReadDpIoctl(instance->fileObject, usrParamsCtx->outputBuffer, usrParamsCtx->outputLength, replyLen); return status; }