#!/bin/sh set -e echo "Checking service status right after install: " # for transparency we want to see all status and then fail if one is inactive systemctl status ovsdb-server.service || true systemctl status ovs-vswitchd.service || true systemctl status openvswitch-switch.service || true systemctl is-active ovs-vswitchd.service ovsdb-server.service openvswitch-switch.service echo "OK" echo "Checking daemon pids to exist: " pgrep ovs-vswitchd pgrep ovsdb-server echo "OK" echo "stop conflicting openvswitch testcontroller" systemctl stop openvswitch-testcontroller || true if dpkg --compare-versions "$(dpkg-query --showformat '${Version}\n' --show mininet)" ge "2.3.0-1"; then PYCMD="python3" else PYCMD="python2" fi printf "running openflow tests using mininet" ${PYCMD} `dirname $0`/openflow.py 2>&1 echo "OK"