.SS "DPDK COMMANDS" These commands manage DPDK components. .IP "\fBdpdk/log-list\fR" Lists all DPDK components that emit logs and their logging levels. .IP "\fBdpdk/log-set\fR [\fIspec\fR]" Sets DPDK components logging level. Without any \fIspec\fR, sets the logging \fBlevel\fR for all DPDK components to \fBdebug\fR. Otherwise, \fIspec\fR is a list of words separated by spaces: a word can be either a logging \fBlevel\fR (\fBemergency\fR, \fBalert\fR, \fBcritical\fR, \fBerror\fR, \fBwarning\fR, \fBnotice\fR, \fBinfo\fR or \fBdebug\fR) or a \fBpattern\fR matching DPDK components (see \fBdpdk/log-list\fR command on \fBovs\-appctl\fR(8)) separated by a colon from the logging \fBlevel\fR to apply. .RE .