/* * Copyright (c) 2008-2017 Nicira, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include "openvswitch/ofp-meter.h" #include "byte-order.h" #include "nx-match.h" #include "openvswitch/ofp-errors.h" #include "openvswitch/ofp-msgs.h" #include "openvswitch/ofp-parse.h" #include "openvswitch/ofpbuf.h" #include "openvswitch/vlog.h" VLOG_DEFINE_THIS_MODULE(ofp_meter); static struct vlog_rate_limit rl = VLOG_RATE_LIMIT_INIT(1, 5); static enum ofperr ofputil_pull_bands(struct ofpbuf *msg, size_t len, uint16_t *n_bands, struct ofpbuf *bands) { const struct ofp13_meter_band_header *ombh; struct ofputil_meter_band *mb; uint16_t n = 0; ombh = ofpbuf_try_pull(msg, len); if (!ombh) { return OFPERR_OFPBRC_BAD_LEN; } while (len >= sizeof (struct ofp13_meter_band_drop)) { size_t ombh_len = ntohs(ombh->len); /* All supported band types have the same length. */ if (ombh_len != sizeof (struct ofp13_meter_band_drop)) { return OFPERR_OFPBRC_BAD_LEN; } mb = ofpbuf_put_uninit(bands, sizeof *mb); mb->type = ntohs(ombh->type); if (mb->type != OFPMBT13_DROP && mb->type != OFPMBT13_DSCP_REMARK) { return OFPERR_OFPMMFC_BAD_BAND; } mb->rate = ntohl(ombh->rate); mb->burst_size = ntohl(ombh->burst_size); mb->prec_level = (mb->type == OFPMBT13_DSCP_REMARK) ? ((struct ofp13_meter_band_dscp_remark *)ombh)->prec_level : 0; n++; len -= ombh_len; ombh = ALIGNED_CAST(struct ofp13_meter_band_header *, (char *) ombh + ombh_len); } if (len) { return OFPERR_OFPBRC_BAD_LEN; } *n_bands = n; return 0; } enum ofperr ofputil_decode_meter_mod(const struct ofp_header *oh, struct ofputil_meter_mod *mm, struct ofpbuf *bands) { struct ofpbuf b = ofpbuf_const_initializer(oh, ntohs(oh->length)); ofpraw_pull_assert(&b); const struct ofp13_meter_mod *omm = ofpbuf_pull(&b, sizeof *omm); /* Translate the message. */ mm->command = ntohs(omm->command); if (mm->command != OFPMC13_ADD && mm->command != OFPMC13_MODIFY && mm->command != OFPMC13_DELETE) { return OFPERR_OFPMMFC_BAD_COMMAND; } mm->meter.meter_id = ntohl(omm->meter_id); if (mm->command == OFPMC13_DELETE) { mm->meter.flags = 0; mm->meter.n_bands = 0; mm->meter.bands = NULL; } else { enum ofperr error; mm->meter.flags = ntohs(omm->flags); if (mm->meter.flags & OFPMF13_KBPS && mm->meter.flags & OFPMF13_PKTPS) { return OFPERR_OFPMMFC_BAD_FLAGS; } error = ofputil_pull_bands(&b, b.size, &mm->meter.n_bands, bands); if (error) { return error; } mm->meter.bands = bands->data; } return 0; } void ofputil_decode_meter_request(const struct ofp_header *oh, uint32_t *meter_id) { const struct ofp13_meter_multipart_request *omr = ofpmsg_body(oh); *meter_id = ntohl(omr->meter_id); } struct ofpbuf * ofputil_encode_meter_request(enum ofp_version ofp_version, enum ofputil_meter_request_type type, uint32_t meter_id) { struct ofpbuf *msg; enum ofpraw raw; switch (type) { case OFPUTIL_METER_CONFIG: raw = OFPRAW_OFPST13_METER_CONFIG_REQUEST; break; case OFPUTIL_METER_STATS: raw = OFPRAW_OFPST13_METER_REQUEST; break; default: case OFPUTIL_METER_FEATURES: raw = OFPRAW_OFPST13_METER_FEATURES_REQUEST; break; } msg = ofpraw_alloc(raw, ofp_version, 0); if (type != OFPUTIL_METER_FEATURES) { struct ofp13_meter_multipart_request *omr; omr = ofpbuf_put_zeros(msg, sizeof *omr); omr->meter_id = htonl(meter_id); } return msg; } static void ofputil_put_bands(uint16_t n_bands, const struct ofputil_meter_band *mb, struct ofpbuf *msg) { uint16_t n = 0; for (n = 0; n < n_bands; ++n) { /* Currently all band types have same size. */ struct ofp13_meter_band_dscp_remark *ombh; size_t ombh_len = sizeof *ombh; ombh = ofpbuf_put_zeros(msg, ombh_len); ombh->type = htons(mb->type); ombh->len = htons(ombh_len); ombh->rate = htonl(mb->rate); ombh->burst_size = htonl(mb->burst_size); ombh->prec_level = mb->prec_level; mb++; } } /* Encode a meter stat for 'mc' and append it to 'replies'. */ void ofputil_append_meter_config(struct ovs_list *replies, const struct ofputil_meter_config *mc) { struct ofpbuf *msg = ofpbuf_from_list(ovs_list_back(replies)); size_t start_ofs = msg->size; struct ofp13_meter_config *reply; ofpbuf_put_uninit(msg, sizeof *reply); ofputil_put_bands(mc->n_bands, mc->bands, msg); reply = ofpbuf_at_assert(msg, start_ofs, sizeof *reply); reply->flags = htons(mc->flags); reply->meter_id = htonl(mc->meter_id); reply->length = htons(msg->size - start_ofs); ofpmp_postappend(replies, start_ofs); } /* Encode a meter stat for 'ms' and append it to 'replies'. */ void ofputil_append_meter_stats(struct ovs_list *replies, const struct ofputil_meter_stats *ms) { struct ofp13_meter_stats *reply; uint16_t n = 0; uint16_t len; len = sizeof *reply + ms->n_bands * sizeof(struct ofp13_meter_band_stats); reply = ofpmp_append(replies, len); reply->meter_id = htonl(ms->meter_id); reply->len = htons(len); memset(reply->pad, 0, sizeof reply->pad); reply->flow_count = htonl(ms->flow_count); reply->packet_in_count = htonll(ms->packet_in_count); reply->byte_in_count = htonll(ms->byte_in_count); reply->duration_sec = htonl(ms->duration_sec); reply->duration_nsec = htonl(ms->duration_nsec); for (n = 0; n < ms->n_bands; ++n) { const struct ofputil_meter_band_stats *src = &ms->bands[n]; struct ofp13_meter_band_stats *dst = &reply->band_stats[n]; dst->packet_band_count = htonll(src->packet_count); dst->byte_band_count = htonll(src->byte_count); } } /* Converts an OFPMP_METER_CONFIG reply in 'msg' into an abstract * ofputil_meter_config in 'mc', with mc->bands pointing to bands decoded into * 'bands'. The caller must have initialized 'bands' and retains ownership of * it across the call. * * Multiple OFPST13_METER_CONFIG replies can be packed into a single OpenFlow * message. Calling this function multiple times for a single 'msg' iterates * through the replies. 'bands' is cleared for each reply. * * Returns 0 if successful, EOF if no replies were left in this 'msg', * otherwise a positive errno value. */ int ofputil_decode_meter_config(struct ofpbuf *msg, struct ofputil_meter_config *mc, struct ofpbuf *bands) { const struct ofp13_meter_config *omc; enum ofperr err; /* Pull OpenFlow headers for the first call. */ if (!msg->header) { ofpraw_pull_assert(msg); } if (!msg->size) { return EOF; } omc = ofpbuf_try_pull(msg, sizeof *omc); if (!omc) { VLOG_WARN_RL(&rl, "OFPMP_METER_CONFIG reply has %"PRIu32" leftover " "bytes at end", msg->size); return OFPERR_OFPBRC_BAD_LEN; } ofpbuf_clear(bands); err = ofputil_pull_bands(msg, ntohs(omc->length) - sizeof *omc, &mc->n_bands, bands); if (err) { return err; } mc->meter_id = ntohl(omc->meter_id); mc->flags = ntohs(omc->flags); mc->bands = bands->data; return 0; } static enum ofperr ofputil_pull_band_stats(struct ofpbuf *msg, size_t len, uint16_t *n_bands, struct ofpbuf *bands) { const struct ofp13_meter_band_stats *ombs; struct ofputil_meter_band_stats *mbs; uint16_t n, i; ombs = ofpbuf_try_pull(msg, len); if (!ombs) { return OFPERR_OFPBRC_BAD_LEN; } n = len / sizeof *ombs; if (len != n * sizeof *ombs) { return OFPERR_OFPBRC_BAD_LEN; } mbs = ofpbuf_put_uninit(bands, len); for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { mbs[i].packet_count = ntohll(ombs[i].packet_band_count); mbs[i].byte_count = ntohll(ombs[i].byte_band_count); } *n_bands = n; return 0; } /* Converts an OFPMP_METER reply in 'msg' into an abstract * ofputil_meter_stats in 'ms', with ms->bands pointing to band stats * decoded into 'bands'. * * Multiple OFPMP_METER replies can be packed into a single OpenFlow * message. Calling this function multiple times for a single 'msg' iterates * through the replies. 'bands' is cleared for each reply. * * Returns 0 if successful, EOF if no replies were left in this 'msg', * otherwise a positive errno value. */ int ofputil_decode_meter_stats(struct ofpbuf *msg, struct ofputil_meter_stats *ms, struct ofpbuf *bands) { const struct ofp13_meter_stats *oms; enum ofperr err; /* Pull OpenFlow headers for the first call. */ if (!msg->header) { ofpraw_pull_assert(msg); } if (!msg->size) { return EOF; } oms = ofpbuf_try_pull(msg, sizeof *oms); if (!oms) { VLOG_WARN_RL(&rl, "OFPMP_METER reply has %"PRIu32" leftover bytes " "at end", msg->size); return OFPERR_OFPBRC_BAD_LEN; } ofpbuf_clear(bands); err = ofputil_pull_band_stats(msg, ntohs(oms->len) - sizeof *oms, &ms->n_bands, bands); if (err) { return err; } ms->meter_id = ntohl(oms->meter_id); ms->flow_count = ntohl(oms->flow_count); ms->packet_in_count = ntohll(oms->packet_in_count); ms->byte_in_count = ntohll(oms->byte_in_count); ms->duration_sec = ntohl(oms->duration_sec); ms->duration_nsec = ntohl(oms->duration_nsec); ms->bands = bands->data; return 0; } void ofputil_decode_meter_features(const struct ofp_header *oh, struct ofputil_meter_features *mf) { const struct ofp13_meter_features *omf = ofpmsg_body(oh); mf->max_meters = ntohl(omf->max_meter); mf->band_types = ntohl(omf->band_types); mf->capabilities = ntohl(omf->capabilities); mf->max_bands = omf->max_bands; mf->max_color = omf->max_color; } struct ofpbuf * ofputil_encode_meter_features_reply(const struct ofputil_meter_features *mf, const struct ofp_header *request) { struct ofpbuf *reply; struct ofp13_meter_features *omf; reply = ofpraw_alloc_stats_reply(request, 0); omf = ofpbuf_put_zeros(reply, sizeof *omf); omf->max_meter = htonl(mf->max_meters); omf->band_types = htonl(mf->band_types); omf->capabilities = htonl(mf->capabilities); omf->max_bands = mf->max_bands; omf->max_color = mf->max_color; return reply; } struct ofpbuf * ofputil_encode_meter_mod(enum ofp_version ofp_version, const struct ofputil_meter_mod *mm) { struct ofpbuf *msg; struct ofp13_meter_mod *omm; msg = ofpraw_alloc(OFPRAW_OFPT13_METER_MOD, ofp_version, NXM_TYPICAL_LEN + mm->meter.n_bands * 16); omm = ofpbuf_put_zeros(msg, sizeof *omm); omm->command = htons(mm->command); if (mm->command != OFPMC13_DELETE) { omm->flags = htons(mm->meter.flags); } omm->meter_id = htonl(mm->meter.meter_id); ofputil_put_bands(mm->meter.n_bands, mm->meter.bands, msg); ofpmsg_update_length(msg); return msg; } /* Parse a string representation of a meter modification message to '*mm'. * If successful, 'mm->meter.bands' must be free()d by the caller. */ static char * OVS_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT parse_ofp_meter_mod_str__(struct ofputil_meter_mod *mm, char *string, struct ofpbuf *bands, int command, enum ofputil_protocol *usable_protocols) { enum { F_METER = 1 << 0, F_FLAGS = 1 << 1, F_BANDS = 1 << 2, } fields; char *save_ptr = NULL; char *band_str = NULL; char *name; /* Meters require at least OF 1.3. */ *usable_protocols = OFPUTIL_P_OF13_UP; switch (command) { case -1: fields = F_METER; break; case OFPMC13_ADD: fields = F_METER | F_FLAGS | F_BANDS; break; case OFPMC13_DELETE: fields = F_METER; break; case OFPMC13_MODIFY: fields = F_METER | F_FLAGS | F_BANDS; break; default: OVS_NOT_REACHED(); } mm->command = command; mm->meter.meter_id = 0; mm->meter.flags = 0; mm->meter.n_bands = 0; mm->meter.bands = NULL; if (fields & F_BANDS) { band_str = strstr(string, "band"); if (!band_str) { return xstrdup("must specify bands"); } *band_str = '\0'; band_str = strchr(band_str + 1, '='); if (!band_str) { return xstrdup("must specify bands"); } band_str++; } for (name = strtok_r(string, "=, \t\r\n", &save_ptr); name; name = strtok_r(NULL, "=, \t\r\n", &save_ptr)) { if (fields & F_FLAGS && !strcmp(name, "kbps")) { mm->meter.flags |= OFPMF13_KBPS; } else if (fields & F_FLAGS && !strcmp(name, "pktps")) { mm->meter.flags |= OFPMF13_PKTPS; } else if (fields & F_FLAGS && !strcmp(name, "burst")) { mm->meter.flags |= OFPMF13_BURST; } else if (fields & F_FLAGS && !strcmp(name, "stats")) { mm->meter.flags |= OFPMF13_STATS; } else { char *value; value = strtok_r(NULL, ", \t\r\n", &save_ptr); if (!value) { return xasprintf("field %s missing value", name); } if (!strcmp(name, "meter")) { if (!strcmp(value, "all")) { mm->meter.meter_id = OFPM13_ALL; } else if (!strcmp(value, "controller")) { mm->meter.meter_id = OFPM13_CONTROLLER; } else if (!strcmp(value, "slowpath")) { mm->meter.meter_id = OFPM13_SLOWPATH; } else { char *error = str_to_u32(value, &mm->meter.meter_id); if (error) { return error; } if (mm->meter.meter_id > OFPM13_MAX || !mm->meter.meter_id) { return xasprintf("invalid value for %s", name); } } } else { return xasprintf("unknown keyword %s", name); } } } if (fields & F_METER && !mm->meter.meter_id) { return xstrdup("must specify 'meter'"); } if (fields & F_FLAGS && !mm->meter.flags) { return xstrdup("meter must specify either 'kbps' or 'pktps'"); } if (fields & F_BANDS) { uint16_t n_bands = 0; struct ofputil_meter_band *band = NULL; int i; for (name = strtok_r(band_str, "=, \t\r\n", &save_ptr); name; name = strtok_r(NULL, "=, \t\r\n", &save_ptr)) { char *value; value = strtok_r(NULL, ", \t\r\n", &save_ptr); if (!value) { return xasprintf("field %s missing value", name); } if (!strcmp(name, "type")) { /* Start a new band */ band = ofpbuf_put_zeros(bands, sizeof *band); n_bands++; if (!strcmp(value, "drop")) { band->type = OFPMBT13_DROP; } else if (!strcmp(value, "dscp_remark")) { band->type = OFPMBT13_DSCP_REMARK; } else { return xasprintf("field %s unknown value %s", name, value); } } else if (!band || !band->type) { return xstrdup("band must start with the 'type' keyword"); } else if (!strcmp(name, "rate")) { char *error = str_to_u32(value, &band->rate); if (error) { return error; } } else if (!strcmp(name, "burst_size")) { char *error = str_to_u32(value, &band->burst_size); if (error) { return error; } } else if (!strcmp(name, "prec_level")) { char *error = str_to_u8(value, name, &band->prec_level); if (error) { return error; } } else { return xasprintf("unknown keyword %s", name); } } /* validate bands */ if (!n_bands) { return xstrdup("meter must have bands"); } mm->meter.n_bands = n_bands; mm->meter.bands = ofpbuf_steal_data(bands); for (i = 0; i < n_bands; ++i) { band = &mm->meter.bands[i]; if (!band->type) { return xstrdup("band must have 'type'"); } if (band->type == OFPMBT13_DSCP_REMARK) { if (!band->prec_level) { return xstrdup("'dscp_remark' band must have" " 'prec_level'"); } } else { if (band->prec_level) { return xstrdup("Only 'dscp_remark' band may have" " 'prec_level'"); } } if (!band->rate) { return xstrdup("band must have 'rate'"); } if (mm->meter.flags & OFPMF13_BURST) { if (!band->burst_size) { return xstrdup("band must have 'burst_size' " "when 'burst' flag is set"); } } else { if (band->burst_size) { return xstrdup("band may have 'burst_size' only " "when 'burst' flag is set"); } } } } return NULL; } /* Convert 'str_' (as described in the Flow Syntax section of the ovs-ofctl man * page) into 'mm' for sending the specified meter_mod 'command' to a switch. * * Returns NULL if successful, otherwise a malloc()'d string describing the * error. The caller is responsible for freeing the returned string. * If successful, 'mm->meter.bands' must be free()d by the caller. */ char * OVS_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT parse_ofp_meter_mod_str(struct ofputil_meter_mod *mm, const char *str_, int command, enum ofputil_protocol *usable_protocols) { struct ofpbuf bands; char *string; char *error; ofpbuf_init(&bands, 64); string = xstrdup(str_); error = parse_ofp_meter_mod_str__(mm, string, &bands, command, usable_protocols); free(string); ofpbuf_uninit(&bands); return error; }