/* Copyright (c) 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2014, 2016 Nicira, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include "ovsdb-data.h" #include #include #include #include #include "openvswitch/dynamic-string.h" #include "hash.h" #include "ovs-thread.h" #include "ovsdb-error.h" #include "ovsdb-parser.h" #include "openvswitch/json.h" #include "openvswitch/shash.h" #include "smap.h" #include "sort.h" #include "unicode.h" #include "util.h" static struct json * wrap_json(const char *name, struct json *wrapped) { return json_array_create_2(json_string_create(name), wrapped); } /* Initializes 'atom' with the default value of the given 'type'. * * The default value for an atom is as defined in RFC 7047: * * - "integer" or "real": 0 * * - "boolean": false * * - "string": "" (the empty string) * * - "uuid": 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 * * The caller must eventually arrange for 'atom' to be destroyed (with * ovsdb_atom_destroy()). */ void ovsdb_atom_init_default(union ovsdb_atom *atom, enum ovsdb_atomic_type type) { switch (type) { case OVSDB_TYPE_VOID: OVS_NOT_REACHED(); case OVSDB_TYPE_INTEGER: atom->integer = 0; break; case OVSDB_TYPE_REAL: atom->real = 0.0; break; case OVSDB_TYPE_BOOLEAN: atom->boolean = false; break; case OVSDB_TYPE_STRING: atom->string = xmemdup("", 1); break; case OVSDB_TYPE_UUID: uuid_zero(&atom->uuid); break; case OVSDB_N_TYPES: default: OVS_NOT_REACHED(); } } /* Returns a read-only atom of the given 'type' that has the default value for * 'type'. The caller must not modify or free the returned atom. * * See ovsdb_atom_init_default() for an explanation of the default value of an * atom. */ const union ovsdb_atom * ovsdb_atom_default(enum ovsdb_atomic_type type) { static union ovsdb_atom default_atoms[OVSDB_N_TYPES]; static struct ovsthread_once once = OVSTHREAD_ONCE_INITIALIZER; if (ovsthread_once_start(&once)) { int i; for (i = 0; i < OVSDB_N_TYPES; i++) { if (i != OVSDB_TYPE_VOID) { ovsdb_atom_init_default(&default_atoms[i], i); } } ovsthread_once_done(&once); } ovs_assert(ovsdb_atomic_type_is_valid(type)); return &default_atoms[type]; } /* Returns true if 'atom', which must have the given 'type', has the default * value for that type. * * See ovsdb_atom_init_default() for an explanation of the default value of an * atom. */ bool ovsdb_atom_is_default(const union ovsdb_atom *atom, enum ovsdb_atomic_type type) { switch (type) { case OVSDB_TYPE_VOID: OVS_NOT_REACHED(); case OVSDB_TYPE_INTEGER: return atom->integer == 0; case OVSDB_TYPE_REAL: return atom->real == 0.0; case OVSDB_TYPE_BOOLEAN: return atom->boolean == false; case OVSDB_TYPE_STRING: return atom->string[0] == '\0'; case OVSDB_TYPE_UUID: return uuid_is_zero(&atom->uuid); case OVSDB_N_TYPES: default: OVS_NOT_REACHED(); } } /* Initializes 'new' as a copy of 'old', with the given 'type'. * * The caller must eventually arrange for 'new' to be destroyed (with * ovsdb_atom_destroy()). */ void ovsdb_atom_clone(union ovsdb_atom *new, const union ovsdb_atom *old, enum ovsdb_atomic_type type) { switch (type) { case OVSDB_TYPE_VOID: OVS_NOT_REACHED(); case OVSDB_TYPE_INTEGER: new->integer = old->integer; break; case OVSDB_TYPE_REAL: new->real = old->real; break; case OVSDB_TYPE_BOOLEAN: new->boolean = old->boolean; break; case OVSDB_TYPE_STRING: new->string = xstrdup(old->string); break; case OVSDB_TYPE_UUID: new->uuid = old->uuid; break; case OVSDB_N_TYPES: default: OVS_NOT_REACHED(); } } /* Swaps the contents of 'a' and 'b', which need not have the same type. */ void ovsdb_atom_swap(union ovsdb_atom *a, union ovsdb_atom *b) { union ovsdb_atom tmp = *a; *a = *b; *b = tmp; } /* Returns a hash value for 'atom', which has the specified 'type', folding * 'basis' into the calculation. */ uint32_t ovsdb_atom_hash(const union ovsdb_atom *atom, enum ovsdb_atomic_type type, uint32_t basis) { switch (type) { case OVSDB_TYPE_VOID: OVS_NOT_REACHED(); case OVSDB_TYPE_INTEGER: return hash_int(atom->integer, basis); case OVSDB_TYPE_REAL: return hash_double(atom->real, basis); case OVSDB_TYPE_BOOLEAN: return hash_boolean(atom->boolean, basis); case OVSDB_TYPE_STRING: return hash_string(atom->string, basis); case OVSDB_TYPE_UUID: return hash_int(uuid_hash(&atom->uuid), basis); case OVSDB_N_TYPES: default: OVS_NOT_REACHED(); } } /* Compares 'a' and 'b', which both have type 'type', and returns a * strcmp()-like result. */ int ovsdb_atom_compare_3way(const union ovsdb_atom *a, const union ovsdb_atom *b, enum ovsdb_atomic_type type) { switch (type) { case OVSDB_TYPE_VOID: OVS_NOT_REACHED(); case OVSDB_TYPE_INTEGER: return a->integer < b->integer ? -1 : a->integer > b->integer; case OVSDB_TYPE_REAL: return a->real < b->real ? -1 : a->real > b->real; case OVSDB_TYPE_BOOLEAN: return a->boolean - b->boolean; case OVSDB_TYPE_STRING: return strcmp(a->string, b->string); case OVSDB_TYPE_UUID: return uuid_compare_3way(&a->uuid, &b->uuid); case OVSDB_N_TYPES: default: OVS_NOT_REACHED(); } } static struct ovsdb_error * unwrap_json(const struct json *json, const char *name, enum json_type value_type, const struct json **value) { if (json->type != JSON_ARRAY || json->u.array.n != 2 || json->u.array.elems[0]->type != JSON_STRING || (name && strcmp(json->u.array.elems[0]->u.string, name)) || json->u.array.elems[1]->type != value_type) { *value = NULL; return ovsdb_syntax_error(json, NULL, "expected [\"%s\", <%s>]", name, json_type_to_string(value_type)); } *value = json->u.array.elems[1]; return NULL; } static struct ovsdb_error * parse_json_pair(const struct json *json, const struct json **elem0, const struct json **elem1) { if (json->type != JSON_ARRAY || json->u.array.n != 2) { return ovsdb_syntax_error(json, NULL, "expected 2-element array"); } *elem0 = json->u.array.elems[0]; *elem1 = json->u.array.elems[1]; return NULL; } static void ovsdb_symbol_referenced(struct ovsdb_symbol *symbol, const struct ovsdb_base_type *base) { ovs_assert(base->type == OVSDB_TYPE_UUID); if (base->u.uuid.refTableName) { switch (base->u.uuid.refType) { case OVSDB_REF_STRONG: symbol->strong_ref = true; break; case OVSDB_REF_WEAK: symbol->weak_ref = true; break; } } } static union ovsdb_atom * alloc_default_atoms(enum ovsdb_atomic_type type, size_t n) { if (type != OVSDB_TYPE_VOID && n) { union ovsdb_atom *atoms; unsigned int i; atoms = xmalloc(n * sizeof *atoms); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { ovsdb_atom_init_default(&atoms[i], type); } return atoms; } else { /* Avoid wasting memory in the n == 0 case, because xmalloc(0) is * treated as xmalloc(1). */ return NULL; } } static struct ovsdb_error * OVS_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT ovsdb_atom_parse_uuid(struct uuid *uuid, const struct json *json, struct ovsdb_symbol_table *symtab, const struct ovsdb_base_type *base) { struct ovsdb_error *error0; const struct json *value; error0 = unwrap_json(json, "uuid", JSON_STRING, &value); if (!error0) { const char *uuid_string = json_string(value); if (!uuid_from_string(uuid, uuid_string)) { return ovsdb_syntax_error(json, NULL, "\"%s\" is not a valid UUID", uuid_string); } } else if (symtab) { struct ovsdb_error *error1; error1 = unwrap_json(json, "named-uuid", JSON_STRING, &value); if (!error1) { struct ovsdb_symbol *symbol; ovsdb_error_destroy(error0); if (!ovsdb_parser_is_id(json_string(value))) { return ovsdb_syntax_error(json, NULL, "named-uuid string is " "not a valid "); } symbol = ovsdb_symbol_table_insert(symtab, json_string(value)); *uuid = symbol->uuid; ovsdb_symbol_referenced(symbol, base); return NULL; } ovsdb_error_destroy(error1); } return error0; } static struct ovsdb_error * OVS_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT ovsdb_atom_from_json__(union ovsdb_atom *atom, const struct ovsdb_base_type *base, const struct json *json, struct ovsdb_symbol_table *symtab) { enum ovsdb_atomic_type type = base->type; switch (type) { case OVSDB_TYPE_VOID: OVS_NOT_REACHED(); case OVSDB_TYPE_INTEGER: if (json->type == JSON_INTEGER) { atom->integer = json->u.integer; return NULL; } break; case OVSDB_TYPE_REAL: if (json->type == JSON_INTEGER) { atom->real = json->u.integer; return NULL; } else if (json->type == JSON_REAL) { atom->real = json->u.real; return NULL; } break; case OVSDB_TYPE_BOOLEAN: if (json->type == JSON_TRUE) { atom->boolean = true; return NULL; } else if (json->type == JSON_FALSE) { atom->boolean = false; return NULL; } break; case OVSDB_TYPE_STRING: if (json->type == JSON_STRING) { atom->string = xstrdup(json->u.string); return NULL; } break; case OVSDB_TYPE_UUID: return ovsdb_atom_parse_uuid(&atom->uuid, json, symtab, base); case OVSDB_N_TYPES: default: OVS_NOT_REACHED(); } return ovsdb_syntax_error(json, NULL, "expected %s", ovsdb_atomic_type_to_string(type)); } /* Parses 'json' as an atom of the type described by 'base'. If successful, * returns NULL and initializes 'atom' with the parsed atom. On failure, * returns an error and the contents of 'atom' are indeterminate. The caller * is responsible for freeing the error or the atom that is returned. * * Violations of constraints expressed by 'base' are treated as errors. * * If 'symtab' is nonnull, then named UUIDs in 'symtab' are accepted. Refer to * RFC 7047 for information about this, and for the syntax that this function * accepts. If 'base' is a reference and a symbol is parsed, then the symbol's * 'strong_ref' or 'weak_ref' member is set to true, as appropriate. */ struct ovsdb_error * ovsdb_atom_from_json(union ovsdb_atom *atom, const struct ovsdb_base_type *base, const struct json *json, struct ovsdb_symbol_table *symtab) { struct ovsdb_error *error; error = ovsdb_atom_from_json__(atom, base, json, symtab); if (error) { return error; } error = ovsdb_atom_check_constraints(atom, base); if (error) { ovsdb_atom_destroy(atom, base->type); } return error; } /* Converts 'atom', of the specified 'type', to JSON format, and returns the * JSON. The caller is responsible for freeing the returned JSON. * * Refer to RFC 7047 for the format of the JSON that this function produces. */ struct json * ovsdb_atom_to_json(const union ovsdb_atom *atom, enum ovsdb_atomic_type type) { switch (type) { case OVSDB_TYPE_VOID: OVS_NOT_REACHED(); case OVSDB_TYPE_INTEGER: return json_integer_create(atom->integer); case OVSDB_TYPE_REAL: return json_real_create(atom->real); case OVSDB_TYPE_BOOLEAN: return json_boolean_create(atom->boolean); case OVSDB_TYPE_STRING: return json_string_create(atom->string); case OVSDB_TYPE_UUID: return wrap_json("uuid", json_string_create_nocopy( xasprintf(UUID_FMT, UUID_ARGS(&atom->uuid)))); case OVSDB_N_TYPES: default: OVS_NOT_REACHED(); } } static char * ovsdb_atom_from_string__(union ovsdb_atom *atom, union ovsdb_atom **range_end_atom, const struct ovsdb_base_type *base, const char *s, struct ovsdb_symbol_table *symtab) { enum ovsdb_atomic_type type = base->type; switch (type) { case OVSDB_TYPE_VOID: OVS_NOT_REACHED(); case OVSDB_TYPE_INTEGER: { long long int integer, end; if (range_end_atom && str_to_llong_range(s, 10, &integer, &end)) { if (end < integer) { return xasprintf("\"%s\" is not a valid range. " "Range end cannot be before start.", s); } *range_end_atom = alloc_default_atoms(type, 1); if (!(*range_end_atom)) { return xasprintf("\"%s\" is not a valid range", s); } (*range_end_atom)->integer = end; } else if (!str_to_llong(s, 10, &integer)) { return xasprintf("\"%s\" is not a valid integer or range", s); } atom->integer = integer; } break; case OVSDB_TYPE_REAL: if (!str_to_double(s, &atom->real)) { return xasprintf("\"%s\" is not a valid real number", s); } /* Our JSON input routines map negative zero to zero, so do that here * too for consistency. */ if (atom->real == 0.0) { atom->real = 0.0; } break; case OVSDB_TYPE_BOOLEAN: if (!strcmp(s, "true") || !strcmp(s, "yes") || !strcmp(s, "on") || !strcmp(s, "1")) { atom->boolean = true; } else if (!strcmp(s, "false") || !strcmp(s, "no") || !strcmp(s, "off") || !strcmp(s, "0")) { atom->boolean = false; } else { return xasprintf("\"%s\" is not a valid boolean " "(use \"true\" or \"false\")", s); } break; case OVSDB_TYPE_STRING: if (*s == '\0') { return xstrdup("An empty string is not valid as input; " "use \"\" to represent the empty string"); } else if (*s == '"') { size_t s_len = strlen(s); if (s_len < 2 || s[s_len - 1] != '"') { return xasprintf("%s: missing quote at end of " "quoted string", s); } else if (!json_string_unescape(s + 1, s_len - 2, &atom->string)) { char *error = xasprintf("%s: %s", s, atom->string); free(atom->string); return error; } } else { atom->string = xstrdup(s); } break; case OVSDB_TYPE_UUID: if (*s == '@') { struct ovsdb_symbol *symbol = ovsdb_symbol_table_insert(symtab, s); atom->uuid = symbol->uuid; ovsdb_symbol_referenced(symbol, base); } else if (!uuid_from_string(&atom->uuid, s)) { return xasprintf("\"%s\" is not a valid UUID", s); } break; case OVSDB_N_TYPES: default: OVS_NOT_REACHED(); } return NULL; } /* Initializes 'atom' and optionally 'range_end_atom' to a value of type 'base' * parsed from 's', which takes one of the following forms: * * - OVSDB_TYPE_INTEGER: A decimal integer optionally preceded by a sign * or two decimal integers optionally preceded by a sign and separated * by a hyphen, representing inclusive range of integers * ['atom', 'range_end_atom']. * * - OVSDB_TYPE_REAL: A floating-point number in the format accepted by * strtod(). * * - OVSDB_TYPE_BOOLEAN: "true", "yes", "on", "1" for true, or "false", * "no", "off", or "0" for false. * * - OVSDB_TYPE_STRING: A JSON string if it begins with a quote, otherwise * an arbitrary string. * * - OVSDB_TYPE_UUID: A UUID in RFC 4122 format. If 'symtab' is nonnull, * then an identifier beginning with '@' is also acceptable. If the * named identifier is already in 'symtab', then the associated UUID is * used; otherwise, a new, random UUID is used and added to the symbol * table. If 'base' is a reference and a symbol is parsed, then the * symbol's 'strong_ref' or 'weak_ref' member is set to true, as * appropriate. * * Returns a null pointer if successful, otherwise an error message describing * the problem. On failure, the contents of 'atom' are indeterminate. The * caller is responsible for freeing the atom or the error. * * Does not attempt to parse range if 'range_end_atom' is a null pointer. * Dynamically allocates ovdsb_atom and stores its address in '*range_end_atom' * if successfully parses range. Caller is responsible for deallocating * the memory by calling 'ovsdb_atom_destroy' and then 'free' on the address. * Does not allocate memory and sets '*range_end_atom' to a null pointer * if does not parse a range or fails for any reason. */ char * ovsdb_atom_from_string(union ovsdb_atom *atom, union ovsdb_atom **range_end_atom, const struct ovsdb_base_type *base, const char *s, struct ovsdb_symbol_table *symtab) { struct ovsdb_error *error; char *msg; if (range_end_atom) { *range_end_atom = NULL; } msg = ovsdb_atom_from_string__(atom, range_end_atom, base, s, symtab); if (msg) { return msg; } error = ovsdb_atom_check_constraints(atom, base); if (!error && range_end_atom && *range_end_atom) { /* Check range constraints */ int64_t start = atom->integer; int64_t end = (*range_end_atom)->integer; if (base->enum_) { for (int64_t i = start + 1; i <= end; i++) { union ovsdb_atom ai = { .integer = i }; error = ovsdb_atom_check_constraints(&ai, base); if (error) { break; } } } else { error = ovsdb_atom_check_constraints(*range_end_atom, base); } if (!error) { error = ovsdb_atom_range_check_size(start, end); } } if (error) { ovsdb_atom_destroy(atom, base->type); if (range_end_atom && *range_end_atom) { ovsdb_atom_destroy(*range_end_atom, base->type); free(*range_end_atom); *range_end_atom = NULL; } msg = ovsdb_error_to_string(error); ovsdb_error_destroy(error); } return msg; } static bool string_needs_quotes(const char *s) { const char *p = s; unsigned char c; c = *p++; if (!isalpha(c) && c != '_') { return true; } while ((c = *p++) != '\0') { if (!isalpha(c) && c != '_' && c != '-' && c != '.') { return true; } } if (!strcmp(s, "true") || !strcmp(s, "false")) { return true; } return false; } /* Appends 'atom' (which has the given 'type') to 'out', in a format acceptable * to ovsdb_atom_from_string(). */ void ovsdb_atom_to_string(const union ovsdb_atom *atom, enum ovsdb_atomic_type type, struct ds *out) { switch (type) { case OVSDB_TYPE_VOID: OVS_NOT_REACHED(); case OVSDB_TYPE_INTEGER: ds_put_format(out, "%"PRId64, atom->integer); break; case OVSDB_TYPE_REAL: ds_put_format(out, "%.*g", DBL_DIG, atom->real); break; case OVSDB_TYPE_BOOLEAN: ds_put_cstr(out, atom->boolean ? "true" : "false"); break; case OVSDB_TYPE_STRING: if (string_needs_quotes(atom->string)) { struct json json; json.type = JSON_STRING; json.u.string = atom->string; json_to_ds(&json, 0, out); } else { ds_put_cstr(out, atom->string); } break; case OVSDB_TYPE_UUID: ds_put_format(out, UUID_FMT, UUID_ARGS(&atom->uuid)); break; case OVSDB_N_TYPES: default: OVS_NOT_REACHED(); } } /* Appends 'atom' (which has the given 'type') to 'out', in a bare string * format that cannot be parsed uniformly back into a datum but is easier for * shell scripts, etc., to deal with. */ void ovsdb_atom_to_bare(const union ovsdb_atom *atom, enum ovsdb_atomic_type type, struct ds *out) { if (type == OVSDB_TYPE_STRING) { ds_put_cstr(out, atom->string); } else { ovsdb_atom_to_string(atom, type, out); } } static struct ovsdb_error * check_string_constraints(const char *s, const struct ovsdb_string_constraints *c) { size_t n_chars; char *msg; msg = utf8_validate(s, &n_chars); if (msg) { struct ovsdb_error *error; error = ovsdb_error("constraint violation", "not a valid UTF-8 string: %s", msg); free(msg); return error; } if (n_chars < c->minLen) { return ovsdb_error( "constraint violation", "\"%s\" length %"PRIuSIZE" is less than minimum allowed " "length %u", s, n_chars, c->minLen); } else if (n_chars > c->maxLen) { return ovsdb_error( "constraint violation", "\"%s\" length %"PRIuSIZE" is greater than maximum allowed " "length %u", s, n_chars, c->maxLen); } return NULL; } /* Checks whether 'atom' meets the constraints (if any) defined in 'base'. * (base->type must specify 'atom''s type.) Returns a null pointer if the * constraints are met, otherwise an error that explains the violation. * * Checking UUID constraints is deferred to transaction commit time, so this * function does nothing for UUID constraints. */ struct ovsdb_error * ovsdb_atom_check_constraints(const union ovsdb_atom *atom, const struct ovsdb_base_type *base) { if (base->enum_ && ovsdb_datum_find_key(base->enum_, atom, base->type) == UINT_MAX) { struct ovsdb_error *error; struct ds actual = DS_EMPTY_INITIALIZER; struct ds valid = DS_EMPTY_INITIALIZER; ovsdb_atom_to_string(atom, base->type, &actual); ovsdb_datum_to_string(base->enum_, ovsdb_base_type_get_enum_type(base->type), &valid); error = ovsdb_error("constraint violation", "%s is not one of the allowed values (%s)", ds_cstr(&actual), ds_cstr(&valid)); ds_destroy(&actual); ds_destroy(&valid); return error; } switch (base->type) { case OVSDB_TYPE_VOID: OVS_NOT_REACHED(); case OVSDB_TYPE_INTEGER: if (atom->integer >= base->u.integer.min && atom->integer <= base->u.integer.max) { return NULL; } else if (base->u.integer.min != INT64_MIN) { if (base->u.integer.max != INT64_MAX) { return ovsdb_error("constraint violation", "%"PRId64" is not in the valid range " "%"PRId64" to %"PRId64" (inclusive)", atom->integer, base->u.integer.min, base->u.integer.max); } else { return ovsdb_error("constraint violation", "%"PRId64" is less than minimum allowed " "value %"PRId64, atom->integer, base->u.integer.min); } } else { return ovsdb_error("constraint violation", "%"PRId64" is greater than maximum allowed " "value %"PRId64, atom->integer, base->u.integer.max); } OVS_NOT_REACHED(); case OVSDB_TYPE_REAL: if (atom->real >= base->u.real.min && atom->real <= base->u.real.max) { return NULL; } else if (base->u.real.min != -DBL_MAX) { if (base->u.real.max != DBL_MAX) { return ovsdb_error("constraint violation", "%.*g is not in the valid range " "%.*g to %.*g (inclusive)", DBL_DIG, atom->real, DBL_DIG, base->u.real.min, DBL_DIG, base->u.real.max); } else { return ovsdb_error("constraint violation", "%.*g is less than minimum allowed " "value %.*g", DBL_DIG, atom->real, DBL_DIG, base->u.real.min); } } else { return ovsdb_error("constraint violation", "%.*g is greater than maximum allowed " "value %.*g", DBL_DIG, atom->real, DBL_DIG, base->u.real.max); } OVS_NOT_REACHED(); case OVSDB_TYPE_BOOLEAN: return NULL; case OVSDB_TYPE_STRING: return check_string_constraints(atom->string, &base->u.string); case OVSDB_TYPE_UUID: return NULL; case OVSDB_N_TYPES: default: OVS_NOT_REACHED(); } } /* Initializes 'datum' as an empty datum. (An empty datum can be treated as * any type.) */ void ovsdb_datum_init_empty(struct ovsdb_datum *datum) { datum->n = 0; datum->keys = NULL; datum->values = NULL; } /* Initializes 'datum' as a datum that has the default value for 'type'. * * The default value for a particular type is as defined in RFC 7047: * * - If n_min is 0, then the default value is the empty set (or map). * * - If n_min is 1, the default value is a single value or a single * key-value pair, whose key and value are the defaults for their * atomic types. (See ovsdb_atom_init_default() for details.) * * - n_min > 1 is invalid. See ovsdb_type_is_valid(). */ void ovsdb_datum_init_default(struct ovsdb_datum *datum, const struct ovsdb_type *type) { datum->n = type->n_min; datum->keys = alloc_default_atoms(type->key.type, datum->n); datum->values = alloc_default_atoms(type->value.type, datum->n); } /* Returns a read-only datum of the given 'type' that has the default value for * 'type'. The caller must not modify or free the returned datum. * * See ovsdb_datum_init_default() for an explanation of the default value of a * datum. */ const struct ovsdb_datum * ovsdb_datum_default(const struct ovsdb_type *type) { if (type->n_min == 0) { static const struct ovsdb_datum empty; return ∅ } else if (type->n_min == 1) { static struct ovsdb_datum default_data[OVSDB_N_TYPES][OVSDB_N_TYPES]; struct ovsdb_datum *d; int kt = type->key.type; int vt = type->value.type; ovs_assert(ovsdb_type_is_valid(type)); d = &default_data[kt][vt]; if (!d->n) { d->n = 1; d->keys = CONST_CAST(union ovsdb_atom *, ovsdb_atom_default(kt)); if (vt != OVSDB_TYPE_VOID) { d->values = CONST_CAST(union ovsdb_atom *, ovsdb_atom_default(vt)); } } return d; } else { OVS_NOT_REACHED(); } } /* Returns true if 'datum', which must have the given 'type', has the default * value for that type. * * See ovsdb_datum_init_default() for an explanation of the default value of a * datum. */ bool ovsdb_datum_is_default(const struct ovsdb_datum *datum, const struct ovsdb_type *type) { size_t i; if (datum->n != type->n_min) { return false; } for (i = 0; i < datum->n; i++) { if (!ovsdb_atom_is_default(&datum->keys[i], type->key.type)) { return false; } if (type->value.type != OVSDB_TYPE_VOID && !ovsdb_atom_is_default(&datum->values[i], type->value.type)) { return false; } } return true; } static union ovsdb_atom * clone_atoms(const union ovsdb_atom *old, enum ovsdb_atomic_type type, size_t n) { if (type != OVSDB_TYPE_VOID && n) { union ovsdb_atom *new; unsigned int i; new = xmalloc(n * sizeof *new); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { ovsdb_atom_clone(&new[i], &old[i], type); } return new; } else { /* Avoid wasting memory in the n == 0 case, because xmalloc(0) is * treated as xmalloc(1). */ return NULL; } } /* Initializes 'new' as a copy of 'old', with the given 'type'. * * The caller must eventually arrange for 'new' to be destroyed (with * ovsdb_datum_destroy()). */ void ovsdb_datum_clone(struct ovsdb_datum *new, const struct ovsdb_datum *old, const struct ovsdb_type *type) { unsigned int n = old->n; new->n = n; new->keys = clone_atoms(old->keys, type->key.type, n); new->values = clone_atoms(old->values, type->value.type, n); } static void free_data(enum ovsdb_atomic_type type, union ovsdb_atom *atoms, size_t n_atoms) { if (ovsdb_atom_needs_destruction(type)) { unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < n_atoms; i++) { ovsdb_atom_destroy(&atoms[i], type); } } free(atoms); } /* Frees the data owned by 'datum', which must have the given 'type'. * * This does not actually call free(datum). If necessary, the caller must be * responsible for that. */ void ovsdb_datum_destroy(struct ovsdb_datum *datum, const struct ovsdb_type *type) { free_data(type->key.type, datum->keys, datum->n); free_data(type->value.type, datum->values, datum->n); } /* Swaps the contents of 'a' and 'b', which need not have the same type. */ void ovsdb_datum_swap(struct ovsdb_datum *a, struct ovsdb_datum *b) { struct ovsdb_datum tmp = *a; *a = *b; *b = tmp; } struct ovsdb_datum_sort_cbdata { enum ovsdb_atomic_type key_type; enum ovsdb_atomic_type value_type; struct ovsdb_datum *datum; }; static int ovsdb_datum_sort_compare_cb(size_t a, size_t b, void *cbdata_) { struct ovsdb_datum_sort_cbdata *cbdata = cbdata_; int retval; retval = ovsdb_atom_compare_3way(&cbdata->datum->keys[a], &cbdata->datum->keys[b], cbdata->key_type); if (retval || cbdata->value_type == OVSDB_TYPE_VOID) { return retval; } return ovsdb_atom_compare_3way(&cbdata->datum->values[a], &cbdata->datum->values[b], cbdata->value_type); } static void ovsdb_datum_sort_swap_cb(size_t a, size_t b, void *cbdata_) { struct ovsdb_datum_sort_cbdata *cbdata = cbdata_; ovsdb_atom_swap(&cbdata->datum->keys[a], &cbdata->datum->keys[b]); if (cbdata->datum->values) { ovsdb_atom_swap(&cbdata->datum->values[a], &cbdata->datum->values[b]); } } static void ovsdb_datum_sort__(struct ovsdb_datum *datum, enum ovsdb_atomic_type key_type, enum ovsdb_atomic_type value_type) { struct ovsdb_datum_sort_cbdata cbdata; cbdata.key_type = key_type; cbdata.value_type = value_type; cbdata.datum = datum; sort(datum->n, ovsdb_datum_sort_compare_cb, ovsdb_datum_sort_swap_cb, &cbdata); } /* The keys in an ovsdb_datum must be unique and in sorted order. Most * functions that modify an ovsdb_datum maintain these invariants. For those * that don't, this function checks and restores these invariants for 'datum', * whose keys are of type 'key_type'. * * This function returns NULL if successful, otherwise an error message. The * caller must free the returned error when it is no longer needed. On error, * 'datum' is sorted but not unique. */ struct ovsdb_error * ovsdb_datum_sort(struct ovsdb_datum *datum, enum ovsdb_atomic_type key_type) { size_t i; if (datum->n < 2) { return NULL; } ovsdb_datum_sort__(datum, key_type, OVSDB_TYPE_VOID); for (i = 0; i < datum->n - 1; i++) { if (ovsdb_atom_equals(&datum->keys[i], &datum->keys[i + 1], key_type)) { if (datum->values) { return ovsdb_error(NULL, "map contains duplicate key"); } else { return ovsdb_error(NULL, "set contains duplicate"); } } } return NULL; } /* This function is the same as ovsdb_datum_sort(), except that the caller * knows that 'datum' is unique. The operation therefore "cannot fail", so * this function assert-fails if it actually does. */ void ovsdb_datum_sort_assert(struct ovsdb_datum *datum, enum ovsdb_atomic_type key_type) { struct ovsdb_error *error = ovsdb_datum_sort(datum, key_type); if (error) { OVS_NOT_REACHED(); } } /* This is similar to ovsdb_datum_sort(), except that it drops duplicate keys * instead of reporting an error. In a map type, the smallest value among a * group of duplicate pairs is retained and the others are dropped. * * Returns the number of keys (or pairs) that were dropped. */ size_t ovsdb_datum_sort_unique(struct ovsdb_datum *datum, enum ovsdb_atomic_type key_type, enum ovsdb_atomic_type value_type) { size_t src, dst; if (datum->n < 2) { return 0; } ovsdb_datum_sort__(datum, key_type, value_type); dst = 1; for (src = 1; src < datum->n; src++) { if (ovsdb_atom_equals(&datum->keys[src], &datum->keys[dst - 1], key_type)) { ovsdb_atom_destroy(&datum->keys[src], key_type); if (value_type != OVSDB_TYPE_VOID) { ovsdb_atom_destroy(&datum->values[src], value_type); } } else { if (src != dst) { datum->keys[dst] = datum->keys[src]; if (value_type != OVSDB_TYPE_VOID) { datum->values[dst] = datum->values[src]; } } dst++; } } datum->n = dst; return datum->n - src; } /* Checks that each of the atoms in 'datum' conforms to the constraints * specified by its 'type'. Returns an error if a constraint is violated, * otherwise a null pointer. * * This function is not commonly useful because the most ordinary way to obtain * a datum is ultimately via ovsdb_atom_from_string() or * ovsdb_atom_from_json(), which check constraints themselves. */ struct ovsdb_error * ovsdb_datum_check_constraints(const struct ovsdb_datum *datum, const struct ovsdb_type *type) { struct ovsdb_error *error; unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < datum->n; i++) { error = ovsdb_atom_check_constraints(&datum->keys[i], &type->key); if (error) { return error; } } if (type->value.type != OVSDB_TYPE_VOID) { for (i = 0; i < datum->n; i++) { error = ovsdb_atom_check_constraints(&datum->values[i], &type->value); if (error) { return error; } } } return NULL; } static struct ovsdb_error * ovsdb_datum_from_json__(struct ovsdb_datum *datum, const struct ovsdb_type *type, const struct json *json, struct ovsdb_symbol_table *symtab) { struct ovsdb_error *error; if (ovsdb_type_is_map(type) || (json->type == JSON_ARRAY && json->u.array.n > 0 && json->u.array.elems[0]->type == JSON_STRING && !strcmp(json->u.array.elems[0]->u.string, "set"))) { bool is_map = ovsdb_type_is_map(type); const char *class = is_map ? "map" : "set"; const struct json *inner; unsigned int i; size_t n; error = unwrap_json(json, class, JSON_ARRAY, &inner); if (error) { return error; } n = inner->u.array.n; if (n < type->n_min || n > type->n_max) { return ovsdb_syntax_error(json, NULL, "%s must have %u to " "%u members but %"PRIuSIZE" are present", class, type->n_min, type->n_max, n); } datum->n = 0; datum->keys = xmalloc(n * sizeof *datum->keys); datum->values = is_map ? xmalloc(n * sizeof *datum->values) : NULL; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { const struct json *element = inner->u.array.elems[i]; const struct json *key = NULL; const struct json *value = NULL; if (!is_map) { key = element; } else { error = parse_json_pair(element, &key, &value); if (error) { goto error; } } error = ovsdb_atom_from_json(&datum->keys[i], &type->key, key, symtab); if (error) { goto error; } if (is_map) { error = ovsdb_atom_from_json(&datum->values[i], &type->value, value, symtab); if (error) { ovsdb_atom_destroy(&datum->keys[i], type->key.type); goto error; } } datum->n++; } return NULL; error: ovsdb_datum_destroy(datum, type); return error; } else { datum->n = 1; datum->keys = xmalloc(sizeof *datum->keys); datum->values = NULL; error = ovsdb_atom_from_json(&datum->keys[0], &type->key, json, symtab); if (error) { free(datum->keys); } return error; } } /* Parses 'json' as a datum of the type described by 'type'. If successful, * returns NULL and initializes 'datum' with the parsed datum. On failure, * returns an error and the contents of 'datum' are indeterminate. The caller * is responsible for freeing the error or the datum that is returned. * * Violations of constraints expressed by 'type' are treated as errors. * * If 'symtab' is nonnull, then named UUIDs in 'symtab' are accepted. Refer to * RFC 7047 for information about this, and for the syntax that this function * accepts. */ struct ovsdb_error * ovsdb_datum_from_json(struct ovsdb_datum *datum, const struct ovsdb_type *type, const struct json *json, struct ovsdb_symbol_table *symtab) { struct ovsdb_error *error; error = ovsdb_datum_from_json__(datum, type, json, symtab); if (error) { return error; } error = ovsdb_datum_sort(datum, type->key.type); if (error) { ovsdb_datum_destroy(datum, type); } return error; } /* Parses 'json' as a datum of the type described by 'type' for internal * use. This function is similar to 'ovsdb_datum_from_json', except the * member size of set or map is not checked. * * The datum generated should be used then discard. It is not suitable * for storing into IDL because of the possible member size violation. */ struct ovsdb_error * ovsdb_transient_datum_from_json(struct ovsdb_datum *datum, const struct ovsdb_type *type, const struct json *json) { struct ovsdb_type relaxed_type = *type; relaxed_type.n_min = 0; relaxed_type.n_max = UINT_MAX; return ovsdb_datum_from_json(datum, &relaxed_type, json, NULL); } /* Converts 'datum', of the specified 'type', to JSON format, and returns the * JSON. The caller is responsible for freeing the returned JSON. * * 'type' constraints on datum->n are ignored. * * Refer to RFC 7047 for the format of the JSON that this function produces. */ struct json * ovsdb_datum_to_json(const struct ovsdb_datum *datum, const struct ovsdb_type *type) { if (ovsdb_type_is_map(type)) { struct json **elems; size_t i; elems = xmalloc(datum->n * sizeof *elems); for (i = 0; i < datum->n; i++) { elems[i] = json_array_create_2( ovsdb_atom_to_json(&datum->keys[i], type->key.type), ovsdb_atom_to_json(&datum->values[i], type->value.type)); } return wrap_json("map", json_array_create(elems, datum->n)); } else if (datum->n == 1) { return ovsdb_atom_to_json(&datum->keys[0], type->key.type); } else { struct json **elems; size_t i; elems = xmalloc(datum->n * sizeof *elems); for (i = 0; i < datum->n; i++) { elems[i] = ovsdb_atom_to_json(&datum->keys[i], type->key.type); } return wrap_json("set", json_array_create(elems, datum->n)); } } static const char * skip_spaces(const char *p) { while (isspace((unsigned char) *p)) { p++; } return p; } static char * parse_atom_token(const char **s, const struct ovsdb_base_type *base, union ovsdb_atom *atom, union ovsdb_atom **range_end_atom, struct ovsdb_symbol_table *symtab) { char *token, *error; error = ovsdb_token_parse(s, &token); if (!error) { error = ovsdb_atom_from_string(atom, range_end_atom, base, token, symtab); free(token); } return error; } static char * parse_key_value(const char **s, const struct ovsdb_type *type, union ovsdb_atom *key, union ovsdb_atom *value, struct ovsdb_symbol_table *symtab, union ovsdb_atom **range_end_key) { const char *start = *s; char *error; error = parse_atom_token(s, &type->key, key, range_end_key, symtab); if (!error && type->value.type != OVSDB_TYPE_VOID) { *s = skip_spaces(*s); if (**s == '=') { (*s)++; *s = skip_spaces(*s); error = parse_atom_token(s, &type->value, value, NULL, symtab); } else { error = xasprintf("%s: syntax error at \"%c\" expecting \"=\"", start, **s); } if (error) { ovsdb_atom_destroy(key, type->key.type); if (range_end_key && *range_end_key) { ovsdb_atom_destroy(*range_end_key, type->key.type); free(*range_end_key); *range_end_key = NULL; } } } return error; } static void free_key_value_range(const struct ovsdb_type *type, union ovsdb_atom *key, union ovsdb_atom *value, union ovsdb_atom **range_end_atom) { ovsdb_atom_destroy(key, type->key.type); if (type->value.type != OVSDB_TYPE_VOID) { ovsdb_atom_destroy(value, type->value.type); } if (range_end_atom && *range_end_atom) { ovsdb_atom_destroy(*range_end_atom, type->key.type); free(*range_end_atom); *range_end_atom = NULL; } } /* Initializes 'datum' as a datum of the given 'type', parsing its contents * from 's'. The format of 's' is a series of space or comma separated atoms * or, for a map, '='-delimited pairs of atoms. Each atom must in a format * acceptable to ovsdb_atom_from_string(). Optionally, a set may be enclosed * in "[]" or a map in "{}"; for an empty set or map these punctuators are * required. * * Optionally, a symbol table may be supplied as 'symtab'. It is passed to * ovsdb_atom_to_string(). */ char * ovsdb_datum_from_string(struct ovsdb_datum *datum, const struct ovsdb_type *type, const char *s, struct ovsdb_symbol_table *symtab) { bool is_map = ovsdb_type_is_map(type); struct ovsdb_error *dberror; const char *p; int end_delim; char *error; ovsdb_datum_init_empty(datum); /* Swallow a leading delimiter if there is one. */ p = skip_spaces(s); if (*p == (is_map ? '{' : '[')) { end_delim = is_map ? '}' : ']'; p = skip_spaces(p + 1); } else if (!*p) { if (is_map) { return xstrdup("use \"{}\" to specify the empty map"); } else { return xstrdup("use \"[]\" to specify the empty set"); } } else { end_delim = 0; } while (*p && *p != end_delim) { union ovsdb_atom key, value; union ovsdb_atom *range_end_key = NULL; if (ovsdb_token_is_delim(*p)) { char *type_str = ovsdb_type_to_english(type); error = xasprintf("%s: unexpected \"%c\" parsing %s", s, *p, type_str); free(type_str); goto error; } /* Add to datum. */ error = parse_key_value(&p, type, &key, &value, symtab, &range_end_key); if (error) { goto error; } ovsdb_datum_add_unsafe(datum, &key, &value, type, range_end_key); free_key_value_range(type, &key, &value, &range_end_key); /* Skip optional white space and comma. */ p = skip_spaces(p); if (*p == ',') { p = skip_spaces(p + 1); } } if (*p != end_delim) { error = xasprintf("%s: missing \"%c\" at end of data", s, end_delim); goto error; } if (end_delim) { p = skip_spaces(p + 1); if (*p) { error = xasprintf("%s: trailing garbage after \"%c\"", s, end_delim); goto error; } } if (datum->n < type->n_min) { error = xasprintf("%s: %u %s specified but the minimum number is %u", s, datum->n, is_map ? "pair(s)" : "value(s)", type->n_min); goto error; } else if (datum->n > type->n_max) { error = xasprintf("%s: %u %s specified but the maximum number is %u", s, datum->n, is_map ? "pair(s)" : "value(s)", type->n_max); goto error; } dberror = ovsdb_datum_sort(datum, type->key.type); if (dberror) { ovsdb_error_destroy(dberror); if (ovsdb_type_is_map(type)) { error = xasprintf("%s: map contains duplicate key", s); } else { error = xasprintf("%s: set contains duplicate value", s); } goto error; } return NULL; error: ovsdb_datum_destroy(datum, type); ovsdb_datum_init_empty(datum); return error; } /* Appends to 'out' the 'datum' (with the given 'type') in a format acceptable * to ovsdb_datum_from_string(). */ void ovsdb_datum_to_string(const struct ovsdb_datum *datum, const struct ovsdb_type *type, struct ds *out) { bool is_map = ovsdb_type_is_map(type); size_t i; if (type->n_max > 1 || !datum->n) { ds_put_char(out, is_map ? '{' : '['); } for (i = 0; i < datum->n; i++) { if (i > 0) { ds_put_cstr(out, ", "); } ovsdb_atom_to_string(&datum->keys[i], type->key.type, out); if (is_map) { ds_put_char(out, '='); ovsdb_atom_to_string(&datum->values[i], type->value.type, out); } } if (type->n_max > 1 || !datum->n) { ds_put_char(out, is_map ? '}' : ']'); } } /* Appends to 'out' the 'datum' (with the given 'type') in a bare string format * that cannot be parsed uniformly back into a datum but is easier for shell * scripts, etc., to deal with. */ void ovsdb_datum_to_bare(const struct ovsdb_datum *datum, const struct ovsdb_type *type, struct ds *out) { bool is_map = ovsdb_type_is_map(type); size_t i; for (i = 0; i < datum->n; i++) { if (i > 0) { ds_put_cstr(out, " "); } ovsdb_atom_to_bare(&datum->keys[i], type->key.type, out); if (is_map) { ds_put_char(out, '='); ovsdb_atom_to_bare(&datum->values[i], type->value.type, out); } } } /* Initializes 'datum' as a string-to-string map whose contents are copied from * 'smap', which is not modified. */ void ovsdb_datum_from_smap(struct ovsdb_datum *datum, const struct smap *smap) { datum->n = smap_count(smap); datum->keys = xmalloc(datum->n * sizeof *datum->keys); datum->values = xmalloc(datum->n * sizeof *datum->values); struct smap_node *node; size_t i = 0; SMAP_FOR_EACH (node, smap) { datum->keys[i].string = xstrdup(node->key); datum->values[i].string = xstrdup(node->value); i++; } ovs_assert(i == datum->n); ovsdb_datum_sort_unique(datum, OVSDB_TYPE_STRING, OVSDB_TYPE_STRING); } static uint32_t hash_atoms(enum ovsdb_atomic_type type, const union ovsdb_atom *atoms, unsigned int n, uint32_t basis) { if (type != OVSDB_TYPE_VOID) { unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { basis = ovsdb_atom_hash(&atoms[i], type, basis); } } return basis; } uint32_t ovsdb_datum_hash(const struct ovsdb_datum *datum, const struct ovsdb_type *type, uint32_t basis) { basis = hash_atoms(type->key.type, datum->keys, datum->n, basis); basis ^= (type->key.type << 24) | (type->value.type << 16) | datum->n; basis = hash_atoms(type->value.type, datum->values, datum->n, basis); return basis; } static int atom_arrays_compare_3way(const union ovsdb_atom *a, const union ovsdb_atom *b, enum ovsdb_atomic_type type, size_t n) { unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { int cmp = ovsdb_atom_compare_3way(&a[i], &b[i], type); if (cmp) { return cmp; } } return 0; } bool ovsdb_datum_equals(const struct ovsdb_datum *a, const struct ovsdb_datum *b, const struct ovsdb_type *type) { return !ovsdb_datum_compare_3way(a, b, type); } int ovsdb_datum_compare_3way(const struct ovsdb_datum *a, const struct ovsdb_datum *b, const struct ovsdb_type *type) { int cmp; if (a->n != b->n) { return a->n < b->n ? -1 : 1; } cmp = atom_arrays_compare_3way(a->keys, b->keys, type->key.type, a->n); if (cmp) { return cmp; } return (type->value.type == OVSDB_TYPE_VOID ? 0 : atom_arrays_compare_3way(a->values, b->values, type->value.type, a->n)); } /* If 'key' is one of the keys in 'datum', returns its index within 'datum', * otherwise UINT_MAX. 'key.type' must be the type of the atoms stored in the * 'keys' array in 'datum'. */ unsigned int ovsdb_datum_find_key(const struct ovsdb_datum *datum, const union ovsdb_atom *key, enum ovsdb_atomic_type key_type) { unsigned int low = 0; unsigned int high = datum->n; while (low < high) { unsigned int idx = (low + high) / 2; int cmp = ovsdb_atom_compare_3way(key, &datum->keys[idx], key_type); if (cmp < 0) { high = idx; } else if (cmp > 0) { low = idx + 1; } else { return idx; } } return UINT_MAX; } /* If 'key' and 'value' is one of the key-value pairs in 'datum', returns its * index within 'datum', otherwise UINT_MAX. 'key.type' must be the type of * the atoms stored in the 'keys' array in 'datum'. 'value_type' may be the * type of the 'values' atoms or OVSDB_TYPE_VOID to compare only keys. */ unsigned int ovsdb_datum_find_key_value(const struct ovsdb_datum *datum, const union ovsdb_atom *key, enum ovsdb_atomic_type key_type, const union ovsdb_atom *value, enum ovsdb_atomic_type value_type) { unsigned int idx = ovsdb_datum_find_key(datum, key, key_type); if (idx != UINT_MAX && value_type != OVSDB_TYPE_VOID && !ovsdb_atom_equals(&datum->values[idx], value, value_type)) { idx = UINT_MAX; } return idx; } /* If atom 'i' in 'a' is also in 'b', returns its index in 'b', otherwise * UINT_MAX. 'type' must be the type of 'a' and 'b', except that * type->value.type may be set to OVSDB_TYPE_VOID to compare keys but not * values. */ static unsigned int ovsdb_datum_find(const struct ovsdb_datum *a, int i, const struct ovsdb_datum *b, const struct ovsdb_type *type) { return ovsdb_datum_find_key_value(b, &a->keys[i], type->key.type, a->values ? &a->values[i] : NULL, type->value.type); } /* Returns true if every element in 'a' is also in 'b', false otherwise. */ bool ovsdb_datum_includes_all(const struct ovsdb_datum *a, const struct ovsdb_datum *b, const struct ovsdb_type *type) { size_t i; if (a->n > b->n) { return false; } for (i = 0; i < a->n; i++) { if (ovsdb_datum_find(a, i, b, type) == UINT_MAX) { return false; } } return true; } /* Returns true if no element in 'a' is also in 'b', false otherwise. */ bool ovsdb_datum_excludes_all(const struct ovsdb_datum *a, const struct ovsdb_datum *b, const struct ovsdb_type *type) { size_t i; for (i = 0; i < a->n; i++) { if (ovsdb_datum_find(a, i, b, type) != UINT_MAX) { return false; } } return true; } static void ovsdb_datum_reallocate(struct ovsdb_datum *a, const struct ovsdb_type *type, unsigned int capacity) { a->keys = xrealloc(a->keys, capacity * sizeof *a->keys); if (type->value.type != OVSDB_TYPE_VOID) { a->values = xrealloc(a->values, capacity * sizeof *a->values); } } /* Removes the element with index 'idx' from 'datum', which has type 'type'. * If 'idx' is not the last element in 'datum', then the removed element is * replaced by the (former) last element. * * This function does not maintain ovsdb_datum invariants. Use * ovsdb_datum_sort() to check and restore these invariants. */ void ovsdb_datum_remove_unsafe(struct ovsdb_datum *datum, size_t idx, const struct ovsdb_type *type) { ovsdb_atom_destroy(&datum->keys[idx], type->key.type); datum->keys[idx] = datum->keys[datum->n - 1]; if (type->value.type != OVSDB_TYPE_VOID) { ovsdb_atom_destroy(&datum->values[idx], type->value.type); datum->values[idx] = datum->values[datum->n - 1]; } datum->n--; } /* Adds the element with the given 'key' and 'value' to 'datum', which must * have the specified 'type'. Optionally if 'range_end_atom' is not * a null pointer, adds a set of integers to 'datum' from inclusive * range ['key', 'range_end_atom']. * * This function always allocates memory, so it is not an efficient way to add * a number of elements to a datum. * * When adding a range of integers, this function allocates the memory once * for the whole range. * * This function does not maintain ovsdb_datum invariants. Use * ovsdb_datum_sort() to check and restore these invariants. (But a datum with * 0 or 1 elements cannot violate the invariants anyhow.) */ void ovsdb_datum_add_unsafe(struct ovsdb_datum *datum, const union ovsdb_atom *key, const union ovsdb_atom *value, const struct ovsdb_type *type, const union ovsdb_atom *range_end_atom) { size_t idx = datum->n; datum->n += range_end_atom ? (range_end_atom->integer - key->integer + 1) : 1; datum->keys = xrealloc(datum->keys, datum->n * sizeof *datum->keys); if (range_end_atom && key->integer <= range_end_atom->integer) { for (int64_t i = key->integer; i <= range_end_atom->integer; i++) { datum->keys[idx++].integer = i; } } else { ovsdb_atom_clone(&datum->keys[idx], key, type->key.type); if (type->value.type != OVSDB_TYPE_VOID) { datum->values = xrealloc(datum->values, datum->n * sizeof *datum->values); ovsdb_atom_clone(&datum->values[idx], value, type->value.type); } } } void ovsdb_datum_union(struct ovsdb_datum *a, const struct ovsdb_datum *b, const struct ovsdb_type *type, bool replace) { unsigned int n; size_t bi; n = a->n; for (bi = 0; bi < b->n; bi++) { unsigned int ai; ai = ovsdb_datum_find_key(a, &b->keys[bi], type->key.type); if (ai == UINT_MAX) { if (n == a->n) { ovsdb_datum_reallocate(a, type, a->n + (b->n - bi)); } ovsdb_atom_clone(&a->keys[n], &b->keys[bi], type->key.type); if (type->value.type != OVSDB_TYPE_VOID) { ovsdb_atom_clone(&a->values[n], &b->values[bi], type->value.type); } n++; } else if (replace && type->value.type != OVSDB_TYPE_VOID) { ovsdb_atom_destroy(&a->values[ai], type->value.type); ovsdb_atom_clone(&a->values[ai], &b->values[bi], type->value.type); } } if (n != a->n) { struct ovsdb_error *error; a->n = n; error = ovsdb_datum_sort(a, type->key.type); ovs_assert(!error); } } void ovsdb_datum_subtract(struct ovsdb_datum *a, const struct ovsdb_type *a_type, const struct ovsdb_datum *b, const struct ovsdb_type *b_type) { bool changed = false; size_t i; ovs_assert(a_type->key.type == b_type->key.type); ovs_assert(a_type->value.type == b_type->value.type || b_type->value.type == OVSDB_TYPE_VOID); /* XXX The big-O of this could easily be improved. */ for (i = 0; i < a->n; ) { unsigned int idx = ovsdb_datum_find(a, i, b, b_type); if (idx != UINT_MAX) { changed = true; ovsdb_datum_remove_unsafe(a, i, a_type); } else { i++; } } if (changed) { ovsdb_datum_sort_assert(a, a_type->key.type); } } struct ovsdb_symbol_table * ovsdb_symbol_table_create(void) { struct ovsdb_symbol_table *symtab = xmalloc(sizeof *symtab); shash_init(&symtab->sh); return symtab; } void ovsdb_symbol_table_destroy(struct ovsdb_symbol_table *symtab) { if (symtab) { shash_destroy_free_data(&symtab->sh); free(symtab); } } struct ovsdb_symbol * ovsdb_symbol_table_get(const struct ovsdb_symbol_table *symtab, const char *name) { return shash_find_data(&symtab->sh, name); } struct ovsdb_symbol * ovsdb_symbol_table_put(struct ovsdb_symbol_table *symtab, const char *name, const struct uuid *uuid, bool created) { struct ovsdb_symbol *symbol; ovs_assert(!ovsdb_symbol_table_get(symtab, name)); symbol = xmalloc(sizeof *symbol); symbol->uuid = *uuid; symbol->created = created; symbol->strong_ref = false; symbol->weak_ref = false; shash_add(&symtab->sh, name, symbol); return symbol; } struct ovsdb_symbol * ovsdb_symbol_table_insert(struct ovsdb_symbol_table *symtab, const char *name) { struct ovsdb_symbol *symbol; symbol = ovsdb_symbol_table_get(symtab, name); if (!symbol) { struct uuid uuid; uuid_generate(&uuid); symbol = ovsdb_symbol_table_put(symtab, name, &uuid, false); } return symbol; } /* APIs for Generating and apply diffs. */ /* Generate a difference ovsdb_dataum between 'old' and 'new'. * 'new' can be regenerated by applying the difference to the 'old'. * * The diff operation is reversible. Given 'old', * 'new' can be recreated by applying diff to 'old'. * * Thus * Let d = 'old' diff 'new' * then 'new' = 'old' diff d * * The 'diff' datum is always safe; the orders of keys are maintained * since they are added in order. */ void ovsdb_datum_diff(struct ovsdb_datum *diff, const struct ovsdb_datum *old, const struct ovsdb_datum *new, const struct ovsdb_type *type) { size_t oi, ni; ovsdb_datum_init_empty(diff); if (!ovsdb_type_is_composite(type)) { ovsdb_datum_clone(diff, new, type); return; } /* Generate the diff in O(n) time. */ for (oi = ni = 0; oi < old->n && ni < new->n; ) { int c = ovsdb_atom_compare_3way(&old->keys[oi], &new->keys[ni], type->key.type); if (c < 0) { ovsdb_datum_add_unsafe(diff, &old->keys[oi], &old->values[oi], type, NULL); oi++; } else if (c > 0) { ovsdb_datum_add_unsafe(diff, &new->keys[ni], &new->values[ni], type, NULL); ni++; } else { if (type->value.type != OVSDB_TYPE_VOID && ovsdb_atom_compare_3way(&old->values[oi], &new->values[ni], type->value.type)) { ovsdb_datum_add_unsafe(diff, &new->keys[ni], &new->values[ni], type, NULL); } oi++; ni++; } } for (; oi < old->n; oi++) { ovsdb_datum_add_unsafe(diff, &old->keys[oi], &old->values[oi], type, NULL); } for (; ni < new->n; ni++) { ovsdb_datum_add_unsafe(diff, &new->keys[ni], &new->values[ni], type, NULL); } } /* Apply 'diff' to 'old' to regenerate 'new'. * * Return NULL if the 'new' is successfully generated, otherwise, return * ovsdb_error and the stat of 'new' is indeterministic. */ struct ovsdb_error * ovsdb_datum_apply_diff(struct ovsdb_datum *new, const struct ovsdb_datum *old, const struct ovsdb_datum *diff, const struct ovsdb_type *type) { ovsdb_datum_init_empty(new); ovsdb_datum_diff(new, old, diff, type); /* Make sure member size of 'new' conforms to type. */ if (new->n < type->n_min || new->n > type->n_max) { ovsdb_datum_destroy(new, type); return ovsdb_error(NULL, "Datum crated by diff has size error"); } return NULL; } /* Extracts a token from the beginning of 's' and returns a pointer just after * the token. Stores the token itself into '*outp', which the caller is * responsible for freeing (with free()). * * If 's[0]' is a delimiter, the returned token is the empty string. * * A token extends from 's' to the first delimiter, as defined by * ovsdb_token_is_delim(), or until the end of the string. A delimiter can be * escaped with a backslash, in which case the backslash does not appear in the * output. Double quotes also cause delimiters to be ignored, but the double * quotes are retained in the output. (Backslashes inside double quotes are * not removed, either.) */ char * ovsdb_token_parse(const char **s, char **outp) { const char *p; struct ds out; bool in_quotes; char *error; ds_init(&out); in_quotes = false; for (p = *s; *p != '\0'; ) { int c = *p++; if (c == '\\') { if (in_quotes) { ds_put_char(&out, '\\'); } if (!*p) { error = xasprintf("%s: backslash at end of argument", *s); goto error; } ds_put_char(&out, *p++); } else if (!in_quotes && ovsdb_token_is_delim(c)) { p--; break; } else { ds_put_char(&out, c); if (c == '"') { in_quotes = !in_quotes; } } } if (in_quotes) { error = xasprintf("%s: quoted string extends past end of argument", *s); goto error; } *outp = ds_cstr(&out); *s = p; return NULL; error: ds_destroy(&out); *outp = NULL; return error; } /* Returns true if 'c' delimits tokens, or if 'c' is 0, and false otherwise. */ bool ovsdb_token_is_delim(unsigned char c) { return strchr(":=, []{}!<>", c) != NULL; } struct ovsdb_error * ovsdb_atom_range_check_size(int64_t range_start, int64_t range_end) { if ((uint64_t) range_end - (uint64_t) range_start >= MAX_OVSDB_ATOM_RANGE_SIZE) { return ovsdb_error("constraint violation", "Range \"%"PRId64"-%"PRId64"\" is too big. " "Maximum allowed size is %d.", range_start, range_end, MAX_OVSDB_ATOM_RANGE_SIZE); } return NULL; }