/* Copyright (C) 2016 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP * All Rights Reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may * not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain * a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ /* Skiplist implementation based on: * "Skip List: A Probabilistic Alternative to Balanced Trees", * by William Pugh. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "skiplist.h" #include "random.h" #include "util.h" /* * A maximum height level of 32 should be more than sufficient for * anticipated use cases, delivering good expected performance with * up to 2**32 list nodes. Changes to this limit will also require * changes in skiplist_determine_level(). */ #define SKIPLIST_MAX_LEVELS 32 /* Skiplist node container */ struct skiplist_node { const void *data; /* Pointer to saved data. */ int height; /* Height of this node. */ struct skiplist_node *forward[]; /* Links to the next nodes. */ }; /* Skiplist container */ struct skiplist { struct skiplist_node *header; /* Pointer to head node (not first * data node). */ skiplist_comparator *cmp; /* Pointer to the skiplist's comparison * function. */ void *cfg; /* Pointer to optional comparison * configuration, used by the comparator. */ int level; /* Maximum level currently in use. */ uint32_t size; /* Current number of nodes in skiplist. */ }; /* Create a new skiplist_node with given level and data. */ static struct skiplist_node * skiplist_create_node(int level, const void *object) { struct skiplist_node *new_node; size_t alloc_size = sizeof *new_node + (level + 1) * sizeof new_node->forward[0]; new_node = xmalloc(alloc_size); new_node->data = object; new_node->height = level; memset(new_node->forward, 0, (level + 1) * sizeof new_node->forward[0]); return new_node; } /* * Create a new skiplist, configured with given data comparison function * and configuration. */ struct skiplist * skiplist_create(skiplist_comparator object_comparator, void *configuration) { random_init(); struct skiplist *sl; sl = xmalloc(sizeof (struct skiplist)); sl->cfg = configuration; sl->size = 0; sl->level = 0; sl->cmp = object_comparator; sl->header = skiplist_create_node(SKIPLIST_MAX_LEVELS, NULL); return sl; } /* * Move the cursor forward to the first node with associated data greater than * or equal to "value". */ static struct skiplist_node * skiplist_forward_to_(struct skiplist *sl, const void *value, struct skiplist_node **update) { struct skiplist_node *x = sl->header; int i; /* Loop invariant: x < value */ for (i = sl->level; i >= 0; i--) { while (x->forward[i] && sl->cmp(x->forward[i]->data, value, sl->cfg) < 0) { x = x->forward[i]; } /* x < value <= x->forward[1] */ if (update) { update[i] = x; } } /* x < value <= x->forward[1] */ x = x->forward[0]; return x; } struct skiplist_node * skiplist_forward_to(struct skiplist *sl, const void *value) { return skiplist_forward_to_(sl, value, NULL); } /* Find the first exact match of value in the skiplist. */ struct skiplist_node * skiplist_find(struct skiplist *sl, const void *value) { struct skiplist_node *x = skiplist_forward_to(sl, value); return x && sl->cmp(x->data, value, sl->cfg) == 0 ? x : NULL; } /* * Determine the level for a skiplist node by choosing a level N with * probability P(N) = 1/(2**(N+1)) in the range 0..32, with the returned * level clamped at the current skiplist height plus 1. */ static int skiplist_determine_level(struct skiplist *sl) { int lvl; lvl = clz32(random_uint32()); return MIN(lvl, sl->level + 1); } /* Insert data into a skiplist. */ void skiplist_insert(struct skiplist *list, const void *value) { struct skiplist_node *update[SKIPLIST_MAX_LEVELS + 1]; struct skiplist_node *x = skiplist_forward_to_(list, value, update); int i, lvl; if (x && list->cmp(x->data, value, list->cfg) == 0) { x->data = value; } else { lvl = skiplist_determine_level(list); if (lvl > list->level) { for (i = list->level + 1; i <= lvl; i++) { update[i] = list->header; } list->level = lvl; } x = skiplist_create_node(lvl, value); for (i = 0; i <= lvl; i++) { x->forward[i] = update[i]->forward[i]; update[i]->forward[i] = x; } list->size++; } } /* Remove first node with associated data equal to "value" from skiplist. */ void * skiplist_delete(struct skiplist *list, const void *value) { struct skiplist_node *update[SKIPLIST_MAX_LEVELS + 1]; struct skiplist_node *x; void *data = NULL; int i; x = skiplist_forward_to_(list, value, update); if (x && list->cmp(x->data, value, list->cfg) == 0) { for (i = 0; i <= list->level; i++) { if (!update[i]->forward[i] || list->cmp(update[i]->forward[i]->data, value, list->cfg) != 0) { break; } update[i]->forward[i] = x->forward[i]; } data = CONST_CAST(void *, x->data); free(x); while (list->level > 0 && !list->header->forward[list->level]) { list->level--; } list->size--; } return data; } /* Get the associated data value stored in a skiplist node. */ void * skiplist_get_data(struct skiplist_node *node) { return node ? CONST_CAST(void *, node->data) : NULL; } /* Get the number of items in a skiplist. */ uint32_t skiplist_get_size(struct skiplist *sl) { return sl->size; } /* Get the first node in a skiplist. */ struct skiplist_node * skiplist_first(struct skiplist *sl) { return sl->header->forward[0]; } /* Get a node's successor in a skiplist. */ struct skiplist_node * skiplist_next(struct skiplist_node *node) { return node ? node->forward[0] : NULL; } /* * Destroy a skiplist and free all nodes in the list. If the "data_destroy" * function pointer is non-NULL, it will be called for each node as it is * removed to allow any needed cleanups to be performed on the associated * data. */ void skiplist_destroy(struct skiplist *sl, void (*data_destroy)(void *)) { struct skiplist_node *node, *next; next = node = sl->header; while (next != NULL) { next = node->forward[0]; if (data_destroy) { data_destroy(CONST_CAST(void *, node->data)); } free(node); node = next; } free(sl); }