/* Copyright (c) 2017 Red Hat, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include "stopwatch.h" #include "openvswitch/shash.h" #include "openvswitch/vlog.h" #include "unixctl.h" #include "openvswitch/dynamic-string.h" #include "openvswitch/poll-loop.h" #include "ovs-thread.h" #include #include "socket-util.h" #include "util.h" #include "latch.h" #include "guarded-list.h" VLOG_DEFINE_THIS_MODULE(stopwatch); struct average { double average; /* Moving average */ double alpha; /* Weight given to new samples */ }; #define MARKERS 5 /* Number of samples to collect before reporting P-square calculated * percentile */ #define P_SQUARE_MIN 50 /* The naming of these fields is based on the naming used in the * P-square algorithm paper. */ struct percentile { int n[MARKERS]; double n_prime[MARKERS]; double q[MARKERS]; double dn[MARKERS]; unsigned long long samples[P_SQUARE_MIN]; double percentile; }; struct stopwatch { enum stopwatch_units units; unsigned long long n_samples; unsigned long long max; unsigned long long min; struct percentile pctl; struct average short_term; struct average long_term; unsigned long long sample_start; bool sample_in_progress; }; enum stopwatch_op { OP_START_SAMPLE, OP_END_SAMPLE, OP_SYNC, OP_RESET, OP_SHUTDOWN, }; struct stopwatch_packet { struct ovs_list list_node; enum stopwatch_op op; char name[32]; unsigned long long time; }; static struct shash stopwatches = SHASH_INITIALIZER(&stopwatches); static struct ovs_mutex stopwatches_lock = OVS_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; static pthread_cond_t stopwatches_sync = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER; static struct latch stopwatch_latch; static struct guarded_list stopwatch_commands; static pthread_t stopwatch_thread_id; static const char *unit_name[] = { [SW_MS] = "msec", [SW_US] = "usec", [SW_NS] = "nsec", }; /* Percentile value we are calculating */ #define P 0.95 static int comp_samples(const void *left, const void *right) { const double *left_d = left; const double *right_d = right; return (int) *right_d - *left_d; } /* Calculate the percentile using the P-square algorithm. For more * information, see https://www1.cse.wustl.edu/~jain/papers/ftp/psqr.pdf */ static void calc_percentile(unsigned long long n_samples, struct percentile *pctl, unsigned long long new_sample) { if (n_samples < P_SQUARE_MIN) { pctl->samples[n_samples - 1] = new_sample; } /* For the first MARKERS samples, we calculate the percentile * in the traditional way in the pct->q array. */ if (n_samples <= MARKERS) { pctl->q[n_samples - 1] = new_sample; qsort(pctl->q, n_samples, sizeof *pctl->q, comp_samples); if (n_samples == MARKERS) { pctl->n[0] = 0; pctl->n[1] = 1; pctl->n[2] = 2; pctl->n[3] = 3; pctl->n[4] = 4; pctl->n_prime[0] = 0; pctl->n_prime[1] = 2 * P; pctl->n_prime[2] = 4 * P; pctl->n_prime[3] = 2 + 2 * P; pctl->n_prime[4] = 4; pctl->dn[0] = 0; pctl->dn[1] = P / 2; pctl->dn[2] = P; pctl->dn[3] = (1 + P) / 2; pctl->dn[4] = 1; } pctl->percentile = pctl->q[(int) P * n_samples]; return; } /* From here on, update the markers using quadratic spline calculations */ int k; if (new_sample < pctl->q[0]) { k = 0; pctl->q[0] = new_sample; } else if (new_sample < pctl->q[1]) { k = 0; } else if (new_sample < pctl->q[2]) { k = 1; } else if (new_sample < pctl->q[3]) { k = 2; } else if (new_sample <= pctl->q[4]) { k = 3; } else { k = 3; pctl->q[4] = new_sample; } for (int i = k + 1; i < MARKERS; i++) { pctl->n[i]++; } for (int i = 0; i < MARKERS; i++) { pctl->n_prime[i] += pctl->dn[i]; } for (int i = 1; i < MARKERS - 1; i++) { double d = pctl->n_prime[i] - pctl->n[i]; if ((d >= 1 && pctl->n[i + 1] - pctl->n[i] > 1) || (d <= -1 && pctl->n[i - 1] - pctl->n[i] < -1)) { d = d >= 0 ? 1 : -1; double a = d / (pctl->n[i + 1] - pctl->n[i - 1]); double b = (pctl->n[i] - pctl->n[i - 1] + d) * (pctl->q[i + 1] - pctl->q[i]) / (pctl->n[i + 1] - pctl->n[i]); double c = (pctl->n[i + 1] - pctl->n[i] - d) * (pctl->q[i] - pctl->q[i - 1]) / (pctl->n[i] - pctl->n[i - 1]); double candidate = pctl->q[i] + a * (b + c); if (pctl->q[i - 1] < candidate && candidate < pctl->q[i + 1]) { pctl->q[i] = candidate; } else { pctl->q[i] = pctl->q[i] + (d * (pctl->q[i + (int)d] - pctl->q[i]) / (pctl->n[i +(int)d] - pctl->n[i])); } pctl->n[i] += d; } } /* Without enough samples, P-square is not very accurate. Until we reach * P_SQUARE_MIN, use a traditional calculation for the percentile. */ if (n_samples < P_SQUARE_MIN) { qsort(pctl->samples, n_samples, sizeof *pctl->samples, comp_samples); pctl->percentile = pctl->samples[(int) (P * n_samples)]; } else { pctl->percentile = pctl->q[2]; } } static void calc_average(struct average *avg, double new_sample) { avg->average = new_sample * avg->alpha + (1 - avg->alpha) * avg->average; } static void add_sample(struct stopwatch *sw, unsigned long long new_sample) { if (new_sample > sw->max) { sw->max = new_sample; } if (new_sample < sw->min || sw->n_samples == 0) { sw->min = new_sample; } calc_percentile(sw->n_samples, &sw->pctl, new_sample); if (sw->n_samples++ == 0) { sw->short_term.average = sw->long_term.average = new_sample; return; } calc_average(&sw->short_term, new_sample); calc_average(&sw->long_term, new_sample); } static bool stopwatch_get_stats_protected(const char *name, struct stopwatch_stats *stats) { struct stopwatch *perf; perf = shash_find_data(&stopwatches, name); if (!perf) { return false; } stats->count = perf->n_samples; stats->unit = perf->units; stats->max = perf->max; stats->min = perf->min; stats->pctl_95 = perf->pctl.percentile; stats->ewma_50 = perf->short_term.average; stats->ewma_1 = perf->long_term.average; return true; } bool stopwatch_get_stats(const char *name, struct stopwatch_stats *stats) { bool found = false; ovs_mutex_lock(&stopwatches_lock); found = stopwatch_get_stats_protected(name, stats); ovs_mutex_unlock(&stopwatches_lock); return found; } static void stopwatch_print(struct stopwatch *sw, const char *name, struct ds *s) { ds_put_format(s, "Statistics for '%s'\n", name); const char *units = unit_name[sw->units]; ds_put_format(s, "\t Total samples: %llu\n", sw->n_samples); ds_put_format(s, "\t Maximum: %llu %s\n", sw->max, units); ds_put_format(s, "\t Minimum: %llu %s\n", sw->min, units); ds_put_format(s, "\t 95th percentile: %f %s\n", sw->pctl.percentile, units); ds_put_format(s, "\t Short term average: %f %s\n", sw->short_term.average, units); ds_put_format(s, "\t Long term average: %f %s\n", sw->long_term.average, units); } static bool stopwatch_show_protected(int argc, const char *argv[], struct ds *s) { struct stopwatch *sw; if (argc > 1) { sw = shash_find_data(&stopwatches, argv[1]); if (!sw) { ds_put_cstr(s, "No such stopwatch"); return false; } stopwatch_print(sw, argv[1], s); } else { struct shash_node *node; SHASH_FOR_EACH (node, &stopwatches) { sw = node->data; stopwatch_print(sw, node->name, s); } } return true; } static void stopwatch_show(struct unixctl_conn *conn, int argc OVS_UNUSED, const char *argv[], void *aux OVS_UNUSED) { struct ds s = DS_EMPTY_INITIALIZER; bool success; ovs_mutex_lock(&stopwatches_lock); success = stopwatch_show_protected(argc, argv, &s); ovs_mutex_unlock(&stopwatches_lock); if (success) { unixctl_command_reply(conn, ds_cstr(&s)); } else { unixctl_command_reply_error(conn, ds_cstr(&s)); } ds_destroy(&s); } static struct stopwatch_packet * stopwatch_packet_create(enum stopwatch_op op) { struct stopwatch_packet *pkt; pkt = xzalloc(sizeof *pkt); pkt->op = op; return pkt; } static void stopwatch_packet_write(struct stopwatch_packet *pkt) { guarded_list_push_back(&stopwatch_commands, &pkt->list_node, SIZE_MAX); latch_set(&stopwatch_latch); } static void stopwatch_reset(struct unixctl_conn *conn, int argc OVS_UNUSED, const char *argv[], void *aux OVS_UNUSED) { struct stopwatch_packet *pkt = stopwatch_packet_create(OP_RESET); if (argc > 1) { ovs_strlcpy(pkt->name, argv[1], sizeof pkt->name); } stopwatch_packet_write(pkt); unixctl_command_reply(conn, ""); } static void stopwatch_start_sample_protected(const struct stopwatch_packet *pkt) { struct stopwatch *sw = shash_find_data(&stopwatches, pkt->name); if (!sw || sw->sample_in_progress) { return; } sw->sample_start = pkt->time; sw->sample_in_progress = true; } static void stopwatch_end_sample_protected(const struct stopwatch_packet *pkt) { struct stopwatch *sw = shash_find_data(&stopwatches, pkt->name); if (!sw || !sw->sample_in_progress) { return; } add_sample(sw, pkt->time - sw->sample_start); sw->sample_in_progress = false; } static void reset_stopwatch(struct stopwatch *sw) { sw->short_term.average = 0; sw->long_term.average = 0; sw->pctl.percentile = 0; sw->n_samples = 0; sw->max = 0; sw->min = 0; /* Don't reset sw->sample_start or sw->sample_in_progress. * This way, if a sample was currently in progress, it can be * concluded properly after the reset. */ } static void stopwatch_reset_protected(const struct stopwatch_packet *pkt) { if (pkt->name[0]) { struct stopwatch *sw = shash_find_data(&stopwatches, pkt->name); if (!sw) { return; } reset_stopwatch(sw); return; } struct shash_node *node; SHASH_FOR_EACH (node, &stopwatches) { struct stopwatch *sw = node->data; reset_stopwatch(sw); } } static void * stopwatch_thread(void *ign OVS_UNUSED) { bool should_exit = false; while (!should_exit) { struct ovs_list command_list; struct stopwatch_packet *pkt; latch_poll(&stopwatch_latch); guarded_list_pop_all(&stopwatch_commands, &command_list); ovs_mutex_lock(&stopwatches_lock); LIST_FOR_EACH_POP (pkt, list_node, &command_list) { switch (pkt->op) { case OP_START_SAMPLE: stopwatch_start_sample_protected(pkt); break; case OP_END_SAMPLE: stopwatch_end_sample_protected(pkt); break; case OP_SYNC: xpthread_cond_signal(&stopwatches_sync); break; case OP_RESET: stopwatch_reset_protected(pkt); break; case OP_SHUTDOWN: should_exit = true; break; } } ovs_mutex_unlock(&stopwatches_lock); if (!should_exit) { latch_wait(&stopwatch_latch); poll_block(); } } return NULL; } static void stopwatch_exit(void) { struct shash_node *node, *node_next; struct stopwatch_packet *pkt = stopwatch_packet_create(OP_SHUTDOWN); stopwatch_packet_write(pkt); xpthread_join(stopwatch_thread_id, NULL); /* Process is exiting and we have joined the only * other competing thread. We are now the sole owners * of all data in the file. */ SHASH_FOR_EACH_SAFE (node, node_next, &stopwatches) { struct stopwatch *sw = node->data; shash_delete(&stopwatches, node); free(sw); } shash_destroy(&stopwatches); ovs_mutex_destroy(&stopwatches_lock); guarded_list_destroy(&stopwatch_commands); latch_destroy(&stopwatch_latch); } static void do_init_stopwatch(void) { unixctl_command_register("stopwatch/show", "[NAME]", 0, 1, stopwatch_show, NULL); unixctl_command_register("stopwatch/reset", "[NAME]", 0, 1, stopwatch_reset, NULL); guarded_list_init(&stopwatch_commands); latch_init(&stopwatch_latch); stopwatch_thread_id = ovs_thread_create( "stopwatch", stopwatch_thread, NULL); atexit(stopwatch_exit); } static void stopwatch_init(void) { static struct ovsthread_once once = OVSTHREAD_ONCE_INITIALIZER; if (ovsthread_once_start(&once)) { do_init_stopwatch(); ovsthread_once_done(&once); } } void stopwatch_create(const char *name, enum stopwatch_units units) { stopwatch_init(); struct stopwatch *sw = xzalloc(sizeof *sw); sw->units = units; sw->short_term.alpha = 0.50; sw->long_term.alpha = 0.01; ovs_mutex_lock(&stopwatches_lock); shash_add(&stopwatches, name, sw); ovs_mutex_unlock(&stopwatches_lock); } void stopwatch_start(const char *name, unsigned long long ts) { struct stopwatch_packet *pkt = stopwatch_packet_create(OP_START_SAMPLE); ovs_strlcpy(pkt->name, name, sizeof pkt->name); pkt->time = ts; stopwatch_packet_write(pkt); } void stopwatch_stop(const char *name, unsigned long long ts) { struct stopwatch_packet *pkt = stopwatch_packet_create(OP_END_SAMPLE); ovs_strlcpy(pkt->name, name, sizeof pkt->name); pkt->time = ts; stopwatch_packet_write(pkt); } void stopwatch_sync(void) { struct stopwatch_packet *pkt = stopwatch_packet_create(OP_SYNC); ovs_mutex_lock(&stopwatches_lock); stopwatch_packet_write(pkt); ovs_mutex_cond_wait(&stopwatches_sync, &stopwatches_lock); ovs_mutex_unlock(&stopwatches_lock); }