/* * Copyright (c) 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 Nicira, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include "table.h" #include "openvswitch/dynamic-string.h" #include "openvswitch/json.h" #include "ovsdb-data.h" #include "ovsdb-error.h" #include "timeval.h" #include "util.h" struct column { char *heading; }; static char * cell_to_text(struct cell *cell, const struct table_style *style) { if (!cell->text) { if (cell->json) { if (style->cell_format == CF_JSON || !cell->type) { cell->text = json_to_string(cell->json, JSSF_SORT); } else { struct ovsdb_datum datum; struct ovsdb_error *error; struct ds s; error = ovsdb_datum_from_json(&datum, cell->type, cell->json, NULL); if (!error) { ds_init(&s); if (style->cell_format == CF_STRING) { ovsdb_datum_to_string(&datum, cell->type, &s); } else { ovsdb_datum_to_bare(&datum, cell->type, &s); } ovsdb_datum_destroy(&datum, cell->type); cell->text = ds_steal_cstr(&s); } else { cell->text = json_to_string(cell->json, JSSF_SORT); ovsdb_error_destroy(error); } } } else { cell->text = xstrdup(""); } } return cell->text; } static void cell_destroy(struct cell *cell) { free(cell->text); json_destroy(cell->json); } /* Initializes 'table' as an empty table. * * The caller should then: * * 1. Call table_add_column() once for each column. * 2. For each row: * 2a. Call table_add_row(). * 2b. For each column in the cell, call table_add_cell() and fill in * the returned cell. * 3. Call table_print() to print the final table. * 4. Free the table with table_destroy(). */ void table_init(struct table *table) { memset(table, 0, sizeof *table); } /* Destroys 'table' and frees all associated storage. (However, the client * owns the 'type' members pointed to by cells, so these are not destroyed.) */ void table_destroy(struct table *table) { if (table) { size_t i; for (i = 0; i < table->n_columns; i++) { free(table->columns[i].heading); } free(table->columns); for (i = 0; i < table->n_columns * table->n_rows; i++) { cell_destroy(&table->cells[i]); } free(table->cells); free(table->caption); } } /* Sets 'caption' as the caption for 'table'. * * 'table' takes ownership of 'caption'. */ void table_set_caption(struct table *table, char *caption) { free(table->caption); table->caption = caption; } /* Turns printing a timestamp along with 'table' on or off, according to * 'timestamp'. */ void table_set_timestamp(struct table *table, bool timestamp) { table->timestamp = timestamp; } /* Adds a new column to 'table' just to the right of any existing column, with * 'heading' as a title for the column. 'heading' must be a valid printf() * format specifier. * * Columns must be added before any data is put into 'table'. */ void table_add_column(struct table *table, const char *heading, ...) { struct column *column; va_list args; ovs_assert(!table->n_rows); if (table->n_columns >= table->allocated_columns) { table->columns = x2nrealloc(table->columns, &table->allocated_columns, sizeof *table->columns); } column = &table->columns[table->n_columns++]; va_start(args, heading); column->heading = xvasprintf(heading, args); va_end(args); } static struct cell * table_cell__(const struct table *table, size_t row, size_t column) { return &table->cells[column + row * table->n_columns]; } /* Adds a new row to 'table'. The table's columns must already have been added * with table_add_column(). * * The row is initially empty; use table_add_cell() to start filling it in. */ void table_add_row(struct table *table) { size_t x, y; if (table->n_rows >= table->allocated_rows) { table->cells = x2nrealloc(table->cells, &table->allocated_rows, table->n_columns * sizeof *table->cells); } y = table->n_rows++; table->current_column = 0; for (x = 0; x < table->n_columns; x++) { struct cell *cell = table_cell__(table, y, x); memset(cell, 0, sizeof *cell); } } /* Adds a new cell in the current row of 'table', which must have been added * with table_add_row(). Cells are filled in the same order that the columns * were added with table_add_column(). * * The caller is responsible for filling in the returned cell, in one of two * fashions: * * - If the cell should contain an ovsdb_datum, formatted according to the * table style, then fill in the 'json' member with the JSON representation * of the datum and 'type' with its type. * * - If the cell should contain a fixed text string, then the caller should * assign that string to the 'text' member. This is undesirable if the * cell actually contains OVSDB data because 'text' cannot be formatted * according to the table style; it is always output verbatim. */ struct cell * table_add_cell(struct table *table) { size_t x, y; ovs_assert(table->n_rows > 0); ovs_assert(table->current_column < table->n_columns); x = table->current_column++; y = table->n_rows - 1; return table_cell__(table, y, x); } static void table_print_table_line__(struct ds *line) { puts(ds_cstr(line)); ds_clear(line); } static char * table_format_timestamp__(void) { return xastrftime_msec("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.###", time_wall_msec(), true); } static void table_print_timestamp__(const struct table *table) { if (table->timestamp) { char *s = table_format_timestamp__(); puts(s); free(s); } } static void table_print_table__(const struct table *table, const struct table_style *style) { static int n = 0; struct ds line = DS_EMPTY_INITIALIZER; int *widths; size_t x, y; if (n++ > 0) { putchar('\n'); } table_print_timestamp__(table); if (table->caption) { puts(table->caption); } widths = xmalloc(table->n_columns * sizeof *widths); for (x = 0; x < table->n_columns; x++) { const struct column *column = &table->columns[x]; widths[x] = strlen(column->heading); for (y = 0; y < table->n_rows; y++) { const char *text = cell_to_text(table_cell__(table, y, x), style); size_t length = strlen(text); if (length > widths[x]) { widths[x] = length; } } } if (style->headings) { for (x = 0; x < table->n_columns; x++) { const struct column *column = &table->columns[x]; if (x) { ds_put_char(&line, ' '); } ds_put_format(&line, "%-*s", widths[x], column->heading); } table_print_table_line__(&line); for (x = 0; x < table->n_columns; x++) { if (x) { ds_put_char(&line, ' '); } ds_put_char_multiple(&line, '-', widths[x]); } table_print_table_line__(&line); } for (y = 0; y < table->n_rows; y++) { for (x = 0; x < table->n_columns; x++) { const char *text = cell_to_text(table_cell__(table, y, x), style); if (x) { ds_put_char(&line, ' '); } ds_put_format(&line, "%-*s", widths[x], text); } table_print_table_line__(&line); } ds_destroy(&line); free(widths); } static void table_print_list__(const struct table *table, const struct table_style *style) { static int n = 0; size_t x, y; if (n++ > 0) { putchar('\n'); } table_print_timestamp__(table); if (table->caption) { puts(table->caption); } for (y = 0; y < table->n_rows; y++) { if (y > 0) { putchar('\n'); } for (x = 0; x < table->n_columns; x++) { const char *text = cell_to_text(table_cell__(table, y, x), style); if (style->headings) { printf("%-20s: ", table->columns[x].heading); } puts(text); } } } static void table_escape_html_text__(const char *s, size_t n) { size_t i; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { char c = s[i]; switch (c) { case '&': fputs("&", stdout); break; case '<': fputs("<", stdout); break; case '>': fputs(">", stdout); break; case '"': fputs(""", stdout); break; default: putchar(c); break; } } } static void table_print_html_cell__(const char *element, const char *content) { const char *p; printf(" <%s>", element); for (p = content; *p; ) { struct uuid uuid; if (uuid_from_string_prefix(&uuid, p)) { printf("%.*s", UUID_LEN, p, 8, p); p += UUID_LEN; } else { table_escape_html_text__(p, 1); p++; } } printf("\n", element); } static void table_print_html__(const struct table *table, const struct table_style *style) { size_t x, y; table_print_timestamp__(table); fputs("\n", stdout); if (table->caption) { table_print_html_cell__("caption", table->caption); } if (style->headings) { fputs(" \n", stdout); for (x = 0; x < table->n_columns; x++) { const struct column *column = &table->columns[x]; table_print_html_cell__("th", column->heading); } fputs(" \n", stdout); } for (y = 0; y < table->n_rows; y++) { fputs(" \n", stdout); for (x = 0; x < table->n_columns; x++) { const char *content; content = cell_to_text(table_cell__(table, y, x), style); if (!strcmp(table->columns[x].heading, "_uuid")) { fputs(" \n", stdout); } else { table_print_html_cell__("td", content); } } fputs(" \n", stdout); } fputs("
", stdout); table_escape_html_text__(content, 8); fputs("
\n", stdout); } static void table_print_csv_cell__(const char *content) { const char *p; if (!strpbrk(content, "\n\",")) { fputs(content, stdout); } else { putchar('"'); for (p = content; *p != '\0'; p++) { switch (*p) { case '"': fputs("\"\"", stdout); break; default: putchar(*p); break; } } putchar('"'); } } static void table_print_csv__(const struct table *table, const struct table_style *style) { static int n = 0; size_t x, y; if (n++ > 0) { putchar('\n'); } table_print_timestamp__(table); if (table->caption) { puts(table->caption); } if (style->headings) { for (x = 0; x < table->n_columns; x++) { const struct column *column = &table->columns[x]; if (x) { putchar(','); } table_print_csv_cell__(column->heading); } putchar('\n'); } for (y = 0; y < table->n_rows; y++) { for (x = 0; x < table->n_columns; x++) { if (x) { putchar(','); } table_print_csv_cell__(cell_to_text(table_cell__(table, y, x), style)); } putchar('\n'); } } static void table_print_json__(const struct table *table, const struct table_style *style) { struct json *json, *headings, *data; size_t x, y; json = json_object_create(); if (table->caption) { json_object_put_string(json, "caption", table->caption); } if (table->timestamp) { char *s = table_format_timestamp__(); json_object_put_string(json, "time", s); free(s); } headings = json_array_create_empty(); for (x = 0; x < table->n_columns; x++) { const struct column *column = &table->columns[x]; json_array_add(headings, json_string_create(column->heading)); } json_object_put(json, "headings", headings); data = json_array_create_empty(); for (y = 0; y < table->n_rows; y++) { struct json *row = json_array_create_empty(); for (x = 0; x < table->n_columns; x++) { const struct cell *cell = table_cell__(table, y, x); if (cell->text) { json_array_add(row, json_string_create(cell->text)); } else if (cell->json) { json_array_add(row, json_clone(cell->json)); } else { json_array_add(row, json_null_create()); } } json_array_add(data, row); } json_object_put(json, "data", data); char *s = json_to_string(json, style->json_flags); json_destroy(json); puts(s); free(s); } /* Parses 'format' as the argument to a --format command line option, updating * 'style->format'. */ void table_parse_format(struct table_style *style, const char *format) { if (!strcmp(format, "table")) { style->format = TF_TABLE; } else if (!strcmp(format, "list")) { style->format = TF_LIST; } else if (!strcmp(format, "html")) { style->format = TF_HTML; } else if (!strcmp(format, "csv")) { style->format = TF_CSV; } else if (!strcmp(format, "json")) { style->format = TF_JSON; } else { ovs_fatal(0, "unknown output format \"%s\"", format); } } /* Parses 'format' as the argument to a --data command line option, updating * 'style->cell_format'. */ void table_parse_cell_format(struct table_style *style, const char *format) { if (!strcmp(format, "string")) { style->cell_format = CF_STRING; } else if (!strcmp(format, "bare")) { style->cell_format = CF_BARE; } else if (!strcmp(format, "json")) { style->cell_format = CF_JSON; } else { ovs_fatal(0, "unknown data format \"%s\"", format); } } /* Outputs 'table' on stdout in the specified 'style'. */ void table_print(const struct table *table, const struct table_style *style) { switch (style->format) { case TF_TABLE: table_print_table__(table, style); break; case TF_LIST: table_print_list__(table, style); break; case TF_HTML: table_print_html__(table, style); break; case TF_CSV: table_print_csv__(table, style); break; case TF_JSON: table_print_json__(table, style); break; } } void table_usage(void) { printf("\nOutput formatting options:\n" " -f, --format=FORMAT set output formatting to FORMAT\n" " (\"table\", \"html\", \"csv\", " "or \"json\")\n" " -d, --data=FORMAT set table cell output formatting to\n" " FORMAT (\"string\", \"bare\", " "or \"json\")\n" " --no-headings omit table heading row\n" " --pretty pretty-print JSON in output\n" " --bare equivalent to " "\"--format=list --data=bare --no-headings\"\n"); }